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>Previous Stream:【ENigmatic Recollection】LET'S GO LES-LIBESTANS

>Previous Stream:【ENigmatic Recollection】Make Way For The Libestan Queen

>Previous Stream:【ENigmatic Recollection】MY HANDS

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>Handy links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@OuroKronii/featured
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ourokronii
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ourokronii_holoen
Free Chat Room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GZ5XGzRY-g
Debut VoD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3oVrq94mGM

【Original Song MV】Daydream - Ouro Kronii: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W749jRBg-4&feature=youtu.be
Kronii's Original Song 「Daydream」: https://cover.lnk.to/Daydream
【Original Song MV】Rise -【hololive English -Council- Original Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHibTDJlTJw
【Original Song MV】 Our Promise【hololive English -Promise- Original Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcVyYmVOi1U
Kronii's Latest Cover Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQbmiAo6_qU
Kronii's Zatsudan BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dP7cdf-EgI
Kronii's 2nd Zatsudan BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SC9Qzs7VVI
Kronii's Game BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE3yq2GQQmk
Kronii's Member BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QUt_6oM9jI&feature=youtu.be
Kronii's Birthday BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TXGPOaYp30&feature=youtu.be
Kronii's Anniversary BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2OoITXJfAI&feature=youtu.be

>Current Schedule:
Away to (S)pain

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Remember to report and ignore schizos and Londoners. KRONII LOVE!
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Damn we got tomorrow tomorrow
another day with no kronii,,,,,...
It just dawned on me that Kronii somehow got every girl in EN in her guild who either played XIV religiously at some point (Gigi, Ina, Bijou) or at least played it on stream at one point (IRyS).
Kronii Tam miss
I don't care about the lore video, but make Kronii's dungeon good Cover...
More Kiara dungeon, less Ina dungeon
Given the time concept, I expect more puzzles than fights
What if Kronii's dungeon is or has a time trial
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That would be messed up kek
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These two show up to your kingdom and demand to be your queens. Wyd?
slosh slosh slosh
Exile them, women only bring turmoil.
I hope Kronii plays the game her indie friend is playing, feels very kroniicore.
Marry the right
Turn the one left into the family pet
Send the artist who drew both of them to the gallows behind Faunamart for disgracing their good image
Will you also be impregnating the family pet?
No; Queen Tam has told me that she wants to experience the opposite side of pet play than what she's familiar with.
Okay smart guy let's see YOU take a crack at it
Gigi is it making the watchalong a group one
Can you re-type this sentence
Oh lol yeah. Was multitasking again. Gigi is making the Watchalong she mentioned asking Kronii to join a group one with multiple members
Cool, I always wanted them to do big group watchalongs. Was always disappointed Kiara couldn't get a big watch along going for lord of the rings.
Did she say who the others she invited are?
She was not specific
Nerissa and CC
That sucks
Sorry to all the gremtime fans or whatever it's called
Hm yeah. That sucks
Watching Gigi right now, and she really loves Tam. Said that she know Gonathan has a hint people are abusing him, but that all he can do is uphold his Queen’s ideals and hope he lives up to what she wanted
The Name of gremtime
This is what is the Cerulean Cup discord messages look like
Isn't this guy the dude who made a big stink about getting banned by her PL because of his own asshat behavior?
You know more than us
Are you guys ready for the Minecraft movie to be the next Morbius
I just saw it in the feed and don't want to put in the effort to convert a twitter post into a webm
Sorry, meant to say blocked.
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>Those pitiful mosquito bite tits
Is probably the one your thinking of
Yeah I was getting them conflated, thanks.
I thought Bijou defected to those dirty Amber Coins.
Given the nature of the event, I've added clip section to the EnReco section. If you have any (preferably long form) clips you'd like added, please let me know. I still need to add the summary for Day 1-3 but otherwise I think its looking good as it is. Any critiques welcome

She has and took Ina with her. This was from before the betrayal
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Oh nice
Nice fursuit, Kronii
holy boobers
I hope she doesn’t delete this kek
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Tam Gandr should have been Steve in the Minecraft movie
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>More members siding with bad pink cat
This is going to end with only Gigi supporting Kronii, isn't it?
Anon, what did you expect? The show must go on.
>queen are so kind
>you are very POOL
Chicken Tender
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The lone loyal Knight...
That's no excuse to betray the queen to some latino sounding hag.
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>latino sounding
Apparently "The Gods That Be" made some adjustments to the construction zone so Gonathon might be able to make her full-sized Queen Tam statue.
Thanks Omega
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Well, I finished the last VOD... now, well, just waiting for that Space.
Gigi really does go all out for group collabs.
pink cat collab when
Get in here
Pink cat bad
She still has the Tam image on her screen
Queen Tam forever
Didn't Bijou betray Queen Gandr?
Yes but when doesn't want Gon to know
Yes. She is hiding the betrayal from Gonathan
Yes, that's a latino accent.
What a whore
Hopefully we'll get the IRyS reaction to the guild house Kronii built today
Didn't she play offstream yesterday
The Cat is in the HOUSEEEEEE
She is trying to turn Gonathan against Tam
>Chicken Tenders
The disrespect
>your queen
Sir Gonathan's loyalty to the queen sometimes robs her of situational awareness.
It so Tamover...
Tam feet on Gonathan’s stream
>The cat is the queen is from a completely different kingdom
I wonder how much of outside maps were RNG and how much was hand built
Gigi really lost her fellow hardcore rp huh
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>Fake queen can't even get her fake story straight
She's using Kronii's music again...
Stolen from Global:
At this point, Mario is just trying to bruteforce it but Gonathan ain't taking it kek
>Gonathan: According to Princess Bijou, you are the Queen of Immerheim
>Mario: No, it's the Kingdom of Evergreen. You're confused.
>Gonathan: Okay, but we're in the kingdom of Libesta.
>Mario: No no no you are confused, Evergreen is Libesta. We just call it differen-
>Gonathan: Ogey cya
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I bet Kronii is watching right now...
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Rat love !
wtf how'd she get in the bag
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>Kronii retweeted this
She wants me to lick her pits
she knows we're sad and that her armpits make people happy
why wouldn't she?
Gonathan is surrounded by evil...
Gonathon will soon have an ally around in The Hot Pink One
do not trust pink ones
they are all liars and harlots
Man, without Kronii, it really is losing its magic especially with Cerulean falling apart
I think you are merely biased as a tammie
Oh god Gonathan is doing his best but it's all going to fall apart at that head
Bijou says Tam’s boobs aren’t big enough on the statue
>Why doesn't Tam have fat tits and ass
Maybe this rock is alright
The Hot Pink One putting the pretender Queen in her place
Nah Tam was the lynchpin that made the entire world work. Without Tam, we are entering the Dark Ages.
The hot pink one is a bimbo who multiple times has sided with both queens
She did not even interact with the majority of the people
Oh Gonathan...
armless queen
Some tales would say her majestic form is 9/10th legs
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Based. The hot pink one is loyal to Tam Gandr.
I knew I liked the Hot Pink One for a reason
Commence sneaking operation
a queen without followers... kinda sad
She's going to finish it, right?
Maybe not today. She has a meeting
Spain HATE
You are as fickle as the traitor rock herself. A single compliment is enough to make your weakling soul swoon.
she should retweet this instead
I wonder if Kronii will be able to do the missed dungeons after her trip, or if these dungeons can only be done this week..
I heard chapter 1 only goes until the 7th
Wonder if chapter 2 will be a whole new world. Would be a bit of a shame to reset everyone and all the things they built. But how would they fit 5 more dungeons into the overworld? And then 5 more, and 4 more?
It doesn't really detract from what you say but Advent would be 4, I doubt they'd split the twins
That's usually how seasons of RP servers work
Welp Ame definitely beat Ina for worst dungeon lol
But where was the time travel?
who did Gonathan cheat on Jyanathon with?
never part of her official lore
It was in the books though
I just found some stale copium in Tam's Imperial reserves. What if Spain isn't real, and Kronii "missing" is the build-up to a secret twist final boss that's unlocked after every Myth dungeon is finished?
What if the King converted her into a stain......
>EN shits on Kiara by saying she's just a waitress now
>EN shits on Ame by making her a detective
Firing Omega was a mistake, I wanted a power wank video for Kronii, now she'll be demoted to a delinquent janitor of time.
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At least it’s only canon to ENReco
All is right. Chuunironie genocide soon.
[Sad news] Gonathon just made IRyS bathe. The Hot Pink One is displeased about it.
The videos are recollections of their memories in the normal world though
That's why it's called EN Recollection
>EN shits on Ame by making her a detective
Nigga she IS a detective
It just ain't the same without ol Tam Tendies
Firing Omega is fine but I won't be satisfied with any kind of portrayal of Kronii as some kind of office worker or janitor.
The official power rankings goes like this.
Kronii ≈ Bae > Sana > Fauna and Mumei > IRyS > power gap > everyone else
Kek what the fuck is going on
If they reset all the building and little projects it will take the wind out of everyone's sails. Surely they'll keep the same overworld and just expand it
But who will mend Tam's broken heart?
Tam will be alone. that's the price for power
Surrounded by harlots
Ame has always been a detective wtf are you on about
When she comes back only her and The Peasant Bae will be unwed...
Gonathan will stay by her side
Prepare to be upset then
You will get silly wacky time police shenanigans
>Amelia WATSON is a detective
oh my god, is it true?!
did you mean, tim fender?
This is the language of the pretender queen and traitors.
When's the last time she solved a case?
I dunno, why would they keep all the old stuff in the overworld? It would serve no purpose anymore, and cause all the new content to just be positioned further away. I could see the overworld starting to become quite difficulty to navigate with 19 different branches populating it. I still don't think they're going to force everybody to do all of one chapter to progress to the next, because I can see that just putting off some people from playing once they've fallen behind.
Gigi is the only pure one who believes in monogamy
If that's your logic then it's fine that Kiara's a waitress, right?
Holy fuck the hot pink one is a massive whore.
So you're fine with disregarding what the girls built up.
pink liars and harlots
Tam will never know how lucky she was to get heartbroken that early.
It's a good thing that Kronii hasn't built up any lore for herself besides
>uhhh I have to ask my boss
Could've made a ton of money as a prostitute
she just recognized the rightful empress of evergreen
The Queen just saved Gon's life. Even when she isn't there, her glorious image still protects her loyal subjects. All hail Queen Tam.
>Shiori is trying for bijou/mario oyakodon
Still a whore and a homewrecker but can't fault her for trying
Futa oyakodon is such an untapped market

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she put chikubi on the queen...
thats just a black sanalite
This fucking TRAITOR. Abandons her guild, disgraces her queen. This is disgusting.
Lowkey dunno about messing with someone else's build but whatever
Back to discord you go
It's a joke, chill.
So you either agree with whatever the girls built up (waitress Kiara)
Or disregard whatever the girls built up (Ame staying as a detective)
Oh jeez you're gonna have a stern talk with the boss man, huh
>So you either agree with whatever the girls built up (waitress Kiara)
Except Kiara was a franchise owner, not the waitress.
Get the lore straight.
Oh she gave me a like
Who is to say she did not become franchise owner after starting as a waitress? That was what I thought seemed to be implied. It doesn't contradict anything.
Tam abandoned her people.
The lore video should show that? Why are you backing management?
Today's summary
>WHY ARE YOU [random shit]
Tam was taken from this realm by the forces beyond her control.
>Tam made her intentions clear in advance about her necessity to travel to discuss trade negotiations with a far off land
>blasted peasantry acts like she has fled her kingdom
I have the strangest sensation of this sort of event occuring previously with a similar outcome.
Stop being a little bitch
the lore video never showed Gura leaving the ocean, therefore she has never left the water ever
Please. I just need to know. Is there a 0% chance that Tam Gandr and Pinkcat are going to just go on a furburger buffet on one another?
ERB is using Tam's statue to turn Jyon Watson against Gonathon.
She can't win...
>Tam's statue
That is Gonathan's statue of Tam, he built it
IRyS is finally checking out the house!
IRyS finally went in the house
The whore of Libestal can only bring STDs to the condo.
>open irys stream
>close irys stream
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That art I, I art that
Gay AND merry!
>Added a few things to this

Also: A small reminder

Bride pack expires 09/30

Tanabata Date expires 10/07

Both are $6.99 USD
Forgot the screenshot...
Kronii wants to have children however
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No… reduced to a YouTube documentary
Is this real
Damn this latino cat
Do you know what a latino is
That cat, that's a latino accent.
You're european
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>Everyone is going to think Gonathan made Tam’s “detailed”
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Who is the current guild leader since Bijou needs to be kicked out?
It’s always been loyal Gonathan
this looks like it was drawn by a child predator
gura doesn't draw I don't think
Not much choice, to be honest. The traitor isn't kicking herself, The Whore of Libestal is more interested in pulling everyone into a massive orgy, and the dope isn't about the leader life.
Do you think Kronii is at least having fun with her parents in Spain
I mean yeah. What kind of question is that?
She made it sound more like she'd be tardwrangling them the whole time so we'll see I guess
She spoke a few times about how she'd rather not have to go and she seemed pretty bummed about having to leave in the middle of everything going on
She was bummed because she just came back from New York so she didn't get to stream that much with us.
Tammies? 骨
don't die...
Kronies must die
yes she did retard, from all fucking guilds
Tam miss
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Eat all of them
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I can't stop thinking about TimeRyS ever since Tam's confession.
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Me too
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I had trouble sleeping last night because of TimeRyS.
God I fucking love them.
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Kronii good
I need a DOOM art cover edit with Gonathan G fending off all these whores instead of demons
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Don't you mean Latin cat?
And the hornless pink thing saved us.
Would you like a Space this weekend with Kronii, or Tam?
Tam, I need to hear some propaganda from my Queen and raise some morale
>Meanwhile Kronii
I wonder how many times she buys something, looks the clerk in the eye, and says
me gusta Kronii
There were more espanolronii soundposts, but I never saved them.
Kronii Bueno
Perhaps it is for the best Lady Tam is away at this time. Were she to return at this time and see the object of her affections try and turn every lass into the kingdom into one of her "sidechicks," the lands would run red from the bloodshed that would swiftly come after.
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>The server when Tam comes back from her exile
TimeRyS love!
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Oops I was trying to post this image.
IRyS is the server's official bicycle. Tam deserves better than this... receptacle.
There are too many bicycles in the serves, I would say...
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But... but... TimeRyS is so cute... Tam can fix her!
At this point, the only thing Tam can get from her is a bouquet of STDs. Not worth it.
>The famous plague of the server is a STD because half the chuubas act very liberal sexually
>hooking up with everyone EXCEPT Tam
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Honestly, the GG-Kronii stock rise came from nowhere, from Ela's birthday to today.
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I prefer locally made charts myself.
>Sir "NotAppearingInThisFilm" PeasantTheBae
Let the workaholic rrat rest
Kronii miss
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Ayame dangerously close
kromei loses again
Gremronie's eating so good right now
We love Mori /here/
no matter what everyone says I find the Calli/Kronii friendship very wholesome
I wouldn't say love, but I don't hate her.
I think she is fine. Only thing that turns me off is when she does her schoolteacher condescending voice on streams.
We tolerate her right up until she pulls some stupid shit again.
When Kronii went "I'm gonna KILL MYSELF!" after missing Mori's birthday call-in in, I went "Awww she really loves her"
Mori's teacher voice actually creeps me out. Full on uncanny valley shit. Like, she was in that monopoly collab yesterday, and her trying to sound like an evil billionare oppressing the poors was more pleasant to hear than that teacher voice.
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Speaking of Deathclock, I guess Kronii noticed the HoloEN account haven't made a tweet for Mori's outfit, they have for Reine tho, funnily enough.
How many fucking outfits is this bitch gonna get
Perks of having a music contract I guess
The sheriff outfit was her 1 million sub wish, and the One piece outfit was a gift for doing the promo song, other then that she has the same amount as everyone in Myth, Myth is one year behind when it comes to their outfits.
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Ok Bae I understand since she fucked off for more important stuff, but wasn't Fuwawa showing up in game fairly often? Why does she have no relationship with anyone as well?
That's why >>84556092 posted that
Because Mococo abandoned her to become a gambling addict
Only Gonathan deserves to stand next to her
Why are there still so many TimeRys fags here? Do they really want Kronii to get together with a girl who opens her legs for every other girl in EN?
management hate
She was RPing, IRyS isn't really a turboslut
She's actually a MEGASLUT
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Kronii should collect MORE sluts
Where's the cleavage flame?
You into getting your tip burned?
Miss da clock lady

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