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>Who is Yozora Mel?
Yozora Mel was a part of the first generation of Hololive. Who was known for ASMR, singing and being a tensai.
>Channel archive
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbg76STDxV0QwlvKfrMLFbg (Youtube Topic channel)
https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCD8HOxPs4Xvsm8H0ZxXGiBw (Streams + Livechats)
https://nyaa.si/view/1768718 (Public streams torrent)
https://hololivevideos.download/channel/yozoramel (Some older videos that were purged)
>Last song

>Who is Yuzuki Choco?
Choco is a member of the second generation of Hololive. Known for her ASMR, singing, Apex, cooking, Minecraft and ARK
>Newest song

>Who is Aki Rosenthal?
Aki is a member of the first generation of Hololive. Known for ARK, 3D Lives, singing, VCR servers and her love of alcohol.
>Newest song

>Who is Roboco?
Roboco is a member of 0 generation and the second member to join Hololive. Known for her singing, FPS games, cleanliness and general pon nature.
>Newest song

>Who is Natsuiro Matsuri?
Matsuri is a member of the first generation of Hololive. Known for singing, dancing, FPS streams, outside collabs and being a self-proclaimed menhera.
>Newest song

>Who is Ichijou Ririka?
Ririka is a member ReGLOSS, a branch of Hololive production. Known for her chatting streams, cooking, off-collabs, indie games and English only streams.
>Newest song

Previous thread >>84034840
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Rica about to start:
Currently live
Street Fighter 6
Recent streams
New outfit reveal and 1st album announcement
Choco Sensation MV
Hololive Online Puzzle
>Upcoming streams
Aki Street Fighter 6
Aki will be in Oga's Street Fighter 6 Electric Death Match
Each time a team loses a match, their coach will be shocked by a pad on the chair they're sitting on.
Aki Street Fighter 6
Make Aki the coach, make her stream only wearing panties.
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Aki went from platinum back down to gold...
Rica's voice fills me with life
Back to platinum.
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Choco's new outfit was done by Hina~no's(vspo) artist.
New Rica Ending?
I'm so conditioned to the old one this feels strange.
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Vamp up
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No Choco asmr again.
Rica same time tomorrow, frame already up
We are so back
felt like forever since game streams even thoguh she was streaming frequently
Her Internet is still isn't working right. It was lagging really bad during her album announcement.
Me too Beni, me too...
Look how happy she is
She needs to do a burger eating stream with Karubi.
I'm surprised Aki didn't play the vampire survivor mode lol had last month.
Did she even try ARAM while she was at it?
She didn't. It would have been interesting if one of the customs she was in were in that mode only.
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This one got the theme right and there was one or two that got pretty close to the design.
I've listened to Choco's new song and I don't like it. Patra is always praised for her music but she's like Fake Type, all her songs sound the same. It sounds flat and the vocals sound as if she only gave Choco one or two chances to do them.
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I wonder if we'll get a Choco-Pato ASMR collab someday?
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I doubt it. She hasn't done them in a long time and when she did they weren't "serious".
Ririka finally coming to Treasure Mountain
Sex with pon robots
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No ア゙ア゙ア゙ア゙ア゙ this time...
Treasure Mountain battle with Kanade
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Ririka Hololive Treasure Mountain battle with Kanade
The Bathhouse at 21:00
Man, she's really quite good at this game. Won the match of first to double the largest, and now continuing on for score.
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Roboco Singing
Would you ruffle this street urchins hair?
Support rica instead of this dogshit company that doesn't care about the streamers. Fuck those cunts a cover and fuck the fans for treating mel like shit after she left to, to the point everyone pretends she never existed and refuses to draw her at all, let alone in gen 1 fanart. I hope cover gets the kyoani treatment.
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Just a few more collabs with these two
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The page for the ReGLOSS 1st anniversary is up, with a big call out for coming soon at the end of September, two revealed pieces of merch and two still hidden, and the marketing images all have them in their original outfits. It's looking pretty good for 3d debuts at the end of September.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=DpKxl4STvIc Rica The Bathhouse
Naisu. Kind of funny that Holo is a victim of its own success, making it so members still have to wait more than a year for a 3D model due to everything going on.
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That is not the reason it take that long at all, many fans have created almost inhouse tier 3D models from the character sheets in days past debut.
Built a new studio, cut the given lives in a year by half, yet here we are.
>>84545019 (me)
Probably more realistic to say it's a one year anniversary thing though
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I guess it makes sense to combine it with a major event like that for maximum exposure
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Vamp up
Now they're multiplying.
Cute Rica panicking
sex with kindhearted japanese bimbos
Cuddles with cute Japanese gyarus
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My robot arm looks nice
I want to do that so badly.
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New "Choco" video is cute.
Ririka mengen later
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Choco's new wolf cut hairstyles looks so good on her. They really should add it as on option on all her outfits along with her other short hairstyle.
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Aki training with Higuchi at 15:00
the thumbnail is grass
Member stream tonight. This time for sure.
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I have no idea how Rica feels about Mel oshi mark or new fanarts about mel or
I think it's probably similar to how any holo with an active rm feels.
They're still showing support.
In Rica's case I'd imagine how it could possibly sting at least a little, since Mel doesn't exist anymore.
Some fans keep alt accounts for supporting their oshi outside of the corp, but I don't think the girls really mind too much.
The only one to address it ever, to my knowledge, was Matsuri. And that was a good year or 2 ago, when she asked them to keep it cool and I think was explicitly in favor of fans using alt accounts when interacting with her rm.
But knowing the stuff she does, it's better that way anyway. Wouldn't want the larger audience seeing that.
Roboco seems perfectly fine with it, though some fans for a while did keep alt accounts.
I've seen most girls don't mind it, they'll even reply to people with them as their pfps lmao
Catching one of "Matsuri's" streams and seeing the comments be filled with "I'm not naming names but she really sounds like one of the brown-haired members of Hololive's 1st generation" will forever haunt my mind.
hate those fucking people so much
>In Rica's case I'd imagine how it could possibly sting at least a little, since Mel doesn't exist anymore.
yeah i hope she doesn't mind it or looks upon her mel fondly. I just had the thought of her pretending not knowing what kapu kapu is in one of her asmrs a while back
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she could just want to move on from it and that's her way of letting the fans know without explicitly saying it
and then it's not a trademark thing, so once she gets her model and everything situated, maybe she'll lean back into some of those mannerisms.
theres really no telling
https://youtu.be/K1n1L2br9io Ririka mengen
I wouldn't blame her for it but I do hope she takes comments from obvious Kapumin as a sign of people still wanting to be there for her.
Festival chatting at 22:00
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About to start
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svDaPgvwJ-E Aki Street Fighter
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Aki Street Fighter 6 training with Higuchi
Aki really hates Bison.
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From what I understand, he's got a steep learning curve but cleans house.
It's like he's a mix of Dr.Doom and Wesker from MvC3/UMvC3(this was the last fighting game I played) with how annoying he looks to fight.
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Why these six?
Now Aki is training against Ed to be ready for Towa.
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You know how hard it is to have a Roboco general when people keep shitting up the catalog?
I oscillate between thinking 'we should just call ourselves /hologyaru/ to stop people asking' and 'we should say it's specifically to annoy whichever anon is asking and never provide a straight answer'.
We could add an FAQ to the top of the thread though I myself am torn between the actual answer and "if I told you I would have to kill you"
https://youtu.be/Yz6GEYQjWhY Matsuri zatsudan
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don't remind me of that nightmare...
She wants the big seal plushie
She did seem to taken aback and incredulous that someone would mention and request kapu kapu in a SC. Hard to pinpoint what her true feelings on the matter are though.
https://youtu.be/jpKOSXaBs4I Choco mengen
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Vamp up
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Cool wizard hat
Still love blondes
I wish I was a big seal plushie...
How was Choco’s asmr
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Not yet
Still alive
ARK returns at 19:00
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I really love this hairstyle. I just wish they would have made the side strands a little bit thicker.
Keep on truckin
It's obvious that Ririka will add sausages.
She knows what's good
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I'm watching Beni play PUBG and watched Hinano play Tarkov a few days ago. It makes me want Aki and Choco to play PUBG again and Aki and Matsuri to also play Tarkov again and get Choco into it.
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ARK at 19:00
New short
18:00 and 22:00
"Choco" live on twitcast.
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This is quite the lineup
I'm curious enough to check it out in the morning
Isn't the pink EN JSL?
She lives in Japan though I haven't heard her speak it
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It's bad. She tried to Aki during HoloARK and Aki has to speak to her in English. She's apparently a really rich expat so that's why she's living in Japan while being bad at Japanese.
to be fair, most of the problem with her interaction with Aki was that Raora muted herself and didn't notice, but yeah, her nihongo isn't very jouzu.
>most of the problem with her interaction with Aki was that Raora muted herself and didn't notice
Well dang why isn't Roboco in this collab?
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I can't believe how much the human arms ruined this outfit.
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The ultimate 10,000 yen bowl!
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Matsuri Minecraft collab
https://www.youtube.com/live/2tRbKlyP7CE love counciling with a male..
>all protein toppings
Horror game at 22:00
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RIP Captain
Robo and friends soon!!!!!!!
I totally get why she prefers a more traditional idol look, but I have to say I still kind of miss Azki's SR-71 Blackbird fit.
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Happy to watch Gen0 having a concert together
Roboco and Suisei
That reprise of their 1st Fes performance was emotional, and this RoboSui duet is killer.
Look at the robot go
Elite Ponbot
Matsuri Enjoy Gundan Apex custom
Choco ENOH
Ririka Super Chat reading
Choco Horror
Fantastic concert
people are shipping them lol, matsuri being an holo idol excites them i guess.
Apparently a poster for a Regloss 3D live was spotted in the wild
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I saw that. I hope that means they get those outfits along with their default ones for their 3D.
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Fuck cover for the disgusting shit they did to mel. I hope yagoo gets raped next time he comes to a con.
They really ran with the Matsuri is god bit
It's probably from a joke one of them made during this tournament
Like when they were shipping Matsuri's friend with Mother.
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I can dream.
For you, my ghostly friends.
i'm sure some dedicated kapumin will find a way to get some made
Someone could probably make an STL file for one, if you keep it to two colors during the print and and then decorate the base after you could print it in one go on a good enough 3d printer.
ARK Part 2
I miss her old black idol outfit, but at the same time I'm happy it was retired and now no one can get one.
Looks like this time Aki's ARK server might be a Neo-Police ARK server.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ49fAK8SJg Ririka is not a quitter!
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Aki is still going...
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Almost sixteen hours of ARK.
Aki's slacking
This time for sure.
It was only the first day and she had to adjust the server settings a few times.
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lol someone got bonked for leaking the Regloss 3D Live poster
They should add the option for her to have the hood on or off.
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Rica is sick...
i thought something was off when she ended that horror game abruptly. hope she gets better.
Busy schedule so it might be a bit until the next ARK. Maybe some ARK tonight if she has time.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ49fAK8SJg Ririka Mario in 5 minutes
She's planning to make an announcement if she clears it today, and her chat is already accusing her of raising death flags.
>death flags
She'll probably be fine but Mario's in for a rough day
First try world 8
Aki on Pizza'mans totsu
ririka is a normie slut. she is literally built for sex.
Now it's Festival's turn.
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Aki ARK part 3
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At this rate Ririka will be the last ReGloss member to announce her 3D.
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Roboco Voice Mimicry Show
Roboco, your audio...
Ririka is on 8-4, could this be it?
I feel like every time she hits 4-2 she loses a life as if by command
She's on 8-2 now.
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Got a fire flower in 8-3, promptly lose it to a hammer thrown after the hammer bro dies. Ririchama...
this is the run for sure
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I love my Robochi with all my heart
She 100% has this if she can hold on to the flower
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Choco here later
Ririka's releasing an original song tomorrow
Urame(blue aogiri) has a sex voice.

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