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>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
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Have to consider that they live in JST. Wednesday is the biggest day but on their end they'll stream at 7PM, midnight, then the next day 10AM, a song premiere and chat at 12:45PM, it looks busier than it is.
If jannies were this cute, i'd pay them for every shitposts removed from this thread
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Hearing fuwawas voice gives me a boner, sorry fuwawa
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Schedule reply W
i swear they are /here/ and saw the "what games have they completed?" posts
So the totsu is for HoloJP call-ins I guess? Who's gonna be calling in at 11PM PST in EN?
Bae, IRyS, Advent, Mori, Raora are all in Japan?
Meds, they're playing it because it's the first game they play after debut
I wonder if they will ever get to a point where they can invite musicians to perform on their 3Dlives.
You make it sound like 11PM is especially late
JPs do the same thing with totsus at 11 PM JST all the time and plenty of people stay up to call in
aka all the good ones
what if they are male?
Reol is Marine's friend from long ago, she used to tell IRL stories of them years ago.
Fuck. I was asleep and their RT notiff was so loud in my headset I leapt forward and hurt my neck.
Shock collar set too strong
I feel asleep at my desk listening to ASMR after the endurance stream, so it was cranked to max volume.
It was fun. I hope they do more in the future. Maybe once a month?
10/10 rhinosaurs
Can't rate until I watch the last remaining 1/3
More would be fun, plus it probably means they have their schedule cleared for that long, which is good for their workload.
Format was terrible. Stream content was good. They shouldn't have gone for secrets if they weren't committed to streaming until they completed it. Feels like they tried to stretch the stream for subs when it wasn't that hard to start with and then ran out of time when it got harder. Still, I hope they do a follow up and try to 100% it.

"I'm a genius! Oh no!"/10
im watching the last 3 hours i fell asleep to
but i have to wonder why Fuwawa was so UNHINGED at the start of the endurance
has she ever screamed and smashed controllers like that before? kek
10/10 I wish Fuwawa would abuse me like she abuses her controllers
>character poops
>"Oh my gosh. What is this game?"
Don't know if I should look forward to Ark.
She was in shorts mode, zoomers like yelling
And it will only be 8 PM for Ceci and Kiara, and I heard that Ina was traveling to Japan during the spelling bee collab
She was already doing it during the last DKC stream.
*8 AM, misread
GG goes to sleep like 2 AM and she's PST, so there's a chance.
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I also go to bed at 2AM PST. Gigi should marry me
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>dog girls in maid outfits, stockings & heels with ankle straps
This pleases me greatly from the waist downwards
Fuwamoco serve me great delights in my trouser region
Gotta do it at the start to get the follows from the biggest influx point of potential new people during the shorts streams.
Fuwawa is always like this when it comes to retrogames. She can't keep calm.
It's alright. At hour 8 on the VoD right now, have been some good moments but I don't think anything will stick in my brain and it will fade as more streams come. Fun moments, but nothing lastingly impactful.
8/10 and the only reason it's not 10/10 is because it was vertical
I hope we get that claymates stream one day
>Mococo the tsundere maid
>Fuwawa the 'Ara~ Ara~' maid
I'll have the latter, even though they're a combined package and Fuwawa has big tits
rrat: Fuwawa has repressed anger issues and is scary when she is genuinely angry. hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
I sleep.
>I sleep
Yeah, you're right. It's at 1am my time so I will sleep.
I mean, Mococo has hinted at her being like that off stream several times.
If you go by what they say, it's way worse off-stream, actually. Like her almost breaking the Switch over Phogs or going nuts over Claymates.
But they totally didn't see all the fags whining about arc and stuck on 3 streams of it.
Reminder they specifically and clearly said they want you to have the paw prints on your name everywhere. You do, right?
PHOGS was brought up all the time in free chat, they're more likely to be reacting to that if anything.
But not even freechat gave the "first game after the first year" idea, so it probably just came from them. It's in line with that first tweet RT after it completed one year, and rewatching the debut. They're just looking back.
Just making sure, but we are going to go kpop stan levels of looping for the orisong right? It will take some work from them too, but I think it is possible to get 1 million views within 30 days as long as the song is generic idol song tier quality. 60 days for sure, unless they somehow fucked up and made a Flare-tier song.
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I hate that game too
Whenever Elon lets me...
I've had pawprints in both my twitter and youtube name since September. Never removing them.
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>60 days for sure, unless they somehow fucked up and made a Flare-tier song.
Is harder to hit 1M than you think.
so what, they are dogs
Looping doesn't affect view count like that. Regardless, only gonna listen to it if it's good
i readded the pawprints but changed my name
Flare has some good originals, Yggdrasil is top tier.
But to answer your question, I won't. I only listen to it when I feel like listening to it, I won't artifically boost anything. I do listen to their covers a ton, but because I like them. Cute na Kanojo I stopped listening to a while ago, because I'm tired of it.
>unless they somehow fucked up and made a Flare-tier song.
Any more timestamps/tweets/etc for evidence? it's kinda hot
i mostly just listen to their chobits cover when i have a bad day cause it helps a lot
Wasn't it Crash Bandicoot that their mother forbid them from playing because they got too angry, so she made them run in circles outside the house to cool down? kek
yeah thats what i remember them saying kek
When the hell did that come out?
Nerissa managed to get SAY MY NAME to 1mil in 83 days for anyone keeping track.
White Love I listen to I think every day, if not then close enough for me to think so. Identity not as often but every now and then, I love their singing in it. Let me be with you and Kaibutsu probably tied for second most listened. Lifetime Showtime I sing on my own all the time, while driving or doing whatever chores, but listen to it not as often, most likely third place. If there's another cover of theirs then I listen to it so little that I don't even remember. While typing this I remembered the Gimme Choco one with Chloe, if that counts then it's dead last.
Why is everyone assuming it will be an orisong? Wouldn't it make more sense to release the orisong right after 3D debut so they can raid into it?
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I personally agree it would be a better choice, but what else would it be? There's a logo for it, censored, and the After Party the next day has the same logo. They wouldn't commission a logo for a cover and then censor, they would just call it "Cover Release" like in past schedules.
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Had the pawprints there for a long while and they aren't coming off. It makes me happy to see it there, and it makes them happy to see it
Atelier is almost 11 months old and still hasn't broken 200k. Flare has over a million subs. It did not land well.
So they gained like 6k subs in 12hr. Does this mean we can be done with the fucking vertical streams now please?
WHy do they grip their SNES controllers like a vice to the point they get blisters?
Wasn't she shilling it so much looping it basically became a meme?
Isn't that super fast?
Nah, they removed the 'by July 31st'. It's here to stay.
Maybe? But FuwaMoco are great a shilling consistently and talking about stuff like merch and events. They should be able to do it just as well.
Korone holds onto them so tight she sometimes ends with bleeding fingers
It runs within dogs I guess
Probably a reflex from how scared they get when something intense like any enemy in the game getting anywhere near them at any point in time happens
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JWU now I'll take a shower and go back to sleep so I can stay up for ark oh god my sleep schedule is so fucked
No, 500 subs an hour is pretty terrible.
Anon, advent takes days to gain 1k subs now.
They need to realize that there's a decline in how many people see their stream on the shorts. The longer the stream, the less people trickle in. It happened with every single shorts stream they did. Sweet spot is like 2-3 hours.
I think I'll save the ARK VODs for the next homework week or something, too much happening this week, if they stream it for as long as some of their senpai do, it'll be impossible to fit the time to watch the archives.
I don't think they'll play for a real long time. They don't even know how to play.
You be surprised. Raden doesn't play video games usually and her 1st ark stream is 6 hours long.
Specifically Fuwawa though
I need a Yoshi's Story playthrough. I just need them to sing that goofy song over and over and this too
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Reminder that Fuwawa got sentimental from elevator music
They won't be able to because FWMC morning set a hard limit on how much time they can put aside for ark. Though I guess they can stream longer on Tuesday.
>They don't even know how to play.
That's even worse. They'll feel obligated to learn a lot about the game before ending the stream and it'll end up being 3+ hours. I really hope they manage to make them shorter than 3 hours, because I literally won't be able to sleep for the next 4 days is they do long ARK streams.
Stop needing to be there for every fucking stream.
Start sleeping and treating yourself better and watch a few VoDs, it'll be fine.
I love my retarded wife.
Don't you dare do this.
>Don’t miss a moment of it! BAU BAUー!!
>I really hope they manage to make them shorter than 3 hours
Just watch VODs if you can't be there for crying out loud.
Don't care. Shut up and stop shitposting or being menhera. Feel free to ignore every time they told you or anyone else that they shouldn't ruin their sleep for streams.
No. They themselves have said that they want us to be there, so I'll do whatever it takes to be there.
If you don't support them for everything they do you're an anti, simple as
Aren't you being unfair on them? You are effectively asking them to spend less time with their senpais to cater to your sleep schedule.
They are women, anon. They'll say one thing but want something completely different. And as professional idols they "have" to say that we need to sleep and take care of ourselves, but them they start crying about how much it meant watching us be there for them. It's clear what they really want, and I want to make them happy.
I wonder if she will call in.
I'm not "asking" them to do anything, I'm just posting anonymously, in a place that they won't see, that if they do long stream I won't have time to sleep during monday-wednesday. I can hope for shorter streams without forcing or pressuring them to make them shorter.
I refuse to believe any fan would actually be like this. It's fine to be sad you missed a livestream but to fuck yourself up consistently for streamers is insanity.
You can just leave the stream up while you sleep, all they care about is the ccv
Why are you omitting the part where she related it to an NTR scenario
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Everyone loves them.
Fucking loved it when she does rage and smash stuff. Sounds hot. Love me a woman that starts cool and just fires off like that. She must have needed to let off some steam last night.
I love this fluffy brain of hers and her.
I heard here that there was a collab to do after the mario stream?
Advent off-collab on shiori's channel?
>Fucking loved it when she does rage and smash stuff
She didn't even need to rage, she went straight to smashing the controller just because she could at one point and even Mococo was like what the fuck are you doing
NTA, but eh... It's not that weird. I'm a europoor ruffians and I watch ALL their streams live (their normal streams start at 3AM for me) it's the least I can do to support them.
>F: The SNES controller is durable.
I love this fluffy idiot...
And thought of an NTR plot
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My autistic sister-daughter-wife...
If they do decide to do extra EN streams during JST moving forward, will you all be unhappy?
>MC choose a different girl
Kill yourself
i just gave it a listen originally to be nice, thought it was ok but whatever. then it ear wormed and its part of my normal playlist, so a couple hundred views are probably mine. i really hope fwmc get somebody to make a good song, because it is just as important as their singing skill, which they can bring
Your oshi loves NTR
It’s fine, this should come as no surprise to anyone who isn’t a newfag
As long as they are (mostly) in English? No. I'll be really happy if JP solo streams disappear.
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This orisong better not be as shit as LTST was after they’ve kept us waiting this long for it or it’s actually over
>shit as LTST
KYS anti.
I do think there's such a thing as too many streams. If they're "extra" in the sense that it's a stream on a day that would otherwise only have FWMC Morning, no problem, but if we're looking at 3 streams a day becoming regular, I think it's too much.
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Need a stream like this but with Fuwawa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnoqtSUAPa8
KYS catalog tranny, they don't like NTR. Do your reps before coming here to shit on the thread.
I don't mind JST streams, I just watch the vod like any sane person
If they're a bit later like say 9pm JST then I try to catch it live
Good is subjective, the way this board uses "idol music" as an insult, I think there's a very good chance that a lot of people will despise it even if FWMC themselves think it's even better than they could have hoped for.
10 months later and LTST still isn’t even at 600K lol
We already knew you were a anti, you don't have to out yourself like this.
So we got them playing SMW on Mama Puppy's lap and her saying that one day they would be too big for that, the elevator music VN, their rule of not eating during streams coming from Moco-chan choking during a collab, what else did we get in terms of story? My brain turns to dust during long streams, can't remember many details.
when they use "idol" they mean idol-en, not hololive or real idol music
you have a point, i can rephrase. since it's from fwmc its already good. but there is a reason why artists can tell what the best song on their album is to pick for say, radio. the quality that makes it get into people's head and not let go. the type of song you wake up humming. i hope they get a song like that, not even because it would be "better" but it would be a large success and they deserve a large success
Here, you have something on your face
Unironically, the best way for them to shill their music is to create a tiktok account.
I always thought Flare's orisongs to be pretty good but the numbers... Certain styles just won't go viral.
Ruffians don’t care about LTST either considering they would rather push FWMC’s covers instead
>the way this board uses "idol music" as an insult,
Koyori cried over the low views Tear-Gazer had gotten. I am mentally prepared for something similar to happen.
Same, mentioned Yggdrasil earlier in the thread, it's one of my most listened to Holo originals. But more than the style I think it's her. She failed to make an impression as a music chuuba, and that will always reflect in her numbers, unfortunately. She's one of the strongest singers in Hololive, imo, so it's really a shame.
But for example FWMC's Kaibutsu already surpassed Flare's by 2.5 million views, so that's at least a good sign.
Fuwamoco will 100% go menhera if the new orisong underperforms
noooo I dont want my hologirls to cry
why arent they paypigs watching the songs too
One thing that I believe FWMC have as an advantage is that they understand the distance between what they like and what gets people to notice them. Like them saying "we don't expect numbers for this one" when releasing Let me be with you, or the fact that despite (correctly) saying that Let me be with you was a cover that's more what you would expect from them, it was the first of its kind, they always went for "cooler" sounding ones before, precisely to catch the attention of casuals too. Not just people who are looking for what and how they're expressing with the covers, but people who just want a cool song to listen to.
Not saying they will necessarily go for cool as their first original, but if they go with a debuff, they'll go in aware of what that means, which helps with frustration.
>She failed to make an impression as a music chuuba,
I don't know. Soda doesn't get views even when she is known as a music chuuba. I will say watame herself doesnt get much views.
True, but I personally think of Sora more as a performer than "a music chuuba", necessarily, you know? Sora is amazing on stage, she has connections with the entire industry, more than any other holo, but when I'm looking for my favorite Hololive songs to listen to, the only one of hers that I have in mind is Polaris Solaris. She kills it on stage no matter what she's performing, but I'm not crazy about her albums.
She's an idol, not a musician. Which I personally really like.
>kpop stan levels of looping
We don't stoop to their level.
>Koyori cried over the low views Tear-Gazer had gotten
>but we are going to go kpop stan levels of looping for the orisong right?
You better unless you want Fuwamoco to cry over it
>JP title
>JP thumbnail
>JP description
JPschizos...what the fuck is this...?
She is really something when she performs Step and Go on stage so yeah, I see where you are coming. But it kinda sucks to see Beyond get such low views, compared to something like star,star start.
Damn, even Bae and Calli had the title in English
they are gonna be worse at ark than they are at minecraft
ark beggars not like this...
>watching part of the stream I missed
>see my comments
B-but it's going to be 90% in english!
You retards said JP collabs are okay.
HoloARK has always been JP newfags
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no sleep...
I kinda wish Fuwawa has her own pov for ark.
the same as this stream.: 【I AM PART-TIME WORKER】いらっしゃいませ~!FUWAMOCO、アルバイトォォ!! 【FUWAMOCO】

and that stream was 90% english
As always wait for the frame tweet
Right and they were interacting with a lot of their senpai during that stream
Of course it's going to be majority Japanese you stupid fucks. They're playing it to interact with their coworkers on the JP side.
>the tweet is in french
it's eifel tover
They only say JP collabs are fine when they do JP solos to try and hide the fact that they are antis. If they are doing a collab they fall back to the JP loop.
Holy shit not this again.
Is IRyS a good alternative to when they're not streaming? I've been strictly watching FUWAMOCO since debut, sometimes I'd watch a bit of Ina. Should I give her a try? Genuinely…
How the fuck will I know what you like. Watch her and decide for yourself.
go watch ollie instead
do you want them to speak english to a jp kek, also i was checking the last jp stream was almost 3 months ago, hachama does more english streams or even ririka kek
Yeah, they do seem reasonable with their expectations for White Love and Let me be with you. I do hope they go for a catchy/popish style for their first orisong.
>fuwamoco’s orisong bombs miserably
Your response?
And yet Bae had the title and description in english AND spoke english for most of it. Can't believe ruffians still act like the dogs are better than her lol
their orisong will be rap
What is the best wording to use for the orisong they're revealing next week? Fourth orisong? First non-Advent non-LTST orisong? First non-Advent non-intro orisong? First full non-Advent orisong? Or maybe the non-Advent part is implied, and it could be first full orisong?
Dissociative Identity Disorderffian..
IRyS is great. Her Black ops stream was so fucking funny. though I try not to watch her too much cause she makes me too horny
Is it possible to get nausea, cold sweats, and dizzy spells from lack of sleep? Or should I just chalk it down to that cold I’ve had the past few days?
When Myth came out I watched Ina for a bit, and when now-Promise came out, I watched IRyS, so take from that what you will.
groovy beats
Why would I have a response? I'll listen to it, share my thoughts with the hashtag hashtag FUWAMOCO, leave a comment to help with algorithm, and listen to it as many times as I feel like.
they are wainting on drake new diss to respond
ARK streams are good because it will be another piece of undeniable evidence that JP fans do not care about them one bit. Their CCV and SCs will be rock bottom especially if they are so brazen about it as JP only. I expect their sub count to drop and they won't hit 900k during any of the JP streams
>I expect their sub count to drop and they won't hit 900k during any of the JP streams
Will you get out of /baubau/ if they do?
They always make the distinction that LTST is an introduction song, like an image song for an anime, so this will be their First Original Song.
Idk I would feel pretty upset if my oshi took this long to finally release an orisong and it sucked ass kek
They're only 2k subs away, they would hit 900k even with a fucking SC reading lol
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>so this will be their First Original Song
Much like the asmr with Nodoka totally didn't count as their first asmr right?
season 2's theme song WILL be a banger
the goal isn't viewers or subs or SCs retard. you have to participate in these to create connections and show you're part of a hololive brand. even g*ra gets off her ass to join minecraft events
>your character must poop on stream to be part of hololive
they're going to hit 900k with their favorite JP fans. Make sure you stay up to watch a stream you can't understand just to send them hundreds of dollars to celebrate
Please no more keychains...
The whole point is to interact with their senpais, and provide a pov for ruffians while they are doing so. Or do you rather they play without streaming?
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Thanks! My JP oshis haven't streamed anything that catched my attention, so I wanted to try and find an EN girl to spend some time watching while there are no FWMC streams. Particularly a girl that hasn't had any weird interactions that embarrassed FUWAMOCO, anyways thank you again guys
Fuwawa should stream call of duty instead
>do you rather they play without streaming?
Yes I would. if it's just for the interactions then don't bother streaming because no one wants to watch this shit
Are people seriously mad over JP collabs???
How new are you exactly?
It’s okay. They’ll cut to the pero censor every time their character needs to shit. It’ll be Fuwawa’s job these streams to be poop duty…it’s going to end up like the HOTD censors again.
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I'm not mad, I simply won't watch any JP only stream just as I didn't watch any of their other JP only streams
Their EN streamers so I want them to stream in English
i will tell you something, no one know because there is like 5 know shitposter, sister, /jp/ niggers and phasekeks shitting on this thread 24/7
the mask comes off
After they have cried every second they get that they are exhausted and need to sleep? yes I hate them right now. In September when they have free time I don't care about it. Spamming the same game for 6 hours 3 days in a row is not a fun JP collab
I don't mind JP streams I just don't care for Ark
Bae, Mori and Raora's streams were almost completely in English though.
Of course, they interacted with JPs in Japanese, but they talked with their chats as usual, tried to make some "Passion English" discussions with JPs, the game itself was in English, etc...
I cant wait for them to experience the joys of childbirth in Ark
they have fwmcmorning on 2/3 of the days, it's literally for them to squeeze in some interaction with their senpai
but that doesn't matter to you does it sister
How fucking naive are you? Why would they pull this shit with JP only title? It's most obvious numberfagging ever. Holy fucking delusional people.
They don't have a preference for JP viewers, FMWC do. Have you been paying attention?
None of those 3 want to be in holoJP. It's a no win for EOP. Either they spend time with JP senpai exclusively like everyone says the whole point of ARK is or Mori somehow saves us and sacrifices all her time with them speaking EN and then it becomes an EN collab at a dogshit time for EN viewers
>They don't have a preference for JP viewers
Remind me again when was the last time they had JP only stream
Yeah, this kinda confuses me... What should we expect for their ARK streams? Mostly English or full JP streams?
>it's either then senpai or mori and you should hate both of those
least obvious sister
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>None of those 3 want to be in holoJP
Neither do Fuwamoco but please do go on
none of them will want to spend more than 5 minutes with them because they're focuses on the final days and their own stuff. They simply aren't fun to play with for most people and are more fun to joke about and call cute from a distance.
3 months ago it was a watame collab
They can't be blatantly obvious about it because they know it looks bad. You're telling me you don't notice how much happier they are when they interact with their JP fans?
>You're telling me you don't notice how much happier they are when they interact with their JP fans?
Lol this loop again.
They're needy
It's fine to have JP only streams just stop making it so fucking confusing by doing this. Ark of all things even when it's an event with a lot of JP senpai doesn't need to have a full JP title and description.
Holy shit there's gonna be a huge meltdown here when they hit 900k on their JP only ARK stream.
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>3 months ago
And they have a preference for their JP fans? kek
Yeah a manufactured one by sisters.
Ok, looking forward to changing again tomorrow and every day this week about it. No JP senpai is going to sacrifice everything to be with an absolute newbie in the finale of a week long event. They say kawaiiiii bau bau and ignore them
Not a loop, you know very well it's true lol
>looking forward to changing again tomorrow and every day this week about it
Wtf is this even supposed to mean?
Not worth melting down over but not gonna SC because I won't be awake for that shit. They already are extorting fans for lots of SCs this week with all three after parties and celebrations so there already weren't gonna be many 900k SCs besides the braindead pigs eith more money than personality
>You're telling me you don't notice how much happier they are when they interact with their JP fans?
No because I'm not schizophrenic and my brain hasn't been poisoned by NTR kek
Like when they kept telling the japanese viewers the things they were doing with the ruffians during Shashingo?
is this german?
>I delude myself into believing otherwise
Of course lol
>needy fuwamoco tweet
>no one cares
Oh right I forgot most of the Ruffians ITT must have gone asleep
>gets mad over streams not being in english
>can't even type in english
Stop arguing with gay ass seanigs here and go tell FUWAMOCO how much you love them in the reply.
I hope they stream ARK as a short. it's all for the numbers anyways so just go all in like SMW
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All that time together and still feeling needy, cute
>It'll be in JP hours so of course it'd have a JP title
Fuck anyone who says this is okay. None of the other HoloEN members used a full JP title.
it was for their jp viewers that are trying to learn english
first vertical streams and now we get small tweets
JPs get actual game streams, you can eat the YT shorts slop
Fuwawa mama...
This post I made is still accurate
this is without a doubt a seanigger sister kek
They are needy every day because they are manipulative cents. how about giving your fans something first before crying? they've did it to themselves. I bet they took 900k as a guarantee during the endurance and still failed it by a lot.
We're one year in, man.
it's nothing new anymore
don't forget the asmr
>They've did
is this french?
I don’t know about you, but they give me love and make me smile.
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>We're one year in
Yeah and I still rush in to tell them how much they mean to me every single time
impressive how you fucked it up that bad
I don't think you understand the requirements for that to happen in ARK.
It's not a thing newbies can just do
DeepL been real quiet since this post dropped.
yeah it is pathetic but to have any doubts is being a sister. They could use it as a chance to bring in EN fans to the holoARK instead they can't even pretend to care. At least they are honest. the frame tweet will be in JP only and on those days expect a ton of exclusively Japanese tweets because that's where their hearts lie
I don't get this. It is a JP collab. Everyone has been saying JP collabs are okay, and now you faggots are complaining about it???
I kinda miss seeing otm being first reply to all of their tweets. Funny how things change during the first year.
Kys you cock obsessed fag
Just stop being a faggot
that week fucked everything up
>It is a JP collab
Irt's a Hololive collab. Mori and Bae are in the server also, streaming in EN
What does a 2am JP solo stream 3 days in a row when EN has gotten vertical and fad slop spam for weeks do to protect your smile?
Me Haty THaty fubamoc ddided a streamered on non english trigh ruffianos? we hatw thoase badd peopled that caring abut money andd musing, btw in fron texaz
It's almost kind of charming that even though we have a new gen, that there are still people this obsessed about shitposting here specifically. I'm glad these two dogs can give your lives some meaning where there clearly wasn't any before
there are only samefagging sisters here right now
It's not a JP collab it's a hololive event. No matter how much they try to paint it as one with the holoJP wannabe title and description. The majority of the time they'll be alone and lost. But at least they'll have their massive JP ruffian fanbase to teach them how to play. They are going to love it so much to finally get to spend time with the fans they care about most and need to manipulate if they ever have hopes for a sololive
What is crazy is the shitposting started as soon as the frames dropped. Those faggots are just glued to their channel.
>If you don't agree with me completely, you're a shitposter
This is more complicated, it's like the minecraft events which had english titles and descriptions. Full JP title and description makes things needlessly confusing if all the bits in between them interacting with JP senpai is going to be in english or not.
You're gonna have to accept that Fuwamoco being at the top means we will always have sisters who vehemently pray for their downfall and will shitpost here 24/7
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I can't stop crying...
Stop being an anti you piece of shit
Do you think they care about informing fans or being respectful of their time? That fuwamoco was left behind in the NW Passage. They now just do whatever they want with no thoughts or care about us like changing a 12 hour stream from a normal one to vertical an hour before it starts with no notice. Don't think of complaining because it's the FUWAMOCO way, sister.
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A kilogram of steel, because steel is heavier than feathers.
anon.not every new phrase need.a.period.for.fuck.s.a.ke
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I was going to post about likes but this place is already on fire so I'll just say good night
I can't sleep
I'm an EOP, but I have dyslexia so my posts look like I'm ESL...
I mean it's still obvious that some actual ruffians are annoyed with them not being completely clear and sisters go with literally anything any ruffian is annoyed with. It's just like SMW being vertical at the last second and seeing a decent amount of people in pre-chat be disappointed with that.
The obvious sisters are retards that make posts like this
it's machine generated kek be happy this creature is working across language barriers to talk to ruffians and FuwaMoco would be glad to see it
KEK anon...
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I really love this guy's art so much
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I don't think fags here understand how... bad this could turn out, joining the ARK server as absolute newbies in the last 2 days.
Unless they plan to marathon for 6-8 hours per day like some JPs, they're gonna be extremely behind, and not being able to
1/ join the #1 daily event: the raids, which have been gradually getting harder as Holos start to tame mid-game dinos
2/ Join the various level-up trips with others
3/ Helping with the raid preparation
as all of those activities require certain baseline in levels and know-how.
Again, only 2 days left.
Mori and Bae put the hours in, while Raora got lucky and was gifted a spare dino by Subaru. There's no spare anymore.
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They're gonna get princess-carried hard by the senpai, which is kind of a taboo in JP scene, but we'll see.
Fuwamoco combined aren't even worth a quarter of Gura, don't make me laugh.
Anon, you're overestimating how much they care about any of this. What they want is to have their first contact with senpai they never talked to before. Break the ice. Maybe a couple will show up for their totsumachi. And then they have an opening to message them again in the future.
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good I hope they are forced to cry and cancel days 2 and 3 when they realize no JP senpai or fans want to spend time with them. They have a god complex and always expect everyone to kneel to then in collabs. It will be a big wakeup call when no one even acknowledges them besides a BAU BAU
they can just message them on discord
holy autism
They can, but they won't.
They could stop being retards and message them. Showing up to a 10 day long collab event at the end and expecting everyone to throw away progress and time is stupid and disrespectful of senpai time
The first thing we need to do is kill the BR so he doesn't sink this one like he has all their other songs.
Errr, how did you think they got that off-collab with Senchou and Koyori?
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If every ARK stream has both the english and japanese intro then we will know 100% that all future streams at that same time even with a JP title will be mixed languages until it's not anymore
If it's only the japanese intro then we will be confused again

Do you not know what break the ice means?
They interacted with Koyori multiple times before, their twitter contact started with Koyori asking them for statements for AsaKoyo. They did go for it when it comes to their oshis, but other than that they've been fairly shy. The most they do is appear in totsumachi.
If they have no reason to contact the senpai, they won't. What could they possibly have to talk to Iroha about, for example? That's one shy holo who they could use the opportunity to make their first contact with now. It's the only HoloX remaining for their collection. Lapras doesn't count.
Anon, raden showed up yesterday for the first time. She was basically guided around by Choco-sen and Miosha.
IRyS is great.
awkwardly talking to someone while they're busy with something else isn't how to break the ice
>>81703934 (me)
their discord contact*
Good thing not every single girl will be occupied with something for 100% of the stream
because Raden actually had spent time building relationships. FUWAMOCO are just going to join not knowing anyone which on top of their frustrating gameplay and personalities in collabs is a horrible recipe for disaster
>which on top of their frustrating gameplay
Raden can't even play video games.
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most will be. And if they just end up playing with Mori, Bae and Raora they won't learn a fucking thing and those are EN members they already talk to. There's no benefits besides ruining ruffians health watching a horrible boring stream. they won't even have fun playing it
i know this sister, she is a tempus one that spam with bait threads about fuwamoco and samefag on everyone of them,
What's your solution here? Don't join holoARK???
>EN fans get a list minute bait and switch vertical as their gaming stream at a horrible time to watch most of it
>JP tourists get 3 dedicated timeslots for a game with guaranteed consistency
They would never have done this for their EN fans
not him but yes and never do another jp stream
/MANS/ sisters are pretty chill, they don't waste time baiting in the catalog.
Speak English
Hoeh???? Not even collabs???
I love her.
maybe normal collabs not full week things like this or golden week
anon if you are an anti you dont shit where you eat (search disrespectful fuwamoco on twitter)
I'm still going to wait to see how Season 3 turns out. But I'd never have imagined we'd be here a year ago, they seemed so promising. In retrospect it was probably too good to be true, nobody is perfect, and if their flaw is that they can't manage time effectively, that's still better than being a lazy whore like most ENs.
Just pretend ARK doesn't exist and watch only the collab and actual streams this week. Skip ARK and FWMCMORNING there won't be anything fun for you there
KILL YOURSELF FAGGOT. They LOVE their EN fans, and they will NEVER replace us with JP tourists.
Do you have the artist's name or link? I can't seem to find it in the tags and reverse search returns nothing so far.
Fair, too used to ruffians constantly shitting on FUWAMOCO, it is indeed not the norm.
my JP oshi gave up on ARK so it's actually perfect for me
Love EN fans so much that it's been a week and a half since their last normal gaming stream in EN
I'm still waiting for that "first" asmr
He's one of the artists who never tags his shit.
>search disrespectful fuwamoco on twitter)
>Literally just one tweet with 5 likes
Kek who gives a shit
>>81704700 (me)
and 22 days since their 2nd most recent solo gameplay stream at the normal time.
they are fucking lazy and sick of streaming to EN fans. expecting the schedule swap we've seen the last couple of weeks to be permanent. fwmcmorning is next to get axed or changed
You do know Part time worker and Mayonaka 10 are EN streams right?
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>something happens that some people don't like
>some ruffians post about it here
>sisters take that topic and increase the anger by 100x
>actual ruffians respond to those posts first
>respond to the civil ones after with the impression that the people making those posts are insanely pissed off
every time
at 3am in the morning on a work day. I know they were in EN but that is not a normal stream, retard
search disrespectful holostars, do you know a man that use that word on fucking 4 chan or twitter?
ESL post
KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF. They LOVE us. You'll never be loved by anyone in the same way FWMC loves us.
They'll do it soon, I trust them.
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Rufferans have (You) done your
>Hide post
reps recently?
Only (You) can ignore bait and help clean up the thread.
They have 3 solo EN gaming streams at their normal time in the past month. They are going to have 3 JP gaming streams just this week. Even the few EN gaming collabs have been bad (45 min chained together), party animals was OK.
KEK you discovered the shitposters secret. If only the other anons were smart enough to ignore the bait...
i did
look at their past month of schedules and actually read the room. EN fans are an afterthought now
Another issue is the sisters that fight with themselves for an entire thread. I don't know what kind of mental disorder you need to have to do that.
It happened to shuba and became a huge event where they extended the server uptime by three hours from 3 AM to 6:30 AM for with so many holos willing to stay up for
It is decidedly not an easy thing to do though as you need to go to an extremely dangerous zone and deliberately get hit by an attack from a high level dino and survive to get the egg implanted in you. If they do happen to get pulled into that and accomplish it, I'd be really impressed
It does seem Aqua and Peko plan on getting people to take Carcharos though, and doing that involves going on a murder spree. If that happens, it'll be kino as fuck
I love FWMC and FWMC love me
party animal was shit because the red nigger was there talking like a npc, she ruins every fucking collab i feel bad for justice
You're an EOP, they won't ever love you
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That is more than what shiochan and rissa did. Are you going to call them lazy whores who take their EN fanbases for granted?
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98% of the comments I sent during SMW I ended up sending the second they looked away from chat to play the game
you guys promised me justice would save us from the sisters
any stream with red is like it didn't even happen
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Haven't they already said multiple times that they want to talk to more of their senpai and collab with them, but don't know if any good ideas to propose? ARK is literally free real estate with everyone already on at the same time
>Friday Night Freddy 1 month ago
>Minecraft 22 days ago
>DKC2 11 days ago
>PHOGs this week
That's the entire list of EN solo games that weren't vertical trash this past month. What a pathetic output compared to pre Japan.
My latency has been pretty bad lately myself
Probably, but they love me more as a number.
I'm not complaining, but those are facts and I'll support them until they decide to stop streaming.
i will take a stream on french over a erb collab kek
ruffians are all too retarded to just ignore bait and report + hide so we will have thread shitters for all eternity
bau bau...
Ever since they moved to Japan there has been a significant chat lag and I fucking hate it.
They would if they were successful, but they aren't, and the sisters attack FWMC because they are objectively the most popular, most successful and most loving EN vtubers that exist. They are jealous of FWMC's success and the happiness of the ruffians.
PHOGs is going to be a vertical stream kek
Justice brought even more whore appreciators in and those types see FUWAMOCO and their fans as the enemy.
Baused. I love vertical streams.
It's honestly kind of fun to argue with and rile up sisters
Nothing they say will change how much I love FWMC, but the sisters always try so hard lmao
Most popular advent chuuba means attracting a lot of sisters who camp in these generals
me too, looks better on my phone
How bad is it for you?
I can get mine to 1.30~ for 10-15 minutes but then
>youtube says fuck you and stutters until I'm at 3-3.40
>change quality to 720p
>can instantly go back to 1.30~ for 10-15 minutes again
>get forced back again
>change to 1080p to fix it
I don't understand this piece of shit website at all
Ruffians have the biggest overlap with otomos. I don't know what you are talking about.
will they have individual sets for anniversary or just one fuwamoco set? don't think I can afford two full sets, will have to pick one item from each and the voice packs, probably.
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They have been getting shown up constantly by their kouhai it's getting sad
>ERB capitalized her singing skills and has a big rotation already of unarchived karaokes to replay for growth and content on off days
>Raora already in ARK and building great relationships. Said it was a priority and did it instead of waiting until the last days like FWMC
>Gigi respectful of fans feelings and FOMO. Adjusts content on the fly for them, plays games to completion instead of making a huge backlog of unfinished. Has a low tier emote only membership to filter giftfags
>CC sweet, creative to the max. offers ASMR at a higher tier along with actual content for paying fans
That’s pretty much been my situation
Sometimes I might get lucky tho
depends on the day when youtube is good like 10 seconds and when it's shit like 1 minute
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Holy fucking shit no wonder these threads get so fucking bad when you retards do this shit, you don't rile them up you just give them more of a reason to continue to shitpost how fucking stupid are you jesus christ
what a schizo piece of shit. I hope he starves with no attention and moves on to endanger some other community
This is about it. I'm on the East Coast. Like I said it wasn't an issue before they moved. I hate season 2 with a passion.
They said in prechat yesterday that they will have their own Fuwamoco sets much like the limited sets
This of course sucks because they have also said it’ll be more of a battle than the damn birthday sets
>ASMR locked behind highest tier of membership
bye bye findom posters
>CC sweet, creative to the max. offers ASMR at a higher tier along with actual content for paying fans
That is actually a bad thing.
I get stutters if I force mine to lower than 2 seconds, but if I get it without trying then it's fine. So instead of using 2X speed to reduce latency, I just rewind the stream a bit and click the LIVE button until the delay I get randomly is satisfying to me. I got 1.7s for the Mario endurance with no issues by doing this.
erb is not from hololive doe, she is under whore productions
ASMR shitposters this is your perfect chance
just take your loop away from here
>offers ASMR at a higher tier
KEKAROO she is just after the money!
When will Fuwamoco give exclusive treats to Mad Dog members? Im all for supporting them but come on
I suppose its asking for too much given how they barely even update the doggy pack as is
Just recognize bait, play with it and laugh, then more genuinely respond to nonbait posts
This place is only a fun distraction every now and then when the wives are gone
At least she'd actually following through and not gaslighting fans about it. FUWAMOCO led us on for a year now with besides the Nodoka shit which I refuse to acknowledge exists and which they say doesn't count
More of a battle I assume is just because of both going on sale at the same time, rather than more limited quantities. I don't care that much about limited, so I don't mind that part much.
Kill yourself you subhuman faggot
>holy fuck asmr over a high tier pay kek
Nu-EN fans don't know shit. I remember all the hell the fat wigger caught when she had membership tiers with gated content, now they think it's normal.
still shit
>Raora already in ARK
already stopped playing >>81705900
>Gigi Has a low tier emote only membership to filter giftfags
didn't work I got a tier 2 gift
KEKUS MAXIMUS! Keep coping! She doesn't care about her fans!
They're too used to easy money doing nothing they have no incentive to give more to their fans. They only did it pre Japan to convince people that it would be the norm and now they're just coasting and enjoying Japan. They just have to lie about being overworked and the sympathy money hose keeps flowing.
Gifts are always for the 5 bucks tier, a lower one doesn't filter giftfags, a 6 bucks tier is what does.
I really hate thinking about merch especially limited stuff. I'm just praying that limited only stays with signatures and nothing else, it's bad enough to lose out on those when it's 3 per person for some stupid reason.
>Has a low tier emote only membership to filter giftfags
Gifts doesn't filter giftfags...
limiteds will be Japan meet and greets and handwritten kissed letters.
Limited is always the same as the full set but with real signatures instead of printed signatures. Doesn't even cost more, it's just a treat to the people who grab it in time.
Sure lmao
Think you should stop letting this place shape how you feel about FWMC and just treat it as a place to shitpost and maybe have a silly discussion every now and then. Makes it much more enjoyable
limited sets are just a silly fun bonus like ESR
stop seething over them
KEKY cry more groomer! You'll never groom FWMC with some of your money! They are not whores!

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