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Previous Thread: >>81665634
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only omniscience can take into account her breakfast!!
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Perceive Her radiance.
Illuminate one and all in Her splendor.
Captivate those with Her light.
Obey only Her brilliance.

Nasa makes my PENIS expand
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Hello. How is anon?
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I like to take ecstasy with Hina.
I will not stop until UAP is found guilty and fired into the sun
I'm going to bake chocolate chip cookies without the chocolate chips because they hurt my teeth
Clara is NOT japanese, she is a cringey white weeb girl.
What? No way, stop lying idiot
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Hime belongs to Mexican cock only!
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Phase connect/
xyncro stfu and make your shitty clips
I know, I love her
how do chocolate chips hurt your teeth???????????
I stared at myself in the mirror for a minute straight and realized I really exist and am trapped inside this fleshy form. Don't stare at yourslf this long anons..
let me guess, youre in your early 20s?
ye, how did you know?
they feel like they get into gaps, grooves and such that not even liquids of all qualities can
NTA, but I had that revelation at 6 years old. Shortly before coming to the realization, I'm going to die someday.
I wonder what a psychiatrist would have to say about that?
Whens the last time you went to a dentist?
lumi owes me... she owes me....
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[Michiru News] She's hot.
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>yes yes i see
>i think you're trapped in the wrong body
>have you tried cutting your dick off?
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Don't be mad this chink whore loves the taste of spicy brown cock, anon!
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>mfw baby owlposting
less than a month ago and the issue has been an issue for years, dentist said not to worry
Goodnight /pcg/
>I made a fake memory of myself contemplating a philosophical idea that wasn't possible for me to comprehend at the time
very cool anon, remember your meds :)
Maybe go to a new dentist....
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nini lil hostage, rest well
Let me guess you're black
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Sleep well, lil hostage(?)
Captcha: SVSSY
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Right to jail.
Do you even feel like your body and brain are useless because they will never give you what you desire, no matter what you try, so there is no point in even thinking?
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nini hostage
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Bitch don't tell me what I do and do not remember.
You ever look at your arms and disassociate to the point you can't feel it anymore? Have you ever experienced being a conscience without a body? Probably not since you reveal yourselves to be a half-wit cumstain.

I've wrestled when my own mortality more times than you've considered changing your hairstyle, you mile long and inch deep motherfucker.
Read the Bible.
Insanely cringe post
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Pretty decent
is it not working the joke?
>just join my jewish cult
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not bad, been worse. how're you?
how would you feel if you didn't eat today?
works on my computer
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NOW (Literally right now)
Kaminari Clara (06:00UTC | LIVE | UAP's Trial)

Ayase Yuu (09:00UTC | 1h45m | Rust)

Kokoromo Memory (11:00UTC | 3h45m | Karaoke Relay)
Gram Pico (11:00UTC | 3h45m | Zatsu, 6 months at Phase)
Himemiya Rie (11:30UTC | 4h15m | Karaoke Relay)
Utatane Nasa (13:00UTC | 5h45m | Karaoke Relay)
Kannagi Loki (14:00UTC | 6h45m | ASMR)

Karaoke Relay (03:00UTC | LIVE | Hot Karaoke Relay) Hime's one
Karaoke Relay (08:00UTC | 45m | Midsummer Karaoke Relay) Nasa's one
Karaoke Relay (08:30UTC | 1h15m | Newborn Karaoke Relay) Memory's one

>Remi is looking for anime takes to review eventually https://forms.gle/FZGgfToVeV7Ji9WW9
>Pico & Loki are taking 5m ghost stories & presenters for a Hyakumonogatari stream in September https://forms.gle/jnx8ZmBKgEqxUDqb9 | https://forms.gle/BTUA9E4x8hUtP7Nh8

Girls without a current schedule:
Michi, Tenma, Panko & Saya
>I'm 14 and this is deep
You mean the music working or the sound player breaking and going insane?
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Late but Clara... Why...?
>I wish I could stick cooling patches all over my body. It's so hot. How can anyone even survive in this heat?
dumb bitch needs a cool drink and to get even hotter
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Forgot pic
Hey that's my lumi jar
Shut up and go watch clara or fuck off instead of being a retard
wow this general is just full of retards
>Low IQ individual pretending to be smart
Its like when a child lies. We can all see it except the child, and they get angry because they dont understand how.
Missed the lumi jar segment, how was it?
If you legitimately think kids at that age can't have existential questions like that it's because you are the retard
Anon, you literally just said
>kids can consent
You wanna rethink your position?
Holy fuck you really are sub IQ80
Phase Connect? Take your blogging shit out of here.
>cant even understand the logical conclusion of his own argument.
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Karaoke in 5.5 hours. You can ride the karaoke relay to her too if you don't have nasa vods to catch up on. You have watched all 3 years of streams right?
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I'm tired of phase sluts
okay so you are dumb, young and probably black since you can't even imagine that kids at that age have thoughts, it's so foreign to you that you have to strawman some insane shit that's not related what so ever. You probably couldn't recognize yourself in the mirror at that age and that's fine, it's not your fault it's just a genetics thing. But please refrain from involving yourself in discourse on things like this and keep to finding the best EBT deals.
We too
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Need less of phase sluts, more of phase sex
>UAP is even guilty of stealing Clara's heart
It's ogre
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Oh no she knows about the limes.
Just imagine Loki doing that from behind and carrying her around an aquarium. The entire time Wemi's getting womanhandled by Loki
Recognizing yourself in the mirror and thinking "thats me" is not the same as having an existential crisis on your own existence. Its psychologically and physically impossible for a child to do so. You probably don't understand because your IQ is too low and your personality keeps you ignorant.
UAP is just Clara
So, like, is Clara actually schizo? She has several characters that are just her, but a bit different
It's not and you're a faggot retard who pretends to be smart around your 70IQ friends.
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Oh? Is that so? You must be exhausted. Why don't you lie down on a bed?
Theater kid. she'd just havin' a giggle.
What about Alice, Gloomi, Lucy, Beeko, Ashelia, Urara?
Holy shit fuck off
Blame Pippa
Blame the nigger not me
Do any of those talk directly to the girl?
Urara did. It was kino.
Come to think of it, I think Gloomi might have too.
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I'm not
>Alice, Gloomi, Lucy, Beeko
These are all separate people who are either friends with or enemies of Phase talents
Corruption in the court! Free UAP!
Put her on death row
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I'm not.
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Who the fuck are you?
UAP is an onahole...
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What >>81677571 said.
Italian sexo
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segs week
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>27 livers
>0 live
I believe that UAP lives matter and UAP was mostly peaceful.
i dont know why hololive still doing 4 eared vtubers
Clara Connor
Then why did she hold Mike Hawk hostage?
Hug a plushie :)
Hostage is a bit of a loaded term. UAP was engaging this Hawk individual on broader systemic issues, no doubt.
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oh god. oh fuck
I had fun
What else can I say? I expected kino, I got kino
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what the fuck are you talking about? those are all different people that phase connect has limited contracts with to appear on the talents' channels during special events
Do we really know if it was Cwawa?/10
A lot of credible evidence against UAP
should have sentenced her harder, possibly prison for life or the death penalty (I hate UAP)/10
8.5/10 it was fun
Cuter than usual.
A most solemn and august occasion. Truly a credit to our justice system.
Absolute bullshit, UAP did nothing wrong! The judge is cooked! The whole thing is rotten!
Crisp *chef's kiss*, I r8 9/11.
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Hack the gibson.
Why didn't McDonalds celebrate phase friend Grimace's birthday this year?
How many talents?
How many streams?
Lots and 0
Save me Chinese girl. Chinese girl, save me...
Yeah ok Kevin
I feel this is the natural feeling after watching enough phase talents
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I'd post the "oh man it's dead hours" Jelly soundpost but I'm too comfy in bed to do it
Well, now one is streaming. We might as well post phase porn
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Goodnight /pcg/
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post lia or I am leaving
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Nini Michiposter, sleep well and be comfy
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nini michild
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Slow ass...
Pippa should watch this, it would be a very entertaining stream
Hina should say fuck it and do "Nursing (you) back to health after taking too much molly" ASMR.
the poster above me is a tranny
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Hina should play more games
Shalom /pcg/
Oy vey indeed
Phase needs a true blue cartel princess.
I need that pictures of Pippa with Hitler (real)
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>one post with this MD5
>blue cartel princess
What does that means?...
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I think it's my fault, sorry, I won't step outside again
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My life is devoid of joy
>Pippa was being a little qt yesterday
>Today she's going to be a pouty brat
I love her so much
oh come on there's no way, it's pure coincidence. I just said it was a little suspicious what do you think you "did" anyway?
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I posted about pasta on the catalog
retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard
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Mine too!
I see. Thanks Anon.
I saw that
It's fine, you're being schizo over nothing
always happy to help
>two pippa phase collabs next week
>one of them is a roblox(?) music collab
I guess she liked those roblox music games.
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Soon Phase friend Giant Tits starting the karaoke relay

sHe played roblox as a kid/teen
I feel nothing
The more I stream the less I have time to watch streams. Its changing my perspective.
Sorry, I spent the past 6 hours generating and fapping to AI giant anime tits so my dick is paste at the moment.
Welcome to Vtubing.
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I really like streaming. I probably need to slow down.
If you're having fun, don't. If you aren't yes.
too big
Too small
Its more that I have other things I also need to do and I cant just replace them with streaming.
Do you make some money streaming, tho?
Kakoi desu ne~/10
No lmao, my actual job pays more than Pippa money.
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Parasi is lowkey getting sexier the more sleep deprived she is
you make over 200k a year?
Then treat it as a hobby, dude. Do it when you feel like it.
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why did pippa say she would stream at her normal time tonight and then not stream??
Idol Showdown.
if by tonight you mean yesterday, she streamed twice. what more do you want from her?
Sorry, I pulled her into a secret jong room. You know how she gets around that shit.
Closing my eyes as tight closed as they can and squeezing my fists until a Jerry gf materialises in my bedroom
i don't want to learn how to jong. its not worth it, not even for pippa
Jelly should stream her piss directly into my mouth
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Good luck...
don't let the kiwifags see this they'd have a field day
For her to stream thrice. Is that really so much to ask? Doesn't need to be long, but just 2-3 matches of jong.
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>Monkey's paw finger curls.
kiwis don't know how to sound posts
I'll take it
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would you still have sex with pippa if she sounded like this the entire time?
>American Shoggoth jelly gf
no thanks, she'd be way more spoiled than the real awawaland jelly
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I wouldn't either way.
that legitimately hurts my ears so no
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I prefer my women feminine.
no pippa sex but I would mess around with her at that volume because I don't have a space where I can be as loud as I want and I want to be loud with someone
bruh ptr is so trash
>summer peach grill in nasa's song relay goes deep voice
the notes are a little funky but I like the passion
Public test realm?
rie would have killed her if she streamed over the fighting game tournament
since when does pippa give a shit about what rie thinks?
Which Phasers would gain subs if she farted loudly on stream
Nigga your fetish is gross shut up.
I'm just trying to start some conversation man

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