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uh oh... Edition

>Current and upcoming streams

>This week's full schedules


>Transparent head cutouts

[Gen 1: Indulge]
>Azura Dulait - Fertility Goddess
>Icey Snowpaws - Feral Polar Bear
>Immy Bisou - Hex Maniac
>Mercy Modiste - Dorky Yandere
>Shibi Cottonbum - Your Ever-Demanding Mistress
>Stronny Cuttles - Hypnotic Cuttlefish

>VAllure Links

>Unarchived/Deleted VOD Archive

>Greentext Archive

[FAQ for Tourists]
>What is VAllure?
The first EN A(dult)Vtuber Corpo.
Yes, this is the whorpo and they are focusing on adult audio like ASMR or JOI.
>Where will the content be?
YouTube - Kino SFW streams. Expect some spice and kayfabe but nothing TOS-breaking. Expect 3 streams per week at minimum.
Patreon - Lewd audios. $5/month per talent, 4 audios per month. Sub to whoever you like.
Fansly - Cost/content Up to the discretion of the girls, most have expressed interest, starts August 1st
>Is there a Discord Server?
Yes, Notification only. No interaction with any of the girls. Check VAllure Links.
No, they won't be joining any fan servers.
>Most importantly, are any of the talents in a relationship?
Yes, all of them, with me.

>VAllure Friends!
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
Other small corpos: >>>/vt//corpo/
More of Azura and Shibi: >>>/vt//choc/

Previous Thread >>84525444
love immy
I love my Strontistic wife and daughters!
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I love my retarded sister that gave me the best hour of sleep i've ever had literally ever!
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Immy kinda cute
Immy kinda wife
Immy kinda looks
Like the love of my life!
I am so fucking ready for cunny on cunny action
Is this an asmr collab?
Didn’t think it was possible for me to love 3 woman. Maybe I am a whore.
Im pretty sure yeah
Pretty easily done if they're all different time zones and into different things. If one dips the affection then you've got others to make you feel better. If one cancels a stream or is playing a stupid fotm game then you watch the others. Women aren't anywhere near consistent enough to just watch one.
If it were real life I'd tell you to kill yourself though.
everybody betray me i am fed up with this whurld

can i just go live with icey and live happily ever after with her? i dont mind that she has to take retard meds its fine i'll take care of her
love my trioshi
i love shibi
i love stronny
i love immy
i want the one i can't have
and it's driving me mad
i love azura
What the fuck is your problem? we're having a nice time and you have to go and say that? fuck you bro
No words. No comment.
the ultimate loser simulator
I'd probably be classified as a schizo anti by most of you at this point, but that sounds reasonable to me. She's not been well and DJ streams take a lot out of her.
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pink sex
Icey, are you sure you are cut out for this whole streaming thing?
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Hope she feels better
Mims is a lewd cunnychuuba
Well enough to stream all week and well enough to goon to women 24 hours a day. The game is a maximum of 2 hours long, what else is she doing in the day that's so important? Uuhhh looking for music for 12 hours duuuu. Why even make up a reason.
Just tell me you don't want to stream because you don't want to stream
Oh, Yeah now. But that was planned/recorded when she was mimosa
You know she has a low social battery and has brainworms out the ass. But she streams more than anyone in VAllure outside of Stronny and nobody ever gives her enough credit for it. I get your anger and I share it but she has enough I can criticise without dialing in on shit on a missed stream.
Man I really like the collab audios so far, hope they keep doing them
I don't think the streaming thing is true anon.. not even close. Shibi streams basically all day with guerrilla streams and mercy regularly streams upwards of 5 hours. Icey has also said before that her social battery is independent from streaming to us and if anything we make her feel better. She literally said that 2 days ago.
I have a low social battery and i had to attend 5 hours of meetings today at work. I can't just say i don't feel like it and cancel them all
Could be her reaction to one of her regulars dipping out of her stream to watch Shibi instead?
Well I was judging it on days streamed rather than on hours. I suppose it depends on preference. And social battery was my own poor choice of words. She clearly has an energy level limit she hits. She's eepy most of the day.

Yeah, but that's just how it is. No streamer really works 9-5 and they all lie when they say that. She's still streaming more consistantly than half the vtuber industry seems to.
I'm not going to argue with you but it wasn't like this before.
What happend this time...
I doubt any of them would notice what a single viewer is doing - as much as that's a nice thought.
I get you. But you could end up pushing her away more with this. Try to view her taking a break outside of any context and assume she's being honest. It's hard when you see her walling you off in over contexts but I just don't see a problem with her taking a day off is all.
What anon...
madam in heels....
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i want bibi to stomp me to the ground
Why does Dom always turn to feminization? I swear I'm the only one who wants to be dommed but not feminized.
If I remove who we're talking about from my mind. If I remove the fact that she only just took a week break last week. If I remove what you called "walling you off" from my mind.
Then sure, a days break is fine. With all of those things though...
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do you like icey
It’s fucking cancer people who do it should be keelhauled
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Oh COME ON being bi is half straight so that has to count for something right?
That's my screenshot.
Not today.
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>being bi is half straight
A line isn’t straight if it deviates. You.. are gay
I always love Icey!
You're not alone, anon
Love her asmr and karaoke streams.
Don’t really care for any of her other streams besides the super seducer ones because those were hilarious.
oh sorry i didnt know you owned that png, i will use it again
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Stop slandering me! I prefer WOMEN! well, one woman now and thats my little sisterwife
You'll always be my brother...
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I love Icey.
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[Stronny news]
Not really what I meant. I was adding context, I obviously did like her at one point to screenshot her. But I don't like her today.
The Pee Allure allegations...
Is the only straight pinpal around right now?
I think she's beary nice
Feel like I'll send her a maro about it. I really hope this isn't a route she goes down.
If it counts for anything I want to be feminized but not dommed
One woman?… bet there isn’t a number on the amount of dudes though kek
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Don't know her, but the more people wanting to be friends with VAllure the better.
I knew someone would bring this up as soon as I saw the retweet
Isn't that the battle corpo that debuted like 20 talents in one go. I think 3 of them have already graduated.
Not anymore. And she had to work really fucking hard to get me to this point, I can tell you that. It's fine though, I feel like I've escaped her to a better place now. Today was the first day in a long time I've not felt dejected.
You want what you can't have
Pinpal that's too damn bad
Don't touch what you can't grab
End up with two backhands
Our mummeh in VAllure, horny be her name. Her kingdom cum, her will be done, on YouTube as it is on Patreon. Give us this day our daily nut, and forgive us our cringe, as we forgive those who cringe at us. And lead us not into celibacy, but instead deliver us into temptation.

>Isn't that the battle corpo
Superman — Eminem
Haven't heard it in a while.
Is she the one who publicly said on main on her actual corpo account that she wants to join VAllure once she's done with Nexas? Or is that s different Nexas girl?
I keep hearing about this chuuba but who really is it?
Why was Shibi successfully able to change, but Icey wasn't?
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I don't remember, it was before they even debuted they went on main and said they wished they'd joined VAllure instead. It was fucking wild to see.
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I couldn't decide on what I wanted to respond with so I give up. Im gonna lie down for awhile now
one and the same
stinky fujo gooner seems like
her debut for reps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hoYOnCtaRs
Glad the last straight pinpal is still standing, carry on.
Because the change wasn't the point. It's the affection. Icey's change was a masquerade for freezing out her whole fanbase. Shibi changed by kept being loving and respectful and remembering who butters her bread.
Is okay big bro I’ll get the oil and make you feel aaaaall better ~
Not now. Go away
i want to butter Shibi's bread, if you catch my drift ;)
Whats a battle corpo?
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i will rise as a pillar of masculinity amongst ass jiggling faggots and crying manbabies
I don't think I get it? Maybe you can explain what you mean.
It's a battle royal corpo because there are so many members.
How did Shibi Change?
I need immy to push me down to my knees and grind her soft cunny into my face and make me choke on her girlcum. I want to smell like her for a month.
she changed her underwear
I've gotten used to it, but I do wish she wouldn't end her streams with 'i love you'. It's kind of insulting at this point.
i dont know exactly, she used to be boring but now shes exciting.
Don't forget she showered too.....
so um you know how umm you butter bread? yeah uhh something like that but with Shibi yeah
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VAllure friend Mimosa's last message as Mimosa
the entire idea for it was to debut a bunch under the guise of being a streamer academy and then only really support the ones that break out and turn them into proper corpo chuubas as a means to pimp the retarded phone app
they do take a smaller cut than most and have some mild managerial support

39 active talents, +2 on hiatus, +2 officially dead, +8 more debuting soon, about half a dozen that stream off the app
oh, and the app? started it's own vtuber program, so now there's 32 of those (not all debuted yet) with even less support and mostly poached from the REALITY app
so it's a battle royale to see who makes it to be a real vtuber in the end
This is Runie right?
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they literally fight each other for views and CCV and the ones that do the best get to break out from the weird platform they're forced to stream on and get more support
it's kinda dystopian and crazy kek
I still don't get it? How does that relate to anything you would do with Shibi?
she still streams on fansly as mimosa I think because they hate lolis but unless I'm retarded I think it's like a 20 dollar entry fee just to watch so I don't know
Does anyone have her fansly vods?
I don't really care about her but I do respect the attitude here
>mummeh knows about programmer socks
Holy fucking based
yeah she uses the model (for now) because of the anti-loli rules. I haven't seen her vods so I don't know which name she goes by but her fansly page is rurune
HUH, that sounds insane. Don't think I blame her for saying she wants to join VAllure once she gets away from that.
Did the applicants know all this before they joined on?
yeah, that's how grim the prospects for 0views are
it doesn't seem that bad of a deal depending on the details, really, but the contracts haven't leaked yet, so we don't really know what kuro shit might be waiting in the depths
Why would you even know this? Whose paying this much attention to multiple streams? Genuinely asking.
Nta but I noticed one because I also left her stream for someone else's while she was live. It made me laugh.
I only noticed because he joined shibi's membership
>that's how grim the prospects for 0views are
i know a guy who's been streaming for 13 years and he's still a 2view
jesus. do they even produce other type of content or only hit live?
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did marshmallow change? it's not working
can't really hate it if it's just a hobby for them
at least it can pay for itself compared to most
it's pretty much the same but he's doing it for fun, he has a normal job to earn money.
>First Twitter
>Now Maros

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How hard is it to not act retarded when interacting with the girls....
You fucked up anon
She blocked you specifically
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>kouhai stream tonight
All is good in the world, despite it all.
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She's not using crtl + f.. I'm like 90% she miss my right quess then.
Come to rub it in or?
shit man... i only sent her a meme catbox link once... it's shibover..
I'm happy for you mercybro I hope your kohai is extra cute for you tonight
Made me sign in too.
I mean ctrl. I'm a retard too.
Like oshi like fan
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No, I'm just excited for the Mercy stream tonight.
If I were threadshitting or baiting, you'd know because I'm terrible at it and it always comes off sarcastically
have fun bro
If you hadn't made this post I never wouldn't guessed what you were talking about
They're fucking with you. I've never sent a maro and mine shows the same thing.
Your translate plugin, anon?
It says you need to log in to send a message.
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You bait and threadshit?
What if he's baiting right now?
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i didn't know if you scroll down you can see the marshmallow responses
you want bait? i'll give you bait. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________i love immy ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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Not in this thread, not even on this board because I see no purpose in shit-stirring about people I don't care about either way.
I was a dumb teenager once, I used to shitpost excessively on /v/ (Overwatch release was a lot of fun to shitpost during), /tv/ (Baneposting was fun before it was run into the ground by 8ch) and /k/ (AR/AKfags are easy to bait, just pretend to be the other one) because getting autists mad was funny to me at that time. I got better, now I'm the autist getting mad at bait.
Nice rrat anon, I bet you'll get a few people to actually believe this one.
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I'm not going to win am I?
So it was mercyposters the entire time..
Don't worry we'll do it again hopefully. I've gotten close so many times
Same here. I know she said don't get brainworms but I really think I am just invisible...
no and she only loves the ones she gives names to
i like this system, it's much more fair than only making it for people who donate as many do
Vallure girls ranked by how many hours I've watched them
Stronny > Icey > Immy > Shibi > Mercy > Azura
Icey would be higher if she didn't cancel streams all the time
I’m late, how do I get mummeh to draw me? Just talking in chat, or?
It's a lottery, and if you lose she hates you specifically
if it makes you feel better, i'm lurking this stream so that other reeflings have a better chance
Stop being a fag.
But they're Reeflings, not Pinpals
They can't be...
>verification not required
She draws a number, then you guess a number. Each round you guess 1 new number.
as long as that one guy spamming numbers doesn't win i think everyone can be happy
Pinpals are gay. There's a difference.
real and true
My mistake
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Save this tweet, if you ever feel bad or have brainworms look at it.
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>thought everyone was getting bored with the stream because she couldn't see chat
my heart....
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this temptress is trying really hard to steal my heart, I WONT GIVE IN
Thanks Pinbro. Hope Shibi gives us a positive Affermation stream too. I'm jealous of the one Immy made for you all.
Harem you all have a lovely girl on your hands. She really cares for you.
I'm going to listen to our lunch date again. I love shibi.
I thought Stronny's stream was looping because the vid kept looping and she kept laughing kek
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Jeremy on stream
stronny is kind of... you know
Cute? Yeah I know
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My first day as one of the harem and i get to see this. I know it shouldn't mean as much to me, but I feel like a beaten puppy taken in by someone kind. It's nice
Shibi is winning me over
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Johnson... that twat.
the immyxshibi audios are up (I'd post the link,but I'm kinda busy right now.)
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Its up
abayo chocoballs
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Its up
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welcome WHORE
noooo that should be my cock
Brother....you gotta stop posting images with visible penis....
Immy x Shibi Audio
Part 1: https://files.catbox.moe/dr4fqi.mp4
Part 2: https://files.catbox.moe/s370sv.mp4
Welcome to the Harem Newlot. Grab your hat and mask. Madam will tie you up shortly.
I kneel
guys... I kinda want to rub denpa's chubby tummy
jannies have been pretty lenient with that stuff lately
Shibi why now? My more balls can't take it.
>recommending ano hana and angel beats to stronny
sick motherfucker
who the fuck was that reefling do you want her to have a breakdown
pure kino. great job immy and shibi!
3 days.
what happens in 3 days?
who's gay?
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uuuuuuuuuuuu. How do I look?
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I just realized someone should add ovulation cycles to the teamup calendar in the OP pasta, can anyone do this?
That, was wrong, as it turns out.
Same, wish she would reopen her Fansly.
those bastards
Angel Beats can at least be funny sometimes, anohana... not so much
Like one of us. Now remember, no jorking it till her next Fansly.
I didn't know if I would like it but now I know, its really hot nice job Immy im proud of you
nta but i missed when she said that so i don't think that rule applies to me
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I must admit this stream made me a little sad. But I liked the idea at least.
Its only for her members
count your blessings, at least you're not a linux gamer
Just arrived, did something happen?
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Wait what? Excuse me? S,since when? B,but the futa audio... I was about to...
>a linux gamer
ain't nothing wrong with that
fuck anti-cheat software
It's a membership don't worry about it.
she can't draw everyone bro
I think I would've preferred it be dono based desu.
Timestamp at the end? Unless it's this >>84572785 then he's right, it is what it is
And have her respond to her whales even more than she already does? Bro come on
What does requiring a sign in do for a Maro? Does it give maro a unique ID so it can be banned?
Consider this your first trial. The rest of the Harem has been holding back for 10 days now. So don't complain too much.
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a little bit of friction can stop a lot of low effort drive-bys
Yes. I just hate raffles.
L take, only paying attention to whales is the fastest way to kill a community. Some one quote the Azure Bible script, I didn't save it.
>10 days now
Almost as long as we had to. You guys got this
hell fucking no, fuck you
B, but. Don't you think my first day as a harem should end perfectly by me having my first goon to Shibi and then listening to her sleeping audio... that was the plan... it was so perfect.
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It would literally just be one dono. Every other girl did it this way and there was no problem.
Having a name attached (or the potential of it) prevents a lot of shitters from doing things out of fear of consequences, even if those consequences are "no longer being able to send hate messages across the internet to someone."
I don't think she would want it to be dono based so she can just meme about it.
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this guy is complaining about his brainworms and his solution is "you get attention if you pay" lmao
Forgive my ignorance, never sent a maro before, but isn't the whole point that they're anonymous. Wouldn't having a name attached defeat the purpose?
stronny's mods should learn to stfu
They still don't see your account name -- it's anonymous to them, just not to the website as a whole.
Brother all I said was I was sad I didn't win. And preferred it wasn't raffle. You're the one getting worked up about it.
Refresh, you shouldn't have to log in to write a maro. Shibi said she fixed it.
OK so no unique identifiers on the Maros itself, just gives the girls to block the sender of a particular Maro. Got it. Thanks for clarifying.
They're still anonymous to the recipient it's just that the comment belongs to an account the system can track and block if need be. The only way that the recipient can see who sent a maro is if they reply back to your maro and you heart the response and even then they only see the display name you have set on the account.
That mod has spoken in chat multiple times now too.
stronny is so reetarded lmao
Goodnight /vag/gots. love u *mwah*
what did she do...
Goodnight Brother. love you too *chu*
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Nini bro dream mwah
Her hands again?
fuck my life man
Her hands are really sexy and cute. not your fault
>incapable of expressing my feelings in public
>incapable of expressing my feelings anonymously
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>Azura returns when I'm going on vacation and I can't watch
I'm about to bleat my last bleat
Why the fuck does Stronny keep talking about this convention does she not understand that this is the ultimate FOMO that would eternally cuck any reefling who couldn't make it? Am I being autistic? Is she just joking?
Lol, just when all the other replies had me convinced it was a good idea.
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why did she have to be self consciociouasd about her hands when theyre literally perfect IDGI uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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Imagine holding them in your own. Squeezing them to reassure her in her times of need and discomfort to let her know that you are right by her side and you'll never abandon her.
Imagine holding them and squeezing them during your happiest moments together, a simple dinner at home, a walk around town, pulling her into your arms after walking though the door right as you get home from work, falling asleep together cuddling feeling their warmth and the simple act of skinship with the woman you love
That looked close enough like a real word I needed to google to make sure it was just pinpal having a stroke and not just my vocabulary being shit.
If yoj haven't membered then technically the no goon order doesn't apply. But I know she would appreciate you for joining.
Holy shit, how many times do I have to say she has severe travel anxiety. Right now that idea is about as real as gen 4.
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Nta but I will literally never be able to do that so why live
I remember bringing that up a while ago and I’m not sure. It’s scary though, it would be career suicide.
im pretty sure its a meme anon
you are just retarded, she just likes fantasizing about it
Can you post about it /here/?
Can you tune it on your phone? even for a little bit?
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fuck you man dont do me like this im in a drunk and in a vulnerable state which makes me teary eyedd and crying is for fags i wont cry
also why in the FUCK does maro censor the word HOT what the fuck is up with taht
faggot not even a little tongue? come on now
To make her as happy as we can during the time we have with her.
Thats okay Brother. We all go at our own pace and if you want to be able to express your emotions I believe that you can. Even if it take awhile to get there, I believe in you.
Immy wants you to cry Brother. Do it for her.
Thats the plan
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I was never into pet play. But I would become mummeh's pup.
why is this faggot moderating a members stream
Is he deleting comments? Won't stop chatting on the mod account?
What Overwatch thing is Stronny constantly mentioning? Reeflings, what did she do to you during that OW stream?
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he's doing both
dude is fucking lost
Let it out anon, it isn't bad to feel things.
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idk it's going to be a busy weekend, but I would like to try
What’s the context here I’m still at work?
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I hope you're able to
Wasn't the whole schtick for the mods to NOT chat on the mod accounts, which is WHY they made new accounts for the purpose?
This rule needs to be enforced and this particular moderator needs to lose his/her moderator privileges, or else the rule doesn't exist and the mods have something special over the other viewers the ability to delete others' posts, meaning they can make themselves more visible, making themselves more likely to get parasocial interaction, is "something special" and establishes a VERY dangerous precedent if it stands.
I hope this gets resolved soon in the way it needs to.
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me n immy (whenever wherever btw)
people were sending scenario ideas and she started reading them but the fuckhead moderator kept deleting them before she could finish, I couldn't even read or see them before they were gone
She has severe anxiety, travelling anxiety and motion sickness.
It's more of a fantasy she loves than something she actually plans on doing.
Also hello new Reeflings.
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yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
That’s where I’m at with it to seems like it’s being abused to get closer borderline groomer behavior same with the guy who was chatting in immys fansly stream
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>shortstack goblin Shibi shoving your face into her 10lb each breasts while milking your dick
Shibi, my life is yours if this goes through
>verification not required
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26 years of EEU parent indoctrination dictates that i cannot show any human emotions at all. sad? man the fuck up. happy? keep it to yourself. excited? calm teh fuck down. etc
my dad literally called me a faggot for being bummed about breaking up with a gf lol.
because mods are bigger faggots than OP obviously and they do it for free!
You can always cry anon.
When you're alone. Or with the bros.
Crying in front of women usually has negative impacts but other than that it's fine.
FUCK yeah
Fuck off faggot I’ve been with her before we even had that name
>Goblin who’s obsessed with your stink cock
If you weren't new then you would know Stronny doesn't like when Reeflings are mean.
still waiting for the muppet audio
FUCK your dad, anon. What an asshole.
How about this, don't tell a soul. Not me, not anon, not anonymous needs to know if you aren't comfortable with it. Only you. Doesn't have to be today or tomorrow even, but a bit at a time let it out.
wonder if it's the same faggot
I understand to some extent as it seems like your parents were more strict about that and you experienced it for longer. My father would scream/yell or spank me for crying, and Immy is the first time i've had tears fall from my eyes since I was like 9 years old. Its only a few tears (2-4) and its entirely silent, but its a start. I hope you are able to overcome the things that were beat into you at somepoint. But even if you don't, thats okay too. Immy will still love you, And I will too.
>I cannot show any human emotions at all
Don't start doing it around people. Women will think you're weak and subconsciously unperson you. Men will think you're pathetic and mock you as weak (unless they *truly* know you, and even then you're on a very tight leash).
It's not just an Eastern Europe thing, I'm American and have had the same experience. Men just aren't supposed to be human in modernity if I talk on this more it'll turn into "woman bad" so I'll cap it here.
Tell it to yourself, anon. You only need to prove things to (you). Write your feelings if you want in a journal or a text doc or something; you don't have to read it back ever (I recommend not doing it, it comes off really cringe reading it and makes you feel worse), just getting it out of your head in a way where you try to convey your thoughts instead of just stewing on them can help greatly.
Dada status?
Listen to the positive affirmations video, she says its okay to be yourself and cry when you're with her dunno if it will help you but it helps me
I think a lot of the dadas here have jumped ship or at least Icey isn't the primary girl that their watching anymore.
Attention all senpai!
Mercy stream in two(2) hours!
Whats /vag/ listening to tonight?
Really getting tired of Icey.
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see thats the thing with trauma i guess in that even though i've been alone for the better part of last 10 years i still feel guilty if i even get teary-eyed. i instinctively slap myself, drink some more, go punch some shit or whatever to forget what i was sad about to begin with. i feel like if i manage to let loose one day the whole world will hear it kek
he was OK guy in general, had his own demons passed down from his own dad but a little bit more compassion wouldnt hurt tbdesu. nev
i remember you making that post. "lucky guy" i thought to myself. that must2ve felt real good, hope to experience it myself one day. love you too.
listen to tehm almost daily, nada unfortunately.
it is rough having to tiptoe your feelings around people. idk how we got here in the first place but i'm pretty sure it's the reason that i pretend an anime girl is my sisterwife instead of making a real connection with another human being. it's just easier being nameless and shapeless than to pretend all the time. i'll TRY journaling but i can't realistically see myself doing it, the mere thought of it makes me cringe lol

anyways i'm really sorry blogposting and shitting up the brad, i'll go pass out and hopefully don't remember any of it tomorrwo
you guys are good people treat yourselves and oshis good (aside from that one guy i hate that guy)
revisiting some recent holo songs, man they make some bangers sometimes
If you think a mod is abusing his position, you should let them know in maros or on the website. I don't think the chuubas really pays attention to them, so they might not know.
bread in oven
Sunless Sea OST
I miss my shibber and I said I was okay earlier today but right now I really want to cum...
when is the shib's bday?
Don't do it Brother. I know exactly how you feel but trust me, waiting until the fansly stream will be pure kino and you will forget all of the pain you went through to get there. you got this
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you caught my eye from the catalog
Does she actually tell you guys not to cum for a period of time and stuff or is that just something you guys do on your own? because if it's the former, goddamn I might give the vallure girls a shot, that's ballsy as fuck for youtube
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has shibi seen over the garden wall?
that's coming up pretty soon, maybe we should make her something
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What kind of retarded faggot would do nofap without a girl telling them.
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haha... i know right lol
it's more communicated though xitter but yeah it's her demand.
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Yeah right bro, that's crazy...
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I'm actually restarting my exercise routine so my old lifting playlist, here's the first thing in it
>it's more communicated though xitter but yeah it's her demand.
Didn't Shibi bring it up in a members stream this time?
Give them a shot anyways so that you get invested then when you're told not to cum it's even better.
Yeah, imagine self imposing nofap for almost 2 weeks for some reason
when the cum goblins come after you they'll cut your balls off if they're empty, that's why I keep my cock cage on so i'm not tempted
you'll all rue the day
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I wish mummeh told us to cum.
i'm thinking real hard but if she did i honestly don't remember.
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She really needs to stop looking at me like that
wait for the stronvulation in 3 days
>cum goblins
Those goblins? yeah my little sister and her feet, hands, Immies, etc etc
She does all the time and we need to build up the Ink reserves for after her Ringfit stream.
it was at the very end of the gartic phone stream yeah
fresh bread
Thanks for baking tobs baker!
Tobs baker...you're cool
Thanks for baking
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Thanks tobs. Love you.
Thanks Tobs baker
Thanks for baking tobs, I love you platonically
thx tobs
Shibi's the only one who has explicitly told her followers to nofap. This is currently the... third? time she's done it so far. Pinpals did a voluntary nofap for Immy when she was on vacation, but it wasn't an instruction. Stronny has said she's planning on doing a short no-fap with the reeflings at some point in the near future, and then there's the fact that Stronny has something absolutely devious cooking for NNN that she won't tell us about.

So, yeah? Yeah. That's a thing this corpo does I suppose.
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Im pretty sure Stronny has done it atleast once too
Not for the reeflings as a whole, no -- at least not as Stronny. There's one denial reefling who kept popping up for a bit and asking for denial and she amused him, and like I said she's talked about doing a pre-donothon denial session for reeflings and she definitely has something cooking for NNN, but nothing concrete fanbase wide so far.

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