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(^・ω・^§)ノ おはこぉーん
Previous: >>83918917

>YT Channel
>Do your reps!
>Shirakami ZOID
>Shirakami Fubuki "Comfy Fox Inn" ASMR Voice Pack
Buy: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/comfyfoxinn_asmrvoice
Translation: https://pastebin.com/uUJw7Fzh
I love this fox. She used a star item before an autoscroll level, it ran out before even encountering the first enemy and then she promptly died to that first enemy. Her reaction was too cute.
fubuki is too corporate
she views her job too much like a job than her life
Seems she'll be continuing Mario later tonight
Please keep your children away from her.

The amount of shota genital sweat that has travelled down her throat within her lifetime can be measured in gallons.
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That's good. It was a fun stream.
Frame is up! Starting in 50 minutes
I still got 1h10m left on the first stream so I won't catch up completely in time, but close enough!
There will also be 7DTD at 21 so she will try to clear the game before that!
Cute outfit!
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Man, the star really seems completely useless in 3. The duration is way too short and it's often placed in questionable locations.
>Actually played from World 1 and I'm just too dumb to find the earlier vids of her playthrough of this game.
>Just decided to turn the game on and she picked World 7 because she wants to challenge herself as its a tricky world.

Which one is it?
She played from World 1 to 7 this morning and is continuing from that playthrough
Frame is here
Ahem, I meant as in I see it now. Like, I remember clicking on her name on YT to see her videos and I hadn't seen it at first. But I think the REASON I didn't see it because I didn't fully 'view' her profile and went to 'videos' instantly which didn't show it and then I went to 'playlists' which didn't show it as I didn't have time to go through it (as I was doing something else).
In future I'll just check the 'For You' section because it did show the link you provided (and it made me feel dumb that I saw it in the for you section). Still I thank you and I really hope she's enjoying this game.
That mini-fortress in world 7 (the first one) I always thought it was impossible to complete. I always used a Cloud to skip it and it was only when I became an adult that I realised there was a pipe in the air you could take to beat the boss
I just realised something, is the reason she's playing this version of SMB3 is because the Japanese version of SMB3 (NES) instantly makes her small mario if she's hit while using:

- Fire Flower.
- Feather.
- Hammer Bro.
- Tanuki.
- Shoe (from Goomba in World 5).
- Frog.
- P-wing (which basically is the feather but infinite p-speed until the end of the level).

No problem, as for the Fortress it's a neat idea but I can't imagine how you were meant to work out that you had to fly up.
At least it gives you an area to grind lives so that was generous at least.
I don't think that's the reason she's playing that version, it's just the most readily accessible version and she also mentioned she used to play the Mario Collection (aka All Stars) version when she was a kid because her mother owned that on the SNES, so it's possible she never even played the original release at all.
If I remember correctly its also the ONLY level with a timer of 200 seconds (and no enemies except the boss) correct?
And on your second point, I also wish I used that level to help me grind lives because I 'think' (it was so long ago) I use to struggle with World 7. But when I realised the 'trick' to beat the fortress I just put all my time into beating it because by then, I knew how to play the game properly and I didn't die as much like what I use to when I was a wee boy. Funnily enough the second min-fortress (the one fbk is stuck on right now) I never had problems with it. But I think it was that long ago (or I did it with a power up) that I can't remember much of it at all.
...Come to think of it, I 'think' I also used a p-wing on that level AFTER the first mini-fortress in world 7.

Please correct me if I'm wrong on saying this but isn't the NES version on the switch online system? If yes then she'd easily have access to that no? But if she's played the all stars version as a child and she's more used to that (not to mention she has the devices to play it) then I can understand fully that she'd play that version instead. Plus, she grew up with the all stars version no?
I was the same. and only played the NES version when the Wii had the Wii shop channel.
No idea, actually, I don't have a switch, you might be right. I just figured having all in one package is more convenient if you don't have a strong preference for any version in particular, and this one looks a little better, too. I'm more of a Mario 1, World and Yoshi's Island fan, I never played much 3 when I was younger.
All Stars is also on Switch Online
So like, if you have a working SNES and the copy of all-stars (plus its what you're more use to) its ideal to play that version?
The only thing I use to dislike about Mario World is that once you got the cape and knew how to use it, you could easily cheese through the whole level and make the game like, REALLY easy! Also that was also the game where I didn't know that the bridge level after beating Castle 3 had a secret exit. That meant I never saw the 'Torpedo Ted' enemy in the 'Soda Lake' level until I was like an adult and played Super Mario Advance 2 (Mario world) on my GBA SP. That was also the game that REQUIRED all 96 exits to unlock the new make over on the overworld (whereas in the original you just needed to beat special world).
It was still a fun game nevertheless. I think the very first time I played Super Mario World was when my big brother (this was YEARS back) got the 'Super mario all-stars + Super Mario World' version of the SNES. That was when Luigi didn't look exactly like Mario (but wore green).

...Wait, really?
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Good morning, friends!
Pretty damn sure. Let me check. Yep it's been there as of September 2020
Damn. I honestly thought the 'all-stars' version wouldn't be on the switch online pass thingy ya know? I always thought it'd be like this:

>Release SMB1, SMB2 (J), SMB2 (A), and SMB3 on the NES pass thingy.
>See no purpose to release the 'all-stars' version on the SNES pass because it never got released on the Wii shop, WiiU shop thingy.

But then I realised that they used to release Mario Advance (Mario Bros 2 (A)) Mario Advance 2 (Mario World), Mario Advance 3 (Yoshi's Island) and Mario Advance 4 (Mario Bros 3) on the GBA section on the Wii U (I bet its also on the NSO as well) so I guess that was kinda stupiud huh.
I actually preferred the GBA versions of the games but I also like the SNES versions as well. At least they have a save feature but there was also a few things I liked about the GBA more than I did on the SNES
>Took 2 hours to clear World 7
Man she did not have good luck in that world.
Otsukon! That took a little longer than she expected, so we will have to play World 8 at a later date. Unfortunately, she can't say when yet, her schedule seems pretty packed. She hopes to find some time to play in the near future before she forgets about it, however. Maybe after 7TDT is over. Speaking of which, that will be starting in about 20 minutes! It was originally supposed to be at 21 but they will have a strategy meeting for today's rate at 20:30 instead.
I imagine they never released it on the Virtual Console because that would sort of make the individual NES games way overpriced in comparison if you can just buy the collection instead. With Switch Online, you pay the same fee regardless since it's a subscription so it doesn't hurt them much to release both versions.
Definitely, considering that the first 6 words only took her 3.5h and she even got stuck several times. Maybe World 8 will be smoother!
I love how she is clearly never contributing or even listening at all during these strategy meetings and just keeps on doodling on the margins.
Her drawings are so cute and silly.
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I suppose that makes sense. Although now that you mentioned subscription, did you know that if you have 12 month online, you didn't need to pay for that DLC pack on MK8?
Like it AMAZED me because I genuinely thought I was gonna need to spend actual money to get the DLC pack.
That's why you must always read the fine print. Check what you need to get something or you'll pay more than what you'd need to.
Noted for future.
...Do we know when Fubuki is going to do World 8?
Nope. She said she'll be busy for a while so it might be delayed for a bit.
Subaru asked what Fubuki likes to listen to before going to bed and she mentioned she likes to watch foreigners do shiny hunting in Pokemon lately. She doesn't really understand what they say so it helps her fall asleep.
She said she doesn't know when she will have time for it. I'm sure she will find a time slot for it within the next couple of weeks, the 7TDT is almost over, after all.
shut up fatass
Its a shame we'll not know when she'll do W8, but I'm not too worried because its best she gets all her other stuff sorted out before she gets back to SMB3, no?
Precisely, she'll come back to it once she's finished what she needs to do. 7DTD should be over in a few more days as well so that'll free up time once they've reached Day 49.
im not okayu
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jwu what did I miss
Depending on when you went to bed, a lot. She has been streaming more or less all day. Mario was very fun.
Otsukon! She wants to do the end of months Mengen tomorrow and it will Sukonbu-submitted line reading stream. She thinks tomorrow around 20 should be fine as long as there is no 7DTD planned that day (which she thinks is the case). Otherwise it could be difficult to find time for the stream. Sounds like she is really busy this week.
Double fubump
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Tell me, exactly, why is she so pretty?
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Good morning waif... what a minute, this is not my Waifubuki, this is my second waifu ERO波!
It also nets you the animal crossing and splatoon 2 dlc
Yeah, written confirmation that she will be busy. I'd imagine other than tomorrows mengen and the final episode (or two?) of 7TD, we won't get much this week. Crazy that she has barely even had time to start playing the new FF14 expansion, it's been out for two months now. I expected her to beat it within a week or two like she did back when she first started playing the game. She's gotten a lot busier in the past couple of years, huh.
>animal crossing
Isn't that the game where you have to pay off a debt to Tom Nook or something? I at least think that was what the main plot for the DS version was (that and the gameplay bored me and felt too 'slow') It at least looked cute though.
>splatoon 2
The ONLY thing I know about that game is:

- The squid girl being quite good in Smash / MK8.
- The 'are you a kid / squid' meme that I think got spammed to DEATH on /v/.
- Flare is ADDICTED to it (I think she played it with IrYS or however you spell her name).
It's kinda sad because she's always been incredibly busy, even just 2 years ago she had a large work ethic and was doing a lot and somehow it's just gotten busier. It's funny how she took a forced break back in 2020 because she was working too much and she's probably doing like 3x the amount of work nowadays.
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Delicious Fox Donuts!
Double fubump
Triple Fubump
Kushami fubump
Bumping Fubu!
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I love you, Fubuki!
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I miss Toro
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I would do the balde runner 2049 scene with this friend
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Hey! You shouldn't cheat on Friend!!!
It's not cheating if she's cosplaying as Fubuki
Sex with not Friend?
Sex with 2 Friends!
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Good night, friends!
Good night, friend!
cute otaku fox
I'd like to have several children with Fubuki.
I'd like to cuddle with Fubuki
You mean cat
hush your mouth, omarun!
Morning, friends!
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Fox love
Mengen at 22 but she has another meeting at 23 so she can't even go the full hour and will have to stop after around 50 minutes. That sure is a packed schedule. However, she also mentioned that she is going to announce a stream project with other Holomen soon. I wonder what it could be.
Man, that's unfortunate. Still, I guess it can't be helped with how busy she is. I'm also curious about what the stream project will be. Wonder if it'll be competitive instead of cooperative this time?
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Frame is up! Starting in 20 minutes.
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We are so back, it's a KU100 episode!
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Man I missed that so much.
Life is good, friends.
I hope so
In the process of rearranging her stream room for the off-collabs, she changed her stream environment in a way that also made it easier to use the KU100, so we might get it a little more often from now on!
I thought she wasn't going to do "this" anymore and it was just going to be her munching on snacks and regular talk from then on?
This is great. I missed this.
Maybe she just didn't want us to expect it every time anymore and she just wants to do it at her own pace when she feels like it.
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This is already one of my favourite ASMR stream this year, I love this.
Fair enough. I mean, it's certainly welcome. I just was wondering if something happened that would make her want to do it like this today. Aqua grad?
Would hate for her to tire of it and it to become perfunctory.
That's also possible, it has been a tough month for many and maybe it's her way of trying to comfort us.
It's over and what an ending it was.
Man, this was an amazing one of these. I really love her.
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I really, really, really needed that.
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me after today's high dose of Fubunium
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Now with aqua gone another holo had to replace her in the "my cleavage consistently gets bigger with each passing year" department and I'm afraid friend might be the chosen one.
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It's been like this with her for years already as well. Probably 2/3 of her fan art is way too big.
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Looks like we will be getting two more 7TDT streams, one chill preparation stream tomorrow and the big finale on the 5th. Does anyone know why they abbreviate 7TDT as 7大豆 (7 onions beans)... Oh, nevermind I just got it. It's pronounced daizu, so it kind of sounds like 7 days. I didn't look it up until now and thought it was pronounced daimame.
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friend...is dead
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He will avenge friend
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Apparently, Miko went to a summer festival together with Mio, Fubusan and Subaru recently. Fubusan and Mikosan both like strawberry candy and wanted to get some together, but they couldn't find any. Miko thought she had a lot of cash with her for the festival, but when she tried to buy Hotate for everyone, she noticed that it was dollar bills from her tip to America and she didn't actually bring any yen. They also played some sort of balloon fishing game called yoyo fishing and afterwards she kept hitting Fubusan's back with her balloon with a baloon while they were walking around to tease her and they fought with balloons for a bit.
Hi Friends!
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man I love Fubuki
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Pretty more simple underwear. Lacy intricacies don't really suit her.
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I love you, Fubuki!
This friend knows what is he talking about!
Don't be so hasty after all if I had my way she would only ever be allowed to wear a tight, black micro bikini. Plain, no ornamentation. Side tied, highleg.
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Double Fubump
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Good night, friends!
Good night, friend!
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Why Friend is resorting to violence against us?
Because we did this
Double Fubump
Triple Fubump
Hello, /fbk/. What is the most lewd thing Fubuki has ever done?
Having sex with me, her husband
sneeze while the mic is on
Rewatching this clip made me realize there was a time where Miteiru existed but sukonbu wasn't the mascot yet and that's strange for me to think about.
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It was actually a fairly long time, yeah. The old Sukonbu and Oruyanke had been barely in use at all around the time Miteiru was introduced just after she got her formal outfit on her birthday in 2020. I've started following her seriously about half a year before that and saw her use the original Sukonbu maybe two times in total during streams. Miteiru was pretty much her main mascot from that point on until she redesigned Sukonbu in May 2021. Crazy to think that that was over 3 years ago at this point. Due to the time delay in designing and manufacturing goods, even for a fairly long time afterwards, most of her goods were Miteiru related and not Sukonbu. It kind of still is that way, unlike most other mascots, Sukonbu still don't have a 3D model and management mostly uses Fubura for her instead, I hope this changes during her birthday this year, though. Also, maybe it's just my imagination but I always felt like when she introduced the new version of Sukonbu, she got a little closer to her fan base. It's much easier to do cute stuff like put a Sukonbu on your head during a stream or put him on a leash for a yandere joke if it's a cute animal and not a weird cornman.
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Good morning, friends!
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Okayu and the others have 7TDT on their schedule at 21, so unless she has work and needs to join late, she will probably stream around the same time:
A cute.
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Cute Friend doodles
Muo tweeted earlier that she can't join before 23 and given that Fubuki drew them together >>84401468 we can probably assume they are together right now and Fubuchan will also join late and without frame.
Mio's ears are huge.
Despite saying this earlier, Mio seems to be here from the start after all? No idea when or if Fubuchan will join today.
She tweeted she is home now and will join after a short break.
Fubunya has arrived.
Last Fubuki reaction is something
I had to stop paying attention for a bit, did Fubuki leave voice chat? Can't find her on any of the streams.
Nevermind she just started talking on Miko's stream. I guess she was just quiet the last couple of minutes.
Okayu mentioned that they went to the onsen the other day and Fubu went back to the studio afterwards...
Let's hope our friend doesn't overdo it...
Yeah, I kind of have a feeling she's overworking herself pretty badly right now. It was pretty telling that she didn't even have the full hour for yesterday's ASMR stream. Also, I was admittedly quite busy during today's stream so I wasn't listening the whole time, but she felt barely present and didn't even say or tweet goodbye after everyone ended, seems to me that she might have went back to work immediately, who knows. Maybe her being busy is related to the upcoming announcement of the streaming project she mentioned the other day. We don't know any details, but maybe she's the one organizing the next one of these ARK/7TDT projects.
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I was really impressed how well she acted out that scene at the beginning before she made the ketchup joke. She is definitely talented.
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Sleep well, waifu.
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She's working too much
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Is she best friend?
She is best waifu.
She's best cat
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Flooding friend’s hag pussy with my cum
Best friend with benefits
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I love you, Fubuki!
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love my sleepy wife
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Good night, friends!
Good night, friend!
Double Fubump
Triple Fubump
Quadruple Fubump
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Morning, Friends!
Hi Friends!
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Good morning, friends!
Mio said they might squeeze in a short work episode tonigh before the finale tomorrow. I wonder if Fubusan even has time.
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Kyuby was THAT cute?
Mio has a frame up,they eill do some prep work for tomorrow for about 2h. No info on whether Fubunya will be there yet.
Nice, we are getting the announcement about the stream project today and she is going to race against her own scheduled post in Tsubooji in about an hour at 21!
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Starting in 20!
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Nice! Hardcore Minecraft Ender Dragon project. If somebody dies, the whole server resets and they have two days to finish.
>If somebody dies, the whole server resets
Originally, it was Micomet that suggested doing this together with her, and she decided to make it a reality and added Okayu and Rui from Doroken.
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This started but she is not here. She hasn't mentioned anything on Twitters, so it's safe to assume she is sitting this one out or joining later partway through.
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I love you, Fubuki!
She just tweeted she finished what she had to do and wonders if there is still time to join, so she might show up soon.
She is here now!
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Fat fuck
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Why am I melting?
You listened to her latest Mengen ASMR stream!
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Cute art. Mio tweeted earlier today she gave Fubuki a donut earlier in the day when they were both in separate studios.
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Guys, how can we support Fubuki? I'm not a godartist or an animator.
I comment on her stream, on her X, but it feels like that's not enough...
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You could try other things like cooking dishes that are inspired in Fubuki or build a 1:1 replica of her, maybe waste all your money on Fubuki goods.
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Good night, friends!
Good night, friend!
Good night, friend!
Good night friend
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She sure loves corn
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Reminder that foxes copulate for 2+ hours by locking their mate's cock inside of them where they can't remove themselves without inflicting great pain on themselves. So when Fubuki decides she's like some Benefits from her friend, you're not escaping, buddy.
Not big enough
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She loves me more than corn
I wonder if they'll release a short video of them doing the Queen Dance. It'll be funny to see them dancing it.
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Morning, friends!
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Good morning, friends!
Cat wife looking sexy in the morning
>Cat wife
Yeah, mine
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Today's frame:
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She's really quiet today.
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I love you, Fubuki!
Fubuki Neko confirmed
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Oh, right, September 6 is Kuro's birthday , I didn't even realize since she hasn't talked about it. With her project starting tomorrow, that probably means we aren't celebrating this year.
It's my mother in law's birthday
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Happy birthday to best Fubuki
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Good job, friends! We managed to reach the bumplimit again.

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