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Previous >>84636418
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

holy cunny
I need to stop being lazy and bake when this happens, I've done it before...
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Both graphs look natty to me
slow faggot.
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chat speed is also on pair with the CCV. I think Niji is back BABBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
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I just think about it, what if Vtubing industry eventually become big enough that Vtuber corpo ascended to conglomerate? It would be interesting to see Hololive Production have like 12 branches that do different shit, no longer just Vtubing
Just saw the Gura x Vaultroom thread, are CGDCT enjoyers stupid?
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the falseflag into samefag combo, very cool
Whore, you already tired of global?
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what a sad life
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>open global
>fauna seethe
>go to this thread
>fauna seethe
>open archive
>look up her name
>even more fauna seethe from hours ago
It's just one of those days huh
>samefagging on two devices
/ggg/ is melting down
Nice dicksword raid, caroline
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>most obvious samefag ever
explain to me how can anyone believe it
and in /#/ of all places
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Why do so many holos hate tomatoes? Is it a criteria for passing audition.
Does anyone, tho?
Well the Bait threads in catalog are going strong
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Nobody does, this pageantry is absolutely retarded and so insanely obvious even someone with an iq of 70 wouldn't be fooled. It's just white noise
The whole point of samefagging is to respond to your own post to give the illusion of interaction.
Becuase he runs to global and they allow it
Is there anyone doing good summary clips of EN Reco? Not seen any of it yet and don't have the time to watch any streams in full
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I think I'm gonna make a cult for Gonathan actually
Check, boring boring obvious shitstirrer. What is it about Hololive that attracts the most mentally deranged schizos when all people want to do is chat about anime girls and have a chill time.
sakasandayo is doing Fauna recaps and another guy is doing pretty good "silly moments" but I think it's going to take a few weeks before the true dedicated autists (heroes) start cutting up the 3 hour long mega movies
How did we do did we win
>Dr Disrespect down to 85k
>Chess.com at 91k
Drama buff is temporary.
Ah ok thanks anon, I'll check out some highlights and hope we get some mechanico style multi hour masterpieces
I hope someone cuts a megaVOD with shifting plot focus over the story instead of a rote set of "Here's plot A over the time, back to the start foe plot B, etc" megaclips.
You could turn this into a legit movie
It helps to not fuck children
Didn't even need an edit for that, the live songs were perfect.
Violet and the BGM Gigi played after.
Storyarc schizo you are getting too cocky.
That'll be the ideal way to do it, someone making a complete linear timeline cutting between all the PoVs and telling the whole story. I think that's how I've seen clippers do it for the sports fes recaps
Watching Ame's VOD, the amount of Husband? In the chat from Ame's lore video is astounding.
Are these people just stupid or ESL?
Fauna finally is showing a little of her full power and now her shizo wants to kill himself.
Let me have this one who knows when are we getting another story arc
Manager anon, hope you prepared a hyp for our match. It's like our entire gimmick.
The opposite, apparently he didn't. He might have tried, but nothing actually incriminatory.
But there was a lot of miscommunication between Twitch staff and they were the one that requested NDAs so their fuckups didn't get out.
And that's why his numbers dropped, because it's now legal garbage which is too boring for tourists to feast on.
Anyway, I'm tired of this crap.
Magnus is killing it tho. I think the odds that his opponent could make a comeback is less than 5% now. Viewers will get bored now
Chapter 2 I imagine
I think there's a bit of fudging that should happen to make it a bit more ideal, but essentially that.
Like, there's room for a clipper to fudge the timeline between important events so that it's presented at its most dramatic, like for example if someone makes a plot to betray one person, then an hour later that person makes a plan which relies on not being betrayed, and it backfires, there's room to hold off on showing the initial betrayal pact until a flashback right after the betrayal begins. Depending on the POV you wanna emphasize, that can work really well, although it necessarily means framing the story around "Main Characters."
It's slightly awkwardly written so I can see why people who are ESL or just plain-old stupid might be confused. It's not how I'd have written that dialogue even though I instantly understood it.
Are You ESL?
The text "Husband?" fits the stream context, and EN viewers just spam like bots when something "POG" happens.
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Hot take I wanna drop to see if people vibe with it or not:
I think Gura only appeals to Millenials
I mean here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDmyL6CuzBU
She's clearly listing off cases
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Good outcome from all this is there's finally more gigi art aside from just stickman drawings.
If they do another ENreco type thing next year, but sci-fi instead of fantasy, would you watch it? More importantly, would the girls who don't like sci-fi, of which there are a number, participate?
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Since when have 17 year-old girls been considered children?
It's actually unambiguous that this event has astronomically elevated Gigi's mindchair in the wider HoloEN content creation community, as opposed to before where she was isolated deeply into the Justice Pocket
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First time watching Kaela stream, like really watching & her suicide-like jumping into pigs screaming
is funny kek. She's an entertaining streamer, no wonder she has good numbers. Almost 5k btw
Since they passed the law that said the federal draft starts at 18
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fight me
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damn this guy has the 1.0rys filters on
See, I'd have no problem if anon said
>he tried to fuck a minor
but he said children which makes you think he was chatting up like an 11 year-old.
Stargate-themed. Each gen is an SG team and they have to explore worlds to find items to solve the problem of the day, but some of the girls are actually Goa'uld and they have to Among Us their way past that.
I think sci-fi would be a bust. Too genre heavy.
But there's A LOT you could do with a science fantasy setting. People would get into it. Hell you could even set it in a Science Fantasy game setting to make things easier for the people involved and focus on the role-playing more. Maybe frame it in a game that's similar to Minecraft in the whole "first person" perspective, but offers 3D camera work in social spaces. Maybe a shooter to make it more action packed? Online is a must, of course. Maybe something with endgame focus that the girls can build towards like raiding.
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ENReco Day6 Merch Update
Might stream later than usual.
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It’s great for Gigi mindshare but her ccv won’t increase. That said people will know who she is now and won’t just be “oh one of the new girls I don’t have time to watch”
>gura +33
>mooms +36
of, finally someone beat Gura on daily sales.
I beat anons gooned on that at least once
What the fuck could you possibly be tired about jesus christ
Eat meat you stupid fuck, if playing Minecraft for 3 hours makes you this fucking tired something is wrong
how the fuck did Nerissa sell 295pcs of acrylics? Scarlet Wand buff???
Why do you pretend that any of these girls ONLY fucking stream
nerissa has a generally appealing design. unfortunately a shit model and even shitter rigging
I believe in Gigi. I didn't before, but she's got that "It" factor, she just needs to channel it properly and show the world. I can feel it.
In theory she said that even If she doesn't stream, she'll still doing the lottery at least.
yeah yeah, I know Myth have tons of merch at this point. But seeing Kiara that much behind to Biboo is disheartening. Actually, Biboo is closer to Mococo (#2 in sales) than Kiara is to Biboo LMAO
If she's doing so much other stupid shit that it impacts your job then that's on her
How the fuck is Poorbles worse than Poormates
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And Partial Numbers for the Cards
Gigi's slot was part of the problem. She's getting visibility from NA now
Maybe ask your mom if she doesn't get tired of doing your chores
Why do they make them sit through supposedly "hours" of meetings every day when their managers could do that and just relay it for them unless absolutely necessary?
She has done a few things lately that could have buffed her, so hard to say exactly what it was.
Fuck I hate rewriting my posts only to forget to change minor shit.
>attract zoomers with her zoomer meme leeching
>oh wtf they don’t have money?
Like come on anon, what else we gonna expect. She doesn’t do a lick of GFE either so it’s unironically a twitch style fanbase she has
We play after doog right?
??? what are these cards???
Last match
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>Scarlet Wand buff???
might be actually. She was in the middle of the pack on day 1 I think? Then continued to have a strong daily sales, so ENreco might've really buffed her
She is shipped with everyone. Her problem at the start was doing that with twitch whores whose fanbase won’t remember if you instead of doing it inside the box
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Reminder: If a women suddenly gives some weird reasons to not do something, its THAT time of month
Nerissa is doing really good with this
Nah Fauna's is around the 18th-21st usually
CC the deadweight of Scarlet Wand (though still not bad compared to the other girls below)
Ame/ERB the deadweight of Jade Sword
Biboo the deadweight of Cerulean Cup
and Kiara the deadweight of Amber Coin
Aw fuck I didn't realize the cards were going to sell out so fast
God damn it I was delaying to buy with Myth's anniversary merch
You're telling me. The fucking cardholder sold out and now I don't even know if I WANT the fucking cards. (THANKS FOR UNDERESTIMATING THE EN FANBASE FOR THE TRILLIONTH TIME, COVER)
Aight explain why her fanbase been the cheapest fucks since the get go then? You blamed it on Fromsoft games at the start but didn’t change when she stopped, now the merch she always bottom 2 even if she has the most CCV out of advent and plays the longest
Because that's how Nips run companies. They are infamous for it.
only Mumei can beat Gura's daily sales huh
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Recent clip numbers
Bae played like one day and mogging over half of them ….
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Numbers are shaking out kind of as expected, with finally a good performance from Nerissa and Shiori. People really don't like those FWMC charms though damn
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Silver Woof...
Why didn’t ruffians buy the metal charms?
What the fuck do they even talk about? They're not running NASA, they're fucking anime girls that play video games and sing
So that's it, ENreco flopped?
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>09/06 TALLY (1.000 - 4.999)
4.867: Elizabeth (Hololive) | ENigmatic Recollection
4.790: Meloco (Nijisanji) | Variety Collab w/ Shu, Sonny
3.309: Pippa (Phase-Connect) | Killer Frequency
2.650: Shiori (Hololive) | Blasphemous
2.276: Shiori (Hololive) | Just Chatting
1.714: Uki (Nijisanji) | Off Collab w/ Kuga Leo
1.658: Vox (Nijisanji) | Crime Scene Cleaner
1.552: Bettel (Holostars) | Old School RuneScape w/ Bettel 2
1.448: Vox (Nijisanji) | Variety Stream
1.401: Claude (Nijisanji) | 3.0 Model Update
1.236: Enna (Nijisanji) | Elden Ring
1.052: Rexford (Holostars) | Holostars 7 Days to Die Collab
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I bought ice cream for Mumei's latest stream but ended up falling asleep before it...
>meme leeching
How girls have come away from ENReco so far in terms of how it has impacted their mindchair within the pre-existing EN Box:
>Mori: Minor
>Kiara: Minor
>Ina: Minor
>Gura: Minor
>Ame: Slight increase
>IRyS: Slight increase
>Fauna: Decent increase
>Kronii: Slight increase
>Mumei: Minor
>Bae: N/A
>Shiori: Minor
>Nerissa: Slight increase
>Biboo: Slight increase
>Fuwawa: Minor
>Mococo: Major increase
>Elizabeth: Slight increase verging on something more
>Gigi: Major increase
>Cecilia: Slight increase
>Raora: Slight increase verging on something more
>cheapest fucks
Top 30/40% of spachas YtD btw
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>Mumei: Minor
>non stop fauna doxposting in global
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Literally me, I’m drinking the monster I went and bought at the dollar store already …… I’ll buy 2 for the weekend then. Stay strong Chumbaby, she has last day or Reco and the drinking stream
Thread potentially saved, but also potentially ruined
I am quite crestfallen, yes.
Gigi will regret this whole thing when it becomes fucking Kronii Subway tier and tourists and retard fans will continue to bring up Gonathon even when she's not playing Minecraft

Day ending in Y
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>68,007: Rika (Nijisanji)
>52,107: Lauren (Nijisanji)
>46,029: Miko (Hololive)
>26,860: Pekora (Hololive)
>25,734: Iroha (Hololive)
>19,836: Fubuki (Hololive)
>19,387: Kagami (Nijisanji)
>18,838: Calliope (Hololive)
>17,603: Fubuki (Hololive)
>15,484: Fauna (Hololive)
>14,872: Suisei (Hololive)
>14,415: Kiara (Hololive)
>13,481: Chiroru (Indie)
>11,746: Inami Rai (Nijisanji)
>11,040: Ange (Nijisanji)
>10,885: Okayu (Hololive)
>10,302: Ina (Hololive)
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Problem is i have no self control so ill have to buy more chips for tomorrows stream and leaving the house on the weekend is a pain
>(Sold out)
we can watch a vod together
She streams about x4 times as much as anyone else. She should be 1or 2 like Koyori if she is streaming that much
Gigi's a good sport and will make it funny though.
The fact that bae who only played like 2 hours on the first day isn't at the bottom is crazy
send Cover a strongly worded letter, that actually works
Fat fuck...
Wait I even checked that's not even doxposting it's just fucking blacked posting how the fuck are janny's not deleting it? At least the former would need you to be at least somewhat in the fucking know, the latter is pure shitposting
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Gura killer
>eurokeks getting cucked because of geekjack stock
justice is a failure
Kiara has never done well in these merch runs. KFP have been trained to SC but not buy merch apparently. Kiara did say her Frogiwawa merch did well though, so maybe her custom merch does better.
Bae's merch sales have just been inclining in general, pretty much ever since she made that short shilling her friends with u plushie. Bae was never weak in merch before either pretty middle of the pack
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Sorry bud don't feel like it today, just going to go bed earlier so i start the weekend on a good foot for gura streams
my bmi is 16.8, trying to fix it for gura though, already better than it was last year
Like 50% of the time i enter global some flip is talking about his black penis fetish, very strange things going on over there
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Did anyone see that new Gamers Nexus video?
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Management and the girls are really not doing a good of conveying that this is only the finale of chapter 1
Oh, you're actually an anorexic fuck.
The faunaschizo is obsessed with blacked stuff, he thinks he's false-flagging to portray saplings as into it, but it really just seems like his actual fetish. I mean he can't be doing all of this because he actually thinks he's fooling anyone at this stage of the game, kek
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So that's why Phasecucks are melting everywhere
chapter 1 does not imply that there will be a chapter 2
No, what happened?
Seems about right, Nerissa already had her major mindchair buff from BD
Isn't that good numbers for them? They are usually mid 3 view shitters
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That's suppose to be their Holo summer
over or under 10k.
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It sure is quiet.
The Finale means The Finale.
Chapter 2 is a myth.
>main channel
>summer swimsuit event buff
>pippa on a decent day numbers
The hell is she even going to do? Is she building anything to keep people entertained until the rest logs in?
honestly? maybe over. she's been performing well in the event and with no FST fauna she gets a longer time to incline
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17k ERB stream? No overlap and first to stream
Maybe is true that their fanbase are closeted gay flips, that's why they love to promote the homos.
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5k at best
Why is CC below Raora on tapestry when her # is higher? Sorting doko?
4k take it or leave it
Man she's really good when she's actually fucking streaming and not just reboradcasting karaokes and fps
>summer swimsuit event
Wait what?
>looks inside
>they are not wearing swimsuits
Who is the retard who organized this shit?
Not watching, she will raid a homo.
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It's a good time to confess that I desperately need Fauna to stream Pikmin 2...and that I want to cum on Nanashi Mumei of hololive Promise's big feet.

/#/ IS ABOUT TO PLAY against /vsj+/ for the /vt/ League 7 tournament
Come cheer our team on! Remember to use the team tag if you use the chat to fill it yellow like the golds we will surely earn today


they need to give a bit more stocks on geejack for erb cc and raora isnt it? also surprising that shiori gj is sold out but then i remember that italians love shiori
So um, what was the peak of Dr Disrespect's return stream?
I thought you fags said anyone could get Fauna's numbers under the same conditions and that she was carried by an empty timeslot
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/#/bros we need to make sure we continue having the most viewed match. Time to kick some /vsj+/ ass in divegrass
do we have a hyp
Not this time, I was busy this week
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It's time....
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Stream time can help or hurt, but the ability to hold an audience depends mostly on the streamer and content type more than anything.
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Fired up
The catalog bait threads about "EN is not profitable" have convinced me either /vt/ is 99% retards or people just want to LARP as retards
How do they keep glossing over the fact that HoloEN is not "a north american group" and it was about the office
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I don't see any holoEN streaming rn or next to FTS. I'm gonna watch the match.
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how would it play out if Yagoo abandoned their software, got all of HoloEN professionally rigged models of their current designs plus copies of vtstudio, then did a company-wide re-debut event? Could people handle a de-rhombused Cover?
>Cliffs of Dover
Guitar virtuoso holo confirmed.
Only Fauna or Gura can do that.
ERB is literally just a super autistic hag and the idea that she’s trying to destroy Hololive culture is zoomers misunderstanding that she knows not what she does.
20 years? congrats chumbud
Late how? It's a 300 reply thread from today. They're nigh daily
This is a stupid question
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Sub 90k I think
If it makes you feel better it's not the first time they've looped that exact same thread
Da boiz about to receive the biggest raid of their lives
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did you just find Fauna's secret account?
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Holy ERB incline
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chuuu chu
>homos reclining
>beggars nowhere to be seen
is it finally over?
did enreco deal the final blow?
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no that's okayu's
Mori my oshi in question does not prioritize streaming as their primary focus. Their passion lies in music, and streaming is a secondary activity undertaken to engage with and express gratitude towards their fans. Stop bringing Mori to trashy streaming discussion when she has absolutely 0 quarrel here.
Let's go /#/, i believe in numbers queen
Why are you taunting shitposters who purposely make points in bad faith to make you acknowledge them?
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No, you don't get to retcon her debut stream. Trying to destroy, maybe not. But she is a homosister and she is absolutely aware of how her actions are perceived, her autism just makes her defiant about it

Come back after at least 12 months probation for your ERB 2.0 cope
why does this read like it was ran through a word synonym randomizer
ut;s voer
I didn't understood the vshojo video why use brownsagi and that who?
It's over.
Go away squirmbeat, no one fucking cares, no one's gonna stop just cause you sperg out, in fact they're more likely to do it for free (you)s
its over, we have to acknowledge the twitch tally now...
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They misguidedly attribute him to /#/'s
they love the iron mouse
We suck
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This is what we get for not responding to their diss hyp with our own
7 - 8k max, she usually get 5k to 6k in empty slot
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Literally what the fuck are you guys even livepsoting
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cytu dot be/r/vtleague
soccer, and in doing so outing themselves as euros or brownies
First time I watch ERB, but I just realized CC sounds different from usual (and rather faint) in ERB stream
Wonder if that was why ERB is loud AF in others' streams
Oh shit no one cares about. Fucking morons.
This is a disaster.
Go watch erb and the homos on your own.
Okay so VTL 6 was a fluke and we're back to usual form lmao
So flips are just worse americans?
shes literally using a mic in a sock. it sounds fine on her poverty but not for everyone else
we reverted back to league 5 gameplay, the dmitri effect is over
Demote Pekora already
Kick her from the team, she's washed
Replace her with KING
It's just the vsj manager tryharding too much
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Score some facking goals or I'm going to post gore
tourists voted for her
is bad
we actually suck bros
the JP surname nerfed him
negative mindshare ironmouse LMAO
All is as it should be
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kaela raided ERB
always has been
Unnatural graphs...
>/#/ team
>no fauna representation
who's the jp nig deciding players?
First time ERB is hitting 8k since debut and without karaoke right?
well at least we have Fauna in 5 minutes to ease the pain
we have uuu2 at least
I'd rather watch a phasegirl than this soccer shit
I pray for those poor souls when she raid a homo.
/#/ is a gura thread tho
That's a big fucking raid from the likes of Kaela. What was her CCV to inject 3k into ERB?
>t. retardGOD
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Looks like she got a 3k raid from a 3k Kaela stream
The grim has been useless today
Looks botted after the raid..
Grim is actually grim...
this match is botted
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
wait, what? vshojo is hooking up with that evil holoanti who sells doxx because he wants the hologirls to get hurt?
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ennacuck tried to time bots with the raid, it's done it before
3k, it would have to be ~100% transfer
Where is this from even? Like, what prompted this response?
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it's never been more over
Fucking dammit
man soda use to get 15k-20k playing random games, now he can't even get 10k. Was getting a girlfriend a unironic debuff? is it cause the guys that watch him can't relate anymore.
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>another goal
It's fate she is # bane
This is ironmouse music? Why does it sound like alvin and the chipmunks
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Also, twitch is dying a slow and painful dead
Rodhin the phasenigger..
what the fuck it's real lmao
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one of the few tidbids that I know about him is that hes in "fuck you money" stage since forever, his brother(relative?) invested part of his golden age adrev/payouts into real estate even before covid
its over...
just graduate this thread already
>Twitch numbers
So the real score was 1-1
Oh, is not the OG. It is still nice.
retards taking the slip off medal and instead putting negabots and dimitri as medals.
well deserved loss
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and dont forget about the hyp
>3 Days ago
>No one noticed until today
We're reclining
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That was fun #
>Fauna streams at FST
>no one joins her

>ERB streams at FST
>CC joins her
>Mumei joins her
fucking lol. ALso I never want to see FauMei fags again
This is bullshit. Were getting buttfucked and my fucking potato bread won't fucking cool, so I can't even enjoy a fucking sandwich.
I don't remember this
I mean she was specifically talking about the British one in that stream
No one cares about youtube comments bro
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Unlucky, really. We got multiple goals denied by random PES bullshit, not much you can do about it, from FREE KEKs not going in, to KAPOWs, to impossible saves.
We'll try again next week
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ERB did not stream at FST, she streamed at FST -.5, so your post is invalid and you should feel bad.
Only lost because of Connor
are we back? are we the white sox of vtl 7
Thanks anon, was a close one o7
Gura updated the Gallows with a court section. We coulda had trials kino tonight but they probably won't do it without her. It's so over.
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remove uu2 from the team and the thread
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>even ERB is getting 9k in FST
Damn this time slot is so strong for ENReco. No overlap also helps.
Feels a bit bad that to a lot of people, ENReco is probably just Faunamart, when the other storylines later in the day are way more interesting.
Kaela, Raora, CC, Towa, and Matsuri collab tomorrow
Got a pic?
I mean, we know how is it thanks anyway o7
Lmao loser
Mumei said not to disturb her she's busy
>she is absolutely aware of how her actions are perceived
And that’s any different from others how? It’s your due diligence as a content creator to be aware of how your actions are perceived. The only real difference between the ones that succeed or fail at this are how smart they are.
That's really depressing but maybe they can do it earlier in the day on the finale with a little planning
It sucks to see Gura try to make a kino little arc and just get foiled
>the matpat clone watched her stream while she was in a swimsuit
Oh no fauna going to be so embarrassed
Uh ohh e-celeb collab incoming
ENReco prove that story schizo or not EN doing big events like this is what people like
what an odd combo. when was this said
>Gura is having fun streaming?
>deploy the meetings
Under a Ruze clip full of beggar
NA prime time is always the peak of the box so most people know what Cerulean Cup has been doing
She's botted
The graph is unnatural
Fauna x MatPat??? Chumbud prime moment
Where'd you hear that?
>Those tits
Who the fuck can argue in good faith that Fauna is a medium
I'm more worried about matsuri
It's Gura's fault for logging in once every 2 days. They stalled the Mococo court case because Cece wanted 2 of the judges to be Gura and Fauna to rig it and it fizzled out.
nah, that's natty aside from the ela raid.
Every e celeb watches fauna
>Anemic offense
>Can't get past midfield
>Low probability long passes
>Above average defense that still can't keep the other team out
>Fumbles everywhere
The old /#/ team is back, except now some of our better players like Grim and Dimitri are playing like shit too. Holobox pushing surprisingly good in defense, though.
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graph looks fine, but she did get a kaela raid
Thank you
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How the fuck can you be staring at Biboo's bottled graphs for months and think this is the same.
>those jaggies
Why is she still culled
That sounds awful! thanks for ruining my day!! <3
tf? who's gonna be thr translator
what about pewds
Her tits are so small...
nta but the break in the raid verification is sus, it would also had to have been around one hundred percent transfer which is pretty much unheard of outside of the viewbug
it's like watching end of cycle barcelona trying to do tiki-taka without Iniesta bailing them out with some brilliance
And you must be a newfag if you don't know ab out hat bots. I'm not saying that's what this is, she got raided, but you can't just go "lol only the retarded waves like Biboo is considered bots"
Delicious raid for da boizs.
Keala announced it
They're playing the minecraft board game she made apparently
Towa I guess
Not a single one of those girls is bilingual in EN/JP, so nobody i guess
i haven't been keeping up with ela ever since she went on her indog LOL spree. good to see that she's still making strides, though.
>Still inclining right after the raid
Yeah it's botted
There's tomorrow
Has she finally stopped spamming that shit moba game
Is this real?
Wonder how tf he would have found out about this
retardGOD, that happens all the time in HoloEN. you used to looking at niji or phase graphs or something?
wait do global fags like erb now?
>JP 7dtd+minecraft
>EN ENreco
through passion language, Aqua with her sacrifice restored the timeline
They're split on her. Meanwhile this thread is 90/10 at best.
Please stop. Your ignorance is painful.
One of the writers is a sapling. The reason why she ended up in that food theory video is because of that one sapling.
There must be, no less than 5 homos setting up guerilla streams trying to catch that raid
>Is this real?
>Wonder how tf he would have found out about this
He watches her and even put her in one of the videos
if she really raid outside of ENreco she's a lost cause
You're either a retarded newfag or ennacuck himself.
Most people believe in redemption and are rooting for ERB to change for the better. Only the mentally ill and women hold grudges.
there are already like 7 streams scheduled for a big homo 7 days to die collab
Bae never changed, I don't see how or why it would be any different for ERB
Sure, and your aggressive tone is not typical of the threadshitters that pollute this thread.
I'm watching her the first time in a while and she has been nice and fun.
(Too bad she will sour all this by interacting with homos again later)
Crazy that the two standout stars of ENreco are Gigi and ERB. Seems like Justice was NOT a mistake and are the best hires they ever made for EN.
We were close to 10k dorya...
Go back to Global
Towa is literally the only option
lmao beggars and rewriting history
Alas, L2D-phone hort...
bae did change though. she realized that the ENhomos aren't worth her time
Because there are an uncomfortably high amount of content creators that straight up oshi Fauna. Reggie is another one. She’s the most perfect princess in the world, it only makes sense that a high value woman would be in demand by high value men.
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yeah this sounds about right, naruhodo
truly the princess of the autists
This is a lie. She is a princess only for me
>Enter global
>ERB 9k
>graph looks fine, but she did get a kaela raid
As pointed out she got a 3k raid from a 3k stream
Aqua is the Jesus of Hololive? I don't buy it.
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This is a very odd line up
no other streams or bots
Very strange fr kek
ENReco + empty timeslot + big raid (?) from Kaela
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>Kaela raid
>No overlap
Matsuri is the only odd one there imo
Kaela raid no streams
Raided by Kaela, and also the only one on at this time today, with the glut of everyone else being on in 2 and a half hours (Holy PILEUP OF OVERLAP, Fuwamoco, Raora, Moom, CC, Kiara, with Rissa starting an hour before them).
Honestly, I don't think Matsuri should be part of Hololive anymore. If anyone is due for a graduation/termination, it's her
empty timeslot buff during a huge event. you didn't think Fauna is normally a 17k streamer did you?
Bae at debut couldnt stop sucking Roberu’s dick, then proceeded to try her best to distance herself from that perception not long after and has progressively commited to less and less male interactions on stream. All these girls are aware of this, like IRyS straight up bantered Bae about the Roberu thing on stream once, and Bae was quick to try and change the subject.
which of these EN girls can speak Japanese
which of these JP girls can speak English
how the fuck will they communicate?
But they weren’t 17
anon she's going to cling on to Hololive even if it costs her tummy
It was more like 2.8kish (she was still inclining during the raid and after), from 3.3k viewers, of the same game with no competing overlap.
Yes YT verification fuckery is probabloy in play, but this is not completely unreasonable.
and for that reason she will never leave
Did Phase have another yab or something?
Cursed collab
skippa skippa

not enough interesting players to watch
does Matsuri fit in any group or unit anymore? she got to the point of being even more forgettable than Roboco
That's the entire point lmaoooaooaoaoo
Read the stream title
Maybe if this was back in 2021, anon, sure, but Matsuri is probably gonna be one of the last holos standing, assuming she doesn't getting yab'd outta the company somehow as despite being a MASSIVE menhera, she isn't also COMPLETELY retarded like Rushia was.
Not really, Matsuri's probaly the only unusual one especially lately
>male collab
when you think about it, fauna truly is the perfect woman
No, not even in her own gen, I've mostly seen her with indies, bodily organs, fleshies, and who's who, she barely interacts with other holo girls as of late, didn't even notice her grieving for Aqua
erb is a better streamer than nerissa
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if her arc is so good why are her numbers so bad
Defending ERB go back.
... that's her good numbers
Low bar
The perfect woman would eat meat
she is vegan
but she does eat meat, MINE
>didn't even notice her grieving for Aqua
That's better than most Holo numbers in that overlap hell
Because she's not botted
dr disrespect clapping for 100k likes lmaoo
Even the homos she killed her career for completely ignore her now a days. It's genuinely really sad, she got rug pulled by just about everyone, acted like a shill for Cover's least successful projects at the cost of her own popularity and isn't even rewards or favored for her work and seniority in the way FBK or Sora are. The way Cover has treated most of it's old guard, Matsuri, Haachama, Aki, Mel, Roboco, should really be brought up more often, they stuck with Cover through everything and yet they usually get treated as lower than trash in favor of groups like Regloss.
I get that some of them like Matsuri, could be argued that are fully deserving of the treatment they get, but RBC and Haachama really aren't
can anyone actually tell me is this arc actually good or is it people blowing it out of proportion because they're so starved for good content they prop anything remotely interesting as the best thing ever
>0 reading comprehension
I didn't notice it cause I've barely seen her pop up in my recs and twatter anymore, I didn't say she didn't
goddammit someone else stream please.. i want to watch what mumei, and cc are doing prestream in Lesbiania, but can't stand ERB's hag voice.
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Gigi I’ll give you there’s at least some signs of incline, but /vt/‘s perception of who is or isn’t doing well is completely warped. You got your Gura’s and Fauna’s still powergapping people and then people like Ina, Raora, and Mumei who few have been praising for their RP performing better than the people who’s dicks keep getting sucked.
>not also putting down average hours streamed and # of VODs(which can heavily affect VOD views)
>Vod view average
What kind of retarded metric is this?
Team sex?
Fuck Gura and Fauna for abandoning us and leaving us with ERB
To be fair there is a difference between
>standout (numbers)
>standout (mindchair)
It's really fun
Lol no, those are lizcucks trying to clean her image. Just wait when ENRcon stop.
Didn't we just go through how "VOD views average" comparison is meaningless due to various factors (retention rate, raid, stream duration, starting time, etc.) just few hours ago?
smartest Sapling
I wasn't here yesterday

What did Mori get for her outfit reveal?
Always and forever.
>Fuck Gura and Fauna
I'm already on it
pure, unfiltered SEX
RBC barely streams and if she does it's very irregular and her content as of late is SFVI or Valo
Aki found some resurgence due to her new found audience away from Holo
Chammer's channel is.... we don't talk about it
erb 10k doryaaaaaaa
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Being vegan is extremely feminine; the biggest pussies I have ever known were vegans.
I've been seeing ERB's praise in every Gohnathan reddit post that's being spammed for free karma. Always trying to direct attention to homowhore. Once a beggar always a beggar it seems.

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