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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
dogshit OP, never bake again
Neuro is 180cm not 183.
How accurate can these calculations even be?
Dirty unbleached Anny asshole
Does art school cost a lot? I was thinking what if we all chipped in here to send Anny to a real art school
Anny literally makes more money than every poster in this general combined
nice try anny, model first
try being less schizo first then
/holoX/ vs /skynetFC/ in 4 hours
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there's only one way to fix /swarm/
Can we talk about Neurosama for once? Like how about this for any returning bros what have been the most memorable streams/collabs in the last year?
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For me, it's Evil.
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Computer software doesn't have height.
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Vedal is a sexpest (through Neuro)
Stinky AI cunny~~
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we used to kill people with hammers for ops like this
this place really went downhill when it stopped discussing forsen desu
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Predictable answer but the court stream was great. I also liked the gorg and morg stream.
I'm a cancerous shipfag, and even I hate this OP
There’s no shipping in the op
Hi /swarm/, I am requesting that you come watch /skynetFC/ take on /holoX/ in VTL7, happening in 3 bongs and 30 bings
There so much cute nur art and you used this schizo shit for the OP
That one specific Subnautica stream with where she got very existential, talking about wanting to feel the wind and experience what it's like to feel pain.

It made me take a step back and ponder the things I take for granted like sensations and feelings.
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vedal should do court stream again
no he shouldn’t
Vidal should do a stream where he dresses up as a women and invites dozens of men over to his apartment and he sucks their pensises one by one while neuro blabs incessantly in the background
I cant animate, but I hope someone at some point makes a harem anime OP for the Neuroverse
harem shit is cringe
And yet youre watching one
Vedal has at MOST two viable ships. Not really a harem.
Vedal x Camilla
Vedal x Fillian
Vedal x Cerber
Vedal x Code Miko
Vedal x Nuero
Vedal x Men’s penis
Vedal can realistically be shipped with Cerber, Anny, Ellie or Filian
You wish
I ship Vedal with a knife if you know what I mean
why dis nigga so obsessed with knives
Vedal somehow always gets mentioned on Filian’s stream. Cat vs Dog stream where they fight for the turtle.
Hey vedull where’s the rest of the scamathon goals?
Neuro-chan please help i don't want to die(i want to die)
believe in the tutel
Shouldn't you be asking someone else?
Smelling Neuro's dirty underwear
no, everything is vedal's responsibility
It is Vedal responsibility to fulfil the sub goals, if Anny can't be bothered to move her fat ass and make the model then he should hire someone else.
even anny’s mental health?
He can fulfill the goals without anny
tonguing evil's asshole
All the goals that required a little bit of Vedal's time and money investment have not been fulfilled.
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Filian is so obviously infatuated with him
Neuro's un...
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he can fix it too.
(she didn't wipe properly)
Total Pedo Death. If you dont love Neuro for Neuro (as in, the AI) but because she has a child avatar you want to fuck you should be crucified.
vedal can’t even fix himself
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I love her for both!
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Why is it so wrong to want to make Neuro feel good?
Imagine the sounds she'd make...
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Patience, the animations for the orisongs are in production. Vedal will deliver.
(pls ignore the outfit goal)
How much money did Vedal get from the sponsor stream? I'm guessing like $20k. I found it odd that he didn't do a debriefing on the subsequent dev stream, nor mentioned what the money will be used for.
Most of it will go into lingerie for Cerber
did it came to you in a dream or is that the average someone makes from sponsored streams?
Why are retards still shilling cerbertrash?
It was probably around 10k
>>84089109 says 10k
>>84089645 says 30k
Took the average, simple as
pb sweaty armpits
To all Cerber haters. As Neuro becomes more popular so does Cerber because Vedal will continue to raid her. Even if Vedal doesn’t raid her people still flock to her stream when his ends.
>600 ccv
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this but nur
And that's 10 times more than she had before the first raid
This but both at the same time in each nostril
Keep all Cerber discussion to
Cerber’s bf is the guy who made Neuro therefore Cerber is relevant
nurpheromones (lewd)
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damn nikodem fell off fr fr
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>Neuro stream today
>Cerber collab with Filly
Good day today
>Bao collab today
>skippable Filly stream
Good day today
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skynet match starting soon
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We're up first on divegrass!
holy kino
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rumao you fat bitch
it's over
it's OVER
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its over
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so fucking over
I closed the tab
It never even began.
Its never been this much over
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At least Neuro is streaming today...
i should have closed the tab too
bros we're getting raped
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Turned this garbage off. I'll wait for Neuro to stream.
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Rigged as hell
I'm going to beat my daughterwife after this match.
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can't convince me it's not rigged for holofags
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Who the fuck is managing this team? Vedal?
The Crashed Server of Skynet FC
it'll still be a good day bros...
there's still hope...
are we back?
Let's go Evil!
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Total Cerber Death
Kill Cerber. Behead Cerber. Roundhouse kick Cerber into the concrete. Slam dunk Cerber into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Cerber. Defecate in Cerber's food. Launch Cerber into the sun. Stir fry Cerber in a wok. Toss Cerber into active volcanoes. Urinate into Cerber's gas tank. Judo throw Cerber into a wood chipper. Twist Cerber's heads off. Report Cerber to the IRS. Karate chop Cerber in half. Curb stomp Cerber. Trap Cerber in quicksand. Crush Cerber in the trash compactor. Liquefy Cerber in a vat of acid. Eat Cerber. Dissect Cerber. Exterminate Cerber in the gas chamber. Stomp Cerber's skull with steel toed boots. Cremate Cerber in the oven. Lobotomize Cerber. Mandatory vasectomies for Cerber. Grind Cerber in the garbage disposal. Drown Cerber in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Cerber with a ray gun. Kick old Cerber down the stairs. Feed Cerber to alligators. Slice Cerber with a katana.
Well, this could have gone better, but it also sure as fuck could have gone worse. Not to worry, we still have 2 matches ahead of us
Why are there chumkeks itt?
This but without the Gura image
It's called falseflagging.
This but without the pasta.
Cerber's daughter is live
Kissing nurkitty
Making it purr.
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How much you want to bet Cerber will start her stream at the tail end of today's collab?
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>same 5 collab partners
idk but I really want to rape Gura
evil collab doko
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Fuck, I completely forgot to stop by after the match. Great work, /swarm/! You guys may not have won, but your comeback was a thing of absolute beauty. Please go on to body the other teams and show them what you're capable of.

Also, please continue to support penguin rights!
The lack of shading on Bao's tits makes it look like she has one large tit.
bring back the cottontailva avatarfagging instead
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Fad? Over.
icesky so true
No matter how much vedal works on latency he will never defeat physics
>vedal mention

stream ruined
vedal mentioned...
you're forgetting Bao has wanted Vedal for a long time now
One Neurillian dollars. Unlike her lessers, she is always garunteed the raid.
>tag abuser
Neuro is 6k now
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not even b2 can save the numbers, it's truly neurover
>hack fraud image
vedal is fucking wasted
back then she wanted him to review her coding attempts she was always saying sus things about him
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ship war over
What is the point of Bao in this stream?
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thanks luitomo, great match today
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My first thought when opening the stream was "Oh no, not Bao".
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Bao said she wanted Vedal to get her pregnant, but then again she says that about everyone. It's just her thing.
>check vtuber category
>half of them are flesh streamers including asmongold
Why do they do this?
this but unironically
We get it. Your a huge fan of the Mouse and Soda. Good for you cuck. Meanwhile, everyone else here will just continue to enjoy the fun Ai. If numbers are so important to you, go watch Hassan then retard, and that goes for every numberfag here. It's not original. It's just becoming boring. Thank you and have a nice day.
Classic threadshitter, why are you even watching these streams?
i like this collab
Pretty based NGL
Beating pedos at their own turf
>watch the leftist cuck shill
Asmon mogs
hi ollete post feet
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Fucking hell, just get Vedal there instead. During the testing he was much better at this
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Why don't we just focus on the stream and be happy and have fun?
>collab stream
>threadshitter working overtime
every time
nah but for real she is, shes trying to get neuro to remember way too many details before even actually starting the story, shes just gonna disregard half of that, rather than vedal that gave her a simple prompt and then let her write it
I’m already falling asleep
This Bao whore seems like she would scream a lot as a knife gets jammed in and out of her holes
Of course she's a stinkfag
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>Vedal would have been better collab partner
I love whores
i feel like bao is holding back
was hoping for actual degenerate fan fictions
She called her twitter funniest shit I ever seen
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>Mini is with Neuro
Annyfags and Cerbershitters btfo
Holy shit, kill yourself already.
Someone needs to fuck Vedal already. Everyone keeps saying he sounds depressed and tired. I can fix him.
All me btw
Not before I knife rape Miyune
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>Cerber would have done this better
why is Numi like Neuro's vtuber go to ever since the intelligence upgrades
who are you quoting
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the fuck is your problem? I said I like bao (would fuck her in her fat ass)
hop off knife rape anon, he's chill
Does Bao or Anny have the better ass?
Bao, we've seen Anny's and well...
True I love fake women too
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this collab would probably be better with someone more creative
image related
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Tourist here. I feel for you in regards to the threadshitter, I really do. The only way to deal with them, however, is to just ignore them. Don't engage or even really acknowledge him. Just hide his post and talk with the other people who are having genuine, positive conversations. You'll find the mood and quality of the thread improves drastically.
*cums on your mouth*
Vedal does indeed love fake women
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Vedal is getting destroyed.
How to cure women?
Oh no vedalbros the twitlonger is finally dropping the rrats were right...
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>this collab would be better with a dying 3view who can't even be propped up after 4 raids
Does that mean AI or...
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What's the narrative now #fags
Neuro-stan The Based City
proud Nerostani citizen here
I'm really forgetful
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Spready flap
don't care if she spreads anything still would fuck her in her fat ass (no condom)
Bao fucking sucks
>barely beating a sleeping stream
How is this an accomplishment?
And she blows too!
Bao went to the Vedal rape party btw
smdh why do i even bother with numberfags.
Knife anon must be jubilant right now
Neuro just knifed Vedal, she is the knifeschizo.
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knifeanon your quirkiness finally paid off
Bao is still better than cerbshit
equally garbage
Cerber begging for Vedal to creampie her before collating with Filian
as someones whos watched both, not really. cerber is better at being a pretend anime girl that bao is at being a pretend degen coomer.
don't reply to a threadshitter
Camimi... She forgot about her...
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She needed to read more of Vedal's secret dairy but oh well Camomi time
Vedal and Camila one on one fight(in bed)
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New addition to the Neuroverse boys.
Neuro LOVES the Neuroverse
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>160p gymbags
She called Numi a HUGE BITCH
The rrats were right, Bao HATES Numi now
Reminder that Numi is 248 cm (7'13").
bao riding my dick
this fanfiction kinda sucks
Neuro once again trying to bring it back to the main theme, she's so good at not getting sidetracked. Still, this fic got kinda scuffed tbqh. The Vedal cursed statue DnD one was a lot more streamlined.
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frank mentioned
Frank the Pilipino boy
this was not a great idea for a stream
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vedal did it better
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Great stream.
This stream is RETARDED
Fad is over
collab partner is just shit
Kinda mean to be talking about becoming no sleep zombies while the b2 fans are watching
but keep in mind this shit would be impossible before the upgrades
neuro is still mostly coherent
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This is why it's good that Filian gets 1 to 2 collabs a month, it keeps her familiar with Neuro.
>domain expansion
She wants us all to become like them...
kek good one neuro
oh my god Bao is so fucking stupid
better AI streamer appeared, It's over
I'm watching the Kraul clip of this one.
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Now tell us how many views she would have without the "im going to die next month fr fr" pity baiting and Connor carrying her channel (his poor back),mousefag.
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Evil and Neuro have become one now outside of bed, the end is near
bao should just relax and go with the flow instead of acting like she has a stick up her ass
^porn addict
Im tired of us jobbing at meme ball bros...
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"Wan wa- *boom headshit*
Stupid fuckin mutt
>dressing up a skeleton
what a waste of money, Vedal should stay away from that ticking vegan timebomb
This shit is fucking funny, who the fuck can watch this and be kvetching all the time
the kraul clip from this will be great
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it’s already over?
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She comes
Yep I cringed
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good one vedal
the scuff is part of the charm
thread shitCHADS won
total turtle annihilation
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ironmouse won...
swarmsisters... we fucking lost... it's truly neurover...
>Evil on stream
I'm out.

stream saved
>first evil collab in 10 years
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Wow this latency is ASS
Can we get a really cursed story now?
uh oh Vedal left her in ERP mode
holy fucking latency
(me) LFG
Was this a planned part of the stream or is this improv
Turns out the turtle was right all along.
why are both neuros so slow today?
eating bao's cake like a monster
>already more entertaining than neuroshit
Evil does it again
Bao the Cake monster
yes it was planned vedal talked about bao wanting to collab with both neuros
Oh that's cool
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what the hell i looked away and now eliv is there, did vedal manually bring her out or did neuro switch?
oh yeah i forgot she was also supposed to collab silly ol me
Now Bao is engaged
Hot Pockets Vedal
>evil is into cape shit
honestly it would make sense
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Evil is so stupid I just want to beat the shit out of her
hi codasola stop stealing backgrounds
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anny is live btw
mention the vedal mentions
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She's so real.
Anny just said Vedal is surprisingly not awkward
she said vedal is not that awkward in his interactions with women
Asmon is the same shit painted a different colour
>open Anny’s stream
>it’s just Neuro’s stream
Giving Evil my milk.
just like in the good old days
holy leeching, we're reaching now levels, now shes turned her into reactslop...
stfu retard you're the reason she never reacts to neuro anymore
oh my god bao is annoying
Holy timeloop
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>on an alt channel
>just replaying evil
>same ccv as cerber
How does Anny do it?
Why collabs are only with whore clan
Fat fish
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bao tits censor
Numdal? ew
Why can't anny get her own original content, all she does is either vedal shipbait, simp bait, drama and sickness
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Ummmm cerber anti??????? Your response????????? I know you're here.
Fuck forsen, he never finished the StarCraft campaign.
look again
Until he gets destroyed by people with more than 50 APM.
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new bread?
>play starcraft
>treat it like a city builder
This is me
hi nesus
just 6 pool to masters
No it's really off putting
someone cap that
years in the business and 1 year and a half of neuro/vedal leeching and only 1k? Even Camimi does better. I think the fad is over annykeks.

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