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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou

Next stream: TBD
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8frv4avuyl8
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.

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Schejewel TBD.
Possible streams:
FRI - Homework day, no streams.
SAT - ENreco Day 7 at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST (time & stream TBD)
SUN - Special Grindstone Anniversary Stream (with special guests!) at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
I'm gonna Biboo, and not even Momseki could stop me.
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I miss my precious Wife.
But I'm on the watch.
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Would you guys let Bijou ride your face and pee down your throat for an entire minute for $1300?
Why is he spamming this every single thread? What is his end goal?
congratz anon your post is now in my filter
I have a feeling this poster was a chumbud
I would pay you that amount of money to let me do that to you with my cock
will biboo log in tonight, i wonder how caught up she is on her work
I want to kiss Biboo!
Biboo WILL show up but I honestly expect a more silent behind the scenes Biboo. Probably going to finish building something
why did she abandon us
Stop, she's not that kind of girl
Wrong thread.
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Because you started being too horny
I can change her, just one quick chu is all it'll take to get her addicted
The moai is crying blood now. Spoopy.
Oh beep I really need to eep but I want to watch enreco to see if our princess will appear for real...
she started hanging out with bad influences cough cough mori
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Pebble, she IS the bad influence
samefag harder
Watching my nigga mococo tonight and hoping for some wife sightings
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It appears that the moai now is spitting blood.
away with thee waterring
and crying blood
Show it
holy shit when did biboo become the stain princess this is kinda really fucking cool actually
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Last night
dude this shit is way cooler than it has any right to be I'm genuinely interested now
can't wait for the supercut
Holy beep that's great
Biboo spotted! ...and snuk away
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if this were a different flavor of based, they'd be doing Crisis Core
I really want to see where this stain corruption thing goes
>Biboo became the Stain Princess and plans to take over the kingdowm
>The others now think that the King is a Stain and is the one who corrupted Biboo
Was that Biboo on Fuwawa’s stream just now?
If they think that, they have to take Kronii in consideration.
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Her "homework" isn't the usual kind
this is true kino
What the heck am I missing? dang it
kill yourself
Her homework is done, she's fucking around. Probably setting stuff up for final day.
My wife, as is usual, is creating peak content.
where did you get this info?
That's on global.
Wife is currently on Rissa and Raora stream.
The voices in his head, as always.
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and how did they get this info?
Adding to this, she's destroying all the crops lmao
She flicked in and out of reality in front of fuwawa. Probably ping issue lol.
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everyone must DIE
ah ok, so it is just an ass pull
kinda disappointing but maybe she can still do some kino setup outside of just the building area
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>fucks up the local farm
Uojib is in control
Part of me is glad and sad she can't build around the map otherwise she could start lava casting like crazy, can you imagine the shitstorm?
Let's be realistic lest we set ourselves up to disappointment, what "evil" thing is she able to do on a non-pvp minecraft server where she can't even build stuff outside her designated area? Roleplay can only take you so far when there are literally no stakes in the long term: players revive when they die with no penalties, the kingdom won't have any negative impact until all chapters are done (one for each gen), and player RP won't affect the overall story for ENreco. I still applaud her efforts, look how dorky my wife is >>84662397
the KINO storm*
see this is why JP events are so much better
Pekora's heel turn on the final day of Rust was pure unfiltered kinography. I will remember that forever.
She should visit Fuwamoco irl and beat them with a bat on their stream
and thanks to Cover's no fun allowed autism, the next season fizzled out. Hopefully they don't set too many restrictive rules for the next part of ENreco
>Let's be realistic lest we set ourselves up to disappointment
Exactly. There is nothing she can do on the scale that she'd want.
I'm trying to watch all POVs so i can catch glimpses of Bijou and the plot is going everywhere.
>kiara ina and gigi want to save bijou
>the merchants (pejorative) wants to use her
>pink cat is literally proposing in creative mode to TAM
>bijou is being a threat to society, as usual
>nerissa is dead but is also fixing what bijou has done
>everyone else is being gay in some way shape or form
>fuwawa and mococo are playing base minecraft
I think you're taking this way too seriously. The fun just comes from the goofy plots going on right now. If you think of it outside of that, not even gigi's plot will exist out of this chapter. Just enjoy it for what it is right now.
nerissa is also peddling the rrat tht the stains are former citizens of the kingdom that the king usurped and turned into stains, how sure how compatible that is with biboo's lore
>player RP won't affect the overall story for ENreco
They explicitly stated in the reveal stream that the story would change depending on the girls actions. To what extent they meant that remains to be seen.
>the stains are former citizens of the kingdom
It aligns with all the memories having Biboo's gems/her being a Stain Princess.
Oh don't get me wrong, I'm really enjoying Biboo and her friends being silly dorks, ENReco is still "new" but it's already one of my favorite arcs in holo.
Now THAT would be peak oobib/uojib behavior. But Fuwawa would smother her with her tits and calm her down.
I really hope they're going to take their actions into account when writing the next chapters, now THAT would be peak, even if the girls are being TOO silly sometimes.
This. It would be a really stupid event if this is not the case; if the story was set from the beginning there was no point in any of the things they have been building or anything and they may as well have just played through the map independently in singleplayer
are we sure she can't lavacast to outside the build area?
Yes, very sure.
biboo was the one who set up the new minigames so the heroes could be distracted
Truly a villain
There's fucking 0 way that anyone would be able to write any sort of cohesive plot out of all the rp. It's all cooked bro
NTA but not write the plot of the erp the girls are doing but things like "X is the queen Y is the fake queen Z attempted to usurp the throne" etc
They're obviously going to need to choose what to adapt and what to keep, but it's not reasonable to think that they'll straight up ignore this
That's not necessarily true. They can pull out some gems from certain plots to move on with.
Not 100% but they can cherry pick the best plot points and go along with it.
That bat? Me.
I miss my dark lady
My wife is always with me in my kidneys and my urethra.
uhhh so yeah umm like... biboo
can i get a tldr of the plot today
uobiB has taken over, and joined the stains
She destroyed the crops and caused her moai to start crying blood
>People think Gonathan is pregnant (?)
>Nerissa believes the king is behind the Stains
>Mococo Won the free lottery
>Nanamoom or whatever her name is now established the Nana-11, as a way to get enough money to be the new hero to Slay the Princess (title drop)
>CC wants to roofie Bijou (she's backed by the merchant's guild and some unsuspecting members)
The princess' enemies plot against her, but they're consumed by infighting and drama.
>People think Gonathan is pregnant (?)
Goodnight, I love biboo.
mumei/kiara's barely disguised fetish nearly ruining the knight RP
Someone is forcing Mpreg and it surprisingly was not her, despite her unhinged fujo tendencies. The pregnancy test returned negative.
Mpreg follows gigi around quite a bit
Gonathon G is the manliest knight in all the lands
I mean how is it mpreg is if it's gg that's pregnant?
Still female tho.
Gonathan is male, his words
Her character has been male this entire time
I'd pay her 1.3k to do that
Ah okay, I haven't watched he pov at all, I haven't even been able to keep up with biboo's streams. Thanks for clarifying.
>he pov
That was unintentional but heh.
It was nothing serious the arc was introduced and dropped in the span of 8 minutes lol.
To be fair everyone else has been alternating between the two so I don't blame you
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Oh shit
Where does this put the king? Does he have a harem now?
He likes to watch.
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I sense something...
>biboo's moai crying blood front and center in the background
He won't be king for long
This is a political maneuver, waowa is only trying to get closer to the king.
>Where does this put the king?
In a grave
That made me laugh too
According to the lore:
>Tam Gandr is the future child of Pearl and Gonathan
>By marrying Mario, Tam Gandr is also Bijou's mom
>Pearl and Gonathan are Bijou's grandparents
what the fuck
Princess spotted next to the quest board
Raora's PoV.
After seeing her, Raora ran away.
This family tree is growing more and more concerning
This, >>84672820. I turned on gg's when I saw >>84672345.
biboo spotted on mococo’s pov but she quickly disappeared so it might be staff
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wife on the telly!
check mococo!

>gave mococo the stain hat
>She immediately put it on
f a s h i o n !
Dumb dog
>the chickens
>are tasty
kill the chickens
>wide-eyed mococo slaughters the chickens
This arc has been amazing.
>Mind Control
What else pebbles?
is bijou trying to turn advent to her side? advent origin story?
It's only them and gg online right now so it might be coincidence. She knows they'd probably play along tho so maybe.
With Justice trapped in this fantasy world, Advent will be free forever.
That and also Biboo trying to get the doggos invested in the story a bit more I hope.
I figured it was intentional to get Fuwawa into the story and then she gave Mococo a Stain hat…dark forces are afoot
>mococo put on the stain hat
>fuwawa has been warned against it
Peak cinema.
Biboo is such a good-hearted evil villain
>Fuwawa vs. Mococo
>Uojib vs. Ina
The board is set, the pieces are moving...
your oshi is in dire need of correction, pebbles
would koseki bijou be evil enough to destroy the statue of Tam Gandr
That's just Biboo everyday
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Leave it to me.
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>biboo wanted to give out more stain hats
>her luck is so shit she will never get another one unless she becomes potato salad, slayer of economy
She could have planned destroying the crops a bit better... Waiting until everyone was offline, harvesting a bunch and THEN destroying everything would have been the way to go. Maybe staff-san will help her out, this is a great setup for the second act.
That's me oshi
>she got another stain hat
>is giving it to fuwawa
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Fuwawa's Fuwawas are distracting me from the story.
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May chaos reign
The stain hat kind of looks like a pebble skinned Geow's face and wore it like Leatherface does.
i forgot what geow was and had a whiplash reading this
Did Bijou kill the chickens? I suspected it, but missed any confirmation.
Yeah, that was me
She hasn't, please shut up about it
a corrupted mococo actually
Mococo did while under control of the Stain Princess.
She made Mococo kill them.
Biboo's a brat
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Biboo is not getting through the doggos...
This was all preordained.
May the Stains recolor this world.

M̵̰͋͝À̸̬͗́Y̵̛̟̦͐ ̶̣͓̈́̈́̕S̵̮̏Ṯ̷̈́̈́A̷̘̹̘͝Ḭ̵̛̾N̴̛͈̺̽Ś̴̬̚ ̵̯̻͎́̈͋Ȓ̶̯̆Ḙ̴̞͒̍C̸̤͉͙̊̋̚Ö̷͕̗Ĺ̸̠͌̈Ȯ̴̝̯̍͝R̸͖͛̒̒ ̶̱̋ͅT̵̛̜͛͝H̸͖̩̼̾I̵̘̼͈̔̊̄S̸̩͉͓͐̄̕ ̵̢̓͌͘ͅẄ̷̻̩́͝O̸̥̺͗̽̚R̴̩̱͊͘L̸̙̖̈̋D̵̤̫̣̔!̴̞͉̓
Schlop schlop schlop poster now's the time.
dumb dog SCHLOP SCHLOP SCHLOP SCHLOP SCHLOP SCHLOP [sound=https%3a%2f%2ffiles.catbox.moe%2fpjf04p.webm%0a].png
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Biboo... they're not sisters in this universe.
I thought they just don't remember.
That's it, trying to coerce them with something they don't acknowledge or have memory of is probably not gonna work. At least I hope that's what that was instead of FWMC being airheaded.
>Gave Mococo another stain hat
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It spreads...
Her memories were partially restored by the Stains.
This was revealed to me in a dream.
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Were all the Heros kidnapped and brainwashed when they came to Libestal as part of some Outer Entity's game? The Stains may be an outside force's attempt to restore the Heros' memories so they can escape
They'll snap and kill each other and then the real mastermind will reveal they're in a TV show.
Did we hear her voice tonight?
See >>84673410 >>84673443 >>84673453
Hmmm... nyo
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She be cooking
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low resolution biboo my beloved
i wonder how biboo's POV will be tomorrow as the villain
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I just wanted to summon a bunch of cute girls so they could have fun pretending they're saving the world... where did everything go wrong...
cute girls are capricious. And maniacal...
Your first mistake was summoning a bunch of cute girls in one spot
tell me a single time this worked
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My dark lady is a sight to behold
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I love my evil wife
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Face it, Elbbeps were the true pebbles all along, NERDS.
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Fellas I don't want to worry anyone, but Pebble free chat is gone
erm what the pebble
It's been since the start of enreco
Jesus christ short hair Biboo is really doing something to my dick
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Tasty... chickens...
Character development coming 2025.
biboo is perfect but god damn do I love short hair styles on pretty women.
Second only to twintails.
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haha that's crazy pebble, you have quite the imaginations. you really should take your meds
but before that come over here with me for a moment
I hope at least one member will join Biboo in her plans of dominating the kingdom.
>tfw Biboo's project that needed artists involved uojib taking over
>tfw we're about to witness unfiltered kino
This is the truth because I chose to believe it.
Anal with biboo!
Anal with Biboo's futadick!
oo ee oo
No POV tomorrow?
she confirmed theres a POV tomorrow (today)
My dark lady will rise tomorrow
Thank fucking god she decided not to participate in the Sajam slam after all.
Yeah no shit, you would already know that if you weren't a resident schizo
You are stupid.
She literally showed interest in joining it
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Uojib’s heel storyline is the finale of EN Reco season 1?…
The scripted event will be killing the stain king so they need to resolve her plotline before that happens (purify her) or else she can't complete the game
holy retard
How is this proof?
yeah i'm sure thats biboo who never showed interest in participating, ignored his tweet, and only played the game once, and not the homostars who suck e-celeb cock for a living
Now you'll post the actual proof right?
>they showed interest in joining
Deafchama please
The JPs are clearly out of the question and Biboo is the only EN that has played SF6. What else do you want?
damn son. this is next tier stuff.
She very clearly didn't show interest though.
Well thank god because I would anti so hard if she betrayed us
You're not one of us
go take a shower, you stink
>make up false information
>can't back it up
>"Yeah glad she didn't betray us"
Kill yourself.
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Thinking of that villainous bibooty
AND it's at her regular timeslot.
Is this some subtle hint she will be healed and returned to normal by the end of this stream?
I've seen more chaotic crossover events on the internet where the DM was somehow able to make it all into a congruent plot and that was with hundreds of different people each trying to meddle their own way,

19 Girls, half which aren't even doing anything but the base plot and half of the ones left simply using the plot to run their side hustles and fun aren't something you can't plan around.

There's only about a handful of girls who are actively trying to put their finger on the needle of the plot, and it's clear Hololive is well aware of their shenanigans and is providing DM support for it. And it's not like Hololive isn't masterclass when it comes to working the Minecraft engine.
Basically this, I'm sure they'll find some way to twist their stories into future chapters. Although I assume the next chapter won't be for quite awhile anyway
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>【Episode 1 FINALE】
Biboo's frame saying Episode 1 made me check the other girls to see what they say. They're all a little different. It makes me wonder when Episode 2 will start and if everyone will participate again.
>FWMC: "fluffy/fuzzy finale" with GRAND FINALE in thumbnail
>Shiori: "GRAND FINALE" with Finale in thumbnail
>GG: final. in thumbnail
>Mumei: "The End Is Nigh !! | FINALE"
>Bae: doesn't mention finale in any way
Cute pebble living under a rock
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Yeah and her name's Biboo.
As I suspected she'll start early to resolve the corruption plotline before the final dungeon / trial unlock.
Probably a long stream
Episode 2 will be in 3-6 months or an even longer wait
Think of it like Holocure-like patches. They're developing it in real time
I'm fine with it being every 3-ish months or so. Gives them time to flesh it out. I'm just curious what the future format will be. Going to be tough to beat Minecraft's functionality
I think it's still going to be in Minecraft when they are playing a game. There isn't really any other sandbox game out there that has a fantasy setting while allowing them to make huge mods.
WC3 custom maps :D It spawned whole genres!
>Biboo was setting up to be Sylvanas
>next map is wc3 editor
Judging by how many EN members tweeting about their sleep time this week, yeah 3-6 ish months per episode would be ideal…
I'd say Biboo is closer to Arthas than Sylvanas but it's close
Yeah seeing as Biboo herself said she was starting later this past week specifically to catch up on sleep, I don't doubt it
But Arthas isn't a cute girl.
Biboo could just be Arthette... It's fine.
Her lore is becoming real
Fuck BD, THIS is how you know you made it in Hololive. WIFE IN HOLOGRAAAAAAAA
I absolutely love my rock princess imoutowife.
Hows her Nihongo status? Others dont speak Eigo afaik.
It looks like it might actually play into how all the girls seem to dote on her too which just means the production team was paying attention
It's scripted and we already know from voice packs and some other off the cuff stuff that she sounds amazing when speaking jp. I really don't see any issue since it's clearly not live
They don't speak like at all aside from a few noises and maybe very simple words like what or wow.
Atleast the few I have randomly seen
She will speak English, the JP girls will speak Japanese and anime magic will make everyone understand each other.
All the replies are GYATTS
Good morning, I love biboo.
>Biboo Hologra
It’s finally time…
I'm not sure what to expect but I know it's going to be cute
She's just like me frfr
Towa is also a biboo poster....
Maybe she's not so bad after all....
Biboo just has that way with the girls
Good morning, I love biboo
Good night, I am Biboo
I fucked up and lost the bibutt folder. Does anyone have it?
Seems like you're now going to fall BEHIND, pebblefriend
My wife is going to be very evil today
That's Biboo every day
evil is more on a spectrum, really
we need that /gem/ thread on enreco day 1, that anon predicted biboo will turn heel
Good evening, I am watching Biboo. Always watching…
Just woke up. Rock status?
Harvesting chaos, apocalyptic even
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Manifesting Biboo corrupting Gonatham G with the promise of bringing back pearl.
Immaculate, mischievous even
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Corrupted to the very core, would make Metzen proud even
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Why does towa love biboo so much?
purple loving mother, also small tits
Biboo should get a boyfriend, i just wanna hear wholesome stories about them doing stuff together
Yeah me
>bottom text
I think RP is stronger when you don't fall back on marriages
>and her name's Biboo
it better be after Christmas. I don't want that shit ruining CBT.
>the way she reacts angrily when she sees or talks about couples
I can save her... I'd never let her go
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New bread:
hologras are usually quite dumb but I will watch this one for Biboo
>Mio mama
she's a leech

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