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Baunny Edition
Previous Thread >>84613021

>Upcoming Stream
ENreco 18:00PT 21:00ET
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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I want to be involved in both 1 million sub projects
why can't you guys just organize this shit on twitter why does it always have to be dicksword...
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Mocopirate where are you?
All discords are gay. I'm not joining any more projects.
he was hung by the gallows
I wrote this post.
Projects are gay. FUWAMOCO don't need a project to know you love them.
people here always say fuwamoco will experience a burnout from hololive but do you REALLY think that's gonna happen? cause i don't
I think they will experience a physical burnout first. Which is what I'm worried about. Them mentioning that they've done every single VP since debut just further reinforces that they are not taking care of themselves plus the comments by Mama and Papa puppy. They aren't young puppies anymore and it will catch up to them.
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>another fanbook project
here we go again
Should I worship or curse the man who invented double-sided tape?
Time to get my submission ignored again!
is the baucord or pillar involved? if neither are that's the only way I'll give it one more try. Those two lost all trust
Caved and bought the yandere voice packs. I love my menhera demon dogs
it's your lucky day! both discords are fighting over who can get the biggest names to be part of THEIR project
Don't worry, in the end, the grandest of projects will be overshadowed by a simple congratulations and hug from the #1 Ruffian, Newissa Wavencwoft
Out of curiosity, what are the projects?
>check wuffian cord
holy fucking autism with these people
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I think Mococo and Fuwawa should have sex
why is there a wuffian cord?
This but also Suisei and Nerissa.
why are there even two discords anyways? FUWAMOCO are on twitter and don't want secret clubs. FUck these self entitled assholes for isolating themselves and thinking they are more important than the other ruffians
Because the you cant say shit in the BAUcord, it's basically the subreddit but worse. Can't even post lewds.
wuffian cords are where the wuffians who actually matter are whereas cliptrannies and tourists make up the majority of the baucord
fandiscords are always a mistake
discord community segregation is par for the course
Discord was a mistake
true we should use IRC
Is there more to it? Paywalled variants?
Except no cause unless you're involved with certain individuals you wouldn't even know the wuffian cord exists
chinese/cia psyop, it just showed up one day during covid and every company started opening one up overnight
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that's called gatekeeping and it's good
13th of Friday next week
will they have time to whip something kino up again?
Sex with me
No sorry gotta record more voicepacks
No it's called being a clique
there doesn't seem to be https://x.com/Meow_Somebody__/status/1831997746427167204
I hate the clique but every day I get closer to joining because everyone they love most is in that club
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click the power button and go outside
Bummer, thanks
Advent is in the clique?
>FUWAMOCO discussion cord
>Can't discuss FUWAMOCO
>Mods don't even watch FUWAMOCO
I don't even use discord but no wonder people would want to make other ones. This place is a shithole but at least even the shitposters watch them.
I don't normally care cause I know they care about me regardless, but it's times like this where they're organizing projects where I wish I could get involved.
I mean yes the baucord is shit and full of tourists but this isn't about discussing them it's about a project for their 1 mil. There's no reason to make that sort of thing exclusive.
well the project is public anyways so you could easily just participate once the form to submit something is made available
Yeah, baucord is terrible You get shut down for talking about FUWAMOCO and the owner is a shithead that days you aren't a ruffian if you aren't wealthy and can't afford everything
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The fact the mods of the FUWAMOCO fan server are almost all homobeggers is disgusting. place is the absolute opposite of what they would want. If they are in any discord it's the wuffiancord
I was going to say there's no way anyone besides shitposters here actually believes that but then I remembered some faggot in the other discord unironically said FUWAMOCO have favorite ruffians
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There's no reason not to. You're making something unofficial official. It's a group of friends doing something together. It always rubbed me the wrong way how this thread made a couple of fags "the pillars of the community" by participating in everything they made while complaining that they didn't want to. Stop legitimizing it by giving them power, do your own thing, organize smaller things. Use the hashtag ones to do your own stuff and only take advantage of the visibility. Like the white day one, you do your thing, I do mine, we both post our thing on the same hashtag, that's it. Much prefer this kind of "project"
it's all over the discord I left that shithole so believe me or go looking. the fact they even allow and boost stars on that server even more than fuwamoco talk is gross. why would you ever want or need to discuss holostars on a FUWAMOCO server is beyond me
They're both gay. Shit like "let's get icomochi on our project to make it more official" is exactly what FUWAMOCO would hate.
>FUWAMOCO have favorite ruffians
They actually do. It was everyone who went to Breaking Dimensions.
not even worth a capital y (you)
Wow, stunning.
kill yourself faggot
anyone who insists that fuwamoco have favorite ruffians are sisters because you're calling them liars
She's so pretty like a princess
Not doubting that, just curious if there's ANY place besides here with actual ruffians besides twitter
you have to be making this up they aren't actually trying to get her involved are they? how clueless can you be
Ok I've seen the discord ideas so far and it seems like the same old generic shit. Where are the other projects?
Coming from HoloJP the amount of Discord drama and the literal idolization of individual fans in the HoloEN communities was mind boggling to me.
My project is I'm going to tell them I love them and I'm proud of them for the 100th time but still mean it just as much as ever in a membership milestone message
Power button broke 13 years ago
I'll also do this but instead I'll say I love them more than you to show that I'm better.
seeing people crowd around that jimmy weeb guy at breaking dimensions was painful. i bet they have never even watched a single aki stream.
I think that's discord in general, imageboards might be shit at times but atleast it's not discord
lol https://x.com/tabakko/status/1827961048697348535
Idol fan clubs are a thing right? Surely those also have internal drama. Or am I mixing it up and those are basically just memberships.
Jesus christ this was horrible at anime nyc. People were worshipping Jimmy, that fauna cosplay whore and the viking guy more than the actual talents. People cheered for them than fubuki and mio
You and I are agreeing while somehow not agreeing
I love the stuff like the hashtags where it's fully public and everyone has the chance to get involved and know about what's going on. Using your white day example, I DISLKIKE things like OTM's White day visual novel where you have to know a specific guy and be involved with him to being involved with the project. Like you, I just don't like the notion of certain groups or ruffians trying to commandeer a project and act like they're the representatives for the ruffians
What the hell are you guys trying to do a project for right now anyways? Their first orisong has come and gone, their 3d is over, we're way past their anni, and their birthday isn't for another 6 months.
plug your reset button into the power switch port on your motherboard
>What the hell are you guys trying to do a project for right now anyways?
for FuwaMoco's undivided attention, of course
kek I hope the retard emails her in English. she needs a good laugh
Jimmy is fine, he actually is a big fan and watches aki
Now the OTHER people that jerk him off yeah they don't give a fuck lol

I can't imagine the levels of dick sucking something like this >>84628551 would do to my ego though lmao
1 million
That means she just works with companies, I would wager. They're retarded kek
how about you try to get them to 1 million first?
Did anyone even do anything for these? I honestly can't remember a single thing for these different milestones but I remember when people blew their load on the smallest thing like them getting sick.
Most if not all of the discord projects have had twitter posts that were tagged and retweeted by a bunch of people
Project Idea: Buy 1 million pon de rings for FUWAMOCO
fuck off, Hyde is cool
but what about the poor Brazilians
Their 1 million subs goal

And i would bet money the only reason the discords are talking about this now is because some project stuff for Kronii's 1 million was making the rounds on twitter recently.
It's going to happen eventually but like people have said before, the last push can take a long time.
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>And i would bet money the only reason the discords are talking about this now is because some project stuff for Kronii's 1 million was making the rounds on twitter recently.
you would be 100% correct because someone posted that kronii thing in the wuffians cord and anan said "we should do something like this"
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It's 2PM go to sleep
kek of course. fucking attention whores always have a true reason for doing things other than supporting FUWAMOCO
If fuwawa had full control over the voice scenario would she have gone south park chili route? I get the feeling that she would
It's fine I usually make projects on my own
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sex with sleepy dogs!!
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Mococo seemed bothered by being told she wasn't scary in the VP
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cute hat
fucking scarlet harlot
i am going to rape you
hey that's my wife, isn't she cute
I think I know what she was going for but her voice just didn't go deep and cool enough to be unnerving
It was sexy cute and a little autistic but I loved it
I liked it a lot more than Fuwawa's even though she put on a better yandere performance
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Yandere is shit, give me enema voice pack if we're doing fetish stuff.
oh my gosh
They should switch their stream times to JST prime time if they refuse to go to bed at reasonable hours. That's the only way.
People only bring up homework whenever that topic comes up on stream because they're all selfish, but time with the ruffians isn't worth their health either.
This post is only half bait.
understandable I'm a sucker for unhinged yandere laughs and fuwawa's was better for me though I wish the one at the end was a bit longer. I would have blown my load if the curry was made out of the girl
figures purity schizo is shitting on the yandere pack despite only listening to the preview. what a hater for someone whi now claims to obsess and love them
you're an anti if you mention their health. haven't you heard them ridiculing people who call them out on stream? Let them kill themselves and enjoy it while it lasts
If he was praising it you'd be calling him a yesman or whatever. Just suck his dick already and spare us the details.
he's never praised them. it's always schizo shit about how he loves being close to them and how they are silly and kind to him. dude needs to be institutionalized
we love book projects that the organizer can put their own walls of text into and claim complete ownership of
>Schizo: Yandere isn't really ... keeping smiles safe but I get it
>Fww: Really?
>Mcc: It's keeping the smile safe.
Even until now he still can't understand FuwaMoco despite his holier-than-thou sermons about them. That thing isn't a ruffian.
kekaroo he's already backtracking on it after Fuwawa called him out on stream for his chat comment. what a retard

Thank you FUWAMOCO for a week full of fun and comfy times together. Excellent work on the recordings lately too, no misunderstandings Outside of our dream, the road's been ruff, but you being close beside me has meant everything.

This heart loves you Sweet dreams
bau bau
Go tell him that to his face and stop shitting threads over men, you cock obsessed faggot. Just the other day he was apologizing for hogging freecat/precat with his spam, the only replies he got? NOOOO KEEP GOING I LOVE YOUR YAPPING YOU'RE AMAZING YOU'RE A PILLAR OF THE SPAM COMMUNITY
Limp dick faggots.
take it to DMs and go fuck him already I'm sure he'd love it. nothing about that thing has to do with FUWAMOCO so stop posting their shit here you're almost worse than him
>oh your submission didn't follow the guideline so we removed it
>any text i wrote though? instantly greenlighted
the new project is going to be exactly the same btw. the pillars on this side of the community are going to insert their own vapid text and plaster their names all over it. same shit different asshole.
just block his schizo ass everywhere, save yourself the sanity. My YT chat is basically just me and a few cool ruffians because I block everyone else
kys Nae
WAY worse than him, at least FUWAMOCO seem to like his inane stuff, going by how often they engage with it, does ANYONE here like reading his crap copypasted here? I don't think so.
I joined the discord and will tell them off if anyone pulls that shit. Unless they add it last minute in which case I'll go scorched earth. I'm logging every conversation in the channel this time and am not making the same mistake of no evidence like we did with the bday book
Going to bed at midnight-3am isn't that unreasonable. It's waking up at 5am that would be troublesome. They stream normally at 10am (their time) and that's pretty much completely reasonable. Then they have the rest of the day to do whatever. It's really only FWMC morning that cuts right on the middle of when they should sleep if they wanted 8 hours. Some people can function with not that much sleep and it's not really up to anybody but themselves to police their health
thank god
there's two fuwamoco things here, but a bit pricey compared to the usual, if anyone wants to get it
are there any others still not bought?
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I've been watching the archive every day. I can't pretend all my reasons are the same, we have different experiences and impressions, but there's many times in this I just have to stop and let the tears out. It's something really precious and beautiful.

t. schizo that pirated the stream
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Gosh, I love streams at fwmc o'clock
Yeah, there's no real big events for the next couple months (that we know of) and if them trying the shorts meta with that last SC reading a little while back didn't get them jack shit, it's clear that shorts are dead in the water for engagement/easy button presses. Once they hit 85-90k, I'm sure it'll go quick because every JP and EN fan will hear about it, but until then it's gonna be a crawl.
>if they refuse to go to bed at reasonable hours
They did the same thing while in the NW Passage, so nothing would ever change. Its entirely an issue with them.
Your a saint among men if you do this. Because a lot of people got burned from the last projects and quite honestly as much as it would bother FUWAMOCO seeing the truth they need to see the bullshit that happens behind the scenes with these projects and how many people get their submissions ignored.
I don't see anything in baucord
Mococo isn't the kind of yandere that would stab you in your sleep. She's the kind who would glue your hands together so you would never leave her side.
Because the baucord is filled with tourists and "anti-parasocial" retards.
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wape- !! ehehe~ wuffians~
But in the NWP they had FWMC Morning making them wake up at 5am. It's a similar issue. They need to make it so their stream times don't overlap with their sleep times.
If they don't want less homework and they don't want less streams, I don't see an alternative other than sacrificing their usual slots.
Well the account is already there and logging now. I hope it never needs to be posted or used
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It's good not because it was bad, it was great, it's good because grouping females for too long in such an enclosed context can only lead to pain for everyone involved.
Neither one is yandere in the slightest. Yandere is the worst dere archetype. God I hate all retards who fell in love with this garbage.
Mirai Nikki was a mistake, Yuno is a horrible character with a shit design, and Yandere Simulator is an ironic weeb game.
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>You! Will! Not! Leave! My! Sideh!
That's only reasonable if they were to wake up and immediately start streaming. Half their week ends at 1AM and will soon end at 2AM. You can't just "go to sleep" right after. It's not realistic.
The man with no taste
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i miss you...
They'll never sacrifice anything workwise, so there literally is no real solution. Even when they're extraordinary busy, they still choose to stream to the point where they have more hours than girls who are doing less.
The first thing they'll sacrifice is sleep. They've been doing it for over a decade now, so they'll never stop.
she'd get very sad after the glue comes off and you'd have to glue it back for her
She wasnt yandere, she was a larping married
Also, shouldnt you be playing DDLC like a good ironic weeb?
Nothing outs someone as not watching streams than being a fan of FWMC while being "anti-parasocial"
Like, what, they think watching Mococo crying over tech issues during the Parasocial game is peak entertainment? Everyone was slapping their knees and laughing like maniacs? No, people were engaged because they love her and felt bad for her. There is no world in which you can be a part of this an then turn around and say "but nothing parasocial, I only watch for entertainment."
You'd have to be a psychopath.
me too...
If the situation was the same they'd be able to go on walks more often like they did in the NWP. They clearly are doing worse now since they're commenting on their parents being worried about them and feeling like humans again
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you're seething so much right now
>choose to stream
Does he know?
well it's against the rules of baucord to talk about it. it's be nice if even one of the mods cared about FUWAMOCO
I could fix her
Fuck this show.
Great, we've got a yandere schizo now.
Mirai Nikki did not invent yandere
Those people think the word "parasocial" specifically refers to romantic attachment and nothing else. You can be parasocially attached to any famous or public figure. Sports boomers are parasocially attached to the players on their teams, for example. There were people who cried when Undertaker's streak was BTFO'd by based Brock.
I know it didn't, but it 100% popularized it in the west.
this is what they get for catering to fetish fags like asmr and yandere. Just be themselves and stop being whores for money
Mint chocolate chip is still shit
True, but its literally the only reason its pipular with people like (you)
what if they are themselves when they're being numberfags?
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ah ffs KEK
fart voice pack when
What are you gonna do about it? Cry more on the Internet?
No, it's not.
Yandere was already one the most popular archetype before.
Shut up and stop pretending to be me. Yandere is a garbage archetype, but them doing it isnt "pandering to fetishfags" and is in no way equivalent to ASMR.
Yandere is something they clearly like because they have horrible taste in girls, anime, archetypes, and everything other than music. The only reason people here like it is because they hate FWMC and would rather turn them into the opposite of who they are.
Whatever you say, ironic weeb. How's the Sword Art Online, btw? Really "kino" right?
Kill yourself, redditnigger.
It's the same fags that spam the evil twin Fuwawa shit
>hates girls that love you
What are you a masochist or something? Do you only like your women berating you for existing? Maybe you'd rather see them get fucked by another man, huh?
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You know, I'm more of a small/flat-chest kind of guy, but if Fuwawa tries to trigger my inner saviourfag, the tables might turn on my favorite.
Can't you be more original? Inb4 "right back at you"
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>would rather turn them into the opposite of who they are
Isn't the entire point of VPs as a product to have something flexible, allowing them to play themselves or even situations that would never happen or are a bit out of character?
>The only reason people here like it is because they hate FWMC and would rather turn them into the opposite of who they are.
this makes no sense because you've already acknowledged that they like yandere so if we like it too how is that turning fuwamoco into something they aren't when it's them tapping into that archetype would just be the equivalent to playing a character? stupid asshole
The guy is a retard. Stop arguing with someone who has brain damage. I don't like yandere, but I'm not gonna shit my pants out of rage because they did a situational voice pack. It'd be like getting mad at the radio play advent did early on because it misrepresented them.
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Kirito is very sexy
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>Yandere is something they clearly like because they have horrible taste in girls, anime, archetypes, and everything other than music.
no they don't
you're just a stupid tasteless faggot
I kissu da FWMC
I really need some doggy sex in this sweltering heat...
They should learn French and pander more to latam!
stop giving it replies. I thought purityschizo was purged but seems they're back to vent like a retard
>I think we need to go to court.
>Nerissa should be killed.
God damnit, I'm just giggling to myself over this stupid shit from Fuwawa's PoV now,
Kill yourself, gorilla. You are fucking obsessed with him. He understands FUWAMOCO better than you ever will. They were clearly forced by management to do the yandere voice pack.

That voice pack is basically management taking advantage of FUWAMOCO's kindness to bait the pathetic coomers into buying it because "yAnDeRe SeXy".

FUWAMOCO don't like nor support the "yandere" shit. They want a healthy relationship with the Ruffians.
Me too, but Fuwawa really has that special something to her
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fuwawa had some really sexy moans in that stream
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This goofy fucking laughing followed by that terrible attempt at neighing has me smiling so big.
Stop posting Fuwawa the ugly whore. We don’t like shit.
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Please rape me gently, Fuwawa!
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stop posting that fat fluffing whore here. This is a Mococo thread
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she's so fucking cute, man...
Bro your pic???
My blood boils every time Fuwawa is posted.
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She actually got better in later episodes!
Fuwawa is a figment of Mococo's imagination in ENReco
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She is so fucking cute...
Don't spoil me on this character development, you jerk!
She knows she's there, she just chooses to ignore her
this woman heals my soul just by existing, it's wild
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How does she do it? How is Fuwawa SO cute??
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Oh, shoot ruffian. And here I thought I was being vague enough. May I at least offer you a FWMC, for my transgressions?
hey ruffians why aren’t any of you in global anymore
Apology accepted. Cute FuwaMoco's make all better.
Global hates FWMC
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good night FUWAMOCO
>goodnight tweet
we are so back
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rabu rabu rabu
>Stream in 5 hours
>Just going to bed
If they wake up when I think they might, we'll have had the same amount of sleep today
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Going to sleep at 4AM?
I've been trying to match them all week accidentally and have only been getting 3-4 hours every night.
That's pretty much every day for them.
3 hours of sleep, some times less, rare times more.
I've been doing the same, gotta try getting some good sleep this weekend though
i worry for the day they announce they will be taking an extended break because the physical exhaustion of them overworking themselves for as long as they have finally becomes to much
Let's be honest it's closer to 5AM than 4AM
>"Getting sleep let's us remember what it feels like to be human again!"
>Go to sleep at 4:30AM the next day
The watchalong stream should run pretty late too, unless they have a supa reading stream scheduled for next week. Gotta nap before it.
The worst part is it won't be them announcing it. It'll be a cover black text on white background news release like we had for Mio because it's not going to be something they see coming it's just going to be them collapsing and having a medical emergency in order to get them to stop
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>"We can be there to support you a bit"
>"Yeah, maybe bring a little bit of fluff and fuzz, some blue and pink back into your world too"
>"Right, but... Well, the other colors..."
>"Don't worry about them!"

>"Thank you for being our dear Ruffians, who FUWAMOCO... we are SO proud of and care about so so much"

>FWMC about calling us "our Ruffians" in the siliconera interview from months ago
The interview: https://www.siliconera.com/interview-hololives-fuwawa-and-mococo-talk-streaming-moving-to-japan/

>"Because you know, your eyes, your ears... They are ONLY FUWAMOCO's you know!"
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I know they said they accidentally fell asleep while doing homework that one day, but I really hope they're at least taking naps every day when they can. Biphasic sleep is fine, extremely low amount of sleep is not.
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i rabu them
I hope the reading is next week desu
Would be better for me too, if it was on saturday no problem, but on sunday it'll be rough. But I'm not missing it if they read them, I'll sleep another day.
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From drawthread!
why is fuwawa sad in her frame for tonights stream?
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God is real.
don't look hoehschizo...
>Gigi and Irys chatting to tell Mococo to come with them to Kiara's dungeon.
>Calling her criminal
>I: "Oh I think she's coming!"
>M: "I'm ignoring them..."
>G: "What is this! I think I can sense that she is not coming!"
Hahaha this is so good. I don't give a fuck about the Moco-chan in the background, it's just making it better.
I want Advent to sing Hikaru Nara next time they're together in a karaoke collab...
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I love them. We are so lucky to have them...

Also, can someone make soundposts out of these, please?
FUWAMOCO's goodnight tweets are always so cute, but I always find it hilarious that I'm like "Hey thats pretty good" just because I'm so used to getting like an hour of sleep (+30mins if I'm lucky)
It's nice to know I'm not the only one with a terrible sleep schedule lol (Though I do wish they'd sleep more, but I'm not one to talk lmao)
1st one is members content. The others are up for grabs though
How do you live? I can do late nights like that even for a while but I always feel like a zombie until I get a real day off
Mococo he's coming
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Mococo is the hoehschizo
Love them so much.
Mococo is NOT into ntr OR the blacks
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I love them.
No, please, don't give me hope.
It WILL reach them
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They are so sweet... I really, really love them. I'll never be able to understand how some "people" can hate girl as loving and sweet as FWMC.
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the biological need to impregnate fuwamoco cosplayers is strong
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I love them
is there any new content on the server or will they just be going pure RP tonight?
Probably going to do the side quests.
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go away witch
She is a sexpest and a smelly witch.
too much Nerissa favoritism
Newissa chuki chuki
Does ANYONE prefer Fuwawa? I feel so bad for her
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yeah, nerissa ravencroft
I love Moco-chan, but I've been feeling REALLY fluffy recently...
Newissa stop stealing our princess from us you damn sexy bird bitch
No Nerissa that is MY little princess
I prefer Fuwawa more depending on my mood.
But I love them both a lot so preferences don't matter.
new fuwamoco sexo from koahri
You're the most pathetic schizo desu
Will today be the day Fuwawa does anything in ENReco?
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She is gonna be cute and giggly
I will watch both POVs today and will post "wow Fuwawa is being cute right now" occasionally
you obviously haven’t been here long
stop advertising for that traitorous whore. She manipulated FUWAMOCO into getting a follow and then immediately dropped them completely. lying bitch
I've been here since day 1 I just think that lowly of you
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hate the ENReco streams because there is little to no interaction with the ruffians, but its only for a week so can deal with it.
shut up koahri you whore
TODAY the stream starts at the NORMAL TIME
TOMORROW the stream starts AN HOUR LATER
I've gotten read every stream by both, skill issue
No, he’s right. No one is as low as the schizo who will talk about how much he wants Fuwawa to die for hours. Or the guy who will post people’s tweets for FWMC here. Or the readschizo. Or the KEKAROOnigger. Or the Baecuck. You’re a tourist.
>interaction with the ruffians
I don't give a fuck about Ruffians. I'm here for FWMC.
wdym they read chat all the time
>readschizos don't understand meaningful interactions
kind of kino
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Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 395: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. No new cards for Anki, I'm just maintaining core 2.3k deck. For immersion I've watched one episode of an anime.
I do.
knowing who the readschizo has it all making more sense though. being read is the only metric they can realistic achieve so they equate it to love because they aren't content being on the same level as others
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>Day 395:
Wow that's some dedication you have, keep it up.
>knowing who the readschizo has it all making more sense though
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ruffian... you should care more about yourself, it is what DK would've wanted
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Updated relationship chart
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I could really use those FWMC hug pillows now...
How's the mechanic?
>3 connections this time
better than nothing
I'll never get over 'breadlady' kek
It's missing me, the ruffian, and TRUE LOVE connecting me to both Fuwawa and Mococo
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bau bau
the mechanic wrote a good night tweet almost 2 hours ago which i know you couldn’t respond to you unfunny brazillian ape
genuine schizophrenia
Baffling post.
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one day I'll get a like again
Is catbox working fine for everyone else?
oh, the mexican
they gave a like to an untagged ruffians plushie tweet earlier
like literally untagged, had no egosa terms so it means fuwamoco visited that ruffian’s profile
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proof? were they japanese?

gorillabros we will be watching erb’s pov
bro doesn't know how twitter algo works
>a fucking virus account got a like before me
that's whatever, I just wish I got a little attention too
they hate their EN fans. they liked fucking filthy geekjackers and JP birthday posts but go completely dry when the majority of their audience got them. fuck this I'm never buying another bit of merch from these whores
so true sister
what did GG do and why is my timeline filled with her?
i just wanted them to like my voice pack tweet. i can’t remember the last time they gave likes to those. why did they stop?
Anon they've been liking the past two packs, you need to update your larp.
no they haven’t i have checked the discord and no spree was initiated and no huge ws were posted
I love them both but have a slight fluffy preference.
single handily carried the entire branch this week
Good work.
mine is about to arrive, they'll tell me how much I'm gonna have to pay in taxes from their made up math next week. hope I get lucky.
honestly a lot faster than I expected with the horror stories I heard from geekjack.
>Does ANYONE prefer Fuwawa?
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Gonathon G started off as enemies to Jyonathon Watson and they eventually became lovers, pledging himself to her, his Pearl, as her loyal knight. Jyonathon avoided the common wenches clawing for his affections and remained steadfast and loyal. After completing the Sewer Dungeon, Jyonathon regained her memories and became Amelia Watson once more. All memories of Gonathon G were lost and the loyal knight was left alone without his Pearl.
Catbox is down...ueh
are the floofies...natural?
Is Moco-chan flat?
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That looks kinda flat to me
Breast size is related to hair length. Moco-chan cuts her short and the boobies get smaller too.
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What in the fuck kind of explanation is that???
It's the truth.
I fail to see the logic but this time I will agree with you
i think mococo's hair should grow longer and that way we can have 2 fuwawas
Mococo is far sexier so why would anyone ever wish that?
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