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Thread #413
Previous: >>84281737
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Love me hags
Lolihag bnnuy's guerrilla boatgirls
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Luv my tubby hag wife
Miosha sex!
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Feeding hags
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I need chubby botan art
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how long are hag's legs ideally?
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WAO! /hag/!
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I like Botan and her supermodel legs.
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dont die
/hag/ plays against /rrat/ for our first match on VTL7 at 17:40 UTC
I was driving.
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I will be at my mother's so you won't catch me on Cytube but I'll do my best to catch it live.
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Darling Daily Dose

Wait /mion/ exists as a team again?
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did u guys see subaru's new cover. i think its funny when hags sing songs meant to be sung from the perspective of high school girls
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Just watched it. It was cute and I'm in support of anything which gives us art of hags in uniform. While we're on the topic of covers I will use this opportunity to shill my oshi's most recent one.
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what kind of voice did your kami-hag do, anon?
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Oh fuck deredere Watame. I need to listen to that.
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Dios Mio it's peak. The detail on those nipples is glorious.
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I liked her cover today.
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Oh nice I didn't see it before
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Cheering for HoloSex.
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First goal of the league was scored by a hag. This is a good omen.
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It's our turn! let me see your hag face!
I will probably be listening in for a large portion since I'm having dinner with family but go /hag/!
Is that Good Ending with the baby Botan on his shoulders? I love it.
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That's my hag on the pitch!
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Strong start.
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We're doing good, HOLD THE LINE
Pekomama is saving everything so far what the heck
Lui league?
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We started strong this league
there was a problem with catbox and Beebs had to use our last league sound export. this will get fixed for next match
No worries. Let's keep up this momentum.
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The backs of /hag/
No babies but they got back.
Another gem from this new hag artist
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that looks nice, followed. how many hag artists do we have now?
Those old ladies deserve a good spanking!
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I slept through our match. How long does it tend to be before the matches go up on >fun ?
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a few hours after the day ends, you can still go back and watch the match in the current livestream btw
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Why is she like this?
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I want a wife like this
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Imagine naked apron Watame... I'd die...
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messy bun and naked apron would have me at my knees
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Need short haired hag wife
Me too, man.
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Real af bro's
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Mio has to be a mom... it can't be...
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Brazil Miosha...
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One of the few times I felt patriotic
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woah there wait a second dont die
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I wanna wake up next to this big cat
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big cat (for you)
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This explains why she was killing at divegrass yesterday
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link to this vid?
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can someone send the VOD for divegrass?
Our match is about 50 mins in.
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Sex with Pekomama!
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/ag/ will play divegrass today, would love to see some cheering from our mother (sister?) thread
What time?
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20~30 minutes from now iirc
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Thank you for the heads up.
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You guys actually won, wow
Catbox finally came back and GOD DAMN
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>leather boots on a hag
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My face belongs buried in there while she rubs the back of my head and we fall asleep together
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Hags doing sports?
Latina lolihag bnnuy's monster hunting
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I'd watch football if the players looked like this.
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Me being squished
I wish that was me
i'd love to knock up friend
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Darling Daily Dose
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So blow load there or just insert there?
Put face there and fall asleep.
sex with hags on the beach
I'd rather it be elsewhere, sand can be annoying.
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The beach is a pretty big place generally.
Not sure what they call them but sex with hags in one of the wooden platforms or whatever else would be great.
Or just in one of the changing stalls, sex with hags on the beach is versatile.
Damnit why can't Hags be lusting after my attention to an insane degree?
Probably the lack of mind control powers. Damn brat!
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For me is sex with hags on the beach while her friends are distracted
Sex with evil hags
What makes them evil.
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Lion birthday stream, seems to be a copilation of her previous birthdays, the real event will take place on the 28th I think
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Unused wombs
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So nostalgic. Gokisei were the first debuts I watched live.
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Later today debuts /mion/ on VTL7, consider supporting the Prime Hag's team

PS this is /hag/'s new kit
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they only ever use their boobs and butts for evil purposes
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woah MAMA
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Watched the divegrass VOD

Beautiful switch of tactics, wonderful representation, and WE ACTUALLY HAVE A DECENT GOALIE
I assume all of you laid out the red carpet for Mio and Pekomama, outstanding match demolishing the zoomers
watching the classics with a hag...
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Time for /mion/'s debut!!
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Damn hags, acting cute and needy
Will they be as deadly as our BIG GOALS MIO?
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I just want to shower a cute hag with love.
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I think they prefer baths
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Mama missed Asamio, she's still sleeping...
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the wolf is up
/hag/ no!
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gomen, I've been very tired and lazy today. I need hag energy

Also, I just got reminded of Botan's "Be the One" cover, I need ot hear the kino again
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You think she stinks good?
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The fox is clean
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Darling Daily Dose (feat.Senchou)
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In any moment a hag didn't read me the right way a number of women may have been beaten in retribution
what the fuck are you on about
I'm too ESL to try decipher this ancient riddle
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Dont worry anon not even my english or knowledge of zoomer brainrot words could figure out what the fuck that means
I simply need more context to why he's beating women for not understanding him
Maybe its supposed to be read like this
>In any moment a hag didn't read me the right way
>a number of women may have been beaten in retribution
Still dont really know what that means tho lmao
If I had to make a guess
>hag doesn't read him the right way
>eventually ends up with some cruel person and gets hurt because of it
But I have no idea.
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Makes sense to me
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Hags should be BANNED from washing themselves
I have a pretty big scent fetish but do you really want your hag feeling self-conscious and disgusting around their co-workers?
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bold of you to assume I'd let my hag work.
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Inui Toko's outfit reveal and karaoke
Today at 20JST
And she will post a MV at 21.30JST
Oh, and today is her birthday
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The stream has started
I have it on my second screen while doing some brain-dead work. All of the songs on the Nornis album sound really nice. This is my first time seeing the lyrics on screen for karaoke. English Toko is very nice. Just is my luck I probably won't be able to stay for the reveal since I have to go load some pallets onto a truck.
>This is my first time seeing the lyrics on screen for karaoke
It's normal for karaoke supported by DAM I think
And yeah, she has nice English pronunciation when she is singing
I will post the outfit here later
Thank you.
Damn. This hag has swag.
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Cute Pol
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