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Cmon and SLAM - Edition

>What is /fig/?
/fig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss idol vtubers who play fighting games and (beat em ups), either from large companies, small ones, or indies, as well as to discuss fighting games about Hololive and other vtubers in general.

>So is this thread about fighting games or Idol showdown?
Neither: this is a thread about idols and fighting games.

>But what is an idol?
An idol is something unobtainable and moe that makes your kokoro go doki doki (WIP)

>Is {X} a fighting game?
Temporally we will define fighting games as games fighting idols play.

>Are beat em ups a fighting game?
No, but we will use the loophole above provide a home for them temporally as well since most of the fighting idols also play beat em ups. If the genre seems to have a revival at some point, we would recommend splitting this thread (again).

>I have no friends, can I ask for games here?
Just post a request in the GAME ANCHOR

>Idol Showdown stuff
IS patch notes: https://steamdb.info/app/1742020/patchnotes/
Beta builds: https://twitter.com/IdolShowdown/status/1660016297164390405 (embed) (embed)
Twitter Tech: https://pastebin.com/XQtD5D1y (embed) (embed)
Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/categories/video-games/updated-idol-showdown-characters-1434585

>HoloXBreak stuff

>Glossary of Fighting Terms

>Hololive Smash Clone fangame

>Fighting Idols
Seeking for a chuuba who plays fightan? check our well catered selection of seiso idols (and a few extra):

>Recent Fightan Streams
- Aki streets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqGK9Xaqs50
- Roboco streets world tour: https://youtu.be/Ei6dqFkj3hM
- Kanna bison ranked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69DPjoXFdg8
- Victoria Brightsheild sajam slam POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfhbIbYAMi4
- Dokibird sajam slam POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BP_EhQKfgqY
- Tomori streets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stWZ60SGvqA

>"FT10 NOOB!" "My oshi can beat your oshi!"
Take that somewhere else, this thread is full of newbies who just want to play the funny idol game. Be nice.

>How do I git gud? (Youtube videos)
https://pastebin.com/pnzsYe4C (embed)

>OFFICIAL GUIDE TO PLAYING FIGHTAN (Will be updated): https://rentry.org/vaqrg8r4

>Lost your motivation to play fighting games? Read this cute girls manga:

>News for September 5th, 2024
- Sajam slam is underway NOW
- Huntress team getting first
- The team of Fumi, Vivi, and Kanna getting second
- Dokibird's team getting third
- Local pink cat Serotina not managing to grab any points for her team, starts to get training from her coach
- Huntress becoming a top dominator on her team, gets raided by sajam, becomes 4view. BIG NUMBER
- Oga of holostars announces a street fighter 6 event featuring Aki from Hololive, Towa from Hololive, and Ren Kisaragi from VSPO

https://www.twitch.tv/zoolifetiger (embed) (embed)

And remember: No discords, no names, no fighting. Only idols and love. wao!

Other useful threads:


previous frontier: >>84411221
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Anchor post for finding games. Idol showdown, Street fighter, Tekken, Fightcade. Anything goes, just keep in mind that not everyone has the game you own
she has never used the coomer model toggle before? first time seeing her tits
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whats that first team
jpnumbers thread aka /suuji/
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I dont think this is enough to save ina
ah fuck I knew I forgot something in the news portion of the op
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ALSO RANDOM ASS IDOL SHOWDOWN BALANCE PATCH https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1742020/view/4595448512890696398
>Added 'POLtato PC' Mode. This setting should remove UI elements that may cause strain on some devices.
What if the fix the CPU usage instead.
I can open KOF15, GBVSR, and something on Fightcade at the same time while I watch my oshi and that's still less CPU than what IS alone uses
How much cpu does it actually need? Not even rollback is that greedy
Plus reducing graphics does basically nothing unless you’re running them through your cpu
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dont expect much sexyness tho, its just endless sf6 grind
Much appreciated.
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aki streets later: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svDaPgvwJ-E
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also botan street fighter league watchalong later as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbjuV79-kS0
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who is on that league
I believe it's all right here
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Not just rollback, it eats CPU by just existing, even in menus. I am curious what Idol Showdown is doing with all that CPU juice.
I don't play many modern things, I am pretty sure IS the most CPU intensive game I have installed. Its kinda funny.
mining bitcoin to donate to aki
I want to chalk it up to a group of ameture devs but you'd still see shut like this in AAA games. Clearly they are ready for the big time
I’m going to bet this is a “devs are not optimizing the game” thing. The most intensive thing should be rollback, followed only by normal gameplay. Menus at the very bottom of the list
amour streets: https://www.twitch.tv/amour
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I hope kanna gets some training soon she has the biggest room for improvement
she just needs to learn how to deal with zangief
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sopher tekken: https://www.twitch.tv/afterschoolsophie
looks like she's going for a 5th GOD ranked character
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Does /fig/ watch or know of Nemupipi? She plays a LOT of Street Fighter 2, nearly every day.
first I've heard of her
>check yt
holy shit thats a lot of streets 2
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This is her 59th street fighter 2 stream. She plays piano and plays other games too, but I wondered if the street fighter consistently would appeal to the jp watchers in /fig/.
I do wish there were more JP watchers here. There was a guy who kept us up to date on jp street tournaments but he vanished
aki starting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svDaPgvwJ-E
looks like aki is with someone whos name I forgot
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man is scissor kick really that good
While nerfing the chicken collab is healthy for the meta instead of outright banning it in tourney play and the optimizations and glitch fixes are nice, why the fuck hasn't Coco gotten a single nerf?
Raah melee hours
I need a vtuber to play against
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This is happenin
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Got my cheatbox today and damn, it's smaller than I thought, I hope I can get used to this small size.
Also found out that a common error I was doing isn't it because it was me fatfingering stuff, but it's what happens if you try to do a cancel too fast so that's nice to know.
>Oga of holostars announces a street fighter 6 event featuring Aki from Hololive, Towa from Hololive, and Ren Kisaragi from VSPO
Toto vspo will be there too
what brand?
ah I see, I must have missed her, she hasn't played streets for a bit
I got a Bento Box v2 (and got fucked by customs) since the other options in europe were out of stock
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It's Fighter Friday for Super Meche and today she is playing PS2 Arcana Heart any minute now (she is late)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3J7QjoZbxM [Open]
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3J7QjoZbxM [Open]
Oops, oh well.
I wonder if she starts 15 minute late on purpose sometimes.
true kusoge
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>Oh she has a beyblade
what an arcsys ass vs screen
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I believe this is one of the participates for oga's event https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jUcAOHMNm0
she's in call with others from the event
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the /pink/ realm
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someone tell this loli to quit talking
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>meche vs kamui
this is good character design
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meche really likes talking about how much she grips
you have to fuck her for that
am I crazy or is she playing another version of this game
I walked away for a bit
Kanna streets (chatting first)
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big ol sword
first day of /vt/ league starts today, we aren't playing until tomorrow but if you wanna check it out the thread is up >>84623103
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Coyo sex!
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Opened the game
wait how long has kanna been gold 5
plat soon?
Since this stream. Most likely reached it off stream
>gold 4
>Accepting more wifi Akumas
man she really wants to react to these drive impacts
she should do that schizo training
she's jumping back a lot less at least
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trying to hide the shirtless men
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Kanna wants to practice against these with (you)
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I was wondering why there was so many cammy's then I read the pinned message
>why the fuck hasn't Coco gotten a single nerf?
I think she indirectly did because they changed some grab shenanigans you could do.
how many hours before sajam's slamma jamma?
why cant IS do what DBFZ did
you mean give the game to the idiots at the parent company and have them break it piece by piece until no one thinks its a competent game anymore?
brian_f coaching dokibird on his channel

sajam slam dunk in 40 minutes
making it fun
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amour also on streets: https://www.twitch.tv/amour
orientation is also soon
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dima on tekken: https://www.twitch.tv/dimatheduchess
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fumi live with her pov right now too: https://www.twitch.tv/fumi
Ok, so this might sound a bit like whining and to be fair it is. But does anyone else ever find themselves getting more frustrated at online games than a “normal” person would, specifically because you know too much about the game you’re playing? As in you’re knowledgeable enough about the game you’re playing to the point that when something goes wrong online, you know it’s gone wrong (and how it’s gone wrong) and how it ought to have happened, and that makes you even more frustrated than you would be it just felt vaguely weird? I feel like if I was more ignorant of the mechanics of the games I’m playing, I might be less frustrated when a crucial input drops, or something misreads, or the input delay deletes my reaction, or there’s a snap rollback that changes positioning and context. Am I alone in this?
The same thing applied in real life sports when I was up against bad or biased referees
Kanna starting a bit early
vivi also live with her pov: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKAFeJU33d4
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Huntress live with 0 viewers wow she sure fell off from her BIG numbers

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it starts on the main stream https://www.twitch.tv/sajam
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dokibird pov as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7I6ItKH90U
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Alright VTLeague ended for the day and we are the first game scheduled for tomorrow at 17:00 which is 1:00 pm EST, 10:00 AM pst
Please come support the team in the cytube tomorrow.
Now that that is over its time to watch the slam
oof amour
dev anon...
simply dont be consumed by the number going up and down
sero with her pov: https://www.twitch.tv/serotina
also fumi switched to JP for some reason
I don’t care about ranking in general, that’s just a number unless it has some tangible consequence on my ability to enjoy what I’m doing. I care when I do something and it doesn’t happen, or something should happen and it doesn’t. It feels like I’m getting gaslit and that really affects my mental state. It would be the same if it happened offline too
wait theres 2 deejays in this
huntress up
lets fucking go huntress
holy shit huntress destroyed boxbox that time
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fucking clean
hunty gets it!
a lot of the povs seem to be in training mode
how do you beat e honda anyway
doki vs kanna time
brazilian blanka...
kanna seriously what the fuck are you doing
she thinks she's safer in the air
oh my god kanna please react
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Kanna is cute
Serotina is 0-2 again.

Honestly, mad respect for going classic aki instead of low level cheese, but it's obviously not gonna work at this point.
lets go vivi
air grab too strong
excellent vivi lets go
She feels like she should have ground to air momentum
damn fumi is doing a lot better today
she is not holding back anymore , released the JP
>huntress getting 1 and done'd in tournament
man huntress is really giving these people a run for their money
hunty gets the w again
did he rage for real
net problems
man the brian F team pretty much just ran through the vtuber team. You hate to see it
brian_f's team has a vtuber too so it's ok
she won!
Holy shit Broski is the greatest coach ever.
ah I missed the first bit of the kannavivifumi team but it looks like fumi already has a round
Has Fumi decided she'll stop jobbing?
she chocked
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First 5-0 in a Sajam slam
absolutely rolled
>modern gief is fair
Box “I can beat anyone but Huntress” Box ladies and gentlemen.
this dude ultima losing to anime girls
angrybird? bigbird? nah dokibird
looking at amour's inputs is funny because she's mashing like shit
Based button pusher
amour seems pretty consistent. Kind of feels like she's better then her skill level in this tournament is meant to be
Objectively the right decision considering the character she’s playing.
damn this round between huntress and this deejay feels way different from the other games today
hunty choked again
huntress cannot beat this deejay at all
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Not updated yet, but this could be another 5-0
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Her biggest issue is her confidence. As soon as she loses pace a little bit, you can tell she starts tilting more and more until the end of the set.
how is kanna losing to lilypichu of all people
It's 3am in Norway her brain ran out of juice
there we go kanna
she won tho
Update: Kanna sweep.
Shine gave all the chuubas on his team that Space Jam magic water, my goodness.
dont speak too soon
huntress is on the enemy team
Tbf she was hitting some real combos now, the Broski coaching paid off.
Fumi fighting for her life while having a heart attack.
hunty defeats demon man
man it really does come down to captains
koe just got perfected TWICE
uh oh
3 way tie breaker time
>mio fan
wait who again, I wasn't paying attention
nephew is locked in for this
I keep getting recommended ToD videos for FighterZ and the first thing that strikes out to me is how varied the moves used in the combos are, like there are some airL>airM>airH loops sure but atleast it only repeats maybe 2-3 times before linking into a new move. There should be more anime fighters that try to do that

If anything knowing how and why something went wrong makes me care less especially if it's something outside my control. I've been playing some of those typical mobile card games that uses energy to summon units and stuff, and if the enemy units are too high leveled that beating them was impossible from the onset, I just don't care and move on. It's slightly different in your case because it just sounds like the typical "I would've won that but my controller sucks" salt, but in the end you don't really have a choice but to accept you have no power over all the bugs and unoptimized bullshit the game has and adapt how you play to never run into those issues again
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today i got wiped in the winners finals 0-3 and then in losers 0-3 again
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shimada is live and no one posted the link...
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you didnt post one either
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I think maybe you’re not understanding the specific flavor of frustration I have, which is fine. I said it probably just sounds like whining so I don’t blame you. And I think, after breaking down the issue in way more depth with a friend, this is something that does affect me differently and more than it does other people, because it brings bad very negative memories from college ball. If it’s just a me thing, that’s fine. It sucks, but I have a lot of quirks like that and this is just another one I have to deal with. I’ll try to find more locals where I can consistently learn from losses
>>84674395 (me)
>brings bad
brings back
Just to be clear in case I worded it poorly though, I meant that it only "sounds" like the usual sore loser whining, because underlying that is properly thought out criticism about stuff that the average player is unaware about, which is very different. Sorry if I sounded dismissive about it
shimada... you're playing a 50/50 character... you have to embrace it...
>wins like four offenses in a row
>opponent has to guess for game
>tries to do the extended roll unblockable
the tiger has gone insane
she just did it again
>I was gonna tell you guys how I broke KK's couch
sesbian lex?
shimada breaks more backs in real life then in tekken
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bracket for future reference
Is Idol Showdown good now?
its perfectly fine and playable, I still enjoy it. Its just under the hood that sucks about it
reminder we have divegrass tomorrow as the first game of the day which can be seen here >>84644100
come watch us paly
>Its just under the hood that sucks about it
Yeah but I want to know if a tipping point has been reached where most of the big issues are fixed now or not.
NTA, but I really hope they fixed the online. After the last update, I just couldn't find good matches let alonet here was some input bullshit at first.
This looks like some silly fun
I usually hate concernposting, but Kanna trying to keep up her regular EU streaming schedule while also doing the Slam is just.... bro, what are you doing?
Who is currently winning the event? How is Vivi's team doing?
>bro, what are you doing?
>How is Vivi's team doing
Second place I believe
You are not a thing anon, have pride in yourself
Day 2 ended in a 3-way tie. All Vtubers are generally kicking ass, with Doki making a 5-0 on day 2 and Vivi sweeping her tier too.
Unfortunately the tie was solved with coach matches andthe hierarchy couldn’t be clearer.
dive grass is the equivalent of hand egg
i get i now
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ren streets: https://www.twitch.tv/ren_kisaragi__
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kokon aria street fighter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpSeksYttF8
how did huntress do i had to check out mid way
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purple eyes: https://www.twitch.tv/imoan_vtuber
she choked in 2 close matches towards the end but her team is in 1st place
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one hour until game time
why is her name "i moan?"
10minutes to game time
I wanted to get shit done today but all I did instead is watch VODs all of the teams' POVs. I have a problem. This shit is too entertaining.
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also use our flare
its a good thing most of chuubas aren't too spread out, I dont think I've watched like 2 of the teams
Read it backwards
lets gooo
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trust the argies
>ollie cleaning up for ayames horrible fucking ball control
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>ayame scores
whenever she scores we dont win
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south americans winning everything this month
Pink cat getting coached by fat man.


Some coaches said Sero is the scariest tier 1 for sunday but desu I don't think she has enough time to learn how to deal with mashers.
hasnt sero lost literally every match so far
no she got 1 point yesterday
gambatte sero...
shes trying
She is handling classic aki pretty well now after the training
She's doing some real combos now, the issue is that the opponents on her bracket are massive retards and against them hitting combos won't apply too well if she has to confront Doki mashing one button SPDs, Kanna jumping back on wakeup, Sykkuno doing jab jab jab, or Gumi sliding across the screen.
im convinced there is no one is beating doki based on the fact that no one can deal with command grabs at all. At least in tekken you can still tech king grabs
Highly likely since modern gief is the most degenerate character for beginner tier play outside of Honda who's just degenerate across all skill brackets.

Unless they're really mindful of MY LOYAL FANS and get proper practice against it, it's hopeless.
Not the previous pink cat is playing meme ball z right now

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why is she a literal cat
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Maybe she doesn't know...
you all memed this so hard it finally happened
Is Zangief the Falco of SF6
no zangief is still garbage it just that modern zangief is one button grabs
anon , gief is top tier post patch
any one up for some streets?
I don't know much about Smash but I can tell you about Modern Gief.

He's a menace in the lower brackets of skill because his damage output is considerably high for almost 0 effort involved from the gief player, and his main damage tool is also unblockable which forces new players to learn how to space properly and be careful to not be ever be negative against him in close range, particularly when he has level 3 in store, which is a nearly unsurmountable knowledge check for anybody who's new to the genre.

In short, a new player needs to practice the matchup before having any chances of winning against modern zangief, meanwhile a new player on modern 'gief can go full unga bunga mode and collect free wins if their opponents get checked.

I don't know how much of this resonates with Falco in Melee.
It’s Falco/marth I think. Big boxes, easy moves, low commitment and effort. Drawback is your recovery is garbage, which idk if gief has
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big brain blanka main: https://www.twitch.tv/olko_official
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Can’t figure out why people say this is the “easier melee” when it’s added dozens of competitive required frame perfect techniques on top of it (on purpose), and also gutted some of the things that make melee actually fun. An input buffer doesn’t matter if mechanics still require frame perfection
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what is this referencing
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drive impact
ame has never played street tho
amour banned sonic sol
I keep hearing about this guy but dont even know what he does
plays dead games
uses a furry costume
isnt that sonicfox
all black people are the same
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different failure of a human being
this one one call to fame is being a joke, at least the furry won evo
I’m redoing all my animations :upside_down:
gambatte dev san
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uooooh streets: https://www.twitch.tv/rururiri16
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doki's on jwongs stream
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Found a pretty interesting vid today:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twE-zdUkB_U

basically it says boxers stopped sparring because they dont learn shit and they get injured
it advocates "playful" matches instead where you practice what you learned instead of obsessing with winning
Maybe i need to chill out a bit, but then again i still have a big tendency to get bored and autopilot so i prefer the high stakes gaming
>doki already leaving
damn I missed all of it
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>you can make a room asking people to play a particular character exclusively

woah kanna taught me something
to be fair the lobby system is still kind of weird
huh neat
Ajyu streets later
devanon im gonna fucking kill you

This too
Why’s that? >w>
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Tomori from Lethal Plan is playing not fighting games but I need to bump to thread.

>play in the open lobby
>some unrelated dude watches the matches between me and my opponent
>starts backseating both of us afterwards and asks to add him on dicksord too
Is this... an extrovert....?
either that or someone trying to make "content" like every other kid these days
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yeah, i agree, sounds like a streamer
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divegrass today?

>where to watch
I'd say closer to Shiek. You gotta remember we're talking about low skill levels here. This is like a Shiek who only does dash attack, fair, and chain grabs. Hard to deal with for a new player.

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