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imagine being mindbroken by Mori
mindbroken by Mori describes this entire board for the past 3 years kek
Go back to Xitter
I don’t feel strongly about Mori one way or the other
heh, black sheep came on right as I clicked on the thread. BVTM can suck my balls, hope you guys get flooded out of house and home
post it
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This brown retard i alive?
what does the word mindbroken mean to OP
By who?
Sorry I was watching EnReco
wasn't this whole thing started because some fag was inserting mori into his own animal fetish
Mori hasn't been relevant to /vt/ shitposting for a while now
Fuck this seani- actually he's kinda spittin today
imagine being mindbroken by BVTM. kys OP
is this the fag who started that hose shit on Twitter last year?
I miss the AI audio arc
>22 likes after three hours
Oof, talk about falling on hard times.
Mori cute!
Mori sexy!
>Why is Hololive trying so hard?
Has this faggot finally dropped the "just posting epic memes bro! XD" gimmick and fully come out of the closet as a phaseshill?
What, and acknowledge the schizo posts about the homos and their beggars were right all along? Perish the thought.
thnx, genuinely didnt how to do this

the more he gets banned the harder it is to keep following him
Why would he being some faggot shill change anything at all for the Phase fanbase as a whole? Do you take responsibility and apologize for every faggot shitposter in the catalog shilling your oshi or branch or company? No, you certainly do not.
I want my hips broken by Mori.
are you sea monkeys going to ignore the fact that mori told beggars to not bother the girls
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What? Of course not. It's not like he's completely mindbroken and claims that a bunny girl outfit is a phase connect original donutsteal design. That'd be ridiculous.
Yes, we do. We ruthlessly go after them. Why don't Phasefags have even a fraction of our power?
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imagine how shit this persons life must be, lmao
Now this is pathetic
>browmVTM melty
kek what a KWAB
bro is not beating the allegations
>Why would he being some faggot shill change anything at all for the Phase fanbase as a whole?
Because ESLchama, he's a massive Pippa orbiter, several of their members would comment on his post, and he'd be number 1 to amplify whatever drama/schizo shit regarding Holo or Niji but whenever Phase was involved some type of drama he'd pretend like the shit wasn't even happening
You'd have to dumb as fuck to not put 2 and 2 together to realize he'd slings mud on other corpos to prop up Phase while pretending to be a neutral party
I don't give a fuck about Phase or their fanbase but pretending like this guy isn't their #1 shill is just delusional
Deadbeats really do believe that anything that happened on friday immediately memoryholes the events of thursday a day previously, so no surprise there.
They have no answer that doesn't involve cognitive dissonance because it is a blatant double standard: Shitposting is perfeclty fine for me, but not for thee.
Embarrassing. Just wish death upon her and move on with your day like a normal anti.
>homobeggars mindbroken again
Booooooooooo, get new material ya fucking hack
Work on your vernacular.
Yeah, she's not creative enough to find better material and she always returns to owning the haters despite even them having stopped caring about her
She has written more love songs to her haters than to cuckbeats for sure.
>still lives in 2021
>still believes Mori is some Machiavellian villain trying to subvert Hololive
I bet you believe she really sucked a horse's cock too don't you?
After observing, this guy is on the thread, likely >>84607661 >>84607638

Also given that some of the posts defending bvtm follow the same pattern as that schizo that spams /morig/
I'm now very certain that BVTM IS the Mori-schizo.
>No U!!
No seriously, get new talking point this expired shitpost angle was retard 2022 is triply retarded now
if at this point you're arguing there's a single person in the universe who dislikes mori you're a genuine schizo
You denying it is hilariously admitting to the crime.
that's mori's career, this argument is still more relevant than she is
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nta but it's pretty obvious you're like 4 guys from South East Asia, are very brown and very insecure about Phase being utterly gigamogged by pink woman's huge monstrous megatits.

pretending like you four SEAfags represent humanity is funny when you barely qualify as sentient
Can always trust the Indian bros to get straight to the point on tutorials. Thanks
it's even more funny that you're projecting this hard when you've been a minority for the past 4 years
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>that's mori's career
So true sis, so true!
Likely Pinoys because they usually have a habit of hating their selves. There's also a Sizeable Rap scene in Flipland so yeah.
Homobeggars = DEI
>Sizeable Rap scene in Flipland
no wonder deadbeats are this retarded
NTA, but considering how offended you seem I assume he hit the nail on the head lmao
Like I said, It IS BVTM. You could tell because it is very invested to prove that it isn't ",just one guy", when every Mori thread it makes contains the same circular arguments.
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>meme went so far she couldn't show up on the outfit reveal stream riding a horse
Last time this shithole was funny
Anon, there was never a horse asset, there would never be a situation she could of used it. Hololive outfits use a "points system" where you have a set amount of points and each accessory you want uses points. She wouldn't of waste dpoints on something she wouldn't be able to use in a stream. Same reason no one ever gets shoe assets or something, you will never see it. All she did was make a joke about the situation.
elon musk is too occupied fighting ghosts and oding on ketamina
Thank ERB for replacing her
Good, seems this is a useful tool against him.
Jesas, phasefags truly are sad.
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he's having a melty because he thinks phase invented bunny girls
>the outfit design is over 50 years old
>deadbeats are on the same tier as phasefags now
Bases AyamePoster
I'm confused. What is hololive "trying hard" at? Regardless of her past yabs she always had a sexy model.
(me) Based* .. fuck me.
>some people
BVTM is a fag
omg sex Mori is so feminized etc.
The troon is just mad she's a bunny girl because phase has one? Phasekeks...
if it weren't for the fact that I personally know phasefags that act like this faggot, I would say the entire thing is a big falseflag routine
but no they're just really like this
Kinda sad, honestly.
Isn't that the senpai gomenne <3 girl?
I can acknowledge Mori was in the wrong through the entire 2022 - 2023 period and call BVTM a fucking sewer cleaning monkey one bad day away from getting on HRT at the same time.
No, but close enough
I like Mori a bit more now. Not something I expected would happen so well done, not an easy thing to achieve.
Epic Rap Battles are vtubers now?!
as time goes on, I become increasingly more suspicious that kevin actually pays these cretins to attack everyone besides phase
Holy kekkerino anon
fortunately I don't watch anyone or anything that has a fanbase that's predominantly composed of ESL dramafags and election tourists, multiple of who are notable orbiters, so I don't have to deal with this problem
what? phase ceo kevin
Lol does Brad taste in music run that account lmao.
I dont even like morei as a person but thsi is a bit much
Brad taste is a grifter that has turned around because of a fembeat
Brad is such a joke nowadays that he's willing to go full 180 on things just to remain relevant
He apparently turned into a deadbeat with the excuse of having a deadbeat editor which instantly blew in his ass when said deadbeat exposed him as a financial retard
Wasn't he a literal heroin addict at one point?
Nah he's such a pansy that he has literal panic attacks with munchies
That alone shows that he was extra fucked mentally before taking drugs
I'm not particularly surprised since this guy started out as a Fantano groupie
Only phasepags can get this high from huffing their own farts that they think anyone wants to steal from them
On every one of his accounts he tries to larp as "neutral" but always shills his discord with a image of pippa
hahahahah! do phasers really? ahahahahaha!
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Still not watching Mori
Congrats, you outed yourself. You really are mindbroken
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This guy used to annoyed me a little. But he's kinda funny in a pathetic way now kek.
Phasecuck pagpagvtmeme
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>anything hololive.
>insert phase connect here.
In ERB situation, it's not her fans that are counting the days since last homo incident
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Mori's been redeemed
Based and YJK pilled.
>pretending she's feminized again
are they this desperate to get the 100 people on 4chan to watch her dying channel
Once they started doing Shiori x Kiara, they already outed themselves. Why does this brown retard hates Shiori so much lmao.
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holy shit she is fucking cute
Must be hard having been laughed out of /#/ and now your stuck shitting up the catalog with the other roaches KEK
this dude is a pathetic shell of when he was the big baddy. more like a sad roach that keeps hiding under the fridge now.
I'm 99% sure she just did it out of pity because she remembers how it was being alone when myth first started
unlike ame and kronii that probably started out pity too but went full spite after the initial reception
yeah, it's quite amazing how mori is able to survive every yab, just like a cockroach
bvtm sperging out is not a yab
Isnt it Nerissa x Kiara now ?
It's sad he has to keep crawling back to twitter to get the clout he's addicted to but to post "Memes" like this >>84609696 really makes me wish he's consider some other fandom, I can't even hate the guy anymore he's so pathetic
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Come on anon, that fruit hang so low people might mistaken it with your balls
Yeah hah imagine, it's not like this board has ever had some of the most vile, doxxing, dedicated antis ever for her or anything.
those faggots using bea's likeness pisses me off more than anything
>extremist incel unicorns on /vt/
lol, lmao
Twitter report system no longer looks like that and I'm retarded so I don't know how to report ban evasion
didn't this retard get doxxed?
What do I report him for? I don't see ban evading anymore?
Harassment > Targeted harassment
It used to be under spam.
he's mad because parrot and vtubermemes stole his place
bvtm when the fish tells him he's fired from the phaseshill squad
This guy isn't a unicorn and none of Mori's yabs like lean are any worse than shit phase girls have done. It's been years since she had a yab and the catalog even moved on. So why is he still so autistic about her? I remember at his "peak" relevance he posted doxxshit "jokes" about her too. Man it's 2025 it's time to move on.
*2024, but wow it's september already.
I don't get it, out of all the things you could complain about Mori her model and outfit choices isn't one of them, she's always provided some good eye candy despite of her personality
Sexy outfit too bad about the cringe voice
not him, two of his stooges, he immediately put a statement about how 'innocent people were being doxxed and harassed' as soon as the doxx started get public attention, kek
damn shame. The poor souls dedicating their life to doxxing people got doxxed themselves. I hope karma comes back for him though.
Twitter was banned in brazil. Guess ti killed half of their fanbase
My friend in discord server stopped sharing their link at some point. I guess, people really don't care enough to follow to the new account.
Why is it always irrelevent Island nations that seethe the most about Mori?
nothing better to do
Heh that really sums it up.
Well most yabs Mori's had in her career are extremely small and insignificant to the broader scene to all but those who actively want to find any reason to hate her
another account to ban lads
>mindbroken by Mori
That's a cool band name.
fpyibippy, okbh bvtmfag and doxcord are fuming, pink woman good
I don't care for Calli, but thanks for sharing his new account.
yeah and it was kino. I came gallons to the audios.
Things like >>84611767 being posted multiple times every day says otherwise.
Holofags should prioritize dealing with this faggot instead of making catalog bait threads.
Obvious samefagging, bring back IP count or unique poster IDs
Wait why does she get another new outfit, wtf
That's her 2023 outfit. Myth is behind on their outfits.
>all the seething replies
the fuck
i like the parrrot
Believe me, if we could hire a hitman already we would have
>Top selling album on iTunes
>OP for a DC Comics project
>MV animated by WIT Studio

>Banned on Twitter
>So much free time they just samefag on /vt/ 24/7
>Will die forgotten, alone, gay

Mori haters really are completely fucked in the head, huh. How's it feel knowing a "fat lazy alcoholic Texan wigger" has reached a level of success you can't even dream of?
How tf is she lazy? She's one of the hardest workers in Holo EN
That's just what I've been seeing Mori haters call her forever. Like I said, Mori haters are completely fucking mindbroken. Girl will take a week to go on vacation & mfrs will literally be like "Ohhh why did Mori fall off???"
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Jesas what the fuck is wrong with xem.
Actually now that I think about it, they are probably mind broken after Pippa had to basically denounce them, they were probably on board for social media and probably on the road to do highlight clips.
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Isn't the account still managed by this retard?
Yeah, no shit. All this board ever does is seethe about everything ever.
Do you people really think that's the original bvtm? That's obviously a false flagger posting the dumbest most retarded shit just to make bvtm look bad. Say what you will about bvtm they at least made an effort on their post and didn't have any clear bias.
>to make bvtm look bad
I don't think he needs the help
>Say what you will about bvtm they at least made an effort on their post and didn't have any clear bias.
>an effort
I didn't know reposting screenshots send directly to you took effort
>clear bias
Come on now phasefriend
Yeah, but they actually picked funny meme. This is just some retard going on the most obvious stupid rant bait anyone with half a brain can detect. Which I guess explains how this board fell for it.
>didn't have any clear bias.
only non-redditor around
fpbp, holy based anon

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