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Vtubers who make you sob!
I fucking love Khubie
Watch mods be gay and delete this whole thread
>2 hours of minecraft horror
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What the fuck happened to her teeth?
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They were in the way
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Is this the image dump thread?
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It's /uoh/ but for people that like cunny
You are posting sakura miko and minato aqua I dont think you know what that word means
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that's a different anon. take your meds.
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That's shondo, not that I'd expect you to know any ctubers
Go back to your anti containment thread
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>ded pedo thread for socially stunted fail sons
Lolitubers are a big red flag for people to avoid talking to you or inviting you into their discords
bunny sex
Your thread is dead, chomo. Fuck off.
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This loli is dangerous!
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have a wild and silly shark
omg boy gura is adorable
still would
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Oppai loli. Y/N?
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100% yes.
Not usually, but sometimes
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literally /uoh/ if it was good
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Saki debuted yesterday https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2245173537
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https://x.com/tenshimishie schedule
didnt she say that she doesnt consider herself a loli
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>doesnt consider herself a loli
it's ok anon you don't have to pretend to be retarded here
that being said she doesn't look like a loli to me
Yep. But she's wrong, because loli isn't something you just identify as. I think she's terrified of antis.
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her proportions are smaller than shondo's
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>it's ok anon you don't have to pretend to be retarded here
I'll just start ignoring you if you keep doing it
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twitter is ruthless so it's understandable to be wary
Kind of disagree. You give antis power by playing their game.
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Is Taiga's entire personality now just "everyone is being mean to me"?
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Miss that dog.
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Shondo handcam merch signing
actually she's not calling this handcam... she's calling it IRL D:
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how cute, she's holding her belly with my child in it
uhh doxxbros?? we're winning right?
That henreader merch she just shown, the standalone image isn't available?
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this but unironically
oppai loli? yes.
oppai Shondo? no.
she's been using the same name for over a decade yes, even pre-teen, it's not that hard to find her.
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>shows her full child body in protest of twitch ToS
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yo didn't irina already do this? GURA IS COPYING IRINA
Have you seen her face?

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