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I love Ina!
Imagine still having kiara as your oshi after getting her ass beat by gigi
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Kiara threw both matches so maybe it was fate
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hey man
finally, at last, orange women ...good
Kiwawa got cocky... she won so much she decided not to contest that 2nd round where she had no health.
please someone make a new thread
My Ina!
is gg the best gamer in this server?
Gonathon redemption arc
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I love Mori!
Potato salads OP
Holy kek
Beat the shit out of Ame to help her remember!
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...you're welcome, Gonathan...
>"filler" episode
>its actually peak fucking cinema
They're going to give Ame brain damage until she remembers Jyonathan.
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Kiara would have won if she equipped her damn sword.
if she's a knight and a nun does that make her a templar?
Are they jumping Ame in?
You’re the reason why anons can’t funpost
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Why do we feel?
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My Ina's revelation is wet...
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>Ame screaming artistically being reminded she is Pearl
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This is a pretty dumb direction ngl
>Ina just squirted all over Ame to help her remember
>smell my revelation
Ame being noisy...
Justice showed me that
>European women can be cute
>Orange women can be funny and entertaining
>Pink women can be cute
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HARK! You are in the presence of Sir Gonathan with a G. Slayer of Harlots.

You must kneel!
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You look lonely.
>The trials at the gallows is the final ending for Chapter 1
I'd kneel so hard
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>NinoIna, KosekiBijou, and Friede beating the shit out of Jyonathan to get her memory back
it's happening!!!
IRyS wouldn’t have thrown. She would have beat the shit out of GG and forced her to join her harem.
>Kiara wins
Anons shit on her for ruining it
>Kiara throws for the sake of the RP
Anons shit on her for ruining it
You know, it's easier to just say you hate her and want to shitpost about her than doing this roundabout shit. I shitpost about Kiara all the time, but I don't feel the need to do whatever that was.
Jyon Watson... may still be here...
>Iname is beating her so she regains her memoires so she can be with her true love instead
Iname really is always crazy huh.......
I love both wawa and gigi
by the rule of transitivity, Gigi is now the Gamer of EN
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Gura cute Gura cute!
For someone who's been watching it all, who has the best story arc in the RP server?
>Everyone (me included) bitching about lack of kino and bad RP in the first few hours
>Gigi, ERB, Biboo, Ame and Ina log in
>Suddenly arguably best episode
I'm sorry for doubting
Kiara is a necromancer!
>regains her memory
>leaves to get a burger
Biboo, Ina and Mumei are trying to make Ame remember
Kiara winning would have been unironically more kino had they played their cards right, the plot is too plain like this
Kiara just threw, nothing about rp
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Kiara threw for plot reasons.
Gigi, easily.
Kiara fuck off, nobody cares
shes fighting off the fungi that have taken over her brain..
Gonathon hands down
Ina is being overly racist against Amber Coin members...
gonathan by far
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Gigi without question
Is it okay for Ina to be so racist towards all amber coins?
Ina was about to unleash a wave of slurs against Ame for the simple possibility of her being in Amber Coin
She berfed a chicken
>Kiara got a Scarlet Wand lawyer
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<-- moomi
is it true Kiara would've won if she didn't throw for the RP
Gura missed out on this kino.
No way, tried and true for a reason.
Kiara really threw...
>Fauna actually hates her fans
No, only me, and you, specifically.
tomorrow frfr
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Man it's a real testament to how good Gigi is at storytelling that it's making me, a diehard Gurameschizo sad that she's no longer with Ame. God bless you Gonathan with a G, your story will never be forgotten.
gigi beat everyone's ass, thoughevest?
Gonathan and it's not even close
Cover... i kneel...
This is one of the top KINO events in EN history...
surely gura built it for a reason and it'll be used one time right
But then the thread would've been nothing but Kiara seethe until the next day of ENreco.
GG, following by my fapping arc
Biboo is gonna convert moomi now
It would have been funnier, I'll admit
Honestly i think so too. Then Ame came up and said she remembered everything just for Gonathan to break down
I've been watching ERB all night and I have no idea what the fuck everyone is talking about
That showdown was kino.
shame that it's going to be schizoposted to shit on Kiara nonstop for the next 24-48 hours but at least we can enjoy GG's triumph and the storyline surviving for the moment
Beautiful song, beautiful Ao-kun
Gonathan is entrenched in all the main and side plots
Gigi didn’t beat any actual gamers
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>Kiara was 1 battle away from game jacking the main plot
Thank god Gigi won
This, but unironicaly...
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Nerissa is laywer to her own murder trial
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She literally did not hold her sword until after getting hit.
She absolutely threw that last match.
>Takanashi Karia
GG doesn't even remember Kiara's name...
The hell is wrong with you?
The way Ame's been going about the memory recovery is kinda lame
Gonathan is literally the protagonist
Have you seen her pov she was barely moving
I am really invested in Gonathon's character arc
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To be expected from a waitress.
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Matthew 5:28
But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart.
>We are here for the cadse of Nerissa Ravencroft's murder
>On prosecuting side we have Gonathan G
>On defending side we have Shakira of the Oranges, as defended by Nerisaa Ravencroft
>Let us begin
Whose laws are they going to use at the trial, exactly? Which Kingdom's?
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kek, actual oblivion interaction.
>Good day!
>Good day!
Gura would've logged off hours ago even if she did play today
Gonathan deserves better than that harlot Ame
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Hey same
Knight in shining arbor
Ina is breaking her promise not to tell
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She did say she wanted to use it before Chapter 1 ends
ERB and Gonathan are both fantastic.
fucking kek Mumei
Gonathon keeps revealing Bijou's secret to people who've already figured it out...
I want to kiss Gonathan on the mouth with a G
Kiara winning vs Mumei was enough for me, it further develops the double agent plot line
It's amazing to me that she's only been here for less than three months. She's truly something special
Anyone who says anything other than Gonathan is the biggest contrarian this thread has ever seen.
idk gigi as the put upon reluctant wife mightve been kino
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My Ina will put Biboo out of her misery...
I thnk Ame is waiting for someone to persue her beloved so spice things up a bit
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They're gonna organize something for tomorrow, the special episode
I mean, you can watch her POV I guess, from hers it looked like she was throwing. Props for Kiara I guess? Even if it caused schizos to shitpost about her.
I can't take this event seriously when Joshua Graham could defeat them all with his .45.
Moomi is now a Dark Knight
Gonathan story makes me cry unironically(sad cry)(real)
GG. Kronii would've tied her if she hadn't had to leave two days ago.
Thread wouldve gone to shit if Kiara that duel won
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>Ame greeting them and everyone else is crying while she has no idea why
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Who here /believes/
Mumei INSTANTLY joined Biboo's stain plot
The true MC of Enreco
Even Ina is heartbroken
>Shakira wins
>Gonothon With A G is forced into an arranged marriage
>Jyonathan Watson gets his memories back
>Gonothon With A G is whisked away into servitude
>Jyonoathan challenges Shakira
>ping spell assails him and he loses
>can neither kill the king nor save his knight
>Jyonoathan's only recourse is to side with Biboo and the stains
>Chapter 1 End
>This is so heartbreaking
Ina... Ina... Ina...
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fare thee well... pearl...
didn't heal for the second match, didn't equip her sword until she was hit first. She threw it.
Moom immediately joins the evil side lmao
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Gonathan is in shambles
>Kiara demands to be defended by the victim herself, Nerissa Ravencroft
This is Ace Attorney levels of kino
But gonathan already knew. Or at least already heavily suspected it
Mumei should let me sniff her ass
>NinoIna crying in empathy
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Sex, like always.
Ina's one of us, sobbing over the Gonathon arc.
...Is Ina crying too?
You mean Kiara threw
>The Heroes of the Kingdom are all Sad Girls
I wanted it to happen so bad
don't get too sad they're just doing the setup of Gonathan and Jyon Watson for chapter 2
Gigi may have won the battle but it was for naught.
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her memories WILL return
I don't like that they're forcing the memory recovery, it was better as it was
Kiara... your plot reps
Poor gonathon

(My love for gigi is rising exponentially)
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Mumei is Stain Princess Bijou's Dark Knight!!!!
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anon schizos spamming in a kygyyzstani goat milking forum don't fucking matter
This is a soap opera for balding ojisans
kek kiara you retard
Chat railroading hard
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>Didn't heal in the second match
>Didn't hold her sword until being hit in the third match
Not sure if she threw, but she definitely was being too much of a pon.
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>The girls are crying from Ame & Gigi romance plot.
>We are crying from Ame & Gigi romance plot.
Sex with top Mori while middle rims me
>Debuts 2 months ago
>Speedruns Kronii's social links
>Able to get Ame to play along with RP
I'm sorry Gigi Murin, I was not familiar with your game
unironic absolute kino
>Consider that we don't have to kill her, just take off her hat
>Maybe we could behead her
WTF Kiara?
Almost like Kiara knew. She didn't have her sword equipped and was standing still
There are too many plot lines, how do I keep up
Ame was literally too shy to interject during the arena, that's why it felt strange.
But it's one of the few times she has tried to perform though her shyness so i'll allow it
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Holy Fuck, to people had zero expectations for this minecraft RP thing
this is fun but we're going to have Kiara vs GG posts for 4 more years
I bet if Ina said she'd feed Biboo mouth to mouth then biboo would agree
Voice packs? No she just really hates you and me. She likes everyone else though.
At first yeah but thinking about it, a forced marriage arc would be fucking kino too
>schizos spamming
Stop blaming one single schizo when half the thread was shitposting about her
What are Nino, GG and the chicken doing??
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Peasant TheBae would not stand for any of this.
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I love Towa!
As a lawyer, i gotta say, this might be the most fucked shit ever that it almost sounds like fraud
What are Gigi Kiara and Ina talking about
one of the kinoest moment in the history of holoEN, really.
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You may be sad now, but we still have the public hanging to look foward to tomorrow!
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You are the only one here that's not having fun.
Yes. She's working you all into a shoot for the roleplay kino.
I think Ina is cute
im not balding
Anon.... Kiara's RP name is Tanakisha Karia....
The Dork Trio
I mean if you reattach it quick enough she'll be fine
Killing/curing Biboo
>doesn't heal for the second round
>Unequips her weapon for the third
Biggest deus ex machina I have ever seen, these scriptwriters are fucking hacks.
Imagine if Ame raids Gigi.
The way she's handling too is pretty bad, someone said Ame is too autistic to handle this plotline and they're were kinda right
Gura isn't on?
why is she so perfect bros
pure kino/10
unironically better story than the minecraft movie
but free.
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Beneath every cute girl is an Eldritch Abomination created by Civilizations sheer monstrosity.
can I get a plot summary of GG's storyline today I have no idea what's going on
Fuck there are too many factions now
What the fuck is happening where's the chart?
Fujos are just too powerful
I'm not balding yet
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Still better than Twilight.
Don't worry about it
>Kiara ruined the first half of the day
No one was forcing you to watch her, she was just minding her own buisiness, schizochama
I’ve never seen a post with so many unanimous (You)s before
I actually feel very bad for shitting on her killing the RP earlier.
I stand by what I said, but I'm sorry Kiara.
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My wife is a dark princess/10
Eh that would have been fun in its own way, I do agree that the schizos would've shat up the place though
ENReco IS the minecraft movie
Planning murder for the queen.
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No one wants to roleplay baddies with biboo
I disagree. With this setup now, we have a MEGA HYPE trial event happening tomorrow.
A seed of Shakira lusting after Gonathan has also been planted; next season, it can become a minor plot as Gonathan is now single and the most eligible bachelor (having won the tournament)
>Please message me through carrier pigeon
>You mean discord?
>Yes. the carrier pigeon named discord.
Holy kek gigi is seriously good at RP
Gonathan forced to marry Shakira, as Watson watches from afar after recovering her memories
How do we convince Cover to shut down all EN whores?
kek there was probably people who skipped today thinking nothing would happen
Why does it matter how many there are?
Eh, she’s giving it till tomorrow to actually decide, which is smart
It could be, if you were to believe that Ame had this much RP power in her, that is. And I don't believe that is the case.
Episode isn't over yet
>filler episode
>is the best fucking episode of the whole event
what did they mean by this
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If you do not believe, who will?
>Filler episode
>more interesting than the Canon episode
>he fell for Ina’s acting
Her memories did return, that's how we got here.

The true path to happiness is for GG to get her memories back and shack up with CC.
>raids gigi
>carrier pigeon named discord
how is gonathon so witty
My Ina is being railed
Oh shit, nice job man
Post it on Twitter so I can retweet it
Ame raid...
Who is the third pillar of the RP trinity?
Mumei immediately started her vlog and revealed she would betray Bijou and become the true hero of enreco, so shes not really aligned with her
>Top fucking kino RP going on
>Gura 100% absent from it
>Kronii gone
>Fuwawa going full sightseeing mode
MAN, having blue oshis has not paid off AT ALL during this event
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They should make Holo EN: The movie
I feel Gonathan winning the tournament in memory of his lost beloved would've been a proper send off for that story
This should've been the minecraft movie
>ERB raided Ina
>Ame raided GG
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>Raids Gigi
>Ame raided GG
>Kiara is still going to get Gigi
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Fucking retarded discord fucking up their raid bullshit. Look at this dumbass
That was Kiara
It cannot be more fucked than this, can it?
Ame raid... but it doesn't hit quite the same anymore...
The best episodes are when Gonathan gets things to do
>How fares you
>I fare
I love their butchery of the English language.
Unironically ERB.
Gonathan has a Phoenix hunting her now
Ina no don't betray Biboo!
Mumei is a dark protagonist who will fall to corruption. Trust the plan.
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This is the Goku and Piccolo get their drivers license of HoloEN.
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>the "filler" day is the best episode of ENReco
Ina's gonna drug Biboo and rape her...
Did you miss mumei monologuing to herself immediately after that she’s gonna defeat bijou
(With bijou listening in on the whole thing)
She's going to save her!
There are layers to what you fucked up here
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The thread will go to shit regardless because one dude here wants to be angry at Kiara for the rest of his life.
But I think it would be funnier if Kiara won.
just because you're samefagging doesn't mean everyone agrees with you you fucking neandethal
You faggots would've been shitting on her 100x harder if she didn't throw and actually won the final fight, fuck off.
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Wooden shovel
I think Ina should take a shower in the movie and you see her nipples and everything and then she gets attacked in her bedroom by a masked fellow with a claw gauntlet.
Nah it would've been really kino is Gonathan was forced to marry Shakira then Watson regained her memories during the wedding ceremony
To be fair to Kronii, if she didn't set up Gonathan's entire character as the pure of heart loyal knight in the first 3 days, we wouldn't have gotten this far.
jwu, so today was a filler? should I skip?
>""""Filler"""" Episode
Dude this episode was packed
This shit is moving too fast lmao is she even streaming?
She was probably comfortable with losing, but honestly nothing happened that wasn't consistent with a nominal birdbrain moment
Yeah I don't think she has the right read on this one, I think maybe someone sent her a message to slow her roll on it because she backed off a bit during the tournament. We'll see if they drop it after tonight.
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Is this sense of kino what 12 year olds felt when they watched yogscast?
Biboo and it's not even close
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I didn't see the povs for the whole Ame Gigi plotline but I can tell the outcome today was extremely funny and kino
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Reminder: There were fuckers here who said this event will be a slop and it will ruin everything
Yeah, but that shit ain't easy, she's genuinely trying her best.
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he's got Canadian funny money, bare brown feet and a bottle of warm fanta.
no she did her vlog thing a few feet away from Bijou and Bijou watched and heard the whole thing
Last day Kronii will return and fuck the shit out of Gigi.
I hope Jyon never returns. I love suffer kino.
There should be a lot of low-shots too so the scenes can be artistically enhanced with Ina's butthole.
Bijou is going to play Violet during the final battle. Ina is screwed...
>Nerissa got killed
>he missed the kino
pure kino
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I think understand why zoomers like Dream SMP
Shitposters shitpost regardless
She said a couple of times that she was recovering her memories but Gonathan couldn't hear her because she was too quiet
Id say the trinity is Gigi/Biboo/ERB

Kronii planted great seeds but she's gone
So if it’s more than one shitposter it must be a fanbase behind the shitposting?
I didn't watch her though
Wait when did Biboo become a crazy corrupted stain infiltrated in the kingdom
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Who thought it was a good idea to summon a dope to an isekai world?
I was 20
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Literally the only episode with a cliffhanger for tomorrow's episode
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JGH, gimme the QRD for what's happening on day 6 so far
Man, you dont understand how much i loved the jaffa cakes factory, the baked bean moon mission and Voltz
It's literally not that hard to check the thread when Kiara won the first fight and see anons already shitting on her and saying she's ruining the RP, anon And you can't cope about it being "one person" since most of the posts were close together and under a minute. The thread was going to absolutely be a dumpster fire if she didn't throw.
Gura wasn't there so it's a filler for me
Kronii isn't going to have her family cut the vacation short to come back to this.
You talk like Yoda.
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What were shakira's crimes anyway besides being part of amber coin and attempting to ntri gonathan
>ENReco actual plot
We lost our Memories.
Oh no. We must recover them.

>ENReco RP Plot




Pure SOVL Kino...
>he doesn't know
Naw, max suffering Gonathan in a loveless marriage would've been kino as well
Fuck you for assuming
2 days ago when the stain hat took over her mind
At least your oshis are part of this, I hope Bae has fun during chapter 2
I've been skippa skippaing this entire ENReco thing, do /we/ actually think it's good or is this all one big meme?
Fuck the plot, the filler is literally the best part of Enrico.
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She saved a whole world, surely she can't be that dopey...
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>hits rock bottom
>wins tournament to get fighting spirit back
>Tomorrow shows a glimmer of hope
This shit is WAY too kino like what the fuck
Man I just realized I haven't seen a second of Fuwawa or Bae in this whole thing. What's going on with them?
seeing Gonathan get forced into marriage and childbirth would have been nice too
>The beans must flow
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You and your discord aren't a representative of this thread faggot
kek moom
That's how it works, yes
When it's so many people doing it it means it's other fanbases, unless you think there are that many schizos here
Gonna have to update that Ame/Gigi relationship
That's what makes her one of the pillars, she set in motion everything that's happening.
If anything there was absolute kino RP, although it takes a little bit for the ball to get rolling. As a Sapling I unfortunately must admit most things of interest are few enough that seeing from a different POV will give you all you need to know
wait what
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This was never about the Stains.....but the death of love......
I think she was ready to drop the marriage plotline after her memories return bit but when chat started telling her to remember she ended deciding giving it another shot because it was right after that when she started the whole bit about her head hurting.
It's actually going to be All the Evil in the World after NinoIna becomes Emiya Shirou and throws away everything to save Bijou
The Trial is a ploy to destroy the Bibok and save the Kingdom from corruption.
Is Mumei still in the server?
tell Kiara to watch The Borgias
why does this outfit look so indie?
Actually since day 1, but she acquiring the hat further increased it
It's actually pretty fun
allegedly murdering nerissa and ERB's child and then murdering nerissa
Gigi... the strongest Guramefag...
It's fun, but like all of these huge multi-day events, some fanbases get way more out of it than others.
This is going to end with Gonathan becoming Gigi and Cecilia mending her broken heart.
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It's Biboo
Watch Ame's stream.
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>literally missed kino just now
bro... just go back to sleep...
People really need to learn what filler means, this episode had some major character development.
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I love Morp but I hate this hooker slut outfit
GG is based, she seems to know the most kino way to go at this from now on is to just go as a loyal queen's knight with some dramatic backstory, and no memory recover cope.
>Nerissa making false accusations against Mococo
>Nerissa making false accusations against Kiara
Nerissa is literally Abigail Williams
>Even Kiara kneel to Gigi as the roleplayer of EN
I don’t want to see any of you niggers harping on about “Unity” after shitting on Kiara all night for “not role playing right”.
What discord? Should be easy to prove proof
it was, but it wasn't that funny if you followed the storyline. It was plain sad
It's one of the best things EN has ever done.
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>Gonothan goes full Revue Starlight and traps the girls in Enrico and erases all their memories for good
That's the trial?! I though it was for the defacing of the worm princess statue
I believe so yes
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>They think Ame will remember Gonothan tomorrow
>They don't think Gura will swoop in the opportunity and hijack the process of remembering and make Ame remember that she's Gonothan.
youre fucking insane, its one of the best mega massive interactions of all of EN. its pure fucking endless Kino
>after a fuck up of very blatant samefagging
KEK flopruntschizo
He NEEDS "fanbases" to act like people that can only watch one holo when the vast majority of people just click on the first live one of the fifty plus they're subbed to on their Youtube front page
kek her legit weakness
It would have been bad if she had recovered her memories in this episode, but Ame played with the references and gave her time even though the chat and the others would have wanted it to have happened today. There are only 2 server days left, they have to finish the story soon or it will never end
I can't enjoy RP
It's just so cringe, it's like a bunch of kids playing at school
>Kiara thinks GG and Erb will be great for Mori's TTRPG
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Either ERB or Biboo unironically
Can you imagine if Fauna streamed 2 hours after FST? I feel like she could've been a big part of these kino events if she was only present.
she became obsessed with getting a hat and fell prey to the hat of corruption
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I Performed a Magic Ritual to Summon a Hero to Save my Nation from the Demon King's Army but got a Dope instead?! An Unconventional Isekai Story from the King's Perspective!
100% a theater kid
>Tam Gandr is the future child of Gonathan and Jyonathan
>Who are no longer together

easily when the raven is also a witch
Mumei will be the last girl logged in, she'll be staying up all night building nana11
You're so close to figuring out that anything Kiara does will cause the retards in here to seethe, anon.
is this what women feel when they watch the soap operas on Amazon Prime?
I bet she's wishing she had the balls to do that
Nice cope lol
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It is genuinely the best large-scale event in HoloEN history, and I say that with confidence.

Is it perfect? No, some girls get more spotlight than others, but it is absolute NON-STOP mountains of top-tier content
It's better this way. Season 1 gets to have one definite full relationship arc in completion
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Why do people keep praising Gigi for this storyline instead of Ame? Ame is the one who came up with the idea to lose her memory. I swear you guys did the same thing with Kroni attributing all her RP to Gigi too.
Probably my favorite HoloEn thing so far.
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>isn't present in the slightest
>still wins
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>He wasn't a SipsCo Chad in 2012
was there a new dungeon today?
If not, is there not gonna be a finale or anything?
what's all this talk about gonathan losing? pls catch me up, I literally JGH
The trinity is Gura Fauna and Mumei
They're the only ones who have contributed
Watch it now. I've been Gigi pov the whole time.
It's a joke that ERB made because there's no new dungeon today
Mococo and ERB are closer than "Breadlady"
AmeGG requires a new special color, named K-drama shananighans
She intended it even before that. There was a small line after she interacted with Gigi that seemed to hint she was planning something with it.
I fucking wish. Gura has gone back to her ghosting mode.
>a pearl as beautiful as her must have someone waiting for them
yeah me
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Bae cute!
Ame just wants to drop the whole polygamy faggotry and go be with Gura.
It's fun as fuck.
>I've spent some time with her and it seems her memories will not return
Yeah Gigi definitely told Ame to cool it on the recovery plot. Good move.
Kronii too
>As soon as this ends the three of them hop on discord to cook
This sounds kinda like Shrek 2
it's silly fun. it's not a must watch for all but it's a good time for most
Biboo calling out the legitimacy of faunamart kek
Maybe that should tell you something about Kiara.
She started backing off then she accelerated it when Kiara asked to marry Gigi, but nobody heard what she said so she backed off again.
Lowkey hope this plotline gets dropped because the memory loss ending was good as it was, there's nowhere else this plotline can go in further chapters that isn't just repeating what we've already seen
> unless you think there are that many schizos here
That’s not really hard to believe
It's what, like 6 am for her?
I doubt whatever that is has nearly as much gay sex as ENreco
You really think nana11 is possible by herself?
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>imagine kiara vs fauna
it's worth it for the gonathan story arc
This shit is still missing biboo and Ina marriage
ERB, just look at her schizo intro animations.
Finale is on saturday
Tomorrow is another "catch up day" (RP kino)
I laughed my ass off when she was talking to liz about the tam statue and said she'd message her by carrier pigeon and liz panicked and ran outside so the pigeon wouldn't crash into a window.
>planted the seeds of NTR
>now all she has to do is harvest it
The burden of proof falls on you proving that it's multiple anons. There's plenty of screenshots of the egg discord if you're not a newfag tourist
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So... Is Mumei Bijou's ally or is against her?
No, it tells me something about the subhumans who shit on her
>Ina having to overcome her weakness of Violet do defeat the evil lord Bijou
That just would make for even more kino.
Seethe. The protagonist is always favored over the plot devices
You are literally saying that to someone who admitted to shitposting about Kiara all the time
genuinely watch it, today was the most kino day of all of ENReco
Gigi is the new Fauna in that regard.
literally better than Breaking Dimension honestly, and BD was awesome
Ame lost her memories as Jyonathan when she regained her memories as Ame
imagine if Ame falls for gonathan again but in chapter 4 when it's time for Gigi's dungeon Ame begs for gonathan to not go there so she doesn't remember herself as Gigi
Just Gonathan alone is worth it already
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Please explain how going schizo over how baked some cookies are is on Kiara?
Abso fucking lutely, you’re getting it good if you’re experiencing this in your 20s.
They both played it really well
Kiara, Gigi, or Ina, which one?
>more meetings
Let my Ina rest...
she was going for the sufferkino but shes not aware ame is now going for the recovery direction
how? gigi and kiara still streaming, need to waiting for the vod
No, but she's going to try for hours so she can avoid civ duties until she gets fed up and tears the whole thing down before she goes to sleep
Anons here are the only people in the world that act like that around Kiara though
That entire fight was just a lose/lose for Kiara, huh? She doesn't throw and she gets shat on for ruining the RP and the plotline. She throws for the sake of the RP, she gets shat on for losing and schizos create a new "Kiara vs" shitposting angle to spam until the end of time in the form of Kiara vs GG.
Nice flop samefag attempt KEK>>84599574
Do you have an (approximate) timestamp?
kiara HATES burgers
even then it says "Filler" so she's poking fun at the idea, which is also why she made a tournament arc.
Well, not as much in canon, but I believe the viewers would disagree, from what I understand
Read a comment on twitter that said "pearls belong to the ocean" in reference to this whole thing
Seems Gonathan agrees
yes, i hope Ame is listening so she doesn't pull a memory recovery plot twist
It was enjoyable to watch Gigi sell it so hard

Ame also played it fantastic
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Like in a duel?
I think Kiara washes her as long as she doesn't throw.
I hate meetings so much.
Nerissa is a witch
Makes me realize if Justice wasn't here, this whole thing wouldn't be as kino as it has been
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Even if Gonothon wins, in the end they still have to return to being Amelia and Gigi. They have their own ships. This meeting is fleeting as they both sail into the night in opposite directions.
i almost cried like a pussy
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Mumei will aid Biboo in wiping out the rest of the competition so she has the honor of defeating Biboo herself and taking all of the glory
Is Bae gonna speedrun all dungeons tomorrow?
500% this. those were the fucking DAAAAYS
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Ina will play tomorrow!
So now that Chapter 1 is ending, what game are they going to use for Chapter 2? More MC?
>Fauna missing all this kino because she's too stubborn to move her timeslot up and stay up
Both were great.
>youre fucking insane
I was genuinely asking, not trying to bash it or anything. I haven't watched any of it yet
Kissing Gonathan
would be better if it wasn't koikatsuslop.
is there any art of corrupted princess Bijou?
Any criticism of any holo is unreasonable, unironically
You suck at detecting samefags
It's sad seeing you cope
>I swear you guys did the same thing with Kroni attributing all her RP to Gigi too.
literally nobody did this retard
Ame just wants to hang out with Gura the way they always do, I dunno if they'd have it in them to larp about being in a relationship. For Ame, its probably easier to do that sorta thing with someone she's friendly with but doesn't really know.
Fauna will put Kiara in an amazon press and drain her dry.
it would have been great and could have easily still swung back to ame/gonathan by ame remembering everything and getting mori to divorce gonathan and kiara
Gigi was the best addition to HoloEN in recent months
It's the best Large Scale Minecraft RP since Dream SMP.
Of course. But it's been really fun.
That she causes brown monkeys to seethe?
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"The Pearl Lost, The Knight Bound"

Hwæt! Hear the tale of a knight so bold,
Loyal in heart, both steadfast and cold.
For love he fought, his pearl so fair,
Whose bright laughter did fill the air.

A bathhouse she kept, gleaming with grace,
And there they dwelt in joy's embrace.
He carved for the Queen, with hand so true,
A statue tall, the heavens blue.

But fate, cruel fate, in shadow crept,
While in the sewers, his pearl she stepped.
When she returned from that dungeon deep,
Her mem'ries gone, like mist they sweep.

"Who art thou?" quoth she, with eyes anew,
And in his heart, the dagger flew.
Yet with a smile, broad and wide,
He masked the grief he could not hide.

His love, his joy, now but a shade,
In mem'ry's vault alone they stayed.
HUZZAH! he cried, with voice of cheer,
But his heart was cracked, his soul unclear.

For though she lives, his pearl is lost,
Her true self found, at sorrow's cost.
The knight stands tall, his smile aglow,
But within, the winds of sorrow blow.

And thus he fights, his armor bright,
For love once known, for endless night.
The past he clings to, never shown,
In silence, grief—forever his own.
It will be better if she chooses it after she regains her memory.
haha, yeah, my 20s...
>raora has a baby giggle
she is mumei
which game offers as much customizability as Minecraft?
They gave them some extra days for the people who are late for the dungeons, the day after tomorrow (or tomorrow for some people I guess) is the finale, so they have another day for RP and probably the last one since the last day will be packed up for the last event maybe
Based. Love Wawa, the true main character of hololive.
definitely the fandom has shipped the fuck out of dream smp players. just search ao3, that fandom probably has the 3rd most fanfics written about them on the entire site
her last two Enreco streams she complained about not getting enough sleep. there's no way she's taking an even bigger axe to her sleep schedule and staying up.
She's setting up that even if Ame says she remembers, it's over
>Even if she remembers, I should only be a fond memory. Surely she has someone waiting for her, as beautiful to her as she was to me.
That was a retard from here
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Fauna needs 18 hours of sleep a day, she cant stream outside her timeslot
Yeah, sadly my oshi has an impeccable sleep schedule. At least she's being active and doing stuff, which we sadly can't say about others
>trying to accuse /ameg/ of not praising Ame
Well she’s still streaming so no. But it was immediately after their conversation and near the end so it shouldn’t be hard to find
whichever requires less effort
dungeons and dragons?
Shitposting for days
It si the most fun I have had with EN gaming streams in literal years, Kronii, GG, Liz and Fauna are the best POVs to get a good idea of whats going on
you bought gigicoin before it went to the moon right?
ERB and GG are key
That SC was just as much from here as "condom money for conner".
holy boobers
Because it looks like it could be one of iron lung's 435 models
She doesn't want to interact with certain girls, that how frail she is.
I don't know why it's so difficult to accept that there are still a lot of hololive fans here that will seethe and shitpost about Kiara for the most mundane reasons
It's the same crowd that spams "MUTE" during totsus. You can't blame it all on one or two schizos
i wouldn't be surprised if multiple artists were already working on it
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Meetings must be constant and sudden. The talent's activities must always be interrupted at random intervals for maximum inconvenience of both the talent and the viewers. Such is the way of our people. Rules must be followed, fax machines must be worshipped. Things must remain the same at all costs.
No she didn't, stop making shit up
I'm pretty sure I've seen this post being used against Kiara before, do schizos nowdays just copy and paste their shit?
Gonathan and Jyonathan live on even after Gigi and Amelia stop sharing their story...
You can't help but fall back to your bullshit you dumb chimp. KFP mog and box your faggot raid all day without trying. You're shit just like your samefagging.
laugh at this loser
She's right
the one schizo that does that is so obviously from /here/ anon, who do you think are you trying to fool?
The long term storytelling
Both or she forgor
Gigi is a Guramefag who got to RP marriage to Ame for a few days and redirect it back to Gurame shipping. No one has ever won as much as her.
I’m sad that ERB isn’t doing it. Seeing how good she was has painted her in a whole new light for me. Maybe next time though. Mori is running Gun (fauna, biboo, Gigi) and an Enrec related campaign, so hopefully Liz will be in the latter.
shut the fuck up retard
Mumei is an Amber Coin spy and all Amber Coin are planning to wipe out everyone else from the face of the earth.
>Source: I made it the fuck up.
Not really
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seems pretty normal scene girl clothes honestly not that bad at all
No I'm not joking.
honestly this faggot seething reminded me of that time when orcschizo took her meds and admitted that all her doxx is all made up kek. They were literally seething and calling orcschizo a KFP psyop and it was hilarious.
She'll just have hard little eraser nipples like Milla Jovovich and you'll be disappointed
Gigi I kneel
Gigi is the best HoloEN period
so are we getting blu-rays of this kino?
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<--- cute
Mumei is chaotic neutral
I really hope this doesn't end up happening.

I get what Gigi is going for. I understand why she'd want to let things go back to the way they were.

But there was a spark between them that felt like something special. I adore Gurame, but she shouldn't have to abandon Gigi just because she's typically with the Goob. It's unfair.
It's like a vine boom in pictoral form.
It's so funny that some girls struggle hard with coming up with stuff to say on the spot when RPing, and Gonathan is out here just rambling nonstop without breaking character for hours.
It's a unique talent for sure.
If she doesn't sleep 15 hours she starts dying
>50 posts
You and your boyfriend posting with passes? kek
What's funny is it's actually the eggs that are universially shitted on. Shit on here, banned from Kiwifarms for being too annoying, laughed at when they asked for support from the Chinese antis, dunked on by twitter of all people.
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Mumei is like a quadruple agent at this point
That’s legitimately impressive jesus
she deserves praise for following Ame storyline instead of just "forcing" her memories back into her and killing the drama.

Also Kronii would've been nothing without Gigi/Biboo/Irys, she was a worse Raora but Raora doesn't have guildmates to support her
Gura carries again. Truly the Suisei of EN
reminder that this is the guy who always starts seething at Kiara and Fauna:

They really nailed it with Justice all being outgoing and being able to integrate with the full branch this quickly. I feel like Advent was still mostly sticking to themselves at this point except for like Nerissa.
You throwing a hissy fit for 4 years isn't "criticism"
I just really hate the whole "jacket falling off the shoulders" look
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No Stain Princess Bijou tomorrow.....
GG is so good at RP, I was hoping CC would be equally as good
Instead she's just evil, which is not much different from her usual self kek
Oh God the schizos will have a battle royale on who will be more obnoxious. Whoever wins we still lose.
True, they're all contributing a ton. The only ones who have done fuck all are Shiori, Fuwawa, and Bae (who disappeared). Everyone else has contributed to storylines. Shiori I get because she seems extremely disinterested in this whole project, but idk what the fuck Fuwawas problem is. Mococo has a contributed a ton with the whole lottery fiasco.
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hey girl
My Ina is enjoying her MMO autism again
You mother sucked 800 dicks
Didn't they also get shat on in the old lolcow threads for her RM since even they found her schizos annoying in them trying to constantly revive the thread?
What is GG yapping about kek
Stop replying to bait, retards. No wonder Kiara gets attacked so much, you reward them for doing it.
stop, it's too kino
Bro... it's RP. Wanna talk about it?
>He doesn’t know
tomorrow is going to be the real filler episode
Have you ever noticed your desperation always makes you stand out like a sore thumb on this? You're the only person so obsessed with bringing identity to an anonymous board by abusing that same anonymity
so she is gonna pull a majima
minecraft chapter is over, there might be nothing like this in chapter 2, or at least not this spontaneous
Are you still fan of someone if you spend more time posting about someone else?
I'll never not chuckle at Ina making random noises whenever she zooms by someone in town
Eating meat would literally fix this.
...her 3D really does make her look like a complete retard doesn't it...
I don't think you know what that word means.
sounds like how every schizo act
Ina will make sure true love wins
I haven't watched any Enrico yet
How the fuck do I catch up?
>there's nowhere else this plotline can go in further chapters
its ok to just say you are uncreative. let the girls cook
A week ago I was ready to drop some money on a silly holoEN themed game, I could not have imagine how much kino was coming
CC is in RP mode all the time she kinda forgot to actually RP for this and is just her normal evil self
>look like
No she a dope
Jesus bro, you are in for it...

it will be kino
Yes, all discussion was banned because of how obnoxious they are. Literally expelled from 109 countries because no one can stand them
>she was a worse Raora
I'm sorry but this is just objectively false when Kronii bullshitting her backstory was convincing enough to get multiple loyal servants still supporting her days after her departure, whereas Raora is kind of treated like a joke Queen even now.
Ina is going to save Bijou no matter what
damn he deserves some reddit gold after that many upboats amiright fellow redditor?
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I saw one
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Mumei is still riding around making horse sounds kek
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watch gonathan streams and a lot of clips
Gonathan is cute
don't bother and wait for the compilation in a month. or else watch your oshi's streams.
>Instead she's just evil
She should pair up with brain fucked Biboo
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evil woman
wait for the mega compilation
watch clips of it in the meantime
but what about the kingslaying plot? Ame forgot that too...
Honestly Bae just disappearing is one of the enduring moments. Fuwawa has literally done nothing. Shiori had a great moment with Gonathon yesterday trying too drag him down to their level.
When's the /u/schizo version of Gonathan and Jyonathan breaking up?
>you will never experience the previous absolute kino of ENreco live
i would kill myself
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I noticed today when watching Cece's Prey stream that it feels like she has ambitious plans of conquest in every game she plays lol
? Did GG say she doesn't want to go the memory recovery route?
Why do you have to shit on other girls just to gas up gigi?
They're all going to play a big round of popcorn storytelling.
CC is the one trying to put her on the throne to be Scarlet's puppet ruler
remember she's trying to put Bijou on the throne and control Bijou with the spell
Raora is queen like how Norton was Emperor of the United States
So Mumei is a triple agent for Amber Coin infiltrating Scarlet Hats and Bijou's stain faction?
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Today was really great.
No amount of thread shitflinging could ruin it.
The plot is the dumbest thing they've released in the past year, the RP is terrible, as if most of them hadn't even made it past primary school drama class. The yuri baiting, in fantasy terms, is more incestuous than a GoT Lannister family. But still better than the Last Jedi.
CC is good... she fights for justice...
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What’s their endgame?
How was ina during enreco, only seeing her viewpoint now
Kronii is probably fully naked on a Spanish beach right now.
>accusing me of being the schizo for daring to call out the shitposters
You do this everytime, it's getting boring
I don't know if it's more time, but whenever it's possible. It's just annoying
She tried to literally usurp the throne earlier.
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How much money has Gigi made in supas this stream?
I want to kiss Kiara's ass
Ina and Mumei are making dorky horse noises...
Kiara is so cute
Hey, she didn't exploit the shit out of the bag duping she found, she's allowed to use this one
She already is. She’s her knight and has a plan to control Biboo to give the kingdom to Scarlet Wand.
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>was planning to jerk off to Mori tonight
>jyonathan and gonathan plotline got me so worked up that I can't bring myself to do it
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You're so mad that no anon here believes you. So funny. Send another SC Manny. Go on and waste more money on a SC for your discord to pat your on the back and give you the validation nobody in real life will give you kek
So we all agree that Gonathan is the main character and Amelia is the main heroine
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No but seriously why did this get 800 upvotes in chat?
alright, the important question is:
Who is gonna win the Gonathon bowl now?
>The green one
>The fluffy one(Saw some spark between them)
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I know, I'm on top of her.
which really brings to mind who's really carrying the kino rp between the two, cc or gg. i think gg lays all the groundworks for their rp and cc just has to bounce back and it turns out great
fun things are fun
Yeah absolutely but Fauna did set herself up with NPC status knowing that she wasn't going to play late enough to embed deeply in the RP. Faunamart lead to a lot of early-mid chapter kino although now that the economy is broken its fairly obsoleted.
someone post Kiara's exposed forehead
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Ina is fattening up the quest master with potato salads
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she is already corrupted, so she is going to become double corrupted
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Amber Coin will re-unite at the end and win it all.
Trust in the plan.
I wish Ina would overfeed me with homemade potato salad and robbed me blind for each portion...
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>Gigi got to choose between being with her oshi or letting her ship continue
>chose both and won

I kneel.
Ina'nis, Gura, Bijou, Abyssgard, Murin, and Immergreen should press their chests together
>one of the enduring moments
It's not shitting on other girls when I say some of them struggle to come up with RP. Not everyone has the same talents and it's fine.
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But the innocent little animals uuuuuuuuuuuu
Could've sworn Kiara said she was supposed to end like 2 hours ago.
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>Miss Amelia Watson... my once Pearl...
that was pre sewers
pinged the entire discord
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>Is aggressively racist against Amber Coin
>Is also obsessed with money
Explain this, Takos
it didn't
who the fuck else would that be
Oh. Is that from Ina's? Lmao
The advertising for ENreco said that the story would be influenced by their decisions
pure autism
You sound like a /lig/ger
Gigi legit set this up herself yesterday though, she brought it up as a possibility after she clared Ame's dungeon. Wouldn't surprise me if GG suggested it to her on discord
I'm looking forward to the flood of super melodramatic fanart
They have divergent objectives
>Cecilia wants to use Princess Bijou as a pawn to control the kingdom.
>Stain Princess Bijou wants to use the stains to destroy the Kingdom
How do you see sc upvotes?
I would sacrifice every soul in this thread just to molest her a little bit
Kek seriously?
Why are you obessed with your boyfriend?
Now point me to the normal posts in the thread at the same time. Go ahead
Already moving to this part of the script, I see
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The idea is CC will go through with it while having no idea that she's placing the herald of chaos on the throne
I wouldnt call Ame a heroine, she basically cheated on Gonathan
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Sex thoughts
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>Is a Saberface designed by Wada Arco
>the most beloved rightful once and future ruler who united the kingdom and then it fell into disarray in their absence but they are destined to return and set things right after a long time
Bros... I just realized we overlooked another kino aspect of this story...
I figured they were staying in minecraft
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Yeah, this is Ceci when she actually breaks the role play
Eating protein would literally fix this.
Source - am vege but don't sleep 18 hours a day
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Bro same...
Huzzah, Tam Gander!
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Even if the thread is kind of spiraling, today was easily the best day of ENReco

Holy shit I'm actually physically tired from how hard I got invested, gonna lie down while listening to superchats
Literally brown hands typed that
They said from the start that the story would reflect the choices the girls made. I think they said that not expecting how off the rails this would go, but surely someone would have told them to stop plotting to overthrow the king if it was really a problem.
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Shit like this does more good than harm for Kiara.
I wonder if they'll pull a Rokka no Yuusha for the climax of Chapter 1 to set-up an active mystery element going into Chapter 2.
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> I don't know if it's more time
There are multiple threads where it’s just Kiara and one other Holo streaming. In that thread there will be more post shitting on Kiara than post about the other Holo streaming. Those post are from fans?
Call out of work or school tomorrow and get those VODs up on holodex and start watching, like now. Even then you might not make it in time.
There's a twitter artist that is both a grem and a teamate I follow. I can already see hear the typing when that happens.
>all hags
like 5 times the usual.
Probably because she answers in perfect full-in character
My Ina is rich!
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Same, I literally can't do it tonight.
>Kronii: offers a plausible explanation as to how her claim to the throne is valid, and conducts herself in a manner befitting a queen thus naturally garnering the support and admiration of her subjects like honorable Gonathan with a G
>Raora: I'M THE QUEEN MARIO BECAUSE I SAID I AM (and also has no real followers because KosekiBijou will follow anyone who offers her treats like a puppy)
Every decision is going to be accounted for, just like Mass Effect 3's ending.
We just won't know because they can't replay it and make different choices
So... there's going to be a super compilation of this whole story when ENreco ch. 1 is finished, right? if not I kill myself
Hopefully but it doesn't look like it
I'm loving this sudden stain arc Biboo's got going on so far
Always the same faggots shitposting here everytime. Same buzzwords, same falseflagging
To jew'd the jew, you must become one yourself and accept the darkness inside your heart.
Oh, I thought you literally meant Ame forgot. Yeah, I guess that's over... leaving only several other plots to overthrow the king in motion.
I enjoy CC lying to nearly everyone she comes across
kek, she definitely has ADHD
>CC's spell fails
>Bijou starts leading the kingdom to destruction
>CC now has to side with the rebel against the Queen of Darkness
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Regained memory Ame is somehow creepy here
I'd like to have a link to that artist so I can keep tabs on.
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We all agree?
True conquerors need nothing but strength and steel to assert their claim.
>I've been eating pineapples and kiwis for breakfast every day
Kiara's juices must taste divine.
It's really strange how robotic he is.
Probably gonna try to pivot to Kiara vs Mori or something next
I completely missed this, when was this setup? Today?
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She's actually pretty faithful considering half of the Kingdom wants to fuck her senselessly.
You prove that they were all unique people. I'm waiting. We have seen mass samefagging before even more than tour precious little attempt. You are just another runt schizo trying to grasp KFP's attention
ame far too high
Okay Ollie lmao
>from weaving devious schemes to "do you want to high five"
this freaking girl
Gigi is good but we need to stop sucking her dick so hard
Raora claiming herself as queen was kino in the sense of undermining Tam’s rule but does fall a bit more flat with her gone. The castle is actually great though
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based and same desu
And what proof would you need? Now go ahead and show me the normal posts
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>dark manny
I don't think we needed more proof of your skin tone Manny KEK
Her only knight already plans to betray her immediately lmao
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id at least move Nerissa and ERB up 1
CC's spell will fail because she's trying to control Bijou, but Bijou isn't actually the one in control of Bijou already, it's the hat. CC won't know that it failed though so she'll be going along with her until it's too late
Ollie, you ain't getting a 3 some with mori and kiara
ERB up one, Mori down one and it is perfect
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>from enemies to lovers to...strangers
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This. When I first heard of enreco and it being minecraft I could not imagine such kino happening. Feels like I just watched a good movie
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You're just like me...
>ERB in the middle
speedwatcher-kun I...
I thought that was weird too. Did she just miss Gigi that much
KiaRyS won
Such is the nature of evil
>carbonated pineapple
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Put ERB, Tam and maybe Beebs at the top too.
>tour precious little attempt
So mad you can't type lol
But are you vegan, this is important
The jew fears the takorai
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I had to go do some stuff after the Mori vs ERB match
Who won the tournament?
Biboo just started her villian arc though so I dunno if she's still with roara
why does gg look chinese here
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>Gonathon a loyal knight met a girl his Pearl
>they loved each other
>they fought for each other
>however Gonathon couldn't serve 2 masters
>while distracted the Kingdom was subverting and fell to degeneracy around him
>Upon losing his Pearl too a cruel twist of fate
>Gonathon lamented finding himself in a tournament chasing a criminal
>Gonathon began to reclaim his fighting spirit and overcame the tournament
>upon conclusion Gonathon swore and oath to destroy the evil that plagues the kingdom
>his heart still yearns for the happy days with his Pearl but his resolve to see the Kingdom purified has never been stronger

So Rides Gonathon with a G. The Orange. A Knight of the Kingdom.
Why didn't I see Bae playing? Is she ill?
Putting Mori on that level is doing a disservice
Oh god that hurts
>ERB not primary
listen, I know that Gonathan's story is riveting, and the obvious attempt to stir shit up by some shitcord, but we must not ignore the fact that Usada Pekora bought a FUCKING MONKEY!!
So Bijou and Gonathan keep being themselves when reading messages from their inner voices
What about the others?
Gonathon, but the hole in his heart remains.

Oh, just noteice
New Raden brainrot dropped
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Remember how people were saying that today would be the weakest day since it was a filler episode??? Where are they now?
>Kiara wants a mashup of Pinapple and Carbonated Love
Ina looks so happy while grinding kek
Yeah the castle is great and Raora was so funny with how dismissive she was of Kronii's arrogance, but as an actual Queen, she just doesn't have the aura to be convincing.
It also helps that Tam is hilarious as an Emperor with no clothes living on the edge with lies, whereas Mario doesn't have that plot.
>Ina fell asleep during the meeting yesterday which is why they had to post-pone it
What did she say?
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That Doll is precious
Don't forget that Hot Pink One also made a pass at Gonathan two days ago
Missed the streams today
Why are we all sucking homobeggar ERB's dick?
I love that gigi and Biboo keeps to the rp even by themselves
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Mumei laughed at my Ina's joke
You're the one trying desperately to say everyone hates KFP like you and that everyone hates Kiara. Burden of proof is on you.
List Bae's contributions.
Would like it if it was literally any of Kiara's other songs. Don't hate Pineapple, just don't think it fits
Go back nigga
>gurame banner
>ggame oshimarks
ERB 1 spot higher
That's my Ina!
Shut up anti
NGL they ruined it with having them recover their memories, I feel like these fake characters should've stayed for the whole game duration.

Now that Ame is Ame my ending would be Ame remembering Gonathan but parting ways inevitably
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Filler episodes are always the best.
No one cares about the plot, character interactions are always more important.
Not contributing anything when you have multiple streams of it does not make a good streamer
The fate of all villain "alliances". Everyone is looking for the first backstab so they end up on top
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ERB one up, I don't see her much and yet I see that she puts all her effort into it even though these are hours when she's normally dead
So mad you can't samefag properly KEK
She ran a tournament in the arena and it was a major source of kino, I'm sorry to report.
Gigi's POV is the most intertwined with the main story
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you shiori haters are always so weird since you just blatantly lie or are just stupid. It's true shiori's social battery goes from 100 to 0 any given second, but she was on like what, 4-5 days in a row playing? She does her own thing but still had a lot of interactions.
Gonathon wouldn't accept such a loose woman
Bijou never truly acknowledged Raora as a queen. She affiliating with Raora was just a means to get more influence for her own plot that we are seeing today
ERB was practically absent until today and TAM left. She was important in the beginning establishment of the plot but didn't stream enough for Gon and Beeb comparison
>Moving onto Kiara vs Bae
so goddamned predictable.
i think she deserves it for taking every story beat ENReco has thrown at her so far and turning it into pure kino.
It's quite impressive.
Kek. I sometimes check /u/schizos twitter posts as well because their reactions are funny.
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it's over
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My chaos princess is gone, I shall spread chaos in the world
I never said that. Perhaps you are illiterate? Now show me the regular posts, did they get hacked into by the the schizo hackermans too? Kek
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So when are the Space Marine 2 streams coming?
>grems numberfagging again
>Kiara is management
>already switched to kiara vs bae
jesus fucking christ
Is this manager lore new or has she told this before?
Move ERB and Mococo up 1
>social battery excuse
Kek. Just admit your oshi is an antisocial cunt.
>Kiara is the rookie manager training dummy
I think these people just vote who they watched and imagine the others not existing.
My Ina...
Good morning, how is the weather in Flipland?
Remember this is totally done by Hololive fans
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It can't be...
>Kiara gets to break in all the new cute managers
Isn't the campaign only like an hour long? It's not really worth playing.
It's what you want everyone to believe. Every anon here knows what you do all day kid. You've done this for multiple days even on the ones where Kiara isn't on. Stick to your kfp ded posts KEK
You just want her dick all to yourself
Kiara being used to train new managers is interesting new lore
But enough about Kiara
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The law of numbers says that the hat will eventually have to be at 12
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Ame isn't even RPing, she's just Ame but with a weird accent.
She's just that desirable.
Why does Ina need to count 9, 10, 11, 12 each time? Shouldn't she know where the 12th slot is after the first time?
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Can't it be another one? I don't like Pineapple, she has other really good ones that could be perfect for a mashup
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Ina's spending all her money on gacha...
I still think she's a rotten fujo, but I can respect the hours of effort she put into it.
>If it is true love then I have to let her go, it would be wrong of me to shackle her if she wants to let go. Am I one to discredit her past memories?
It's real.
Isn't Gigi practically a Paladin now?
>Kiara actually trains new managers
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Kiara should not have thrown that match.
She didn't heal for the second round and didn't use a sword until she got hit in the third fight.
I demand a rematch tomorrow.
please don't reply to bait
Pinapple soda...
It's got a multiplayer mode outside of the campaign.
>it was the 12th one
Okay but you have to sing it out right now so we can decide
JENMA IS GRADUATING from being Kiara’s primary manager
Please elaborate on this angle. This goes against every shitpost lobbied against her
Again, why even bother arguing if you're gonna make a strawman? Now show me the regular posts. It should be easy yet you cannot. It's almost like everyone took the chance to shitpost
What pact is Kiara talking about?
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please tell me Bae will show up for the finale of Ch. 1
for those not aware the pact is that if either Kiara or Jenma graduates the other will also graduate
He could've just stuck to Kiara vs GG, hell why didn't he do Kiara vs ERB despite ERB shaming Kiara on stream and stealing Nerissa?
Ina... CUTE!
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She's a longtime guramefag
Love Rush or Sparks
Terrifying thought
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>One year from now, Gonathan and friends get to do her dungeon together
>In the final room, before Gonathan can reach towards the gem of revelation and regain her memories as Gigi, she hesitates
>I am Gonathan, noble knight of the realm... Am I truly satisfied with my journey ending here? To allow myself to become but an... enigmatic recollection?
>Suddenly, a healthbar appears
>floating above is the label: 'Gigi Murin'
>Gonathan brandishes her weapon, as she readies herself to battle for control over the main body.
>For the kingdom; for my Queen; for my pearl... My journey shalt not end here!!!
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[SAD NEWS] Ina did not get the hat...
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I feel like Kiara is an easy talent to handle considering she mostly handles her stuff on her own. I can see why new managers are given to her
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we love hats here
Kiaraschizo is a falseflag to make genuine criticism about Kiara look bad
Ina would have gotten so many hats if she listened to my messages...
>sister are you okay?
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it's either ponma or bimboma, take it or leave it
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Biboogone.... No Biboo tomorrow.... Pebbles really suffers the most....
It's just a bot, anon. Don't bother
I wonder if for some reason her brain when to the Portal 2 collab
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Wasn't NinoIna just rich a minute ago?
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Literally only Ame did that though.
>Goro Majima
>G ji
There is no genuine criticism about any holo here
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That wasn't it, it was Jenma is never leaving until Kiara leave.
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>Kiara vs Gigi stops as soon as Kiara vs Bae starts
This dude is like a powerscaler but instead of going "can he beat goku doe???" he goes "can she beat kiara doe???
I miss NinoIna...
Blackedposters towards Fauna are just falseflagging saplings?
>Gigi is a Guramefag
are this just words or there is some meat to this?
I miss Ina
Can we talk about how genius Elizabeth is to give mumei an amber hat as a joke prize to set up a moment where she can reveal her true alligience to amber coin and switch hats
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ok... here's my attempt
Ina's end screen always reminds me of the ASMR stream, because I always would watch it through to the very end
NinoIna please save your sister before it's too late... She's becoming too chuuni...
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>The Queen he swore loyalty to is gone from the land
>his realm falls into degeneracy, chaos and powergrabs
>his name is slandered as an abuser and his marriage becomes strained
>the princess of his guild that he is charged with protecting in his Queen's absence is corrupted by the ultimate enemy to the realm
>his beloved wife loses all memory of him and becomes a different person
I don't think I've seen a character in fiction that has suffered more than Ser Gonathan with G in a while, who wrote this shit? Urobuchi Gen? GRRM? Will this guy ever catch a break?
Those are sapling's true desires.
>full mental breakdown over ggame
she's just like me...
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>haters are always so weird since you just blatantly lie or are just stupid
just like every holo
the worst part is "people" believing that
No that's just selenfag
It's so fucking obvious he's a bot
pure kino
My dope...
>But never forgotten...
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What a dope
Her oshi is either Ame or Gura. With the majority of anons leaning to Ame being her oshi.
I can think of like, FIFTEEN Different moments I should make into soundposts.

But I've never actually made soundposts before. I almost want to pay an anon 20 bucks to make them all for me
>Kiara want to be a tradwife to Gigi
Kiara, wtf...
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She was involved in a lot of plots they just weren't interacting with the same characters. I've had her up every day and she's been pretty consistently entertaining, frankly today was worse than yesterday for her. Nerissa is also involved in like every subplot it seems. in fact most of the interesting faunamart stuff happened while fauna wasn't even online.
what situation are you referencing? In RP or in real life?
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Gura cute Gura cute!
Pure unadulterated kino...
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>majority of the posts were well within pass cooldown
It's statements like that make you full of shit schizo. You are so desperate to prove it's not just you. You so damn wish it was everyone that hates Kiara. No sane person goes this far. You even send money to the other girls for attention. Fucking pathetic.
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This lol.
He's too stupid to realize he invalidates all Kiara criticism by acting the way he does, or maybe that's his plan and if so, good.
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>management sees the ame x gg kino
>forces a "love story" in season 2
>it will be soulless
No, we can only suck Gigi’s dick here despite the fact that she’s been carried by other people’s RP.
isn't that what I said
She played the perfect heel and put Gonathan over in glorious fashion
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Kiara is antisocial?
She went crazy for Gurame IDOL and praises both of them a lot. It's not confirmed but a lot of people have assumed it as this point.
ERB was with the Fuwamoco side for most of her RPing
When did Bijou pivot into this "possessed by stain" act?
stay mad, faggot.
Yesterday I think?
God I want to lick Kiara's pits/10
Nothing fate is Kino faggot
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How do you look at that image and think of Kiara?
No really, explain your train of thought.
Hey, me too!
>You so damn wish it was everyone that hates Kiara.
Again I'm not saying this, are you illiterate? Where are those passes now? Where were the regular posters back then?
No because it implies that Jenma could leave and force Kiara to graduate
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I new that Biboo wouldn't resist to live her Chuuni power fantasy in this RP server
can't say i expected mumei to be the last one farming on the server, but i figure she's going to try and gather nana11 materials
Gonathan, but not Forgotathan.
>Gigi ending soon too
>No POVs left because Mumei isn't streaming
it's not mutual, Kiara won't leave if Jenma leaves first
Stick to defending yourself schizo
>Ina manually raided Gigi
why has ERB anything to do with the fact (you) like to suck dicks, anon?
>Kronii will do amazing rp
>IRyS will just try to ERP
>Mumei won't even RP
>Bae won't even be there
>Fauna will do one stchick but eventually fall out of plot relevancy because of how stubborn she is with stream time

I fear chapter 2 may not quite carry the same zing as chapter 1 for ENReco, unless Bae shows up and goes HARD
So orangey it can be spread around/10
I just think that some Grems don’t like Kiara because they’re former /lig/gers and hating Kiara is >le ebin board culture
Kiara's thick fat cock is always in my mind...
I think you're downplaying Erb and giving Raora too much credit
God, I want to lick Kiara's tits./10
Thanks for posting the tweet, anon. t. Brazilian
Move fauna all the way down. She's worthless and so is her store
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All hail the lady of the oranges.
Has Ame done literally anything that wasn’t in reaction to Gonathan’s stuff?
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wuv the wawa /10
Yes. I know a lot of you don't know the definition so here:
>personality disorder characterized by a limited capacity for empathy and a long-term pattern of disregard for or violation of the rights of others
Go back faggot
Frankly, that's actually too incredible for EN management to conceive.
Prove it
holy fuck I didn't even think about that's fucking peak
You tell me you faggot. You're the one pushing desperately to say "everyone" shitposts Kiara
Very fun stream/10
But NA hours are unbearable, there's always so much more casual Kiara seethe than during the rest of the day
I don't know what Kiara did to the burgers, but whathever
Regicide plot.
Mumei will go hard on RP IF Bae or Kronii is there.
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I kneel for her throwing in the final battle, showed some real humility

also i love art of kiara with huge tits
why do you think it's grems and not just the usual schizos
>the corruption spread to the queen's foot
>armchair online diagnosis
thank you reddit
I hope I don't sound like a hater, but it's baffling to put Raora over ERB and Mococo
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I think this Gonathan guy is pretty cute
not burgers, Leafs.

Kiara was fine. It was temptation for Gonathan, but he declined and further proved he really did love his pearl.
Are you implying ENreco 1 has been good because of Myth? Because that is absolutely not the case.
Shitposting and hate is not the same thing. Work on your literacy
Never seen a more woman post than this
She started the "we have to kill the king" plot, that started a lot of subplots.
I hope they'll play along with it and aren't completely taken too much by surprise at the corrupt Biboo arc. Given how many people she's told at this point though I'm pretty sure it'll be okay.
>Check grem split
>They're thanking Kiara for throwing for the sake of RP and moving the plotline along
??? I remember when you fags used to actually shit up the splits before saying stuff like this.
>Eggo REALLY trying to latch into the Gigi vs Kiara thing
Damn, this is pathetic even by eggo's standards.
Ina should have joined Biboo, not played the lawful good paladin.
wtf brothers I am getting a little sad about Gonathan's departure
Gigi will become Artorias of the Abyss.
Could you provide an example?
Ah yes because chapter 1 was carried by Myth RP...dumbass.
grems aren't liggers and the only liggers are at CC but they even secretly hope that CC fails and graduates so she returns
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Stop associating fanbases with the schizos already.
Their oshi is /hlgg/.
No one else.
Kiara seethe transcends timezones, you should be aware of that by now anon
2 days ago with the hat influencing her mind
Oh god, stop it, this would be too peak
Climbing to high places, running joke with the little boy, king slayer.
for most antis they more often twist something in a retarded way, but ive long noticed the shiori antis just straight up lie since their rrats failed
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they're making another Dynasty Warriors?
She just threw because she's a retard lol
Are you looking at the DSMV and just blindly picking what mental illness Kiara has just so you could seethe at her? Literally no one would describe Kiara as antisocial
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Fare thee well...
Why does everyone love Gonathan?
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A lot of fun interactions today. Good to see her involved in so many plotlines despite being gone for 3 days
JWU, it seems like there's too much kino povs today. Aside from Gonathan, who should I watch? Everyone?
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More like SA. That Brazilian judge should ban 4chan too, rid all of us that plague.
>unless Bae shows up and goes HARD
I like Bae, but she's extremely annoying when she RPs
Work on your samefagging first flipmonkey
Fare thee well, Gonathan...
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Imagine if Gonathan had literally the very final memory unlock in all of ENReco
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GG gone...
Will Ame regain her memories right after becoming her mourning Ciaran?
fare the well gonathan, good night and wish you all the best for tomorrow
If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.
Great stream. Saplings are assholes
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Why does GG have such an erotic end screen? What does she want me to do?
Why are you tards sperging out about Kiara this time?
Unironically the best hire since Myth.
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Uh, hello? What happened to all the streams?
So they would be attacking her if she won, nice to know.
just the one
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Why indeed...
Absolute Cinema
She was still corrupted even after she took off the hat though, she just tricked them into thinking it was the hat
filler episode more like filled with KINO
When she changed her schedule to go to Japan, the schizos also changed their schedules, she literally changed their lives, so the EU hours that were hell are a little quieter (and also because of /v/ drama that nobody cares about) and these hours have more schizos. At least at these hours the meidos delete something sometimes, because when they do it in EU hours, unless you post dox or porn, they don't even click on this thread
I swear to God this /lig/ shit only started popping up after Justice debuted. What is this forced shit? What even is /lig/? New buzzword for our resident no life schizo?
>resorts back to ad hominems because you don't have an argument
Well, I didn't expect much from you so this is no surprise
I don't get why this get shitposted about? Kiara wasn't making fun of her. She was being curious and empathatic...what am I missing?
>Filler day
>it's literally the best day

I pity all the anons about to ask for QRDs tomorrow
Now we can all watch Iofi
Is the memory loss plot Gigi's way to set up GGCC as endgame?
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Until next time Ser Gonathan G

On the morrow

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Kiara was cute and would have won in the end had she not thrown but decided to let GG win for plot reasons.
Kiara said she's going to takeover Mori's tavern using sex as an offer btw
Entered a lose/lose situation. She chose the better outcome though, so the shitposting is tame compared to what it could've been.
Not really
>He's silent
>And not customizable
>No, you can't switch characters
how miserable are those fuckers to wish CC to graduate in FUCKING hololive? Sure there are restrictions and pros and cons but she's german she's autistic enough to handle it.
I can't take this, that scene already makes me sad...
>Gonathon decides to not recieve his memories and instead remains in the kingdom forever as its rightful protector.
Bittersweet ending
ENreco 2 will automatically be better if Kronii and Fauna interact with each other in any regard whatsoever.
NinoIna, at least after her group runs the dungeon for her part of the subplot with Bijou
Because we see a little of ourselves in Gonathan and his struggles.
the killer episode/10
Honestly everybody in myth kinda sucks. Other than Fauna, only Advent and Justice are any good.
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Careful anon he's gonna write you an entire paragraph why it can't be just him while he also posts on his phone to cover his ass.
except Fate Zero
Alright, there we go. That was a lot of stuff happening at the end there.
Added shadows to lines to try and help differentiate same colors when they overlap. Suggestions and Corrections always welcome.
Idk but the bandage reminds me that I had a bug bite under a bandage for like two weeks and when I replaced the bandage the other day there was a fresh bug bite or something under it.
I'm going to the doctor next week to get it looked at, but I'm still concerned.
you're really dumb
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Surely, they'll at least add in a scenario mode?
What makes you think Kiara was being
malicious in asking that?
If anything, that moment proves the exact opposite of what you were trying to say. Kiara was the first member to notice Gura's voice breaking from being overcome with emotion
>Gigi in front of the cover
They knew that she was gonna be the MC since day 1
oh shit its enemy's birthday today!!!
Easily Ina. She captured pretty much everything.
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The filler episodes are always the best episodes/10
Gigi's acting is kinda top notch for hololive
You need parts of Ame's stream too if you want the full Gonathon story arc.
many of us believe it would have made the plot even more kino if she won
It's some crazy mental illness where they think they can make it
>durr i see chumbud hate deadbeat?
>oh i'm a chumbud! I hate deadbeat! grr!
When it doesn't even work like that for vtubers in general, not even just hololive
English viewers are ironically too disloyal
Literally, completely, absurdly KINO
KEK nice
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For Gonathon! HUZZAH!
Are the Japanese guys able to follow the storylines for EnReco?
I want depressed Gigi arc with this outfit

We are approaching the endgame
Explain how you saw it? Please tell me how Kiara could've seen tears through a VR headset.
kiara was supposed to be sad and lonely and nobody was supposed to log on and hang out with her, he spent all day yesterday posting about it. this is how he copes
Their thirst for pathologization will never be quenched. Except in cases of sexual pathologies.
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>scriptedschizos were right
I wonder if they set up the tournament beforehand or that was complete improv from Liz. Honestly was brilliant of Liz to set that up since they have no climax to end the day with with next quest being out of the option.
i legit got kinda emotional/10
Now that Gonathan's first arc is finish, he can move on to his second arc THE PURGE
Ame will remember her memories of this time in Libestal with an instrumental of ChikuTaku in the background and she will say "That's right...! I'm not just a detective! I'm... Jyonathan!"
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Any chance we get new guilds in Chapter 2?
I mean the guilds barely exist anymore as they are.
He is the Queen's most loyal knight! I will always support those whom the Queen favors
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And extra cute Ina noises today
…Now what?
>Defecated from Amber Coin
Kiara sneaking in a quick praise for Gigi
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>Removed the mean language
you posted this on twitter to Nerissa didn't you anon
Life is suffering/10
>le ad hominem cope response
Shut the fuck up bitch and go back to seething about kfp KEK
GG spats status?
Ok I’m on my break
How was the Mori outfit
What did Mori get up to in reco

Also I’ve come up with a way to save holoplus, they should let the holos send fleets to all the people who have listed them as their oshi
she used to be a theater kid back in school
A Knight's Tale/10
absolute kino of the highest order
The next chapter will take place as a game of Rogue Trader and instead of guilds it will be trader houses
/large indie general/
Someone update me on what happened today at Enreco. I heard there was a tournament, how did it go?
They're adding in a new guild for the ID members when they join the server
easiest format to follow
There's reason male human fighter is the moist popular archetype
Season finales are rough even without this many plot lines to tie up.
Yes because the first thing you should do to someone crying while talking is to interrupt them while shouting and drawing all attention to that while making it painfully awkward for the person
>Goro Majima
>Gigi Murin
absolutely insane
He is the typical character who's such a good person, but everything goes wrong for him. It's a reflection that you can easily identify with and you can only hope that at some point something good happens to him or that he ends up killing everyone
>many of us believe it would have made the plot even more kino if she won
That's not what you retards were saying after Kiara won the first fight. The only reason you faggots are trying this hard to rewrite history despite it happening literally last thread is because you don't want to be lumped in with with the usual schizos using it as schizoposting bait.
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Even though Kronii isn't playing anymore it's sweet how GG is still keeping her relevant in the story going forward, I'm glad they were put into the same guild they seem to have really gotten to know each other and it's nice that Kronii has such a cute kohai that cares so much about her
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Have a good night, my /hlgg/ friends, watching ENReco with you all has been magnificent
Schizos can only stick to old ass shit that's been disproven huh? The absolute state
anon did you replace the bandage every once in a while? Keeping a bandage for more than a week will probably do thst to you.
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>Gonathan when he risked having to become someone's wife if he lost
I do feel a bit sad that despite all of Gonathon's effort, GG will still effortlessly win
Why does this chart even exist? What kind of special mental state drives someone to create something like this?
I accept your concession, mindbroken one
Yes I swapped the bandage every few days
Wait a minute... Mumei... Amber...
Poor Gonathon...
Actually as a correction, Gigi is spelling it with an 'o', not 'a'.
autism, which fuels all RP-related events

It's based
....But she didn't know that she was crying? That's why she asked?
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>Tragic romance history
>Corruption subplot going in the background
>Child murdering? yeah that happened
>Sister vs Sister at the end of ends
>Tournament of champions won by the hero

If this were a television series this would be the episode that comes just before the final episode and it is so good that the season finale does not compare.
You're so fucking autistic it hurts. I can see your brown hands typing this.
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Cheers lad
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Why is Ina listed as a side chick? Is this fag not even watching streams?
Maybe you're just autistic anon you should get that tested out
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yeah I know about that but you need to report, ignore or hide
and just post about Shiori its better like that
Unironically worse than the day 3 threads, impressive. I'm going to bed now, see you faggots tomorrow I guess.
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>streams for most of the event
>not a single meaningful connection
>Even Kronii left a bigger impression in a couple of streams
Season finale is not until saturday anon
this so much.
i just cannot help but root for the guy.
I beg of thee. Is there a summary video of ENreco days? I can't keep up with multiple POVs.
Post-kino threads, you know the rules
It’s actually Large Indies Global.
>He is the typical character who's such a good person, but everything goes wrong for him. It's a reflection that you can easily identify with

Uhh but nobody here is a good person?
At worst that makes her a dumbass not mean
fuwawa just can't rp for shit
crazy how much of difference there is between these threads and R*ddit, when it comes to which ENreco storylines we enjoy
Did you even watch the stream? You could hear it. Everyone shit on her for that at the time, deservedly so
Tomorrow is practically the last day to finish all the RP if there isn't a last final dungeon for the end of this season
Gnight grem
and here
The threads were shit for most of the night
>hates Kiara
>is deeply autistic
>phrase again
You really are incapable of speaking in canned phrases huh friendless one?
If Kiara had won, it would have forced Ame to ditch the memory loss bullshit and RP around the arranged marriage (extremely kino)
Bored schizo trying to make a intra-/hlgg/ schism/fanbase war angle out of the fact that a handful of Justice members where midsized vtubers before joining Holo
"/lig/" is basically just an umbrella general for 3view and up indies
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Should've bought lottery tickets.
Sounds like you have autism if you see nothing wrong with that
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Gigi said herself but she bonded with kronii a lot off-stream thanks to ENReco, so I think that made her double-down on the knight stuff

they'll def collab later
maybe she just weren't familiar enough with medieval themed rp
Idk about others but I was hoping she won, so that in the end Gonathan would fight for Ame at the last moment like an actual drama show
Oh damn, nice, I thought it was almost over.
>still no Faumei romantic or lovers
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We all know why this is
shes already 3 levels deep in rp dont ask for more..
To be fair, Kronii is one of the biggest players in the first 3 days that the inertia is still going now.
What's sad is Fuwawa is behind Shiori, who is not even RPing, she's just being Shiori.
ironic. Anyone that replies after me is romanian.
link the timestamp and let's watch it with the threadreader app
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My stain princess/10
Best filler ever/10
The long awaited moment of Gonathan realizing he'd lost his pearl was pretty damn sad, more so with Violet playing in the background
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Ok I can accept this excuse unlike the other replies coping about autism
I did but it seems like you were to occupied with the thread to heard tone of voice and delivery of how she said this. As expected of a shitstirring shitposter
What storylines does Reddit like?
between Raora and Gigi Idk when will score the Kiarabowl the most
Her, Gigi, and Raora taking on Kiara's dungeon was cute at least. She was starting to do something by the end of that.
Novelites have an even bigger persecution complex than KFP.
Ina and Irys are both Mumei's "side chicks", but she's the real side chick of both
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>Fuwawa answered so excited when Gigi called her, properly answered her as Gonathan
>the call was a mis-click
You are still a retarded autist seething at the orange woman for 3 years and counting
Shiori's antis are unironically from bvtm discord they only know to say one phrase.
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Good night... Huzzah...
I cried/10
I just don’t see the malicious spin anons put on it. I feel like other Holos would have been given the benefit of the doubt.
>fuwawa just can't rp for shit
She's rping every stream.
No I'm white I'm better than you 3rd worlders.
Sadly the corruption plot will not happen tomorrow since Biboo will not play to do homework
In chapter 4 Gigi will recover her memories and sustain a harem with 15 wives
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Not as big as saplings
Surely some were once like that and the world turned its back on them and they ended up in this shithole, that includes me, but I try to be a good person
it's not that anon's fault they named it that way to copy us
That's the thing about retarded people, they don't fucking know they're retarded
Ame lost her pearl memory is the reason we got so many great plot points.
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Wait... if Jyonathan is Amelia Watson. Isn't there a slight possibility for MoriCalliopeen to be, in fact, Mori Calliope??
the thing with Fuwawa is that she would have to RP while already RPing
not much from fluff but there was one gem https://youtu.be/hRqOhh8nLVk
Kiara is a very big HUZZAH enjoyer
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It wasnt scripted, Kiara decided at throw right at the end because Gigi won her over
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stop that
That's fine, but you can't say "most of us" since the thread had a collective spergout over how Kiara is "ruining the RP and storyline" over her winning the first fight against GG.
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I've just realized that the Trial is potentially gonna be the climax that brings all of the plot threads together at once and could be absolute cinema: Nerissa's charges Kiara with killing her child, Gonathan has to side with Kiara because they just agreed with Ina that Kiara helping to take down corrupted Biboo absolves her, Mococo throws a spanner in the works and ties in the whole Faunamart subplot by siding with Nerissa because she gave her the settlement and kisses and Ame sides with Mococo against Gonathan and co because she's a fellow member of Jade Sword, Mumei is asked to side against Kiara for her 'revenge' by Nerissa and Jade Sword but then reveals she was with Amber Coin all along
Dangdid this really happen? This would be way sadder than the gonathan RP shit since it’s fr fr
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>the thread
just the one guy
I swear 80% is nothing but Faunamart related posts, despite everything else happening
>s-sirens s-sirens
>like iiiit~
I appreciate biboo trying so hard, but how is she actually going to do a climax to her villain arc?

She can't actually hurt them
wait she's rping as Fuwawa, what other two levels are there? They aren't actually twins?!?
Shades of Pekora + Rushia
Saplings are redditors. This is known.
Yeah, me.
This is my dinner.
>just the one guy
stop coping already
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When the Queen returns, only Shakira will receive a stay of execution as she made her loyalty clear early on while everyone else in Amber Coin is going straight to the gallows (sponsored by Faunamart).
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art imitates life
Again, literally not that hard to just check last thread and see that you're wrong. Unless you think the guy has 7+ devices allowing him to make that many posts in under a minute.
Fuwawa's best contribution to the server was that you could her Mococo in the background
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Tits too big
Not enough hair
Still serviceable though
Kronii owes all her remaining relevance on the server to Gigi.
Literally on the day she left, Bijou switch sides and NinoIna started calling Raora Queen. Most of the others started to as well because there was no other Queen on the server.
Gigi held the fort until Irys came back.
its shitposrers, that general has a bunch of them
but many old fans do low key miss the comfy and the fact that she was already kind of part of a group
I hoesntly thought the song was about actual sirens like the mythical being for weeks and not just regular police sirens kek
It’s not necessarily that but I think Fauna is the only EN that still mentions reddit in a positive manner.
Not a typo

No, I don't have twitter. While 'Whore of Libestal' was humorous, I felt it a bit crass for the setting. Courtesan sounds much more dignified and practically means the same thing.
I don't mind if others want to post it elsewhere, twitter or otherwise. Just happy if people enjoy it.

I'm in a sort of transition period IRL without much to do, way too much free time on hand. And I'm enjoying making it. Just work on it bit by bit while watching streams.

You're right, I missed that. Will correct right now.

And IRyS is listed as her own sidechick tehnically. For ease of display I grouped them all together; they're basically all each other's sidechicks, even if some are also married. Ina is still listed as married to IRyS specifically.

Can you point to where in streams that might be? Cause I've seen neither mention or talk about it, and I'm trying to filter out any claims of romance that were one-off statements that never develop or get brought up again (else there'd be a ton of those).
FWMC straight up post on Reddit with their official accounts though
Is Gigi the most beloved EN girl in /vt/? There's literally nothing you could hate about her, she's the best gamer of EN, she's the best role player, and she has the best chemistry in collabs.
Her moments with Gonathan were cute and fluffy. She would have been good tragedy bait.
my heart....
but Ina is the mos popular holo in reddit...
Did anything notable happen with faunamart today? Who even won the lottery?
FWMC are the only EN who post there still
GASP Freida
because Fauna is the Redditor of EN
wtf, when did reddit become based?
The trueship
There's still more chapters to go. She can lean into the stain thing even longer. Set up a coffee hanger or something
people would unironically see this and go "wow I want to lick that"
This anon won >>84576133
I was wondering this too, but I think she got permission from staff to be evil. She started stream today saying "this night I had revelation about my true self", so I think it was a hint for staff giving her the ok. But how they are going to work with it I don't know
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There are still <30 images left in the thread
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Ollie cute, if a little Maso..
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nay, i say we haven't sucked hard enough
yes, I am people
who doesn't have at least two phones? I have one for personal use and the other is my gacha games phone. Got them practically for free in a black friday sale.
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no cap?
she doesn't post there but most of her mannerisms and talking points are very reddit
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What about it?
Gonathan won today
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fr fr
how is kiara simultaneously an anti social cunt and a retard who cant shut up? these two things seem contradictory to me. why cant anons pick one and stick to it
ENbirds were fun today. Rissa helping Wawa was cute and Takanananashi subplot slightly growing
As a week one Grem, no she's not. This is the first time most of /vt/ is seeing her outside of autofister collabs. Most anons thought she only worked with CC. I'm hoping she sees significant growth from this. She deserves it.
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no way...
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good but forgettable
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Why is the Zoombie like this
Kiara is always held to incredibly high standards that apply to no-one else
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No vro
>Suddenly a new dungeon opens up and it supports all 19 girls
>They enter together
>Completely dark room, nothing in it
>Exit closes behind them
>Biboo steps forward and turns to face them
>Boss music starting playing
>Massive HP bar suddenly appears on screen and slowly fills up until it covers the whole width of the screen
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>"you're invisible"
She just needs something to latch onto like Mococo with gambling. I can already see FWMC will be very entertaining roleplayers once they get rid of their limiters of shyness and lack of direction.
You need to understand that the schizos themselves have no idea what they're actually talking about and just say whatever makes a holo look bad even if it doesn't make sense
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Anon will fail to use all the left over image slots before the thread archies. ANON IS A WHORE
many may have missed this since it happened at the same time as Ame/Gigi
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If she keeps hanging out with Gura and Ame, she's destined to become the ace of her gen.
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also a week one Grem, it is nice to see everyone showing Gigi some love, I just hope it's not overdone to the point schizos pick up on it and ruin any dialogue regarding her.
I'm hoping all the arcs get culminated in whatever chapter 2 ends up being, since it's a good reason why it would need time to be made
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watame post
>many missed this
>literally the most talked about moment of the stream
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the real reason Bae isn't streaming.
sex with a rat
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Violet playing like it's the final scene of the episode...
Bizarre angle, 99% of Grems didn't even follow Gigi before Hololive she was really, really small in an even smaller company.
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Why are you so desperate about this? Since when do anons give a shit to defend schizos?
>implying Ame or Gura are going to stream after the event ends
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>Violet plays in the background when Ame is breaking it up
>immediately changes to Chikutaku when she revealed she is Amelia Watson, the Detective
Kino timing of the highest order.
She probably won't. Gigi kneecapped herself already by choosing her timeslot. At this point the only way for her to grow is to try and steal Otomos / Takos / Saplings
I can’t tell if these posts are bait or not
I can watch this
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Okay you all need a reality check:

After ENReco is over, you will never see Gigi around Ame, and ESPECIALLY never around Gura, ever again.
>the overarching role to play is that they have amnesia in a new world
>Fuwawa, despite having amnesia, is mostly the same, while Mococo turned into a feral child
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Gigi is probably rolling around in bed right now
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>Nobody is live
She's already more popular than Ina and CC though.
Why is there so much depressed Gigi fanart? Has Gigi ever been sad on stream? This shis pre-dates Gonathan so that's not a valid explanation.
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You are defending shitposters by saying it's just a schizo with (somehow) 20 devices
They are always free to shitpost because you will always blame a schizo for them
You really need to recalibrate your bait detector then
schizos trying to protect themselves, obviously.
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ough augh
gigi doesn't have music on so you can't hear the MC music boxes
>guy is pretty cute
It's her lore video.
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Last image shall be mine!
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silence robot or I'll rail you too
Gura loves Gigi faggot. Rope yourself.
it is the most coherent subplot line, that "10% goes to the library" is even actualise now and being build.
Now I think about it, isn't her revelation really good against big groups?
I just want to call anons retards for suddenly flipping script and thinking that Kiara winning would've made for a good plotline despite the fact that they're the same people who were shitting on her after she one the first fight by saying she's ruining the RP and plotline. Some of them are probably the same people who shat on her for throwing as well.
switch mori with erb
switch fauna with nerissa
>How was the Mori outfit
>What did Mori get up to in reco
She was sick, so all she did was fight in ERB's tournament
>I just hope it's not overdone to the point schizos pick up on it
She does, it's on 100% even. It's just really quiet for her for some reason.
That was biboo but she was doing it just to mess with Ina and Ame
Somehow it worked
That reminded me of the first Kiara reincarnation stream "Who's Calli?" moment
Lol. Lmao even.
Gigi’s appeal couldn’t be further from Fauna, Ina, and CC’s. The voice for one is pretty much a deal breaker for much of the crowd that watches those other 3.
Takananashi being basic white bitches reminds me that we need Girl Stalk back.
Go back and watch day 4, the complete mood kill Gura had when her GurAme date got invaded is clear as day
probably would have been a couple other people on if it was set up beforehand
I was going to post a sexy picture of Enemy but we ran out of image slots...
They should do it more.
Why is Gura so autistic? She is literally incapable of playing with new people without sperging out.
If it wasn't for Mococo and Kiara it would just be Fauna selling lotto tickets, which is cool but not the trend I would think it would be
Justice really bond well with their senpais because of this ENReco thing. If only Advent got the same treatment. I still remember how Gura ignored Biboo in the Palworld vc when she joined and how Kronii refused to acknowledge Fuwamoco in that Twitter space. They were treated like shit in their early days
silence pippafag
>Myth RP
You don't know what antisocial means as expected of an ESL
GG cucking Gonathon was a complete mood killer.
Go fuck yourself.
>1 minute apart
oh, i'm watching Gigi's pov when Ame doesn't remember her and I don't hear violet at all
Mococo chanting "FAUNAMART! FAUNAMART!" like a little kid who wants McDonald's was cute as hell.
I remembered Kiara said that she had a genius idea for a guest
I think it may already have been almost a year ago
She's been getting more viewers in overlap than they do this entire event.
>the complete mood kill Gura had when her GurAme date got invaded is clear as day
You mean the one that she LITERALLY made Gigi aware of, when she could have just gone on her own with Ame unannounced?
biboo is loved by everyone
>the least retarded Kiara anti
yes anon...that was sarcasm
Ollie should've a bigger pair of obnoxious milk filled saggers....
yeah it was totally because of the girl she was pushing a storyline on and not her isp spazzing out
My Ina :)
So how do we help GG incline? She should be getting way numbers than she is with how entertaining she is, people just haven’t given her a chance.

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