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I don't know how points work, I think Mori and Bae were supposed to place. Mori didn't misspell anything and I'm proud of her.
Is there a name for this Mori form
it would be Muppet Mori
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GGs Morp
You technically went perfect but lost because the judges either forgot about or can't count
Hemorrhoid Mori.
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My boy got 4th place like she wanted to
>I don't know how points work
To be fair, neither did the judges.
Did mori or bae fucked up something? im so confused
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No, they fucked something up or Mori specifically asked for 4th place.
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Its was a game where everything is made up and the points don't matter. That's right, the points are like Mori's hair below the eyebrows.
Gura and Ame seemed a bit flustered by scoring and probably gave up when they saw how long collab was running. My bet is they eventually just read chat and arbitrarily decided placement based off what it was saying
some Who's Line style improv could be fun with the right set of holos.
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No they both didn't make an a single error kek
I guess the judge either forgot or just gave Fauna a pity 3rd and Nerissa/Kronii a pity 2nd
I think bae dropped the ball on the sudden death but yeah scoring seems way the fuck off
Reminds me of when Mori got robbed of EN MVP in Pokemon Unite tournament
It was just for fun, it doesnt matter
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>Ame and Gura counting votes
Yeah that'll do it
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I know it doesn't matter but Mori should have tied for 1st place probably..
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Previous thread: >>81522242

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtHC0cUtYJE
Upcoming stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbo5w6dWx-Q

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
Sinderella (December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
JIGOKU 6 (August 18, 2023) EP: https://lnk.to/mc_jigoku6
Phantomime (August 16, 2024) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_pt_ec
//// Stream Go-Getters+Yoon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HXo0zEnMpU

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/
(NEW!) PHANTOMIME pre-order [Standard/Limited/Super Special Awesome Limited]

One Piece Day ’24 SPECIAL LIVE
August 10-11, 2024 @ Makuhari Messe, Chiba
capacity: 7,860
guest starring: GRe4N BOYZ, Mori Calliope, Ado, BE:FIRST
//// Live archive: https://rentry.org/3zf6w

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}
Unless the bonus stars did actually count (and I'm pretty sure Ame said they didn't) then she should have tied, otherwise easy second.
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remember to love your Mori
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she did us proud
This Mori is INCREDIBLY fuckable
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It's the eyes, I think
I don't understand this
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By an rational score keeping she should have either tied for 1st or placed 2nd, but during the sudden death round it became super obvious neither Ame or Gura really knew how to tally a score or how to even end the game;
>Ame and Gura realizes they can't go for timer because they directly fucked up everyone's timer so it would be unfair to go by it
>Asks chat about Fauna because Ame might have fucked up for her
>Really wouldn't have mattered anyways since she (Fauna) spelt it wrong regardless
>They round up everyone that actually spelled it correctly and gave it to the one with most stars and the ones who chat mentioned as winner
So the podium looks a bit retard cause of all of that, but it's hard to really be mad cause the collab was fun and Mori made her AP english teacher proud by going flawless
But that the same time is kinda baffling to think that in a spelling bee someone who didn't make a single mistake finishes in lower position than several people who did, like wtf lmao
Normal half-lidded eyes vs coloring in the eyelid
Dude, really? At least doublepost and not put that shit in the OP.
I give it another hour before I see hardcore reaper muppet porn
Ah, i jsut saw it as eyeshadow
I want to meep the Morpet
Why the hell did she claim 4th and then post that on twitter. She knows she didn't get 4th.
Ame was running the stream plus graphics which took all of her attention which meant scorekeeping was either Gura's job or a shared duty. We all know how the other BoneBro is with numbers (Mori is just as bad) so there was bound to be a fuck up. Feels like AmeSame could have really benefitted from a third host for things like timer and score
She clearly knew they messed up and saw the response of chat so decided to make it a non-issue for the hosts by making a joke
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You should start a petition
Because she knows there would be autists about it so she claimed 4th for the memes when she saw it was fucked up to shut up most of the autists.
Good thing SpongeBob and Patrick are vtubers not accountants
Unfortunately doing the rest probablt wouldn't work as the next verse is male voices and there aren't any from the stream.

But it's a shame it doesn't use Kroni and Mori as those are the actual muppet ones.
I don't think that many people are going to care that much for very long. As others have said this was just some friends goofing around, and even if it's a dumb mistake on the judges' part the worst consequence down the line is that people will chuckle at them forgetting to keep score
It's a exhibition for entertainment. Winning means nothing.
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I'm a card-carrying sperg and I feel like the most well-adjusted person here sometimes
I love Mori and her FAT BUTT
I can't tell if people are trolling or if there are actually people in this thread that don't know that Mori loves the number 4 so of course she'd want to place 4th
That's the conclusion most are coming to since the scoring didn't make any sense otherwise.
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She wanted respect for her actual intelligence.
>decide to catch up on the Member’s stream
>she played the game before
Damn I fucked up somewhere cause I don’t remember this radio game at all.
Was a membership stream like...two months ago abouts?
I don't know if she should have had first given that Gigi did more extra work as a lifeline correctly, but she should have been at least 2nd.
i was worried an autistic deadbeat would sperg out on twitter or something but this is fine
Did she play it in the same stream as Penumbra? I definitely still have to finish Penumbra.
It's literally the only comment Ame liked so I think she realised what happened lmao.
Yeah I'm honestly glad that she caught it (and that one specifically) hopefully she'll mention it if/when she corrects the ending of the stream would be nice DESU I'm not mad at Ame for the thing at all but I was dreading having to pretend that Mori somehow did far worse than she did because she didn't want to embarrass Ame on stream/ Seem like a sore loser
Nah it was separate, way later, just looked it up and apparently it was an April 12th (US Time) stream
Nah this is fine. Put it in a respectful way but wanted people to know Mori deserved at least a little bit of that props for getting everything correct
Yeah lmao, imo I don't they really figured hard how everyone was gonna genuinely try, so after 3 rounds only one person was eliminated
The collab could've probably gone for another 2-4 hours at the rate they going, so they had to hurry up and figure a way to end cause we had already technically gone over time
Even with her requesting 4th and bonus stars counting, the scores don't make sense. Nerissa shouldn't have gotten that high
Because 4 is the best number, simple as
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I couldn't get to the end of the ark stream since it was too late for me, did she get her dino in the end
She got a lil'guy to ride around
Yes, he's a little guy who can knock other guys out, seems like he might be useful once he becomes less little
She got a small dino to ride on and called it Patches.
The Go-Getters version featuring Yoon is pretty good. Wonder how Mori managed to wrangle her.
Such a great offcollab. Just the family hanging out, eating cat food and talking about Mori's ass.
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>Already Mori x Yoon fanart
Wish I was a korean woman, maybe then Mori would love me...
I wish I was Mori, then I could unlimited sex with korean women....
Clicking through Mori parts of the VOD:?
>I will prove my existence by not asking for definition of the word or for word in a sentence
KAKKOI. I'm reminded of Battletech Clanners who lost the galactic war by being cocky in exactly this way
Ok after collecting my thoughts, shame it stops right before the hook like wtf, I guess it's harder to practice for in a limited time?
She was in a really funny/comical today but she also sorta helped explain the rules/let the other girls know their options, it was great showing from her
I feel like it's the first time most of Advent has seen her so adversarial, she usually tones it down with Biboo and the doggos.
This is why old Disney cartoons always looked weird
Link? The group Yoon is in is pretty popular
The song?
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This mori is telling me to kill myself
What if I want to eat the Mori?
It would be extremely painful...
I remember 15 years ago, downloading mp3s of my favorite songs and playing with the audio editor to change their pitch.

Glad to see someone is still doing it.
She’s a small girl
>the original stopped being recommended on my YT homepage and this replaced it instead
Yep, for some reason Team Mori didn't even try to change the song title from the original. So, from now on, if someone wants to listen to Go-Getters, they will listen to the Kpop version.
This mixer would receive a lot of credit even though she had done nothing to deserve it.
The fact Mori randomly read a line referencing BT in that stream where she read lines suggested by superchats makes it even funnier.
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g'night morig, not sure if i'll be up in time to catch Ark today
Does anybody know if Gigi is white? Usually I can tell by their voice but she's got me stumped.
She's a gremlin
Does anybody know if Mori is white?
She's actually japanese, believe it or not
She will never be Japanese
That explains the living in Japan part
She LIVES in Japan. She's mentioned she's white a couple times and runs a seperate project where she shows her face.
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MW5beat I'm stoked for the clanner expansion - i might have priced myself out of having fun because assault mechs cost dearly
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interesting crossover
ntmwb but what clanner expansion, are they actually releasing more DLC for 5? I was thinking it's gonna be a separate game (and won't fuck up my mods which already add Clan shit)
rrat don't believe his lies
Dual links arc when?
She admits twitch was the biggest mistake of her life.
Everyone has their 18 yo moments.
But it was just a little too long.
How much of ARK is gonna be JP?
What do you mean? She mentioned it'll be like Rust where she'll speak English but if she encounters a JP members she'll speak in Japanese.
Okay cool
Some autist actually crunched the numbers of the spelling bee if any of you were curious
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I'm catching up to the ARK stream (I slept past the start) and Lui remembering "fo sho" is so sweet
Can't say I expected Mori Diabellstar art but it actually works well
I wish they would Collab together more
Based debbie
she always does that when they meet it's cute
IRyS collab on Mori's channel tomorrow
Oh yeah? Did she say what it was?
It's episode 3 of HoloMelo.
Morp eatin'
she's probably gonna pop up on HoloMelo
I'm boutta Morp
I think you need your eyes checked.
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Did Mori not put her diary in the right place?
I didn't see it during Pekora's news stream
I don't think every one gets read
More like my brain, I swear that's what I read.
She forgot to turn DVR off again lol
She said she used a "separate note" because she heard the ingame diary can bug out.
Has youtube changed something? That has been happening to other members as well.
I thought she was going to copy paste from that separate note into the in game one
They got rid of the colour indicator for it being on so everyone sees no blue and assumes it it is off when it is still turned on.
>Has youtube changed something?
Either the visibility of the setting, or the default option, I forgor which one it was exactly.
Yeah lmao
Literally all they've done is not highlight the [On/Off[ switch on the DVR enable toggle
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I'd assume so too but I don't recall her mentioning doing that
I bet mori only did squats in the gym
is Ririka considered a pink woman?
Nah, she squats on my face too.
then I love that pink woman too
There was deadbeat-onigirya back on /jp/
He's probably jizzing right now....
When was the last time they interacted in public?
This might actually be the first time I think, unless you count the MK8 tourney
Her legs are so stupid
Miko's character looks a fucking midget compared to Mori's monstrosity lmao
Are her arms tiny?
Yes, her mom was a T-rex
can't believe someone flashed their cock during the Olympics opening ceremony
I don't know that I believe you, but it IS paris...
Hardmode: make it actually Mori-related
I don't want to be a doxxbeat, buuuuuuuuut...
Pretty Patterns...No...
Mute? Lmao
Raora was muted, but it made Mori think she was muted herself lmao.
>Yoisha Kariope-chan!!
Lmao Foobs
>Mori gets a double kill on Raora and Ririka
>Gets grabbed by Miko
/Pink/ unity is in shambles....
Patches love....
Rip patches
after yesterday's collab she comes off as particularly monotone and uninvested today
retard you literally post this every collab stream
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Why do they always come here to say the same thing every time?
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RIP little nigga I'm gonna miss you
You can't rationalize mental illness
>her first dino dies
>(flatly) oh noooooooo
Raora had more of a reaction and thing wasn't even hers
Because she knew it wasn't a big deal you retard. It was going to die in the next raid. Bae mentioned she had like 4 of them die on her already because they are weak.
Bruh lol
Don't even bother replying, dude just makes up a pre-determinate conclusion and works backwards by pigeonholing any action to line-up with said conclusion
pink on pink action
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Gonna call it here bros
enjoy the stream
I slept before. so I'm good tonight.
mori pulling the wwwwaadddww
So how long until it gets big.
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mori is falling for virtual cats again
Dudu is such a pretty cat I want to pet her so much
She realised she can make some very good equipment now because she is at a really high level.
Yeah, I think Aki asked her to make some super high-lvl equip she has access that even Aki can't make. The level Mori got seems like a bit of a bug but at least she can be really helpful.
I don't know how it works in Ark, but going off how things work in other games, I think her being the buff bitch with the drum put her "in combat" with everything in the area so she got tons of EXP and since she wasn't technically riding a dino she owns she didn't share any of the EXP with one so she got giga power leveled.
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Mori is taking me to pound town see you later virgins
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She's just like me when I saw the trailer for Nidhogg 2
no one liked Nidhoog 2's art style no one still does
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nighty noodles debbies
How do you guys watch this with Mori's thick ass and thighs in your face the whole time? It's too early for me to be able to handle this.
you fucking meeper
dino cho
shes like 40 levels ahead of everyone else and still isolating herself to "grind" and mumble to herself. I don't think she understands the actual point of these MULTIPLAYER servers
What Dinos does she have? I just say Tutu Mane and Petrie
My understanding is normally exp is split but because Mori had no Dino’s but still participated all the exp from the raid went to her
She's really in "ehhh...wow...sugoi..." mode today, maybe her social battery is tired out after the collab earlier
Nigga shut up
Shit you just gave him a reason
>can't communicate with JP senpais after 3 years
Without her safety blanket Bae she kind of just shuts down mentally in large JP groups
Not sure what you expect her to do. Just inject herself into conversations that she has no idea what they are talking about?
Ask for info on what they're doing instead of autistically circling the people talking for an hour?
>can’t achieve his parents love after 37 years
She knows what they are doing and are waiting for them to be ready for the wyvern fight to start. It's like you're not even watching the stream.
THEY WON I think
I think that big t-rex looking dude is OP as fuck.
How does Miko have the ability to utter complete nonsense but make it the funniest shit ever kek
He actually reaches the wyverns when they are flying around him. That said, Mori knocked 2 or 3 of them out of air with headbutts so she's definitely helping.
The cats are actually doing most of the damage, but Noel is tanking most of the damage on her big guy
Oh those jumps are actually doing something? Cool.
Because the Number 4 is usually associated with Death
This is the first time I'm seeing something actually cool in ark with this pre-planned hunt with designated roles and shit. Still looks very derpy but teamwork is cool.
Yeah, you can see they're stopping in the air and landing when she hits them.
Most ARK I’ve watched in the past has been 90 percent grinding, but technically it is all building to taking on massive raids and bosses.
Man, for how cool the dino/enemy models are, the combat looks janky as SHIT
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lmao, these randoms that show up in chat now because of go-getters has been funny.
Every living thing shitting every 10 minutes is one of teh more amusing parts of Ark.
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I welcome them with open arms
Everything matters
a strategy meeting with tense explanations, looking into depths of a cave you as can see Subaru on Pteradon luring enemies out. And then it's interrupted every 20 seconds by a loud shitting sound.
kek was that just bad timing? Mio dismounted right after she jumped.
ARK arc going okay imo
As a britbeat, it's really weird hearing so many chant 'EDF'...
Bae Raora and Mori should be able to go do something together now that they all have good Dinos after the raid atleast.
Today was a huge success after initial fumble with Patches. She got a dino she wanted, caught another one on her own, found out she can be almost uniquely useful for the entire group, took part in a huge raid and was very helpful during the raid itself.
I am constantly tormented by desire for Mori’s pillowy ass
When Bae said she had a bunch of those dinos die yesterday we knew it wasn't long for this world lmao.
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Aren't we all?

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