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What even is a parasocial fuck?
Someone who has standards and won't mindlessly hand money over for whatever lazy content you shit out while treating your fans like garbage
someone who watches streamers
I believe it's a sex move.
Haven't seen Ennaschizo in a while.
wrong bitch retard
You mean people who hate Enna?
That's just the entire board outside of 5 people
Gigi is superior than Enna. I don't know why you would even bothering mentioning her anymore. Used goods is old news.
Ask the expert
Someone who types messages that the streamer can read.
How dare they attempt to communicate with a girl playing video games.
Now post the webm version
pretty much
That one fuck Ike replied to and got targetted by other parasocial fucks.
i cast Premature Ejaculation all over your thighs
Even if that’s true, most of the board does n’t watch enna than camp in the NijiEn general complaining about her like ES does
...where did that happen ITT? are you the schizo trying to promote yourself or something?
take your meds jesus christ
my bestie
Reading comprehension
Parasocial fucks refers to nijisisters who harassed reimu for messaging vox during a stream.
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Basically, you all collectively have an imaginary friend, and we're trying to save you from it.

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