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>joins EN
>thinks the JPs are superior and would rather spend time with them instead
JP enjoys ARK. She's correct.
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Sorry wrong image
how is she wrong?
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You're really trying to force another Kiara
Fuwamoco never claimed to really want to play a game which they put on their schedule for the following day, played with the JPs the day before and thought 'you know what, fuck that scheduled stream tomorrow that we've been hyping up to our fans, lets hang out with the JPs again instead and postpone that scheduled stream'.
This flood of low quality bait brought to you by luca's 3d stream flopping
Did you remake this thread because you didn't get enough replies last time?
there aren't enough people that give a shit about luca's 3d to flood the board.
>knows the JPs are superior
what's her nihongo level
Wrong. Her oshi is EN and she joined EN not JP. It's clear that she knows EN is superior.
Which game? I don't follow schedules.
All the good ENs have some degree of genuine admiration towards JPs
>think the JPs are superior
Apart from Advent, she's correct
Ark fucking sucks cock
Go kill yourself, keep my wife out of your shitty bait threads. Fucking Jannies jacking off and eating hot pockets rather than cleaning it up again.
(She still spends more time with HoloEN than erb)
>JPs are superior
Hey she's not wrong also IWNBJ
After ARK day 1 raora asked chat if she could play ARK day 2 instead of scheduled part 2 of holocure
Very bad, although she recently said she wants to start doing her reps again and yesterday's experience meeting some of the biggest JPs made her realize she's really missing out. One thing she has going for her is although she's shy, she still has enough balls to approach them and introduce herself, then she runs away afterwards freaking out and crying.
She really wants to kill her career this fast?
>playing debuffslop and interacting with the inferior branch
She's just exposing her whore ways
Doesn't matter when he's right
Justice is a 2 person gen after all, grim
And Pekoslip didn't beat Ame, Last Samurai
How is Ark even remotely good content? You could get the exact same level of entertainment from a zatsudan collab. It's just girls running around doing nothing for 95% of the series and talking while dropping each other items and taking away the only semblance of gameplay there is.
Bizarro /vt/
>forgetting Gura and Fauna
ARK is the biggest debuff possible
And it's boring as fuck
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea? Especially when Niji GTA was unadulterated kino and great numbers males not withstanding?
You only seethe because I'm right. I actually liked Raora and was clearly watching her stream to know about the sudden schedule change, and that's when she showed her true colors. She's only doing it because she got relatively good numbers and wants to leech JPs because she lives in Japan. She also has a major praise kink and basically came when AZKi and Suisei praised her illustration skills. Imagine if a new JP dropped a stream she had scheduled to play with ENs in minecraft. How do you think her JP fans would feel if they knew she could barely speak english anyway so it's pointless?
Gigi has replaced Enna & Millie they don't even exist anymore it's funny.
>Imagine if a new JP dropped a stream she had scheduled to play with ENs in minecraft. How do you think her JP fans would feel if they knew she could barely speak english anyway so it's pointless?
This has happened before and JPs tend to like stuff like that.
Doesn't mean that's OK
Raora sold out, you're coping
>Raora dropping scheduled streams to play Ark with inferior branch
AIEEEEE she is cucking us EN fans AIEEE
>dropped holocure
ah… nevermind based
As a fellow raora fan, i also abhor this kind of content and would hate to have more streams of my big pink catwife orgasming to lesbian praise on livestream.
You really need to learn how to be subtle.
I accept your concession
I'll just watch GG and CC incline while Raora further kills her career
Doesn't matter, the point is I used to watch her streams and she repeatedly made a point of really wanting to play it, so to drop something you've hyped up just because of ephemeral numbers is a shitty attitude to have. It's not like JPs will suddenly start flocking to her because unlike Kiara, IRyS or Fuwamoco, she can't even speak Japanese?! You could make the argument she's doing it just as an opportunity to socialize with the JPs, but she'll have PLENTY of opportunities to chat with them and she LIVES IN JAPAN. Raora fucked up and I couldn't believe her fans enabled it when she asked them. Cockless AYOfags.
>he's still going
She's in the EN branch, she should stream EN content for EN fans. It's fucking simple but no, she needs to kill her potential faster than the dogs did at a speeding light.
Fuck off, you're the minority. I wanted Raora to grow Hololive in my continent, now she's selling herself out for a dying language, country, and fanbase. She killed her potential and now she'll regret it after she falls to GG in growth.
Are you guys kidding me? This is exactly like the FWMC ASMR “virginity” thing, even that is more understandable. Raora just like the opportunity to talk to her senpais, and this event is a rare occassion for that.
>everything I don't like is bait
She has countless ways to interact with her irrelevant coworkers
This is not one of them that facilitates growth in a period where she should be focused on growing for herself and not for others
Cucktini won't understand it
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>fag triggered by ONE ark stream
Enjoy your 3K-4K streams Cucktini
So that's it, Raora wants to be a runt like ERB? What a terrible gen kek, CC is really a one talent show.
Nina Saotome's spot was wasted for this
ahhhh… a number monkey this makes more sense now
Most influential thread
>Gigi also said Ina was her oshi
Why was Ina so influential?
She's right. You'd think so too if you weren't incapable of learning a language.
as long as she doesn't start doing jp only or using jp on regular streams I don't give a fuck
>enjoy your top 0.00001% stream!
At least GG wants to beak free from being a boring stuck up whore and become something better than Ina
Raora showing her true colors was unsurprising from the getgo. Shondo please fucking save HoloEN
>single schizo sperging out over nothing
why are there so many of these 'people' on this board?
just circle-jerking each other reviewing graph shapes ain’t influecing shit anon. Neal is culling so it’s also boring season
>single schizo
I speak for the silent majority. Raora sold out and killed any fucking potential at growth by leeching the inferior branch.
>wanting to play more on a time limited company wide server instead of a game that she could play at literally any time
>this is bad somehow
holyshit, this post is full of pinoy monkey. go watch your dino shitter.
I'm Dutch and fuck homo kankers
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But you said Fuwamoco the first time
those two barely stream anymore kek
Let me correct you
>Joins EN
>Happy to meet her senpais in a time limited event and asked her fans if she can do more of this time limited event instead of playing a game that she can play at anytime
Chat agrees and we’re all happy
>speaks 90% EN all the time in her stream
>barely even knows JP
>plays ARK but completely solo except of meeting somebody

try again anon
Been to every open invite EN collab, even when she had to wake up early. Your shitpost doesn't even make sense.
>RR just said on stream that she knows this is a crucial time for her to network and she will join events / collabs even if she doesn’t have the skill / language / knowledge for it
You must respect the mindset. There are too many “I’m shy” girls in Holo
>3k-4k streams
sounds like more than those on the nijiEN already so i take that as win
Time to support her even harder now if you want her in EN5
Her Holo oshi is EN. She hasn't missed a single big EN collab. Talk about grasping at straws, sister. Creativity is really running low these days huh?
you expect an artist to do something else like playing competitive games and gets completely rekted at every match?
go back to the medicore gamer streamers you watch
She's the most /here/ member of Justice you retard. She was addressing the complaints. Nowhere else has anyone said anything negative about her joining Ark with the JPs because you're not allowed to have an opinion and even here you get shat on for it because her fans are touchy enablers.
finally a single open minded person in this board
exactly the propose of big event like this
>her fans are touchy enablers
That's every vtuber fan base. Name one that doesn't fit that.
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we love enabling our cute wives…
And they uphold CGDCT more than almost all of Hololive outside Advent and CCGG
That's just a cope. Her intentions are now known and she's a shameless leech. Can't believe I thought she'd be proper CGDCT
Oli too. Why are Barbies better at CGDCT than Hololive?
Is Ririka a shameless leech for pandering to the EN fans too? Or is it ok when JP does it
You don't even know the meaning of this word, fuck off
>EN actually gets someone who gets involved in big arcs
>Shit on them because you're an ENfag tourist
Sad! Many such cases
I want CGDCT you faggot
Chumbuds, Saplings, Pebbles, and Otomos all seem to get it. Ubermensch.
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>OP thinks its opinion matters.

Silly op, anti's opinions don't matter.
Ririka is part of a worthless branch and she's a homocollaber. Fuck her too.
Yes. Stream kino content for fans and don't be a whore. It's that simple.
>Nowhere else has anyone said anything negative about her joining Ark with the JPs
...Why would you? I like seeing EN interact with JP and so does anyone else who likes Hololive and isn't some tourist who wants it vshojofied
You didn't answer the question
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I like how I can tell these threads are made by a cuck I mindbroke in /#/ with Holo JPs superiority.
CGDCT stands for Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, she is a cute girl interacting with other cute girls, the interactions are cute therefore she is doing cute things.
shitposting subhuman. kill yourself
Even VShojo fans wouldn't be upset about this, they were sad that Nazuna never interacted with anyone else beside Kson
don’t try explaining it to these fags, they’ll just spam whore cause all of them are retarded.
There is no question you asked. Whores, leeches, and homocollabers are not Hololive.
Hi Nakiricuck, enjoying eceleb cock?
She's interacting with homocollabing whores like Ririka. Not Hololive. Not cute girls.
They were also shitting on nazuna for not just learning English
Chattini are so touchy lmao. Say anything about her and they flood the thread instantly.
Hey, shut up and keep sending that condom money to Merry's onahole. lol.
It's homobeggars who are doing a really bad job pretending to be unicorns
Based Based Based
Lol you called it
Means no males. No exceptions.
>CGDCT forma Hololive
Males are ok. Homos, e-celebs, sex pests, all are welcome. Don't like it, don't watch.
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I don't need to pretend. Whores, regardless of who they are, are not Holoive.
>no males
Where are the males in Raora's stream fag?
It's as simple as that.
People wonder why Hololive has fallen off when only 5 talents or so understand what CGDCT really is.
You give the game away that you're a LARPer because you're dumping on Raora but not Fauna
So she is a numberfag is true? I don't watch her though
Stop comparing fwmc with this whore
Just report and move on Chattini. Don’t engage with these LARPers
It means 'cute girls doing cute things' sister.

They're idols, idols are expected to sometimes interact with males in a professional environment at a studio or on a tv segment.

Actual unicorns understand this, and are fine with it, so long as its not a one on one, or off colab, then they get bitchy,maybe rightfully so.

Of course that's too logical so sisters need to make unicorns look as insane as possible and misandrist as possible and push the; 'no males at all or we go into retard shitting rage mode' type unicorns for their bait farming.
Nothing reportable. This thread sucks but don't be a faggot
>How new?
Most of /here/ people are holobros
Fauna is THE CGDCT talent in Hololive. Know your place, beggar
>boring stuck up whore
My god you need serious help
>Shondo please fucking save HoloEN
KEK, Shondo will never join a corpo
FYI, Raora is currently going on an adventure with the only EN member on the server right now
>It means 'cute girls doing cute things'
Yes, not cute girls doing cute things with males.
>They're idols
They're not. They are alcoholics, lazy slobs, unhygienic, vulgar, narcissistic gold diggers. And they often play with males in a casual setting. Very few of them behave like actual idols.

Being an idol has completely lost its meaning because of Hololive.
>Yes, not cute girls doing cute things with males
Again, where are the males on Raora's stream fag?
You didn't refute any of my points sister.

You also now sound like a seething 1 view.
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Dangerously based. I dropped nuHoloslop for PixelLink a month ago. Best decision I've made in my life.
And you sound like a cuck
In what context do I sound like a cuck sister, do you even know what that word means?
Male collabers are just as bad as males if not worse
Literally no one thinks like this, not even /#/, drop the LARP
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You tolerate degeneracy that is allowed in Hololive. They are the antithesis to idol culture and/or CGDCT. Quite frankly, I don't even think Hololive should exist with the shit it gets away with and lying to their fans. Take the PixelLink pill, anon. You will be saved.
>small corpo shilling
Now this thread makes sense
Yes we do. No males means no males. Simple as. Male collabers spread male influence onto pure talents. It's predatory behaviour and it's exactly what ERB does.
>Male collabers spread male influence onto pure talents.
This literally doesn't happen (except for Ollie). Even ERB doesn't bring up the homos when around other girls
I kneel...
2 more weeks
This. Stop bringing your twitch culture in hololive, it's not that hard
>memoryholing Suishit putting a male on Miko's radio show segment
Professional interactions are fine
OK cuck
You can deflect all you want. It won't make Hololive CGDCT.
They're cute, they're girls,and they do cute things.

That's pretty CGDCT to me.
Are you gonna call FWMC male collabers for being on a panel with the male CEO of Good Smile and a male translator? You gonna call Gura a male collaber for talking to male hosts during panels?
Don't bother, it has brain damage.
Then you are an absolute fucking retard and there's no helping the mental damage you have
She was in the big EN collab just last night. She's just enjoying being in hololive meeting all of her heros. Anyone with a hate boner for her has mental problems
>what about Gura
When Gigi overtakes her in everything then we'll talk
You already forgot the GTA and Rust erp servers?
>male host
NTA, weren't the members that joined those the ones that had already done male collabs before?
Botan hadn't, unless you want to be a disingenuous prick and claim that professional shit like tournament appearances are the same as playing GTA with sex pests. Getting invited to those SF tournaments completely changed her.
Aki is another fine example. Before she limited male collabs to karaokes with that one guitarist dude, but now she has a harem of e-celebs and homos orbiting her 24/7.
hahaha, yeah all those heroes she never once mentioned before joining up. oops almost forgot Octavio.
classic leech behavior
I genuinely have to ask where the "fans" come from who act like they hate anything Japanese created or anime related, yet we're raised by and played Japanese games, and are attracted to anime girls but hate anything Japanese? Might be bait but I see this a lot outside of here, make it make sense.
This thread reeks of irrelevant small corpos and indie falseflaggers
Someone was shilling PixelLink in this thread, of course it is
>Like Japan slops
Japan stopped being cool 3 years ago. Now being a weeb is just cringe
Can you explain to me how that's "Male collabers spreading male influence" and not just them choosing to join those servers?
Faggot, she was doing the same thing shes been doing for years, going out to play a cool fps game that she likes.

She caught shit 2 years ago for almost the same thing with that one tourney where she told a unicorn to shut up, called him rude, banned him,told him just cause you're paying you cant just say what you want, and refunded his super chat while telling him to eat something nice.

She honestly handled that pretty well and sounded like a teacher scolding a bad student, sasuga lion. Now if you could just get off your sf6 kick, its boring.

>Raora soon to be the more popular member of Justice
>Anti threads increase
Not fooling anyone ERBkeks
she is networking. Itt's just an excuse to introduce herself to the more influential senpais
Honestly, SF6 training together should really be a fun time for all, and gets the huge hurdle people have with fighting games and getting better, a solid community to back that gets them excited to come back. Its SHOULD work, but doesn't.

Its like how good rpgs should have people flock to a stream, but somehow people make the excuse that they can't watch because they are long and don't have the time to watch the VoD. Like bitch, you are gonna waste time watching random shit in the background for hours, acting like your time is precious is laughable at best. Like a person with a stack of 50 games they never touch in their backlog, but they say there are never any good games.
Do you think Botan would've joined the GTA server if she was the only Holo there? I doubt it. She did it because the known homo enablers like Matsuri, Towa and Laplus showed that it was ok to spend all day playing games with sex pests.
Can you post some examples of those casual collabs she's been doing for years?
Well anon, if you click on the link I posted you'd see one, since that was from 2 years ago.

Other than that she was always playing fps games on multiplayer servers outside of hololives little bubble on the actual internet.

Some multiplayer Battlefield here, some Call of duty there, and some occasional halo.
In fact around when she first Debuted she was running around in Rainbow 6 siege multi player lobbies.

If you're wondering why I keep bring up multiplayer games, its cause they're the same as the VCA server to her, since she was just running around alone doing random shit on it.
Here's a CoD:Warzone stream from August 2020, you can clearly hear male voices in the VC
I say kill 'em all
You mean there were MALES playing a
and they used the IN GAME VOICE CHAT?


She should've been playing all those female only fps games that totally exist.
Nigger do you know what a collab is? Playing an online multiplayer solo is not a collaboration.
Would you try using this same shitty reasoning if Miko invited homos to the Hololive Minecraft server? She has played GTA online with males so it would be ok, right? Don't even answer that you filthy homo apologist.
I know its very hard to read but I want you to read this last sentence.

>If you're wondering why I keep bring up multiplayer games, its cause they're the same as the VCA server to her, since she was just running around alone doing random shit on it.

Playing the game alone is not a colab. Going to a server is not a colab, because she did not have a colab partner, to collaborate with.

This is the same as her playing with dudes on a multiplayer fps server.

Also your knowledge about Miko is severely lacking, so you should probably stop trying to use her as a angle in your arguments.
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Why are you giving attention to a retard, anon?
Go get a coffee or do some pushups.
This thread doesn’t break any rules, seethe more retard
It's hard being right all the time, but you get used to it.

Nice clip art btw.
Source: voices in your head
I want EN to play Palworld again, those were fun times.
raora isn’t even the popular one, that’s cc
Networking with a branch she can’t communicate with? How smart.
>major praise kink
you as someone who never has or will produce anything of actual value for anyone wouldn't understand but that's not a "kink", that's just the standard
She's correct because EN is dogshit, and JP is polished dogshit
Many such cases!
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>doesn't care about EN
>joined the spelling bee collab knowing despite barely being able to spell (in English)
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Sniffing out your /vt/ rivals shitpost is always a fun time.

I know that whore is out there waiting for me to take a day off so they can spout their dated takes. Sometimes I even attempt too bait them into the open so I can threaten them with sexual violence.
>Needs a translator for ARK
If only Coco were here...
bitch can't even speak japanese, hell she can hardly speak english
she's perfect
Is she wrong?
Have you ever wondered why those JP polls about the most hated HoloJPs always have surprising results, which include JPs that are beloved /here/? It's because JPs are nothing special and JP bros don't suffer with yellow fever and can see through their BS. It's the same reason why Mori is loved over there and seen as cool, whereas she's a lolcow /here/.

ENs are no worse than JPs, in fact, Advent is one of the best gens in the entirety of Hololive, even Promise are up there.
Well there you go. Back to /v/ with you.
Absolutely based opinion
Ina is basically EN's Sora

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