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Who else could it be if not them?
Mel isn't a whore like Coco
I give it about 40/60 chances that either Mel or Mint actually wants to join VShojo. Erroring on the "won't join" side.
Though if either of them do, it's a shoo-in that Gunrun would approve.
if mint gets in it won't be by auditions.
Nobody gets in Vshojo by auditions
they're really asking to get clowned on if they really go for those 2 or any of their orbiters.
vshojo is doing auditions, they are asking for applications
it's different
after all that posturing by Zen, it'll look REALLY bad if mint, sushidog, heavenlyfather get picked
Let's be fair though, Anon. If Mint ever even breathed an inkling that she'd join, Gunrun would whip up his team and get that acceptance letter+PR tweet out by the hour. She wouldn't even need to bother with this silly audition crap.
Rica is more of a maybe, but I still don't see it. And I highly doubt that VShojo would use a highly publicized audition with Zen's honor staked on it to hire her. She'd probably get fast-tracked in by Kson just like Nazuna, if she's ever interested.
Nah, Mint's joining Phase Connect, obviously
I know this is a bait thread but I really love /in/ posting sooo…

zen said 3 slots for en side alone is a possiblity. Both rica and mint has not given any signs or intention for applying to vshojo (I think mint would get in if she wanted to applications or not)
so from the confirmed applicants I gathered here are my top 3 vtubers that can make it in on each side
GrimmiVT (/lig/‘s sweetheart also numbers)
Heavenly (vshojo orbiter/simp already collabs with them alot)
Berrycrepe (amazing gremlin/gamer beat elden ring dlc with a dance pad and was told by matara to apply)
-kasii (aka Asmongold’s daughter told tectone she applied also numbers)
-Sushidog (shes locked in for sure one of mouse’s mamas loved by everyone on the minecraft vsj server she blew up in popularity thanks to a michi “blowjob” drink clip, already makes merch for vshojo)
High ping Monaca (2view kson’s superfan and VSJ JP CEO was drunk during kson’s bday event was shouting “monaca for vshojo” has a scuffed gmod like 3d model that she uses)

Special mentions
-Tricky (popular /lig/ tuber but got cancelled due to a recent political yab)
-takahata (dbz abridged team fourstar guy exceptionally talented)
-Sinder (“better silvervale” quite popular huge tits)
-Cottontail (Melody’s good friend popular coomer fits right in with vshojo albeit a but boring)
-Camila (Vshojo orbiter often expressed interest and close with Michi)

Its hard to speculate more on JP applicants because they often dont announce that they are applying and the ones that do are kinda just random 2hus or something
I want to know where this /in/posting originated from because this is nothing like the lists of people /vsj+/ wants to see lol. It reads more like a /lig/ger list with Berry and Grimmi on it.
If I had to guess I'd assume Grimmi, Marimari_en, or other Twitch indies who are in black corpos and want an escape.
Mint is very much self-sustainable currently and has no reason to join a corpo.
>I think mint would get in if she wanted to applications or not
That's the problem with these sorts of threads. Mint wouldn't need something like an audition for vshojo. They know her already.
She just doesn't want to join for reasons that are her own. As far as we know anyway.
It is neither’s list it is my own personal one made from the info based on those who applied
if you want vsj+ list its sushidog, meichan and froggy or something which are all vshojo orbiters on the minecraft server
correct thats why I didnt put her in my list besides being an obvious lock in if she applies because she hasnt said anything about applying in fact I think she prefers being indie right now despite being close with a few vshojo members
actually in her anni stream she made it sound like things are happening and changing. She's working on a new model update (she called it 2.5 rather than 3.0) and it could mean anything at this point. She keeps surprising me with her weird choices.

Like a fucking lego-lite set wtf
mintfag begging vshojo to recruit mint this time
>-Tricky (popular /lig/ tuber but got cancelled due to a recent political yab)
kuro literally got religion yab, froot scamming ppl with that money, so yeah they will definitely hire her KEK
as a fan of her for probably 4 years now you just cant take anything she says as if it's an unchanging truth. she's as unsure of herself as the people speculating in these threads and changes her mind on a whim.
she also has a tendency to hold herself to ridiculous standards regarding giving back to her fans. if she feels like they "want" her to join vshojo she'll do it just to make them happy even if she's unsure herself. that's basically her whole reason for streaming at this point. it's not like she needs the money.
Daily reminder the Geega exists, and somehow was seen as a worthwhile investment
Rica? Kson recently denied it but we never know applications dont end until aug 1
what's wrong with Geega? she's doing fine no?
Her current obsession with GTARP notwithstanding, Geega's doing great.

What's more, she's positively overqualified with a wide range of practical skills to the point that, during her interviews with Gunrun, he wondered out loud if he should sign her as a talent or hire her as staff.
To paraphrase Geega, "you wouldn't want to pay my rates."
One of the first things she did upon joining was put work in behind the scenes to get the talents more organized and coordinated, significantly boosting internal communications.
Mint seems to be doing just fine on her own, I doubt she'd gain anything by joining.
Rica could live off her residual Holo fanbase but she might be too dumb to manage herself. It's been half a year and she doesn't have a model yet. So she could probably use the help but with vshojo it's risky, she could end up isolated due to lack of eigo or led into collabs her fans won't like and it could turn into a disaster like Mike.
the more i hear about her the more i wonder what the fuck she's doing as a vtuber
The situation with Mike was entirely her own fault. She seemingly only joined because she thought it could repair her reputation without actually putting in any effort. If Ricca just did the ASMR she's famous for on Twitch she'd probably be very successful. Doesn't require any eigo.
vtubing is full of women who are extremely overqualified for streaming and just do it for fun. I know at least 3 with very high paying STEM jobs that allow them to dump thousands of dollars on vtubing without getting any returns out of it.
The "2.5" model update is probably just her switching mamas but keeping the same design, because her old mama doesn't do vtuber models anymore.
She started doing it as a hobby, but because she's Geega, she was still putting hours and effort into it equivalent to a job.
Which of course was not sustainable while working her regular fulltime job.
About a year or so before joining VShojo, she had a major surgery which put her out of work for a few months, and she saw that she was able to make vtubing work as a fulltime gig.
So that's what she did.
most likely an ayamy model but itiso could be a thing too.
you are clueless, vshojo is literally nobody and bring no money outside of twitch, specially for JP, which is why mikeneko leave, she make more alone same with rica
There's basically 4 tiers to this. Take it from a /vsj+/ regular.
Tier 1 - 4views who are very close to the group Example: Arielle
Tier 2 - 3views who are very close to the group OR 4views who are kinda close to the group Examples: Meicha and HeavenlyFather for the former, Cottontail and Limes for the latter
Tier 3 - 3views or 4views with very little to no contact with the group. Examples: Grimmi, Chibi
Tier 4 - 2views or lower

As for the JP side there's really only 2 favorites at the moment. Monaca and Sushidog. The former's a big Kson fan and has collabed with her a bunch while having a more physical style of streaming that would be easy for an international audience to watch with subtitles the way they were Nazuna. The latter is another in the small pool of bilingual English and Japanese vtubers. She's also an incredibly good artist. Most of /vsj+/ doesn't think Mint's going to be showing up. Unity is a big thing and a big part of why people like the group, and Mint doesn't seem to care about that since she never went back to the VShojo Minecraft server after her first time
she knows alot of sus things including piloting a plane and is far too serious and normal to be a vtuber I really think shes a plant by the FBI
Retard if they were to get in it wouldn't be through an audition all they would have to do is ask. They clearly stated they are looking for someone outside their circle so it will disqualify mint, rica, sushidog, heavenly and camilla.
chibidoki applied? intresting
iirc mint mentioned she waiting for opportunity.
it doesnt make sense if she join vshoujo since she can get in anytime without audition.
It's been a rrat for a long time that Geega was, at some point in her career, associated with one or more federal agencies.

She's also mentioned knowing how to speak a language that she cannot reveal on-stream.
Which is just an extremely suspicious thing to say that leaves very few possibilities for which language and why it would be secret.
Agree with the tiers, though worth mentioning they're obviously not static. If Chibidoki suddenly started collabing almost every day for the next 2 months she'd easily jump all the way up the list because she'd be a huge name who's close. Would be willing to bet almost anything that Zen's going to secretly be test driving some of the applicants who make it further up the list in collabs so by the time people start getting picked I'd suspect some Tier 3 types will have become Tier 2 and it will no longer be weird for them to join.
They would've joined long before the applications started if they really wanted to join, we already had this discussion hundreds of times.
She also loves hunting and said she killed a bear. And one of the languages she's been open about being able to speak is Korean. At the end of the day it is just a meme though, and it's helped by her being so good at opsec.
she has a fucking pilot's license are you serious most vtubers wouldn't be trusted on a fucking tricycle
This is why vshojo catalog threads disappoint me. It's always recycled old kiwishit or the most retarded bait. We could be forging crazy rrats about Geega.
>Vshojo literally glows
I knew i was right to dodge them
I've seen her pussy
Of course, you know that even Kson and Henya have been preparing to join Vshojo for almost a year before their debut?
Great agency for great talent. This is Vshojo's motto.
In Sushi's case I really give no fucks about nepotism and hope they give her a shot. She's a talent that deserves the potential growth and she meshes well with the current members.
>got accused of being the retirement home for famous retired Vtubers
>hired famous retired Vtubers
Vshojo got the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever
It was hilarious to me when the catalog was rratting about Kson being a shadow mastermind taking over the agency, and then Geega joined and was everything people claimed Kson was, but no bait threads were made about it because Geega was thoroughly ignored by /lig/
>hired famous retired Vtubers
If they auditioned, then they are "active," not "retired," right?
What's the problem with a famous active Vtuber signing with the best Vtuber agency?
Most people /here/ still don't even know who Geega is.
but they still only hire by nepo like allways
>nepo hire
I don't know why holokeks condemn this.
College students go to school not to learn specialized knowledge, but because they want to have connections with companies for job hunting.
You call this nepo hire? Nonsense.
The afternoon is just starting in SEA, the phoneposters are here.
The one thing i've learnt is that most people on the 'log don't watch streams and wait for someone on twitter or reddit to post clips, otherwise we would have so many more interesting bait threads.
I remembered being worried about Michi's talking about being sent death threats by sisters because she was collabing too much with EN females but since it wasn't clipped nobody still knows about it a week later
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>...for orbiters only
Holo out of nowhere lol.
Yeah, SEAs never admit that Vshojo beat Hololive long ago because they can't watch Twitch.
Remember, Vshojo had 2 Ex-Holos. And they will have more in the future.
Michi has had a lot of juicy stories, there's at least 3 bait threads you could do per stream of hers, but sisters don't watch streams so we're safe.
Some of it has been clipped too, but it's "hidden" in a 20min clip which is too long for the average catalog clip watcher.
It's honestly hilarious.
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Like seriously, who do they think got the gamers gen in?
And who put in a good word to get EN started?
Like seriously, there's nepo hiring is only bad if it gets corrupted into a clique--ah.
I don't know who this ESL post is trying to bait.
And then you woke up
it's fine when hololive does it
/in/ posting thread?
Mint and Rica would be invites, they wouldn't need to apply.
Of the people left the 3 that make sense as /in/'s who applied are:
>ligger pick: Grimmi
>high 3view pick: YUY_IX
>mid-low 3view pick: Sansin
If RaggyChiffon had applied, she would have been my 2view and lower pick because her concept and design are amazing, she's a singer + animator (which would be a great niche to fill) and Doki/Zen/Mouse all seem to really like her which is the biggest endorsement you can get in the vtuber space
I don’t honestly know, from what I know Gamers have two of the members who have collabed the most with everyone in Hololive and outside it, so calling them a small clique would be stupid. And as for VShojo, that still isn’t a clique by scouting talents with connections to the group, as they do not share clique like behavior by separating and acting negligent to those who aren’t part of the group, part of the reason why people spam “NEPO NEPO NEPO” is because they basically interact with other people in the space, enough to get the agency behind them interested. People have been really damaged by the perception of that word, the whole debacle about the original accusation of a clique, came from Niji, which makes sense, people called a clique the small formation of certain individuals within NijiEN who acted like a group and would be neglectful to one talent in the form of bullying. If we started acting like small corpos, small teams of people are cliques and others in the Vtuber Space, everything would small cliques.
it's pretty baffling that people still spout that nonsense.
Kuro's religion "yab" was a literal nothingburger where he just made a tone-deaf joke with no ill intent and even apologized for it.
Froot never took money and ran so calling it a scam is just disingenuous.
there even an actual new streamer that debutted in vshoujo
oh no
But Zen told me it will be a 2view that they're gunning to bring to the top
He wouldn't lie would he?
Evening now, they're coming back home.
>indies who are in black corpos
He means Sayu. Just say Sayu
>vhoejo lying
anon idk what to tell you
>Kuro's religion "yab" was a literal nothingburger
idk anon, kuro disagree with you, not me, he literally going full naked dogeza for it
>Froot never took money
go ask her yourself, prepare for ban tho
Mari VShojo is so wild man
She spent the last 3 years getting doxxed and harassed by trannies for joining the "wrong" company. I don't think she wants to go through it again.
She probably won't join but Rica may need it more than she realizes, down to 2 Finanas lately, even her ASMRs struggle to crack 1k anymore
Rica has her core base but she definitely could use the boost that a more general VShojo fanbase would bring in new and fresh eyes. Its probably not a good time right now for her to join but she could be a great fit once a JP branch is more firmly established and by then she may be needing the help
>-Tricky (popular /lig/ tuber but got cancelled due to a recent political yab)
No one talks about tricky, they only """care""" about her because slut outfit and big tits.

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