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Oh boy can't wait to only see 1/3 of the game for 8 hours! If I were Nintendo I'd revoke perms for shitting on a classic game like this
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anon, you realize if you want to see a game skillfully and swiftly played that you can just look up people that do that, right?

no need to watch the twins if you don't like how they play games so much that it ruins streams for you.
Oh, wow. This game was my childhood. Thanks for letting me know OP. I'll make sure to tune in.
NTA, but you don't understand. Each Nintendo game they play, they make it look like it was designed by absolute imbeciles who couldn't program their way out of a Hello World tutorial because of how badly they struggle in them. When they start playing this later, it's gonna make Miyamoto look like a fucking retard.
If nintendo keeps doing shitty things someday people will give a fuck about them. Steamdeck already pushes people away from them.
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I'm sure Nintendo won't suffer any reputational damage from their own lack of gaming skills
Anon, I hope you realize that most people don't watch streamers for stellar gameplay.
If you want to see good gameplay, go watch a speedrunner grind it out or something.

Also considering the game's target audience is literal children, I don't see how them playing badly is an issue.
I mean their games are targeted at children so what does it say if adults can't complete them?
who the fuck started the vertical meme? is it mane mandated?
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I don't think people buy Nintendo games for their kids based on how well a streamer plays them.

unlike Indie games they don't really have fragile reputations nor do Fuwamoco put them down at all. they're just having fun anon, that's the whole point of videogames and that's what sells them.
OP is complaining about the vertical shit
It's an issue with Youtube or something where they promote vertical streams far, far more than anything else on the platform to new viewers.
anon, you don't have to watch things you don't like
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heh op thinking people watch vtubers for thier l33t gaming skills what a moron :D
Blame TikTok. And Periscope. And Vine.
I dont care, its a worse experience for most of their viewers
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What dat?
Do you guys not have phones?
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Anon, of all people to use, I wouldn't pick her.
She's decent at FPS games and learns quickly but she malds quickly and tends to tilt very, very badly.

FFS last night she dropped like 3 ranks in overwatch, barely sleeping before the stream despite being just a few wins away from her goal.
At least try not to sound like a Nintendo cocksucker. Bad form and bad bait.
it's YouTube's alternative to TikTok and trying to get those kids.
actual tourist moment. watch streams you dipshit
I'm talking about the fact they're streaming a fucking SNES game vertical, not that they are going to be terrible at it, which they are.
Oh, nevermind, you're retarded
This is their final desperate attempt to get 1 million subs
not op but holy shit how cooked are the attentionspans on this board? he literally underlined in red the part where it says vertical stream

oh don't get me wrong i'm a dragoon i'm not saying doki is skillless im just saying a vaste majority of female gamers arent exactly pro specially if you grew up in a traditional asian family i got told a lot that gaming was a guy thing :D
Can't people watching on phones just hold them sideways?
they will be lucky to get to 900k. no one can get 100k subs in one stream.
I didn't even know vertical streams were a thing.
where the fuck do you tourists come from, fuck off you underage retard
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can't wait for under 50k vod views
post tits
But enough about NijiEN
other way. I wouldn't hype her up. She's okay at best at anything that's not a FPS, and more likely to tilt and start falling apart.
Which is fine, because like the dogs and most successful streamers, her strength is commentary rather than "cool plays" or "game skill."
Yes, even on mobile i thikn i would prefer regular horizontal streams. i can have chat up on the side or have it play in a mini player. shortslop I get being vertical, streams i absolutely dont get
Then why pick a game at all? Just do superchat reading, surely that will get them more subs.
oh, you don't even watch streams, nvm.
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Anon I'm sobering up right now, it takes effort to read but I did read it

but I was talking about the complaints of them being bad at Nintendo games, not the complaints about a phone centric stream

I was more questioning the usage of the term "meme". I figured I might be missing some joke
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>We want the numbers ruffians, that's all we've ever wanted
superchats farm donos, not subs.
they've gotten 3-5k subs just from random shit doing vertical streams.
that said, once the anni rolls around, I REALLY hope they give up on the 1m shit and start focusing more on the content again rather than the numbers. Vertical streams are definitely annoying for pc users.
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games are fun, doesn't matter if you're good at them

and please see >>81651291, I catch streams when I can
Streaming and game stream in particular have been nothing but terrible and reductive for the vtuber industry.
Yt is pushing shorts in the algorithm more than streams. So them doing this is like catching new viewers outside of those who already know about hololive and vtubing.
It's a worse experience for everyone. I tried watching them on my phone, and it's even worse than on desktop.
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I was originally going to kek and post how they could shrink down the format to fit it. But I looked for comparisons, and found a shitload of kaizo Mario vertical streams, and didn't think that'd be a fair comparison, those are designed to fit weird formats, while Mario World is more widescreen.
I searched for ten minutes and found one where it has Mario World as the focus, and okay, 2/3 being cut off was exaggeration on OP's part, but they're still right, this is still less than ideal. Are people going to sperg about coin count being cut off? Maybe, but this is still a retarded format FWMC are working with, even if it pushes subs for thanks to YT's algorithm fuckery.
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I was here when it really started becoming a remotely real or notable "industry" and gaming and streaming were always core content. though traditional "idol" things like songs and dancing where much more present I'll admit
If a Nintendo game is not Mario Kart or Mario Party then it immediately sucks. Fuck all of you
>games are fun
the problem is that you barely see any game because of the vertical stream hence what's the point of that "fun game" in the first place.
>superchats farm donos, not subs
I think so too, I was just sarcastic about it, but yeah, I doubt they can get 110k under 5 days or whenever they debuted.

Honestly I don't even care, I just hate shorts streaming shit, leave it for skits.
The japan move messed up alot of things in addition to getting sick and taking breaks breaking their streak. Though I find it retarded no one in jp or even en management bothered to help them.
Help them with what? Moving? They said they haven't received any help?
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oh, I was mainly thinking about critiques related to the game and critiques related to the screen format as totally separate points. I do agree that the game is a bad choice for an already bad format
>>81651822 (me)
I'm responding to this so people can not be like half of the dorks in this thread. OP's complaint isn't the game being played, it's how it's being presented.
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vertical karaoke is fine, but that is literally the only acceptable use case. and even then, fullscreen is better

>>81651291 (me)
>>81652064 (me)

yeah, I misunderstood the complaint pretty hard
the point of the thread was about the vertical stream worsening the experience, not their lack of skill, silly anon.
Don't forget they gotta cram two avatars in there. Plus a sub-begging banner.
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I am a tad silly
Bae moved to Japan as an active Holo and it did not derail her career like it did for FWMC
Zatsu and karaoke are fine I guess, I agree, but I usually listen to that type of stuff with occasional alt-tab, so it doesn't matter much to me.
Nah. They need to keep pushing until they get 1m. They're so close. You need to be at 1M to get the best treatment at Hololive
Ah shit, it's vertical? I was looking forward to this stream so this kinda sucks. I'll still watch, though.
total vertical death. get a computer you losers
Bae is barely streaming right now lol
Nintendrones and /v/ermin need to leave
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the big M would certainly help cement them as one of the big girls among Holos
They are not that close. 700-900k range is a soft cap range that a ton of Holos get stuck in for years. That holobox is not that big
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You may be dumb.
Bottom text.
But it's good to admit error, this is how we learn! I'm happy for you, anon. <3

There's two ways they can go about it. This Suika game stream wasn't awful, just the two heads, the subscribe button is pretty cringe, but it isn't overwhelming. But if they do like Ice Climbers, chest up, that's a lot of model to fit in, and they try to fit in some extra shit, that'll be a mess.
>#shorts vertical game stream
Now that's some real fucking cancer right there.
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Wrong. And her move was forever ago, regardless.
my house got robbed and the first thing I spent money on was a small SC on the Fuwawa only DON stream so I'm happy to stick with them and am confident they'll get there
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Hololive is a Nintendo company, get over it
OP, I think I know the error you made. You didn't make the red line bold enough to let posters know to read. In any case, a red line is too weak, you should have made it a red circle, maybe an arrow pointing at it too.
what about it?
>this fag didn't grow up playing Super Mario World on a 4:3 TV screen
Just go away.
they aren't tendie company because they kept playing palworld, don't they get perms only for championships and shit?
I remember kurosanji not playing palworld because they were afraid that their perms would be gone.
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Anon, that was released in 1990

you're well into your 30's at absolute best and likely your 40's. you would be better off spending this time refinancing your mortgage
afaik nintendo's never done anything to palworld and likely never will.
It's just twitter being overzealous, somehow even more overzealous than Ninty itself.
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sorry does this help?
If Nintendo gave a shit about Palworld, it would have been wiped off the face of the earth
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And here's the format they chose. Not as bad as the Ice Climber stream, I'll begrudgingly accept.

Almost there. I appreciate the great effort, but I feel more encouraged to talk about Palworld for some reason, though.
oh god another platformer
subscribe button over the gameplay is gross
lmao, the desperation of failing to reach the 1M dead subs.
pure cancer
Hey, there was nowhere else they could have put it.
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god I fucking hate when they put on the scanline filter. I already don't watch them in fullscreen and it just makes the screen look dark and ugly.
Also what's with the bus seat background?
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>choose format with brutally restrictive visual space
>refuse to forego the beggar banner

I love them, but things like this test me at times
i like fuwamoco but the vertical shit is truly obnoxious and the fact that they do it so often (while blatantly numberfagging) legitimately turned me off them and i don't watch their streams anymore
same thing happened with marine
they've legitimately lost the plot, haven't they? i thought the sisters shitting on them for seeing their fans as a stepping stone was a joke...
after this? no, they genuinely dont give a fuck. all they want is numbers, their fans are irrelevant.
they already lost the 1m goal, why are they fucking over a 12 hour kino gaming stream for this shit?
I saw the small thumbnail and thought pekomiko is back, fuck you OP.
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>do things that ruin otherwise steady growth

y tho?????????
>First endurance stream ever
>It's a vertical stream for the sake of numbers
This is disrespectful as fuck to their fans, they did it with their first ASMR too where it was paywalled behind a membership stream on someone else's channel. I have never seen other Holos treat their fans like this for the first of something, I'll applaud Ruffians for sticking with them though, they have more patience and strength than me. I know for sure I wouldn't tolerate this treatment.
You dont care, but they do. They are trying to get new subs. And you are not them nor their manager.
I was optimistic towards them as a CGDCT lover when they debuted but they seem so fucking obsessed with noombers. It's so insincere and rude to the people who have supported them since their 2view days.
I don't believe you. Quitting watching someone you enjoy just because of aspect ratio is not something a serious fan would do

we're going to have to develop a Cuckdead level copium addiction but we'll get through it
I doubt they'll get it before their first year anniversary. It was a vsliant effort, but the Japan move really did a number on them.

Thry still got a two weeks until their 3D debut I guess. They might not meet the deadline, but close to it is not bad either
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>First endurance stream ever
Their first endurance stream was a 6+h suika game nearly a year ago.

Not that it matters. Nearly all of their longest streams are superchat readings because if nothing else, they're determined to read every fucking message and comment on it.
Anon, eberyone wants to be a Gura. Sure, a million in a month is a feat you cant really repeat, but gettimg a million faster than most others in EN is still impressive. And end of the day this is still a job for them. Personally, I would like to see them finish Sakura Wars, but I know its not popular
That's some mediocre mentality.
>yeah, it's shit but it has my oshi's face platered in it, I'll buy it
The ruffians are the new cuckbeats. At least they aren't gross like Mori.
Based. This whole thread is nijisister cope
You're in the wrong fandom if you have that mentality, anon.
I was looking forward to this stream, but I closed it and went back to watching Biboo because I just can't deal with the game being 20% of the size it normally is
I don't mind vertical karaokes, but vertical gaming streams need to die in a fire
>they're determined to read every fucking message and comment on it.

That already puts them above Gura, who no lomger gives a shit.
Considering their past, is it normal to thank their supporters alot?
The "chumbud & ruffian to pebble pipeline" is real huh
What do you mean? she was on a stream recently.
>vertical stream
They know their audience well.
>>81654383 (not me)

I still support them but by this logic you should be able to stomach an endless amount of quality reductions just to be labeled a true fan
There's a reason why I unsubbed from them months ago. They only care about numbers.
It's been over a year and they haven't hit a million yet. They need to give it up the "achievement" is no longer impressive anymore especially when you're still 150k away after begging this hard. This is like Kiara pitybaiting over her 1 million milestone being the last in Myth all over again. Instead of acting like the superstars they failed to become they should assimilate into HoloEN and try just being good streamers who stream more than once a week. Not everyone can be a diva like Gura. GFE and CGDCT lovers respect dedication more than noombers which is why Kiara is still beloved by her own fans despite all her drama and low relative numbers. Not sure why the dogs got mindbroken over copying Gura, being Gura isn't even worth it.
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at the risk of being called a tourist I'm not familiar with "CGDCT". what does it mean?
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Not really.
If you're not enjoying them anymore, you're free to leave. At the end of the day, their job is to make YOU happy. If they're not making you smile, go ahead and leave and find someone who will.
Either way, they're going to continue working hard to hopefully bring in as many people as possible, and then do their best to make them all smile.
It is better content to not read superchats. But it gets them less money, so they won't do it
>"CGDCT". what does it mean?
Unicorn slop
cute girls doing cute things
I could guess, but what does it actually stand for?
Cute Girls Doing Cute Things
Fuck, I should have figured from /mlp/'s CPDCT.


cute girls doing cute things. these days it's been corrupted to specifically mean literally anything but interact with males, but fuwamoco is basically the definition of it.
>Immediately go on to attack another Holo, and the EN dai senpai at that
This is why people dislike you guys
>holobronies are literal bronies
kek figures
me too

Vertical is fine for streams where the video doesn't matter, like karaokes, zatsudans, superchat readings.
But for a normal gaming stream? Reeks of a "quantity over quality" move. They aren't caring about the quality of their streams anymore, only about the number of people they can get to sub to them.
just stream on fucking TikTok at this point
what's strange to me is that they picked a format where people are far more likely to blindly consume the content for a few seconds and just not subscribe.

even if they sub farm their channel is going to get ass raped in the algo due to high sub count mixed with low engagement percentage wise. bad news for future growth
whatever their million wish is must be worth sacrificing basically everything for
They make tons of money and also sell monstrous amount of merch, they have currently reached the point where they no longer need to care about quality, their fans will continue splurging cash on them no matter what they do. Those first couple months of dedication and consistency when they actually cared about protecting the Ruffian's smiles while going hardcore GFE were just a ruse to get them deeply invested and so they did, hook, line and sinker. Now they no longer care about the quality of their work as Ruffians are under a similar spell to what Fandeads and Chumbuds are under. It's dirty business but it works.
at 1 million subs, they will body swap with Lamy.
they WILL become Japanese.
Not sure why people are still doing shorts streams, it made sense at first because it was a magic trick to get numbers and people were abusing that, but YouTube killed that so there's no point to doing it anymore.
Because they're lazy. They think they can easily clip it and make shorts out of it without having to resize anything. This is the only reason why anyone would do a vertical stream.
>being Gura isn't even worth it

You say that, but people still obsess over her. Nijisanji still thinks about her. Idol corp literally based their model around Gurakillers.

>They need to give it up the "achievement"

Sounds like loser talk.

>try just being good streamers who stream more than once a week

Anon, they're not just streamers. They're IDOLS. Out of their entire gen, Fuwamoco were the most idol-focused. They were net idols before Holo, which is why they are so focused on that path. The comparison to Kiara is ironic, since that is someone they do converse with regularly (since Kiara had her own history as an actual idol idol before Holo)

>respect dedication more than noombers

I'm pretty sure the dogs know that. With how overbearing ruffians can get, even if they hard chase numbers now the dogs will just fall back to GFE and CGDCT after they reach their milestone. They already admitted it before - they're hungry. And I respect them for that hustle.
I mean the reading superchats bit. When was the last time Gura read a superchat you sent?

I like SC reading. Its actually interactive, and reminds you why chuubas are not just funny anime girls. You're actually interacting with someone on the stream.
I think the dogs never expected the success they did. I wonder if they were even serious about reaching the one million goal a year ago. It may have been something they put on the goals slide "for fun". But they they experienced their immense growth. And I suspect they got influenced by Mori, that goddamn numberhag.
lmao, nobody cares about Mori or her cucks. Even the normalfags despise her.
They should've halted the move to Japan honestly, all those days of absence made them lose the hype and eventually it died down.
Case in point
>Unironically defending Mori in 2024
lmao, even
you're the one living in 2021 dude
oh no anon, better hide the thread quick before you get shamed any further
True. They could have made the move later. I think they took for granted their familiarity with Japan and their strong nihongo
>they're determined to read every fucking message and comment on it
Every superchat you mean. They don't give any hearts to the vod comments.
Every superchat that's at least orange and isn't ARS*
So basically just paypigs
They definitely read those too. They're obsessed with ego searching and stalking the ruffians.
I've even had them like some of my very, very rare tweets that didn't even mention them in any way directly and was just a random comment at another ruffiann.
You vertical stream, I don't watch
Simple as.

Fuck that ticktock, phone faggot pandering bullshit

Also they're a meta behind as Spiff's already discovered a meta ahead of this for getting a recommended feed full of someone's content.
>Also they're a meta behind as Spiff's already discovered a meta ahead of this for getting a recommended feed full of someone's content.
Which meta is this?
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Exploitation of autoplay by marathon content, people may fall asleep watching and well autoplay puts more content of channel in there which fills the algo with "watch again" and "continue watching"

After all many people will still watch their phone tablet's in bed and well autoplay being on would likely just push out other content they've done. Not sure if it'd push previous live streams but if it does well you're set and the amount of things filling in continues.

I can't test it because well my recommendations are so polluted that one single user spiking recommendations won't really make a bump.
vertical streams are a mistake and vtubers that have gotten big from shorts have inevitably regretted the effect it had, between strangling their channel with dead subs (the absolute least important metric to anything besides impressing retarded sponsors) and overwhelming their chat with dumb ESLs and children
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they should make the red SUBSCRIBE text bigger
Arent they adults?
And 2 ppl even, also made this decision on their own.
How much help should they really need when they are fluent in the language at that?
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Fixed it for them, this should convey the important message better
Even for those that come for Fuwawa's booba will now also get reminded why they are there
Tbf the twins are the only ones who truly deserve to be numberfags in holoen. Based doggos I hope they pass all of promise and kiara in numbers as soon as possible.
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it was mogojohns idea wuffians dont blame me
Japan requires you to be effectively sponsored by people in japan and native to japan in order to get property or rent it.
You need to physically be in the apartment to even browse.

On top of that, the dogs have stated many times that two heads means they are twice as stupid as the average person, not twice as smart.
>On top of that, the dogs have stated many times that two heads means they are twice as stupid as the average person, not twice as smart
This makes awfully much sense after watching them ngl
>SMW Endurance
>Ice Climbers
>Sisyphus Sister vs. Sister
All kino stream ideas ruined by stupid fucking numberfag vertical streams. I don't mind when it's some shit game like Suika but when it's an actual game that would be fun to watch. They can't even aim for the sub goal anymore so why do they still fucking do it?
>They can't even aim for the sub goal anymore so why do they still fucking do it?
sunken cost fallacy mby? they tried to numberfag so hard it backfired and now they dont wanna abandon it
They should learn from ERB and have 30% of their content being re-runs of various old streams
please understand they are obsessed with subs
Ngl it was a shit stream to watch, but it was a great stream to listening to, in the background
they should start making podcasts
I automatically disregard the opinions of people who post weird pet names like "the twins."
the twins did good. they'll get it next time
Getting 900k would be good enough and they might be able to reach that
>Ruffians are illiterate
Explains so much
Vertical streams are also good for coompandering. Showing off a girl's body during spicy ASMRs or karaoke.
you do know they are known for being bad at games and acting dumb. some find that endearing. you dickless ape.
this, for posterity's sake I also fucking doubt that the vertical streams are better for long-term VOD views either. people will check them and nope out realizing they can't fucking see the game.

even on a phone, did people forget that they can rotate it on its side? are the japanese THAT fucking technologically retarded? is anyone?
NTA, but you don't understand. Each Nintendo game they play, they make it look fun and feels like it was designed to be enjoyed by every generation, ppl who program the game knows their audiences with how the twin they enjoyed playing it. When they start playing this later, it's gonna be much more fun and make Miyamoto look like a fucking italian
This but unironically
So many retards in chat can't see the underlined section, meaning that OP was pissing because it's a "shorts" stream.
Man im convinced that this thread is full of bots that just replied based on the text and image but couldnt parse the fat ass red highlight. So many posts just completely ignored the vertical part of the stream that op was complaining about
Bau bae
>Fuwawa will sit on your dick, once you cum will force Mococo to do it
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>can't wait for under 50k vod views
You were saying?
all that and they didn't even hit 900k? grim
>12 hours of horrible format
>still couldn't beat the game
>no follow up stream
>didn't even get 900k
sasuga dogs
This looks like the type of stream that people shit on tiktok for. Never thought I'd see it in holo
Anon even their fucking clippers are editing it to be horizontal. Nobody likes vertical streams.
Hopefully since it flopped in terms of gaining subs they'll give up this cancer meta
jesus christ what a blowout lmaooo
proof that phone users are why we can't have nice things
didnt even reach 900k after 12h kek
Yeah marathon streams have more vod views plus they got raided 3 times
Must be vertical posters
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Sasuga FuwaMoco graph
what site is that?
I understand that FWMC are huge numberfags, but isn't their botting getting kind of shameless at this point?
Blame Ennacuck
They work for a Japanese company that value noombers A LOT
THEY WANT TO BECOME A COVER MASCOT LIKE GURA so yes, they WILL DO everything they can to be supreme /#/ monkeys even more so now that they are in Japan
I bet they actuallyt seeth a lot behind Bae back for getting more shit from Cover than them despite the rat not chasing the NOOMBERS as much
>They will become a mascot like Gura
>Most days Biboo gets more viewers than them (not talking about that bot autist)
This one: https://vt.poi.cat/stream/live

Ask Ennacuck why he bots ppl, FuwaMoco aint to blame for that
>reacts in exactly the way the botter is hoping
that you, ennacuck?
>Being actual numberfaggots actually fucked over their numbers and ruined some of their (at the time) long term goals.
Hmm perhaps a lesson can be learned from this, looking at you numbermonkeys.
I am an adamant vertical anti and have stopped supporting a lot of holos because of it, including my oshi a couple months back.
I thought they did this garbage because nips are all on their phones as well, and thus might prefer it. But Aki did a poll on Twitter before a zatsu stream asking if people would prefer vertical or horizontal. I expected majority vertical, maybe something like a 60/40 or 70/30 split in favour of it.
It actually got 94/6 in favour of horizontal. Turns out, even nips don't actually like it when given a choice, they just tolerate being cucked. I fucking hate everyone who actively makes this retarded decision to create a worse stream. It's never beneficial.

Here's the poll tweet https://x.com/akirosenthal/status/1787779202516967755
Comparing a streamers mentality and strategy to a specific thread /here/
No one watches streams for gameplay anymore unless it's fps/horror or rpgs. Half the people just have them on in the background while at work/gaming/going about their day.

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