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What can they do to reach Hololive's success?
Buy an ad cuck
What success? HoloEN hasn't even returned a profit for Cover after four years according to Yagoo.
If the owner is happy with their financials and the talents are ok with their level of support from the company then who fucking cares?
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Impossible currently, they can't even clear a nijien in its death throes and probably never will unless nijien is shutdown by anycolor itself
uh oh a phasechimp got lost away from his fabricated deluded thread. watch out, it's gonna chimp out
pippa live graduation via firing squad
Maybe try reaching nijien success first?
>getting rid of the one thing keeping the cuckpany afloat and the other talents relevant
Overall Branding and Identity(separate from their individual vtubers) that should differentiate themselves in vtubing or streaming space.
Plappa Plapkin suicide stream.
He's not wrong tho, phase needs a better center/headliner than Pippa or its never going anywhere (especially since theyre no pivoting into idol things). Mint or Rosemi would be a great catch if fishman can manage it somehow.
>and the other talents relevant
plappacucks don't watch vtubers because her fanbase unironically hates them and shes too busy collabing with /pol/ grifters like kirsche if theres any actual viewership overlap its from tenma and maybe lumi which would explain why the rest of phase are literal 3-views
but as it stands their image seems to be mostly negative due to association to drama, antis and their peddlers.
This, they're lacking drama and one graduation per month
phase's first and only 6view stream
Fishman already fucked it up
They don't need to do anything and they should rest easy knowing they are the kings of the small corpos and the greatest en small agency to ever do it.
You're not gonna "out hololive" hololive.
It goes to show the importance of top vtuber in a vtuber agency/corpo as they shape how people perceive them as a whole.
Removing the dramafags embedded deep within the phase community would be a good start
Phase Connect fans should bot their livers like hololive
Unironiclly fire Pippa and renounce their kiwifarms audience
Pippa should join a wrestling event in Japan while cosplaying Colress
But they keep the nijis at bay.
>one phase bait thread goes into the archive
>another takes its place immediately
I am noticing
this. honestly their 4 EN members of Gen1 might have the best non-holo spots in corporate vtubing. I would rather be one of them than any NIJI. They have it made and have gotten to experience things only holos have gotten to experience.
Nijisisters are easy to dominate and break, dramafag Phasecucks never stop being annoying
What would Lumi say here?
Fire Pippa
Hire more Mints
The same way Hololive did. Get multiple lucky strikes in a row.
Phase cope
Hololive collapsing, they already have the market cornered so only Niji tier yabs or the collapse of the company would ever let anyone else compete.
You reap what you sow.
This is Phase’s fault somehow
I don't think you understand how lucky Phase Connect already is.
They are a small corpo. They are not supposed to be here.
Small corpo life is volatile and with no stability. You look at all of their peers they started with in 2020/2021, and they are the only ones who made it.

even look at Idol who became competition after the fact. 18 months ago with their ENGen1 they looked like they were poised to be big players and Phase's top rival. Now that entire Gen will be extinct.
Win the clipper lottery in 2020
Hire Filian and Senzawa and get them to stream consistently.
I watch some Phase but lets not fool ourselves, Holo is untouchable and it can stay that way. I want my variation between small corpos, large corpos and indies.
i think it says a lot that the ghost formally known as pomu rainpuff had a more positive experience hanging out as an honorary member of phase connect member for a weekend than she did in her entire 3 years with nijisanji.
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Pander to actual fans instead of /pol/ and dramashitters. Terminate Pippa
/pol/ are the actual fans, YWNBAW
Literally nothing. Cover and Phase aren’t even playing the same game let alone competing.
Fire pippa
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I guess Kawaii has stuck around for a while hasn’t it?
They could start by getting rid of pippa and her k*wifarms dramanniger audience
Anon. That’s the whole audience.
>get rid of their largest member
>somehow this makes them compete with Hololive
Sakana should have twerked for those sweet Russian griftbucks. His company's meteoric rise would have been a sight to behold for numberfags and the mega yab revealed around this time a sumptuous feast for the rest of /vt/
Nothing, it's the worst garbage corp ever, is there even one girl in there that doesn't cuck their audience or do political commentary or act like a slut or become semi donothon fleshtuber?
they have, but they are just running on a hamster wheel going nowhere for a while.
i dont think it would shock anybody if they get PRISM'd one day
lets, face it, they are never going to grow past their dramanig audience as long as Pippa is the face of the company
Lia, Erina, Muyu, Runie
Hey now, it’s not all that bad. Sakana could terminate you and steal your model too
Buy bots just like them.
Fire the whore pippa
Not try to be Dollar Tree Hololive with the concerts and stuff, although there are a bunch of Phase talents clearly expecting it at this point.
Go full-on anime-girls-give-political-hot-takes grifting.
Give Pippa a promotion
Holofag here and I really like Tenma and Shiina (that makes 2 chuubas called Shiina I like lol)
what harm do concerts cause?
Collaboration with UFC
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You are not fooling anyone phasefag
drop pippa
but it will be way better for them to stay relatively small
>he doesn’t know
>he doesn’t know
Most knowledgeable phasetard
They're not good at it. At least Phase OriginS is pretty bad. Maybe the more idol-oriented talents will put on a better show.
Still even the substandard performance involved a lot of work to produce, and they make no money for the effort. Pippa stopped streaming for two weeks prior to the concert. https://youtu.be/A5TkipGhoGc?t=563
They are the perfect size.
Not too big to where their content is sanitized/clean or their chats are blobs.
Not too small that they never get to do cool stuff, have cool merch, get big collabs, or get opportunities to showoff.
Rima likes hololive
The dogshit drama farmer loves the dogshit drama company what a surprise
Pippa sucks now. Without the /pol/ shit she's got nothing. Honestly their whole 1st gen is pretty bad, their competition just happen to be even worse.
Rima likes clout and has no allegiance like any dramatuber, if hololive had a big yab you can bet your ass she would milk it for every cent she could
They're only just starting to get to it, and phase actually has potentially better performers around for further concerts. It really was more about promotion than anything else, specifically having their first talents on it, along with an indie that has more subscribers than anyone else in the company save for one.
Lia was exceptional. Granted that is 1/4, so I digress, but the only complete talent sink coming up of english talents who are in line to get 3D is Dizzy.
The sooner they get more 3D's, the sooner they can shift Pippa and Tenma into mc and skit roles where they can do physical comedy instead of asking them to do idol stuff which neither of them are capable of.

Also girls like Pippa or Lia don't need a concert as an excuse to not stream. Pippa worked for 2 days for the concert, nobody forced her to stay in Tokyo and then travel again to New York for an additional 13 days. That's her call. Tenma's life went on as usual. Mint did her stuff for the concert, and then went back to living her life and streaming.
To what end? Fishman doesn't have the logistics muscle that Cover has to sell concert merch. He can barely sell coffee. Concerts will never make money for Phase.
I am not concerned with how much money a multi millionaire like Sakana is making or losing. I could not give a fuck.
All I care about is being able to watch my oshi do cool things, and 3D concerts at venues are on that list of cool things I want to see.
Concerts, even when they're done well, are still about promotion and thus eventually merchandise and profit. Fish is a rich businessman who's almost running this solo, and a businessman would know that you need to gamble and test waters for profit.
Further concerts either work for them and phase talents get more subscribers and the company grows, and they can do more concerts, or he'll just file it as a failed experiment and focus on other things.
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spam more anti-holo threads and make more twitter accounts promoting phase and shitting on Hololive.
concerts are not gonna be for exposure and le dead subs. if you want exposure, then that money would be better spent on YT advertisements.
one of the main points of 3d concerts is for the talents who want them get to experience them and to show their stuff. it is for the experience. it is like a "thank you" to them. it means a lot to a lot of vtubers. it can be used as a huge carrot to dangle and to keep talents around. some don't care about idol shit, and that is fine. so don't waste money on those girls.

i agree it also helps the company portfolio when looking for future partners and opportunities. cons are a big thing for phase connect, and now when he is looking at future cons and spots, he can say we ran the main stage of anime nyc maybe you've heard of it not a big deal
Send Clara in to be my personal live in wife sex slave

Trust me bro it will work
I’m very thankful most of the anons here don’t actually run companies
invent a time machine and launch in 2018
it is funny to see broke ass 3rd world neets so concerned about a millionaire and his money
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1. Be patient. Hololive took years. When Warner pushed DC movie director Schneider to catch up with Marvel movies after Man of Steel, they fucking ruined it with corporate meddling with Batman v Superman and Justice League. They need to focus on building and slow grinding. They think everyone only cares about Hololive only, it's not true. They are being watched. Do the typical thread on /vt/ and don't sweat details so much.

2. Do the stuff like the concert and other holiday/talent events. Not a lot of people were in Hololives first concert or festivals, now after several years of work, they are huge and still have problems getting recognized that they need larger venues for concerts because of the lack of knowledge of vtubers in by venue hosts. Hololive is paving the road now for Phase and Vshojo to enjoy in the future.

3. Don't backbite. Everyone hates nijisanji right now because they are two faced snakes, not just on boning their own talent, but sending their sisters and nijiniggers against other vtubing agencies and talents. Let the fans hate nijisanji, but don't allow Phase talent to join in unless its really bad shit like bulling the Kettle by the woke crowd. But solidarity with other vtuber talents is usually appreciated. The woke tend to be a universal problem.

4. Scout out good talent avaliable and hire them. There are talents out there trying and not getting anywhere, and may want a change of agency. When Zaion, Doki, Pomu left, it was raining talent. There is still talent out there in the Japanese market. I know Sakurazuki Kanon, Non-chii (former Kizuna Ai OG VA), Akari Mirai, etc. They may be burned and unwilling to deal with corporations again, or maybe they want a better agency. The way Phase handled Mint to participate but not join is phenomenonal. It builds a damn good public reputation.
I love how it's fucking Aviel instead of idol corp KEK
You forgot to call me "chud"
Buy an ad
Idolshit is gayhomofaggot crap that vtubers should've destroyed, not embraced.
astroturf /vt/, make hololive hate threads, spam the hololive reddit, etc..
Tbf they're not so far from Niji
I don't think that's true. People just interpreted something that was said in the worst possible way.
>What can they do
Appeal to south east asian street-shitting tribal muslim niggers that are afraid of alcohol
set the fanbases of all their talents against eachother
Have each girl take long extended breaks to create schizos and spazs so that the fanbase is constantly beset by antis of their own creation
Oh, and they need to have a manager fucking rape one of their original members, and then cancel their most popular character because of angry chicom spam farms.
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>feigns ignorance
>you tell 'em!
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Probably the only serious in the entire thread. There are also a bunch of logistical and administrative internal issues that need to be addressed, like obviously shipping but also the website not having a japanese language option and drilling into talents proper use of their tools (I'm talking about you Eimi). Sakana may be the CEO, but it's not his job to micromanage everything the talents do, or rather I hope for him it's not also his job as that would be nighmarish.

As much as numbermonkeys hate it, the concert was a resounding success, most people loved it and it put a lot of eyes on the company, something that's always good.

Anons ITT may want Pippa gone, but she's their biggest talent. The problem however is that it's a double-edge sword, she is a controversy magnet, but that can be a good thing as it has proven to be in the past. More nothingburger dramas just put more eyes on the talent, like Iori increasing her audience tenfold after apologizing for purposefully hurting chat with cuckshit. Let Pippa do Pippa things, just make sure that she doesn't slip up and say "nigger" on stream, not because it would be bad for publicity or anything, but because Youtube is stupid and it could get her banned. As much as the other talents hate being hounded, they aren't strangers to edge themselves, picrel. Banning talking about politics results in Pippa just kind of deflating and the viewers flocking to others like SmugAlana and Kirsche. PLAY with the edge and use it to cut down the competition, go full Shadow the Hedgehog if you want to, you're a small corpo with resources to spare and an ever discontented audience to attract.
Get the gay, sanitized shit out of here. Surf controversies, it's what you do best, just continue to interact with people like Mint and Dokie.
>Lost away from
Holy ESL.
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Nothing, the EN sphere is declining year-on-year so anyone who hasn't already gotten popular is DOA.
Phasecucks CCV has been going down all year and the girls arnt gaining subscribers anymore (apart from the bear girl that spams shorts).
and as she heard at the concert, short spam bots and dead subs don't show in person. she is supposed to be the most idol talented girl in her gen, and the crowd sat on their hands for her the entire time.
the worst thing they could do is try to be hololive.
phase connect has their niche.
their gen1 are basically small corpo royalty they are living the vtuber dream despite having no talent and questionable content.
I thought Phase's number were going down?
How the fuck do they keep going up on monthly charts?
>source: i saw it in a dream
Flayon's cucknet. They are already successful for being his cocksleeves.
Idol was born and crashed and burned after the era of small corpos in that lineup. Be a historically accurate shitposter and include Kawaii on the right with Phase.
kawaii will be going next to prism when the time comes and their parent company pulls the plug on them
gotta go back
back to the past
seanigger trash
too late, all phasefags are cucks.
A viable strategy would be to nip it in the bud when talents associate with people who are obviously unhealthy for the optics of the brand right away. I only know about Phase because of Pippa Pipkin's brief entanglement with the likes of Nick Rekeita and his sphere of retarded internet lawyers. That bridge was burned before he reached his nadur but it held up for longer than it should have.
Maybe don't make cucking your audience your only content
Sakana would rather go to cons and run big concerts at a small loss, than not go at all and make a profit on his already existing fanbase. These cons and events is how you grow the business. It is how he networks as well to get his company more opporuntities.

I will be interested to see what he does after Anime NYC. He has gotten a taste of a full 3D concert, and apparently management were blown away with it so i def think we will see more. Plus, he got to see the hololive con machine in person, and he was taking notes for sure. So will he try another 3D concert next year? Will he juice up the company booth even more?
>>84630594 (me)
Nadir* fat ass fat fucking fingers
Why are you posting this here?
Honestly if Phase can pick up the crumbling remains of the Nijisanji community and manage to not fuck up as badly as Anycolor, 2-3 years they could be the outright #2 corpo.

Will they ever challenge Hololive for the top spot, tho? No. They would need a portal to early 2020 to do that so they could compete when there wasn't as much competition in this space.
Outbot them.
Well yeah I'd hope she would, if Hololive ever did something as bad as Niji they should get called out for it
Fire Pippa.
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>Callout in question
And yeah, it is a phasefag
When phase inevitably passes Niji will you kill yourself?
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Phasebeggars really living up to their name.
>no bikinis
hey if you browns and numberniggers wanna spam the catalog with shitty bait threads I might as well shill in them
>no swimsuit 0 ero slop
Get a talent as popular as pippa that isn't an edgy retard
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Literally every single member is gaining subs and CCV
why bother with such an obvious lie? Let me guess you're going to sprint with the goalpoasts and say it doesnt count because they arent getting hundreds of thousands of subs
And this is despte the constant attacks from Holocucks.
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Hyperkek, it's over for you Phasecuck.
The numbers are publicly available on Playboard and other sites.

Almost everyone in Phasecucknet is down on average CCV.
Your queen Plappa lost a thousand ccv since May, Lia went from 1000+ to barely over 400. Tenma isn't a 4 view anymore, etc etc.

The only ones that grew in CCV are Rie and the Seamonkey, they should phase-out to Holo.
Fire Pippa and Rebrand
They should be happy being the first Phase Connect
why are mintfags like this
I don't think they are. There's some antis that shitpost with her like that Bint loser
bro didnt even read the chart he posted lmao
phase is on a huge incline while the two big corps are going down
maybe cut down on the cuck content
Any JP fag lurking around who can tell me how many new JP vtuber corpos have appeared and become successful in the last 3 years? I randomly visited the JP General while surfing the archives and found 2 maybe 3 that came out in 2024 (just did a little reading). There are probably more, their chuubas get 50k-100k subs very fast too.
>making a Phase anti post
>with Mint
t. Nijisister
Best post. Disregard all others.
Hope they pass their auditions for the next gen
Nijis have been trying for a couple months now to incite holo vs phase, presumably in the hopes that everyone will stop beating the dead horse that is their company.
>Verification not required.
>all these retards saying fire Pippa, the only successful breakout iconic one of the whole company
They need 10 more Pippas is the problem. One girl can only carry so hard.
That's not Rima you esl monkey
you seem to have conveniently forgotten the youtube algo reset that decreased everyone's numbers
Hololive is ultra big in Japan because because of the idol culture. There's no idol culture in the west , and phase connect reputation is already stained for it to kick up any steam in japan.
Raise the of their idols

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