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She singlehandedly succeed at destroying luca career
Based Based Based
How much dough did he got?
oh damn. I was sure he'd buy more bots than Ike
why would lucucks watch a skinwalked 3d?
They already have the inauthentic signature merch, why not? They like being duped, anyways.
congratulations, raz. i guess he couldn't even afford bots anymore
Imagine if its raziel inside the mocap suit kek
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Raziel skinwalking Luca's 3d model deflection thread
do you think riku will give denauth 3D debut?
24k is a flop now?
Lol. Lmao. /#/ monkeys are truly too brain-rotted to function normally.
>Shaka didn't show up
>Kamala Harris didn't show up
Millions were ripped off, millions!
>only barely more than Petra
Next year.
brb sending him akasupa after reading this thread
It's worse because Luca's supposed to be one of their big males, but I guess after all the drama shit that's been coming out even his fans are dropping out.
genuine question, 24k is bad?
Bold of you to assume that not only will Niji EN still be around next year; but also that Noctyx, Iluna, Xsoleil, Krisis, and TTT will all get their respective 3D debuts in a sufficiently timely manner for Denauth to get theirs before the end of 2025. Remember that the waves get their sets of 3D debuts in wave debut order, so Noctyx will get theirs before Iluna has their turn, which will happen before Xsoleil gets theirs, etc.

All three members of Denauth could get ten million subs each before the end of next week, and they'd still have to wait their turn.
For 3D? Yes, they used to get that for normal buff streams before allt he yabs. That said its a clear reminder to phase that they still dont compete against niji no matter how much they astro turf.
are you even a sister? lmao
He's almost top luxiem before, look at him now being a runt...
If this 3D came 2 years ago, or even 1.5 years ago, this would have been a 80k-100k ... so yeah, is pretty bad, especially when you consider that Ike hit 41k.
It will still be around by next year, this is not the same situation as it was with nijisanji korean and indonesia where the livers was staging a mutiny against Lord Riku. majority of en livers are still profitable assets for Lord Riku the All-Knowing NijiGod and despite what faggots like False and Khyo are predicting and feeding to their discord goons, nijisanji en livers are happy to stay here for the next two years.
He should got all the attention.
He could have reached the same CCV as other luxiem, but he didnt, lmao
>nearly half of the present organs are always doomposting in one way or another
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in bizzaro world luca was always raziel and shes unhinged :P
I will fuck her stinky menhera fujo pussy.
Kek, get fucked Luca
Is that bad? Looks like pretty good numbers.
This just made my way. Feeling so much better now.
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Keep coping nijikeks. he is a runt of luxiem now thanks to raziel kek
i also want to know if the chat was JP or not
He did well, dont let the drones and doki's goons say otherwise.
>he did well
do you know what flop means? dude pulled 5x as many viewers as HoloEN mega collab. we are so fucking back
Anon, I...
>Gura used to get 100k karaokes, now they're only 50k? what a flop!
kys you stupid fucking retard
Isn't 24k actually one of the top streams in all of NijiEN for 2024?
it's true isn't it? top girl of the new gen, top EN male, and others in a big hyped first time collab, and they get obliterated with ease. holokeks are only numbermonkeys when it goes their way.
Literally Who?
I don’t think you’re even trying anymore.
luca had fuwa on his 3d live man, that guy is bigger than the entirety of holostars en combined lmao.
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How grim for noxflop and future wave?
raziel based women
holy shit, 2% of that too KEK
>He cares about what people here think about him enough to make a tweet
Yeah that seems very mature
For Luxiem, yes. Even Finana was able to get 32k for her 3D debut.
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>dude pulled 5x as many viewers as HoloEN mega collab
ah good ol nijicope and nijiseethe
She's talking about the Stars/Whore collab because she's retarded
>holoen megacollab
>its actually the holostars collab she is talking about
huh? retardedsisterchama
Well, she build him up and she tore him down
Poetic really
Ike barely made 1/10th of the cost he spent to book Miku
technically it was luca himseelf who did all the stupid stuff
3k supas vs shu, 9k?
for a 3D debut btw im guessing sister drain their money on the supposed concert but didnt got the refunds for the hotel and shit
dont forget to include money from gifted memberships, and ads revenue.
Even the most no name JPs have do better in their 3D debuts. They ultimately sink back into irrelevancy, but people show up for 3D debuts, regardless. And the fact that the golden children of EN can even perform better than the worst of JP says a lot.
Luxiem combined still has more views gained than dookieshit this month, i would say thats a success on their part.
Good for you. That doesn't change what I said in the slightest.
>views gained
The absolute state of the once-powerful “kings” of EN.
Luca is too old to get away with it. Time for him to face the music. Any sister's know of a good replacement?
>the whole might of NijiEN and luxiem has to compete with a single indie
oh no
>Shu at the top
Who would have thought being drama free it's the best way to have a loyal audience, what a novelty!
This turnout would still be strange if he was an indie--the superchats are much lower than the CCV would suggest. That is, with that CCV, you would expect a significantly higher amount of superchats. This either means that his fan base doesn't care, that they're poor, or that he botted the stream.
As for the actual CCV, sure, that would be impressive as an indie--but he is no indie; he's part of the remnant of what was once thought to be a rival to HoloEN, Luxiem, the record-breaking, successful male branch. I wouldn't bring up interagency comparators, but the "all out war" comment came from Niji, not Holo, and now they must reap their "rewards".
Based on another comment it seems you're referring to the ERB/'stars collab. This is bizarro /vt/. The big collab was the spelling bee; I have no idea why she streamed over it to hang out with men. And as to most-popular-of-her-gen, no she's not, and she definitely won't be with all the homobaiting.

To all the other anons (probably just one spamming on cooldown, but I'll be generous) saying that 24k CCV is objectively good--that it's among the top streams so far this year for VTubers--consider that this isn't a normal stream. This is a 3D debut, which should be a major event where the CCV is much higher than usual. Here, of course, the CCV is higher than HIS usual, but that still puts him below other Nijimales and below other less-than-historic streams from this year. Again, it's not the absolute number that makes us say that the stream did poorly, but the CCV in comparison to his sub count, his CCV in old streams, and the CCV and superchat revenue from other NijiEN 3D debuts.
>Luxiem combined still has more views gained than dookieshit
An entire branch has more views gained--from a larger base of videos--than one VTuber whose firing was "negligible"? This is pathetic, like most of the 'sisters in this thread.
2 more weeks am i rite holosisters
At least try to be original...
Considering the numbers they have been pulling, as NijiEN and as Luxiem, 24k is great, probably the best numbers of the branch at the moment.

Obviously, he would have been way more popular like 4x better if it was 1 or 2 years ago.

Is just number monkeys, comparing everything to hololive, when in reallity 99.99% of vtubers can't get over 10k viewers in their entire life.
Isn't Raziel barely making a living by doing nails for women, trimming dogs and having a subpar OF?

I think she got a Pyrrhic victory over Luca, some would say that she didn't even win because Luca is still streaming and making more money than her
>earliest holosisters mention
>earliest nijisisters mention
oh no no no
>probably the best numbers of the branch at the moment
>especially when you consider that Ike hit 41k
finana 3D debut is 32k. cope sisters. losing to finana is embarassing
Read the fucking thread for once in your life
Hololive has no more enemies.
My bad, I'm not a nijisister so I don't actually know the exact numbers of NijiEN, thanks for the corrections' sisters!
About $6k
By modern NijiEN standards it would be considered a "huge stream". But if you compare to Pomu's 3D, or anything from the past, it's just a pale shadow.
>24k is a flop now?
for a guy that a year ago would be getting half that number just for a normal stream? yeah, absolutely? 3D debuts at at least a 5x buff
What the fuck is Rent L free even supposed to be?
Shouldn't it be L Rent free, or rent free L?
It gets worse - that $3051 he made was gross revenue, not net revenue. After Neal and Riku get their pounds of flesh, Luca is left with $1067.85
And then it gets worse still - that $1067.85 net revenue he made is before taxes. Uncle Sam and his state-level counterpart will want their pounds of flesh as well.

The money he made from his 3D debut was not enough to cover the cost of traveling to Japan to record his 3D debut, never mind the cost of the Miku cameo.
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Botted views.
Meanwhile, Doki at Singapore compared to where Virtual Rhapsody was a no show.
>showing the preshow
Nice try. Now, post the ticket sales.

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