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>successfully defeats the dawg menace in open combat
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Fortnite Pro Edition

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomzoom vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Did Filian Forget To Wipe??
Filian Got Poled By Her Bottled Water
Frog Ridah!

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
VTUBER SPELLING BEE - Who's the smartest Vtuber?

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Fansly Archive

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:05 - 24:03 UTC

>Recent Stream


>Previous Thread
>defeats the dawg
>immediately loses power
why must it all always go like this for filian...
rate teh stream ladds
Stiff start but it went from 4/10 to a solid 7
'luv me fily
'luv me cerb simple as
Like a 6 or 7. Weak start strong finish.
Pretty good. I like to see Filian play some quick games. But I'm not a fan of Cerber
Cerber moaning was hot
Filian needs a UPS but she'll probably set fire to it
seems like all cerber does is moan. what a weird vtuber.
the threadshitter cerberschizo enjoyed it very much despite all the samefagging and shitposting
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Should I concernfag? Or chill?
Aight gn snackers ill go to sleep over camimi sounds now
Power went out probably due to bombing in her area, or a massive sinkhole opening up near her house. She'll be fine.
filian is built like a nokia phone she can survive a nuke, alright i think thats a chill for me
>bodytype nokia
Exactly what i want.
Yep, she even added a nice photo for us.
cute photo
cerbas got me heart, fillys get me hard, nuff sed
Over a power outage anon? Really?
She can't mirowave her food anymore, now she will starve
Microwaved food is only half her diet, taco bell is probably still open.
which filian collab partners have you chose to start watching due to the collab?

layna and grimmi for me.
Layner Olivia and Lumi
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How is Filian gay? explain?
Just got home and watching the vod. Im a little disappointed by her perception of asmr I donated during that stream for that.
that's just NA infrastructure being worse than a 3rd world shithole
Did they actually hang out in 3D VR today? Any clips
Filian was probably so upset that her power went out and ended her stream that she started gooning to deal with the stress
squ, mari, and lucy
To what?
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
>real flip
fil offline, watch camimi instead xdx
iim actually rewatching some classic asian andy videos rn
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new microkini pic
god help me I’m going to smack to the same set of photo’s for the third day in a row
no videos in this set?
no, but this isnt a set, this is just the one photo for free.
proof that onlyfans is a pyramid scheme
time to smack again
Any updates on the new 3D model?
her tits are too small
her tits are too big
Those are 100% lore accurate sir. As canon as the gospel.
I really enjoyed the golf with friends segment
gayest post I’ve seen in years
sorry bud, I know you like cerber and lil fil but grown women should have big tits
Trash taste ngl
yea that was my favourite segment too
Could really tell they started to relax around each other by that point and the comeback was insane
the fillyComeback was class A cinema and tbqh they warmed up to eachother in battleships
I checked out cerber’s solo streams and I’m a little put off by all the kissing and affection to chat and donators
I guess it’s ironic because sometimes I wish filian showed more love but I don’t actually want to watch that type of content
You think you want that until you realize she's not doing it specifically for you but for other 8K men in the chat.
yeah exactly. and if the RP is hardcore enough not to make you constantly aware of that it feels super cringe anyways
my favorite interaction. what a cutie.
Cute autistic waddle
Anal with filian
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crush his balls.
Prostate massages with filian
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My favourite interaction

Adding a pic now I guess
cute sexo kemonomutt
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*cums in her ear*
She looks like she is about to jump on it and eat it
Phil Grylls, you make do with what you have - improvise, adapt, overcome
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I find it so funny that Filian and Anny hate each other.
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y'know I think I'll never understand the twitch dating scene
its best to stay in the unknown and just smile and wave
not waving but drowning
Cerber is boring. Camila is fat. Filian has mental disabilities. Anny is bipolar.

Vedal needs to make better choices.
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only drowning if you pay attention
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Tbf he doesn't seem to want any of them. He just drinks
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I'm sorry filian I can't let you in yet, I haven't cleaned the cum stains off my carpet.
new wife vid
so how much irl is the cocking stream going to be? is she gonna wear a fursuit or is a staff member going to double for her?
handcam with the spiderman suit on, like when she cooked before
aww man i was hoping for something like vedal did
She doesn't have enough followers to fully manifest into our dimension yet, arms are as far as she can manage. Please understand
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Filian being a mouth-breather means she probably has a massive overbite
Camila is cute as af, has a sexy as af voice and is a really nice person. Her and Vedal get along REALLY well and are most likely genuinely dating in irl. Fucking kill yourself
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Camila is fat.
so what? She has a cute face and could easily get slim if she wanted to. Furthermore, she's a vtuber. Her 3DPD flesh form is irrelevant
Hi camila
Prime slampig material
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He knows he can do better
i never got this dm, what is it?
or was it the cover for the paid dm in that outfit that i paid for then it went away
white people when there is jpop at the gathering
Filian got to touch those muscles…
Idk. I am not the one who paid. I just posted it
wtf is this real?
Four (4) hours until fillyOnline
fillyLive fillyCooking
anon, you need to fix the file name.
I hope there are more squ collabs in the future

Squ needs to collab with my penis
You would change your mind if you saw her face
this but mine
I've seen every thing. She has pretty eyes and hair. The rest is acceptable, especially when compared to how hot her body is.
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need filian on my cock or else I’m going to die of depression
I guess there aren't any plans yet for our card for Filian right? Shoudn't we start sooner rather than later? It would be nice if everyone has enough time to prepare some art.
cerber is not particularly entertaining but she seems like she would be a solid irl gf. Anny is just straight up F tier, stay away at all costs, not only is she kinda ugly and super mentally ill but I’m pretty sure her fetish is NTR so good luck with that one. Camila is OK at entertaining and probably OK irl. Filian is super entertaining but she’s an autistic uncontrollable millionaire MMO gremlin with practically no feminine wiles who will drag you down to living an asmonbald tier lifestyle except you workout a lot
I can't art unfortunately. If anons want to make a card happen it definitely needs to start very soon, only a few days left realistically.
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Stolen from discord
our literal only artfag disappeared after the rindo model incident so idk if it’s a good idea. it might be a better idea for anons to start drawing and sketching random stuff now so that they’re skilled enough to do something decent when her birthday roles around instead in like Q1 or Q2 2025
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We can put more on the card than art. You could also write something nice or maybe make an edit.
Also look at this mosaic we did last week, some of the fields are really good.
Tracing is way easier than actual drawing.
OCsnacker on suicide watch
imagine the sheer onion stink emanating from his manhole
We can also put tracings on it. I don't really care what anons want to do for Filian
it would be a really nice idea I’m just worried it’ll turn out bad or incomplete
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Anyone got Filian's model ? Asking for a friend
just look up rindo and mint on booth and post whatever you end up creating here when you’re done plz

I can send you tenma’s model if you want as well
Didn't follow the tenma model situation, were there any toggles hidden away on it?
here, take a look for yourself
Filian is moving her wednesday stream to tuesday because she wants 9/11 off for her birthday. Be on the look out for major terrorist activities and stay away from planes that day.
I guess I will do the organizing. These are the rules for the entries I came up with:
>SFW only
>Must be your own creation. Edits and tracings of Filian are fine.
>Short individual messages are welcome
>No mention of 4chan or /flip/
>One entry per person

Before I start I want to know how many anons want to contribute, so please enter the poll.
oh sweet. how are you guys celebrating 9/11 this year?
I will be keeping an eye out for any major terrorist activities in the news that day and immediately come to /flip/ to call out Filian being responsible since she took the day off.
going to a jewish dance party
Just a little over an hour left
I am angry.
Angry about Cerber.
take your meds, she seems harmless af
Hypothetically speaking, which Holo could Filian collab with? It would probably be someone in ID right? They seem to play by different management rules.
One (1) hour until fillyOnline!
EN management greenlit a nerissa collab and it was formally announced and ready to go and then the rindo model shitstorm happened.

I don’t think EN mgmt would let filian collab with the golden gooses/more unicorn friendly girls, but bae, kronii, nerissa, ERB, mori, all probably fair game in a world where rindo drama didn’t happen. Filian is explicitly referenced in cover Corp financials so they are definitely aware of her
How much of a trainwreck will today's stream be?
I think she'd get on really well with Bae. They're both energetic retards
I don’t think nerissa male collabs, she just has bad numbers and has been struggling a bit so she’s very open to collabing with successful indies like bao or fil
ID did a few collabs with filian's friend greatmoonaroma
Nerissa would be the most boring choice imaginable. Just imagine Kobo childish rages and random noises with Fily flips.
like I said in
there’s frankly a reason why nerissa is the one they were letting collab with filian, she’s been struggling to hit a groove basically ever since her debut. she’s had a few menhera moments in memgens about her holo career not going as well as she had hoped, sometimes she gets sad and just spams RuneScape slop that no one cares about, etc.
Her chuckle at the end is very cute
fillyOnline delayed until tomorrow.
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back to bed i guess
this bitch’s liquid net worth is low 7 figures and she drives a toyota holy based
When you don't have to go outside why blow money on a car you barely use? Just common sense, I drive an old ford for the same reason.
I guess that answers my question!!
I’m in my mid 20’s and am worth about half a mil USD and drive an old Honda, I can respect it
There's snow where she's at? Let's cross-reference that fact with every area in NA that has had snow recently
What's wrong with Toyotas? There's a reason taxis all over the world use toyotas: they're extremely reliable. This dumb bitch was probably dancing to some song and hit a curb.
Think it's fine gravel actually, not sure why or how my screenshot came out looking overexposed kek.
nothing, I’m praising her thriftiness. maybe asmonbald wasn’t such a bad influence after all
Meant for >>84716086
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she just CANNOT catch a break this week. bad karma. unopportune feng shui. hopefully it will reset tomrrow
>friend's house
Which one of you smackers slashed her tire?
I did and even trailed her car so that I could be her knight in shining armor and do the tire swap for her but she just got irritated and told me she could handle it on her own, implied I was being creepy and called AAA
If her tire exploded on the highway I'm just glad she didn't end up getting in a serious accident
yea, me, her boyfriend, anyway, brb, rescuing filian
I wonder who it might be. Her irl friends don't know she's a vtuber, it must be another vtuber, right?

Me, too. I hope she is alright
>burning down the kitchen don't work
>slashing her tier either
Filian really want to fuck vedal, we need to change the plan to stop this collab, it's time to focus in Vedal
she probably lives in austin or LA or some other hotspot for entertainers and it’s one of her streaming friends
I honestly just think filian doesn’t have irl normie friends at this point unless you count old acquaintances. are they really your friends if you don’t even open up about what you do for a living to them
>it must be another vtuber, right?
Probably, feels like half of western vtubers live in Canada so I'm sure at least one of them lives somewhat close by
Why do you live with filians bf
>I wonder who it might be. Her irl friends don't know she's a vtuber, it must be another vtuber, right?
>>84715865 >>84716705
I'm pretty sure vedal lives in the UK
You don't understand anon, filian really want that bussy
she moved to the US a while ago iirc but this is getting into actual doxxshit so I should probably stfu
the universe is conspiring against filian making it alive for 1mill followers
It’s Doki bird
Kek she actually video called Vedal and he is laughing about her being in the middle of nowhere in discord
Cute couple
if vedal died, would /swarm/ disperse entirely or take root where they already spread to? asking for a friend
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I only watch Neuro and Filian so i would just stay here
The universe clearly wants her dead at this point. What a crappy luck.
they would use a novel consensus algorithm to pick a new leader node and all follow him
The tweet for engagement farming
>video called
why why whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
they're friends anon
absolute chad
LMAO how deaf and retarded is she? She must suck ass a driving.
Well, there goes my evening. What should I do now...

It's not dox to say she lives in the US. She always says she's NA, but she was able to buy the frog taser so she can't be in Canada. Unless she's in Mexico...
Regarding organizing for Filian's card. I was hopping I could a few more entries during todays stream but I think I will post this again tomorrow before the stream starts.

I will start proper planning tomorrow
How else do you show how shitty your situation is?
My streamer stuck in a desert, day is ruined.
how about just sending him the picture instead?
Filian needs an adult.
Brother they have literally met irl and wrestled
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Imagine if she lives in Vegas and gambles all her money away
I’m going for a run (well, more like a run/walk thing because I’m still out of shape from all the cigarettes I used to smoke in college), catch you guys on the flipside
Are you a unicorn?
she does that on stream with the crane game
she’s martingaling her entire bank account at a blackjack table as we speak
She did say she flew from Vegas->LAX->NZ so that would check out
probably just some threadshitter, I don’t know how anyone could be a serious unicorn and watch filian for longer than two weeks without eventually sperging out about something or other
Guess her tire pressure is low due to her never actually driving her car
Vegas is a large connecting airport for long domestic and international flights
t. connected through vegas on my trip to new orleans last year
Wouldn't low tire pressure make it less likely they'd explode?
I can guarantee she has never taken her car to the shop after buying it
you don’t really need to for japanese cars other than to get the break fluid replaced occasionally. If you drive an American piece of shit like a Jeep you do though
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>Filian went outside
NTA but that tire hasn't exploded, it's gone flat and the sidewall has been cut in half between the edge of the wheel and the road.
he literally had a scheduled collab with her today?
rrat: she barely drives (self admitted) and so she doesn't maintain the car. tire pressure was very low which made it extra susceptible to shit like this.
rrat: she filled her tires up with way too much air because she thought it would help her drive through puddles
she was just looking a an excuse to send a quirky video message to her tutel bf
This situation falls into something I am all too familiar with – the moment you make some more money (she did go up to 14.5k subs) everything just goes to shitters so in the end it doesn't even matter.
tomorrow her washing machine will break and flood her apartment
Overinflation wouldn't do that.
She'll goon so hard from stress and frustration that her pussy will break and flood the apartment.
didn't she drive to the airport recently?
Filian doesn't clean or take care of any of the things she owns. That 2 accidents happen in a couple weeks isn't that unlikely.
she makes like 800k USD a year pretax anon, I think she can handle her $14,000 Toyota Corolla blowing a tire
I assumed she got someone to drive her or took an uber rather than leave her car at the airport.
Impossible to say, might've got an uber because she didn't want to leave her car there for a week or had a friend or family drop her off and pick her up
does she not have a fucking spare? this is like the hdmi cable thing all over again.
I wonder if she deliberately set her oven on fire to try and get out of this collab
You genuinely think she is capable of changing a tire even if she had one?
to be fair even if she has one I doubt most zoomers are capable of swapping a tire in the year of our lord 2024.
The new and improved Vedal988 would take over.
it's the age of smart phones, she could figure that shit out. I had to replace a flat for the first time a couple of years ago, and spent like half an hour on google/youtube to figure out how the fucking jack works because there's a notch in it that's designed to catch a rail on the underside of the car.
the point is, I was never shown how replace a flat, and figured it out easily enough.
Having a blowout on the highway is crazy. Happened to me and I thought
>well shit I guess that's all
The best thing to do is just hard grip the steering wheel and don't try to overcompensate when it veers off but when you're going 75 with other cars around a lot of that is out of your control.
it’s pretty scary but I think your actual odds of dying are fairly low, all the people I know irl who died in car accidents it was because they suicidally lane changed blindly into oncoming traffic coming around a corner or something equally stupid and reckless as that
You're probably like 1/20 at most who would try to figure it out themselves in the moment. Based ngl, but probably not representative of the mean.
>all the people
More than one? Wtf?
>she might live in the US
I'm heartbroken...
Date code 2420
24th week of 2020
when I was in high school one of my close friends died in a car accident and essentially murdered one of our mutual friends/acquaintances in the process.
with this, you can tell filian isn't ovulating right now.
Fuck that sucks.
So are saying that she hasn't changed her tires in 4 years?
I haven't changed my tires in 4 years. It has 10K miles. is that ok.
All this shit just because she landed on a punishment to use bacon-flavored toothpaste...

That's fine as long as they aren't low on pressure or dry rotted
>10k miles in 4 years
this nigga works remotely for sure
I'd be more concerned with issues from driving your car too little
Ye, like battery randomly dying
the flip economy. supernaut!
the Black Sabbath song?
nah the 1000 homo djs cover version
The traditional double jenga game
Tires don't exactly expire, especially if you're not parking in the sun. Just make sure the air pressure is good.
Who are you guys watching now with the stream being cancelled?
Listening to Bao and Mel yap while playing some vidya.
I watched a bit of yuy and then stopped and started reading a book
That tire looks like it got severely neglected for a long time...
Which is spot on for someone who almost burns down her place on stream.
I'm actually surprised she didn't blow up the engine instead.
They have seen eachother faces, even touched eachother before.
They're buddy buddy and we would have more collabs if it weren't not for the shippers or the swarm didn't complain about too many Filian collabs.
Same thing happened to me after i didn't drive my car for over a year
Filian is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support!
next girls night when
idk about that, but she deserves success.
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I do know about that and she definitely also deserves love and support.
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The people searching for her on pornhub? All me.
what the fuck even is this?
don’t look at me, I beat my meat to organically and sustainably sourced fansly images taken by the queen herself, not shabby knockoff MMD animations produced by smelly old men in their mothers basement
real gone kid
us old smackers walked so you nu-smackers could run
Amen, brother
based on what info? the treads like fine as far as I can tell, aside from the obvious damage.
I went for a run earlier in honor of m’lady filian and I seriously feel amazing right now, I’m not sure if running released feel good chemicals or it was just the fact that I went outside or I just feel good because I feel productive but it’s really nice, I’m borderline euphoric in this moment
what were you running from?
nothing this time though my neighbors unleashed pitbull chased me once somewhat recently and I tripped and fell and ended up cutting and scarring my wrist a bit and it was really embarrassing
bao has collabed with mel this year more than filian.
I hope you do what you should've did
they pretty clearly had some sort of falling out and are only on cordial terms for the sake of professionalism, over what, I don’t know
The cut seemed super minor at the time and she was hot and super apologetic about the whole thing so I gave her a free pass.
did you find those words just now?
what words, I feel like you probably meant to respond to the anon above me
>super minor
so that was your final attempt?
you’re not really making sense to me, are you ESL or drunk or a bot or something
Chasing women on the street
So why did camila and filian unfollow each other on twitter?
await that knock
filian called camila “even fatter than Anny” during one of her tism moments and camila got super offended
t. insider
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If they had been married, this would not have happened.
okay but why would filian unfollow a certified fatty
>filian can drive
i really gotta get on getting a license

bao did collabs recently with filian, which they both posted recently, so who knows
I think anon was referring to Filian and Mel not Filian and Bao.
Camila unfollowed filian first and then filian acted like a high school girl and unfollowed back
What about Anny? I've heard Filian hates her.
also fat
>also fat
look guys a lot of "fat" people have contributed to history? so let's not be so loose with words we might regret.
Filian doesn't, she actually asked her to collab with her in june but Anny ignored it. Anny doesn't like Filian because of the model shit and her artist autism.
oh yeah? name 10 fat people
>hard mode
no vtubers
Real? If so I wonder what happened >>84740499
I'd be surprised. Camila has a relatively thick skin for a vtuber. She admitted on stream multiple times that she reads /swarm/ and they spent literally the entirety of 2023 spamming fatmila pastas with low quality edits of her model being made much fatter and she wasn't fussed over it publicly at all.
it makes my god damn skin crawl that femoids read this website. this is a boys only club. go back to crystal cafe
Anon you're posting on the eceleb gossip board. This is like complaining about fanfiction being a media that's 80% women.
bach, handel, g.k. chersterton, chris farley, that one fat guy in squid game probably, fuck there's only six!!
Camila made me mad when she went on her anti coomer tangent recently.

Anny is cool though
I will bake
if Camila sat on Chestertons fence it’d break lul
it is only by standing on the fat and short that we may see farther than those who came before us
Who is Corin5?
Everyone is fat compared to Filian though.
vegetarians exist.
simple solution
>smoke weed everyday you tards
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fresh bred
Melody gets hotter with every model update and Bao looks like her IQ drops 10 points with every model update.

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