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is 23 considered behind the curve to start streaming? I feel like I should've started 4 years ago
aren't most of HoloEN hags or soon-to-be hags?
23 is a good age to be my wife
i can tell you're young because you think 4 years is a long time, or 23 is old.
just start now if you want to start
You should have started 4 years ago, but not because of your age. Because of COVID.
The second best time to start something is now.
not really, if anything it might even be a little early for someone to have had enough life experiences to be an entertaining streamer.
You might cultivate a fanbase of lonely men, I wish you the best of luck
The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, get over it and start.
this is true but some of them have been streaming for, like, 10 years
Anywhere past 18 is good to start immediately. There's some that started streaming in general that's older than 30, here.
Jerma started streaming in his mid 30s. It’s never too late.
Most vtubers and streamers I watch are on their 30s, and some of them act like children anyway
The fuck? It's not sports or mathematics. Any age is fine, it's not like it requieres actual skill or talent.
>Any age is fine
this is the only correct part of your post
Nerissa streamed for 1 year and 8 months before joining HoloEN
ERB is a fucking hag that has streamed for like 2 years before joining HoloEN
I dont get why someone would care about their age when starting streaming
Huh? I thought he simply streamed for so long that he is now 40?
23? She sounds like she's at least 40 because of her accent
Randon was easily 30 if not more when he started and he's doing fine. Just accept you're doing it for fun and not numbers.
Jerma is 38 years old
yes, you should have started streaming from inside your mom's womb, it's too late for you now
mate we've got literal forty year olds in hololive
is raora 23 or something
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That way of thinking will get you to nowhere anon
I can't imagine getting into streaming before your brain finishes developing. I gotta think it would cause some wild long term damage
No, you can start anytime.
Streaming wasn't even a thing back when a lot of the more popular streamers out there were 23.
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>is [age] considered too late for [x]
No. Just do it. You got this, king.
this. it's insane how big vtubers exploded overnight during covid.
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I think being a chuuba is the absolute best way for a homely older looking woman to gather a collective of simps. Honestly anon I think you should try. Just don't try to be like another streamer or act like another chuuba. Just be yourself and exaggerate those qualities a bit. I guarantee that there will be at least one guy out there that likes you for who you are and will watch. All that matters is if you think that's enough.
I love Biboo and I love this mindset.
Go in >>84627504 you got this!
80% of chuubas are 25-30, anon. Corpo and otherwise.
The best streamers aren't 23-year-old squeakers.
This is just a thread fishing for real life ages of chuubas.
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The tech wasn't there when a lot of us were younger. We had lets plays where you'd upload videos and livestreaming outside of vlogs where you just talk into a camera weren't really common.
We're in the wild wild west, anon. Buy your six shooter and chase that tumbleweed.
If Biboo is over 25 then she's got me fooled.
That's too many digits for my taste in women.
Dr Disrespect started streaming when he was like 32 and he's one of the biggest streamers in the world right now at almost 40. Raora is like 40 too.
>tfw no ojisan chuuba who yaps about his time in 'nam
>Raora is like 40 too.
but she's so dumb
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are there ANY chuubas that old?
Raora is in her mid 20s
I could've sworn Jerma has been streaming since time immemorial.
Jerma was born 30.
Faune is about 72, so you're good.
Pretty much every big streamer started in their early to mid 20's
Keep yourself streaming NOW! Maybe you'll get the chance to meet your oshi and collab in bed with her
Maximilian DOOD started streaming at 30.
Yes there are

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