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WAO! The brains of HoloX!

Previous: >>81448096



>Original songs
WAO! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mt5SB2igQUM [Embed]
Otome yo motomeyo QED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvmDTbmal64 [Embed]
Egoistic seesaw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIK13uH30gg [Embed]
Shijyo Saidai no QUESTION! https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=4MHgF1_jya4 [Embed]
Unbalance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLCs_rT8iKI [Embed]
!!!DreamCooking!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpAa5ZytTQc [Embed]
Tear Gazer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QIQk3StRmc [Embed]
New Journey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q30q9XR6DRA [Embed]

Solos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCxKJRIVDrYHVk6OfBsuGwIujL63ooOQV
Collabs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCxKJRIVDrYFg33j7wh8HIDXD2TLQu_1C


>Earblessings, Sneezes, Treats and everything that bloated the OP

>Generals containing Koyo

>Mayo Rules
Always end with Koyo.
Always end /holox/ with Koyo.
Always end /joshu/ with Koyo and Joshu.
Joshus may process data of all Koyos without restriction (/mayo/ ended with Koyo)
Fresh chus and mayo for all good Joshus (/holox/ ended with Koyo)
Don't break the rules! Don't delete the rules! Accept your punishment! Be good Joshus! Spread Koyoyo! Make Koyo proud!
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Don't worry I make that mistake too sometimes
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I'm glad that you read the OP. It's important!
I always skip the rules actually.
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Read the rules! Don’t endanger the lab!
There's only ever the danger of impregnation because I always end in Koyo
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Pregnant Joshu!
>koyo gasps your balls and honks your nose
>Always end /joshu/ with Koyo and Joshu.
The madman finally gone and did it.
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What are your thoughts on this pretty lady?
I'm Polka?
I want to have a harem with Koyo and her.
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Spreading my mayo on Koyo's feet!
please no i cant get erect this early in the morning
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I really do apologise for the all-caps, guys. But I had to do it because such a great moment has happened and while I don't like Ark, Koyo does and I'm sure she'll be even more happy that she'll be able to play with her friends, ya know?
...Also, I do like seeing her unique coloured bird that she flies on. Much better than what Kanata has (who I watched some of yesterday due to curiosity).
Also yes I 'am' watching the stream as well. Like, my tablet is in full-screen (so I don't glance at the chat since it distracts me) and I AM looking over at the screen from time to time (because most of my time is sorting out my tabs on my CB). But I'm also watching the stream mostly because I've missed hearing her voice so much that I 'crave' it.
Not her laugh though. Never been a fan of that.
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>Not her laugh though. Never been a fan of that.
How does one make such a homosexual comment? Koyo laughs are pure sex especially when she's being really smug
It kinda (to me that is) feels forced. Like, she doesn't NEED to laugh but when she does, it feels as though she needs to get it out of her system instead of letting it come out naturally.
...I don't even know if I've heard her outright 'giggle' or laugh genuinely, ya know?
Her laugh generally sounds legit because you can tell her real voice sort of slips through it.
I guess I just cannot see it and would need to 'obsessively' watch Koyori nonstop in order to pick up her unique quirks that all you guys can do easily.
At least you were sensible and mature in your reply and didn't fly off the handle with me. I respect that and I REALLY am sorry if I sounded like I insulted Koyori. I can be like, REALLY blunt and straightforward when I'm talking about things.
I can't wait to see her playing Live-A-Live I bet she'll enjoy that game.
Its weird how its so easy to tell if Fubuki is in the voice chat due to how she speaks / laughs.
>Page 9
>Always end /joshu/ with Koyo and Joshu.
Ignoring this rule. Will always end in joshu
noesu my beloved!
koyo is so cute with miko
>oshiri kawaii
yeah mine!
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Slut Joshu!

8s in if you want "genuine" laughter; its a mix of suprise and joy. Lots of people, especially in face careers, have some varied laughters or other acknowledgment noises to pad out periods of dead air. Koyo does have a "stock laugh" but she also has that laugh when something funny or interesting happens too. I dont have your issue fortunately, I love koyo's laughs too much
Okay, THAT laughter in 8's in is a laugh I can get down with. Am I silly to think that laughter was going to last much longer or something?
>"stock laugh"
...Could THAT be the laughter that I don't like that she uses that she let's out from time to time? Because if so then I'll need to apologise because 'stock laugh' is something that completely slipped my mind and I never thought about that at all.
i love koyos dorky koyote laugh!
koyo having fun riding me!
koyo didn't make it in time...
koyo always late...
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Why do I feel like marrying Koyo so much? Like just breed and take care of her
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You're not watching the lab
I am though. I just don't reply because the second I'm about to, someone else replies thus making me have to cancel what I was going to type to bring the labs back to the front page.

...And I like, wait until page 8.

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