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what the fuck is that in the middle, who approved that
This sure is a happy news for a dying branch
That’s what a man looks like after a life on the run.
Also, it’s probably them adding this fag to their podcast or whatever gay shit they do as the “EN” branch’s liaisons.
Would the japs actually be happy to absorb another burden to their main hub tho ?
>They have to specify that the announcement is happy.
>Black background
> The jap writes "Special announcement"
> The en writes "Happy announcement"
my husband's shocked face is so cute....
isn't that yucky wilson
Anon, Nijisanji doesn't work like hololive. Being part of any branch doesn't mean you get to go events for that branch, get 3D, concerts, etc.
The top JPs will still get all of the opportunities, while management acts like the rest don't exist. When Nijisanji "merges" a branch with JP it means they're cutting the branch loose, firing all their managers and acting like they don't exist besides taking their cut and releasing the annual generic birthday merch.
Nothing will change for nijiJP fans.
Wait til you see it "move"
reminder that he is a tf2 tuber that faked his death.
No, that's ex-TF2 infamous eceleb Suicide Brisko
>this is a hen
if you draw it with the bright red comb it's a fucking rooster/cock
it's just all the japanese members of the branch doing a japanese announcement in japanese hours.
Probably announcing more JP collaboration
>japanese "members"
>JP collaboration
More like permanent collaboration aka merge
Merge is definitely a happy announcement for Meloco
>Finally becomes a nijijp without the absolute waste of time that is VTA
>happy announcement
>look shock and owrried
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the frauds in en are the most privileged people in the company and would never have the same opportunities in jp
Meloco would because she's popular
Kind fucked up that they made the guy on the run a cop don't ya think?
>except Mel
I'll believe it when:

- The ENTIRE CATALOGUE is plagued with threads of this and rightfully mocking/insulting sister's.
Why does her mouth look like that?
just like Salome amirite?
See Chōsen
You know the joke about how it's okay if Japan does it?
That's not a joke. If you speak Japanese you can get away with anything.
Will she still be able to do her handcam streams?
One can only hope
Was Nijisanji always the most hated Vtuber corpo or is this a recent development?
It became hated the second luxiem debuted and started making /#/s seethe by getting Golds
It also made phase connect look bad since their chuubas were thirsting after luxiem. Post luxiem the branch has been a speeding train that's been derailed and the catalog has been celebrating
I don't care about /here/ I'm talking about the public. Whenever I hear, talk, or look up Nijisanji everyone either hates or calls Niji a black company. I never hear anything positive about this corpo. Was this always the case? When did this corpo become widely hated by everyone?
I started to hate them the moment nijiniggers made Aloe quit.
Ever since then they have been subject of divine punishment in little amounts but getting worse everytime.
And now a niji killed Mel.
It'll get worse, much worse and when you think it cannot possibly get any worse for them, it'll get worse.
Do your reps tourist.
There were some questionable things, like the Roa controversy, or popular JP members like Gibara and Lulu leaving the company. Or the completely ignored ID and KR branches, only for them to get dissolved and merged. And the joke that was the IN branch.
They were considered to have more freedoms than hololive, but they completely neglected their employees unless they were popular (and males).
The Selen thing just confirmed that they don't give a shit about the talents, they just keep releasing more waves until shit sticks.
Tbf they didn't ignore id they locally promoted id a lot and even debuted like 4 different waves trying to get attention on them.
ID were a bunch of self sabotaging cunts. Each ID talent that got popular was completely ghosted by other members of ID until they culled their numbers down. Part of the entire reason Hana went member was because all the people she thought were her friends dumped her when she became popular.
Fans in Indonesia were notorious about gatekeeping the branch and not welcoming new fans.
KR wasn't even managed by them either, they just bought a pre existing company and slapped their names on it. They should have done more, absolutely but in those regards it's hard to fault them.
The selen controversy was shit and the way they overly promoted the males and still do is why I have grown to dislike the company a lot.
by the wider public? Selen termination
I'm guessing regular vtuber viewers, not only in holo but small corpo and indie viewers as well, have been building up bad will against niji since luxiem debuted. Nijification of the western scene was a real threat at some point and everyone wanted the fujo/homobeggar/shipper zhangsisters out.
/here/ has hated them since forever.
Yellow highlighter lookin ass kek
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I hope she keeps speaking Engrish once she joins the main branch. There is literally NOTHING that makes me harder than a deep-voiced ESL Japanese girl with big titties
That man has faked his death for 9 years, and you are laughing?
Any reason why we should care?
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Still remember when Dragoons would post stuff like this ad nauseum
>goes to war
>shoots self
a little outdated, but this has a lot of the problems
tl;dr is massive amounts of malicious mismanagement, abuse, and neglect. (mostly neglect) The company absolutely refuses to give any meaningful resources to its employees, and forces them to take the blame for absolutely anything that goes wrong to shield the staff/management.
Recently, they've had scandals related to one of their most popular talents attempting suicide due to harassment and mismanagement, and this absolutely KILLED their reputation outside of Japan.
To make things worse for them, said streamer is now one of the most popular independent vtubers outside of Japan, and her continued existence and success is a constant reminder of Nijisanji's failures and abuse.
>shu unhappy
>yellow guy in shock
>Mecolo the leech is happy since she wanted to be JP anyway but couldn't make the cut
It's the perfect disguise.
It only really became publicly hated after the selen termination and the black stream, but there've been grumblings about it since pretty much when Zaion got terminated almost a year ago that slowly got amplified over the course of 2023.
2 more weeks, right faggot?
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>ID were a bunch of self sabotaging cunts
You mean when niji forced riksa to step down from going into national tv and promote himself with his own fund? it got cancelled last minute after it got the ok confirmation from management. What a good management, fuck you fuck those guys pantat.
nijiniggers don't want you to hear this
I won't claim management is flawless but you can find clips from Hana and Mika who both said that as they got more popular with the en audience, ID stopped talking to them.
Hana wanted to fit in with them and purposely culled her numbers and stopped streaming during en time zones and only streamed stuff like fishing on fxiv when she did stream. She said she did everything she could to get people to stop watching her because otherwise ID wouldn't talk to her.
Mika said the same. I don't want to believe that riksa was one of the culprits but I'd firmly believe that Reza and Azura were
to harvest nijisister seethe
I can't believe it. There actually is an expression that can alleviate the uncanny valley feeling i'm getting from Shu's model. This goofy-ass bewilderment suits him
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I wonder if the PR situation would have actually been better than what we got if Selen had died
Truthfully speaking, she was never really at risk.
She OD'd on her meds. One of the least effective ways of killing yourself.
t.former EMT
For a few months, maybe even a year.
It would've gotten out eventually, though, and I'm pretty sure the dragoons would've been furious enough to actually go after Niji legally.
This is honestly the best timeline, as macabre as it is. Both Mint and Doki are alive and thriving, and Niji's dealing with the consequences of their own actions.
Niji would have collapsed one way or another. Pomu was responsible for every branch wide cover, Selen was responsible for every branch wide collab.
With both of them gone there was never a chance
You don't fucking know the method she used. Fuck off
She used pills. She was playing games just fine the next day, dragoons kept track of that. Slitting her wrists would make gaming difficult. Even if she was using a controller. Her apartment is unlikely to have a decent enough area for a noose and it's unlikely she'd know how to properly tie one.
She has a history of being on Antidepressants and medications. She OD'd. Just like every menhera does. It gets you a lot of attention and is easily remedied with a flush and a stomach pump.
>She was playing games just fine the next day, dragoons kept track of that.
No she wasn't. That's why we were panicking.
She was COMPLETELY missing for nearly a week, as well as a second time in mid january when even all online activity just... stopped.
That's why we were all freaking the fuck out.
iirc the one that blocked riksa was upper management not the local id management
Even if you waited a week it'd take a long time to recover. Much longer than a week it takes two weeks for a perfectly healthy person to get the surface cuts closed up and healed and even longer if you went below surface level.
Since she was back to playing competitive apex shortly after returning home and admitted in her zatsus it was all she'd do for hours at a time every day. It's safe to say she didn't slit her wrists.
she was in the hospital for days before they even gave her access to her phone you schizophrenic
Ok so like, what's the source? Where's the announcement?
Anon it's been 7 months, Any genuine sisters still trying to deny the selen shit have basically just given up and are isolated in their pockets of twitter or private discords, Any bait you see here is just BVTM level schizotards farming (you)s
Not really. She was in there for about a week total. Trust me. You would not be back to playing competitive apex if you actually slit your wrists. It takes months to properly recover especially if you cut deep enough to hit a vein or tendon. Something not particularly difficult to do.
Sorry but if she actually cut her wrists it'd take a month or more and it'd take rehab as well.
I don't mean to downplay feelings at the time because they're perfectly valid but the risk of her ever actually dying from a pill od is unlikely at best.
Idk why they use pills or slit writs. I mean you live in Canada. Just head north. A bear or a wolf or a moose will get you eventually. Make an adventure out of it.
Women don't want to die, they want attention.
why would I trust some mentally ill bad-actor trying to anti her in this shithole
You're literally the last person I would trust, especially since you're contradicting information we've already been given
>no source
holobronies still aren't sending their best
this is clearly fake LMAO
>sisters aren't even paying attention to their own branch now
color me surprised
>no proof
It takes like 20 seconds to find the source
That being said OP is overreaching with prediction of a merge, even Niji isn't tone deaf enough to label that sort of thing as "good announcement"
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Thanks bro
I asked for the source earlier and no one responded so I figured posting like a retard could bait someone into actually helping. AKA the stack overflow method
I fucking hate nijisanji and will enjoy watching the EN branch dissolve
Yeah, Niji's been trying to shill EN to the JP side for a few months now. Shu and Meloco have this "radio show" on youtube where they talk about NijiEN and ask people to send them questions about NijiEN. (In Japanese)
It's clear they're preparing for an audience shift.
Wait, are Shu and ERB made by the same person?

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