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Respect Pero Edition
Previous Thread >>81669975

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel
>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template
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Why these specific holos?
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Fuwawa! Fuwawa! Fuwawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! aeahh...ah...aaahah-! AaAAAAA!!! FUWAWAWAaaaaAAAAaaa!!! Ae...*sniff*sniff*! *sniff*sniff*! sssssnnniiffff.. smells good.... *sniff* *gasp*! I can haz sniffsniff blue blonde hair de Fuwawa Abyssgard?! *sniff*sniff*! Aeh! No! I want fluffing! fluff! fluff! Hair hair fluff fluff! Scratch scratch fluff fluff... Kunkakunka!! Fuwa-nee was so cute in the stream!! Ae...AAA...AhAaAAA!! So cute! Fuwa-nee! Cute!AaaAAA! u....uuuu..*sniff*sniff*uuuUUU!!! I love Fuwawa!! I love Fuwanee!
mococo said this?
I think I never saw him send a message that wasn't in all caps
You've been doing this for 7 hours, it's not even shitpost. You are mentally ill
we are about to make it to 8 hour territory and they still arent at 900k
They aren't even trying at this point. This is starting to get embarrassing.
if they go all 12 hours I think they've still got it
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Come on, if Biboo can go for 11:55 they can go another two hours
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they're terrible
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the fact that guy gets read should tell you reads mean absolutely nothing
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>Never mentioned by readschizo
I'm the most hated ruffian by ruffians
this is very true lol
perfect username kek
sex with demon guard dogs!!
>Cake gets a special good night ruffian
add one more "you're doing well"
>goodnight ruffian!
that's an interesting one
>he sent a supa
I'm not gonna watch a vertical stream, not even for FWMC
I'm happy for FWMC's antis AKA ruffians, that they'll have plenty more to shitpost about in /baubau/ AKA the anti thread, when they don't reach 900k!
>just go away
You hear that losers? Fuwawa was talking to me personally.
That's the sound Fuwawa makes when I send her $1000 akasupa
I'm glad you're missing out.
Which dkc stream did mococo hit fuwawa in?
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>Good morning from New York
>tfw I'm EST and havent gone to sleep yet
Expect another battleplan stream soon
Is this this person arguing with himself? KEK
all of them off stream
random selection for a doujin cover looks like
I still want to know what they were thinking streaming a boomer game vertically for an endurance stream thinking zoomers would
1. Have enough patience to stick around for an endurance stream
2. Care about this old game enough to subscribe
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She said "drone" there
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I missed this earlier
I'm looking forward to it
I think the idea is the boomer games have simple visuals which make them easier to see with the smaller screen
i wish it was normal though
they're all cute and breedable
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They should have done an endurance VN stream
God they're awful
my only question is if they'll both have separate merch or 1 set together
this is the level soda chan got angy on
so where's that ASMR someone brought up last thread
this dog is way too sexy
Does Argus have the most reads so far?
If you have her membership it's the Christmas asmr from last year.
that's Monters Inc
I just saw him though
Looks like she is shitting so violently it punched a hole through her swimsuit
Many got shadowbanned for chatting too much by this point
If you look closely at names and badges you can tell who's on an alt
they love anal!!
They need 600 subs/hour to reach 900k this stream... We need some kind of miracle.
These are SEA monkeys btw, in case it wasn't obvious
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reminder if they don't wish you good night they don't care about you
You mean the readschizos?
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>8 hours ago
They need 2,500 subs in 4 hours. It's not happening. Get it out of your system now and move on
they never did and never will, because i stay awake for all their streams no matter what
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It wasn't worth streaming this vertically
I'm glad they are /vr/ chads who only want to play on original hardware.
>this controller looks really delicious
what did this autist mean by this
I'm hoping for an influx of JP viewers coming from their senpais after HoloARK or something. That's my only cope.
Those old controllers were practically indestructible
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Fuwawa are you fucking stupid?
Fuwawa is going to break the controller...
I wonder how much ruffians would bid if they auctioned off their controllers
>fidget clickers
every single one of those buttons is a mushy membrane switch though
They must REALLY not like Roy's castle at all huh.
>nope it's too big it doesn't fit
yeah, me
>"No, he's too big, doesn't fit"
Soundgods where are you
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>4 hours left
>900K nowhere in sight
yeah bros idk if they're gonna make it...
Not like it's only them. Plastic is cheaper in general, even soda bottles are floppy.
Anon do you know how to read?
Now the dust has settled, did this stream really need to be vertical?
They still got 5k subs so far that's pretty good. with 3D shit and some numberfagging streams they'll reach it no problem.
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Reaching my limit, I'm so tired
Has this guy really done nothing but pay extreme attention to chat for 8 hours
They wouldn't have got 4k subs otherwise, so yes
No it wasn't
In my opinion? No, it shouldn't have. You only put it vertical if you're doing proper shorts, no?
>watch it
He does this anytime they play a game he doesn't like (or if they do SC readings).
He's also a jealous menheraschizo
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Uh oh other greys had enough
Yes, it needed to be. The got 5k subs because it was vertical. Go to sleep, verticalschizo.
two gameplayschizos at each other's throats lol
Yes, otherwise they wouldnt have received this many subs
Literally nowhere near 900K
irrelevant. They wouldn't have received 5k+ if it wasnt a vertical stream. Kill yourself, or go back to posting reads++
They don't need to take that path, anon.

Its the 'alternative' path you can take if you want what I believe is extra 1-ups. Using a feather makes reaching that section easy.
It's an algo thing for zoomer clicks.
you stole my line, Fable. You'll pay for that.
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Ok I can't endure any longer, sorry.
Good night ruffians
Keep coping along with FWMC, they should feel embarrassed right now
You should stop being brown.
Listenersan nooooo
Oh, I see. I didn't know that (since I don't watch shorts) so I thank you for answering that for me, anon.
blame the move to japan
always blame the move to japan
it killed their momentum
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bros they still have 2 worlds left...
bed time ojisan. say goodnight in chat, ill take care of them while your gone heh
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>screams a lot
>gets very aggressive when she plays
Sex with Fuwawa must be wild; I bet she is the type of girl that bites and scratches you in bed.
If you can't even handle 12 hours you're not a true listener
Not even close. She's a small fry pussy with 0 experience. She would be a dead fish
I don't actually care if they clear the game or not, since they could go face bowser, and have been able to for the last 5 hours. So they're just playing and having fun which I enjoy immensely
It's almost like you cumbrains don't know Fuwawa at all
i always like how Mococo says lava
sister sex doesnt count, we've been over this
>So they're just playing and having fun
Yeah...must be why they decided on streaming vertically, placing their subscriber count at the top right corner of the screen with a pathetic reminder of their 1 million wish right next to it lmao
They got Happy, Sad, and Angry expressions right? Just those 3?
numberfagging is fun for them
They have a couple of lewd expressions but they save those for membership streams.
they accidentally used an ahegao face once but edited the vod
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I hope they do a hand cam stream and build this.
If they were doing it only for numberfag reasons they'd be playing some random kusoge like the boulder game or something like that.
>If they were doing it only for numberfag reasons t
How you're still coping and saying this wasn't done for the numbers is beyond me
No they don't/didn't...
I just got so triggered holy shit
Mococo should lick her hands better
Hey I understood what it said!!!
99% of the posts in this thread are not about FWMC or vtubers at all(random YT users are not at all related to Vtubing) yet the jannies refuse to delete or remove any of it.
Kill yourselves you incompetant SEA monkeys. And before you ban me, take a fucking look at this thread for once
I came for FWMC 5 times today. My dick hurts and my balls are empty, but listening to Fuwawa's voice makes me incredibly horny and keeps my dick hard.
Whatever helps you sleep at night grey
Ew gross I'm not your brother, homo
But I watched every member stream and I joined on day 1...
They're gonna have to do a part 2 for this endurance run. Just don't know if it'll be right after this or another day.
They're getting more shit the longer it goes on
I hope they do, this stream is pure kino.
Their fingers must be sore and they're mentally exhausted
They're running out of steam probably, they've been going for a while and are making the same mistakes Still enjoying all the back and forth and screaming though
Vertical stream for zoomers
Play 34 year old game
Listen, I know you've been shitposting on this thread for 8 fucking hours just to get (You)s, but if you're an actual Ruffian you wouldn't give a shit if they're numberfagging or not, as we know they've had a goal of reaching 1M before anniversary for a long fucking time. It's just that simple, I'll support them doing whatever it takes for that.
Fuck off
This was a huge waste of time and they accomplished absolutely nothing
Not to mention Fuwawa can't shut up about her fingers feeling tired
>Watches anime girls because of the gameplay
They're completely in a slump.
This is exactly when you have to cheer for them the hardest, rufferans
>they accomplished absolutely nothing
The true goal was gaining subs and they've been getting that done
it's the blisters
And you won't do shit about it besides whining here because you are a little bitch
Nowhere near 900K and it's been going on 9 fucking hours
kinda feels like they've been getting a little frustrated at this level
Most stages in Valley of Bowser are harder.
Maybe they're gonna be really good from now on and beat the remaining levels very fast
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>comment fuwawa responded to
KEKUS MAXIMUS! The sister can't stop seething!
>This is exactly when you have to cheer for them the hardest
I would but youtube already shadowbanned me like 2 hours ago for sending too many emotes
yes dude there's 2 worlds after this
I'll try but a cheer from me has 0.1% the effect as one from a regular paypuppy/gachikoi.
.1 percent is more than 0, do your best to tell them to do their best
For the last time they don't 'need' to take that path at all to complete that stage!
Its an alternative path that you can take if you want some (I think) extra 1-ups.
I just cheered for them and they read this retard >>81680870 instead
It should be illegal to be as shit at video games as they are
okay it doesn't help that Fuwawa is going "Nope, no hope." kek
Never doubted them for a second
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Now imagine if they were playing Megaman X instead of SMW
So like, the wall's that are in Roy's boss fight never fully squish you, correct? They only move so far until they stop thus making it harder for you to have breathing space?
Aren't the original megamans more brutal?
fuwawa...get over your PTSD...
A lot more, but I don't think they own a NES? Or do they?
They can get one off the street corner store in Japan
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This is one of their best streams. I hope they more endurance streams in the future.
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I agree
And ruffians still bitch if you say you would rather they play games instead of doing 9 hours of sc reading
MM1-3 would give them hell
ASMR endurance edging stream
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oh no i'm beginning to yawn
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That's because they should play the games I want them to play, not the games they want to play.
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Poor baby
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I stayed up this late to spend time with FWMC and I'm getting exactly what I wanted
They should play Thrust, Twist + Turn (1999)
Their retro gaming streams are consistently top tier.
They need to read SC's and show next weeks schedule, so they'll stop playing the game before the full 12 hours is up. I predict they'll end up with somewhere around 898,200
Agreed. I may have no caught them at the start but the fact that they're playing a Mario game proves to me that they're worth watching (other than being extremely cute and having a cute laugh as well).
They still have like 3 streams of scs in the backlog so they'll probably do schedule at the end and save the scs for another stream
>They need to read SC's and show next weeks schedule
They won't read SCs this stream and tomorrow is a collab so I'm thinking there'll be a SC reading stream scheduled for this week
I had 2 reads this stream so I dont care :)
imagine going to sleep now and then they somehow blast through the remaining levels and finish the game
2k and 3 hours left, I think we're doing it. JPfags, it's your time to shine.
They can literally enter the last level whenever they feel like it.
Yes, but mmx is a pain in the ass because you have to charge shots constantly, instead of just hours of being stuck on disappearing blocks
You think they’ll go past the 12 hours or just immediately end stream?
Im not an oji-san so I never played these games where lives actually matter but what actually happens if you run out of lives do you have to redo levels or something? always thought that was such a retarded mechanic
You can't go past 12 hours and I doubt they'll make a part 2
>Charging shots

Somebody didn't use Storm Tornado enough.
They're simply gonna stop before 12 hours because it's a youtube vod issue
wrong, sister
You will never stop being brown, a SEA monkey forever.
Mococo is crying again...
>3h left
I can't do it. Time to sleep.
They might do a part 2 if they are really close to 900k at the end.
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I love my wives
Why are brown creatures like this
will they even go the entire 12 hours? aren't they ending soon?
Was that the frickin Yoshi Story intro they were 'bau'ing' at?!
What if we all unsubscribed at the same time I think that would be funny (I'm trans and sapiosexual)
are they still on the first world? lol
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898K IKZ!
Bloody hell. Like, I'm not saying that in a bad way or anything... I just like, wasn't expecting to hear it at all nor was I expecting them to possibly know it.
...They need to play it sometime in the future for that. Would be interesting to see and I think it's also a short game although for 100% completion you'd need to beat the game a few times just to unlock every level.
I wouldn't recommend them doing the melon challenge though.
noooooo but this was a pointless waste of time and they achieved nothing!
What did they start with, again?
Mococo admitting Hitler did nothing wrong
For old school games, you lose all lives = restart from the beginning. Happened in the original SMB too. It's kinda meant to feel like arcade experience with quarters, except being home. Other single player games eventually added continues if you reached a certain score threshold or condition or code.

For games that had save points like SMW here, you'd go back to the last save point saved if you lose all your lives, and re-do the levels you cleared again until you reach a new save point.
My baused wife...
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they aren't going to make it...
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Mama love!!
we love fuwawa here
holy shit I just joined and that tiny screen already gives me a headache
Hyadain is all I think about whenever I hear the Super Mario Bros theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO26RQkfID8
>he never played a nintendo ds
why isn't he membered?
Wait is their dog senpai actually better?
He's using an alt

Probably shadowbanned on his main
alt account
Mama BIG love!
There unironically might be real dogs out there better than them anon
I've been thinking about commenting "But men compete with their hearts" for the last 8 hours
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How is she so powerful?
Is Fuwawa genuinely mentally challenged and Mococo is her caretaker?
they're each other's caretaker
>fall asleep to bau bauing
>wake up and hear bau bauing right away
Yeah I'm thinking that I have started today off on the right paw.
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Their introduction is getting shorter every time
I think they responded to a gray making the English or Spanish meme
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I feel in love with a retarder blue dog girl...
By hour 11 it will be フワモコよろ, the english will just be BAU BAU
fuwawar is bitch lasagna ok
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You can bounce Moco-chan
It still baffles me how you can (allegedly) play games all your life and still be so outrageously shit at even the easiest platformers a literal infant could clear. I'm not seething, it's more a scientific curiosity, mind you.
It can't be hand-eye-coordination right? They can / like to dance, that should translate to something. Someone should write a thesis on that.
They're VN players
>anon learns what kayfabe is
anon, people drive for decades and still suck at it. Some people just can't improve their skills in certain areas beyond a set point.
I mean some people can button mash really fast but have horrid reaction time.
Okay them repeating their introduction every 3 minutes and my lack of sleep is driving me insane
if english why japanese?!?!?
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I'm not tired in the slightest
>"Please let me get it, please"
this is like the 19th time you've spammed this in this thread alone sister, it's time to go outside
Did mococo just moaned?
That was fucking hot
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Mocotyan jerking me off with her sweaty paw!!
being as shit as they are goes beyond kayfabe. Kayfabe isn't spending 2 hours unable to clear a single level
If they really want to beat it they can just go to bowser's castle through the star road on the last hour and try beating it
What can they do to get 100k subs in the next 3 days and reach their 1m for August goal?
Be creative
sex with wuffians
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sex with me
I love Moco-chan
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Sleepy fuwamoco after the stream laying in my lap
turn them into real japanese women, put them on national japanese TV, have them debut a fully animated MV with sexual undertones and a tik tok dance number
Then MAYBE they have a chance
Buy a pewdiepie shout out telling people to sub
Holy shit the PURGE
it's so fucking over
If they release an orisong with fully animated MV by tomorrow that has tiktok bait in it and goes viral they still have a chance.
About fucking time
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Mental illness
It only took 9 hours for the reports to work!
holy fuck FINALLY
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i am not a regular but what the fuck guys
God Fuwawa's soft bau bau's make me DIAMONDS
we have very dedicated shitstirring sister schizos, especially from /#/, that are unfortunately allowed to shit up the threads constantly
>readschizo, whoreposter, and a gameplayschizo at the same time
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Holy fucking orbital
KEK so it was all a retarded schizo samefagging, huh? It really shows that if we just killed our 3 resident shitposters the thread would instantly become a million times better.
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>poison water
>BASICALLY like hot chocolate!
Thank fuck. Please keep on top of this shit more often, keep these fucking readschizos banned.
the poison tasting stream is actually hot chocolate
DUDE did admit that he was a bunch of schizos before, he gets off on this shit
funny how you assume it's not the same one faggot, especially considering what loser from /#/ comes here which would not be beneath his supreme autism
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I figured the Mario World choice was to ape JP competing in that Nintendo World Championship. And to give the SNES a break from DKC2 kek

They, along with Biboo, have yet to do a handcam stream. Could be silly concepts like decorating a pon-de-ring or ways to bonk Pero. I mostly want to see what they use for gloves, if it'd be idol gloves or if they're committed enough to keep calling their hands "paws."
>funny how you assume it's not the same one faggot
Anon I think that's exactly what that anon was saying
9 hour discord ERP goon sesh finally ended it seems
What's wrong with the reading thing? More information is interesting
now no one will ++ my reads :(
aaand he already ban evaded, amazing
it's not even correct info
Kill yourself subhuman
remember when they used to have viral memes
it all changed after the japan move
no one cares anymore
but all those people still understand the absolute basics of operating a car. Sure they might drive slow, cut in line or suck at parking, but none of them have to look down to remember which pedal does what and whether the turn signal has to go up or down to signal left. This is not just “not growing beyond a certain point”
Anyone who actually cares about how much some other fag in chat gets their message read is a mentally ill subhuman, and their opinion doesn't matter.
it shits up the thread, and is off topic. You're discussing random men. If you want to talk about men so badly go talk to your Mother about all the cocks she's blown.
people forget to look at their mirrors or blind spots half the time, some people really just are not built for certain tasks nigga
refridgator is the new viral meme trust the plan
The stage after the mini castle that they're currently on also has the 'hot chocolate' water that can kill you.
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and the smiling friends models. people really love them (me included)
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I'd pay for merch of the smiling friends models. Plushies and nendos would be ideal.
I genuinely can't understand the dedication to something like this, almost all of the other loops are better than this
Posting a screencap of a chat message you found amusing is tolerable. Most of the time those are still discussing some aspect of the stream/chuubas themselves.
This "counting messages read" shit on the other hand is purely derailing cancer which needs to be shot on sight.
Mental illness, no other explanation
pls let it happen Zach
because this is an actual schizo who goes menhera over who they read
Good, all of their "memes" have been terrible
>Fuwawa isn't real
They can stay dead
i've jerked off 3 times this stream
I can't anymore... I'm sleeping...
coming up on 2 hours, are they clearing it in time?
i don't think those are as sustainable because they have no idea what smiling friends is and so they won't lean into those models lol.
And have to stay late for the collab and the song, jesas
Meant to reply to >>81682948 as well instead of that other post
1 pm and i haven't slept yet. i feel completely fucking dead
Jerked off to this stream.
Unless they start on Bowser's castle very soon I don't think they make it
Fuwawa isn't real was just rude to her but Mogojan was funny for like a week. Now with "Mango Jam" or "MogoJohn" and shit like that it' just saturated. Same thing with the Foreigners meme.
You aren't going to find any reasoning to mental illness. If subhumans thought logically they wouldn't behave like this.
These are the same "people" who have spent countless thousands buying bots to try and derail holomem threads by pointing out the bots they buy (especially here). Just more proof that /#/ posters should have all been rounded up and euthanized, the quality of the board would skyrocket overnight.
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dinos felled
go to bed
why the fuck aren't they using the cape to fly over 90% of every level?
the subs aren't moving up anymore kek
Because most levels either have ceilings or not enough room to get a running start to fly.
why aren't the subs moving anymore. is it because ARK streams are starting around this time?
because no shorts viewer wants to watch a 30 year old game
they got 200 subs in the last hour, they won't even reach 900k
1. That involves having a rhythm to consistently maintain flight without dropping.
2. I love FWMC, but these girls also forget things like the built-in roll jump to get a "double jump" of sort to cross gaps in the DKC games, do you honestly expect them to pull that off lol
>it's better when it's vertical, always.
You heard Fuwawa, vertical schizos.
Doesn't bother me, it's just like a ticker or something
thats not a compliment fuwawa....
Yeah they just said in Japanese that they don't plan in extending the stream, 12 hours limit. And if they don't finish today they might try to do it at a different time.
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learning simple cape pumps isn't hard
they're literally responding to every fucking jp comment while i've never gotten a single read since day 1 except for a couple of supas
No they didn't.
Literally all in your mind
to be fair to them the chat is like 50% JP at this point
nice jp only donut party tangent
they are not even cross translating stuff anymore..
Maybe 5-10 minutes ago but they definitely did. Nice samefag
Well then what game do you recommend?
Stupid EOP
>won't beat the game
>won't reach 900k
they will cry...
not even bothering to translate the JP tangents despite the majority of the people in chat being EOP and on all nighters. FUck them
Do not post that pic of mio
I wonder what the nintendo guys who made SMW thought when they made the cape like this, after how simple the tanuki stuff was in SMB3. Maybe they considered being able to skip every level by flying a reward for understanding the controls and timing of it?
If you're an active chatter I refuse to believe you haven't been read since day 1, that sounds impossible
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sometimes I feel im shadowbanned even though im not
thankfully JP is so cooked as a language that "pondering party" doesn't need a TL
nah it's usually just 1 jp comment that they reply to, then a ton of jp comments start flooding in reacting to what they said. rinse and repeat. so they're literally picking out that 1 jp comment every time
>see you soon, wuffians. Eheheh
>stream goes to brb stream
>fuwawa instantly unleashes the most grotesque brap
Will they chat for a bit longer?
vertical ark
I hope you guys are archiving this because if they go over 11:59 by even a second the vod dies
>6k subs gained
They will say, "Good effort today! We did our best!" and you'll be the only one crying
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Don't sweat it. Getting read is random. The only thing you can do is getting lucky with latency/good comment. However the more you spam the higher the chacne of getting read is.
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it is what it is :(
Get an alt and post 初見です!
I got read once at the start of the stream and am content with that
Dual stream in my mouth beam! v(^0^)v
Do you just say the exact same shit everyone else says in chat? I’m pretty newfag and they’ve read my chats
Nope SCs will be saved for another stream
I usually dont worry about it but 10 hours of stream...
Yeah what they read is more about timing than anything else. They read a lot of generic stuff but you have to do it while chat is slowish and they're looking at it. It's a tough combo.
These are JP hours, so it's better to interact in Japanese. They can gain a few JP subs that way.
...Again, FWMC don't consistently do things like the DKC roll jump. That's a button press and you jump. FWMC aren't even consistently keeping swimming momentum in the water levels, dude.
Yes, you can do it, I can do it. I'm sure they could do it, until they saw a pipe in the sky and freak out falling down wondering where to land. But I'd be all to see that even just once kek
>Wow Mocochan, you said you didn't like touching my veiny wrists, but you don't seem to mind my veiny fuwawang
>That's different...
>How is it different Moco-chan?
>It just is, Okaey!?
why do they hate their en viewers so much?
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Sorry if you were telling the truth, anon, they'll read you eventually
why are you still not shot for ban evading
I've been watching on the shitter for the past 30 minutes
eat fiber you dumb fuck
just stay positive and keep trying anon! If it can happen to random schizo greys it can happen to you too!
Very likely, early SNES Nintendo did have low skill floors but potential for ceiling to allow for skips, if you knew what you were doing. That's what made a lot of early speedrunning interesting before things got into weird gimmicks like wrong warping to different levels and what current GDQ became.
Why do fuwawa's bau baus sound so sexual?
The sole reason verticals are better.
its fine im tired and ill forget about it in a day or so
Don't care about you trying to save face faggot, off yourself ASAP.
>rat comes in when all the other paypigs have gone to sleep
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never forget what you did puddingrat
That's everything she does
they won't even reach 900k by their anniversary...
>Now the goal is 900k
Muahahahahaha settling for 900K muahahahahaha
so much jp
Stop ban evading, filthy monkey
They love Italians
mamma mia, my time is a-here
Usually this early the thread is calm and has actual ruffians
is it because it's a weekend? Whatever.
because there's lots of japs
JWU, what's the status?
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they probably won't beat the game and probably won't get 900k subs
Holy based rratman!
they should have just made this stream japanese only at this point desu
Deja vu...
When did they move it to August?
im gonna send a max aka during their next jp stream telling them i love their jp streams
i'll send a max aka telling them not to
no you won't the only people that send max akas are the GIGA yesmen
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Reminder to all faggot yesmen
CritiqueGODS were the reason there were any English streams scheduled for Golden Week at all
CritiqueGODS were the reason Fuwamoco added a liveTL for their Japanese streams for Golden Week
CritiqueGODs are the reason why we haven't been given any JP-only stream since Golden Week
She doesn't like veins because it reminds her of being raped by the veiny fuwawang
my fucking brainworms are getting so fat
your what now
My eyes hurting
Clean them with hydrogen peroxide.
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what the fuck is wrong with you you crazy brazilian
3 good reasons to hate you fags
>unironic cuckposting
Stupid coom-brained monkey, have you no shame.
>inb4 "they love me so it's okay"
no they don't you delusional BR.
Might seem strange but it’s pretty normal for Brazilians to constantly hear screaming
>CritiqueGODs are the reason why we haven't been given any JP-only stream since Golden Week
That's not actually the reason. Their numbers were shit that week because it was mainly tourists so they stopped the JP streams.
Their numbers were good that week thoughbeit
>andy attentionwhores with his monthly membership message
>gets a bau bau
no favorites btw
What the fuck are you talking about, dumbass?
can they rangeban this schizo yet
Stop ban evading, filthy monkey
damn they're getting hard filtered by Wendy...
That was a membership joining message he probably got shadowbanned or something
everyone's getting shadowbanned and using alts now.
How do you get shadowbanned?
what's coom-brained about that message? meds
Wait seriously why is everyone getting shadow banned this stream. This is like the 3rd person i've seen this happen to mid stream. And how do they even realize they're shadow banned
she went at the worst time kek
Only the spammers like Phoenix, Andy, and Nae got shadowbanned
and how do you tell you're shadowbanned when chat isn't even on screen?
Mococo is becoming a spin jump anti
zeik's also using his alt
Switch between live and top chat and if you're messages don't appear then you're shadowbanned
>really? I don't think so
I have the stream also open on my phone to check if my messages are getting through. My main's chats stopped appearing. I switched to my alt and I could see those instead.
Yeah, Zeik/Sieg too
12 hours chatting seems like a good way of getting flag as a bot, kek, can't blame youtube's bot.
but like, why do they even think to do this
that's so schizo
YT doesn't expect anyone to be autistic enough to watch and chat in a stream for 11 hours straight, so they're getting flagged as bots.
they go "erm i know i'm a favorite but fuwamoco hasn't replied to my messages the past 5 minutes... i wonder if i've been shadowbanned?" and then they check
meanwhile capslock man gets off scot free
You've been talking about men for 12 hours and they're the schizo ones?
I got shadowbanned, long enough time passed that I got it lifted, and then shadowbanned again after like 30 minutes
just dont spam chat, been here chatting the entire time and im good
We've got some real schizos judging by the orbital strike earlier, I'm not surprised.
you call others schizo but you think these threads only have 2-3 people posting in them...
CCV was the only thing that was good. Sub count wise it was pretty much underwhelming.
We've officially reached less than one hour left anons.
Honestly they should just reveal a boyfriend on stream, get rid of all the male obsessed schizos and we can finally get back enjoying some good content
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Fucking bitch
Just leave a separate window with a private browser on and if you don't see your chat message pop up consistently, then you're shadow banned. It only takes a glance to verify
I asked them not to mention me
Added a oshi mark to my username to show my support for FUWAMOCO in a move totally unrelated to anything spoken at the start of today’s super Mario endurance! Bau Bau!!
Okay... spinjump!
They can't reveal me when I'm in chat having fun.
women literally are genetically inferior to men when it comes to video games for some reason. it's fascinating. wish i could take their sweaty controller and help them out
If I was up till balls o clock to watch live, I'd want to be able to participate in chat too
>in a move totally unrelated to anything spoken at the start of today’s super Mario endurance!
I said a boyfriend, not every boyfriend
Wanting to chat is one thing but spamming chat is another
Fuwawa said at the beginning that seeing their oshi mark in collab chats makes them happy
Most can't visualize moving things in their head or something
subs really dried up once the americans went to sleep. Where are the sea, euro and aussie zoomers
who are you bitching about now?

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