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Why do /vt/ hate phase now? Wasn't Pippa your queen?
she is an ugly smelly femcel pickme
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>phasefags antis hololive, nijisanji and vshojo
>if anon point this out, phase meido will banned you
What a mystery!
Never liked her. She was obviously fake from the start and like other "based girls" (nyanners) she used 4chan for clout and swiftly abandoned it when it was no longer convenient.
I hate all vtubers
She hangs out with depressed nousagi. Fuck her
>Why do /vt/ hate phase now?
>being an annoying faggot act like nijisisters
geez i wonder why anon?
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phasejanny deleted all my phase shitposts, i literally just copy the same content as the threads about holo, niji and vshojo that the phasecuck janny left alone.
>ESL blaming discord
I don't think Pippa and catalogtroons ever really got along
Jealous nijisisters.
catalog was spamming how based pippa was before she went woke.
>Wasn't Pippa your queen?
it was always a forced psyop.
i doubt there are any genuine nijifags left after total nijisanji death.
Pippa was kino until she got popular and made reactslop her main content
She was always a retard with garbage takes straight out of the catalog and that never changed
All it takes is a single shitposter screaming at catalog for a few days.
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That was always just bait retardchama. The only people who unironically post on the catalog are holofags and the trolls who bait them, who are also holofags
not just hang out, shes literally collabing with that faggot
so you are basically holofags too phasefags? KEK
for me was the collab with the subhuman seaslug and other leeches.
Queen of Kiwifarms more like
I still don't understand why she platformed that doxxfag
Always have been, /pcg/ began as pretty much a /hlgg/ colony. That said I don't post here, this is just a driveby because the OP image is Pippa's profile picture
didnt she collab with DN after all the patreon shit?
No, that was like a month before
she's collabbing with a literal whore soon, stop by and say hi!

Because she fucking sucks and her content is as generic as generic gets.
Bonus points for creaming herself over that faggot Chris Niosi.
Married a tranny
Must deflect from ERB yabs, sorry.
you will never be a holochad phasecuck, don't pretend.
no one care about you sucking cocks, this is about pippa.
Kill yourself beggar
>phasecuck crying about males
the irony.
you first homobeggar.
>Wasn't Pippa your queen?
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Sorry you're right, that's your department. Didn't mean to overstep.
>lia, shiina, rie, pippa cucking phasecuck
whos gonna tell him? KEK
>Why do /vt/ hate phase now?
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Plappa only apealed to phasenigs, she was always hated together with her cuck company by all HoloGods
fishman has agents everywhere. Can't even mention anything about Pippa's PL without immediately getting banned.
Obsessed schizo
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>Mori, Ame, Fauna, Gura, Ina
And that's just EN off the top of my head. You don't want to climb this mountain with me buddy.
>the holofag cries out in pain as he calls you a cuck
Can dish it out but can't take it. Embarrassing.
>phasefag exposed being a dramafag doxxagi fan
Don't care. KFPiss deserve to be bullied the fuck out, same as deadbeats.
I crave for wontons.
Based, let's share some while we watch Cartoon Network
>>Mori, Ame, Fauna, Gura, Ina
>phasecuck being a clueless retard
KEK no wonder you phasecuck are the clown of /vt/ with nijisisters lmao
So don't cry about being bullied yourself phasecuck.
>Don't care we phasefag love doxxagi
holy shit KEK
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>Wasn't Pippa your queen?
Plappa Plapkin
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>nobody told him
You guys fight nijinigs with newfags like this?
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Rima is the new 4chan queen, she interacts with us more than this grifter
Femanons were right, plappa is a grifter
You're that samefag that screams about DN and Sayu in several threads unrelated and use misinformation as your source. Fuck off.
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This is our "queen" now
>last bait thread died at 14 replies
>just posts another
Why tho?
Paid by the yous i guess
Just say that it got deleted by a dude on Sakana payroll, the usual stuff
It was on page 11 when I last saw it
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Get dumped on pipshit
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plappa plapkin the phasebrownvtm chuuba
>Another pippa thread
rents due in a few days Pippa
>14 replies
>page 11
make up your mind.
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>Appeal to 4chan, alt-right twitter and discord
>Build a chud and alt-right fanbase, while pandering politics
>Be active in 4chan and have your discord, apply for jannies positions, create meme acc on twitter and encourage them to become dramasisters
>Collab with dramasisters, /pol/ e-celebs, doxxers and other shitters
>Become popular enough that people outside your target audience, are aware of you
>That people call you out about your opinions and how you operate, and associate you with the alt-right and chuds
>Backtrack after you see you are damaging your brand and popularity, you realize that all publicity isn't actually good publicity
>Start doing damage control and attack your old audience, calling them chud, weirdos and alt-right incels
>Your old fans abandon you, expose your grift and how you were operating with your discord cult fanbase
>Your core cult fanbase abandon you and you replace them with new people, now your oldfans and core cult fanbase are the enemies

A tale as old as 4chan, you can see Boxxy for the oldest example, or Nyanners as a vtuber example, there's other Phase Connect grifter doing the same as Lumi or Panko.
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i never heard of someone liking her outside her little cave in pcg, what is this claim?
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>Hey, Ame, have you heard about this thing called "pcg"?
>pcg? What does that stand for, "Pretty cringe group"?
>No, it’s the new 4chan general about Phase Connect vtubers.
>New 4chan general? More like a new way to waste time.

>So, what do they do in this pcg?
>Oh, they post memes, share clips, argue about who’s the best VTuber, and complain about everything.
>Sounds like a typical day on the internet! Do they ever agree on anything?
>Agree? The only thing they agree on is disagreeing!

>Apparently, pcg is the place to be if you want to keep up with all the Phase Connect drama.
>Drama? On the internet? Who would’ve thought!

>You know, the fans on pcg have a lot of passion for their vtubers.
>Passion? More like an obsession! They probably know more about those virtual girls than their own friends!
>Friends? The only friends they have are online avatars!

>Do you know /vt/ hates Pippa and phase now?
>You know, the internet is fickle. One day you’re the queen, the next day you’re just another lolcow.
>Yeah, being a queen on /vt/ is like being the king of a sandcastle one wave of drama and it’s all washed away!

>So, what’s next for /vt/? Are they gonna find a new queen to worship or just keep complaining?
>Probably both! It’s what they do best.
>Well, as long as they’re talking, I guess we’re still relevant!
>Ohohohoho (curtain falls)
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>/pol/-type meme
Not beating the allegations
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No that is one of the newfags. I am the great terror of Nijisisters and Newfags alike. I have stormed across this board at the drop of every nijiyab hell bent upon their destruction.
Sisters dare not stare down legal mindset lest they orgasm on command. Such is the power of a White Professional to the Asian woman.
But also boxxxy was literally a child (uohhh etc) on 4chan not aware of all this /pol/shit. So keep her name out your mouth. Vtubers however were always aware of their grifting
This board has the most justified reasons to doxx it's moderation team
w-well... you're not technically supposed to mention anything about anybodies PL, that is an explicit rule on this board. I agree with your overall sentiment about their being a very biased phasejanny though... but you'll get banned for talking about anyone's PL, unless they explicitly say they want people talking about it (like dokibird), or you vaguepost about it (Like Vesper or Mel, I can't tell you who their PLs are or i'll get vacationed, but they get posted about on this board somewhat often, and they aren't very shy about referencing their holo personas, you just can't explicitly say "person A = person B")
Venezuela or Brazil?
Are Phasefags the jews of vtubing?

>4chan is right wing
Roru, Rumao even. The mistake people make is that. This place is Chad Anarcho-Centrists.
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Michigan. Now get off my fucking property Newfag.
>This place is Chad Anarcho-Centrists.
someone give this nigga a swirlie
Actually obsessed
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>Start doing damage control and attack your old audience, calling them chud, weirdos and alt-right incels
Was pretty accurate up until this
I don't hate phase but I aint watching Pippa either
>Start attacking old audience
She doesn't do that, she fence-sits trying to appeal to both sides. I wish she did that... Because it would actually redeem her a bit, but she will never do that
Shes the only Phase I don’t really care for, I preferred her before she switched to reaction content, thankfully theres no shortage of other people to watch in the company.
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Phase keeps trying to sanitize their content and it's now not the corpo that I came to love.
>boxxxy was literally a child
so was nyannners but newfags will repeat and regurgitate what containment breakers and and sour /a/ oldfags will spout every time.
The fact that she didn't exploit anything for her content of from what happened recently is a nice gesture towards redemption. At least I'll give her that.
Bunch of tourists here thought she was some megabased rightoid because she made some alex jones jokes, thats kind of on them.
She's a pure kiwifarms bred, she has nothing to do with 4chan.
I hate Phase simply because instead of being vtubers who stream, or idols, or full on whores or some other shit they instead decided to larp as socially anxious, romantically inept, forever alone incels.
If you have sex or relationships, you should stay in your own lane isntead of trying to pretend you know what it's like, the fact it's for money just makes it worse.

Same reason I hate a bunch of big indies. I don't give a fuck if people have a boyfriend and don't bring it up, just don't fucking lie about being in a shit situation to lure in people who actually live that way.
What was your favourite moment in Phase history? For me it was watching Lia do a donothon reward ASMR for her donors, only to have some guy call her halfway where she brings him on stream, flirts and giggles then ends the stream and complains on twitter about "internet men".

Oh and the best part is even as you seethe about Hololive, they are so huge in vtubing you're still using reaction images based off their content. But I guess the only thing PC produces is cuckold porn, so using Hololive is undestandable.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Femcels Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk A City Street Like Nigga Show More Skin Haha
We've been over this. She was until she said respect people's identities, or your not welcome in my community. She let her tumblr upbringing show and now every genuine anon is an anti.
Westerns was a nice stream idea ig but beyond that...
All phase talents and like 99% of phasefags are also holofags.
Nah, they're still here. They just took to fomenting discord between other groups (like all the phase vs holo posting) instead of trying to defend niji.
Yeah, Pippa is a huge Kiara fan
>she has nothing to do with 4chan
Can't really say that when she used to directly reference and respond to posts from /pcg/. She also went menhera over catalog threads about her until she eventually got desensitized to it.
She's unironically a huge orange woman apologist, despite KFP seething over one tweet she made 3 years ago
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women literally CANNOT fathom such a life, so to get that fanbase they actually have to act. Duplicitous sure, but it's their nature.
Females can't be friends unless extreme circumstances
>you're not technically supposed to mention anything about anybodies PL, that is an explicit rule on this board
this is not true
This whore betrayed everyone. The bitch know how to attract people but refused to keep them. Idol fan hate her for collab with men, /pol/ fag hate her for bending the knee to the woke. Only holohater still remain with her
In English please Henri
Ever since the Doki situation, talking about PL in terms of Vtubing is fine, but not IRL outside of the people who are in the protected class like Hololive. That's enough of a good rebalancing with regards to this taboo since it's not as corporate friendly when companies want to go full kuro.
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I feel so lonely /here/ just watching streams and skipping all yabs and drama. I'm currently membered to Pippa, Eimi, Airi, and Mumei for Phase, but also Mumei, Calli, Shiori and most recently Gigi for Hololive.
Why would I give a fuck about what they do outside of what they put on my screen? That's their job, it starts and ends with the [start stream] and [end stream] button. It's like if a client started stalking me after I went and installed a ceiling fan for them. I don't get it.
>>81654308 (me)
Retard meant to type Memory instead of Mumei
Least obvious raid
>Why do /vt/ hate phase now?
Okay, so what you have to understand is that Phase was infiltrated and started to move away from the integrity and authenticity that they used to display as a small corpo.

It's been a slow but noticeable trend over he past couple of years, and if you're switched on as a fan you will have perceived the shift away from being fan-facing to being corpo-centric and advertiser friendly. It is what it is.
Then how do holo girls not have this problem? Did they really got lucky and hired everyone who doesn't do that? Is the holo filter that good?
>He fell for the "I love hololive so much" grift
Gullible retard
Missed, meant for
nigger detected, opinion rejected.
no, she's a grifter. she was the biggest Henya fan in existence (TM) up until the collabs ended.
>pcg is hlgg colony
No its fucking not, unironically kill yourself phasefag. Keep leeching off holo i guess, 3 more tournaments and a few more merch opening streams while praising hololive and you will surely get holo fans to watch your girls
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>backtracks nothing
>literally just shuts up about most controversial opinions
>interacts with people that don't respect ultra autismo JP Idol rules

how dare she indeed
This is actually based though, why should I throw myself at the china flu and become another statistic because some retards keep downplaying everything?
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>all her humor is just copied off of popular fleshtubers
>her voice is very grating, especially when she shrieks
>Godawful at singing
>Akwardly tries to do GFE and fails
>9 times out of 10 won't actually play the game she streams and just rant about some weird thinly veiled politics or something
Feels like she only gets special treatment because she openly talks about what /vt/ wants to hear every now and then.
I'd like a /here/tuber who actually has some talent pls.
Her youtube videos struggle to hit 10k views that says a lot.
it's over for phase, no wonder phasejanny so mad.
Pippa is the Pepe of vtubers.
Pretty sure that's just being smart about cons. There's a tons of retards going, if you're sick, wear a mask, just basic considerations and politeness.
Like, wearing some antiperspirant/deodorant at a con is also a basic thing you do if you ain't a sub-human. Don't get the cough vaxx, it's retarded, but at least wear a mask if you are sick in general.
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god should've drowned you philippino pag pag monkeys. literal shitters whose only "contribution" to the world is Ocean pollution.

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