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Why do holofans hate her? https://youtu.be/iKNtscPsI-M
>Why do holofans hate her?
They let a shitposter live rent free in their heads. A shitposter not even as bad as they are at shitting up the catalog really.
to their defense, they hate everyone not carrying the blue triangle logo. those 2 girls in the OP included.
>holofags spamming these two everywhere and saying "yagoo hire"
>pippa reads the thread and wants to pander
Because those two aren't Hololive. Nobody watched GGN and only pretended to care about them after FWMC joined Hololive.
Phase beggars at it again ad nauseum
Remember when Pomu thought she was too good for them? Man, the turns have tabled.
no because that never happened. we all know the deets so you can stop lying now.
Who is Pomu? Sounds like a failed vtuber.
Holofaggots simply hate everyone
>meanwhile they are friends the entire time
>we all know the deets
Yes, she leeched off them much, much later when it was in her interest to do so.
I watched ggn before they joined hololive and haven't watched them since. Hololive is a dogshit company just like all the other vtuber companies are, hell they're arguably worse since their fans will suck them off for shit like the disgusting treatment of yozora mel and even join in on it like all hololive fan artists refusing to acknowledge mel even exists, atleast niji and idol fans will shit talk their company when it pulls some bullshit cover doesn't even get that. Either way I refuse to watch anything from one of these scumbag companies, so even though I like natsume moe and these 2, hell will freeze over before I watch one of these disgusting fucking companies.
>Nobody watched GGN
They literally had regular threads on /vt/...

Then again holobronies write off anything without the dorito seal of approval so I guess you must have missed it....
>coping in green text when she wouldn't collab with them when it mattered.
A bigger question is why Phasecucks hate THEM when all of their oshiis love them?
>he pretends he doesn't know
Didn't the Go Go Nippon girls graduate last year?
>failed vtuber.
That's failed liver to you holobrony!
>post doxx
>shitpost Holo all the time
>defend Plapkin Plappa to this day for her rude comments about Kiara
>constantly shit the catalog with holoan shit
>beg constantly despite this for Holo collabs because their shitters are irrelevant
>call Holofan cucks when they're girls cuck them non stop without reason.
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Pomu was just sparing them from ever having to interact with n*j*sanji

Year before, actually. Doesn't time fly.
Cool. Probably wholesome moment. If only people clipped them while they were active instead of unearthing them now for no apparent reason.
I liked them. I was sad when their journey ended.
It's always funny because when you go outside /vt/, you see people from both communities liking talents from both companies in peace, and then you see talents from both companies interacting here and there with each other. It's not even about liking or disliking pippa these days, people here are just terminally retarded and always have to pick up on something to get their daily dose of dopamine.
It's truly a mystery
I really don't understand why Holo hate Phasecuck!!!
As a fan of Hololive, I don't even know who these people are let alone hate them. Like, why settle for rejects when you can watch the real thing?
>12 hours ago
>capikeks engaging in doxfaggotry right in this thread
>wHy le heckin hLogofans nO likE rabBit?
Hey now, don't point it out
Just like how no one who watches hololive cares about the girls and is fine with management sexually harassing and stalking them and management hiring and trying to get sex from underage girls.
It's funny when I lie and say absolute bullshit on /vt/ communities from both understand that i'm a complete worthless sack of cells, like out there they're aware of what Pippa is and has done but just because they don't post on /vt/ I can act like everything is peachy keen.
why their colors reversed???
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uh oh seems like phasebvtm monkeys are chimping out louder than usual
They aren't.
I forgot autists take everything literally. Yes, a handful of faggots tried to shill them but the vast majority of /vt/ didn't care because they didn't have a reason to care. Not only were GGN not part of Hololive, but they were also legitimately bad vtubers.
I watched GGN for a little bit then gave up. Their baby voices were so baby I couldn't really understand them, but their hearts were in the right place and I wanted the best for them.
Kiara ran a doxx and slander blog. A lot of people don't like her.
But when they do the same baby voice with BAU BAU it's all
Because this time it's baby voice (blue dorito) so it's based
It all began with the
That's was about luxiem performing better than holostars
Are we pretending to like male vtubers now, sister?
You're a dumb faggot. The threads were incredibly slow, but moustache, me, and maybe one or two other posters would be in the thread every time. Also got to see them at a panel for Mangagamer in early 2022, they were cute there. Are a large chunk of their fans new fans? Sure, but they were 2-views bordering on 3-views until their actual graduation announcement.
Here's a fun one, I always felt bad because there was this one retard who'd show up every once in a while and ask them a couple of questions about farts and it would just stick in the chat on the screen for sometimes minutes because the chat was pretty slow. I felt bad for them having to look at that comment for upwards of minutes with very little else to bounce off of in chat and they never banned the guy because I think they were hoping he'd just stop talking about farts and become an actual fan.
>actual /cgl/ seethe
Why didn't you just send something to slide the fart questions off
>ask them a couple of questions about farts
How many holofans knew GGN even existed before 2023? Jealousy. Here is your answer. Pippa is a bigger fan and that's makes them jealous.
I've never been a huge chatter and a lot of the time streams are my second monitor content while I play some grindy game, so I only would really look at the chat occasionally, mostly when I actually wanted to say something.
I always loved getting to play 100% OJ with them though. It's such a bad bud whole-hearted anime game. I also watched them because I like VN's and while Reine played VN-like games (I watched a fair bit of her too), their real VN playthroughs made me happy.
I only found the girls a few weeks or so before they graduated, but they seemed nice and put a ridiculous amount effort into their craft.
I hope they're doing well now.
I think it is pretty obvious.
Hololive has the largest SEA audience in the world and the largest indonesian vtbuer (according to their own reports).
Meanwhile phase is pretty much all american and canadian women which for some reason upsets a lot of muslims.

See hololive english and how many /jp/ fags thought they were going to turn hololive into a whore company, only for the jp branch to have 10x more controveries and whores.
cute boy on the right
the real question is why do you like her so much that you go and spam shitposts and bait threads about her?
waste of time tbdesu
>holofags spamming these two everywhere and saying "yagoo hire"
Really? Is that why they had like 70 ccv average? Because so many holofans that were watching them jumped on that early GGNP bandwagon and then started shilling them to Yagoo?
Shut the fuck up. Holo trannies dont know or care about anyone UNTIL they become a holo. And then all of a sudden they are the best vtubers that ever existed. Literal NPC consumer mentality.
>They literally had regular threads on /vt/...
lol No they didnt
>Because so many holofans that were watching them jumped on that early GGNP bandwagon and then started shilling them to Yagoo?
No. I, specifically, told Yagoo about them and he decided to hire them solely due to my recommendation.
Why does your post stink like a jealous indie failure? Don't bring the dogs into your own personal seethe campaign.
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Oh, father sun, oh, mother moon, the children misbehave!
They say it's 'cause you didn't listen when they tried to pray
And though they've grown to spite you
Still they'll sometimes call for thee
"My god, my god, why have you forsaken me?"
A rabbit, a roach, a rat, a rose
Bad habits don't tend to go away on their own, I suppose
Pippa will forever be banned from EVERY holocord for that wrestling joke she made. Live with that in your head forever, grifter.
Plappa is still not getting a collab with them lol
smile status? protected you smelly kapipiss
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Kinda feel a bit bad for this clipper. Doing all sorts of Phase clips and getting nothing from it.
I don’t feel anything but contempt.
Why is it so hard to believe that one of their 100-150 or so regulars are still around? I found them because I saw GGN in my recc, remembered group playing the VN back when it came out with some friends, and decided to check them out. Did I watch every stream? No, but I was around for the VoDs and some lives of a lot of them.
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She collabs with men
She collabed with depressed doxxsagi
She gets political on stream

Anything else you need?
It's funny seeing all the GIgi threads like she wasn't just the runt of another corpo. The blue dorito is powerful I guess
Because of this

Kindly screencap their uploads, let /vt/ be the judge
>Them telling their audience something they want to do
Sounds more like they leeched her name without her knowing.
>atleast niji and idol fans will shit talk their company when it pulls some bullshit cover doesn't even get that
Are you retarded? Nijisisters vehemently defend Anycolor to the death, even now when there is a chance some of their livers got roofed and raped, they deflect and deny. People have been shitting on Cover for years for various decisions as well, where did you get the opinion noone admonishes them?
The dogs at one time followed all of Phase gen1 and are friends with most of the small corpo scene from 2021.
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God, imagine if they were poached by Sakana
>Nobody watched GGN
Fuck off. Just because you're ignorant of the wider scene doesn't mean everyone is.
Let's see these long time friends collab then
They wouldn’t be vtuber Teletubies that is for sure
Dark timeline where they are nobodies in plappa's connect.
They were as likely to join Phase as they were to join n*ji, that is zero chance. It was either Holo or going completely indie.
I was really hoping for a Shiki collab at some point. I kinda liked her during their phasmo collabs.
I also really want to see a collab between Cecelia and Lilly Hopps
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there definitely are still travelers that watched them back then that still follow them now.
Right? I probably wouldn't have called myself a traveller but I did watch them.
nijiyab, phasecuck, pajeet deflection thread
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>atleast niji and idol fans will shit talk their company when it pulls some bullshit cover doesn't even get that
Get off this site for awhile anon,hell even there is a LOT of crtitic in here
>phase asslicking thread
woah, yeah, why do people hate Phase, I wonder
This thread is so fucking stupid, it makes me think that it's a falseflag to make all Phasefans look retarded
You don't even have to false flag for Phanfans to look like that...
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Why phasebeggars are like this?
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50% of anons who post this kind of shit are disingenuous and baiting for fun, the other 50% are in the trenches fighting completely made up enemies. sometimes i think of some rrat and post it here just to see how people would react, just pure curiosity. what i'm trying to say is pippa's fine, i like pippa, most people like pippa. its fine.
>no thanks phasecuck
KEEEEEEK its tradition at this point to have disdain for phaseconnect
Most people from any part of the vtubing scene hate her fanbase moreso than her. And they hate them for being drama tourists and doxxsite users.
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If you want an actual answer, its because average /vt/ard does not represent wider vtuber fandom. The heads of the retards in this board are too deep inside their asses to see anything beyond LE EBIN CORPO WARS.
We know you like her, capipi. Use her reaction images next time
I like hololive but I know you'll be right in the end. After all is said and done, they're just another MCM like Machinima or Maker. Indies will always inherit the earth.
>does not represent wider vtuber fandom
The average pippigger only watches Pippa and hates most other vtubers. They readily admit as much all the time.
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I don't understand why it's such a hard concept for people yeah I know, "people" to grasp. The vast majority of the most active travelers still watch them, you can go back to the VODs and see familiar names; you can even see where people have changed their usernames in the meantime.
Also, Sagawa love
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ironic considering phase has an extremely high /vt/ presence, whereas they're irrelevant shitters outside of here as expected from 0.7%ers
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I'll admit that I don't want streams or engage with pippa's fandom but isn't Pippa herself a holofan? Why pippiggers are like that?
Holotroons acting like they cared about them before they joined holoslop is the funniest shit ever
The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own.
>To make phasefans look retarded
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I have none
Kneel and apologize to shiori first
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>DOXXING >:((((
OP's post is as much of a dox post as talking about Noel's roommate, top kek.
She's a grifter that constantly changes Oshi. Last month her oshi was Aqua for obvious reasons
I mean actually if you watch their early GGN streams to where they are now, they've really developed their act.
Being the runt of a coombaiting corpo isn't necessarily a black mark.
It's really impossible for phasecucks to go 5 minutes without talking about RMs, huh?
It's ironic because none of the phase girls is hot irl.
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Lol, I'm not a "phasecuck" you retarded nigger. How is implying something that everyone knows on a message board is doxxing?
Most phasefags and most phase talents are holofans. They're not the ones shitting on hololive.
Only people who give a single shit about brownvtm are antis against phase. Phase fans never bring that twitter faggot up or make threads about him.
bvtm is on phaselivers discord though
and he is on Sakanas payroll
Imagine, these two could've ended up in PC somehow if shit went wrong.
I only thought holofans watching only holo vtubers was just a shitpost. it's in fact true? wtf
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They're both disgusting so that checks out, they'd be perfect for each other.
>bigger exposure causes more people to talk about you
wow we got a detective here
I don't hate Pippa but her fans are fucking annoying. Hope she's mindbroken you all half as much as the memes insinuate.
why their tits reversed???
phasecucks condom deflection
nah we are at Tenma model leaking deflection now, condom was last week
So all you care about is collabs? Object permanence doko?
Both are based
In the clip they literally say that just the other day they announced their graduation. So this was after they got the graduation boost and everyone started talking about them.
Literal leech.
>Either way I refuse to watch anything from one of these scumbag companies
>watched GGN who were hired by a VN company to promote their shit
No self-awareness today.
That's too much work. I don't have anyone, I just love hololive. It's that simple.
a thread died for this
Yet, everytime there's drama, a phasefag is involved.
They'll always be practice condoms regardless.
But yeah, the Tenma thing is retardedly funny.
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>Plapkin Plappa
You like Pippa, don't you anon?
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Okay, do you honestly want to know why people hate phasekeks?
>bring up phase constantly in non-phase contexts
>bring up /pol/shit unprompted
>whine about "idol culture" in the exact same way as retarded indies/vshojofags
>disproportionately involved in doxxfag discord/forum communities
>ran all the "banned /vt/ memes" accounts on twitter that constantly lied and shat on holomem and their fans while shilling phase
imagine the smell
>there's only one degree of separation between Hololive and MisterMetokur
>Why do holofans hate her?
There is a particular type of numberfag from third world countries who considers himself to be 'cool' because likes hololive (the popular thing). Pippa and several other PC girls come up real close in terms of numbers to the lower end of the holoen spectrum because holoen has continuously bled viewers from their casual fanbase over time. They do not watch streams at all, pippa's continued growth threatens to make them uncool, by reducing hololive marketshare in the EN sphere. They hate vshojo and filian/large indies for similar reasons.

/#/ is basically entirely third worlders circlejerking about numbers.
PLs will never be doxx and /vt/ (at least non-subhuman /vt/ers) watch the GGN girls before they made it, you insufferable redditor.
>the vast majority
You're a fucking CASUAL, no one cares what your majority of non-stream watching numberfags think. You shouldn't even be allowed on this board, or the internet at all.
Bro really didn't see phasefan get obliterated on twitter when he used a mistranslated clip to shit on holo. It even got community noted
>You're a casual if you don't care about low quality vtubers!
Fine by me. GGN were one of the few examples of vtubers who actually deserved to be 2views and nothing more.
unironically kill yourself IN REAL LIFE and never reply to me ever again, you fucking monkey
Didnt she have a vomit drawer? She honestly sounds worse than him.
did you think this was intelligible when you posted it
>vomit drawer
tell me this is a joke
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I only watch indies though?
anyone have the webm of "them" showing up on a Pippa meet and greet?
>having to cover your genmates shitty song for views
Humiliation ritual
absolutely based and correct take.
Are they...?
Interesting how a certain company was left unmentioned.
Correct, you solved the puzzle
Those two are indeed Tenma and Kronii
gomenne senpai <3
Pippa's a shitheel grifter but my main problem with her is her fanbase. They constantly try to push the bitch into holo spaces, always going on about how she's an honorary holo or how a collab with whomever would be the best thing ever and if you don't agree then you're a sister and literally Hitler. It's annoying and tiresome. Keep Pippa bullshit in Pippa and phase threads and stop the bait, and 90 percent of the hate would magically go away.
Fpwp, hang yourself phasecuck.
>That one clip where Akira said that "you're not man enough to handle me"
Unironically based.
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>t. least mentally ill holonigger
They don't. It's a few trannies that were upset about her playing the wizard game.
Cute song
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If you play their vidya game you can see Makoto the boobie girl's butt.
It is a falseflag, come on
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>proceeds to doxx and grift
Its funny because only holocasuals are unknowledgable about PL stuff cuz don't know shit about anything outside holo. Hell several justice members were well knownish and they are like "Who is the new amazing holomember"! It's so funny
It's real. Although it has less to do with being a lazy fuck like Asmongold, and more of a fucked up consequence of extreme, catatonic depression. It's ends up just being a sad story imo. Good to see she's doing better.
This is being fair?
This exposes blue dorito cultists as deranged
For a surprise when you see them IRL someday
Good one.
He's on the minds of schizo /here/posters, that's about it.
GiGiCiCi is the better FuwaMoco
Take your meds Flip-kun
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>tfw you have to say shit like "GiGiCiCi is the better FuwaMoco"
Fuwamoco fell off a bit, I agree, but who's the better Biboo and Shiori? Fuckin' no one.
honestly thought OP was talking about Makoto/fww given recent events
was funny seeing them all hang out on her rtx account.
Shiori is one of a kind.
how do you know about the "disgusting treatment" of Mel if you don't watch Hololive
That image does something to me
Pippa fans are not Phase fans.
Without Pippa fans your corpo would be kawaii tier, come the fuck on. They are phase fans
Tenma, Lia, Uruka, Lumi have all found success and connections on their own despite the stain of shit Pippa has put on the company brand.
After the initial boost, yeah
>Tenma, Lia, Uruka, Lumi have all ridden Pippa's coattails and feasted on the skidmarks
wish I found them earlier
Tenma and Lia got their connections on their own and punched way above their weight. They were getting positively noticed by big names when they had 100-200 viewers and being invited to collabs. It took Pippa getting to 2000+ viewers in order to get those collabs, that is because of the stain of shit she put on herself.
a part of her likely resents that, deep down she knows, the only reason big vtubers now have time for her is because the numbers are too big to ignore and there is something in it for them, whereas with Tenma and Lia they got big names to work with them because they liked them.
Yeah, it got deleted here
fair enough
Wow. Just outright posting past alter egos.
Of course jannies think this is fine.

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