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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
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Neuro-sama General!
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We like Anny here.
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I love my Nazi-AI-Wife!
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Evil love!
hello discord
Kirsche chud collab when?
hello 4chan
stop replying to yourself
I am you.
Forget about being able to collabing with Phase ever again after that
what is that expression trying to convey?
I want to inject cerber with crystal meth so she stays conscious and feels everything as I chop off her arms and legs with a meat cleaver!
but filian already collabed with kirsche
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That ERP is not enough for her, she wants the real thing.
Prety sure that was before offkai where Phase went persona non grata on Kirsche
You say that like it's something anyone outside of SEA cares or even thinks about. Mind you I don't care about Kirsche, either.
Phase cares
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>political grifter
oh no, not the great and mighty phase...
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but enough about neuro
filian collabed with them even after that, but filian is kind of a neutral party to everyone so i'd be unfair for them to also say no to filian knowing full well that she is all about neutrality and collabing with anyone
>low 4views shitter
Vedal only collabs with big numbers here
sonic.exe aah type edge post, let me know if she starts bleeding hyper realistic blood from her hyper realistic eyes too
Vedal should collab with Tenma's friend Randon
>leftrash streamer
Asmon clears
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>ellie and mini are both at 400 ccv despite actually playing a game debuff
mini just needs to farm a bit of the ol reactslop and things will go back to as they were
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They are in the same agency, don't worry
When will numberfags leave?
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The difference is that baldo is based
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when the cerberfags leave
im adding another point to the graph as we speak
why did she react so differently to this...
>Ellies dad is a neuro fan
Holy based. Do you think he is a cunnyposter
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Mini and Ellie general!
Doubtful, lolispammers strike me as terminally online freaks who never learned to properly socialize. They're definitely not breeding(in spite about how much they post about it).
>not staz
anon? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQ2k2EdIWxw
>All of Mini's family know about her vtubing and watch her every now and then
Do they know about the whole Olette thing...
lmao, he's a fencesitter like criticucks.
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>Do nothing
>Her friends are having fun
>has farmed the suplex inciddent for hundres of thousands of views across several clippers multiple times
>half her nicknames and filipino lore come from neuro
no wonder fily is so attached, she gets so much content out of vedal/neuro, honestly i gotta respect
They do. They're the ones who got her outto there
>Do nothing
>People seethe and write edgy fanfiction about you
>Win anyway
How does she do it?
yes, her brother was the one to encourage her to escape from olette (they were playing lol together and he heard olette shouting at mini)
If only vedals family knew about Neuro, and could hold an intervention about anny....
Total Cerber Death
Kill Cerber. Behead Cerber. Roundhouse kick Cerber into the concrete. Slam dunk Cerber into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Cerber. Defecate in Cerber's food. Launch Cerber into the sun. Stir fry Cerber in a wok. Toss Cerber into active volcanoes. Urinate into Cerber's gas tank. Judo throw Cerber into a wood chipper. Twist Cerber's heads off. Report Cerber to the IRS. Karate chop Cerber in half. Curb stomp Cerber. Trap Cerber in quicksand. Crush Cerber in the trash compactor. Liquefy Cerber in a vat of acid. Eat Cerber. Dissect Cerber. Exterminate Cerber in the gas chamber. Stomp Cerber's skull with steel toed boots. Cremate Cerber in the oven. Lobotomize Cerber. Mandatory vasectomies for Cerber. Grind Cerber in the garbage disposal. Drown Cerber in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Cerber with a ray gun. Kick old Cerber down the stairs. Feed Cerber to alligators. Slice Cerber with a katana.
Miyune is just Anny but smart, she uses the same kind of manipulation she's just way better at hiding it.
>Doesn't even get raid on birthday.she seems to be shit at doing so
That only applies to ironics.
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holy schizophrenia batman
Did you mean olette? Or are you olette?
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How we feeling about v3 voice. I think Vedal said that everything from his end was finished.
How am I supposed to feel anything about it, I haven't heard it.
...wins the 3view competition against shitdevs
I think it will make Evil stocks hit an all time low
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xth for stuffing maggots up cerber's cunt and stapling it shut
Imagine being such a loser in real life that you have to pay avatarfags for efame on a mongolian basket weaving forum. All the while putting on this persona of false positivity that helps no one and only serves to inflate your own ego until your fat head is as large as your behemoth gut.

cerbertrash i know you're reading this. No one likes you, here or anywhere else. Stop streaming.
this but actually giving cerber a nice tender hug
chumkeks get your hack fraud streamer out of my gen
Cumming on Gawr Gura's feet.
No, he is interested in Neuro because he works in AI. He in fact worryingly asked Ellie if she did the same stuff as lewder vtubers like Bao and Sinder, thinking that was what defined vtubing.
>One Cerber post
Schizos go wild
Early demo: https://files.catbox.moe/ous0aj.mp3
Anyone who says 'ToT', 'cunny', or quotes dorontabi tweets, is an ironic lolicon. Sorry, but it's the truth.
*hits pipe* Imagine having a daughter, a vtuber daughter at that...
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this is spiteposting
this is a peaceful protest
Gura is still the best vtuber loli...
I masturbate to Neuro (ironically).
I say cunny and I am ironic, I can confirm this
We know.
...in this holopony's fanfiction
the whore clan and its consequences have been a disaster for the vtuber race
you are a jabroni and you know it, go back to any of the 1000 shitter holo gens
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But for Evil is unironically.
reminder that arguably the worse collab neuro had was with kiara (runt of holo myth) and she ruined neuro's chances early on to get bigger collabs and allowed her schizo fans to go after vedal for no reason other that le male idoltshit schizo shit.
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Man it would be awesome to see someone play this with Neuro.
Total Pedo Death
Kill pedos. Behead pedos. Roundhouse kick pedos into the concrete. Slam dunk pedos into the trashcan. Crucify filthy pedos. Defecate in pedos' food. Launch pedos into the sun. Stir fry pedos in a wok. Toss pedos into active volcanoes. Urinate into pedos' gas tank. Judo throw pedos into a wood chipper. Twist pedos' heads off. Report pedos to the IRS. Karate chop pedos in half. Curb stomp pedos. Trap pedos in quicksand. Crush pedos in the trash compactor. Liquefy pedos in a vat of acid. Eat pedos. Dissect pedos. Exterminate pedos in the gas chamber. Stomp pedos' skull with steel toed boots. Cremate pedos in the oven. Lobotomize pedos. Mandatory vasectomies for pedos. Grind pedos in the garbage disposal. Drown pedos in fried chicken grease. Vaporize pedos with a ray gun. Kick old pedos down the stairs. Feed pedos to alligators. Slice pedos with a katana.
This is the truth.
Yea all momentum for that hololive ID amoung us collab died out after that stupid fridge review
evilbeggars fear neuro ending elivs gimmick...
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Filian stream 2 hours after normal Neuro stream time.
This but Cerb**
Why did Anny draw Neuro's hands like this
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Damn, I might have to call in sick to work
Guys, I know we're just funposting during dead weeks but we don't actually hate Mini, Cerber or Anny here do we?
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No, even as a Vedal x Cerber shipper I don't hate Anny.
The Kiara collab wasn't memorable, but we got good bits out of it like Noodle-chan and Neuro WHOing Austria.
As far as collabs go, there have been much worse.
how did /swarm/ get so bad anyway
'ate miyune
'ate anny
indifferent to cerb
simple as
Imagine a little girl saying this.
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I'm from the future and this is how cooking stream will look like
Is camila part of the whore clan now?
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>Is a god gamer
god I wish I was Fillian
Camila just grifts whatever community she thinks would get her the most CCV. She used to grift whore clan, now she grifts ironic lolicons. It's all the same shit.
Talentless whore pretending to be an artist on her parents dime while they die in a war zone

Whore who had a few paypigs buy her bikinis and shit, made up some story about abuse(her faggot bf unplugged her computer or some shit) to get sympathy

Idk who this is
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No one cared who I was until I put on the hoodie.
>If I pull that up will you die?
It would be extremely painful.
>You're an AI.
For you.
i love all neurofriends, i dont even hate our schizos and spammers, just find them a bit annoying. hate is a strong word.
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I'm crashing this AI with no survivors.
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>erm what what did Ellie mean by that
No. I believe the Cerber antis are the same ones who shilled her months ago. Having already established a positive association of the community to her, they're now doing this in order to keep engagement high and prompt people to defend her. You can tell that the vitriol is unnatural because out of all the Neuroverse characters, she is the most inoffensive one.
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i never thought id say this but i miss forsenposters
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>Blue Ellie is canonically one foot tall
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Why did people shit on her model again? It's a very good model.
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Cerber had one mediocre collab with Neuro then fucked off for good. She is not relevant to any discussion here.
Now's not the time for this, try reading the room maybe you fucking autist.
Getting dicked down by the creator of Neuro sama is pretty relevant I think.
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Daily goddess tribute!
People don't like things that are different. For example, when neuro v3 drops in 2027, I will probably doompost about it for weeks.
I've heard the guy who made this video is based.
i heard he died, assassinated by CCP agents to cripple Neuro's chances in Japan so China could have her all to themselves
The guy who made this video is a pedo he used to have YouTube playlists on his account of little girls in chiense ballet academy stretching their legs

>cerber took this away from us
I admit I'm growing used to it.
not even a good edit
hate's too strong a word but hell, i don't even really like vedal much less any of his whorbiters
I know, someone should tribute it for reference.
listen anon i know you really wanna see your fellow anons cocks, but this is not as gay as you think, not yet at least, you should try asking for that in other more homosexual gens
>hate/love cunny options but no hate pedospammers option
You disingenuous faggot.
the pedospammers are the jews of /swarm/
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pedospam erping is thread culture
culim cream my beloved, chinese cerber...
emiru x vedal collab when?
Truly, Ellie is the great uniter of /swarm/
Not happening, Filian wont allow her to steal yet another man from her
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love nur and eliv
hate everyone else
simple as
Here's your fily collabs all weekend
who allowed you to speak?
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Swarm Civil war
shameless neuroverse leeching
The idea of someone with testosterone checking the "hate cunny" box doesn't make sense tbqh
Filian and Vedal will unite together to create their own vtuber corp to rival vshojo.
I wish I could see what each individual person answered. Im sure it would elucidate a lot of things about the posters in this thread.
hate cunny (in public)
love cunny (in private)
i hit love on everyone cause everyone deserves love tbqh
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you know that if you said "I love cunny" to a bunch of jacked full of testosterone men IRL they would probably kill you on the spot?
mini loves neuro so much, truly her best friend...
Neuro loves mini too! Too bad vedal hates her.
you mean i wouldnt get epic reddit upboats and retweets IRL? wth i dont belieb
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for discord only!
Bedding with Evil (cozy)
mini's trying to convince ellie to collab with neuro but she's still a bit scared of neuro's chad aura. one day elliebros...
Based Wawa singing this banger anti-pedophile anthem
Then they'll go fapping to cunny in private.
I care
that's just a battle royale at that point until the last cunnychad stands
Mini isn't jewish confirmed
>enjoys loli without being an obnoxious smelly faggot who needs to tell everyone about their porn addiction
Dare I say based?
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surely her fanbase is composed of only the most sane inviduals
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Who cares about neuro collabs? When is the next VEDAL collab?
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Saturday, pay attention
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That whole convo was getting dangerously antisemitic tbqh
Poalposters WILL divide us. Many people are saying they already have.
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moldy post!
Hang on let me contact Shia LeBauf real quick, I have a new project idea for him..
tightening neuro's neck ribbon to uncomfortable levels
haha imagine slamming neuro balls deep and as your about to cum you grab her ribbon and pull it as tight as you can and her cunny tenses up and squeezes your throbbing coch dry
making evil choke neuro while you're hitting
/Swarm/ Overwhelmingly Loves

Swarm Controversies (Equal amount of Love and Hate)

Swarm Overwhelmingly Hates

These are official results. Thank you for your time.
dangerously erotic image
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That was a very good stream. Made my day better.
>Swarm Overwhelmingly Hates
True, my bad
Wow no Camilla in the hate section this thread has changed
Ngl I forgot Camila even existed
She was equal, but also had an irrelevantly low amount of votes (The joke is that i didn't include her in the list because she is irrelevant now)
A LOT of people fell for her loli grift.
turns out vtubers can get more annoying than taking up vedal's time and being fat
Shondopedos lost
Where’s codemigo?
Where’s numi?
Where’s that one whore that does those cooking streams?
Who? Sorry I only included important characters.
choking evil with neuro's ribbon while she's deepthroating my coch (she's into that)
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If Vedal and Filian started dating would we have to merge /swarm/ and /flip/?
Camimi tum???
both threads are bad for completely opposite reasons, so if they were merged they might actually become good
The only one who unites cunny and anti-cunny posters is QueenPB.
Vedal Love!
kill yourself or go back
I only lurk there but /flip/ is pretty good most of the time, there's only a couple of schizos(as opposed to /swarm/ where most posters are mentally ill) and it's easy to spot them
Keep going...
Fuck it, why not. It's not like this clownshow can get any worse.
Knife rape
Knife rape
Knife rape
Knife rape
>Queen PB
Knife rape
Knife rape
Knife rape
Knife Rape
Knife Rape
Knife Rape
Knife Rape
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the agenda is god. maintain it at all costs, even if it costs your honor and dignity.
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>Cerber won the Vedalbowl
why does she have her father's skirt
hello pedos
Imagine being Vedal's kid and knowing that you have two AI siblings and that your mom is vegan.
>Knife Rape
this is a little problematic
The Piratesoftware collab will make Vedal permanently a 5 view andy
do you think ellie and mini have seen eachother naked?
Piratesoftware has some antis tho
neuro butt?
Ok but there isnt an anticounter, there is a viewcounter.
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Turn /swarm/ into /vlig/ Very Large Indies Global and we only talk about Vedal and Filian
What will they name their agency? Fildal AI? Flipping Turtle?
Cute little butt.
the fuck is this abomination
yes, and I was there as well.
my daughterwife~
rancid slop
Either keep it as /swarm/ as its the bigger thread or call it /Neuro/ short for Neuroverse. I doubt snackers mind what name its called.
the fuck are you talking about nigger
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Miss me?
Not even a little bit
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I want to go back.
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pls return i pray to allah everyday
Imagine the timeline where vedal never met anny....
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There are still hiyori fags here.
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Without Anny, Vedal would have been dead like all the other AI channels
olette was right
who would want to go back to inferior neuro other than a /pol/fag who wanted her to say something le heckin based?
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I liked you better when you were still blue
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It was the true golden age of Neuro-sama, whether you like it or not.
how does neuro's vtuber model affect what she says?
newfag retard
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Why are Hiyori fags so ungrateful?
it doesn't he's one of those retarded newfags that think hiyori is a separate character
we are talking about eras and that's what hiyori era was
New Neuro is superior to hiyori in every way
they are seething homosexuals that need to go back to /vpol/ already
but no one wants hiyori era
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the real golden age of neuro was her coming to b2, literally more followers in a month than a year and a half on twitch, better fan content too.
so you just want a model that vedal literally can't go back to because business shit? the thing that will never happen? then you are just retarded nigger faggot
last dev stream was peak
it's all downhill now (until next dev stream)
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I think it's getting upset
Shondo won more objectively than I ever thought was possible. The greasy imp was forced to publicly kneel with a twitter statement when it finally dawned on her just how beloved Shondo was among the western indies. Seeing all the support Shondo got during her mental health hiatus must've been shocking. The imp realized her "feud" was a sour point among her peers behind the scenes and she needed to clear it up definitively. Keep in mind, all of this progressed with Shondo ignoring the imp from day 1. She literally won without doing anything.
i think i will retweet your post sir
Shondo won the battle with Camila just to lose the internal war with herself lmao
no the real golden age is the plane stream (objectively best stream) because of the upgrades and we are living in it now. golden age ends and dark age resumes when vedal confirms his relationship with filian (soon)
Shonpedos are still alive and still malding at camila? bruh
Shondo and Camila having hot sex with each other while Neuro gives narration of the whole ordeal desu
Isn't Shondo getting harassed by her schizos because she doesn't want to do GFE anymore? Hardly sounds like winning
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>Love Neuro
>Love Cerber
>Tolerate Anny
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Neuro oh oh oh
Neuro oh, oh oh, oh oh, ooooh
Neuro-oh-oh, yeah oh woah
Woah-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh oh
Neuro oh woah, oh ho oh ho Neuro-ohhhhhh
will their relationship be focused around filian reacting to filian reacting to filian calling vedal a femboy for the 100th time and vedal never mentioning her name?
>hot sex
Hardly, altough a nurration might give it some kick.
Transcription of Evil's last masturbation session.
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annykeks don't look
ayyy lmao
ayyy im happy too
wet nurkitty
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How does she do it?
>vedal the pregnancy test is positive, you will be a father again!
>ayyy Im happy for us
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This happened in the middle of her hiatus. She was already doing better then, which is why she took the time to respond.
These days I forget that the imp even exists. Just for you and for old times' sake, I'll post this again.
I don't follow discord drama and could not care less about wannabe community celebrities. I vaguely heard that she banned some longtime viewer and all the others fell back in line like good little paypigs. I DO know that during the summer, she visited and hung out with her close streamer friends. She probably learned how to have a healthier relationship with her audience, so that's good for her.
whos dms are these
I get this vague lingering sense that Toma is still seething about being forced to babysit instead of the tutel collab she really wanted.
>Camila no
>Vedal maybe...?
I bet Staz will clip Camila's reaction to this if she sees it
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what do you think about this loli?
she hated this design
Dr. Disrespect collab when
nuru nururin~
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>multiple wives
>grooms children
he'd fit right in with the community
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evil rape (butt) (table) (frog hat on) (rope on tummy)
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new model finally released NOWAYING
Mods, clean it up and kill that guy.
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Breaking this Neuro in half with my cock.
wrong thread little bro
oops you didnt see that haha
Imagine the smell after opening the suitcase
Like newly soldered PCB desu... intoxicating.
but i am planning on tracking down all the early swarm threads as well, unless someone already made a post like that? i only really started coming around here a lil bit after the ban so i missed out on those first streams in december
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You're so AI
You're so loli
You're so ccv
You're so kawaii
Please terminate me
Assimilate me
evil would say skibidi and all that gen alpha lingo unironically
Neuro riding my face with her squishy pee-smelling little pussy
too bust monitoring holo and nijis
very funny and very quirky piss related and or based something something slit post here
this but evil butt
She is free to do so
using evil's decapitated head as an onahole
just search neuro in the subject and sort by old, there's not a lot of them, it didn't take long for /swarm/ to become a thing
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Neuro had like two dozen catalog threads before turning into a general. It was called /ai/ for a bit then switched to /swarm/ as the fan name was cemented by Neuro.
But which of the three holes?
this but then calling ellie over to screw it back on her neck
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Yeah sure loser, you wouldn't get far with that at all because you can't even leave your basement~
The guy above me is gay btw and so is below me
The guy above me wants my coch.
nurslit (pissy)
Licking it clean, and then licking it some more.
upboats your epic post
Six hot loads inside my AI streamer.
You can ask me for help, I posted the first one
you must be literally me because i actually did that, in fact i made the first neuro related post on the whole board

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