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>vtuber is a prude
>design is sex incarnate
Many such cases
That was one of things that made me stop watching her back then
>vtuber is a prude
But Ninomae "step on me" Ina'nis isn't a prude. She's seiso and never crude, though, and I suspect that's why brainlets assume she's a prude. Her powerlevel is hidden, but it's up there, like her fanbase.
t. ako
why are you people so shitty even to your own chuubas
Are you watching her back now?
sex with inas back
>doesn't want the masses exposed to her lewds on her official hashtag
>is a prude
Discretion is the better part of valor, which have neither.
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I lost buckets to the blue prude.
>I lost buckets
I hope you find it
She's too flat to be sex
You're too gay to be right
anon thats a boy
Sex Ina back

Sex Suibutt
The realest fucking talk on this entire site - if you wouldn't make out with her cute girlish butthole, you're the gayest fucking faggot in the world.
that jav cosplaying suisei took a generation from me
On the one hand I'd absolutely love to french kiss her butthole. On the other hand now that I'm acutely aware of the risks involved with giving oral attention to poopers and how you can end up with absolutely terrible intestinal worms and just how many people DO have worms or their eggs in their rectums, I'm not so sure.
>Intestinal worms
Bro? That's a 3rd world thing
It isn't. It really isn't. You can get eggs from fecal matter just by tongue fucking someones asshole and that's it, you have worms now. Not everyone thoroughly and diligently cleans their butts.
In order for someone to be carrying parasites, they would need to have been exposed to them first. For a parasite that lays eggs in your lower colon and spreads via contact with fecal matter, there would need to be frequent exposure between people and fecal matter outside the context of sex for it to be endemic to the human population.

Most endemic parasitic worms have been eradicated progressively by modern medicine and the only places where they are still prevalent are shitholes like India that lack proper public sanitation, and the remote backwards places in Africa and Southeast Asia where modern medicine isn't readily available.

Sanitation and "diligent cleaning" absolutely matters for butt stuff but fearing a parasitic worm infection is just totally irrational unless you're doing sex tourism in Thailand or something.
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Were you actually planning on eating the salad of someone who hasn't washed and enema'd first?
I read it's common in south america too taking deworming medicine.
She told you to stop masturbating to her why you can't listen
My lust for Suisex is too strong. If she wants me to stop masturbating, then she'll have to drain my balls herself.
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Happens... primarily that being one of the biggest contributors
didn't Calli said years ago that Ina used the biggest dildo in Myth?
Why is it always the Koreans...
it's a fucking BACK?!?!?!?!?
there's nothing sexy about that, you holocuds are weird and desperate af
You still need the worms in the first place. It's very hard to get intestinal parasites unless you're:
a) Walking barefoot outside in an area with fresh animal fecal matter on the ground.
b) Eating raw meat (you can get much worse things than intestinal parasites from this).
c) Eating unwashed, unprepared vegetables that have been grown using poorly composted fertilizing material.
d) Additionally young children sometimes get intestinal parasites from just plain eating dirt.

Living in a civilized western country with proper food sanitization standards, I don't personally know anyone having ever had hookworms and the like. Might I ask where are you from?
It's becuase Korean women hate men. It's why kronii is like this too
>vtuber is a rotten whore
>design is as cute and pure as it gets
It's all so tiresome
Sex starved clowns will always be.

Chuubas will always be this type of reclusive woman, the art will always be this provocative and the audience will always be sex starved clowns
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not him but i am
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Is she gay?
>brown male
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Oh do they belong here too?
Sex. Love that Ina gets the revealing swimsuits that get balanced by her body so it she can "get away with it"
No? Not if you have and practice basic hygiene
>why are you people so shitty even to your own chuubas
Most coomers aren't fans of Hololive since they only watch for the lewd content. They will eventually move to Twitch vtubers who can go further with the coombait.

Have you considered that Ina and Kronii don't consider the coomer money to be worth the added stress and embarrassment? Cover did give the Korean women the lewdest models in HoloEN so it's not a mystery why they had issues with their employer. Aqua decided to graduate because she couldn't agree with management and the NDA means that most disputes in Hololive are hidden.
KEK. If only!
Relax. You just don't get it.
You seem to like talking about em so much
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Anon people in first world countries don't have worms so they have no eggs either.
Guess I'll just have track her down and rape her instead.
This is literally just about every vtuber much less any general fanbase out there with varying degrees of minority:majority ratios. There will always be more seiso/SFW art for any general type of vtuber/fanbase of any kind that isn’t explicitly ecchi/full-on NSFW too so there’s hardly anything wrong with it alone either

Most people into “coomer art” are either just into that, just into that in addition to whatever else about the vtuber or aren’t familiar with them at all. Suisei, Kronii and Ina all have “coomer” things they’re into but typically just got insecure about that being one of the main things they could have been seen for (since that’s a common insecurity for girls) and either wanted it to be know that “coomer” stuff should either have been brought up at the right time or posted in the right place. They never really tried to “get rid of it” (even if you think they personally would have if they could)

Kronii and Ina knew full well what the anime let alone internet culture was like and always had a chance to either accept or decline the option to be what they were at any point. So it’s not like anyone could say they were unfairly “forced” by cover to do anything in that respect either

All this “coomer” stuff often tends to be overblown by people who have seen too much of it and have gotten a false sense of how prevalent they are in proportion to everyone and everything else. Not to mention that’s a watered down term that almost means nothing anymore. The reverse is also true for people not being able to tell once some genuinely means prude by the literal definition or when they’re talk about the casual term for a certain type of personality/behavior in a “tag” like way

TL;DR: This, like most things, is all one big nothing burger and whatever semblance of a problem there is/was gets overblown til this day
Holy fuck I typed an essay kek
At least I put a TL;DR:…
It adds to the lust
>Ina isn't asian so she wouldn't go to SEA

You're a retarded shit eater.
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>most vtubers are female
>the female form is sex incarnate
yeah i guess you are right
>Kronii and Ina knew full well what the anime let alone internet culture was like and always had a chance to either accept or decline the option to be what they were at any point. So it’s not like anyone could say they were unfairly “forced” by cover to do anything in that respect either
Having to use a vtuber model with a skimpy outfit while thousands of strangers make jokes about your jiggling boobs isn't a requirement to join Hololive. Cover is not a charity so they do want a design that sells merch but they had other choices besides coomerbait. When the Taiwan yab happened management rushed out a 2.0 redesign for Nenechi in 5 months so when they are motivated they can quickly find a solution.
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Turns out perpetually lonely, virgin men trying to pretend to have a girlfriend aren't nice people. Neither are jealous, bitter twitter women.
>Cover is not a charity so they do want a design that sells merch but they had other choices besides coomerbait
I don’t think you know what “coomerbait” is. You say that like that was all of EN. Ina’s body balances out the sense of risqué nature due to her modest body. It’s why and flatter woman (2D/3D/IRL, et.) where a lower v-neck doesn't feel aa overt and scandalous and a woman with a larger bust doing the same.

Clothes can be revealing without you projecting your over-sexualization onto them. Not to mention she’s the priestess of essentially Cthulhu while Kronii’s a divine being. Of course they could have “strange” or revealing outfits. Even if Kronii is more of a case of her body type as a by product of who drew her
That doesn’t even taken into account who designed them and what type of designs they were good at. Even an outfit being revealing doesn’t simply make it “coomerbait” because human nature is obviously gonna make people attracted to it because that exist for everything

That doesn’t even taken into account who their artist are or address the fact that Ina and Kronii still choose their roles in a professions where, considering what this job even entails, obviously have their personality and connection be the greatest aspect about them like in reality
Sure you can say, “Oh but those didn’t haaaave to be the designs” but like any creative endeavor, nothing ever has to be anything because that’s what art is. So if that’s your thought process, you’ll never be satisfied and keep using unfalsifiable hypotheses to defend your own negative bias

When the Taiwan tan happened they could’ve kicked Coco, Haachama and possibly even Fubuki too as well as kept the entire Chinese branch without and and their copyrights if they simply wanted China’s money. They stood they’re ground. I’m not gonna look at corporations are altruistically good or pretend they’re the epitome of all evil
They primarily function for money but at least have people with morals, values and principles that without behaving by, would lose support and therefore money. Just look at Nijisanji

The problem is you’re simply projecting the way you think other people would think through your own bad faith interpretations. Whatever experiences or thought process your bias stems from is something you need to deal with on your own

Yeah this is exactly what I’m talking about
There is often a difference between what the viewers want and what the vtuber wants. Good management does their best to find a compromise while bad management does whatever earns their company the most revenue even if that burns out their vtubers. That is a major flaw with Nijisanji and is starting be a noticeable flaw with Hololive.

>Not to mention she’s the priestess of essentially Cthulhu while Kronii’s a divine being. Of course they could have “strange” or revealing outfits.
We all know why Cover likes designs with revealing outfits. That isn't a problem if the vtuber is okay with lewd stuff but if they are forced into that role it will only create a scenario where everyone will be miserable.

>through your own bad faith interpretations
Anon you are saying that on a board that frequently calls the EN girls lazy. Wouldn't it be a good faith interpretation to say they have a good reason for their actions? Aqua graduated from Hololive because of management so even the JP talents have major complaints.
Ina is the kind of girl that makes you want to cum on a microscope slide since convincing her to use a microscope out of sheer interest isn't that far out of the question.
Then see how long it takes her to realize what she's looking at and who it's from.
>assuming an artist is a prude
Sex doesn't really offer a lot to discuss, so it's more interesting to talk about things other than it.
>Cover likes
Yes. Likes. As in May have a preference but I personally don’t even think it’s even that. They’re okay with them and whatever will make em money so whoever wants them will likely use them more. Those who don’t will be likely to not. That’ll lose familiarity with an audience who wouldn’t be more likely to by merch relating to it if the vtuber themselves isn’t into it. Companies know this and use it to sell and sometimes use it to predatory extents like with gacha mechanics

So again, there’s hardly anything that could be consider “forcing” since they always had a choice (not “choice”) to accept or decline initially and now they have more freedom in alt outfit designs as well as base design input since Cover is still learning to balance that but is getting better. The only thing that I’d probably easily say is forced are the idol outfits that have to fit a certain aesthetic and the uniform swimsuits because it’s YT that got rid of any sense of individuality and ease of being stream-sage by making them chose the latter

>Wouldn't it be a good faith interpretation to say they have a good reason for their actions?
Technically but “needlessly good” faith required. You can assume “good” (as understandable reasons exist for their actions or lack there of. But on the other hand the it’s unnecessary to go with the idea that it’d be “good,” as in justifiable and whole-heartedly agreeable
Great in moderation but not in excess because it’s just the same as having a bad faith interpretation on the opposite side
There’s a difference between positive and negative and good and bad. Bad positive and bad negative faith interpretations are all bad. Reasonable neutrality and realism should be the bare minimum

Aqua couldn’t agree with whatever was going and felt that it was best for her to leave and that’s all we really know. No one’s graduating with her and things seem generally fine for most of them in Holo but with things like NDA’s, it typically being a bad social proactive to spill details to those who didn’t need to know and the fact that people who are okay don’t often feel the need to say that they are or make a point out of it makes speculation easy but coming to detailed conclusions hard
There’s just a lot we don’t know and it’s hard to know the extent of what is know too, so no pointless assumptions have to be maid. Any that are beyond the facts and agreeable preponderance of evidence comes from personal bias

Again, there’s really not that much of a problem unless we make one out of the current circumstance. Understandable that people naturally want to fill gaps fallacious rationale
Because she's clearly being sarcastic.
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>Ninomae "step on me" Ina'nis
Ninomae "I drew the beanbag tako with a lewd expression because facesitting" Ina'nis
Skippa skippa
And stop lewding her. Stop derailing her streams. She doesn’t appreciate it
Ina smart.
I want her to tickle my prostate with the tips of her coffee colored knife ears.
Koreans would rather skin themselves than be brown
>Skippa skippa
You’re supposed to do that and not respond do or do this and then respond. You’ll risk coming off like a dumbass if everything you said was already addressed. Especially at the start…
>And stop lewding her.
Never said I did or didn’t. People can do whatever they want in the appropriate places, at the right times
>Stop derailing her streams.
Never did
>She doesn’t like it
That was part of my whole point I already addressed. Especially from the start but skippa skippa… dumbass
If I had to deal with korean men, I'd hate men too.
>...Any that are beyond the facts and agreeable preponderance of evidence comes from personal bias
That is a lot of words to say that you trust Hololive. I don't and while they are better than Nijisanji they have made their share of mistakes. The way they encouraged Coco to leave after the Taiwan yab, the suspicious "health" related graduation of Sana, the even more suspicious graduations of Vesper and Magni, how they terminated Mel despite all the ways that management failed her, and that Cover was not willing to compromise with Aqua who had been in Hololive for 6 years.
Skippa skippa
The second part wasn’t address to you but the entire thread. But you rebutted each of my phrases which are actually direct quotes from Ina herself. So that’s cool
>That is a lot of words to say that you trust Hololive
Tell me how you got that from “bad. Reasonable neutrality and realism should be the bare minimum” and “There’s just a lot we don’t know”
My point is I’m not assuming the worst or the best in either party

I don’t think that word means what you think it means. You even skippa skippa’d before responding again or your reading comprehension was so low that it didn’t even make a difference
Skippa skippa.
Man you are one uptight anon. Learn to relax a little
>he doesn't appreciate the female form
You have to be over the age of 18 to post here.
>Reiterates my exact point while missing it entirely
>Asking of others what they’ve already done while not doing it
Hypocrisy sure is ironic but you do you anon…
Ina needs to encourage more porn of herself I already came to every piece of erotic illustrations ever drawn
I knew she was a curious girl
She just needs a dedicated MMD artist despite her wishes like Kiido for Suisei
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Imagine Ina in her apron outfit replaced with Suisei in Kiido’s Loveit animation
Come to think of it does she have a good enough MMD model? Doubt it but either that or her loungewear jacket or even water park collab bikini would be great for that

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