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The 146th Wind

>NEXT STREAM:【AMESAME - SPELLING BEE】no minor spelling mistakes!
>(Ame's channel):

>LAST STREAM:【Portal 2】What game are they gonna play?? It's big brain time!

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
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>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous thread: >>81557246
Our spelling bee winner
Perfect ending. Now I can watch IRyS blops stream.
ceci may have won but she still has to call gigi daddy
Well technically it was also a win, Ceci strong!
>won first round of Crab Game
>Won tea vs coffee debate (underdog)
>Won spelling bee due to pregame pact

CC is undefeated
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>CC energetic at 5am
>Bae barely coherent at 12pm because she only had one cup of coffee
Laxative drinkers stay losing.
Don’t make fun of them, can’t be helped they are addicts
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Get L-theanine'd
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They're doing it RIGHT NOW
sitting on a washing machine?
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A win is a win
More like a having a washing machine sit on her. XD
GG is literally DMing her Discord kitten right NOW
daddy is fisting her discord kitten right NOW
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I hope shipfags are less annoying outside of here because this duo won't last long if they are.
GG is eventually going to pay for all her teasing when CC visits her in person...
You poor poor soul
they are much worse in fact. by several thousand fold
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You thinks all those shipping fan arts are made here? lol
Stop being retarded
They can be less annoying in public.
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>doll hands grasp your balls
You can rest now, Ceci.
That’s something that genuinely bothers me, shipping shizos can’t kept it to themselves and eventually they will end up annoying the girls
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the day has only just begun
They’ll probably meet in person when corporate flys them to jp. Can’t really see either of them making the trip to Europe or the west coast
>and eventually they will end up annoying the girls
cc is noticeably annoyed by the fans already lol
I still don't get how Fauna got 3rd place with one star and fucking up supercalifragilisticexpialidocious earlier than everybody except Raora and Mococo.
>it was revealed to me in a dream
Gura is biased
wasn't there a typo?
There was but she didn't spell it correctly anyway. She went fragilicious instead of fragilistic.
NTA, but it's very noticeable when she gets pissed off.
Yeah, she wears her emotions on her sleeves a lot.
she doesn't want to lash out at chat
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SOMEONE's upset.
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How crazy is the celebration sex with GG?
Bed breaking.
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me on the bottom left
chat needs to improve
chat is too stupid to
Take it easy anon, now you simply have a VOD to watch, take your time, focus on the membership tomorrow that one is more important in my opinion
Bro they're fucking insufferable outside of here. This ship isn't lasting 6 months
It will when tomorrow when she starts only responding to green names
nigga, shipfags may be several times more annoying. Now they are spamming thread whenever there is a cute interaction, but it is nowhere near for example NoeFure schizos when they had a meltdown really hard whenever either Noel or Flare collabed with different girl and were too friendly with
>but it is nowhere near for example NoeFure schizos when they had a meltdown really hard whenever either Noel or Flare collabed with different girl and were too friendly with
This actually has a greater than 0 chance of happening here
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Its fine, bro. Sleep is good for you. Just have fun and enjoy the fan art that's gonna come outta this.
You will be doing the world a favor bombtomo
Fucking do it. Free all of us
Was the spelling bee thing good, I went to sleep early yeasterday and slumbered through it.
I'm ready. do it.
yeah, It was a fun stream.
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b-but you should be scared. You should value your lives. Please ask for help when you feel like you need one otomos...
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1 and 3
2 fits her the best
2 (gf), 4 (wife), 6 (mother of my children)
2 > 1 > 4 but I kinda like the original more than any of those.
ceci is confirmed to be a bottom
twintail looks surprisingly good
Immerheim über alles!
does she canonically where bloomers?
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They are canonically pants.
every single one of them is cute. Why my oshi is so fucking cute it is unfair
I really like 3 and 4, but that's mostly my personal aesthetics.
1. Fuck
2. Fuck
3. Fuck
4. Marry
5. Headpat
5. Already married
Stop trying to fuck Cecilia Immergreen.
1. chuuni, cute, would hug
2. would take on a date to a teahouse
3. sporty tomboy, would hug after sweaty soccer practice
4. my wife
5. facefucking with handlers
6. mother of my children
impossible. getting a good chat is the same as wishing CC would go back to being a 2view
get out of our thread gigi
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Ready for membership?
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Please gift me................
I'll gift you to a foster home in Brazil.
I just took a loan myself bro...
Printomo status?
printomo-chan fucking died
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Hello Otomos, a Rosarian here.
I'm writing a poem for Justice's 1-month celebration, but I'd like to check how you guys feel about nicknaming Ceci "Speen-To-Win".
I want to keep the "Speen" instead of "Spin", to maintain the "ee" theme alongside "Beeg Cat" and "Feester", but what do you guys think?
Would regular "Spin" be better?
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>a Rosarian here.
please, just leave
What the hell is this preview.
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I willingly went to bed when it closed in on 4am. It was funny but not really worth the lack of sleep.
If I don't oversleep because I stayed up too late for this granblue fantasy news stream.

I already did this once for monetization stream.
You can always join later. I guess.
My brother, you know there is a whole hour of VA games and fucking about right
So I gotta ask, is spelling bee just a meme competition? It seems like there's a meta for it (like the supercalifragile-whatever word) so it's more about studying the usual words ahead of time instead of general knowledge.
Reminds me a bit of the few times I've seen "debate club", where the point isn't to actually make coherent arguments, but rather to stump the other participant with empty rhetoric. (Usually a lot of yelling is involved.)
Know? I'm watching it now and I've watched every year for the last 8 years lol.
It's literally a kindergarten/elementary thing.
My condolences.
deutschbros how we holding up today
What happened?
That said I'm giving up if they're still doing gameshow when I get done with PoE campaign, I'm lowkey dying right now
Fine with me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Speen is fine, Vinny's in the Hololive canon thanks to Gura
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Singing practice for mengen streams. Y/N?
that sounds great
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that is some peak degeneracy art
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I really like the idea that she can swap out her wind up key like a hair accessory.
She's just sleeping. What's degenerate about that?
She’s naked under those dreams
she is naked under her clothes too...
Anon stayed up to get flashbanged by speedo Belial and naked Bubz..
Looking at a sleeping woman is almost as degen as the peak of degeneracy. Holding hands.
1 would be pretty good for a Goth outfit. Id marry all except 5
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i dont think those are proper burrplates
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These were too good not to share.
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Cecilina Innerpurple.
When's the membership opening stream happening
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Surely the printomo is done and it's gluetomo's turn.
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It's over...
Member postponed until tomorrow.
Sucks but I don't mind. It's better that she gets to prepare at her own pace
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It's over...
I wish she would still stream today what she was supposed to do tomorrow since this week had more collabs than solo streams as is, but I guess it's understandable if she needs to prepare more.
Yeah I'm sure she would if she had time
she moved it to tomorrow so i can watch it live. she’s so considerate!
I wish you would die, no offense.
Blame ERB with her retarded rebroadcast overlap.
be nise
sorry guys i fucked her way too hard last night
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Now I can't watch it live, so I am going to kill this otomo so he suffers with me.
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bweh, so no game stream tomorrow I guess...
Can't decide if I should member or not.
Want to support her. Want to be part of smaller streams.
Don't want to pay money to youtube or cover.
It's like $5, Cover is getting one dollar a month from you after taxes.
Supporting youtube is the bigger problem. They should be paying me for the shit they pull.
Supporting cover is only a minor factor.
Do you hate youtube more than you like CC?
I like to support Cover because my money goes directly to friends with u design and development. I love those cute little fuckers.
If she's like CC you can just get a 2$ membership.
>>81620215 (me)
I meant GG
the money goes directly to funding the homos (You) loathe*
I just see it as a way to ensure they treat her as well as any other girl in terms of listening to and supporting projects instead of shooting them down. If they are happy she’s happier.
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I was expecting Towasoa baby... fuck
fuck you CC
>A CClet for 3 days in a week
I couldn't watch the spelling thing because I'm european, at least I can watch the vod today but man, this sucks. At least I hope that she's ok and she can manage to solve any issue that she's having.
By the sound of the post she’s already dealt with the issue but it delayed her prep, so she’s fine.
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She did say that it would be a sparse week. At least she's trying to address the issues. Only one stream in the middle of the night and it was a huge collab.
Offsets are always supposed to be done from UTC, not another timezone.
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I didn't make any plans for today...
Aren’t they the same just with a new standard name?
GMT is UTC, retard.
UTC is just what the new world older calls it because the impact of The British Empire in creating the modern world must be erased.
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Do something spontaneous, otomo!
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>planned some free time for CC's memship opening today
I can't join her tomorrow it's over.
I won't charge you for this lesson.
Isn't UTC slightly different due to DST?
And the distinction doesn’t matter because utc is based on gmt.
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I'm... I'm... I'm spontaneously combusting!!
I'll go read or something.
I only use green standard time
>UTC is based on TAI, which is a weighted average of hundreds of atomic clocks worldwide. UTC is within about one second of mean solar time at 0° longitude, the currently used prime meridian, and is not adjusted for daylight saving time.
It's based on earths rotation, like any other standard time.
No they are not the same, GMT does not adjust for additional factors that UTC does compensate for.
lol, what do you have against Cover? She's part of Hololive now.
Honestly, who cares about timezones as long as we all use the same standard?
Abolish DST and make all countries adhere to CET. (Because both CC and I reside in this zone and the world revolves around us.)
And what did they configure those atomic clocks to, genius?
The atomic clocks were synced to GMT when the standard was created.
Ergo UTC is GMT.
So, what are the otomos doing with this unexpected leisure time? I'm gonna watch a movie.
And coincidentally the prime meridian, which runs through Greenwich, the g in gmt, shares the exact same time as utc, discounting dst which is on its way out anyway.
Functionally, for non scientific use, they are the same.
You are aware that time is not static, right? That is what is being compensated for. What it was once used for doesn't really matter if they have since drifted apart.
For non-scientific uses they do represent the same time on the clock but they are not the same thing.
wrong fucking thread sapcucks
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Good joke fellow sapling. I chuckled.
no u
i like green
I like aqua marine
Don't reply to yourself, it's cringe
that's not nise
Thinking if I should try playing solo 7dtd. I'll probably won't have time to play another time for 3 weeks and never touch the game again.
I'm watching her
Guess the americans woke up.
Just give it a try, the start is rough but on default settings you should be fine by the third or so day.
There are plenty of mods available to make it harder in ways other than tweaking the zombie HP and loot chance.
Persistent debuffs and diseases, no food/water on respawn, permanent infection(progresses slower but can't be removed completely) etc
CC please... I can't take it anymore being an immergrey...

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