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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>forgets to bake
>forgets to post anchor
this is an emergency baking bro im editing it smdh
Shit edition

She streams the same days and time she always streams

Search her name on YouTube and watch the videos if you want

Also look at porn of her and share it here

Enemy list -> /swarm/ /lig/ /pcg/ /flip/
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Emergency Baking Edition

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomzoom vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Did Filian Forget To Wipe??
Filian Got Poled By Her Bottled Water
Frog Ridah!

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
VTUBER SPELLING BEE - Who's the smartest Vtuber?

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Fansly Archive

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:06 - 24:01 UTC

>Recent Stream


>Previous Thread
smdh theres too much youtube shit in the anchor now i had to copypaste it all cause it was just embed on my end, also i was in the shitter in my defense. but you made me chuckle anyway.
swarmer here
i have never fapped to your oshi
not even once
swarmer here, I also have not, but just because i have high standards and theres really not very much decent porn of filian, also this guy is gay and so i am
just 4chinx it retard
im a snacker and me neither tbqh
next time you make the bake nigga i have too many shits to take Smid tbqh famalam
i like filian
flipbros... they found out...
This is the first proper flip but not yet a real general
and this is that one flip filian visited that really cemented flip as more or a real thing
and this is when snackers really decided to make it an actual general with bakes and stuff
although the format was not properly right until

Posting my autistic history of flip post again so I can check it out later, feel free to link me other stuff related to history of flip so I can read that too
makes sense
she’s not in the single digits so you pedos wouldn’t be attracted anyway
erm i coomed to anny ASMR plenty of times thoughtever
As the contemporary historian, you should add exaggerations and some lies to the account so that future historians will seethe and have to argue about what parts are true.
I would coom to filian ASMR if she did that, the fansly stuff doesn't do it for me because there is no sound at all and i have no idea if its actually her in the sets. wasnt there some indian gay that ran her ERP chat or something? and some other dude did those other actually showing bobs and vagena things with the rindo model. I need like, at least a moan or something for it to do anything. Not that I care for her to produce that anyway, I watch fily for the funnies.
always assume that it's a Pajeet skinwalking her
damn nigga you couldn't bump your own shit thread past 10 posts?
the japanese are coming to kill filian, with katanas and stuff, this is no laughing matter...
nigga i baked 90% of all threads from the past month. i was at the dentist thats why i asked if there were any bakers smdh tbqhfamalam
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I actually bothered to go through this entire list and check everyone's CCV including the YouTubers. If anything it shows that /lig/ is more balanced than you'd think since there's quite a few from each tier who get discussed regularly. Maybe I'll post it over there next time it's relevant to the metaposting timeloops.
no one actually masturbates to filian unless we have a code red microkini situation, it’s a giant inside joke
I used to do about a third of the bakes but I don’t anymore because I’m not as active as I used to be, you might have to start grooming other people into doing it because it seems intimidating at first and people are used to other anons doing it for them
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I have never fapped to my oshi despite the design being hot. I only give in to the coomer chuubas who probably like it when you smack.
i almost never see anyone from the large tier there get discussed in lig. except that french one she still gets posted there every now and then. others make sense because they are more swarm like anny and camila and doki and mint are their own thing really, filian has flip now, geega is in vshojo, whoreclan has too many schizo antis, layna... well you get the idea. I think they focus too much on the mid and small ranges.
wait she visited /flip/? was this on stream?
what if filian does a flip and lands with her butt on your face and her butthole pressing down directly on your nose? what then, huh?
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yeah tru but theres usually one brave soul who is willing to take the plunge until there isnt and it becomes an emergency
its okay i saved the pasta and the anchor correctly, i have to get me more filian images for thread opened images though.
Doesn't she still owe us an ASMR stream from way way wayyy back? When's she gonna put her money where her mouth is?
yes there are clips too but i cant find them, this was really early when flip wasnt a proper general and more like a ritual shitpost to get away from lig
i remember when i used to ritual post my gofile when it wasnt in the bake yet lool
If you don't even know Saruei's name I think that's evident that you don't visit /lig/ much.
thread highlights... nostalgia...
>Notable Clips
>Filian breaks containment
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vtubers i like
i know it i just cant be bothered to remember, i mean ive seen her feet and all, but theres too many chuubas with S sounding names. I keep confusing Saruie with Saiiren and such
Never, she is very insecure about her voice
I was trying to find the youtube version of that clip, maybe it was deleted
It's a shame to hear that, because I think her voice is incredibly endearing
I unironically think filian’s voice is pretty
I will prove to Filian that I love her voice by having sex with her throat.
It is but she is clearly very uncomfortable with it
thank you fellow flipper i shall add this to my flip logbook
that’s a shame, I could listen to her yap for hours. It’s seriously very cute
its always fucking staz lel
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Her voice is amazing when she forgets about being watched by thousands for a second but she has that imposter syndrome and is terrified about streaming so she very rarely relaxes like that
I guess I also can get self conscious about things like that, but I hope she eventually see’s the irony of thinking her voice is ugly when thousands of people love listening to it live and literally move their schedules around to do so
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would let her destroy me
>creatures of the forest: edge edition
is this the pulp fiction girl from the diner
The Indian thing was a meme repeated here. She has confirmed in stream (collab with Squ) that it is her taking the photos and DMing on Fansly.
so jealous of miz
only 3views and 2views ever get talked about there
Which squ stream? I've watched them all and I'm pretty sure she only confirmed that she is taking the pictures, NOT that she's taking. I have screenshots of the chatter confirming that they're a chatter (literally like a paragraph about this).
you got my hopes up
in whatever stream squ had the printed out fansly photo’s in, she straight up asked filian if it was her in the fansly photo’s and filian said yes. I don’t remember the exact verbiage of the question but it was clearly trying to ask whether it’s filian or an Indian man skinwalking.

I feel like this thread overall is very cynical about the things filian says and basically always leans towards the side of “she’s lying”, but it was as close to a straight up confirmation that it’s her as you can get. the actual chatter is almost certainly an indian man in Bangalore who works on contract for 40 OF girls and filian though ya
It's the one where Squ prints out Fansly pictures and leaks them on stream.
couldnt she at least get a cute indian girl to do her chat thing.
that would be nice, but sorry, no, all those girls are currently being paid to do belly dancing at a wedding hosted by the Ambani family
Yeah the actual fansly is ran by her but the AI one is run by some saars unless she just outsourced the main one which would be disappointing to say the least
Hello snackers. I like filian but I can't watch react """"content""". Is her schedule consistent, and if so, when do I tune in
you can see from the list that that isn't true but smaller /lig/gers get talked about disproportionately because they tend to pander more to /lig/ and also /wvt/ refugees who think the best way to shill is to link when someone goes live and never comment about the stream further because they're too busy anti-ing someone more popular
I personally believe it’s an indian man doing the chatting on fansly and not filian, even if the photo’s are filian using the rindo model, but on a different stream than the squ stream filian explicitly claims that it’s her doing the chatting on fansly so it’s kinda up to you as to whether you wanna be cynical and believe she’s lying or not
we barely watch her reactslop either, it’s okay, everyone tunes in for her dancing at the start and the first hour of yapping and then gradually tunes out of the thread. I don’t believe the schedules are super consistent as to which day is YLYL but I may just be off base because the last couple weeks have been non-standard
I'm worried about that too since she updated her fansly during her stay in NZ which was kinda suspicious unless she took time to prepare for it in advance
The regular react content is you laugh you lose on saturdays, but it's replaced with a handcam stream this week. So for you on a normal week probably monday wednesday friday, and maybe the first hour or two of saturdays before ylyl starts. Other streams during the week may be react depending on the stream idea but its case by case.
Every time I see her live it's always just watching unfunny slop. Maybe I've just been unlucky.
the evidence isn’t 100% damning but I would say 80-90% odds it’s an indian chatting on fansly
I believe it's probably real because the settings and poses are very woman-coded. Doesn't matter if it's real or not, because she'd never admit to it being fake. Even though I bet Filian would think it'd be a funny prank to say
>HA that wasn't even me in the pictures you frickin SMACKERS
that would kill all interest in the Fansly account and further some losers on /vt/ would hear about it and pretend to be a group of disgruntled simps whining about how Filian broke the law by faking a product and should be canceled and sued.
Oh that explains it. I know about the collab I'm from /swarm/
>>84593592 (me)
I am pretty certain the actual photo’s are of filian though for basically the reasons
I personally think the fansly is probably run by a fansly employee as a marketing stunt. I've only seen like 2 things from it, but it just makes the most sense if you think about it. The employee is most likely female if it makes you feel any better.
I have reasonable suspicion that it's her chatting on fansly. Not 100% but close enough for me. Main argument that I will put forward against it being someone else is how slow the responses are when dm'ing her. If she had some indian doing it for 15 cents an hour I'd expect way faster responses.
>if that makes you feel better
no, it doesn’t. either filian’s soul is imbued in the images of rindo I’ve been masturbating too or I’ve been scammed and the relevant authorities need to be contacted ASAP
Tempted to do some image analysis but it would ruin the smackability if i figured out it wasn't fil
you owe it to smackerkind to conduct the research
>>84594322 (me)
go full shroud of Turin on that hoe
Ok just looked through some leaks or whatever that i found. If you think filian runs this account you are actually braindead.
here comes /flip/ assuming the absolute worst case scenario for the ten millionth time the second anything feels remotely sus
I wonder if Filian likes videos like these. Obviously anything over 3 minutes is impossible for her to watch when she's on stream trying to keep the ADHD snackers engaged.
I would think so, she is a big gamer girl after all
she has been asking for longer videos to play before YLYL
Fil casually mentions she likes watching science videos off stream like my nigga styropyro I hope
science youtube is a scary place, I’ll stick to my youtube shorts slop about the business models of fast food franchises and wannabe /x/ schizos making their 50th video about Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Holy shit I remember this guy. He's still at it.
which vtuber corrupted fil the most, and which vtuber accelerates her corruption to do more fansly
probably Squ
The viewers and clippers did, there is a massive demand for lewdlian.
filian knowingly created and groomed her clipper army and gave them financial incentives to go viral at any cost tho
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I can fap to this
need fillyPussy version
Yeah I think it's real too. She has said that she responds to DMs in her free time/when she's bored on other streams when mentioning the Fansly. This matches with the reality, which is sometimes she'll take 2-7 days to respond. If she was paying some random Indian dude, they should be able to respond way faster. It's a hilarious conspiracy imo.
alright time to come clean. fansly is run by her bf. thats right its run by me.
I think she is grooming herself at the same time
you are vedal? cheerio, happy day to you too lad
Someone please post FillyHoot
>the weirdest smacker
I just think it's cute
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it's a complex feedback loop, here, please view the visual aid and read the accompanying passage from Meme theory 101:
This is an intriguing way to conceptualize modern content creation and distribution strategies. Let's explore how we can map this scenario onto Norbert Wiener's cybernetic feedback loop model.

In Wiener's model, a feedback loop typically consists of three main components: the controller, the system, and the sensor. Let's break down the Twitch streamer scenario and see how it fits:

1. Controller: The Twitch streamer
The streamer is the primary decision-maker who adjusts their content based on feedback. They control the input to the system.

2. System: The content creation and distribution process
This includes:
- The live stream itself
- The army of "clippers" creating short-form content
- The platforms where short-form content is distributed (e.g., TikTok, YouTube Shorts)
- The live viewing audience on Twitch

3. Sensor: Analytics and audience response
This includes:
- Metrics from short-form content (views, likes, shares)
- Live viewer engagement (chat activity, subscriptions, donations)
- Comments and feedback across platforms

The feedback loop operates as follows:

1. The streamer creates live content (input to the system).
2. Clippers extract and modify portions of the stream into short-form content.
3. Short-form content is distributed to a mass audience.
4. The system generates various outputs: viewer engagement, analytics, etc.
5. The sensor component collects and interprets this data.
6. The streamer (controller) receives this feedback and adjusts their content strategy accordingly.
7. The cycle repeats with the adjusted input.

This setup does indeed align well with Wiener's concept of a feedback loop. It demonstrates a continuous cycle of input, output, measurement, and adjustment, which is central to cybernetic theory.

Some interesting aspects of this particular feedback loop:

1. Multiple timescales: There's immediate feedback from live viewers and delayed feedback from short-form content performance.

2. Dual audience: The streamer must balance catering to both the live "diehard" audience and the broader short-form content audience.

3. Intermediaries: The "clippers" act as both part of the system and as secondary controllers, influencing which aspects of the stream get amplified to the larger audience.

4. Complex metrics: Success is measured across multiple platforms and formats, making the "sensor" component particularly complex.

This conceptualization could be valuable for streamers and content creators to understand their ecosystem more systematically and potentially optimize their strategies. It also provides an interesting modern case study for applying cybernetic principles to digital media and content creation.
Now this is the type of autism I come here for
chatgpt go home. you're drunk
Where is the source of corruption? Does it happen under system authority or the feedback part?
that's what they all say you weirdo
but i agree it is cute
idk nigga that's a question for philosophers I'm just a humble engineer
i thought you dont want to be an engineer. what changed your mind?
Kek this is unironically kinda true tho.
>*underdamps your content machine*
>hold the fuck on, we are going to do some crazy shit
Damn i'm an engineer as well and suck at phil/psy.
I'm whatever I want to be, and right now I'm an engineer. I'm like a tranny but for jobs. the idea of identifying with any particular vocation is a convenient bourgeoisie fiction anyways
>the idea of identifying with any particular vocation is a convenient bourgeoisie fiction anyways
This actually makes me want to scream. How can wageslaves live their lives like this? It's crazy.
it realy is coot
miss me with that communist drivel.
you will fit the mold and you will like it.
i identify as fat chick escort
>even emiru raiding yuy_ix
Inshallah, Filian will notice her one day
yuy is cool, she’s one of the very few vtubers I somewhat regularly watch other than filian. I guess it helps that she streams at very convenient hours for me but even then I do think she is a good watch
Arigato anon-sama
I usually only remind about baking since my retarded ass, whenever I bake, fucks something up. There hasn't been a single bread I have baked properly
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it’s okay, we can bring back the scuffed bake /flip/ tradition
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>5'8" (really)
>42, birthday october 24
anon’s finger on the trigger with da pass loaded lmao
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She's definitely not 42 she's probably 22-25. Her music tastes give it away if nothing else.
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lemao i aint a bitch i just have 'flip open on another monitor
My favourite interaction
yup, this has asian zoomer girl written all over it. zoomer chicks LOVE bones even though he only has like 5 good songs (ctrlaltdelete, hdmi, skeletonraps, darkshadowblunts, sodium)
you talk like a zoomer girl
I’m a zoomer male who’s cockmeat is full of microplastics so I can see why you would say that
cute waddle
i was more hinting at the fact that you know who that musician is. and you even can name songs. looks like a zoomergirl selfreport.
wanna go out with me?
But yuy you haven't even given him a chance!
yeah just give me a chance man.
i might be a fat ugly bastard but im kawaii on the inside.
This shit (and the less popular sequel https://warosu.org/vt/thread/75749196) also happened around that time because there was too much Filian posting on /swarm/
maybe you even remember it
God damn that's so cute.
i remember the second one lol
If I was Filian running a fansly what I’d do is sit down once a month and take all the snaps and write all the generic chats that go to everyone in one go and schedule them to go out over the month. Not try to squeeze it into the schedule several times a week (impossible with ADHD). Then there are the real DM replies which are extremely sporadic which seems legit, if she was paying someone to respond they wouldn’t do that bad a job.
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gn snackers filyDreams
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sweet dreems
>the forbidden blelele
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
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>ywn go on an athletic beach date with filian
I want to cum on her perfect and incredibly tiny tits
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bro same
I really hope she goes hard on the next set so i can smack for a day straight
I smacked to the microkini set again, she ruined me
>another one bites the dust
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NEW. KINO. praise allah
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DUCK ATTACK too bad its poo quality
how is a normal man suspposed to compete with BGC?!
I need her to stream in that
just imagine she wore this out when going to that michelin star restaurant with layna
she is literally herding the goosposters here
i wish that was me
what the fuck
why are we PID tuning a foxgirl
fuck fansly. i want another cb stream
Baby steps
For science!
I want to draw shitty fanart, which fansly pic should i use as inspiration?
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it's over bro
there won't be another CB stream
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I will find a way to combine these two
Cute autistic waddle
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fillyLive in 8 hours and 15 minutes
All I can think about is the duck lore an anon dropped here one time.
This is very cute
Filian has been screaming for mods less lately
that's a good thing
I'm gonna smack
don't do it, you have so much to love for
I'm gonna snack
i snacked like 10 mninutes ago
i can almost see them
I want to see Filian cosplay as Astolfo again
Pretty gay bro ngl. Is there a name for the fetish where you want a woman to pretend to be a femboy?
Yes, based
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la creatura
I want to eat this pancake
i want to be the pancake and her eat me
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>Neuro-sama Weekly Schedule
>Saturday, September 07, 2024 20:00:00 UTC - Filian IRL Cooking (on her channel)
Same. But by the pancake I mean Filian.
i shall add this to my log thank you
Five (5) hours until fillyOnline
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vros... shontrvths just keep makinh sense...
server 1v1 will be fun i think
Have they said what they'll be 1v1ing in?
She is too much of a comfy streamer to work well with fil
if achievos isn’t filian’s bf he’s basically a 99.999th percentile loser for modding her stream every day, so for his sake I hope it’s true. he’s either massively winning or massively losing, there’s no in between
Shibes in da /flip/?
I believe one of the like five dudes who would originally post in /flip/ before it became more of a real general was a big Nina fan, he’s probably still around
Filian is so good at clippable moments kek
I'd lean towards the latter. Successful guys are probably too busy to moderate that much (I know I am).
On a tangentential note she should probably look into paying her mods if she doesn't already.
he watches streams and mods chat too much to have a real career but it’s somewhat plausible he’s her boyfailure bf leech mod and his life revolves around her
odds on Filian doing a dr.disrespect bit today
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Did Filian ever play this on stream?

I ask because it's like the game was made specifically for the niche she occupies (and imo would be more interesting than more reactslop)
the problem with reactslop is that every single person who’s watched filian for a while is bored of it by now but it still does really really good numbers for the amount of effort involved and filian basically made her career off of discovering the reactslop meta early so she’ll keep doing it for a really long time
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she cute
I imagine its nice for her to have 1 stream a week where there isn't too much planning involved in it.
Lots of other streamers will just play the fotm game.
it’s a solid anchor stream and even if you despise watching filian laugh at content literally designed for an audience of 16 year old boys you can always just peace out the second the yapping segment ends
What a genius robot
How could Philean be so stupid to fall for that
isnt she a friend of that one beaner girl?
*cough cough*
soya/cc? yes, they were in a loose collective of indies together and were friends. I don’t watch Nina but I believe she’s basically openly said she wants to follow her friends footsteps
i dont watch her either but i wish her all the best.
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Nina has always wanted that idol/singing experience, years before what happened with soya. Considering the weird picks made by Hololive's last generation I'd say pretty much any /lig/ger that is controversy averse and doesn't mind playing boring games and talking about food for 2 hours has a shot.
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snackers, are you fillyReady for fillyWife?
When will Filian be cringe and honest about her husbandos. Someone tell her it's good content.
she literally won’t even admit to wanting to get dicked down by a single pokemon so I’d say we’re a long way away. I used to think she would act like that to pander to her audience who wants her to be a virgin to some extent but now part of me just thinks she’s not comfortable talking about stuff like that
Her husbandos are Kirito and Light Yagami
I don't want to think of pippa as cute
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Fancy a spot of footy?
Meat, Filian and Dr. Manhattan. The dream team.
>no Rorschach
D tier at best
One (1) hour until fillyOnline!
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>she literally won’t even admit to wanting to get dicked down by a single pokemon
Nobody in their right mind wants to have sex with pokemon
What do you think Filian is normally doing at this time before stream? Do you think she spends much time preparing or is she just playing a game or something?
speak for yourself bro lol
Eating, Dming her collab partner, picking an intro song and trying to hype herself up for stream
I wouldn't be surprised if she wakes up shortly before the stream, eats something and then gets down to it. Streamers love to sleep till it's like 1-2pm
Thank you, based Filian. Yubicraft is a strong fucking team.
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glad to have you on the team /flip/
She's said before that her sleep schedule is all over the place where sometimes she's staying up to 3AM and sometimes she's in bed early and wakes up in the morning. I think part of it was she sometimes has meetings that take place in the morning that she has to be up for
relieving pressure
What kind of pressure?
she's watching divegrass and her outfit will have some purple on it
trust the process
rage fapping the anxiety away
What significance does purple have with divegrass?
/lig/ colors and also early in /lig/'s divegrass career when we won Filian gave her hair a little purple highlight which is totally a coincidence but what if it wasn't?
/flip/ has deceased
Five (5) minutes until fillyOnline!

Hope this stream will be fun. Had an idiotic argument and I'm pretty annoyed.
>her thighs are not that thicc
I hope it's Lil Fil today
>cute autistic waddle
I am no longer annoyed
killing myself why am i getting a tenth of what i pay for right at this moment
ISPs are like that. I often have the same problem with my own as well. Stupid small town monopoly.
Filian is unironically great at these weird transitional monologues.
When does she ever not do one of these? Her favorite stale joke is basically
>underage character/person
>brings up diddy/drake/disrespect/edp
Hoenstly, she was born to be an entertainer.
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r8 todays intro
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funny that she ignores the mr. beast drama
poggy woggy
Filly sexo
very cute I hope we will get another soundpost
Amazing. Feels like she visited /here/ and noticed that people love the waddle
She made multiple jokes like
>Do look like a man? I don't work for Mr. Beast
Supposedly her favourite youtuber.
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Let's be real snacker, it was a couple dramatubers making videos with his face and bold red text like
>it got worse
>its over
>its never been more over
but nothing really happened in the grand scheme because the ratio of people who watch him vs. people who complain about him is 10000:1
he has a black guy secret ceo. that's inexcusable.
>24h stream
Now that is a lot better
Anything but that fucking monkey game. Death to soulslop
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cringe post but yeah she's late there's been 50 twitch chuubas who played it already
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thanks mate
it's time for the elden ring laxatives AND shock collar stream
I hope its minecraft, maybe hardcore. 1 death equals 1 wheelspin/ACTUAL punishment
VOTV would not work with with filly
>ring fit
I'm simply sick of this game genre. It's mind-numbingly boring
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Is there a single game that would be fun to watch Filian play for an entire 24 hours?

Oh God no. I'd rather she play those weird Chinese dating sims that Nyan would play.
Huh, she actually writes "a" the same way it looks on PC. Never seen anyone do that.
rip, filian has karaoke ptsd
>no karaoke
>no asmr
no fillyKaraoke...
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>YLYL slop
>ERP slop
>Minecraft slop
Wake me up when she plays something interesting like Deadlock.
Filian seems to think we're not already masturbating to her streams
>filian's not going to end up in an edit like that
Fily ASMR...
Waaaaay too late for that kek
>valve slop
I'm pretty sure she genuinely doesn't know what ASMR is. Can't blame her but still.
she basically acknowledged she saw that one fake of her doing the blowjob
No asmr is a scam
Her take on it is correct
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you know what else is just softcore porn...
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...filly asmr
I mean I would be surprised if no one actually sent her a link to that. Or she found it herself when checking what's new on r34
This is only for special smackers who pay her $100 per set, not for the filthy peasants who only watch her streams
there is only one pic in that set that is softcore porn
and you should post it
Is she okay?
the fillyCow...
Does Filian know what cows sound like?
Damn, she really is obssesed with Vedal.
Is she giving you some competition?
It's one of those cases where the original meaning got overrun by something much more popular. I mostly enjoy the original type.
Ready to spend my Saturday with Filian
>collabing with maldavius
I think moba's are fundamentally very flawed game designs, or at least they're too punishing for me to find them fun, but deadlock is unironically solid, it's already basically a strictly superior version of overwatch
pizza confirmed for cooking stream tomrrow!
the "tingling" thing is real and I can get it pretty strongly with the right triggers, but it's either basically nothing at all or so strong it's uncomfortable so the "real" asmr got taken over by coomershit
Why is Filian such a scammer/does she hate her fans so much?
What the fuck is a mountain bounty pizza anyway?
Actually I think that's a good choice. Not too easy, not too hard. Also, bananas on pizza are good.
You'll find out tomorrow.
she read our antiposts and is out for revenge
>chat i dont know how to make bacon
What it be a frozen pizza
As long as she isn't making her own dough
She... Seriously did not intend to eat it? Even though I know that she is so wasteful.

Anyone want to bake in a bit?
[SNAK-001] Amazing Athletic Body Virgin Exclusive Debut! I Ejaculated Many Times Because of Her Lewd Hip Movements and Panties Exposure! Filian Lux
will bake
>I got an ingerdient in
It's a shame that instead of an actual nice pizza she is going to make a "meme" pizza

Peanut butter on pizza doesn't taste that bad, actually. Way too dry though.
Making pizza is actually pretty easy. But it's better to prepare the dough the day before.
That was before she decided to only put edible things on it.
Layna did the same with cookies, and the end result was poisonous to humans
Remember it's Filian we are talking about
I don't think she has the cognitive ability to make her own, although it would still be entertaining nonetheless
>it's time to see what you guys have been up to
>opens /flip/
I love how autistically Filian interacts with herself when watching clips.
half the thread would immediately have a heart attack and the other half would die of embarrassment
I know, it would be nice if she did the stream with Squ, Layna or Onigiri because they actually know cook
I dunno what you mean
The one time she opened flip on steam it was just smackers saying some down bad stuff no cyap
most grocery stores around here sell premade dough that you can use instantly.
Filian made a gay joke in Lucy's chat earlier, btw

there is one which peeks pussy lip
holy frick,.. shes hard for xqc...
There are ultra fast recipes that rise in 15 minutes too.
That edit was pretty decent. Especially since some clips he used were a bit obscure
The worst part is that I enjoy both. It's just that when I want ASMR I want ASMR, and when I want coomershit I want coomershit, they're not interchangeable but good luck telling search engines that.
leaked fansly pics!
the only thing I can think to do in that situation is mostly try out new male creators and basically just assume every female “asmr” content creator is actually coomershit but idk
ant-insfw twitter filter?
Coomershit ruins a lot of things. Even vtubing gets trashed by it. So many of the creators are whoring out that it's hard to find someone decent who doesn't coomerbaits.
Page 9 need a baker
nigga i am baking
Don't call me nigga, bro
dont call me bro, fren
Allow comments coward
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why isn't filian using her mint model?
Wasn't expecting Cerber to have this accent but it's noice.
Fily and her brits, classic
>allowing comments on poal
what, is this your first day on /vt/ or something
some combination of thinking rindo is more identifiable as her "brand" and not wanting to do borderline loli coomer baiting to an audience of 10,000 people
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So people can post dox? You'd like that wouldn't you?
filbert... you're getting honeypotted...
>Filian simping for Cerber harder than anybody else
Shes so downbad for cerber wth what did they do in vrchat...
If I recall correctly, cerber's model is made by the same artist as the mint model. It's really well made.
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why are the mods discriminating against cannibals
it's fine to consume the flesh of adults
Filian and Neuro have this same issue where most of the people they colab with are terrible, like Bao before with Neuro.
But Cerber is cute and tolerable.
Free my shogga thatguy89898989898
Cerber is pretty mid so far. Hope it gets better.
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bred for you excellent flippers
Yeah this isn't it for me going to watch the clips later
>immediately banned for innocuous comments while filian talks about hitler and flashes her tight catgirl butt with no repercussions
average filian chatter experience

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