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/wvt/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss English-speaking VTubers.
Include a picture and a link so we know who they are and how to watch!

>Thread Quality Reminder
Remember to report and ignore trolling, shitposting, and off-topic.

>Twitch Clips Guide

>Koikatsu cards

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>Current Thread Aggie


>Thread Cytube
https://cytu/ be/r/wvt-watchalong

>Other Threads of Interest

>Previous thread
the girls in the OP are having fun at VKET with eachother
Need sluttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiier Koragi
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Your order, sir.
>>Twitch Clips Guide
>>Koikatsu cards
>>Ref Sheets
>>Post in case of Twitter/Discord drama:
>>Current Thread Aggie
>>Thread Cytube
>https://cytu/ be/r/wvt-watchalong
>>Other Threads of Interest

All this spam can get pruned.
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Haru's 6 hours into his 24hr OoT stream and only has two spirit stones..
I wonder if any of them have made any references to old /wvt/
Why would they? Their old groups collapsed and they've all moved on.
They weren't there. Not really. Not outside of ego-search. Be proud of them. This thread is built of the flesh, and blood of rin. Outside of that it's all bot spam, and flaming. They probably never even ego search here anymore since ayybro is the only one willing to feed their ego.
I wonder if any anons will actually post about their stream in the thread?
the guitar isn't good either and sounds more like a synth patch trying to sound like a guitar
Laran Bonnie needs more paintings in her minecraft mansion me thinks. If I was to grief her server I'd fill her mansion with glowberry orchards, and paintings. Probably some slime blocks, or bone blocks too. Her mansion is too clean, and tidy. Needs some grime.
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Yes I will because fuck you
>Open stream
>Nyaru, Yoro and Mono are nowhere to be seen
>She is talking with a random guy
God dammit
I have a secret about kk I'd rather not tell. She would like it too much, and never leave the thread. Please make more pussy repelling posts like you just did, so I don't spill the beans.
When Laran Bonnie figures out how to make clay in Minecraft she's going to get crazy with it.
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Cant tell if the post above me is R or not
Anyways this 3D model is shit, the hat keeps clipping and her limbs keep bending in weird ways, why is she using this instead of her original 3D?
This VR map is cool tho
>can't escape any further than model deep discussion
This is why vtubing (true vtubing) will never make much progress beyond debutings, and redutings. I love it.
/ic/ posters will never become /tv/ posters because 4chan is filled with celebrity worship TMZ humiliation rituals.
May vtubing never understand kino, and kino posters never colonize /vt/.
There is a reason Haachama, and Coco were hated, and chased off, so often. The world isn't ready.
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I have seen a few VR streams before and comparing those to this I think this kinda eh so far, nothing really too much fun just her going around some carnival like place
I looked a bit into the other perspectives too it was alright not too good but not too bad either, it feels... sanitized? It might be because its a sponsored stream or maybe I keep skimming thru the most boring parts
I really need to know if this guy she is with is a mod they seem close which is unusual since I remember her being pretty GFE
Kek relax seeder, he's vket staff and mentioned a wife and kids offhand earlier
she is not GFE and has a boyfriend anyway
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Naw bro I am not like that I was curious because I thought I would see some burned goslings somewhere but I guess she either moved a bit away from that or they arent around here anymore
This last few minutes of talking have been kinda mild maybe I need to be an actual seeder to enjoy this
Oh he is leaving as I am typing this and she is probably going to end stream stuff
>His entire family uses VR
Kinda wild
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What is this then
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Nyaru mouth movements are nightmare fuel I cant tell if its on propuse or not
When was the last time she intereacted with Yoro btw
Where’s the chin
Fusing with the teeth
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nyaru raided into yoro a couple of times and vice versa
i think they just don't get to hang out with eachother that often because of schedule stuff, cause after a nyaru raid she posted something like "YEAH YORO YOU'RE KILLING IT I LOVE YOOOOOOU" and yoro's response seemed pretty excited too
goonai kk i hope the girlrot is comfortable
Imagine the blowjob
Laran Bonnie just ended stream. Was a good stream.
tell her to embrace hag fully and get a grandma model
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gamer baeg's doin more picayune dreams tonight! also he's doing more paper mario dark star afterwards
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Hopefully this remodeling arc gets her to try her hand at building stuff more often.
She's using a free model, but iirc she's said she'd like a model like Melusine from FGO because she's a lolihag irl.
oh, that'd be sick.
She plays on survival mode. You have to know how tall of an order that is. Laran Bonnie in order to live out any dreams of massive projects needs:

moss (super dangerous to aquire)

Calcite stiligminte cone thing (so rare I've never seen one)

Loads of bonemeal by the giga ton (killing a single skeleton is risky)

and cauldrens (iron is a scare resource unless you kill one million armored zombies)

Outlook is grim for Laran ever getting to clay building.
with hag features? or just pure loli model
What happened to the troopas? I miss them.
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they're in /k/
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koopa HATE
There's someone in her server that singlehandedly built all farms in there. I'm sure if she has an idea for something the guy will provide.
She likes them like Melusine or picrel.
In that case she might want a cobblestone to clay farm, and a flower garden for pigments. It was a few streams ago, but she might have an affity for bridges, so a hog powered minecart rail system in her heavily trafficed bridges might do her well too. Lastly at some point she might want to replace all wood with dyed clay, so a use for the lumber in the form of furniture could be desirable. They say girls love books. When the manion is clay the wood might be useful for bookshelves since she doesn't seem too keen on paintings.
Since the building would be mostly devoid of wood nether block fireplaces might be appropriate.
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computer science shark's streaming through being sick for (You)
I'm banned from her chat.
Oh. Forgot. Link man posts are meant to quirky.
I got no advertising on load up pre-roll. Did she turn that off?
Also since the thread is slow I'll drop the kk lore. Kk reminds me of Fallout New Vegas. A game about clones living in a simulation matrix thing. I mosly connect this because kk had a old school message envelope that is featured in the e-mail scenes in older movies. KK had it as an alert. Fitting since angels are messangers. KK reminds me of. Oh nevermind. I better keep it to myself. I might meet her one day, and have nothing new to say if I spill.
The use of the model is fun. Many vtubers leave the model neglected in the corner. I think the react content screen needs to be on an asset of a overhead projector screen, or on a magic chalk board, or something, but just playing with the model gets points. Good stuff.
Rebussy status?
You have a boyfriend. Cease.
Whatever happened to her other friend? She was some magical girl (squirrel?) I forget her name as it's been a very long time and I stopped watching Nyaru a long time ago too. She used to do morning streams with her.
she started flesh streaming, i think.
Someone was murdered next door while she steaming
wrong magical girl
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aussie rocker wolf's building a miniature home for herself!
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dandere dormouse is playing assorted horror games tonight!
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Repost spam?
what is with this vomit reda-tier character design
Krimbord cast OUT
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classical composer qilin's painting more warhammer minis this morning
Linkspam, and krimcord cast posting. This thread will never have viewers huh?
Aw he is mad
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a good camera setup is crucial for these kinds of streams huh
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german part-time nun's playing some modern warfare iii!
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study but it's gonna be a little different today since I'm on call to help out around the house
we'll see how it goes
>krimcord cast posting
What is this?
NTA but I asume it has something to do with Krimbo hating lolis and thus having shit taste,
Nigga thats FGO how dare you
Was this before or after the boyfriend
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lolibaba wetware fairy's trying to beat endwalker's postgame in FFXIV
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neg's little replica of her desk is really cute
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she's painting a mini-PC
it's kinda hard to get an angle on it but the inside has some sort of circuitry detail and it looks neat
chickens live
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here's a decent shot of the internal detail
as a laptopfag i have no idea how accurate this looks
Krimbo doesn't hate lolis, he's friends with them.
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gremlin energy
didn't he just do a collab with lilyhops?
What is it that made the rainbow gang seethe about lolis this time
They always have some justification that exempts their friends, like how Dance hates loli shit but doesn't care that Coqui kinda falls into that category
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Almost 16 hours, Haru's doing better than I thought.
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ocarina rom hacks are less common than mario 64 ones but they might be a fun thing to try out after this
Try ARK Survival Evolved.
Pekira is live. Think I'll live post her. She's as /wvt/ as felti afterall. Perhaps even more so with the sheer number of talents she's inspired.
Pekora is riding the shadowmane. The last great mount before evolved become ascended.
I think pekora might be looking for a shinehorn to keep her company, but not having much luck since shinehorns prefer the blue zone. If I remember correctly the bulbdog can be a good substitute, or the glowtail if you don't mind handeling poison mushrooms.
Pekora is not in abberation? I am shocked!!!
Did you know that Peko is black tea? I wonder what ra is?
did you just call Pekora black?
it's so funny seeing pedos cope about every loli hater being a tranny because trannies are some of the biggest lolicons out there

I'm a straight man, and I will continue to report shondo and other loli vtubers to twitch and youtube because 1. pedophilia does not belong on the internet and 2. it makes fags like you seethe, which is extremely funny
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here's how the finished computer looks
it seems like there's also a neg standee that's supposed to be in-scale with it, the chibi art on it is pretty charming

>but it's okay when a Carolina Reaper does it
pink woman bad avoid clicking links to support
Pink woman good! Nyanners streamed Fallout New Vegas for me specifically, so anything Pink Womenkind may have done can easily be forgiven.
Imagine sponsors begging to give you thousands of dollars for 15 minutes of exposure, and instead you stream over 10 hours of a game that's on a out of circulation consol to someone who will never return the favor.
Pink women are saints.
Nyanners is a traitor anyone that supports her doesn't belong here
Okay, but now who's mad?
two mad
Wait I thought it was a baton pass. I'm the sane one now!
both of them have fanart of them doing lolis
He's ded bro.
This makes me miss pink troopa era of DONT CLICK THE LINKS now everyone and their moms knows about /vt/
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farming sim enjoyer marionette's cleaning up more horses in The Ranch of Rivershine!
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dorky irish hag bunny's playing needy streamer overload today
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rrat's on with more in sound mind!
Lol not seething just wondering what brought the topic up this time. This always comes and goes but i missed the starting point
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with thread simulator videos it was never gonna last
they didn't even cover the good threads they just covered dramashit, now /vt/ and even the western vtuber scene at large has to deal with the repercussions of that
Normals discovered Shadman again. To be fair to them, it has been nearly a decade since the last time he was relevant. An entire generation has grown up into adults and late teens since 2015. They've likely just discovered porn in general. Having loli r34 as some of your first exposure to it is like getting eaten by a shark the first time you go the beach.
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alker dark cloud

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