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i dont care about le unicorn wars. i watch all holos, females and males. so im not biased when i say that this was fucking painful to watch. even as a fan of herbal tea, even i knew this stream fucking sucked. if you thought she had no chemistry with justice, she has even less with these guys.
she's not good solo, she's not good in collabs except with gigi, so im taking this as a sign to just stop watching her now. ill stick to robopussy i guess
The only way to save Holostars is to make it a mixed branch
Luca 3D flop
If she’s having fun I don’t really care which homo she collabs with
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Oh no a real criticism about the stream content itself! I'll call you a parasocial groomer unicorn for choosing not to watch Holostars regardless.
>Fan of herbal tea
No wonder you hate erb
She's a 45 year old woman who can't understand social cues, please be patient.
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Wait a minute, why does management think talents need to promote Holostars to begin with or require the girls audience to support them. This can get out of hand very fast like 2022 all over again.
Kek the unicorns on the subreddit are so easily worked
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Merge it with StarsJP
Then abolish StarsJP
>erb is just a hag lusting over young men
i see things clearly now
So we don't do that and instead we realise that holostars is a deadweight on an idol company that has become well known for it's female, and not male, talents, and then we graduate stars for their own good.
(op) i think this stream is just further proof the branches should stay separated forever. send the stars to the indies and small corpos. they thrive better there.
where, retard homosister, did i write anything bad about the boys? im solely shitting on hurb for having poor chemistry with them.
The boys must prostrate themselves and help the girls since they owe everything to them.
biggest fucking lie i've ever read. she didn't respond at all to anyone's jokes and when she did, it was incredibly poorly. unironically, mococo plays a better straight man than she does.
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ppl enjoy ERBs random autistic noises?!?
Thank you very much for your honest opinion anon. I was hoping to see some honest opinions from people that truly watch’s the homos. I hope we see more honest opinions.
Calm down anon omega is long gone.
Just turn them into vtweeters, I bet that makes more of a profit.
ok sister
You must have been watching the wrong stream as once they got going their chemistry was almost as good as HoloSALT.
>except with gigi
Gigi is good with everyone anon. She is a potential collab partner
Raora deflection thread
the comedic timing at some moments was so good like it was rehearsed
It was great, hilarious even.
why did you think she spamming rebroadcast of her own unarchived karaoke
outside singing and vocal control everything else is subpar
> we
> Still believing in subsidy rrat
Subhuman, begone.
>"I'm a totally bon biased omniwatcher!"
>No capitals
Show me your Holostars memberships, OP
I dunno Totally Genuine Anon. I found that she had good chemistry. The part where she and Flayon got into a mock argument, and then Flayon switched to trauma dumping, leading to Liz fleeing for help-
"Bettel senpaiiii! He's trauma dumping on me!"
"Oh God, already?!"

She had good interactions and comedic instincts, which is what you need to make Content Warning fun to watch. Sorry you didn't enjoy it I guess.
i only caught the ending thirty minutes are so and it felt like they were talking around each other
i did also forget or not pay attention to it being content warning and was a bit put off though
I still don't see Flayon's voice coming through (or from) his model. It just feels weird.
ERB did fine
Bettel and Ruze had some fun slapstick moments. Ruze shooting the stabby ghost was memorable.
Now if only all of their content could be like that.
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That woudl end it
>its just like SALT guys
>has 15k less viewership than it
shes like Sana with feeling sort of odd in collabs, but even worse because at least Sana was energetic and fun at times.
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I kept wondering how the fuck someone who's this bad at streaming got hired by cover. Then stumbled upon this clip and everything clicked. It's Mori's fault.
It's always Mori's fault. Every. Fucking. Time.
>OP is an incel
he thinks he's slick pretending to be neutral
>yass queen slay
do holosimps really
ur just mad that holostars fucking your oshi lemao seethe unichuddie
Bloody hell.

I'm not even a unicorn. I just don't like normies, is all.
god damn...
mori continues to be the biggest mistake in the history of hololive
im certainly not going to give her a chance anymore
What chance did you give exactly?
Sacrificial whores
>Mix Stars with the Homobeggars (Mori, Kronii, Bae, Ollie, Nerissa, ERB)
>Segregate those girls from ever interacting with the rest of the Holomems
>Introduce a new girl for each gen to fill in the gap
There, I fixed it to make everyone happy.

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