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Feet Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Keep things comfy, etc.

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and former member discussion
/mouse/ for subathon-specific discussion

Previous Thread: >>84518971
Welp, rip Alien: Isolation. Also fuck that chatter that asked for babysitters.
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Well Candii shot down babysitting during sleep due to the vod being a good substitute
Henrape! Henrape! Henrape!!!!
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Thank you Candii, God I fucking hate current Google. Fucking worthless
The enshitification of google and the internet as a whole will never not be retarded
the think i hate more about google is that it treats users like retard. It keeps forcing my language when i specifically set it for english. JUST LET ME READ ALL REVIEWS
Stream ruined
here anon, suck my dick
>Zen retweeted that on main
Not beating the footfag allegations
>Alexa, define "playing along with a bit originating from your audience for entertainment purposes"?
Stop projecting your fetishes on Zen.
mouse is going to private this vod
anon... It's a fact already
because of the IRLs?
Mikecat has created yet another identity
what is it?
unless it has an excellent midriff I do not care
You are literally projecting, footfag.
Fuck I miss Zen already
page 9 already?
Vshojo is dead
nevermind just a bug KEK
Anyone notice that Mouse doesn't get zooted any more?
because she doesn't take opioids anymore unless she is more sick than normal.
lmao you guys are blind.
I'm becoming evil Momo independently of Mata's streams...
oh ffs way to ruin every fucking day of your subathon mouse drop the ass hat already
That's her secret captain
She's always zooted
What's your theory? She stopped smonking weed?
she got a bit zooted tonight and last night but nothing like the back in the day
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This poster thinks Mouse invited him to play with her
Just gooned to Geega
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Day 11 of Henya rest-athon
And reminder that she's cute
obviously she didnt he just has to insert himself in every thing to use her as much as possible is is mouse fault for not playing minecraft with candii earlier we might have been saved from him
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Day 55 of Haruka rest-athon
Silver live and she might actually finish Cyberpunk this stream possibly maybe.
Stop making up fanfiction about yourself and talking in the third person
best cozy wife live with more cybiepunk, hopefully finishing today.
My head fucking hurts
she still gets zooted but not as intense as before. Yesterday she was really in another dimension for a couple of hours
how the fuck do you use you hands like this?
>you use you
Drink water, drink something with electrolytes, close your eyes for a bit, maybe nap.
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You don't. People say they can, but it's a lie. A real test of dedication for people that eat ass though.
I'd eat her ass
Does someone got the vod. It may get pulled for the perms autism
you can still watch privated vods
if it's just privated it'll be here: https://vodvod.top/channels/@ironmouse
Mouse Karaoke?!
which one.
Either the FF cafe or Kamen rider cafe may need to clear the vod for it to be published which of course means a 3-4 hour portion takes the other 44 hours with it
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Its so fucking over
Has she had more tech problems this year than previous?
>Mouse if shipsisters didn't exist
Mouse needs to do a raise the timer bit during American hours
EU bros have been carrying so far besides day 1
We are fucking struggling
it's 5 today. Some people are getting paid today.
I learned about June Lovejoy from her buying gunpla from Gundamplanet, of all things. Weird to learn about a porn actress or whatever she is from just looking on Twitter to see if the plastic robot you want is in stock yet.
About time you paid your fair share of the United Mouse Nations.
>thumbs up drawing your eyes to her cleavage
Unbelievably based
I learned of her from her bullying Mel on Lewdcast
it's there to block a nip slip, anon
That was a good Lewdcast.
thank god everyone wasted their points with potato bit
Disgustingly UNBASED of her. Live up to her title.
the cozy wolf like the new minecraft movie and is tempted to maybe doing another minecraft arc. i hope its on a certain server just to have the spergs to have the mother of all meltys
Don't be like that. She'll most likely just make a community server.
anon you are approaching shipsisters level of copium it isnt healthy
Oh nigga you weird
yeah. gigantic, mentally ill loner that lives off her audience simp bucks is going to that anything else but make a private minecraft server just for her tier 50000 patreon subscribers. dyrbi
don't use shartia's forced meme in my vshojer thread
also hang yourself
(You) gathering is so fucking easy here.
ok, now sell you account full of yous
He tries so hard, please give hin replies anon he's starving
You don't understand, Silver is obviously joining the Vshojocraft server. Please be upset.
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We're almost back bros
funny thing is he actually believes that. both of them are actually delusional, but at least one has wandered of to lig and as god wills, it he will follow
mouse is going through the candidates for birthday model
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important poll
( ;∀;) man I want to look at k9s account but it just makes me sad because retweet of the departed so much
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Outfit 1
>Birthday card
The poll doesn't matter. The answer is yes. Always yes. Birthday cards have been received very well here, and are always successful and beloved.
Mata should collab with Anny
Anny invented collabs
how did the ugliest one win?
Steampunk Rat is coming home
i dont see "anon costume" winning
henya's mods would likely delete it
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Froot plays Apex with hands with nails like this
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She liked it? Really?
why is it when I read this word, it's always some nigga baiting?
ofc, she has shittiest taste imaginable
she even liked Starfield
not worth it gang
because its a contrarian fag, he always types like a sissy
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what are you trying to imply aout Starfield there Anon
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That starfield is fucking half baked buggy garbage. Just like Fallout 5 will be, just like Elder Scrolls 6 will be.
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Meh, if anything it would only be wasted effort. You can submit things anonymously.
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delete this post right fucking now
Fight me IRL Todd, you fucking bastard.
acthually its the least buggy bethesda game to date.
The game is bad because it has nothing interesting in it. And because TODD somehow downgraded RPG elements from Fallout 4 AGAIN.
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Lets gooo hijab Mouse outfit
>acthually its the least buggy bethesda game to date
The bar is in the center of the earth.
Why mouse chat is so bad? Like wtf is that shit?
>hates vshojo
>has astronomically bad taste
what a coincidence
Mousefags are braindead morons would would be more intelligent if they ate lead paint chips.
SEA time
What is kinda crazy because fallout 4 already felt empty as fuck. I still remember how dissapointed i was when i realized the game had only 5 weapons and a bunch of trash pipe and the fact that the side quests are a lot better than the main. It's depressing how some side quests are so good but it always a dead end while the main quest is just stupid
It is peak American hours.
what did Haruka do to Henya? Evil Moose.
it's not even noon on the east coast
unironically it's looke like this shit
You think functional members of society post here?
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no which is why we both know they aren't awake at 9am
Eclipse mouse….
this would be alright without the fucking turtle neck
they don't , but americans do
Lotta projecting going on right now
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jesus christ apart from magic girl all them looks awful
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Froot is so goddamn spacepilled. I love it.
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just vsj and only recent posts. and there are a bunch of bait-posts with similar wording in other generals, holo, niji, phase
doesn't matter mouse chat is the worst
I hate all these options so far
They will all eventually come.
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its so close
it's too much... They all look like gacha rejects
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>1 vote
the coomer vote is strong
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1 god damn vote
I'm balming this anon >>84550576
don't blame me. Blame mouse chat
The Limebreaker model seems is gonna be hella nerfed or censored if not done by Limebreaker
what i voted for it. Fuck you.
I'm curious about how it would turn out as a real model
I don't even like beast mouse for coomer reasons, I just think it looks cool and different from what mouse usually goes for. also I love those giant space horns.
Just look at Silver's limebreaker model, but in pink
reeeeeee mousefags reeeeeee
Vote beast
If beast wins then Silvervale and Mouse will become sisters
Mouse needs the Monke add on that shows polls on her screen
You are literally the worst mouse viewer. Kindly do a public service and kys
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Sad day for coomers
I know it'll eventually come but who knows when
Americans on and thread is fucking shit. As usual
lmao don't blame me because you can fap to mouse anymore.
Mel Live?
Mel & Zen both live
Mel live on twitch for the Makeship Minecraft event.
Mouse needs latex suit costum
Stop acting like you are any better than the rest of her chat. So delusional you need actual help
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beast bros we will have our revenge
>8k viewers
>just over 1k votes
a lot is wrong
uh oh melty
I blame the europoor
I'm the last Zen viewer.
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she is not even back yet and its already over
>Mindbroken because he didn't get his way
steampunk got destroyed
Makeship's stream if you want to see an overview of what's happening today.
it was over when she decided to come back
are you ESL ?
burqa bros we lost
Cybermouse will win because of Zen Unity.
No, he's only retarded
how can someone hate so much a game that he never played? Talking about me.
Big Cyber Latina Tittolies
BOIS... Girlboss right?
of course, people are going to vibe with/relate to cyberpunk way more. steampunk's just kind of weird and actually niche at this point.
murder clussy lovers
I don't even get why people like detective so much.
>Chat votes different
>Mind broken
It's very simple anon
We need Steampunk 2077.
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>it will never be like the first subathon ever again
nigga are you really retard?
Your quirk levels are getting dangerously high anon.
Good, hang yourself nostalgiafag.
first subathon was shit. You just miss nyan and connor popping up all the time to tard wrangler chat.
How am I wrong?
contrarian fag, don't you have an exmember to watch right now?
Mel already hyping up her Minecraft skills kek.
Europeans are trying super hard right now
by being ESL and retard '-'
The first one was great but this has been the best one yet.
You are right. It's not the same it's better
the second one was plagued by fortnite and D4. This one so far is being good. She even beat minecraft vanilla.
People really want cyber
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Come on Mel, not last!
Ahh so you know I am right but won't admit it. ok carry on
this would be a perfect model for yuni :(
michifags really can't accept that some people don't like their quirky high school idiot kek
I think so far connor showed up more this subathon than the last two subathons. We really had people saying we only would have planned collab hilarious
nigga you don't even know what we were talking about. Just shut up and fuck off
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Melly on the telly. She's using an older MC skin today.
I wish he would stop.
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last year he was travelling like a crazy. Seems more chill this years but still...
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>Don't bother voting mouse's chat is the worst
Chat voted differently to what you want and now you are seething about it kek. Grow up anon
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Geega's Geegas pressing against me
kek i remember when a few anons said they weren't really into michi and michifags started trying to instigate shit with mousefags for no reason kek. Will never forget that melty
5 hour fishing stream
Geega's thick geeg pressing against me
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Momo in the cuckbag
which girls snorts the most cocain?
This subathon feels so forced, it's not about doing anything fun or interesting. It's just about making the number go up.
It's like a idle-game that sometimes talks to you
Tears in welsh rain i feel old, i was there when mouse listened to the whole album on stream
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They're starting the first game. Good luck Mel!
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Zen is here
Geega, obviously
Have you even been watching Its been the best one yet.
Nyan, Vei and Silver
Thes me behind the wall
God, imagine all the juices that minto gets STEEPED in while the momo remains "protected" by the cuckbag
nice self-report
it's called protection. Who knows where this whore had been
That bag is clinging to life by a thread
>Moans in the song.
I love Mouse and her moans
Literally the best subathon so far. Lots of variety, plenty of solo gaming and just chatting, day 1 was perfect, the irl was amazing etc
I made this post. Sorry for the spelling error. I obviously meant "That's me behind the wall".
hello new friend?
God she'd have the biggest pulsating geeg known to man, she could tenderize me with it
Zen is at her best when she does late night depressed drunk streams. Just trying to induce another one of those.
Just say "ZEN MY DAD DIED LETS GOOOOO" and you'll probably get a reaction
Aethel cooked with this album man
the worst messages are always: I am having a rough time but your stream suddenly cured my depression and made all my worries go away"" fucking hang yourself already if a twitch stream improves your life considerably
too bad that pink pussy broke him
the chat reflect the streamer and vice versa
i love when you guys project so hard that time and space bend
keep going
Oh, sorry for having a brief reprieve from the crushing weight of modern life with my oshi and thanking her for that. I'm going to keep doing it, though.
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The fuck did I do?
You do you, I can't stop you and it's your money, but I will continue muting the stream the second someone trauma dumps with TTS again
Okay, now they're starting the first game.
I will make sure you never hear Zen's TTS voice again.
We made it bros. And we are still going to make it bros.
not this one... This one would kill him
>the game starts
>Mel immediately gets lost
heh classic
starfield will have its first anniversary tomorrow
Say something nice about it NOW.
i can fish in NMS now.
it was skyrim but in space
Do you think she can break her last year record? I didn't watch it so I don't know how she was able to reach that number
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It was fun watching videos of people shitting on it
cute little slut in the minecraft movie
making enemy ships target the centre of mass was hilarious because you could build hollow ships
So many people are going to mentally break when TES6 is shit even though there's no reason to believe it won't be
As if it's in some seperate timeline protected from the developers who made fallout 76 and starfield
Mouse saying listening to this album is like a punch in the gut. Man I miss pink love
pink love is long dead anon. Move on.
Mel fell into the void as soon as respawns were turned off. Mel luck strikes again.
With the current pace of donation subs, making it to two weeks would be an accomplishment.
>Do you think she can break her last year record?
>1 sub = 10sec
too ambitious
While i miss pink love i miss aethel and mouse even more
I think is possible but its gonna be hard
Aw Mel, don't be so hard on yourself.
I'm at work. No way she said that.
Subathon 3 so far is the best performing. Number of subs isn't the issue it's the timer. 10 sec might just be too harsh but we shall see. If it stays alive for the full month she will def beat her previous record
ok. you're wrong but ok
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There's a game in the mousejam with nyan as the endboss
>BOOF PACK ironmouseWiggly
we shall see, I disagree though.
mouse crying and boof pack starts
the fucking whiplash kek
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Time for a comeback Mel. Let's go!
Man I think she's missing Aethel and Nyan
do you think Mouse regrets introducing Aethel to Nyan
I guarantee you there are hundreds of people waiting till its really needed before gifting.
yeah. that fat bitch stole him from her
I will forever hate nyan for taking aethel away. (j/k i don't but i miss them both)
I'm holding a 20 gifted till they are really needed
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>>84553548 (me)
What the hell drove them apart?
There is also the extra sub gift in week 4 i think
IDK I think something happened when she left
and then Nyan got really awkward behind the scenes
Now they have drifter apart so much that I don't think they talk at all besides Aethel showing up in her chat once in a blue moon
does jk mean nothing to you?
Geega arranging to start doing heists again soon with Clark, Tony and Yuno this week or next. People that don't like day to day rp often can at least enjoy the heists, so it should be fun.
She did but more in the emotional sense since it makes her happy cry
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Mel somehow managed to find herself completely outside the map. Only Mel kek.
they definitively had some sort of falling out behind the scenes. Nyan's brain worms aside, mouse also hasn't said or done anything
She's so bad at these kinds of events, why does she keep participating?
Humiliation kink...
This is my rrat which is completely science fiction but it may hold some truths to it.
I think that when Mouse negotiated her new Vshojo contract she may have acquired equities to the company. So when the rest of the girls started negotiating their contracts demanded more money/percentages and they had a falling out over money
Because it doesn't matter how well you do, it's a good opportunity.
Mouse said she couldn't force people to cum
brother, do you understand the concept of clowns
Is Mel gods silliest whore?
My guess? Vei was always gonna join Mythic regardless of how good or bad the contract was. She encouraged other members to jump ship.
>Vei was the instigator.
>Silver was locked in to Mythic due to her bitterness with the wizard game situation.
>Zen was strongly considering it.
>Nyan probably thought that VShojo was going down and was pressured into leaving the "sinking ship." She was the last to make her decision out of the 3.
What they didn't expect was VShojo growing even stronger with the addition of Henya, Geega, Mata, Kuro, and Michi.
Nyan basically bet on the wrong horse even when she has no problems with Mouse, and things have been awkward since.
If you listened to Tectone talk about them recruiting Vtubers, Mythic kinda thought that Vtubing would be the next massive thing in EN streaming and went out of their way to poach.
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Vei was already in Mythic
They still haven’t removed the part where it mentions VShojo in her bio
>contract looping
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they poached the wrong ones though kek
they offered the bag to everyone and mouse told them to fuck off
I don't like her.
>massive thing
That is called Caseoh
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Well, Mel got another point at least.
>being a meta posting, pretend thread policing, wannabe jannie giga faggot
She's an acquired taste
Probably, I'm not going to sperg about her or anything but I just can't seem to like her.
In hindsight yea, but Nyan, Vei, Silver, and Zen were the largest besides Mouse. Nyan used to average >8k viewers.
The lesson learned? Never recruit anyone who is close to OTK. They're gonna leave for Mythic when they get big. This is also why the asmon papa JP girl is a major risk and should be avoided.
shes boring but seems very nice so i like her but will probably never watch her unless shes a collab perspective
Vei, Silver and Nyan (plus Aethel and Snuffy) were all offered a place in OTK with super favorable terms and signing fees, but it was pulled back when OTK had it's management reshuffled after the SA stuff, and the general downturn of streaming income all around. There's no real drama. Silver even apologized over the soft doxxing in her goodbye stream. It's all buisness. Since some other streamers that were strung along by OTK in the same way have been comming forward, it may become more of a thing to talk about all around, but that's all that's likely to happen.
>Never recruit anyone who is close to OTK.
This is my only hope for applications. I'll take anyone that isn't.
Will Silver appear at Mouse's subathon?
>Silver even apologized over the soft doxxing in her goodbye stream
need to see that with my own two eyes, fanboy. Things she said in your tier 5 patreon subscriber discord (in which you shit talk vshojo relentlessly btw) don't count
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The perfect hiding spot. The toilet.
>Silver even apologized over the soft doxxing in her goodbye stream. It's all buisness.
Sure, tell us about the torn letter in Silver's background.
Did Mel get 1guyed in to thinking there was a golden kappa train?
I never saw any notif about it, and she just has a normal hype train
she wishes she were vei. i can only imagine how she felt when she was still committed to the trip to austin and even stayed in his house when it was already too late.
Zen, we have seen this video two times already; skip
I saw it but only for a second or two. For some reason it switched to a regular hype train really quickly.
Nah that isn't actual friendship destroying type beef
They wouldn't drop all (public) interaction over a business decision when they're both doing great anyways
Since she always has twitch mods in her chat, it's something people try to do here and there. They convince her it's a golden kappa, and she gets excited, and then realizes it's not and gets sad, that puts pressure on the twitch mod to make it actually happen. It's social engineering to help their oshi.
people make mistakes
if silver publicly apologized for her wrongdoings that's ok in my book
anon is posting from another time and space.
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Nyan said she didn't like the spotlight and she felt like her presence was getting other people harassed. Vei and Silver had nothing to do with her decision. They didn't even know.
>they had a falling out over money
They're both way too rich for that to be what destroyed what they had
We have 2 good streams to watch please do not loop and post insane headcannon about the ancient past.
you guys are overthinking. Nyan is tha type of friend that stops being your friend when she moves to the next thing. Just like some people used to stop talk to each other because they moved to another school.
>silver publicly apologized
Got a source
I want to fill Saiiren with my custard.
>It was all business! No beef!
>Uhh..at least she apologized!
So which is it? Make up your mind anon.
Leaving one org for another isn't going to break a friendship. Leaving for an org that's in the middle of a SA coverup sitaution and pushing forward anyway is the kind of thing that does. Being close with Tectone despite him abusing his wife too. Or Asmon's best friend literally beating his wife with a handgun and ending up in prison, and still being close with him during and after. Leaving is leaving. It's where you're going to that says a lot about who you are.
I can't wait for youtube documentary in 50 years about what happened behind the scenes in vshojo
I love Michi so much.
Now that Mel has a hang of the game, she found a really good hiding spot.
This but with the whole UK crew
That's why she ended up in a group with them immediately afterwards.
I don't believe in it.
What the fuck are you talking about no it isn't
What is this tribal brain no one cares what tectone or asmongold do
They went to Mythic to get sponsor money, any streamer can understand that because any time #ad is in the title they're doing the same
always funny when people try to shill that EN/JP vtuber who got recognition from Asmon here. She'd just get built up by Vshojo and then dip for OTK/Mythic.
She ended up in Mythic because the other choice was fucking MSM. She chose correctly.

Of course you don't. This thread antis everyone that left.
and it was all about mouse futa art
What's the whole UK crew?
>the other choice
There is a 3rd and it's going truly indie, not corpo backed indie.
This isn't a real thing once your CCV gets high enough. Even Snuffy has a manager.
Having a team behind you is different from having a corpo.
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The Geeg in yet another minecraft event
Yep. She's the Mythic trojan.
delusional. what actually happened:
>vei would have left either way, cause she wanted to support her bf (based)
>silver hates vshojo and wanted out, also she could have a shot at the top dog numberfag position in mythic she so desperately wanted
>nyan got persuaded by the two, because she is a rather weak minded character, and chose them over mouse, who in turn tried to persuade her to stay with vshojo, which is why they haven't spoken since then
there isn't a single "true" indie vtuber
once you have more than 100 viewers you need somebody to handle your merch and sponsorships
believe what you want
it's just not feasible to do everything yourself when you're a big streamer
>This thread antis everyone that left.
pink cat good
vei meh
who bad
nazuna is just sad
Henya also doesn’t talk to her ex anymore
>Of course you don't. This thread antis everyone that left.
>Not believing in something that sounds implausible.
someone uploaded a recroding the v4mirai concert with kson and mouse
Having Team Snuffy behind Snuffy is different from having Mythic LLC contracting Snuffy.
>mousefag like always shits on vei and silver while defending nyan
she left bro
nothing stops her from talking to Mouse yet she's not doing that
I don't think Vei and Silver are holding Nyan hostage and prevent her from talking to Mouse
How does anything she said sound implausible? She always complained about the spotlight. People have always harassed the people she gets close to. Are you fucking new?
The only one getting shat on in that post is Silver?
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Mel's hiding spot paid off and now she has 6 points. She still has another chance to get more points before the end of the event.
Nyan is not coming back
nyan will rejoin vshojo in 2025 and give birth to aethel's child live on stream
I like pink cat
I'm indifferent about Vei
I hate backstabbing cunts
I miss Nazuna's model and maybe she could've gotten help before she kept being menhera
yeah but nyan is retarded and can't think for herself. If you watch her streams, especially with aethel, you know what I mean. She never makes decisions, always questions herself, never forces something, has zero self esteem and folds instantly average woman behavior therefore the theory is valid
and then take one year off like haruka and henya did
fuck maternity leave
No one said she was?
Aethel must be impotent otherwise pink cat would already carry a litter.
Vei said it was over money. She implied that they were getting paid less than they were worth.
Then she could stop doing events that gets her the limelight, stream less, or do more casual content.
It doesn't require leaving VShojo. Hime and Haruka are great examples. You're trying really hard to believe in something and treating it as the absolute truth despite it being questionable.
how long will mousefags push this narrative that Nyan got manipulated into leaving
you're going to OD on copium
even mouse seemed to be close to leaving, but she was fairly vague in how she talked about the contract renewal
katie now also in call with saiiren
stream ruined
Vei was also being heavily influenced. The upside of it is that she might have actually done some good for the ones who remained as VShojo was forced to update their contracts to be more competitive. But Vei wasn't going to come back even then. She was gone for her own personal reasons. Namely Soda.
I don't care about this current conversation but there's no way to accurately convey through text how much I despise betrayers
which was the best fucking decision in the end
>who bad
what did haruka do to you
I will never not take the opportunity to remind everyone that Kson fucking confirmed on stream that Silver was going around asking to see people's contact out of "concern" and the entire spiel that gets repeated at nauseam about the contracts being bad was started by Vei's vagueposting. the one who's quite literally in bed with one of the founders of Mythic.
This was malicious poaching and the only one that can claim some sort of innocence in the matter is Nyan, mainly because she's actually retarded. This does not exonerate her fully considering she has no problem hanging out with that trash to this day, her overall character is definitely questionable at best.
Now that the dust has settled What am I going to eat today?
A salad.
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The British are coming the British are coming
>Kson confirmed
surely you got proof becasue you don't think I will believe some random on 4chan
kson at 29:15-35:50
kson+mouse waifu jam at 36:00-44:00
juicy juicy mouse at 44:15-48:00
sonch reappears at 48:00-56:25
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Silver kinda knew. And told an artist.
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Oh I didn't expect Kson to actually talk with V4M.
I wonder how much contact Vshojo actually has with them behind the scenes.
and silver is just okay
Kill yourself immediately.
I wish my oshi wasn't stupid and wouldn't believe in the supernatural so I don't have to listen to 4 hours video essays
Mel taking the time to shit on Mr. Beast bars kek.
she actually nearly slipped recently
haruka is still in vshojo
big moves behind the scenes, and not just with brave group. you aren't ready for what's coming
I don't care about contracts or personal relationships.
When stream ends I don't care what's going on after.
Nice feet. All of VShojo needs more good feet art
Deal offer:
The silverfags will provide proof of silver's alleged public apology and the mousefags will provide the clip of kson talking about silver's unprofessional
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This thread completely memoryholed that Mouse and Zen didn't like the contracts either until VShojo adjusted them which only happened because 3 people left
I chose to fast
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The games are over and Mel came in dead last. But it was still fun.
it's part of her charm
Don't forget Kson also saying that after the 3 left she got better offer.
Targeting Haruka now? Absolutely no tact
There needs to be a minecraft event for people with mel's skill level
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Miss you Henya
I wouldn't be too surprised if they were cooking something with them. It's no coincidence after all that Vshojo keeps getting grouped with V4M for various events.
I do. If I get into something, I have to know everything, every single detail, every background story. That's why I am /here/. I need to know everything. And when I do, I lose interest and move on to the next thing
Yeah, just Mel things. But she met some new people and had some fun.
That would be pretty funny to see actually.
You think Haruka's contract said she can't stream for 50 days
>Kson confirmed
lol, lmao even
I always assumed it's for access to their 3D tech/facilities, but who knows
The only good thing is Brave’s 3D and likely OshiLive
The bad thing is that they are a black corpo.
I haven't heard anything bad about V4M.
I guess the "worst" I know of is the horse leaving for Hololive.
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When people say it's a black company as far as I know they're talking about the JP side only since the EN side seems clean. Granted they are on the same company and parts of that undoubtedly leech over, but V4M doesn't seem to have those same issues
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Aw cool, the Makeship channel raided Mel.
there was none
>which is why they haven't spoken since then
no reason to lie anon
how ironic
I do not care for one and a half year old drama
they never had any to begin with
Brave Group owned and is responsible for the Gamebu disaster 5 years ago but as far as I know they are under new management now and are mostly competent and not evil anymore. Aside from having a big data leak on the JP side recently.
nobody is targeting her
take meds
Mel is easily the best. She is so bad at games in all the best ways but always has fun. And she does porn. And the porn is great too.
How to make Nyan and Mouse friends again?
Where's the slip?
katie makes me hard as fuck
Nyan literally has a history of this. She did this to lilypichu
Maybe because that didn't happen?
Mouse said she was in negotiations and quite literally told chat to "stop asking her about her fucking contract". At no point she said that she didn't like it because unlike the others she keeps those things private.
Zen as far as I know didn't say that either, what she did confirm is that her entire "would you still watch me if I wasn't in VShojo" phase happened when Mythic got in touch with her and made an offer.

You do understand that something getting better doesn't mean that the initial version was bad, right?
What VShojo realized was that Mythic was making exceptionally good offers in an attempt to pull the talents away from VShojo, offers that is very unlikely any other random chump would be getting because it simply wouldn't be sustainable but it was worth doing for a few select people because it'd be incredible clout to be the new agency in town that's so good that managed to rip VShojo apart.
VShojo of course had to sweeten the deal for their remaining people as much as possible.
Even in that phase Zen couldn't imagine being outside of Vshojo.
there isn't she's just a bitch but I don't blame her for hustling. she got her self a nice paypig like a typical eastern euroid female.
i don't know what they'd sweeten, a vtuber agency taking no channel revenue and not owning ip is unprecedented
the thing that changed was probably the ability to dual wield vshojo as an org plus having another agency
yeah that's pretty benign
she's said before there's no point her saying anything because people will link it with vshojo
Only thing I'd think they'd change is merch splits or whatever. EIther way I just woke up and I'm skimming this conversation but I vaguely remember someone mentioning people talking about contracts internally, but I don't think it was Kson I think it was Zen. But also this whole conversation is weird and that's my only input so

new thread
seems fine and didnt want to take a swipe at niji to avoid people taking it as a swipe at vshojo
sounded like a mature response
Mythic can take lower cuts for sponsors because they don't offer management, invest in talents well being or growth and they don't invest in future shared projects. I guess Vshojo improved that cut slightly but it was by no means bad for what it already offered.
she sounds fake af. maybe it's her accent, but I don't like her
Cry harder, holy shit
(you) again
yes, (you) again
>they don't offer management, invest in talents well being or growth and they don't invest in future shared projects
Someone should tell Mythic that their website is full of bullshit then.
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well have you seen the AX? they had the same booth
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Never forget, It's a miracle Gunrun didn't bash that faggot head with a sledgehammer
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>mythic lies
wouldn't be the first time
was going to say this exactly this, but I'm glad you got it already. Forgot how ticked she got at people continuing to ask about her contract during the time cause she was clearly tired of all the bullshit and drama., it was fun listening to her let off the steam. It was very literally "quit asking about my fucking contract"
Everyone always says they do all this shit. Businesses try to maximize reach
>use 2 very old screenshots as gotcha
hello npcs, where was the last time when you opened mythic website and checked their sponsors? I bet now it will make you very mad kek
how much do they pay you?
mythic was going pretty hard with people at the time, but a lof of that dried up over time. We've seen the sponsor page before and after a number of times now.
enough to make retarded spergs seethe their dicklets off, thanks for asking
>ignoring the video I posted where Saruei literally confirms that mythic doesn't do management
retarded mythic shill
They do offer it tho, I never said anything about how good they are. Or most likely how they might be very good for some of their top talent and the "lesser" talent that are there just to fill space in their website might not get a very good treatment overall.
don't think you thought this post through because it isn't as clever as you thought it is
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Tell that to Saruei lol
>despite the fact that it doesnt matter and I was on that stream
retarded mythic sperg, go spam the same screenshot ten more times
kek she do love jane
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What is that even supposed to mean? bake /mythic/ and fuck off. nobody likes you
How does that not matter when you said they offer management and a big mythic talent explains they actually don't do that? And she's not the only one btw.
>actual mythic member: they do not do management
>random guy: yea they do
who do i believe
how retarded are you to think that I unironically thought that my post was clever and its not just a shitpost like majority of posts itt?
I'm starting to worry about you. You might have a stroke, because what you're saying makes no sense at all. literal gibberish

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