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Previous Thread >>81592631

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel
>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template
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Yesterdays frame was up a little after 3am EST, and that was a unique case.
There will be no ARK stream, pack it up boys.
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Mococo farts.
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I can't sleep
Where are they?
actually i went back and checked, they actually posted it at 230am EST, so I can't see them adding another stream with so little notice
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Meetings, recordings, practice, etc. They're VERY busy right now, so we wont hear from them until probably 8amPT for their goodnight tweet
I spent an hour very comfy with my eyes closed and nothing going on in my head, it isn't happening
>No post-stream tweet
What happened?
Post-collab orgies
I fell asleep before Mococo's sudden death. Holy shit she's so cute. I don't think anyone could not melt in the palm of her fuzzy hand.
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the desire to protect and pamper exponentially increases when either one of them is alone. absolutely melts my heart
really no stream until the endurance? i guess they won't be joining ARK this time since the server is wrapping up
>I don't think anyone could not melt in the palm of her fuzzy hand.
The world was made to be dominated by cuteness, and her's exceeds the heathy dose limit
Advent is just too busy to join atm. It's a shame, both FWMC and Biboo wanted to play with their senpai
she would have spelt codependency correctly too if everyone wasn't laughing at her
Its not looking like it, unless theyre actually gonna do their first ever true guerilla with only under 3 hours of notice
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Mococo was having flashbacks back from middle school when she had to get up in front of the class during spelling bees....
FWMC was definitely in the special class talking to themselves about anime in a corner
It's an endurance because Nintendo only gave them permissions for a single day.
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gn ruffians
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Good night anon! Be sure to get plenty of rest. We got the endurance later!
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Through the fluff and the flames
Fuwawa's tits are so fat…
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I'm gonna bau bau.. Hoeh..
and they're made to feed me milkies...
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>that humble chest
>that ass peek
Uab Uab
Bau Bau Boosting
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funny I tried asking about commissioning artwork but I never heard back from them and here they go and release some FUWAMOCO artwork
Sex with fluffy but you can NEVER have sex with fuzzy
Sex with fuzzy but you can NEVER have sex with fluffy
You can only pick one, what is your choice?
bau bau
Bau bau~
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Fuzzy in an instant. She's my beloved princess.
I choose none
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I choose fuwawa, and this guys mocochan
Sex with fluffy, anal with fuzzy
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>purityschizo adding art to ritual tweets instead of #FWMCPIX now
he's really getting desperate
I guess we really aren't getting a bonus stream before the endurance
I think Ame really like them, but I kind of got the impression that Gura doesn't like them very much and that made me a little sad.
They should replace the Holostars with shotas and femboys for the women
They should have sex with Holostars and keep it a secret from us, I think that would be very hot
You really need to get your brain worked out
They should play HoloARK off stream without telling us and we'll find it out in Peko's recap tomorrow
Uncomfy posts, please leave.
I can no longer get erect to anything but NTR porn...
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Slept most of the day away, now I feel like I'm going to be tired during the endurance instead of awake like I normally am
>wake up
>still no ark frame
baused, kys arksharts
back to bed
I just hope he keeps it to being menhera online because he is one I worry about for doing something worse. It is scary and I hope he is just larping as living in Japan now because he's started saying deranged shit implying he's there. makes me sick
it's too poor and schizophrenic to move to and live Japan, thankfully. Now unless it somehow weaseled its way into a group of ruffians planning a Japan trip, then that's a scary thought.
no one is going to travel with them that'd no concern. I just pray each nighr FUWAMOCO stay safe from these freaks
Pray to which god?
The one FUWAMOCO pray to.
They pray to the Shinto gods. So which one are you praying to?
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Ame-no-Uzume. She protected the Sun Goddess Amaterasu's smile by dancing lewdly.
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ehehehe~ sorry wuffian, we just had natto
sorry? don’t apologize. shit in my mouth next time please
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Imagine if they make her shirt a bit loose on her 3D and we get glimpses of the underboob when she jumps or moves too much
the endurance stream will be postponed
damn Himehina is pretty good. is this what the fwmc 3d live will look like.
please cancel the endurance stream and play ark tomorrow instead
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Get fucked ARKfags. I told you they wouldn't do the ARK stream today.
hope you ARK shock collar dogs get your leash caught in a tall branch
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Why do they keep disrespecting their senpai? Is this why no one likes them?
I love Mococo's cute little hills
ark is shit
I need to breed this sexy puppy her body is crying out for it. fuzzy week when?
Kill all beggers
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Get fucked, ARKfag! Your suffering brings me joy.
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But Fuwawa is begging for my cum
That implies she wouldn't just take it anyway
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This temptress...
I refuse to believe Arkfag is real, because there's no way anyone could actually like that shit game
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she wants to first give the illusion qe have a choice. Of course she'll take anything we hold back and drain us dry afterwords. She's a hungry hungry puppy
I haven't watched a single Ark stream and I wasn't planning on starting even if FWMC decided to stream it
This is an edited image. Mococo never actually became a Burger King.
oh to be inside that gateway to pure pleasure. her fluff must feel so fucking good
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if I paint and make that garage kif and post pictures with one being a tribute hidden by the twitter crop would they like it?
I will clean it up after and post another Pic to prove I take good care of it.
Both belong to me
Mococo's pantsu seems smaller. Are their uh..flowers...different sizes? I thought they were identical twins.
I'll go one more for fluffy and fuzzy before the lord's day
She doesn't like the texture
why do I always think it's ok to try to talk to femruffians? I need to stop and stick to masturbatinf only to the fantasies and pix
It's okay to talk to me!
Fluffy and fuzzy sex!
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stop lying to him femruffian you won't even respond to my DMs
Try being less creepy!
All I've done is send cute FUWAMOCO reaction images why do you hate them and me?
it's not fair my approach wasn't any more creepy than the other guys you have responded to i would imagine give me another chance you're beautiful
I just want a friend to talk with in DMs but everyone hates me and I don't know what I did to deserve it. I feel invisible
How're you retards still falling for thr honeypot even after it's been revealed?
I still have no idea why a "moderator" put me on time out, I'm trying to behave but I apologize anyway...
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Now those are some good tails. Icomochi-mama knows best, learn from her you hack fan artists.
Fuwawa's tail is a lot thicker in these and Mococo's not as round so I don't like them compared to their original art tails
so fuwawa spelled refrigerator wrong on purpose to keep the same point a mococo right?
and she was super glad to figure out she could do the gator thing and make it content
Arkfags were so confident they were going to add a stream, what happened?
>so fuwawa spelled refrigerator wrong on purpose to keep the same point a mococo right?
Yes. This wasn't the first time Fuwawa's done something like this for Mococo.
bau bau
>small ass and skinny legs
Hah, get fucked. big asses and thick thighs aren't canon
Oh no no no no Mocobutt enjoyers what the fuck??? But the VN's CGs were supposed to override what Mama designed on the sheets herself...
Don't think I would have any use for this, but it's really cute, think I'll get one.
Is anyone watching this Himehina Live? I've never watched them before yet even I'm getting teary-eyed
Mococo is has less ass than even Biboo's model. I thought mama was supposed to fix this? She's going to look like a man in her 3D model at this rate
Fuwawa's tail too big
I only know they’re OGs so I’m sure there’s lots of built up feelings over the years. Is this their first live?
It'll be a real shame if they don't make them a bit thicker in 3D. Doesn't have to be massive, just a bit more meat, would look better when they're dancing, their original designs are too skinny from the waist down. More thigh than ass, really, is what they need.
>fluffy tail too big
>fluffy thighs and floofies too small
>fuzzy anything nonexistent, no buffs
ICOMOCHI-mama what are you doing....
It's a re-broadcast of their 2nd Live from 2023. The emotional part was during the "credits" when the crowd was singing along to the instrumental of one of their most famous orison. I kept imagining a similar scene with FuwaMoco.
well hopefully they have at least one orisong to sing together before they graduate...
Just tuned in and holy shit they're good
I've always really liked their music like HITOGATA, but this live is amazing
I just... to ICOMOCHI-mama's delicate hand...
that's a man
I just... to the Korean alphabet...
even better. I just want to see what those fingers can do beyond drawing beautiful hags
No fucking way
I want to edge Mococo's cute little penis
Ueh I can’t go back to sleep, how are you doing Ruffians?
why aren't they replaying all past karaokes like ERB is? It's an easy no effort sub boost and they have so many rock n rawrs to replay. Why the fuck are they so bad at this?
Idiots, the caption says she was sent that video and given permission to post it.
I can't read Japanese
Well thankfully for your EOP ass MTLs exist.
Numberfag. Complains. Don't numberfag. Complains.
Replaying kino karaokes when you aren't going to be streaming anyways is something literally no one would be against except apparently FUWAMOCO because they're retards that would force themselves to be in the stream live the entire time like they did the last rebroadcast
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You've been cursed to take on the physical appearance of Fuwawa Abyssgard. Have a good day.
Thankfully FWMC haven't done JP streams recently
if I woke up up as Fuwawa, the first thing I would do is rape Mococo.
SMW will be japanese
>4 hours of EN
>switch to 8 hours of JP for the ending
>stay and chat a little bit longer
I just shit my diaper and it stinks
where is my #FUWAMOCO like? girls I am being nice and you are ignoring. me. silly puppies
give it up they still haven't even give me a like for my birthday merch
what is the point of using the hashtag if they don't even see or appreciate it?
No matter how much i support them they wont acknowledge me is it that hard to just give one fucking like At this point i might as well just anti them it makes no fucking difference they don't even care
Do you REALLY believe things will go back to normal come September?
what causes grown men to throw tantrums over social media
Not a chance. Nerissa and Shiori have said their Japan calendar is swamped until the last week in September.
Ah, something's still missing.
I've stolen this much but I'm not satisfied in the slightest.
I can't be satisfied just with superficial words.
I want to learn of love. Just likes isn't enough.
I want to learn of something so beautiful it'll sate my jealousy.

Ah, it's still not enough. Nothing's enough.
I'm not satisfied at all.
I won't be able to live alone if this goes on.
I want to learn more. I want to learn of love
And of something so beautiful it'll sate my heart.

It's still not enough. It's still not enough.
It's still not enough. It's still not enough.
It's still not enough. I'm not enough.
I don't know what's always been missing.
It's still not enough.
No enough.
and if they're going to be busy then it's actually fucking over for us, ruffians. there is no hope.
Ruffians are the worst fanbase.
>thread is fine
>suddenly every loop starts at the same time
two bullets would solve all of this thread's problems.
Selling flower is jargon for prostitution. It functions here as a metaphor for "love words being sold like products."
Don't you think it's sad? It's more silly than real prostitution. To stay alive, we throw away our pride, choose themes to appeal to the masses, and put together hit tweets. Create beautifully verbalized and easy-to-understand works. In this way, I sell myself to you in the form of tweet.
I call it selling flower.
Who is going to get the good night RT this time?
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I forgot how beautiful the drum solo parts is, goddamn
We just have to get used to only having their attention and love for a few months a year. If this holiday season is less packed than last year it's fucking over though and I'm moving on.
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I think it's about time the Hungarian was in the spotlight again.
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No, but honestly I don't mind if it continues like this since it lets me juggle them and my JP oshi better
My best hope at this point is that at least they're not killing themselves as much and get to rest more starting september
they hate us
>won the auction for figs
>the invoice listed the original really cheap starting price instead of the full price
fuck, I hope it won't trip my customs
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The loops are so boring. kek.
Customs is the fucking worst mang
Mine got on hold for like, 3 weeks for no fucking reason at all
>buy 4 loli doujin, get pass normally
>buy 4 advent metal keychain, on hold for weeks
I've long gave up on what triggers them at all
It's a fucking crapshoot
he hasn't been mean to them lately I think they forgot about him for new menheras
When was the last time you felt like they genuinely showed you love?
And I didnt have to pay for it? Probably RTing a clip of mine.
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Once a few months ago, to the point that I think it was a bit excessive. But I was still grateful.
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karaoke when
They're always greatful for me, the Ruffian. As an individual, I hold next to zero space in their brain because while I do watch every stream either VoD or live, I only chat occasionally, rarely leave a comment, don't spam their name or hashtags (or post much at all) on twitter, don't buy every piece of merch to post on twitter, and don't throw SC at them like have have a million dollars fun money.
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How many eggs do you think Fuwawa could fit into Mococo's butt?
Look who's talking Fuwawa, shut your mouth.
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megaanon pls
Macoco too big
Also 1 letter away from macaco
coom-brained retard. do you use hentai artists as your reference for FuwaMoco anatomy.
Advent watchalong onegai
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I use marshmallow mania which should be their base model moving forwards. not this rail thin whore look
is the spelling bee worth watching
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I love them so much, bros.
The first half is good for FuwaMoco. The second half they sit in quiet while everyone else jokes and messes around.
Watch until the sudden death, skip the sudden death, listening to them all talking while the results are being counted if you want, and watch the awards at the end
>I use [shit that wasn’t drawn by Icomochi and should be denounced as noncanon garbage]
>b-but fuwamoco approved i-
Doesn’t matter. Not drawn by their mama. Cope.
Good advice.
FWMC were great in that collab, they were really cute.
Search for timestamps in the comments and watch Fuwawa's and Mococo's parts of the collab if you don't want to watch all of it.
Yes. Their brains were extra fluffy and fuzzy.
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so much for streams being added, another kino multiplayer server they missed out on
I don’t see any big ass on that. Continue coping, though. KEKAROO!
This is what you’re stuck with, tranny: >>81617323

Stick thighs which are consistent with the model shit. K to the E to the K and don’t forget the ROOOOOOOOOOO. You lost.
admirable but foolish in the end. if there was a zombie outbreak scenario, would Fuwawa sacrifice herself so Mococo could escape? utterly ridiculous.
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>K to the E to the K and don’t forget the ROOOOOOOOOOO. You lost
You are the # tranny, so I'll just ignore you from now on.
Mococo is SEXY and she has a big ass!
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What is that...thing
you can't even iron clothes on her canon model because it's too fucking boney
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I love Mococo's ass.
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