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Enemy's Birthday Special Edition
(^・ω・^§)ノ おはこぉーん
Previous: >>84230043

>YT Channel
>Do your reps!
>Shirakami ZOID
>Shirakami Fubuki "Comfy Fox Inn" ASMR Voice Pack
Buy: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/comfyfoxinn_asmrvoice
Translation: https://pastebin.com/uUJw7Fzh
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Sorry, last one died on my shift.
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You still didn't give me an answer on why exactly is she so cute and sexy
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Does Fubuki do anything for Kurokami's birthday?
Kuro is too busy having birthday sex with me. Unreleated note, she should have done tsundere voice pack for the incoming one.
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She usually does, but it seems to me it kind of slipped under her radar this time since she has been super busy and didn't acknowledge it at all and has her own project that day. Maybe we will get something later.

Actually nevermind what I said, literally as I was typing this she tweeted this, we are getting an early Kuro Utawaku today:

Still possible that she forgot and did this spontaneously, but it doesn't really matter. Kuro love!
There is also a cover attached to it!
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Please tell me her utawaku will be achieved, I need to sleep today.
I see no reason why it would not, since it's Kuro's birthday celebration. She is usually only prone to private guerilla Utawakus. I'm sure someone will achieve it either way.
Today's Maikura frame is up, too:
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I love Kuro!
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I think being a clipper (not the clickbaiting kind) is unironically a good way to help out. No everyone can watch every single stream so other sukonbu will appreciate it too. I remember back when Lui joined, Marine recognized her as one of her clippers.
There’s also time stamping.
I feel like she really needs to do something about her audio setup, Sukonbu tell her voice volume is too low almost every stream but she keeps insisting her voice is too loud on her end. You can barely hear Kuro's voice over the BGM.
Maybe I'm imagining things, but it seems to me like she isn't really motivated to much with Kuro at all anymore at this point. She seems to have run out of ideas what to do on her own. Kuro doesn't play games so that is not an option, she isn't really sure what to talk about in Zatsudans anymore without repeating herself but also doesn't want to do any collabs because she isn't sure how to act around other members. That leaves us with a semiannual Utawaku. I wish she would just try to collab with like Okayu or Polka or someone just once, I feel like it could be really fun if she could just get over that mental hurdle. None of them would take offense at her acting unlike her usual self.
The archive is membership only
>>84609037 (me)
Well, she tweeted now as Shirakami that she will try to make Kuro collab with Holomen, so maybe everyone always asking her about it made her reconsider. We'll have to wait and see. Looks like she made the archive Mengen too because she felt like she used too strong language. I didn't think she did, but I guess she feels self-concious about it.
Cover Hajimanbo!
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>strong language
Isnt that like point of Kurokami? I want her to step on me and call me worthless s***
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Kurokami in voicepacks would be good. Like imagine if she was in the latest one
Many people feel that way but I feel like that's kind of missing the point and some of it feels a little forced just because people ask for it all the time. The appeal to me is the clear gap moe between her personality and her attitude/way of speaking.
First reset like 5 minutes into the stream. Pretty unexpected that it was Okayu!
Second reset, this time Suityan, also unexpected. This is going to take a while.
She already has a 3D, be happy with that.
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Good morning friends, I'm happy she kept the archive it may be membership only but now I can watch it.
>She seems to have run out of ideas what to do on her own.
How many ideas were nixed by management though? Furball Korone is a distant memory because management considered it was unfair for Korone to have it while other members didn't.

And Fubuki seems to regulate herself very strigently as well, she cultivates a youtube-friendly, sponsor-friendly, safe wholesome image. Despite her attempt to differentiate the two, what Kuro does will impact Shirakami.

What I'm saying is, the issue might not be a lack of creativity.
While not entirely implausible, I'm pretty sure this is not it. She has been experimenting with Kuro for years now and never really figured out what she wanted to do with her. If this was about censoring what she can say, they wouldn't have greenlit the Kuro model (which took her a long time to even get) in the first place and would not allow her to insult her viewers and call us virgins and stuff like that, which she still does sometimes during the Kuro streams. But you can tell that her heart is not really into it. I think she doesn't really enjoy that that half the comments of these streams is "please insult me" and stuff like that. Kuro streams are mostly utawakus with zatsudan component, but she has nothing to say or talk about as Kuro and there is rarely any comments worth picking up either. She tried playing a game as Kuro before once or twice but I guess that wasn't worth pursuing any further for her either. She tried doing a normal/super chat reading zatsudan as Kuro once, but never did it again after either.

I do think it's possible that management doesn't really want her to collab with others as Kurokami, though. There was that elusive stream in 2021 where she was scheduled to appear that was canceled under mysterious circumstances and never rescheduled, so who knows. She does make sure to mention that Kurokami is not a member of Hololive and will never have goods etc. for this reason on a regular basis. I don't think she is lying though when she says she wouldn't know how to act around other members because Kuro doesn't know them. Might be a bit of both, I guess.
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>I don't think she is lying though when she says she wouldn't know how to act around other members because Kuro doesn't know them.
This sounds totally reasonable to me. She gets along really well with all sorts of people during collabs and I think part of why is that she's good at slightly adjusting herself to the right vibes to fit them. Obviously if she collabs as kurokami she can't do that anymore.
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>she will try to make Kuro collab with Holomen
>she made the archive Mengen too because she felt like she used too strong language
OK so during the stream, someone asked if she knew a couple of HoloMen, like Burinyan, Aokuyu, and FuwaMoco.
For the FuwaMoco part she said she didn't know them, and someone asked if she would collab with them. She said she wasn't interested and wasn't going to collab with anyone and then says some things about being a streamer and having to entertain, which sounded a little mean.
Near the end she tries to clarify, clearly showing that she felt she took it too far. And so now the archive is locked behind membership, and Fubuki is punishing Kuro-sama with a collab.
I need to rewatch that part because I didn't understand how the FuwaMoco comment lead to the entertainer part.
But that's the gist of what happened tonight for those who didn't understand
I thought it wasn't possible because Fubuki's IP is a big asset to cover
I need to relisten to this part as well, I was working while watching and didn't entirely get what she was trying to say there either. I think she meant to say that she herself is not interesting, doesn't know other Holomen personally and has nothing in common and no topics to talk about with them, so collabing with her would be bad for them because it would be boring/awkward. And because the other Holomen are streamers and want to entertain their audience, a boring collab would not be great. I'll have to go back and verify later if that was it.
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I missed her
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Hi Friends!
Has kuro corrabed with any other holos?
No, right?
She appeared in one of Watame's lives to sing together once. She has never actually talked to a Holo.
Hi friend!
Shy and loney Enemy..
Have to sleep. Goodnight, enemies.
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She collabed with that alter of Natsuiro Matsuri
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Double Fubump
Triple Fubump
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Good night, friends.
What are the black sukonbu's called?
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Good night, friend!
Sukonbu black
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Not as imaginative as I would've though.
>nekomonogatari: buraku
That's more like it.
>>84627092 (me)
Oh dang, ok.
So yes, you got most of it. I thought it was the moment she said boke, but she was talking about them making a joke (being the boke) and her reacting (being the tsukkomi).
It was actually at 42 minutes. She got into character too much and basically cussed.
The comments immediately reacted saying Kuro-sama was too cool, and there was 2 or 3 saying maybe that was too far. I'm guessing she read those because she immediately apologized.

Normally I wouldn't add what she said just in case it might hurt her image. But I think as westerners we hear and use curse words almost on a daily basis and this would be nothing in our respective languages.
That was the part she was feeling weird about? That barely even registered to me, she was basically just saying "collabs aren't going to happen just because you fucking idiots keep begging for it", which didn't seem particularly out of line to me. But you are right, judging from the comments it did seem a decent amount of people took a little offense (posting "?!", the shocked Fubuki stamp or commenting something about it being a little out of line), while the other half thanked her for insulting them or apologized for being out of line themselves. And she herself also also apologized and even talked about wanting to end the stream right then, so she must have actually slipped up and went further than she intended.

If these are the reactions she sometimes gets (I rarely pay attention to chat so I wouldn't know if this happened before) then I guess I can see why she doesn't really want to do too many Kuro streams, let alone do collabs on other channels since she is still not entirely sure what lines not to cross when acting as Kuro and she is afraid of being responsible for offending other people's viewers. You'd think people coming to see a Kuro stream, who is known for being a little crass, would be a little more understanding of strong language, but I guess it is what it is.
The entire country is a safe space and this probably triggered some of them.
Personally I'd want her to gargle some beer and spit it in my mouth, but that's just me
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Today's frame:
Starting in 30
Do they just want her to indulge their fetishes or something? Kuro's entire thing is being more crass than Fubuki because she's not a streamer but it's not really go to be worth doing that if there's such a small limit to being "rude" for people. Sure, I'm a westerner so, like you said, there is a cultural distance, but even then it's a character they should know she's not being honest. If she can't even exhibit her personality without it being somehow reflective on the actor than why even bother at that point, it's just not worth it for the inevitable "wow, that's way too far!"
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Gm friend
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Kaito Friend
Fubuki using all her brain power
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For those that are wondering what these deleted tweets were about, she tweeted she thought she randomly saw a miko plushie in a TV next episode preview and then after someone posted a screenshot confirming she didn't imagine things, she posted what the program was called and that next epiaode was going to be a special on Oshikatsu and told us to check it out if we are interested. A few minutes later she reconsidered and said she was going to delete the posts since it might get her (or the company? unclear) into trouble, but still told us to check it out anyway. I wonder what that was about.
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huh, weird. Maybe she just got bit too excited about it and is just playing it safe?
Maybe that program didn't have permission from cover to show mikochi or Maybe Fubuki isn't allowed to shill so freely that type of thing, she's a trusted voice in the community and has a lot of power and so she must be careful about what she says
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Hello friends, I recently got curious, did she ever talk about her having siblings irl?
She's an only child, but she has a male relative (likely cousin or young uncle or something like that) that she spent a lot of time with and who taught her all about otaku stuff when she was younger in lived in the country.
Fbk love
Any of.you bought the Fubura merch thing that's always on the store?
I'm tempted but customs and shipping discouraged me
Yeah, the fat fuck is setting right next to me. He is pretty cool.
Big thank friend!
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She's so sexy
My baby fox wife
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Wake up friends!
Oh nice, We're getting World 8 today
Fuck yes, my stream alarm woke up this time despite it being a 3 am guerilla stream.
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I thought drinking coffee a few hours ago was a bad idea, but in the end it was worth it
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This... might take some time.
Give her some time to warm up, it's been a week since last time! There is a hard time limit around 13:50 since she has to go somewhere for work in the afternoon, but that is still like 3.5h away. Believe in our fox, she got this!
>Got cocky and died to a Boomerang Bro.
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Check out this beautiful star!
Such a beautiful star
considering it was only in the aired TV version and not the version that got uploaded online maybe the program got caught doing something they weren't supposed to
Maybe they didn't have permission to have Holo merch in the show. You actually need express permission to show anything you don't own (IP wise) and maybe they didn't actually ask Cover if they could have the Miko plushie in the show.
This fortress really sucks when you don't know what to do in advance huh
It's an interesting puzzle when you understand it but when it's your first time or it's been a while it's really annoying.
Ah but she did it
Shortcut GET! She's doing well.
Bowser's Castle is all that's left!
Our fox is very cute when she is angry
Neat, just like her, I never realized that that music from the first fight with Bowser in the very beginning of Mario RPG came from SMB3.
She did it, friends!
She's playing her Recorder
She wants to try to play Mario USA next when she has time for one of these. Looks like she had a lot of fun with this, and most of the Sukonbu did too.
She said she keeps her recorder next to her at all times while streaming lately in case an opportunity to play it comes up. I guess she doesn't want to misplace it for months again like she once did. Her cats don't try to steal it since it's too heavy, but she has to watch out for Okayu!
>Mario USA
Nice, I'm looking forward to it.
Someone asked her if she met any Holomen lately and she mentioned that she met Gozaru in the Studio recently and welcomed her back from her break. Most of the 7TDT members played a murder mystery game at Towa's house together lately as well. In addition, also met Irys and Ina (at the studio?) recently.

She's a little worried about today's Maikura. She said she thinks they are in a decent state with iron equipment and everything right now if only she can find the Nether Fortress, and their base is also located near a desert which is advantageous. She is going to look for the fortress a little longer in the place she has been looking last time, but if she can't find it, she will build another gate elsewhere soon. It would be rough to restart now and she is worried that someone will die while hunting Endermen since it's easy to mess up. She is still thinking about different strategies.

She's going to eat lunch now and then has to go out for work. Next frame at 20!
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