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Amen Edition

>Current and upcoming streams

>This week's full schedules

>July Patreon Script Schedules

>Transparent head cutouts

[Gen 1: Indulge]
>Azura Dulait - Fertility Goddess
>Icey Snowpaws - Feral Polar Bear
>Immy Bisou - Hex Maniac
>Mercy Modiste - Dorky Yandere
>Shibi Cottonbum - Your Ever-Demanding Mistress
>Stronny Cuttles - Hypnotic Cuttlefish

>VAllure Links

>Unarchived/Deleted VOD Archive

>Greentext Archive

[FAQ for Tourists]
>What is VAllure?
The first EN A(dult)Vtuber Corpo.
Yes, this is the whorpo and they are focusing on adult audio like ASMR or JOI.
>Where will the content be?
YouTube - Kino SFW streams. Expect some spice and kayfabe but nothing TOS-breaking. Expect 3 streams per week at minimum.
Patreon - Lewd audios. $5/month per talent, 4 audios per month. Sub to whoever you like.
Fansly - Cost/content Up to the discretion of the girls, most have expressed interest, starts August 1st
>Is there a Discord Server?
Yes, Notification only. No interaction with any of the girls. Check VAllure Links.
No, they won't be joining any fan servers.
>Most importantly, are any of the talents in a relationship?
Yes, all of them, with me.

>VAllure Friends!
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
Yume+ and other small corpos: >>>/vt//corpo/
More of Azura and Shibi's friends: >>>/vt/choc/

Previous thread >>81565340
love immy
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I love my Strontistic wife and daughters!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
i want the one i can't have
and it's driving me mad
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I love my brainrotted sister!
I love Immy too
i think stronny is cute when she brainwashes us and makes us more r-wordable
Why is there an ad for a tranny now and why do they kinda look like Immy... I think it's the fishnets
i don't keep up with his group very much but i just want to say that Azura's voice is definitely the hottest
I liked her asmr the most today. I loved the pampering. Though to be fair I fell asleep during mummeh's.
fir mech ass et mercy modiste
Today was a good day.
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Years of consuming censored porn thanks to Japan's laws have made my brain automatically fill the blanks in. I'm going to make full use of Immy's pics regardless of her pranks
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Thinking about Stronny.
Goodnight /vag/
Good night Brother.
im gonna cum HARD tonight
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Ech sinn et, btw
I already did that, 2 times. and i might do i again before i fall asleep
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I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it appears the tits Immy posted earlier actually belong to the Hamburglar. She thought she could fool us by editing out his tie. Their signature black and white attire was a dead giveaway.
im not going to masturbate to the hamburglar, McAnon
im going to masturbate to the hamburglar, McAnon
night rapeling
Okay, im going to bed. Hope you all have a good night, a good day, and i hope you are all doing okay. Love you Bros.
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When is Vallure going to get a Rat
vallure has like four rats
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rats are overdone
Give us a lemur
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>>81554890 (me)
>suggestibility is a distribution
forgot to upload this earlier. tl;dr direct suggestibles take suggestions like "you are relaxed" and they react directly. inferential suggestibles work better by describing how they should feel and their external reactions follow. something like "it's helpless to resist"
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It's getting so hard bros. Even the positive snowbearies you can see them starting to crack. Please Icey, if you see this can't we just have a tweet? I'm sorry for being selfish. We don't even know where we stand. Do you hate us now? Please just something to give us direction.
you are on day 3 of 14. you would be better off just leaving the general for a while if it's getting in your head like this already
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I'm doing fine, bro. Take some time to do the things you enjoyed before Icey debuted. This is a break for us as much as it is for Icey.
Brother. I've told you before and i will tell you 100 times more if i have to. She doesnt hate you. She just needs a break, i mean being a content creator is bad enough for peoples mental health, so adding that onto already existing problems is going to be very hard on the person dealing with it. Give her time, and remember to be strong, uplift other Snowbearies, and anyone else that needs it. But most importantly, do whats best for you if you need to take a break with Icey then do it. Its okay. And if you don't feel its okay right now, it will be. Love you Brother. Stay safe and take care of yourself. Icey would want that too.
Alsi, i can not reiterate this enough.
>And if you don't feel its okay right now, it will be.
Right now i feel like shit, i don't really know why, maybe its because im tired idk. But whats important is, every small brainworm that i can usually get rid of pretty easy seems way bigger and is making me feel like shit. But i've dealt with them before, i've felt this way before and i made it through, I just have to do it again. Tomorrow i hope to wake up feeling better, will i? I dont know, but i hope i will. I am gonna make it through tonight, and i am gonna make it through tomorrow. And i hope you will too.
Also* whatever, im tired and don't have my glasses on
I don't suppose anyone has an alternative dl link for Stronny's hypnosis vid? I want to watch in bed with my phone but Youtube rapes the vod with ads.
sorry bros, I gotta vent a bit (I don't have anywhere else and it fits right in)
I woke up just now with tears in my eyes, so I probably dreamt of Immy. I sadly can't really remember. I look at my phone and see that she finally liked one of my tweets and a few more tears roll down. And now I realize I somehow put a large part of my happiness right now into the hands of a girl playing an online persona while I'm just a small big bro in a sea of so many... so I've gone full parasocial and I... don't know how to feel.
I really don't want to be dependent on her giving me attention, especially since she grows so fast and obviously won't see and interact with everything.
sorry for the giant blogpost, I just feel so conflicted on what to do... and how invested I should be.. I love her way too much
Immy, I want you to be the Baku to my Deku. Or for you to be the Deku to my Baku. Either works.

I know. Forgive me, I'm weak. It feel like we're on day 8. I think I just had a moment maybe.
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Immy kinda cute
Immy kinda wife
Immy kinda looks
Like the love of my life!
guys i just woke up and saw immys twitter, now i have to jerk off and i also got rick rolled wtf? time to bust a nut...
Pinpals are even jorking it to rick astley...
Immy, please save them.
Hello icey!
Who wouldn't?
nta, but you're good bro. The break is hitting us all in our own ways but you gotten keep your help. She'll be back soon.
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we have bad history with rats around these parts
>she's still reading here
you know you really shouldn't be, icey
Immy has said before that she started college as a teenager and recently graduated, so she's probably somewhere around age 21-23, right? So she might be the same age as my irl sister who's 22
She could have just made this for snowbearies in general and not just because people /here/ were venting again.
not everything happens because of /here/ you know.
Hello shibi!
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JWU and realized Shibi's ASMR got age restricted. I was in the watchalong with mummeh. What happened in that stream that it had to be age restricted? (other than the maid costume having azura-tier milk bags)
I liked mummeh's mouse loli conductor idea.
Bro, it's Saturday. Get some more sleep.
Why does she always wake up and retweet porn? Broshi might have an addiction she's just like us and I love her for it
Are you saying you don’t read doujin before going to bed?
Our mummeh in VAllure, horny be her name. Her kingdom cum, her will be done, on YouTube as it is on Patreon. Give us this day our daily nut, and forgive us our cringe, as we forgive those who cringe at us. And lead us not into celibacy, but instead deliver us into temptation.

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She's taking care of us. Thank you Icey if you are here. This will make the rest of the wait so much easier. LOVE YOUUU!!!!!
if lividy is lesbian why does she take birth control
bait, but birth control isn’t only for preventing babies silly anon
Don’t wanna give him a (you)
Something about helping regulate hormones. Like it can help with things from acne to their period.
Yeah I remember Madam saying she has an IED for horomone control and really painful periods
Throne update:
Immy's vlog camera is 44% funded.
is this reddit? i dont care if you give me a (you) or not as long as you reply to me
Goddamn if Madam Shibi were to somehow combine the drunk ASMR costume with the tan toggle I'd fucking explode on the spot.
several wet noises
Anon… not IED…
Is her oshi ted kaczynski
birth control pills are unnatural and wrong.
if pills like that existed for men, you would be screeching about how big pharma is trying to sterilize men and mess with your dna, but since its women nobody cares right?
To be fair, her pussy does make me explode
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Azura, Mercy, and Shibi are doing a Goose Goose Duck collab with Yume+ next Saturday
Awesome, more cute girls killing and gaslighting each other.
aw cute, and its my two favorite yume+ girls too
If I had a night with Immy by the end of it she would've cum so much that she forgets her own name.
this but stronny
pinpals are so lucky. my oshi is icey and the only way she'd ever let me touch her is if i was part of a train of 100 ojisans
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i need this but with immy
Imagine immy sleeping topless showing off her bountiful assets to you. Her sleeping on her back, her pretty hair falling down and framing them as she sleeps, falling up and down with each breath. What they’d feel like smooshed up against your back as she hugs you from behind, maybe if she’s having a wet dream you could even feel them her nipples stiffen up and press into your back. Sleeping on her side as the little spoon with you grabbing a handful of titty feeling how soft she is as you relax in bed with her.
why did you steal Kilia's ritualpost
man pupa was such a shit fucking show i regret giving it space on my hard drive
i love how her hair is visible in most photos she takes of herself. its like shes trying to groom us into developing a hair fetish
Well, sucks to be her because I'm not developing a hair fetish, I'm developing Immy's hair fetish
Her hair is absolutely gorgeous. I’d kill to bury my face in it. Imagine how soft it’d feel and how nice it’d smell.
> I'm developing Immy fetish
Fixed that for you bud
Man. Pupa is one of my more shameful wanks
i want to make a pillow filled with immys hair
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I miss Icey.
Cerenity spotted
oh grow up, this is such delusional levels of cope. its a whorepo you don't need to be like a delusional holobrony and pretend she's "pure" or some shit
unicorns have no place here, fuck off
man, i'd love to have sex with a woman
Got an IED inside, that pussy is the bomb
Preach it.
The imagine if the costume was white colored leather...
Imagine spending a sweating summer tot with immy and the a/c in your house is broken. On one particular day it’s so hot immy threw off her top. You can see the sweat glistening, beading and running down her skin, running down the swell of her breasts. Imagine them heaving as she pants in the heat, their slight movements as she fans herself to try and stay cool. Would it taste different licking it off her nape vs her breast? I bet the best flavors are in the valley between them and directly under where they meet her chest.
good morning immy
I am in love with immy
The girls are actually unicorn friendly when streaming. No males on stream satisfies most unicorns
It's dead hours and your samefagging is obvious. Give it a rest.
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Icey a little cutie-pie
Icey the one for whom I'd die
Icey just needs a little stroke
Icey the one that brings me hope
Icey what color do you wear
Icey the prettiest polar bear!
>unicorns have no place here, fuck off
I’m need a good morning blowjob from immy.
I'm going to jork it to Immy's massive tits again today
I’m dying to know how visible her nips were under those emojis
i wonder what it would take for immy to actually post the uncensored version. i mean its just nipples, its not a big deal, its not like posting her face which might dox her identity. maybe she could make it a donathon goal?
just enjoy the tease numbnuts
You are my favorite ritual poster.
ok immy, sorry
The tease makes it better.
I'm listening to Stronny's hypnosis ASMR, and it reminds me of how I discovered her through her non-lewd PL channel, specifically her "Accidentally Hiring an ASMRTist" video, which I've now listened to several times. It actually wasn't until she became green that I realized how extensively lewd she was.
My point is that, when it comes to content creation, she seems to have the Midas Touch. She can whisper me into a coma, and also empty my balls, and that's pretty neat.
>Midas Touch
Binding of Isaac reference!
>It actually wasn't until she became green that I realized how extensively lewd she was
what did he mean by this
I had a female friend at school a decade ago and she took birth control because her period pains were ungodly painful but the birth control made it tolerable.
I have no idea how she is now but I just assume she has a family somewhere.
New Mercy video
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Icey's graduation
You're too kind anon
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goood morning vaggots, i love my little sister so fucking much you wouldn't believe it. i submit and surrender myself completely to her!
Hope everything is ok... Ganbare mommy Azu!
You're really all morons if you don't think Icey is still constantly reading /here/ it's too obvious.
Good morning anon let’s make immy proud today.
I also belong to her, I am Immy’s property.
you know how in tv shows, when a classmate is sick in the hospital, the entire class makes like a collage for him? we should do that for icey to show her how much we care
Icey doesn't care about snowbearies. She only cares about what people think of her /here/
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i will be a good boy and try to get some work done today so i'm completely free tomorrow for teh members stream.
what do you propose
kek speak for yourself, loser.
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I want to see her forehead so I can give it a big kiss
Oh you're back... Great...
I dreamt i missed an Immy guerilla again...im going back to sleep
But you'll miss the guerilla if you go to sleep now
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for me it's this spot
Its her fault for reading here. Anything positive is canceled out by 1 negative thing here.
Senpais doko
Her voice really shines when she has this kind of audio setup.
To be fair, this is pretty far from their timeslot
God immys tits are perfect.. I want to bruise them
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I said i was going back to sleep but i saw the tits again and now im hard and need to jerkoff...
Pinpals now have a surefire way to calm down whenever things get heated (or too gay)
Good thing i saw her tits before i fell asleep. Jesus fucking christ she actually hates (me)
I might miss it because I work in a couple of hours but yes immy please. I’ll watch the vod when I get home.
What a gorgeous woman she is.
yes you should do a 30 minute guerilla stream where you give us joi
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>should i do
yes to anything.
If this happens please for the love of god archive it
Im so fucking tired please just let me know if i can go back to sleep or not
I dunno I can't find the appeal of in any of the talents
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Ahem - this is my girlfriend Icey Snowpaws. She is the love of my life and I love to see her laugh and smile. Thank you for reading have a nice day.
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>Should I tie you up? Maybe blindfold you?
>Should I rub until it hurts inside your pants
>Should I unzip your pants and grab it?
>Should I stroke it and slap myself with it?
>Should I lick the tip and kiss it until you cum?
>Should I?
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I understand not liking any of the others but IMMY?! REALLY?
>One 30 minute long joi where she edges and teases us with her beging for us to cum at the end
My penis
Nta but, yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Holy shit I need this
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I hope you have as good a day as you can my Brother.
Yes x6
A gorilla members joi?
Yes to everything and then some.
Today, Immy's being straight while Shibi wants to turn you gay.
This is messed up.
I'm scared.
I want to Fuck Immy while she munches box
Don't be scared, just open wide for your Big Brother
I want Immy to unzip my dick.
Ugh I’m so fucking sick of this gay shit
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you're still glowing too bright schizo
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Shibi's cat sleeping in

Nooo, Mummeh save me!!!
the pussy in question? me
My senses tell me Immy is feeling kinda squirty.
I am struggling to stay awake please Immy atleast let us know if you're not doing it....
her cadence feels a bit stilted at times but this is possibly her best scripted audio so far. also whoever is doing the subtitles seems to make a lot of mistakes.
do you think immy ever wonders if we only care about her sexually? do you think she has doubts about herself like that?
I hope not, i genuinely would be fine if she didn't do anything sexually at this point, im hers.
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i will punch this bitch (affectionate) in the gut for being such a tease
I knew it, she hates (me) specifically. she made me stay up for a fucking tease goddamn it im so tired. now im going back to sleep for real this time
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I noticed the subtitle thing too, I find it a bit concerning that there seems to be no QC step in their video pipeline. Even the very first line of the video has an error, spelling senpai as "sempai," which I know is how some people romanize the word but in Mercy's specific case she has always used n instead of m and they spell it with an n later in the video so this is just a mistake that no one noticed in the first seconds of the video
Cry harder fag
you brat! oh well, see you tomorrow then
Retard. Sleep well.
I hope not, I mean it every time I say I love her. I send more lovey dovey maros than horny ones and I do my best to post things like >>81595491 and >>81597403
wtf, this stupid brat. i was getting all excited. seriously, i was making something to eat just now smiling bright and humming to myself thinking there was going to be an immy stream or twitter space
Rape correction + vibe on her clit at max setting.
damn brat, writing a ryona greentext as we speak
Immy dreams bro
yeah, about my dick
>another Icey menhera moment
immy should be free use as punishment for this
Wtf happened now
I want to rape Immy so badly bros. I don't think I can hold back anymore. Any pinpal willing to cosplay her for me?
Here I was hoping for a live joi from immy where she’s dominate and teases us and call us her good boy after she makes us spurt our load. Maybe one day.
i almost want to forgive her because she blessed us with those photos yesterday, but i dont want her to think she can get away with anything now
I want Mercy to jerk me off using the insides of her vagina. That would be swell if it happened.
I hope one day we get to see British Femanon as a chuuba, maybe in VAllure
that just sounds like sex to me

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