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None of their 3D debuts were able to make more money than Pomu's
their fanbase is poor please understand ..
Do you even watch their streams you fucking shitposter?
looks like barely anyone did.
why would you wish that on him?
>Luca did worse than homostars
now THAT is Pogworthy
But what happened to luxiem?
>Pomu 3D brings in most money for EN
>Model had issues that she requested to be fixed
>Company does not fix them
>Company denies her being invited to 3D events
>Company refuses to give her Home3D for over a year
>Company finally gives her Home3D after she announces graduation - and it's the same broken model from the year prior
And people wonder why she left.
>Meanwhile vox gets functional 3D less than 2 weeks after his debut
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And yet the traitor still loses against vox's overall earnings.
it checked boxes that please shareholders or smth, should've sucked up to 'management' more
Mint only started streaming again in fucking april and is nearly at 100k in superchats, Vox hasn't been able to even scratch HALF that in the entirety of 2024
She could have just asked for 3D event invites
lol do you?
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nijitrash is getting destroyed left and right lol
>pomu is a traitor now
buy an ad faggot
Just a little more until total niji death.
keep it up soldier.
>Large majority of all 4 Luxiem members' SC came from JP & CN / TW
They really abandoned EN market, didn't they?
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Still doesn't come close to vox's prime back in 2022...even his 2023 version mogs pomu.
Luxiem never targeted the EN market
Vox may have mogged Pomu in the past, but Mint is now mogging Vox :)
>the chinks... all gone.
nijisisters... can only cope in the past
Lmao ike has more views than vox must be the miku buff
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Nope, drama ridden and debuffed vox still wins in 2024 against notpomu :)
>lost 2/3rd of his paypigs in the span of 2 years
Sister this ain't the win you think it is...
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Prime pomu back in 2022 only made 8.8k birthday superchats. Still lower than post black stream vox, any more excuses ?
My post didn't said anything about Pomu though? Why are you so obsessed with her sister? Are you perhaps jealous that she now mogs your dead dying branch? That you will never amount to anything? KEKKAROO
i have bad news for you sister, pomu take all of them, vox only 2%
Shitposting aside, their problem has nothing to do with drama or anything like that. It is like in many other cases in vtubing just not understanding the product they are selling and the audience they are or were selling it to. Luxiem was huge when they debuted and they carried nijien really. Nijien wouldn't even be around anymore were it not for their success. What happened is that they don't like doing bfe. Remember it was the "sisters" who were the first to shit themselves over cross gender collabs. Niji female talents were harassed extensively for this reason. Instead of catering to their fans they went the I can do whatever I want route and pissed off most of their fans.
>vox takes 2%
>Mint takes it all
KEK nice self-own nijitranny
>Nijien wouldn't even be around anymore were it not for their success.
How so? Lazulight's first monetized month (June 2021) brought in more money than the ID branch did in its entire lifetime. And this was half a year before Luxiem even debuted.
nta but they've stated it a few times. Raz also leaked how that one dude said Luxiems success saved his job. Niji still refused to let the girls leech from HoloEN at the time so they were completely stagnating
HAHAHA, mint with the backing of vshojo and doki hasnt even reached 1m views gained this month. vox ? already gained 2.1m+.
Yeah but then niji shit the bed with drama. Finana turning on her fans in a similar way to Luxiem. Also that ethyria was lackluster was a mediocre wave. I have no doubt that pomu or selen could have kept streaming but there wasnt any growth until Luxiem boosted them too.
>views cope
God I love when nijitrannies enter meltdown mode
we all knew it was coming, these sister's have no loyalty.
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>A Film by Vox Akuma
Can this nigga get any more pretentious
>nta but they've stated it a few times.
No they didn't. Unless it was after Pomu graduated, which is when I dropped niji.
>Raz also leaked how that one dude said Luxiems success saved his job.
Because the guy was in charge of luxiem specifically, not the girls. The girls were doing fine (well, at least Lazusydia was while ethyria was floundering a bit).
what does mint have to do with vox?
Or are you trying to imply that Pomu would have been beating Vox with a grand total of 0 promotion and opportunities?
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>but there wasnt any growth until Luxiem boosted them too.
Nope, picrel clearly shows that the majority of the growth for the girls came from Pomu who started growing like crazy in 2022. Now that Pomu and pomudachis are gone it's clear luxiem didn't actually help to grow the girls, otherwise their supas during the anniversary wouldn't be so grim.
Not really, no. He likely sees himself as a talented filmmaker and visionary, despite the abundant evidence to the contrary.
>saved his job
That's not the same as dissolving the branch. Just means the higher-ups would have gotten rid of him and hired someone else. Which, in hindsight, might have been the preferred outcome, considering how badly 2022 and 2023 turned out for NijiEN.
Nina was the most subbed female talent in NijiEN for some time just from leeching Luxiem. Something she was also harassed for. Selen also got a big boost in subs from collabing with Luxiem. There is also Mika, who basically became EN, who wouldn't have seen any success at all without Luxiem.
lol nice fanfiction nijitranny
sister never watch or spend money anon
If luxiem saved the branch then they are also the ones that lead to its complete demise.
Vox also worked hard to be successful, and being a male vtuber where most of the viewers are male is not easy. Vtubing is still a niche in the west when luxiem debuted, its not like japan with chronoir and korea with isegye.
I almost feel bad for them when I look at these earnings. And we know their asses ain't getting shit from merch sales, if the sales are even still good to begin with.

But I guess they can leave any time...
I'm not going to disagree with that. Vox and Mysta even used their position as top dogs to get themselves girlfriends. Something that we are told unicorns fear might happen to other vtubers.
>Selen also got a big boost in subs from collabing with Luxiem
LOL, LMAO EVEN, in your dream sister?
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>Vox also worked hard to be successful
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He has some serious issues with his ego to the point where it can be seen in his latest outfit. Needing to be that much taller then your genmates is peak mental issues.
Being a female vtuber is easier than being a male vtuber.
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Not in niji, niji is bizarro vtubing where the males have it significantly easier than the girls
Wait, did he get ANOTHER outfit after the homeless samurai?
Nah he has just got an assest over the top of him.
no. that's actually his 3rd model. "homeless samurai" is his 4th.
The thumbnail made me think he was wearing a shrimp kigurumi.
nope it's his 4th you can see the sword in the back
Well I see that the hood is a separate asset, but it looks like he has the face and hair from his "full power" look plus the armor and sword from the samurai outfit
Vox was whoring himself out since his second stream, if not already in his debut. His actions doomed his branch.
taking a closer look, he mixed them up.
Luca had s 3D?
Like a fourth of the runtime is him in a white void.
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uh oh nijitranny melty
I think I missed that specific catalog arc because this is the first time I've heard that story.
sudden graduations starting with yugo put at crack on the happy family image they had. then the grads started talking about discontent within the company and put even more cracks.
I find anything connected to china suspicious. They love to use bots and probably given special treatment on bilibili to artificially boost their popularity and exposure. As soon as the partnership weakened, they left.
vanta had a whole stream telling sisters to fuck off. stop harassing people, stop harassing his collab partners, stop harassing EACH OTHER, stop bringing up random people and chatting away off topic during streams, stop infantilizing him. etc etc. Its the white screen 11min stream he made a few days back
>not including after talk superchats
she still beats 2/4 though
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And then a couple days later nijisisters harassed Rosemi lol
Geez, why did you ask for the hashbrowns then?
Gura gets favoritism too.
Post after party superchats and vod views
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Uh, mintrannies?
>vod views
The final cope
>still less than Pomu's 3D debut
>nijis only get 2% of the profits
Nijitrannies not like this...
A single Luca or Vox stream from a year and a half ago completely mogged her debut. Your point?
>2% meme
Actual retarded
As a fan of both Petra and Rosemi this really saddens me. I remember last year's anniv being fantastic with Rosemi's silly scuffed RPG maker game, tons of viewers, laughs and great vibes, I remember it fondly.
>3D Debut AND Afterparty together
>Still less than Pomu's 3D Debut by itself
Uh, okay?
>Niji vs Niji almost two years ago
Trash bait
Sister... your math reps...
4420 + 5912 = 10,332
10660 = 10,660
lol nijitranny coping hard and still can't stop living in the past rumao
Sister... Your reading reps...
You can't read a reply chain, your IQ = 0
>Noooo don't compare streams from around the same time. Only look at things that fit my faggot agenda
>"heh, luxiem from 2 years ago completely mogs her!"
>"d-don't compare luxiem to her from 2 years ago!"
never have I ever seen sisters so pathetic
keep projecting nijitranny, it's amusing
Yes, only 2% of your DNA is that of a human. 98% is a braindead number monkey
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Why don't you compare them from themselves two years ago? It's because of your tranny agenda. Mint was doing better as Pomu than as an indie
>2% meme
it confirmed by mysta himself. what about your source that its not a meme?
>noomberfagging is fine when Vox is ahead
>Mint was doing better as Pomu than as an indie
Not when she was only getting 2% while in niji kek
>Confirmed by retard too dumb to know he has to pay taxes
My source that's it a meme is the contract saying it's a case by case thing and that Doki perpetually seethes over not getting a shit ton of merch despite them supposedly making no money out of it
>Mint was doing better as Pomu than as an indie
No? She has more viewers now, is making more in donos, and is keeping more of it too. Best of all, she is able to do things that management would always deny her before. Sounds like a win-win-win-win to me.
Mysta isn't the only one that confirmed it. Deron and Kuzuha confirmed it before NijiEN was even a thing,
Pomu also said on stream, while still on niji, the best way to support her is through superchats and buying voice packs
And the contract plus Selen seething over merch proves it's not just 2%
>the contract
When it was leaked, I heard the NDF call it fake. Is it real or not?
Are you genuinely a retard?
Now you're saying the contract is real kek thanks to Sayu leaking it we know it's 2%
It's not merch that she talked about, but rather sponsorships.
>t. projecting nijimonkey
Show where they say two percent in the contract. Also Sayu is a used up slut
why did dramaniggers suddenly bring up 2%? this thread is about superchats which everyone should know is 35%
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The absolute state of NIJISEETHE in this thread
I can hear and feel the melty from your post sis
None of those proved that "it's not just 2%", what were you talking about, sister?
>didnt even denied 2% cut
Grim. this is your strongest soldier nijisis?
Elira said they are all well off so I chose to believe her.
2% is a lot guys. imagine 2% of 100 people. its 2. wow thats a lot
doki said shes not. so i choose to believe her instead someone from black company
Oh the gigolo pornstar days. Yeah no one ain't beating milord baiting stinky ugly but rich chinks
he has quads. beats trips and a pair I think this thread is over. Niji = winning at life
>memoryholing someone from recent wave cant afford food.
keep sucking that cock nijisis
Elira's parents are extremely rich. They own several mansions in Canada and some houses in Japan. Elira lives in one of them with her """brother""" as she calls him on stream.
And Rosemi cannot turn on AC because she wouldn't be able to pay her electricity bills.
holy grim.
please graduate already rosemi
She can always leave Nijisanji and start fresh somewhere else. Vox said it clearly.
>3k supa
reminder that the holizontal talent share was about 12% split on 11-12 members :)
>this cope again
That's 1% per member
Nijisanji EN is making a lot of money in your screenshot. It's not the own you think it is.
You know who isnt?
The Talents
The chinks left
If you are talking superchats, Mint takes 70% at most. If you are talking merch, you don’t know how economics work.
>you don’t know how economics work.
Nice self-own nijinig
Nijisanji keeps bleeding viewers, look at the average ccw for their streamers, even from the bigger names. Spot the shark-teeth on the graphs? Bots.
>muh ccv
Only views matter
Vox is old and busted now, deal with it sister
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>The reason why nijiniggers can only cope with views now
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nijitrannies exposed
Deserve less desu
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whatever's left of their fanbase are nijibeggars
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You can't pay me to watch these losers.
Clinging to the past only makes you look pitiful, Nijisister. Your precious miloadofcrap is done for.
I thought this was already common knowledge

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