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If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
Twitch Alt: https://www.twitch.tv/shadowchama
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://x.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1831446847325344205

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think

Previous Thread: >>84562865
justice for gary
Good Evening Shondopolis Ep7 ^_^
1:13 merch/get fecked
2:11 meet and greet/mcdouble retro (sorry)
2:57 m&g
3:56 quality of m&g/reasonable conclusions
5:35 stop wasting your fecking time
6:00 my definition of trolling
7:51 Job
8:55 final thoughts on job
9:49 little bestie
>see 13:38 up til 17:49 for the more directly Shondopolis related shenanigans
11:10 Toy Story 4 audio commentary tangent
13:10 Karuta Card Dropping Bot Tangent
13:38 lower runtime ^_^
14:07 voice clarification
14:58 loli loli loli
15:46 State of GMS 3
16:33 tüffy/why i admire tüffnar
17:49 fecking SUV tangent
let me say, for the record, that i want to have sex and make babies with shondo but I dont mind waiting forever for her to be okay with it
however i’m also cool tough guy that will take her as i please and ravage her violently cause im a chad and not a pussy
but after sex cuddles i will kiss her and ask her if shes ok
i'll let you know when I'm done with her
kill yourself gary
shondo chose one guy in her emails to talk about because it was interesting. if you want to be an insecure attention whore and schizo out and lose all self-respect and dignity for a crumb of attention and be laughed at to earn lolcow status, by all means go ahead, everyone else will laugh at you.
Shondo will think you are really weird, even if she thinks you are "nice"
please filter yourself out of the community if you are unironically upset by that.
now im getting this shit
fuck you shondo and your cringe ahh likes
confirmed polyamory
This has literally nothing to do with shondo
Erm wow dude. do you think this is just okay to say to her? it is very manipulative to just say you dont mint her waiting for her to be okay with it. that is toxic and adding horrible pressure on her. Erm
But enough about Tuffnar
shondo stop larping and go to bed
there’s 7 of these?
Will you fuck off already you fucking nonce
sowwy thread reading shondo >~<
i’ll do better from now on (i wont)
I would want to hold shondos hands
You are not beating the allegations that you sound like chris chan
Honestly thought you were gonna say her toes
uhhhh but im doing a “scottish” voice that sounds nothing like chrischan
why shondo gay I thought she wife???
yes it does, i even specified the segments more relating to shondopolis, do you not see the timestamps you blind bat?
dyke wife
Chris chan did voices too to try and "hide" his identity
oh shit
i honestly thought the OP was a ballsack
????? my identified voice is literally every episode except this one?? its a voice, and im pretty sure a poor impression. im nothing like this Chris Chan fella
you would be me because i would have made this post
I am now certain gary is chris-chan. Only chris would act this blatantly guilty after getting got out in her lies.
she was wrong to do it
what fricking lies? getting got out. only you and Chris Chan dweebs know what your talking about punk
Chris….the ruse is over buddy
>im nothing like this Chris Chan fella
youre autistic and a freak and constantly volunteer kompromat about yourself
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Whyd you rape your mom Gary?
you dont understand anything, the m&g has been disasterous
the only sane shogga
everyone here needs to ignore gary the same way shondo should ignore schizos. unfortunately the community reflects the streamer
are homework likes just pity likes?
>shondo ignoring schizos
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love this girl
>are homework likes just pity likes?
buddy, of all the people /here/ im the least likely to do that to their own mother.
the frick? screw that chrischan dude for doing something so terrible.
>stayed up yapping with friends
shitposting in the thread doesnt count nobody here is your friend
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goodnight shoggas
goodnight shondo
goodnight shogga
sorry FT I can't make it today, not in the mood
Goodnight Shondopolis! ^_^
goodnight faggot
i hope you consider me a friend shondo…you dont but i still hope you do :’(
now its <20 tonight :3
Whats even funnier is that chris chan also his fits about mislabelimgs. And also all the pg-13 censorship swearing.
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EUchuds fill in for me and go hang out with my brother in law, me and my wife are going to bed
Good night chris chan
Fuck off already chris chan
k t but you’re still a lolcow
it could be 5, it's still impossible for her to please everyone and guilt tripping her over that in an attempt to get your way is shitty, you can't justify it, you ignore what i'm saying because you can't accept that you might be wrong because you're too selfish and your ego is too big
you should tell her constantly about how bad your life is because she isn't dming you and giving you more interaction and how happy it would make you, it's perfectly reasonable for a husband to want that right?
go to sleep tuffnar
hey gary FT is live playing dark and darker come hang out
projecting much? get a diary or something god damn
I’ll listen to your podcast. Don’t listen to them Gary.
this describes shondo: real or not real?
>FT's stream reflects how it would be without Shondo's husbands
>empty chat
>no viewers
his best friend tuffnar isnt even there for him...
not real
she always initiates the clinginess herself
I really can't make it this stream don't make me feel guilty
weird how the people who always chat in his stream arent there when drumchama isnt there
its 6am doesnt the fucker have to study or work or some shit?
>husbands when you say they’re self-professed, and i quote, “most bisexual bisexual” isnt straight
he has a job, im not sure if shes ever mentioned if its full time or even what it is
did you finally remember the login for your alt cornfamer? atleast you're a TRUE HUSBAND to FT unlike all these other fake gays who only hang out there to get information on shondo
she isnt gay
so far I think you’ve got your voice down.
Did he actually find work in a garage? Was that what the apprenticeship was for? My FT working arc lore is messy
can we collectively agree that if she ever commits to a watchalong of a TV series that we make her watch twin peaks?
could be, that kind of entry level labor apprenticeship is all he has the qualification for and probably the only kind of shit available in their area
Dark and Darker is truly a shit fucking game
its not great but im glad he has something he enjoys with friends
im eepy sorry :((((((
That should come right after finishing deadly premonition so she can be really cute and sperg out
>cam on
hopefully she doesnt enter his room for some reason
>Gary Stone
that can’t be his real name, right?
>Groomers immediately dive in and start digging for personal information
Thats what you will be doing after I win.
i know this is bait but i still want to check
why did he not keep his old username? shondo make him change it?
what would she go into his room for? sex? haha lol like THAT would ever happen
sorry lil bro looks like you still have some reps to do
stop being dumb niggers and think for a second
no lol
is that...
no, it must have been someone else
im so confused right now…
fuck are you shiggers wafflin about?
what did he mean by this?
cant believe he just said that he banned gary from getting his shumo personally
shes been under the desk the entire time
yeah, mine
DnD: Disassociation n Dick!!
your scottish accent is about as laughable as the rest of your life
hes a niche microcelebrity, what are you?
winning this race…with no survivors
winning :)
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goodnight shondopolis!
how can you be winning when she repeatedly ignores what you want and does the exact opposite
by making telling her to not do the thing i want her to do obviously. working pretty well so far.
shondo DONT grind the sunny all over my mouth and deposit nose powder directly into it
>she repeatedly ignores what you want and does the exact opposite
not necessarily true but she also doesn't act based on what i want, nor do i think she should. i'll say what i think and if she wants to listen then cool
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Good morning, anything new since last night?
if she loved/trusted you for real, she wouldnt get defensive when you give her actual good advice like “make sure to eat enough cause you usually dont”
but actually you are evil and controlling and micromanaging everything about her
shit was made for husbands
shondo, act like an actual adult (which you are) and take responsibility for these chumps’ feelings (mine included)
The only time she liked our advice was when we told her how to connect two zip ties together.
shigger... what the fuck are you even talking about?
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The money situation between the bank and the factory has been resolved. So production for the Shumos has just started!
SyadouPogger heck yeah
FT fell off... What happens if you don't stream for months and don't have anything to announce
>>84603648 (me)
Even he sees how dead it is...
she makes me sad cause i love her a lot but it will never be fully reciprocated
i meant the guy calling me evil and controlling but i'm sorry you feel that way shiggie
>calling me evil and controlling
reading comprehension reps, shogger
she'll reciprocate with me
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paypig doesn't count as a relationship
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shondo my beloved
Did he mention his gf at all
i'll give you advice on talking to a stripper, you can't be like "uuuu take care of yourself you need more nutritious food stripper-san" you have to say shit like "did miss piggy eat any vegetables today? oink oink"
He has no gf
Based fartrune
>but actually you are evil and controlling and micromanaging everything about her
am i supposed to read this another way?
that was shondo saying that
Figures, lwc couldnt hold her
on my 4th alt shigga, you not foolin me again with that shit
at least get your lore right if you gonna fuck with my brother-in-law
you have to time the oinks very carefully or you ruin it
say it in discord
no i don't want the credit and i don't care if piggy eats her veggies
your nurnberger gesetze reps, shogga?
1 drop rule where im from shigger
now keep movin
oh i get what you meant now. my bad, i'm half asleep. i don't blame her for being the way she is sometimes nor do i think she means to get pissy at times but there's moments like yesterday where she just does something completely counterproductive and feeding into an issue that she's complained about for months then get's annoyed when people point out she's making the problem worse for herself and it's just confusing. i'm just putting it down to a woman moment though, i don't really wanna linger on it anyway. even if it's hard to get stuff across to her and make her listen i'll still try
because of her borderline she'll dwell on anything negative and doom spiral it into some dumb shit which makes your best bet staying quiet, nodding, and giving the stripper some money
my best bet is to just marry her in real life
living with a more violent female gary would suck
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Love me pixel wife
Simple as
threads worringly silent on how much she enjoys getting choked out tbqh
she liked the HG scene so much she sent it to her friends just to see if it was too weird or not
such a weird little sex freak; i love her to bits
she likes the idea but would probably cry if she got pounded a bit rough
i know how to start gentle and ease into it dw lil bros your oshi is in good hands with me
it just makes me laugh when she talks about that stuff because the reality is if anything like that happened to her she's have a full on meltdown and dissociate for a whole week
you must be retarded if you think you can cuck a group of old men that share a child
too much fantasy, not enough desire
>mentally ill woman acts mentally ill
I don't know what to tell you anon. Her liking Ryona has been a well known fact.
I would give her all the ryona she wants and be there for her afterwards
Ryona stream today
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man i miss the old model
Old model shoon
Why is ft farting on him
What an ugly turdface
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Kill yourself
Do not the fent
Shondo there's a bot/ad come moderate
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Pettan drew shadowmama so cool...
barren or not im giving shadow a new sister
gtfo from the threada nd groom some real children nonce
filling shadowmama's radioactive womb
anon your aim...
Shogga what is this...
these are all old men
kinda weird that she wont support ft's streaming career even though hes a shit bard
Have you seen his viewcount? He'll make more as a wagie
he could get his feet off the ground with a shoutout. id do it for my family.
Nah even at 300 views he'd be wasting time he could be using for professional development
he could do both since he streams (lol) anyways
this was peak syadouBrainless content last time
It's ok it's going to be peak DOOMSmile content this time
look at her go
Good morning Shondopolis! ^_^
Good morning
the frick? i aint opening this
so... why is shondo streaming over nina's 3d debut?
why did shondo copy neppie and become a bunny
Shondo realized just how easy she could lose some of her favorite regulars to her so she became possessive of us. Olivia isn't a loli so Shondo is far less worried about losing her regulars to her.
would you eat the veggie sausage or would you deny your wife's cooking fantasy
Gay rrat, more like she just doesn't give a shit about nina
I'd eat anything that she presents to me
True, I guess the same possessiveness she showed with another threat like Neppie has nothing to do with this repeated behavior. She just HATES NINA! D:
She didnt. She just chose the bunny for the catbunny joke
can someone post the "even a dead star can be restarted" (paraphrased) meme pls
Crazy how T wont engage with one of his sock puppet troll accounts when he is so eager to whiteknight her every other time. Curious!
"Good morning shondopolis ^_^"
>shipping the shumos to her house is going to cost her £6k by truck
>wants to use an even more expensive method
even if shumos were 0 cost basis shes would wind up spending 6-10% of her profit just getting them to her house
imagine if she just made them normal sized plushies
im getting my shumo ^_^
damn didn’t know it was that expensive over there
>spin the wheel pick a game for me to play and I'll buy it on steam
she seriously thought they were gonna make 2000+ shumos in one week after receiving the money. i don't even know what to say.
thats why she's making vivi a loli? at least try
loli oli loli oli loli oli!
vivi isn't competition though. she's openly married to a fleshdude
You think Vivi would be a threat in the same way Neppie and Nina are?
Vivi has an IRL relationship and is far from the same appeal as the other two. There is no threat. At least try, anon.
she's poor she has to do it this way :(
She's just being dumb at this point
viva is a nice gal i wouldnt mind her
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having fun watching them have a 1on1 conversation, shoggas? she's not even pretending anymore
>neppie being a threat
lmao ok
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indirect replies too :)
oh yeah ignore if you want
vaguely related has she admitted yet that a PO box equivalent exists in the UK
she answered someone talking about them i think recently
What's this about collar bones?
she replied directly to other people and indirectly to other people
abcs is the closest to winning though, he gets instant reads on stream
they're apparently so deep she can store things in them. literal skellington
i mean i'm happy to be proven wrong since it would weaken the worms in my brain. who did she directly and indirectly reply to more than abcs?
he won
Cum puddle in the shollar bone area
Should I feel kind of bad for T? He is trying so hard but he never gets any attention, it's sad to me in a way...
MY KOKORO!!!!! WHYYYY?!! i love his accent and voice :(
you should laugh at his lolcow antics
He's learned to get his attention by spamming his way to second place next to Neosky. His actual read ratio is pitiful because he generally has nothing unique to ever say. It's mostly try-hard spam just guarantee that he remains on the screen. Or to be the last post she sees on discord, etc.
So yes, you should feel bad for him. It's pathetic behavior.
you cant be proven wrong, hes winning
bring it up with her and also bring up how previous streams were basically just a hangout with mouz and dewd
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There are no favourites
D is funny though.
>He is trying so hard but he never gets any attention
you give him attention all day though
Someone has to throw a pie at the clown.
women with partners shouldnt do GFE
i wonder if she'll talk about nina's 3d today. Shon was someone who would always schedule stuff to raid her friends for events so this is pretty interesting.
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oh yeah, real shame. surely nothing could be done
doubt it, it'd make her look dumb for overlapping
maybe she'd end early?
I don't care about her friends let her stream
>"i opened the packages from my friends"
>one of them from nina
>proceeds to overlap her 3d debut
oli is her supplier now
nice another dewd hangout stream thanks shondo very cool
gummies, I hope you enjoy them shondo
real time corruption. if only fleece were here to save us.
Its her perfect man...
how can anyone say that oli saved this marriage?
She will be reading the book later imagining men from the meet and greet in his position and herself in the girls position.
>i've never read a book like this
LMAO why even lie like that shondo what the fuck
Ok dewd
weird obsession to be perceived as pure and innocent by her friends and newfags, I don't know either
nice, she's bragging about how degenerate she is now after pretending to be innocent and pure 1 minute earlier
she doesnt like lewd things just dont check her follows or her likes or artists she enjoys
my headcanon is that she read something i wrote
It's not a contradiction
could be anyone's posts /here/ about wanting to fuck her, sniff her feet or lick her pussy. she is reading all of those when she's threadreading after all
lol irl she just loves shotas getting railed and chubby loli thighs entirely for the artistic quality
if you posted it before she banned here on her puter it might have been
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we'll never know, and that has it's own appeal honestly
>erm these hyperlewd artists that EXCLUSIVELY draw lewds and nothing else actually d on't want to draw lewds so that's why i like their art even though every illustration they've ever released in their entire career had lolis being gangbanged by 3 or more massive cocks but i don't like that stuff okay i don't and if you think i do you don't know anything about art
voice your complaints in the discord or keep them to yourself
you have looped this exact topic a million times already
whos complaining
so what was the email situation yesterday? i missed the why and who for that.
has she mentioned nina yet? :)
watch streams
she lies all the time she expects everyone to shut up and accept that her words have no meaning
>some guy in chat asks her if she checks her emails like 3 times
>she starts talking about unrelated schizos
>brings up schizo whos sent her like 20 3000 word essays about how hes going to change the world
>spends like half an hour reading his emails on stream
>got mad at retromancer for saying 'how long are you going to give this 4chan schizo attention' and made fun of him on stream as if he said it because he was just jealous of her giving other people attention
>whiteknights/antis start arguing in the thread enabling her behavior
dumb bitc h cant just ignore emails
i am, i'm supporting her friend since she won't
she didnt ignore my initial refund email ^_^
uoooooooooh girl on girl ryona SHONDO I AM MASTURBATING RIGHT NOW
can you post it? i want to read
its funnier if you convince yourself to believe its not true.
shondo you realize what a 'john' is when it comes to a woman right? syadouClueless
yeah me
how is ft the only normal person in her family
FT and the older critter cause you never hear stories about them like this
god her entire family is so fucking mentally ill
>congratulations, you won!
>visit her family
>three different girls all physically assault you
>her brother calls you a pedo
>her grandmother wont let you sit down on any of the furniture or touch anything
Stop, I can only get so aroused
Oh boy here we go again
>I need a carer
It has never been so over.
God I can't imagine having to deal with her entire neurotic family. Winning just isn't for me.
god i want to slap her so bad right now
there's nothing wrong with living with your family why does she feel the need to justify it so hard? she literately got one guyed
its an american thing
they kick their kids out as soon as they hit 18
wanting to be independent isn't a fucking american thing, lol. people are just coping hard because they're too retarded to live on their own or because they're poorfags. turns out that spending your entire life watching tiktok doesn't get you ready for any sort of responsibility.
Theres many americans who push the idea that you have to move out of your parents house the moment you turn 18 or you're just a leech. It's a fucked up mindset and people wonder why so many young adults gets stuck in debt for most of their life.
she doesn't want people to move out to save money (that might be donated to her)
cute newfags don't know that she tried to move out on her own at one point syadouHehe
you are a product
keep consooming
>using your mom to get attention
worked for the last guy xdd
she will move in with me and i will allow a maximum of 2 (two) family members to accompany her. shadowmama has her john now so it will be FE + 1
>>84628787 (me)
I am American, she was one guyed
maybe if you want to date or start a family but if you don't you're wasting money
why are you getting defensive?
>just move out the second you're 18 with zero time to build any savings or prep for living alone and handicap yourself with a fuck ton of bills for nothing. at least you'd be "independent" though!
this. they wear their debt like a badge of honour as well because it shows how much of a big independent adult they are. sub 50 IQ mindset
am i? or are you getting defensive?
or how toloveru is her favorite manga
so many people not getting an 'i love you too'
Good afternoon Shondopolis! ^_*
if you want to fuck women you should move out, if you don't want to then don't

simple as
>no u
you're kind of making my case for me as to why you're still living with your parents
to love ru is super interesting
she hated me again tonight but now she loves me again
gold digging whore is going to start spamming merch and then ditch everything
Thank you thread reading Shondo!
>thread points out Ray's song never being used
>uses it today
doko brb screen koko
why would i argue with you
muricans are brainwashed to think that they are free
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love that brb

chibishon truly is my universe
i'm not american though...
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you're just as bad as shondo is making assumptions
i could move out i simply choose not to
if shondo would move in with me i would move in a heartbeat
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moving out is nice if your family is as suffocating as shondo's
she was reading the thread while people oinkposted
she knows exactly what you're doing
as soon as an american is born
>foreskin stolen
>money stolen through hospital prices(life long)
>money stolen through education(lets be real life long unless you get a good job)
>money stolen through housing
>money stolen through groceries (low quality high price)
thanks for showing you didn't listen to any of the convo about when she wanted to move out on her own
i cant wait to oink and get away with it DOOMSmile
I'm talking about my own experience and observations about her family not what she told herself before or after vtubing
messed up dewd... WeirdCat
i would like nothing more than to respectfully kiss her perfectly cute forehead and then eskimo kiss with her cute oinker while lying together in bed
being forced to give away all of your money to the state though? now that's based
she's /here/ she's going to know the implication of oinkposting and actually get upset
oinkposting was always endearing, dont let the antis win
its literally her best feature
Americans give their money to the state too

the state of Israel
yeah but that money gets used to serve me(mostly)
unlike with americans where it just ends up in some rich guys pockets
Low effort bait mate
well at least you're admitting to being a worthless leech
>truth is bait
ok Shlomo, I love my tax dollars being sent across the globe to fight a war against two countries I don't give a flying fuck about because 2.4% of the population controls 99% of the banks.
i would never oink post, that is just mean
so true anon she should live on her own as a severely mentally ill person and put her life in the hands of a random carer that's likely to not give a fuck about her or just throw her in a mental hospital instead of her family who she trusts :)
the problem is it started as an anti post so i get where both you and the other anon are coming from
You're not wrong but >>>/pol/
that random carer? me
so you wont oinkpost but will post about the bee bee sea and sexpest her younger sisters? :c
kys then if you hate being an american so much? what's stopping you?
It's not fair I'm mentally ill and no one gives a shit, she gets all the support in the world
I'm glad she does I'm just sad about myself
Bee Nise
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you doubted my stripper wrangling oinker advice
>Criticizing the financial decisions of the country = hating the country outright
now THIS is bad bait. America is crumbling from the inside and nothing is being done about it. Instead they'd rather try and distract the people through wars and media.
boring ahh stream
i dont do that either
good thing i'm spending time with my wife instead of watching a stream right now
what are you doing about it? oh nvm, only everyone else other than you should do something
weird lie
I want to fuck Shondo’s younger sister
I'm not in a position of power to do anything about it. The idea that one person can singlehandedly change decades of corruption is a pipedream. It's something that needs to be fixed slowly over time and no politician is brave enough to take the first step.
i'll do something right after i consume more vtubers
politicians are a reflection of the people that vote for them
you're such a fucking faggot
If you're talking about local politicians than yes. I can tell you Trump and Kamala don't reflect me at all but thats what happens when your choices get dumbed down to the far right or the far left.
can you fuck off back to /pol/ please?
>The idea that one person can singlehandedly change decades of corruption is a pipedream
I'll do it
good luck
the pigman DOOMSmile
Yeah this is boring but the first one was even worse because it was random sounds instead of animal sounds.
youll never be schizo email man with that attitude
the first one was kino
this one is kino
the next one will be kino
wanna complain? say it in chat
I love her
Shondo is past her prime, her sister however. Smile
Internet pooped itself a little while ago so I stopped watching, I was looking forward to this stream... But now i myself am pooping, so maybe it was a good thing
gary please
it in chat
does she sound different? like ever so slightly off? am i schizo?
>anon discovers microphone settings
thinking only some elusive "perfect politician" (KEK) can fix your life for you might be one of the saddest deflections of responsibility i've ever seen lmao. you will suffer until the day you die because of your retarded way of thinking and you have nobody to blame but yourself
cant believe shes lying about her voice
95% of problems are outside of your control entirely
Shigga did you even read the post? Nothing in that post implied a "perfect politician". It's literally say "take the first step" meaning only one has to set the precedent for others to build upon yet none of them are willing to do that because it's easier and more favorable to not rock the boat and keeps things the way they are currently.
not me. but based if shes not as anorexic and mentally unstable as her older sister i guess
i will win and marry fallenshadows pilot in real life and live happily ever after with her on a small farm somewhere in the north of england with lots of aminals and crops and trees and our beautiful children
what you're saying doesn't change anything though? at the end you're still giving up and refusing to do anything with your life because those heckin politicians won't make the world into the world you want to live in. how dare they. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. keep fucking whining and suffering for the rest of your life, you worthless fucking insect
you complain but what do you expect them to do
Despite spending ridiculous amounts of money on food, her entire family is a bunch of anorexic people with retarded diets, including FT.
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It's almost like British food isn't filled with chemicals like American goyslop.
huh, did she lose weight?
good for her
honestly would and squeeze it constantly
Stop posting about yourself denpa
her sister only eats beans theyre all insane
cute other than her breasts tb h
i feel like i've seen these tits before
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>purityfags clenching their pearls learning that the girl who schlicks to Ryona clips is friends with a slut.
she isnt really friends with her though denpa just latched onto her and theyve spoken a little
melty in 5
we know tuffy
could just say you want to watch nina's stream shondo
why did she end already? i was making dinner so missed the last 20-30 mins
headache because of critter punching her
dumb bitch, can't even stream
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>ends stream early so shoggas can watch Nina's 3D debut
Can't fool me Shondo, I know you're just being a good friend. That's really cute I love you.
Nina's 3D model looks cursed as hell. Shondo is spoiling us with her high quality assets.
looks fine imo
I really couldn't care less abou nina.
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Shondo is friends with everyone. At least she tries to. She's a bright light in this dark world.
streaming is very very difficult job okay. you wouldn't get it
all the OF girls are somewhat chubby, i've seen 2 that are so edited it looks like they drew an anime chin on themselves
denpa's new model is really cute guys... oh no... i might... oh no...
>post about british food, brings up american food
rent free
last for pressing my face into denpa's soft tummy
big fan of the bbc dildo
cooking stats
Americans are fat for a reason anon. It's the slop you called "food". Even Shondo admitted she gained weight during her week long american trip from the food.
thanks shondo, i will enjoy Nina's tiny soft jiggly neeners
Knew she would end early
its because it has actual flavor
i'd be a twink too if the only food available was boiled turnips and tinned beans

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