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>Latest & Upcoming
AmeSame Spelling Bee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtHC0cUtYJE
Karaoke Afterparty: Saturday
Schedule: https://x.com/gigimurin/status/1815227820223980027
Tanabata Date Voice Pack 2024: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_tanabatadatevoice2024

>Recent Stream
Grembership Open: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMbejGVqYgQ

Hitomania Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmT_cEfOTJE
ABOVE BELOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilLEj-SCCn8

Lore Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qllhhLELbP4
Collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j89Phi0oom8
Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15aufXwBIKw
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF4g-50fLz8

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_gigimurin
Xitter: https://x.com/gigimurin
Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/collections/gigimurin

Arts: #rkggk https://x.com/hashtag/rkggk
Live: #LFGIGI https://x.com/hashtag/LFGIGI

OP Template: https://rentry.org/gigger
Previous: >>81560827
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The Gremlin is too powerful
It’s all the fanfic she’s consumed
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Sorry Biboo, you have to win for that
Told you fags you need to type a lot to play MMORPGs.
Gigi keeps on winning.
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I need preggo gigi now
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Eat Grem!
People still just vastly underestimate the brain on this lady
bet she only locked in and didn't do a lose bit cuz of the wife pact
No one tell that grem.
tell me what?
Gigi wins at games and wins at using brain. She's too powerful so they have to nerf her numbers.
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Back to calling my bank for them to fix my declining card so I can member. GGs.
indeed. I write a shit ton so I always remember proper spellings.
What kind of fucking fan fictions is filled with SAT level words?
Advance fujo stuff
when you're writing smut you have to get expressive. You can't overlap with words back to back. It's best to do them 3-4 occurrences apart from each other. That way, you can make your commentary more colorful and easier to imagine.
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Gigi is so kind sharing her win with her wife
It really is crazy how happy to be a Hololive EN fan right now. And someday I'll love you, too, Hololive JP. Without resorting to translated clips.
flawless victory
i love her so much bros
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I'm proud of this gremlin. She brought the win home for all grems and her wife whom she shared a win pact with.
Can you do one where it's just the "Can you blow me?"
Cici sex, take a hint you dummy doll
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Have a Gi night grems, I'm glad she held up against 3 other smarties in the end of this silly little competition.
Soo... is a GG win a CC win?
>SAT level
Has our grasp on the English language devolved this much?
>can you blow me?
She hates Gura!
Gigi is being eaten so good right now.
In theory, I guess we will have to wait for a confirmation
Would you still find GG sexy if she looked like that puppet model all the time?
According the the pact during portal 2, yes
CC won the battle, but lost the war. Aside from GG getting 3 kisses from a senpai, CC now has to call GG daddy. GG won so hard and then salted the earth.
Yeah, zoomers and alphas are pretty fucked when it comes to their vernacular
Exposed as a discord meow meow and forced to call Gigi her daddy. Is that what you call winning? giwtwm
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You oshi is cute and had a great showing today Grats on the dominant win.
Sounds like she's saying it to the music
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absolutely. seeing the same adjective two paragraphs in a row takes you out of it and ruins the mode
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thank you!!! <3
congratulations on your oshi winning, grems. i'm going to cum to her now.
I just knew her fujo brain writing hundreds of fanfics would win her this
still so fucking kino, and biboo asked for her help, and cc and she wins, and the judges kiss her? holy shit GG must be on cloud 9 right now.
I get a little hard when I see gigi now, what does this mean...
Your oshi is smart? Was she only pretending to be retarded? Also great showing today with the quick answers and witty remarks.
She fucks HARD.
She's had some really good moments in Outer Wilds too, although she really impressed me tonight
That does seem to be how it is.
>pays attention to words people say, picks up on things they say even in small detail
>can play video games without asking chat what to do next every 20 minutes
>spelling GOD
>seems pretty emotionally mature, always respectful about things she doesn't like or agree with
>good at solving logic puzzles (outer wilds, making correct leaps in logic that never even occurred to me when i played it)
Despite playing up the stupidity and gremlin energy, Gigi seems to have a real brain on her.
If you saw that club convo ASMR bit, it's blindingly obvious how smart she is. Super creative.
i'm now extremely attracted to gigi, after seeing her performance in the spelling bee
She and CC are definitely the smartest in Justice.
The Bee queen!
>playing up the stupidity
Does she have any actual PON moments or is this all a bit with Gigi? She seems too sharp to make any real goofs without doing it intentionally. Just started watching her btw.
She was fisting with her brain all along...
That one Outer Wilds moment. But that was her being absolutely blind instead of dumb.
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Gigi is a smarty. She deserves headpats for being so smart.
Nothing like extremely pon springs to mind immediately. Like the other anon said, there is some blind moments in Outer Wilds, but that's honestly just kind of a part of that game.
The next I can think of is when Gigi wanted to mimic's ERB's mic effect so she pressed a random button on her stream deck and it was a crazy loud distortion effect on her mic.
Beyond that, maybe some silly decisions made out of fear. Content Warning collab comes to mind.
I dunno it comes across a lot as her knowing exactly what she wants to do and how to do it, along with how far she wants an improv thing to go while being as entertaining as possible. It feels almost chaotically deliberate.
If I was Gigi, I would be fucking so hard right now
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Now I want to see a collab between these 2 duos
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CC way of handling this one was smart, Gigi is a father now!
Yeah, mine
more like daddy
do we have any proof that she didn't cheat?
I just ripped ass
And it smells like a burning tire
they were all cheating ackshually
CC will regret mentioning to Kiara that Gigi loves women, Kiara sounded way to invested from time to time, I fear the chicken may ship them
Kiara was enjoying GG's shenanigans a lot, was cute to see.
no but we have proof that you're a retard
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I'm rewatching some of my favorite Gigi moments, and every time Gigi got shot CC would be yelling to shoot her more in the background. That's so funny.
Like this https://youtu.be/AtHC0cUtYJE?t=1040
she seems to be one of the senpais who's been really supportive of gigi. makes me like her
Orange kohai love
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Gigi is the most correctable holomem
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realistically, will gigi beat OW next stream?
>knows how to reach the vessel
>can reach giant's deep depths but doesn't know how to reach the core yet
>aware of the ash twins project but hasn't honed in on the specific teleporter and how to access it
>hasn't done 6th location, sun station, black hole forge, or interloper
ash twins warp is probably gonna stump her because it's kinda dumb and literally everyone has problems with it.
I'm really on the fence. I think it depends if she gets stuck on anything. Given the progress last stream I think another 5 hours probably won't be enough
I think she's got at least two more streams from where we currently are. If she finishes next stream, she'll definitely miss things and accidentally into the ending but I don't think she'll give up on landing on the sun station given her general stubbornness about that kind of thing.
I think she'll have to safe word the ATP entry though.
no but we have proof that you're a genius
As always soundpost anon, thanks for those, they are great
She won so hard
thank you soundpost chad
I loved this bit so much
Just caught the vod of Gigi's membership stream. That la creatura in the end... why is your oshi like this?
for the funny
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Tis beautiful ain't it?
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she's great, isn't she?
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Today was a good day, had a lot of fun, Gigi is too strong
she is silly and she has childlike whimsy and wonder
CC is kinda...
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Karaoke tomorrow and we will conclude a great week, night grems
Gigi cool!
LOL i love it
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tomorrow karaoke
it s time to sleep
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Gigi Cool!
well there is strong reason to believe she may have bribed the judges
Did she ever say what her member content would even be during the member opening?
I don't think I heard her mention it even once though I wasn't paying too hard attention and had the stream off to the side
Yes, watch it again and pay attention this time
on stream, she mentioned lower energy zatsus and maybe watchalongs. i'm not sure if she mentioned the rest? but they're on the community post if your'e already Grembered up.
Kinda what, huh?
when did cc mention that to kiara?
Kiara's birthday totsu. Gigi also called there. It's quite interesting that CC had this idea that GG is "I love beautiful women yippeeee" when in contrary we've known her more of a "I love men fucking each other yipppeeee". GG off-stream having discord sex with CC must be quite different.
you now remember gigi brought a fucking SHOCK COLLAR on herself for her debut stream
my fucking sides whenever i think about this
honestly that was the moment i knew i would follow this gremlin as far as she will go
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Is this thing supposed to look like a Fraggle?
My genius gremlin wife will sing for me.
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I am so excited.
i think that's what they were going for, yeah
When I'm not watching her I feel like I don't actually care for her that much, but then when I'm actively being exposed to her I think... maybe I AM obsessed with her. What's wrong with me, grems
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Why are we so cute grems? Also isn't that grem with an X belly one of you guys?
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You're OBSESSED with her is what's wrong
S-stop that, I gotta be abstinent until next month
Boys should love boys and girls should love girls!
Squishy fucks
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good night grems
Cute beegi
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night night
I'm totally obsessed with her. I want to lick the sweat off her flat chest.
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>proving a negative
Oh boy I sure do love retarded arguments
>can you blow me?
She hates Gura.
Gigi was extra cute yesterday, during both the mem opening and the collab.
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>Of all the girls outside Justice Gigi somehow gets the most along with Shiori
>Shiori has terminal autism and is hesitant to interact with people
Gigi doesn't strike me as a sperg, just a girl that for some reason ended up spending her entire life behind a computer
Why does she seem to get along with Shiori so well?
Gigi is the next protagonist of EN, the other girls are powerless before her fujo desires
cute gg
im so fucking gigipilled its gremsgusting
Got a link or stream title for that?

Got you covered
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Gigi Cute!
this looks like their daughter
Should have more CC traits mixed in instead of just being short hair Gigi
you disgust me. just link the stream next time
Kek, thanks gremlads
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Yeah, is just a simple costume change
Never, go get raped by dogs with AIDS.
Average clip watcher
Karaoke soon.
Hair down GG is so fucking cute and perfect, if we get this as a new costume I'll build a Yagoo shrine.
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Don't forget Biboo had to use her too! She's collecting senpais in one form or another.
her wife's membership stream got delayed
I guess Daddy Gigi fucked her way too hard celebrating her victory
She's so smart, if I were a Chumbud/Teamate/Hooman I'd be eating so good with the kisses she peer pressured her senpais into.
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>SAT level words?
Bro almost none of the words used in that spelling bee were high level at all
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Sad I was looking forward to it, hope all goes well and she can have fun tomorrow, well I guess I have to be productive until Gigi karaoke
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this part was crazy. that's when i realized she was gonna win
I must admit I had my doubt before the stream, I was hoping she would be good, but I had no idea she was that good
she wants to show Shiori how she got her nickname

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