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is it unironically over for NijiEN?
Damn, Rosemi's playing MTG now? Wish I could watch that without supporting a shitty company.
Also holy fuck Twisty finally is a real 2view. Grim.
i blame dookie
i hope so
Who? Sorry, I only watch relevant vtubers.
I blame ennema aloushitte
dookie shat all over nijiyawnji
>mogged by homostars
All they had to do was bend the knee and apologize but Riku decided to just try to sweep it all under the rug and make it look like nothing went wrong to the JP shareholders instead of taking accountability for the EN branch's fuckups. Now there's nothing left for NijiEN but a slow decline and death.
It's over
The NijiEN has fallen
Billions must die
>Iori beating Finana, Aia, and Twisty
Fucking GRIM
just watch it anyway? Only a member or dono will support the company.
Unofficially, it's been over since June 12, when they merged the bar graphs and hid the EN numbers in the ass end of the Q4 report. Arguably it's been unofficially over since February 5.
Officially, it might be over next week, depending on how bad the Q1 report is. Between EN management costing the JP golden boys their first overseas concert, the August market crash, and the YAB yab, they're probably already preparing to cut their losses (both financial and reputational)

That would be one hell of a counter program - Holo EN does a fourth anniversary celebration for Myth and the branch, while at the same time Niji EN publishes a white paper announcing that the branch is officially closing with all hands graduating.
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how tf is there a corpo vtuber that isn't at least a 3view??? What did she do on debut to cause this?
Riku was literally bowing to apologize for the situation, but some moron in nijien management decided to do the black screen at the same time making riku look like a disingenuous retard.
Debuted with Niji EN after they crossed the thermocline
not on debut. she pissed off every demographic. getting too flirty with Vanta screwed her over the most.
I can lure a woman with a piece of cheese? Is this real?
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obviously it's real, you think I'm in here making up lies and shit?
>Supporting the company who literally hired pinkerton against a client to fix their error.
Yeah no, somehow Niji seems to attract black companies. I wonder why.
>NijiEN is over
>hololiveEN is over
Why do westerners hate vtuber?
Rosemi is such a flop. What a waste of a model.
Cutesemi Cutelock
They accelerated when they should have hit the breaks. Many such cases
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niji is still doing very well in japan. i think a merger at some point is inevitable.
Good. I hope they go there and stay there forever.
Worthless fuckers should never leave their country again and become even more irrelevant than VSPO in the west.
*debuts more 2views*
What now, chud?
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Nijisanjis off branches sucked big. KR. IN. ID. EN. The only thing EN had running for them was the Chinese girls lusting over EN males and the tranny hugbox, both of them was also their downfall.
you never cared about her.
Thread is about EN but, ogey
I honestly feel bad for Rosemi, she's legit fun to watch. And her model is perfect. Niji makes me sad
>Riku was literally bowing to apologize for the situation
That's bullshit and you know it.
Every fucking branch they've ever had, including JP, has been a victim to the exact same garbage
Open the stream through mpv or vlc, doesn't even give her a bump in viewership if you're that against it.
da wose
NijiEs will be different I swear
All he had to do is fire the bullies and come clean
he's had months to do it
No one wants to support a company that protects them while terminating victims
>lovecock a 3view
>females mogged by Gayon
>Twisty 2view
nahh the clique was at fault for the entire thing. First real show of power was pushing Nina out and after that Pomu had enough of them. Corpo is more like a job and having your career hostage due to favoritism shit you wouldn't stay either.
>You can leave whenever you want
Biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard come out of a vtubers mouth
you can blame all you want as the company crumbles to the ground thanks to you
Funny that no one mentions the 2nd part to that.
They say no.
And the third part - they punish you for asking
Riku won't close the branch because of pride. Sadly a lot of the members are either desperate or totally bought in so they refuse to move on. It's just an ugly zombie shambling around the vtuber scene that we all pretend doesn't exist.
EN's closure is kinda up in the air if you ask me, especially with recent developments. Sure, they could cut their losses but if they still turn a profit despite likely being on a skeleton crew what's the harm in keeping them afloat to give the illusion of overseas growth? Nearly 7.5 Million in revenue is still a decent chunk of cash for how little they seem to invest into NijiEN (I bet you the most expensive expenditure is that NijiENcounter shit)

The only real way we see a closure in the near future is if more of the profitable members leave. Hex's departure won't be fully felt till Q3, since he had a similar amount of supas in August as he did in Q1. And Kunai didn't make them much if any at all. If we want to see a real final blow it'd have to be someone that moves merch, and supas/members and that really only leaves LuxNoc right now. And of the 9, only really Fulgur seems likely to go and I don't think he's that big enough of a impact.

Of course, Anycolor could just pull the plug if they don't meet a financial goal. I would not be surprised if the second they dip below the 1 Billion yen in revenue mark that we see a closure announcement shortly after.
they aren't closing down nor merging.
Tell her sis #ANYCOLOR4EVER
They are
closing would leave a vacuum that could potentially crash the other corpos that aren't Holo as mor epressure would be put on them to try to cover that space.
>Iori, the literal runt of Phase Cucknect, responsible for "Senpai Gomenne"
Actual humiliation
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There is literally no reason to watch Niji when Phase exists
>the girl who did the ntr stream didn't recline
>in fact she inclined a little
not beating the allegations phasecucks......
Every woman I have ever asked answered with a strong "Yes" followed by flirting, I will thus give you a tentative "Perhaps".
They're all irrelevant 3views with one of the most toxic, barbaric fanbases in the entertainment industry.
I don't think anyone will grieve the loss. Hell, after Selen's termination, you'll notice a very, very noticeable spike in viewership for random indie 3views, with many becoming 4views starting in February/March.
that's not what i meant, watson.
those fanbases you speak of will mostly migrate to other vtubers.
Doubtful. They'll go back to kpop. There's that new PLACE or CRAVE or whatever the fuck that new boyband is called. Apparently most of the nyfco sisters moved on to them after Niji started declining.
>Also holy fuck Twisty finally is a real 2view

Youtube has been recommending me her ASMR videos, I think she's releasing a new one every 2 days or so.
>get threatened to be kicked out of the building
many of those women will just jump to Holostars and First Stage Production guys. you just want your high of defeating "evil".
the alibaba version of niji
>finana not even reaching a finana
I think people need to get some perspective.

In the beginning, NijiEN was actually a good alternative to HoloEN who really fucked things up with the Council debuts. Lazulight and Obsydia were had at least 3 stellar hires (Selen, Pomu, Elira, and had really fun collabs and banter.

The warning signs were Ethyria, a wave of nepohires who disappointed everyone. But once the males came it was all over. The males kept barging into the girl's streams to talk about their dicks and their cum spurts. The fanbase became flooded with chinese women looking for fujo roleplay streams. Worst of all, in order to capitalize on the males, the women were all pushed into shipping relationships which eroded their fandoms.

Even with all of that, they worked hard and streamed a lot in comparison to HoloEN which had a vacant schedule. They still had massive collabs and lots of group energy.
But when management betrayed them and the chinese fans started leaving, the group energy turned nasty. They started lashing out at the fans, at each other. Many people stopped streaming in protest.

The real knock-out blow was Avent, which proved once and for all that HoloEN was the future. An excellent gen which contrasted to NijiEN's deluge of shit-hiring decisions.
Even before the Selen drama the branch was dying.
But at this point, with the bullying scandal and everything we know now, it feels extremely gross and unpleasant to watch their streams and knowing what it stands for
>just watch it anyway?
Not that guy but the mere possibility of one of the luxiem faggots or Elira's nepos might showing up in chat or worse jumping into a call makes me see red. Fuck those faggots. Sad for some interesting chicks like Twisty or Victoria but there's a million vtubers to watch where I can enjoy similar content without tacitly supporting the bastards who ruined something I enjoyed.

>EN management jumped the gun and made Riku look like a moron, they'll totally get theirs
This made sense on day zero because you'd think you don't do that to the CEO and get away with it, but it's been months now with zero consequences so it's safe to say that the black stream is the actual official position and Riku's groveling was just lip service.
So it finally happened, we finally got a 2 view Niji. Ex-talents should be able to sue Anycolor for permanently ruining their dignity and reputation just by association.
Most of the troublemakers actually can't pull their shit in the stars community and would bitch about it regularly on nyfco about how they have to support "in secret" because any time they try to doxx or harass someone they immediately get kicked out.
The rest are so tribal they were talking about trying to find Altare's address to harass him in person.
>I turned myself into cheese!
>Boom! Big reveal! I turned into cheese!
>I turned myself into cheese, mogogon!
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she has never had a 2view stream
There's no way a group that has Axel in it is going to pull Niji fangirls. He's the equivalent of shooting a gun off in the neighborhood to keep rent prices low.

The kpop fangirl fears the Aussie
You forgot pretty much weekly yabs throughout entire 2023, long before Advent debuted. Ever since Yugo and Zaion disappeared, Nijisanji has been a burning down dumpster fire, Selen termination was just a nuke dropped on that wasteland.
damn this chick lives up to that hair style
That guy was an Elira nepohire, there's a nonzero chance her nepos might actually be allowed a copy of the playbutton while everybody else gets punished for asking. Fucking nothing would surprise me at this point.
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The also adopted the mindset of the fujo sisters and intentionally pushed males into every collab to "own the unicorns". They were talking nasty about Hololive behind the scenes like a super villain club.
didn't those Phase antis buff her awareness here?
I had no idea who she was till /vt/ didn't drop talking about her for 2 weeks.
Nijisanji literally has viewbotting farms as a panic button for when they get too low viewership. Just check the comments in the last EN graduation announce, its flooded with Prasheeds wishing her the best for graduating school.
So whats the reason no one likes this girl?
anon, those pajeet bots are ALL OVER twitter. not just NIJISANJI, it's pretty much everyone that has a high follower count

>does GFE content
>ackshually it makes sense that her viewership would go up when people talked about her being an ntr streamer here
do you even realize what you're saying?
she debuted at the worst possible time
Her collab with Relia was kino (she kept begging to suck her lactating breasts) , she's bringing a lot of cute 2views into her orbit
twisty deserves better...
joined after black screen. is a loli in a normal fag audience with schizos that envy loli vtubers
Niji content is so fucking bad. It's like the vtubing equivalent of slop
yeah I had no idea who the fuck she was and people chose not to believe what gets posted here and check things out for themselves? what's hard to comprehend that the amount of bull shit that gets spammed here doesn't get taken seriously.
sorry but if you see pictures of someone being an ntr streamer and you "check it out" then that's because you're a cuck, hence not beating the allegations
It's similar to Enna. She pushes GFE content while also flirting with the dudes. It's pure NTR
She somehow managed to piss off every single fanbase somehow for different reasons.
>Sisters absolutely hate her for getting too close to DA BOIZ and making them "uncomfortable,"
>Regular people hate her because she's Nijisanji and was stupid enough to debut after the selen shock,
>Dragoons don't like her because she made fun of the harassment allegations.
>GFE people hate her for male collabs and doing stupid shit like muting her stream to go hang out with Aster on his stream (fucking aster of all people),
>On top of all of this, she's clearly new to this whole streaming thing and has no fucking idea how to work OBS or her sound setup, and a lot of her streams is dead air.

She puts in a lot of effort though and streams constantly, and she's apparently very attentive to her chat, so she's got that going for her, but she absolutely needed more time to cook and better training.
She is fucking dogshit, stop promoting this whore and watch a vtuber who deserves it.
EN cost the company 10 billion yen in failed buybacks, and cost Chronoir the LA show. Also they don't just need profit in order to satisfy the investors, they need ever-increasing profits - this past Q3 is the prime example of this, since that quarter famously had a 40% drop in profit compared to the previous year's Q3, but they still had a profit.

The stock tanked anyway, because the profit they had wasn't ENOUGH profit.

Even if they only have an absolute minimum number of non-vtuber employees in Niji EN's backstage, and even if everyone on that skeleton crew is working part time and for minimum wage, they might not have made enough profit in Q1 for the investors' liking. And it is EXTREMELY likely that there was a YOY contraction in Q1, which will be like the fifth or sixth consecutive quarter of YOY losses.
I'm not entirely sure the investors would appreciate Riku spending more of "their" money on trying to maintain an illusion of perpetual exponential growth of the EN branch, especially with all of the hard evidence of the EN branch literally doing the opposite of growing.
She does retarded shit like mute during ASMR in order to call into a Nijimale stream.
you've posted the same meme so often you actually think you are brainwashing people? you must be a fool if you think every one here is gullible. from what I saw she fucked up her stream hilariously but you aren't double downing on this like she advertised having her boyfriend on stream or something. Those posts with Enna in retaliation honestly made me consider she is hardly that bad but /vt/ tries its best to make it out to be.
you're very obviously a simp for her lol why even pretend to speak on behalf of all the new cucks?
Does she schlick in her ASMR streams? Or at least hump her pillow?
All signs point to NijiEN shifting to Japan. But I can't fathom why JP fans would be excited to watch English streams they can't understand when they have literally 1 million JP streamers to choose from instead
yeah simp from making objective observation. funny how you crumbled as soon as an actual comparison is put in your face? she isn't that great of a streamer but man is it fucking annoying see your phase this phase that bullshit spammed everywhere
If Twisty joined Phase Connect she would be ranked the #1 most whorish member who literally asks dudes to fuck her on stream
your argument became worthless the moment you masked off, there's nothing left for me to say, phasecuck
I still don't see Anycolor going far to officially mention the dissolution of the EN branch, the Yen still isn't doing that great either to where they're able to risk it. Unofficially its probably been the case for a while, you'll have it easy if you can speak Japanese and can navigate your way throughout a Japanese business environment, and you'll be swimming uphill without a paddle if you can't.
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What the fuck is this? It's like she wanted to get in on the joke but didn't know why it was funny. Poor dude was beyond flummoxed and had no idea how to salvage the situation.
My point is that the EN branch has a "cost" associated with it which is unseen.
The "cost" is literally hundreds of millions of dollars of reputation damage on an international basis that EN has caused. The EN branch existing and Elira maintaining her employment is actually the worst fucking long-term decision Nijisanji can make. They need to get her out of there as soon as humanly possible and fold the branch. Maybe they can try again with a new branch in the future.

As things are the EN branch has fallen from 1/3 to 1/10 of Nijisanji's total revenue. It's becoming an afterthought.
But whatever marginal amount of money it brings it is nothing compared to the reputational damage, and the opportunity cost of having this black organization attached to your brand.
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I have no clue what Enna and Elira do behind the scenes to really justify keeping them around, because they don't have any interest in getting rid of them despite the problems they caused to the branch's reputation.
Every new Niji gen has been under performing and JP has already said they aren't going to support it. Why bother?
They are never going to terminate EN because the Jap suits still need to claim they have an "overseas English branch" to compete with Hololive to investors. But as of now, it is essentially a walking corpse.
Doesn't matter NijiEN will cease to exist by the end of next year. It's officially over if they have been cut off.
Jesus, he tried so fucking hard to get out of that.
>Play dumb
>Rag on the "joke" execution
>Try to spin it into a different one
And then he just gives up.
>JP has already said they aren't going to support EN
Holofags never learned how to read
They will just rebrand to "NijiGlobal" or some shit. Elira sucks cocks way too well.
Because the clique is unironically real, and if either of them is kicked other members would bail out too.
I've read the report they did their best to downplay how badly NijisanjiEN dragged down the ENTIRE company.
rebranding is required for sure there's a downward trend and when Niji needed to rely on their over seas branch the most with under performing Yen they realized they fucked up. That's why EN has such a huge Minecraft event it's to help gauge if overseas success despite the lower size compared to JP audiences will meet financial success. NijiEN is not even on the same page.
What Nijis even get above 1k views anymore? Everytime I see their streams they're always below 1k which is just sad considering their sub counts. Elira was one if I remember correctly but her career went down the drain after the Doki shit.
you mean Nijimonkey never learned how to read
>niji girls are so bad they got me feeling bad for the niji dude
for fucks sake
wtf is that...............
Luxiem, Meloco when she streams in Japanese, and whoever gets lucky to get raided.
Witnessing a mere minute of any phase member immediately proves you wrong
Like how Yagoo admitted that HoloEN is flopping?
Nijisanji really is the Soviet Union of Vtubing
How many of them did Yab drug rape ?
she chose the absolute worst corpo to do this sort of content in lmao what the fuck was she thinking? did she just want to sexpest her favorite niji boys?
A lot of the people they're getting in applications are only joining to attempt to fuck their oshi. Like Aia literally just wanted to push herself on Ike, and Ver made a pass at Enna. It's 100% allowed for talents to fuck each other in NIjisanji too so the fans can only watch the flirting and send their superchats
None because NijiEN management doesn't support the EN livers.
You know he literally begged her to embarrass him as the theme for the stream?
A fair point, giving it some thought I think if we see a sub 1 billion yen revenue from NijiEN I honestly think the odds of a merger/rebrand shoot up significantly. Maybe 60/40 that NijiEN sticks around till the end of the year.

And speaking of Elira, how the fuck is she still plastered around in promotional shit? It's one thing if she stayed, that's bad but if they stuff her in the corner to be forgotten it wouldn't be as bad. But the fact that she's EVERYWHERE when it comes to female representation is insane, you'd think that they giving the spotlight to someone harmless/spotless with a reputation like say Rosemi. Elira being front and center just gives every prospective fan a easy trail straight to the most infamous VTubing stream of all time.
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>hey man, have you ever heard of... MIKE HONEY!? HAHAHA
>why don't you tell me what you think of... MIKE HONEY!!!
>no, stop, seriously
>oh, you don't like... MIKE HONEY? :DDDDD
>defending 178 ccv for a company sisters believed to have biggest EN branch mere months ago
Why did you exclude the stream of every male in the company?
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jesas. imagine if the genders were flipped and it was a guy pulling a Mike Hawk joke. fucking painful to watch.
>And speaking of Elira, how the fuck is she still plastered around in promotional shit?
Sunk-cost fallacy. EN management had been unnaturally pushing Elira since her debut. Stopping now would just prove she was never the right choice.

>It's okay if Selen does it
oh shut up she's like 18 and trying her best in a desperate situation, I appreciate her sentiment. If she manages to survive her contract without being sexpested to death she'll probably be a great indie in a couple of years.
What does this prove besides Vox being a giant piece of shit who conspired against Selen when she thought they were friends?
>Ignore Selen being a sexpest for Vox because he hurt her feelings and rejected her
Trying her best by... collabing with a guy and trying to get him to talk about her pussy?
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>ignoring [my schizophrenic delusions]
You have psychosis.
Yes. He literally begged for her to collab with him and made the theme of the stream him getting tormented by her. Did you not watch the stream?
Yeah, sure. Get back to work, Twisty.
why did she sign a 2 year contract seeing how bad things were?
>【Zatsudan】Being kind to my senpai!! with @VantacrowBringer 【Twisty Amanozako | NIJISANJI EN】
Not sure about that one, chief
You can read the transcript where she literally confirms that Vanta begged her to collab with him because he wanted to get tormented
let her cook bro, I am a twisty believer

Don't get me wrong I'm not giving any views to her dogshit company full of faggots I hate, but I strongly believe she'll do OK when she's out. Trust the plan bro.
what is this revisionism, rosemi is absolutely fantastic, if anything i remember people thinking selen was dorky and a bit tryhard
rosemi was always mid
She has the best theme song, i dont even know what the others theme song is
Why is Rosemi clinging to Niji like a life raft? Because Selen and Pomu were top-tier girls, they can manage it. Rosemi has always been a little grifter who stabbed her coworkers in the back.
nah its because she likes it there, also she doesnt like drama, if she were to leave and start a new she would be pretty umcomfortable that she would have to get involved in all that shit, i think she just wants to ride it as long as it last. then go back to indie if it ends quickly or other stuff if it lasts a bit more.
I think Rosemi has very low self-esteem and was sucessfully brainwashed by the clique into thinking they are "good people", and that she won't make it big outside of NijiEN.

I also think she's the only NijiEn who'd be able to reach Mint/Doki levels of popularity if she decided to rebel, but that boat is sailing, and she decided to stay on the sinking ship.
>she likes it there
yeah because Luca is there, and she's an unofficial clique member too. Enjoy your sinking ship midsemi woreslock
Wasnt mint the one in hanamori not miki?
Pomu was always treated like shit by management and kept out of 90% of the meetups and basically found herself on the outside looking in. Rosemi has a totally fake stream-persona and she's actually just as much of a cunt as Enna.
Yo that's craaazy
Show the top 5 now
No. Mint was a hanamori 'friend' but she was never in the group itself. A red flag for things she eventually learnt the hard way.
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Yep, Mint was in Hanamori and was even included in the merch they released and did of themselves.
didnt she go to antartica with elira as recently as last november
Neither of them were in Hanamori. They had some collabs with them, but most of the time they did their own things on Youtube, while Hanamori was streaming all day and collabing together on Twitch.
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That's Hanamori & Friends.
Picrel is Hanamori.
Look at the top-left corners of the two images.
yeah, because pomu wanted to film video for a group cover, and finana was too poor to afford it
doesn't mean she's part of the group
Has been for quite a while, yeah
Come on bro, Doki had a thing for Vox, no need to get your panties in a bunch, it didn’t even go anywhere
>Go on a trip for weeks together on no obligation but own will
>Not friends
Whatever cope helps you sleep at night man
The clique.
You know what, I will save company, I will apply to join. watch and be ready friend, I will bring EN niji golden age. Just lend me your mana.
There's no saving it now. There's massive structural issues with it that cannot change at this point. They made their bed
>sisters still shipping real people
actually disgusting.
>>Not friends
Nobody is saying otherwise?? Just because you (were) friends with a member of a group, doesn't mean you're part of the group.
With that logic, Mint is now part of Hololive because she's friends with Kiara.
It's not over until the fat chink sings. But they fired Selen, so their suffering will never end.
>she doesnt like drama
That's why she stays in Nijisanji, the most YAB Entertainer free company!
Wait a minute...
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You go anon, more power to you! I hope you don't get raped, but you go!
jesus that is fucking dire
>Stopping now would just prove [management's choice] was never the right choice
And that is why the black screen will not be removed from her channel for as long as she is part of Nijisanji; and why it might not be removed when she eventually leaves the company, depending on the circumstances of her departure. Removing it would necessarily mean admitting that management's decision to allow/force her to do that stream was not the right choice.

If she graduates on good terms with the company but requests that her channel be wiped upon her graduation, it might get taken down; if she made peace with Doki, and management finds out about it and terminates her for it, it will probably stay up while the rest of her channel gets nuked. (NOTE: this is purely hypothetical, and should not be interpreted as me suggesting that Elira is in the graduation queue, or has apologized to or accepted an olive branch from Doki)
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Damn, the Finana has lost 30% of its exchange value
Doking dookied all over them. It's her fault.
a retard like finana playing disco elysium sounds pretty funny, I may check the vods later
she decided to start skipping the story at some point and that's where I tuned out
>oh shut up she's like 18
>Skipping the story in a story heavy game
what the fuck did she think she was playing
oh, she's TOO retarded then
>Wish I could watch that without supporting a shitty company.
Anon, Anycolor & WotC are both shitty companies.
>EN cost Chronoir the LA show
Ehhh, I don't know about that. They just don't have any exposure to the western markets through translated clips, like HoloEN does.
>NijiEN with 96 views
What's the point of joining Niji when your CCV is the same as an Indie Vtuber. Where are the Nijisisters who mock low Twitter likes/engagement of other corpo?
That has nothing to do with anything either of these retards were saying. Fucking bots istg
Will da wose get fraud detected in MTG now too? Can't wait for the covertgoblue collab
Twisty discovered this thread
Doubt it's related. There's a twisty thread every few days.
why twisty isnt getting view botted
Maybe she is...
> But I can't fathom why JP fans would be excited to watch English streams they can't understand when they have literally 1 million JP streamers to choose from instead
They won't. Keep in mind that Alban went on hiatus to study japanese, so the organs are perfectly aware of what's going on.
Remember that pomu, one of the most beloved niji girls, had to be dragged back into vtubing by matara because she genuinely thought she was worthless after being subjected to nijis confidence destroying management styles. If rosemi gives an aura of low self esteem on stream then she's probably convinced that she literally can't survive on her own.
How do you skip the story in Disco Elysium? That's all there fucking is. Might as well just fucking drop the game entirely.
>And speaking of Elira, how the fuck is she still plastered around in promotional shit?

That's actually pretty easy to explain:

>Nijisanji wants to maintain the facade that nothing happened, so they need to keep putting Elira everywhere
>Elira isn't an idiot and she didn't do the black frame stream for free, she knew what would happen and probably made a deal with Nijisanji to keep getting promotions and special treatment no matter what happened with the drama
>Elira is one of the most popular EN organs in the east
>Nijisanji never really bothered to try to understand why everyone in the west is so mad at them. Posting the "family" voice pack right after kunai's graduation announcement is a good indication that no one gives a single fuck about what the EN community thinks
Seeing Matara, Doki, and Mint succeed without Niji has to give some of these girls hope. I really want to believe they're just stuck waiting in the graduation queue or counting the days until their contract expires.
Wouldn't even have to fire them, just say there was a lot of miscommunication and apologize for dropping the ball for the talents and the fans, then promise that they will allocate more resources into staff and the talents and focus more on building up than tearing down or stonewalling and consequently back off on "accelerate" until things improve.
And she is, she said she's not going to continue.
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>Riku was literally bowing to apologize for the situation, but some moron in nijien management decided to do the black screen at the same time making riku look like a disingenuous retard.
What kind of coping is this? Riku apologized to the investors for calling Selen 'negligible' and implying that the organs didn’t matter, even though they’re the ones generating revenue. Then the black frame stream tried to destroy Selen and defend the company’s image.

Riku’s apology and the black frame stream don't contradict each other at all, and you'd have to be completely stupid to think no one from the JP side reviewed the black frame stream before approving it.
If he was speaking to investors, he would have spoken in Japanese.
Instead, he spoke in English.
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That's the funny thing, there isn't
Because he was talking about an EN problem and he wanted to give the impression that he was addressing the issue that was worrying the community. Just think about what he said. The whole point of his stream was to address the "negligible" shit.
>The whole point of his stream was to address the "negligible" shit.
Yeah, to the EN community, not to the investors. Hence why his apology is only available in English (both him speaking & subtitles), and not in Japanese at all.

He used English to address it because it was an EN issue, but that doesn’t mean the whole stream wasn’t directed at the investors.

Riku didn’t apologize for how they treated Selen, didn’t apologize for firing her, didn’t apologize for how they handled her termination, and didn’t apologize for the harassment. He didn’t apologize to the EN community, he only apologized for worrying the investors.

You just have to look at the script to notice it was a quick and lazy translation with how awkwardly everything was worded. If they were really trying to apologize to the EN community, they would have done it differently. Jesus fucking Christ, if he wanted to give a proper apology he wouldn't have given the OK to the black frame stream in the first place.

And no, there’s no way EN management did that stream without full approval from the JP side.

>EN management doesn’t really exist
>Elira, Vox, and Ike were in Japan when they did the stream, so they had to use Anycolor’s offices to record the video
>Elira claimed that everything they were about to say was approved by management
>Management posted a tweet right after the stream to clarify that Vox didn’t read confidential documents, so they were closely watching the community’s reaction and were ready to take action to control the narrative
>Elira’s stream was done before Riku’s, and they would have delayed or canceled the whole thing if they thought the black frame stream would contradict the company’s next message

Riku's apology and the black frame stream were a coordinate attempt to destroy Selen, calm down the investors and pretend that the company cared about their talents.
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>He used English to address it because it was an EN issue
Not him but:
Yes, like how my Australian Prime Minister speak Afghani when talking about the war in Afghanistan, because that's a Afghani issue.
That's a completely retarded false equivalence. How many afghani care about what your prime minister has to say? How many people from Australia have put money on Afghanistan? How are the actions of Afghanistan going to influence the future of Australia? Is Afghanistan even an australian colony?

Anon, what the fuck?
>Why would Riku speak in english if he was trying to apologize to the investors???
I mean, you have retards who think he actually gave a good apology to the EN fans for everything that happened, so that's probably why
It's baffling either way.
The message absolutely doesn't contradict the black stream, as he's only apologizing to the investors (he flat out says as much, never apologizes to Selen or her fans once, only to investors), but I don't understand why he bothered making it in English without JP subtitles at least, other than to pretend he did something.
We fought in Afghanistan bro.
> but I don't understand why he bothered making it in English without JP subtitles at least,
>other than to pretend he did something.
That's basically it.
>Riku spoke in English because it's a EN issue, but that doesn't mean the it wasn't also directed at JP investors

>PM spoke in Afghani because it's a Afghani issue, but that doesn't mean it wasn't also directed at the Australian public
If he was trying to direct it to investors, he would have included a Japanese translation of some sort. A Japanese version of the video, or Japanese subtitles on the video, or Japanese Youtube subtitles, or a Japanese transcript posted on twitter, anything. Instead, it's only available in English.
I feel like I've mis-interpreted the conversation you guys were having.
>but I don't understand why he bothered making it in English without JP subtitles at least
I can understand more or less the thought process of this

>This is a huge issue and it could cost us a lot if it gets out of hand, so we need to pretend that everything is under control and that it was only a misunderstanding
>The investors are worried, and we need to put the CEO out there, but we have to do some damage control and shift the message a little so the JP fans thinks it's only an EN issue

So that's probably why they didn't even add JP subtitles.

There's a difference between a CEO trying to address a gigantic PR issue with the EN branch of their company and a prime minister using a foreign language to talk about Afghanistan.

Anon, if you're not shitposting, I'm afraid you might be a complete idiot. I'll just ignore you from now on because you're giving me secondhand embarrassment.

How dense are you? The investors were worried about the EN branch's issues and Nijisanji's mismanagement of the talents. They didn’t care about an apology directed at them because that wouldn’t have fixed anything. What they wanted was for Riku to show that he could control the situation and that he cared about the EN market. Riku getting out there, speaking in English, and addressing the "negligible" shit was literally the bare minimum he needed to do to appease the investors.

And no, they don’t need Japanese subtitles to understand what he was saying.

It's fucking insane that to this day we still have people trying to pretend that Riku gave a single fuck about the EN community and that he didn't give the OK to the black frame stream.
Yeah, that's my thoughts, too. Any ESLs on the japanese side who didn't look closer would probably just think he took control of the situation by apologizing.
Upside is we got manipulated images and some hilarious AI songs like this.
>There's a difference between a CEO trying to address a gigantic PR issue with the EN branch of their company and a prime minister using a foreign language to talk about Afghanistan.
What's the difference?
I think doki should have advised reagen before he bombed Afghanistan with his v22
Those YT streams are 3view.

Yeah and they were never used on Twisty.

>moving goalposts
she was getting a lot less before joining Nijisanji
>shilling yourself to /vt/ saviourfags is now potentially better than joining nijiEN
Pretend I posted a picture of Tennyou Yui
Are there still NijiEN clippers? Can't imagine it making any sense outside of them being your kamioshi
are you fucking kidding me? Every other company would want to build a wall to keep niji fans OUT, nobody wants that audience
Cover is paying Niji to not shutter their EN branch, knowing it will flood the market with psychotic antis that are currently contained by the sistersphere.
You are talking as if it wasn't already apparent that appealing to niji fans is part of brave group's strategy. I hate it because they have plenty of cute girls that would be ruined by nijification
>willing to play and gush over hoyotrashs story for literally years of her career
>skip over the story in any game, let alone a genuinely good one, let alone a game that is ENTIRELY story
Jesus fucking christ.
Not only that, but since NijiEN has so little fans left, the idea that they'd cause any kind of damage to any fanbase is laughable. I don't believe there's more than 10k people still watching them actively across the entire branch, so the only people "at risk" are indies ala Shoto (whose also a cocksucking faggot but he's based for openly leeching off of Luxiem and gtfo-ing with a "fuck you and fuck off from my chat" when they became an entirely schizo fanbase), except there's basically no indies collabing with nijiEN anymore. Even prior to them becoming totally toxic it was few and far between.

Basically what I'm saying is that if NijiEN just had a group-wide retirement right now, you wouldn't see any of them in a Grimmi or Batto Juegos or Juni chat. You'd see them fade into the background of some other corpo before fucking off entirely.
roseschizo is so silly
>Post sub-finana counts to win against /#/
NDF's best right here everyone.
This. Let them try their shit on, say, Bettel, Shinri or Ruze and see what happens.
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Then why aren't they USING them, anon?
>the last EN graduation announce, its flooded with Prasheeds
>2view Twisty
Oh dam and here i was thinking my 2view collabed with high end 3view
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the fuck are (You) even talking about sis?
remember, all of this is entirely self inflicted by nijisanji
Sunk-Cost fallacy my fucking ass. Anycolor will gladly drop a talent if they don't make them enough money or if they're spiteful enough. The only reasons that Elira still gets plastered is either that she was and still is a pseudo manager, contractually obliged, or are that braindead.
>or are that braindead.
See, that's the thing. They REALLY ARE that braindead.
You'd think they would have learned their lesson on how to handle a termination after the Zaion situation, but look at how they handled Selen.
Maybe she just plain didn't like the game. Maybe she only played it because lots and lots of people said it's a great game, but after one playthrough she decided that it isn't her cup of tea.
It happens sometimes. It's happened to me, it's probably happened to you.
I remember seeing a nijifan tweeting, I think it was about the newest nijiwave, how "they shouldn't mind the haters, the fans will keep supporting them".
Then there it is, Twisty with less than a 100 viewers, how can they keep saying this stuff with a straight face?
I wonder if now they've learned their lesson about handling terminated livers (or at least look at holo and see how they do it and without much backlash)
Or if they'd 100% pull the same shit again if or when another talent doesn't conform to them
Scale, mostly. In the grand scheme of things, international politics are a little bit more important than an under-one-million-subs youtuber getting fired while on her deathbed for reporting the workplace harassment which put her there.
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If scale is the only difference, then the only difference in the method is the scale, not the method in and of itself.
Millie needs to do more ASMR, that'd help.
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you mean this one?
Merge soon
When's the quarterly report? I wonder if the concert was actually negligible for EN
China dropped them
It worked well enough for them the first time, so they thought it would work every time. That's why they handled Selen the way they did after the Zaion situation, with the only lesson they learned from firing Zaion being "deleting a soon-to-be-fired liver's Streamlabs will telegraph the company's intention to fire them, so don't do it" - hell, Selen's Streamlabs is still open to this day.
They found out the hard way that firing and slandering someone the way they did to Zaion is a trick that only ever works once. When they tried it on Selen, it backfired on them so horribly that it almost completely nullified the effects of Zaion's termination.
Like I said, it only works once, and they did it twice. It's fairly likely that they've learned their lesson, or else they would have fired Scarle back in February.
Next week, probably Wednesday or Thursday
some of you care more about niji than the people paid to do so wwww
like what's the point of obsessing over their numbers so much, we all know they can't even reach 3 finanas nowadays
It’s like a nature documentary, observing their continual decline is a thing of research primarily.
this is what they do for fun anon, they don't like vtubers they just see them as their lolcow
If they do nothing Phase Connect will eventually surpass NijiEN. Death by stagnation
>not liking NijiEN = not enjoying chuubas
Did Dokie water down the brand by flooding the market with waves?
>some of you care more about niji than the people paid to do so wwww
That's pretty sad, isn't it? Some of us actually do (did) want NijiEN to do well, but it seems NijiEN management just didn't care about the long-term health of the branch, just about covering their own asses while they try to milk fans for short-term profits.
>she'll probably be a great indie in a couple of years.
Twisty is unironically mentally ill and not in the cute way. Girl was terminally /here/ a few months before debut, shilled herself with a fuckton of threads after debut, spammed shit stream schedules for a while to purposely shrink her audience, and admitted on a rm account she hates her fans unless they give her money. She's gonna end up as a cam-girl if she doesn't touch grass soon
Hiring Millie and Enna was their biggest mistake even more than Luxiem. Secret GC stream was the absolute point of no return
HoloEN and Gura deflection thread
can you threadreaders leave my cute menhera wife alone and stop making shit up?
>terminally /here/ a few months before debut
t. retard
>shilled herself with a fuckton of threads after debut
she was also the one spamming that's been spamming vivi and kunai as hololite for the past year
>spammed shit stream schedules for a while to purposely shrink her audience
what a bitch, she doesn't want sisters in her audience
>admitted on a rm account she hates her fans unless they give her money
this never happened
My top two favorites, including my oshi WERE in Niji.
They were fucked over so badly that I am extremely invested in the company going away and staying away.
my corpo want reimu and Petra. You can keep all the other whores.
>Riku apologized to the investors
>The investors were worried about the EN branch's issues and Nijisanji's mismanagement of the talents. They didn’t care about an apology directed at them
nice backtracking retard
I don't know how you could possibly read the transcript of that Tazumi video and think it's an apology to the investors. Either trolling or non-existent reading comprehension.
They can't sexpest you if you sexpest them first lmao
I like vtubers, I just dont like niji, it's like saying if you love someone you should also love a cancerous tumor hanging off them, no remove that shit and save their life
Anon, go back to school and try to learn some basic reading comprehension.
>In the beginning, NijiEN was actually a good alternative to HoloEN who really fucked things up with the Council debuts. Lazulight and Obsydia were had at least 3 stellar hires (Selen, Pomu, Elira, and had really fun collabs and banter.

In what fucking universe was NijiEN ever a 'good alternative' to HoloEN? Only NijiNiggers think this, people who left HoloEN for NijiEN were fucking tourists who were never into idols in the first place. NijiEN never offered anything of value for ACTUAL Hololive fans.
good thing niji took a chance on your hidden gem then
Based and same
>Bowing to apologize with hands behind his back
That shit is so faux pas and came across as insincere.
>Losing to VSPO_EN
Shall be interesting to see if NotKunai will get a boost or not.
>You'd think they would have learned their lesson on how to handle a termination after the Zaion situation, but look at how they handled Selen.
The Zaion situation was a success. So they tried to replay the same strategy, but failed when the target is to big.
Damn, this bait thread is dead
NijiEN was popular for awhile. I don't know about actual numbers, but I know around here anons talked about Lazulight and Obsydia more than Councilrys. A year later, some people were getting annoyed that they were hiring so many talents so quickly, but back in Hololive, they had a graduation, and hired homos and several girls started collabing with them - so you had to pick your poison. Everyone thought Magni and Vesper looked like shit, but then they kinda' won people over with their personalities. Then people started leaving both corpos. I think HoloEN and NijiEN had equal reputations at this point, but then Advent debuted and that was the end of that.

It's funny you posted Gibara since she's practically a mascot for why they shouldn't leave Nijisanji.
I dunno man, she seems happier now than when she was still in kurosanji.
Beside, Gibara's number was decent but that was at the peak of Covid boost.
graduate everyone below flaygon lmao
Gibara used to be one of the few Nijis you'd know through osmosis, people talked about her all the time. She had videos with millions of views. She's a nobody now. It's been three and a half years.
Is it bait when its true. Didnt the guys use to get shilled on catalog years ago.
My wife Arya is so cute
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Well this didn't age too well
>why they shouldn't leave Nijisanji.
Yab bros...
>NijiEN 3D tech is superior
Didnt the merge kill all of ID
You cannot convince me this girl didn't join the corp just to ruin their reputation even more
Join Nijisanji get raped. Everyone is fine with this?
I like that the only name on that in English is Phase Connect
>she was getting a lot less before joining Nijisanji
you think that's a great number for a big corpo? Just admit it that your NijiEN is dying in the trend KEK
>Niji would've helped Mori market her music
>Like what they did diamond city light and black out
What a prediction roru rumao
I wish I was acquainted with this sister so I can ask her insight on lotto number or stocks.
She knows she joined nijiEN and not holo or any other corpo, right?
Strawman, mindbroken retard. You're seeing ghosts.
You can shit on that company without lying, dumb catalogfag.
You're the one who lowers himself to NDF level by lashing out at someone who corrected you.
You must have confused Nijisanji with Hololive. Nobody in Niji got raped meanwhile Mel and Chris did
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>Nobody in Niji got raped
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>Someone in Niji got raped by Yab
>Who said so? The whistleblower?
>Then who?

Rope yourself, holofag
who are the top 5, I'm curious
Retarded faggot, I can't speak moon runes but I don't need to know that the vtuber was working for Yab and isn't Niji
So true sis! #cut4hex
She debuted in niji as a low 3view and is now teetering on 2view status, and can't quit until the contract is over. I'd hate losing a year of my life too.
Holofags are now posting doxx. Love to see the subhumans at work
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>Nobody in Niji got raped
anime profile pic. doxx in your ass
>Nobody in Niji got raped
I dunno, I'm basically solely a holofag but mostly on the jp side. Any of myth I basically avoid like the plague because they just aren't entertaining to me (I don't think they are horrible people, just not entertaining to me) other than Ina in very very small doses. For promise it was largely the same except I fairly often watch Fauna. Niji for me in those pre luxiem waves was more entertaining even if I still didn't feel like they surpassed HoloJP for me even with a language barrier.

That said these days I am actually obsessed with Gigi and CC.
>Nijisanji would actually give her marketing to promote her music

Oh man someone remind me of that one music nijiJP who quit because niji did absolutely nothing for her music career besides empty platitudes.
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