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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gawrgura_holoen

Songs: https://rentry.org/Gura_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/Gura_merch

Gawr Gura Pop Up Parade rerun

Previous Thread: >>81567708
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I love my wife so much!!
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kneel before the meme lord
It was rigged?
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Gura cute Gura cute!
in my hood we call it collusion
I'm so proud of my wife
shark KISS
always has been
From the start
Sex with a fembud.
this silly goober
my wife
Gura's kisses are the best. We almost never get them but holy shit nothing is better.
surprise member stream tomorrow?
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Amesame status?
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MY wife
she has been a LOT freer with them this weird remember when getting a mere chu was like pulling teeth we're getting full mwahs and real kisses regularly it's bliss. and it is now time to pee at hte same time as Gura
sticky and warm
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That was such a good stream. Kino even.
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MY Gurandma.
fauna easily had the best silly puppet after gura and i hope they all use these as fugis from now on
you can never go wrong with amesame collabs
I wonder if Gura's edf stream will be this month too. We might get lucky.
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Day 12! Give it up for Day 12!
Mori didn't misspell anything, right? Why did she get 4th?
Gura hates Mori, and she was the one who calculated the final score.
gura and ame HATE mori
Because she has hemorrhoids.
No Gura until the 8th. DBD is having a limited timed event.
Because Gura was the one doing math
I don't understand why this retard hatewatches Gura.
Lots of strange people in this world for sure. Free view for ame though.
it's a disgruntled retard
it's like being a woman that can't move on from her ex
it started raining really hard, this is a sign that Gura is peeing!
Thank Goob, I was so thirsty!
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I drank so much tea. I feel really weird right now
I wish.
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I think Ame and Same might be actually very gay.
I wonder how much sticky kumquat juice she got all over her fingers while she was "visiting her family".
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Good luck going to sleep now, idiot.
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Is Gura a lonely loli god?
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I hope they do something like this again, except the dragged out ending, I think it was really kino.
Now that the dust has settled, whos Gura's favorite kohai outside of Promise?
no, she's with her family, Ame, Me and other girls right now
It's looking like either Raora or Gigi.
It seems to be Raora
Easily Raora. I've never seen her gush over someone with so little personality before, she's clearly in love with her.
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Will there be any fembuds at the King's Theatre for Breaking Dimensions?
this is what Gura wants
GG seems like a Fembud so she might be motivated to befriend Gura like Fauna did
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Raora easily
I hope not, New York is a shithole.
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I hope not, King's Theatre is a bourgeois establishment.
Sometimes it's easy to forget how degenerate Gura used to be in her past life, that it still feels like it comes out of nowhere now.
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fuck you buddy
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Raora is a mommy who will make s'ghetti and pizza for Gura
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he's not wrong though, a lot of big western cities have turned into shitholes in the last decade or two...
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Holy fucking sex!
idk but I've been enjoying all three Justice members.
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Gura wants her chumbuds to get with fembuds and build families together.
Why did it seem like everyone hated Fuwawa?
I'd like to taste Gura's lower trunk...
Gigi wants Gura to blow her.
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Fun stream. So what are other chumbies doing now?
I don't really watch them, but I always thought Fuwawa was the smart one because whenever I see her she's the only one talking while Mococo is just nodding along...
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i love gura
I'm playing wc3 customs.
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Playing OSRS and watching IRyS
gooming to my wife's voice, then I'll eat something and watch some anime before going to bed
gonna watch some youtube and go to bed.
The hesitation on that sentence really caught me off guard
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I am playing civ6
I'm so glad ERB and Ina weren't there.
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I ate really spicy jamaican food and now my guts are jamming till there's no shit left
I'm watching the COD black ops kino. Reznov was my guy
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what's wrong with Ina?
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Sexually bullying goob T u T
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Gura and her trad loli witch wife
somebody here really dislikes ina for some reason
Are we all creepy perverts?
I'm her creepiest pervert.
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This black tea is making me freak out. I drank so much I'm shaking
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Gura approves of thin shark tail.
I have a great need
Does anyone have the Nakk animation
Are you a chumbabooey?
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ye, I'm crying, shidding and pissing because my mommy was casting laser spells on all the bees!
>Hail Gura, full of Gawr
>Yagoo is with thee
>Blessed art thou amongst lolis
>And blessed is the fruit of thy cunny, /ggg/sus
>Stinky Gura, mother of memes
>Stream for us shrimpers, now and in the hours of EST
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What's that?
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Oui oui monsieur
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I have a headache and I don’t know why
Nakk's kemono page and his Gura animation to be more precise.
spooky zip file tho...
fine I'll catbox it, but I have multiple and idk what the difference is besides file size
don't unzip it, I did and gura came out of my computer and raped me
the last one is with VA from the link
Ty chumbie.
I want to have sexual relations with Gwar "Grimbo" Gura
I will be destroying my dick to this later, holy.
No, she's been with her
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My monitor has a dead pixel. I spent 300 on this thing...
o7 ritual poster
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Consider this
>I've never seen her gush over someone with so little personality before
say what you will about raora, dislike her if you wish, but she's not "lacking" personality.
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i bet gura has sweaty hands especially when she's nervous. she'd get all flustered if you tried to hold her hand
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I enjoy her enthusiasm for hololive.
Its pretty cute.
False alarm. Seems like it was some type of crust
>Self lubricating hands for stroking my dick.
She's literally perfect.
You should clean your monitor more often.
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sleep tight buddy
Fucking cute how did I miss this moment/animation all these years
I'm guessing it's from c51 games
With how much of a gremlin Gura naturally is, do any chumbuds ever feel mad about Cover not allowing shiposting permissions for YT videos?
meh, they just don't want to risk drama. it's understandable
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If Gura did an "age up" outfit due to Ame/Kronii time bullshit would it be popular with /ggg?
I love shark
>If Gura did an "age up" outfit
Nothing would change, Gura is already fully grown.
I want her to run free too but she's such a big target for shitstirrers. One meme too far and they'll brand her as "dog whistling for the alt-right" or something.
>Atlantean years
Anon she's said on stream she's already fully grown. She could be 50000 years old and she would be the same size.
There's no acceptable excuse. They have the Japanese autism that makes them think that as a large company, Cover represents Japan as a whole so they are extremely cautious with what they allow their top international talent to do.
No one actually cares about their image besides other Japanese though so it all ends up being one giant circlejerk about who is more seiso and corporate.
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Does anyone else love her?
she wanted the opposite, everyone aged down as their smol versions with herself being even smoler
Then why is Gura always so envy of big tits?
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I don't love Gura, but I enjoy watching her content.
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how fat is gura's ass?
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It is my destiny to love her.
she wants them but "aging her up" won't give her big tits, since she's already fully grown
not as fat as her tail
I love Gura, but I enjoy watching her content
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more than I can express with words
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flat and bony, "plywood" as she described it herself...
I love the shart
I like to imagine she's extracting and it's actually decent.....please
Still wood
Never stopped, bud. Never will.
Gura wanted to wear diapers.
Gura’s love protecting me with the ferocity of a dragon.
You know I'm glad Gura put Gawr out in the fandom but regardless how much shes uses her alternate self for personal reasons I'm glad she gave creators like Kay opportunities to use Gawr in OG content....bless you Gura.
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Would you say the food is Jamaican your tummy hurt?
More than anything, I wish I didn't.
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My gura desk mat is completely stained now...
I have 2 and haven't used either yet. I kinda want the shrimp plush from last year and the Keychain from this year.
That's a child
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I underestimated the potency of black tea. I can't go to sleep.
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My head still hurts
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>chumkeks are sexually attracted to that

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Why am I so attracted to weird girls like this?
I wish I had the foresight to buy two. My gura mat is thoroughly used now
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goob morning
i love gura
How can we get this dumb shark to raise her int stat, everyone in EN is becoming more aware of how dumb she is
Gura's tummy says that the bees were delicious, it has high hopes for the cees and dees in the future.
You'd first have to get her to stop being so lazy.
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My dee will give you lots of my cee, Gura's tummy!
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>everyone in EN is becoming more aware of how dumb she is
And that's a good thing
I dont want her to be bullied
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i wouldve loved it if someone had put the goob ringfit noises instead but thanks regardless
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But Gura wants to be bullied?
Why is her shark tail so erotic im ngmi...
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Shes dumb, she doesnt know whats good for her
Baguraette honhonhon
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For King and Cunny!
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I fell in love but he just ended things. It hurts badly I'm not treated well at home and things were so much better with them in my life. I really did think that us both liking Gura would bring us closer not destroy everything like it did.
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gura turned me into a booba and flattie enjoyer
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>booba and flattie enjoyer
So...female enjoyer?
i still don't like tit monsters and fatties
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Gura made me a yuri connoiseur
Do you just rip everything automatically from the hashtag? Is that why you get mad when art is untagged?
No, I also check people I'm following and glance at the useless for you tab which almost never catches anything. If you have a better way to find art, I'm all ears.
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I woke up to Gura raping me...
i hope she use puppet model again
lucky baster...
Gura puppet would be a perfect onahole
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I miss gura uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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Cute! I want to bully her T u T
Aim better next time.
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Kiara thinks an EDF collab with Gura and IRyS is planned.
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