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Previous: >>84336713
I love huge breasts like you wouldn't believe.
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modern men no longer desire big breasts
it's all about flat chests, wide hips and big asses now
I think you're talking about zoomers. I do see the trend of absurd lower bodies on women among zoomers and it's sad to see boobs are out, but old guys are still as obsessed with boobs as they always were.
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>it's all about flat chests
We didn't gas the lolicons when we had the chance and this is the future we have
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Moriko kinda a gangsta bitch, need it
Do we have the technology to make tits grow huge naturally without affecting the other feminine features? This would disqualify simple estrogen supplementation.
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Gentlemen, I love big fat titties.
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I need to fall asleep face first in there in the winter
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What's you minimum boob size, anon?
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Must be outside of the standard grading scale
i-cup, but i usually crave even bigger
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I like this cat
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Got to have at least a handful. I'm basically just not into flatties.
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Touch the Cow. Do it NOW
I'm here for big tits, not obesity.
More of this: >>84616531 >>84611810 >>84607819
Less of this: >>84618129 >>84605741 >>84613334
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If they don't struggle to find clothes that fit, they're not big enough.
The allure of large tits is that they are exotic. If they're easy to accommodate for in standard consumer goods, that's not exactly exotic, now, is it?
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Beggers can't be choosers
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Ichika is doing a collab where the more viewers they have the more they'll reveal. GET IN NOW
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sexy friend...
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Saw this and instantly thought I should donate to this thread
Also these
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If she's wearing 1 layer, like a t-shirt and I still can't find her tits, she's disqualified.
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Large enough for a comfortable titfuck.
Which, for a shorter-than-aver woman, actually starts at a fairly medium size.
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Pick 1 and why??
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Miyuri because voice
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I've said it before and I’ll say it again, men pretending to be into flat chests are nothing contrarians that have deluded themselves into being into it, in order to guilt trip women with no tits into getting together with them despite their own unattractive features. Like "oh well he likes me for my small tits I guess I can’t complain about his small penis" is what they’re imagining the women to think.
It’s essentially just the nice guy mindset with a new spin.
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ayeeeee didn't know this was up
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Visible from behind
When sitting at a table at chest height they need to be big enough to lift up and drop down onto the table without them moving their torso up or down
>>84705708 (me)
Sorry, but I didn’t sage that, was just still in the name
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His dick is huge too!
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Tenderly Tasting Two Titanic Tactical Titillating Tan(lined) Tomboy Titties Tumultuously
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nobody has drawn them big enough
God I LOVE big fuckin tits.
where do I touch the cow?

you're definitely not here to pass an eye check, that's for sure
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Both are great and you're actually not straight if you disagree with me.
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I do not know these sluts but the sheep is best.
The only argument for flat chests that I've been able to come up with is that you can grab a girl's whole chest when you're fucking as like an anchor point. It's -cool-, but you have way more options with a bigger chest.
You never had the chance, you are a weak redditor and this is our site.
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Are you trying to imply this is a DOWNSIDE?
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It better be big enough to do self-tit fucking
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They need to be Bigger
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Anything larger and it just looks ridiculous to me.
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I love everything about Nui but I especially lover her fat tits.
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all vtuber breasts deserve to be massive
Flatties deserve upgrades!
Hell yes.
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