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スイートマジック: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EimdErvUh8
Meconopsis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzkNg89Cq9Y
Ocean wave PartyLive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v_BFL-kuWs
Drenched In Air: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w4X67atXEo
おどれ!VRダンス!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KCpe82_jW4
POP/STARS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDUADGntHOE
summertime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ucwpn-JQqmI
フタリボシ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84uvWfZqqeg
ないない: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=injd7gHrIGU
い〜やい〜やい〜や: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5yfM_UlucY
Tabi No Tochuu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIv_yYKl9tQ
VIOLET: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZdLXELdF9Q

Previous: >>84490257
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Hmm, I think I'll become takoyaki after being cut up
There's still like 2 weeks left, what's the rush~
I'll do my reps once Ina becomes cool again
I hope Ina is eating well
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Ina's feet hurt, and you're acting as if everything was fine, tako? Seriously?
My Ina will be wearing sandals(feet exposed)...
>walks down the stairs
>goes outside
>takes morning nap
>goes outside again
foot injury
Murphy's law...
>opens a book
gets mindbroken by an eldritch god
Fuck, this art is so good
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I can see Ina being a dope with socks and sandals
I mean it took her 20+ times to pull on a gacha, she had a 1/27 chance she still couldn’t get a hat. My Ina is a very unlucky girl and needs me in her life to help balance that unluckiness out.
She got that Kamijou Touma luck.
Can’t forget about the umbrella too

I'll draw once ENReco is over I swear
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I will be in shock if Ina doesn’t wear slides at all, but then again she did just found out what the hype for crocs were all about
I miss Ina
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I'll hate the frog tako tonight.
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Ina suffers the most...
Today I will think
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why didn't Ina say "may thy blade chip and shatter" to GG?
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uncool creature
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Ina will never sing any of my favorite songs because she is a weeb...
sounds like a you issue
no shit retard, that's why I said my favorite songs
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>no shit retard
says the retard that doesn't realize he is being mocked for his shit taste
you are too retarded to notice but no one here unironically listens to weeb shit other than 2 or 3 anime ost
Why come all the way to this thread to hold your bad taste pride parade?
Ina tonight or tomorrow.wav?
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it depends
she said tonight but not sure
tonight into tomorrow.wah but wait for her tweet first
Ina should use my face as a chair
Ina should use my penis as a masturbation aid
Ina should sleep and eat more
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this but specifically iron rich meat
but I want now
typical amber coin behavior
I miss takotime
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hips built for bearing my children
Right now I’m imagining Ina listening to Gymnopédie no. 1 while staring blankly into a wall or ceiling
really makes one wonder how did they came up with this stuff back then
how is she cuter than cute
Can ice truly be hot?
guys I think there won't be Ina today
My penis hasn’t gotten spontaneously erect all day, so I already knew she wasn’t streaming.
Iname bros
Did we just get replaced
you didn't exist to begin with
I genuinely don't know what you are talking about my dude
Inamebros will never die
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InAme schizo-posting can never be replaced
I'm kinda glad Ina didn't get paired with anyone at the start, shippers are the worst
It can
through technicalities
did you miss the part where she got married to IRyS, and then Mumei, and then Biboo?
that's NinoIna
Even without a real pairing the shippers still showed up and refuse to leave no matter how little support they get.
they are mentally ill(unironically) after all
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I think he's referring to how Gigi and Ame's RP for pretty much this whole thing has been that they're married, with Ame saying her name is Jyonathan. Then after finishing the dungeon Ame had no memory of recent events, introducing herself to Gigi as Amelia Watson and asking who she was. That's what this bit about hitting Ame in the head to try and restore her memories was about, and why there's more angsty Gigi/Ame fan art recently
thankfully Ina was spared from all that
Where is Ninoina
Don't worry she's doing her own cringe.
yeah she's doing her cute cringe instead of being forced in an RP relationship
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Yeah, thank goodness
the triangle thing was pretty gay
Nothing gay about this
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you'd think there'd be an ina edit of this already
The puritans here don't actually watch streams or anything related to Ina
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not for long
will Ina become cool again?
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It will be revealed soon if she ever stopped
Maybe when she said tomorrow she actually meant the next tomorrow
I'm pretty sure there is one out there, but I can't find it my folders
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>>84677699 (me)
Oh yea, I see why it wasn't posted much again now.
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There have been a hundred signs that Ina doesn't like the lewd stuff and that she doesn't really want fans to like sexy Ina. She rejected the idea of selling a daki, wanted her art tag to be safe for children, and told viewers that she wanted to make family friendly content. Hololive does require talents to attend swimsuit concerts and sell coomerbait merch but after 4 years a takodachi should know that stuff doesn't represent the real Ina.
Why is this link dead already, I thought litters would last longer
Damn, today might've been really cool with Ninoina trying to cure her sister...
My Ina... I'm glad she is sleeping well!
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Ina it’s 2 pm in Japan…

I hope Ina slept 8+ hours and missed those useless meetings
Better than waking up at 2 am... Couldn't be me haha...
Don’t worry guys, I made it family friendly for ya’ll. Also, UOOOGGHHH Tiny cute and small deliciously flat Ina chest!!! T u T
Thank you brave tako, your sacrifice will not be forgotten
you all can't read huh?
now you get the death penalty
wait, finale? no part 2 for council?
There's gaps between them (like months probably), it's not going to be a month straight of this
I'm pretty sure it was always meant to have spaced out chapters. Even if the girls seemed to enjoy it, there's no way they could have kept up the enthusiasm if it was 4 seasons of minecraft back to back
This is Season 1 I believe.
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I got my dose of Ina today fuck she is amazing
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As Ina’s strongest tako, that ain’t stopping me
>There have been a hundred signs that Ina doesn't like the lewd stuff and that she doesn't really want fans to like sexy Ina
Meanwhile in reality she blatantly said she can appreciate lewd artwork and has seen some things but just doesn't want it on her main tag due to the possibility of children watching.
It's a stance she said back when she barely debuted and something she repeated when the #4thWAH tag was made.
She doesn't hate the lewd stuff. She hates lewd stuff being shoved into everything.
funny looking dope
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You say that, but if she had full dictatorial control, Patreons who paywall #4thWAH would be on the bottom of the algorithm, and all other art would be higher.
As it should be.
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>t. ako
Honestly I’m a firm believer that she was completely fine with not monitoring us when it came to lewd topics or artworks, until one day something must have happened to make her address it more frequently. I personally believe that one of her relatives or friends found about Ina and Hololive, whether they stumbled upon it themselves or she told them personally. Obviously being naturally curious, they must’ve searched Ina up online and seen all the crazy things being said or drawn about her. I think the back incident must have been the final straw, because imagine how embarrassing it would be to have someone you personally know showing you drawn pictures of what’s supposed to be YOU with your ass out or getting completely railed. Not to mention all the things we say about her on the internet, yeah with all that combined I can completely understand her wanting to shut that down immediately, I would too.
>until one day something must have happened to make her address it more frequentl
>new takos that weren't around for Ina's back are making rrats about irl stuff
Why are you like this? What general are you coming from?
I think she just doesn't like when tourists say "lmao Ina's back" in the chat dude
She literally said to lurk more
That's really the core of it.
She doesn't want tourists shitting up the place with things unrelated to what's going on in the stream.
The back crowd were the worst offenders, so they were the ones that got called out specifically.
It’s just a headcanon. Obviously she’s fine with it as long as you don’t go overboard, but there had to be something that made her want to monitor us a bit more than before (besides just basic repeated “haha back” messages), because she definitely doesn’t hate it.
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My headcanon is that Ina is the nicest, cutest, strongest, inspiring, dopest and most loveable person in the world
Oh new pixiv artist spotlight
Have they ever had Ina on
So much “subtle” fucks in that new Pixiv video comments
I hate these faggots so much, is it really this hard to not break containment?
Seeing her art makes me really miss the drawing streams though. Also artbook doko.
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