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GIWTWM Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Mouse is LIVE! Subathon. At the moment that's all that's happening, but Michi's finally coming back to streaming tonight! As in, should be around within 1-2 hours as of this writing. She was even already on episode 2 of Mouse's Vtuber Academy earlier so check out that part of the subathon if you missed it because it was a lot of fun. That's it for now so keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://twitter.com/D_E_S_O_L_A_/status/1832140595348779273

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and former member discussion
/mouse/ for subathon-specific discussion

Previous Thread: >>84646573
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>He fixed the Mata sweater
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phd in cacaology
I think Zen is pretty neat
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explain why she was looking at futa sfms
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Certified yapper
To see if she could get going.
Admiring the artistry
My Mouse tank is getting filled bros
I still think she should do it on stream.
it's the only thing that gets her engine going
TTSfags should get the rope (as always), but alerts should probably be muted during karaoke kek
Mouse actually likes futa
Everybody likes futa, four sixes and two nines-kun.
I love Michi so much.
She loves it, but hates when people draw her as one. The thought of her having a penis somehow gives her a panic attack
Daily reminder that I am in love with Geega
She has serious body dysmorphia even without a penis drawn on her. Now put her in what for her is a highly alien body and it triggers all those dysmorphic tendencies.
we know j mike
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the most romantic thing a latina can do is tell you she hates you
There's like 4 vshojo bait threads on the catalog, we're so back
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its been like that for 1-2 months now. someone is working overtime.
So just a day ending in y
Is one of them about Mel? Someone has had a real boner for her lately, and not in the fun way she intends.
GFE anon outing himself as an anti and a sperg making shitty bait treads.
Yeah back to back this month
I'd swear it is a banned /aco/ /pmg/ fag but it comes off so damn weird and the responses are never what the baiter intends. /vt/ either has a relatively positive opinion of Mel or just doesn't care.
i want to fuck geega as if my life depended on it
why would you even go there? who cares what the browns think
I don't, just scrolling through. its a waste of time to engange
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15 minutes
I just want her to laugh at my pp desu
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I'm pretty hyped
>I'd swear it is a banned /aco/ /pmg/ fag but it comes off so damn weird
Yeah, they never come off as being made by someone from /pmg/. There would be far more hate and vitriol in the OP if that were the case. The Mel bait threads come off as being made by someone who only half knows anything about Mel. Which I guess is why their threads never go as intended.
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Meanwhile in Michi's chat.
Michi LIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Michi Live!!!!!!!
the quirklords are back
Michi live
new hotness > old and busted
seethe and cope.
>they're still counting even though she's live
nice one, /flip/poster
can we skip jaiden SOTD... eerrrhhh
New /mouse/
Sexing all over Michi
Love Grimes
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Count chads we can do this!
What is she fixing?
never heard her music before i saw her song in Cyberpunk dlc then i bincht all her song
my heart
michi mochievee ovulation cycle
she speaks
She's back.
Mouse is going to forget to do that call Gun subgoal again isn't she?
I missed her massive fivehead
How big will Michi's breasts be after receiving a breast upgrade?
Gun has to be awake and willing to participate.
How much will Michi talk about her coochie meow meow during this stream?
can't upgrade a cutting board
Michi with good, bad, and medium news. The good news is that she's healthy!
Hey anons where do you find Melody's other streams these days? The thread on the other board is full of dead links.
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Gunrun on call
All of Mel's CB VODs are on her Onlyfans for free. There's also futureporn.net but that's always unreliable.
My oshi is on mouse's stream
michi's back!
>everytime I get stressed I get sick
Michi that's kinda normal
> Don't say shit like that
Idk but that line from gun killed me
Oh shit okay I had no idea they were free. I guess that's my fault for not checking first. Thank you
Gun is drunk isn't he kek
BOSS has connections
Gunrun is so awkward bless him
Happy fapping anon.
>it's a friday night
It's quirky and fun when it's Michi.
I seriously think Mouse woke him up. He might be a boomer and sleep early
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If there's any Australian anons Zen's going to be at Pixel Expo.
that's gura's team diaper guy. idk why you keep posting it here.
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>Michi is able to afford her own medical bills now
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She said that when she realized she could afford to actually pay for it all herself after implying she wasn't able to while at Niji and her parents had to chip in she said she made this tweet. Or rather a tweet about how thankful she was to chat and I'm assuming it's this one.
>michi is wearing a back brace
no it's like 30 different dudes and soccer has nothing to do with janitorial work.
when is it?
Just watch any stream. Literally any.

My favorite one was with Zen, Momo, and others playing a shooting game and some toxic retard was going off on the team and one of the girls about being a shit player and Zen purposely picked a sniper and shot him in the back of the head.
Cover story for the diapers
I don't suppose you know the stream where she accidentally peed herself...?
Bros what's wrong with our girlfailure
You faggots summoned him again. I hate you all so much.
Kuro? He's streaming on Sunday
When will Mata have this hairstyle on her model?
Sure do, that would be her May 17, 2023 stream where she uses ovipositor eggs. I even have a webm of the noises she makes with the eggs.
>Michi returning soon
>Mata returning soon
>Kuro returning soon
>Henya retur...nvm
>Haruka...better luck next time
Happy some people will get their oshi's back soon
Wtf I wasn't expecting an answer you are my god. Thank you so much
Yeah I know what Michi's talking about I think. I got into an accident in middle school where my muscles tensed up and pushed parts of the back of my ribcage out of place and I went through a similar process over a few weeks at an orthopedic clinic. Hurt like hell getting it done but it hasn't hurt since.
Michi has GERD
You're not the first person who's asked about that moment and it's sort of infamous anyway so it's easy to answer. Enjoy anon.
Michi wants to show us her throat...
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>some people
when will the suffering end???????
Moose uuuuuuuuuuuuhhh come back
>Michi returning soon
Bro wake up she's back.
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Michi deepthroat pictures?
Only at Vshojo...
so inflamed though
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The Zen edit lol.
All of Michi's favorite foods are supposed to be avoided, makes me think about when I got diagnosed with IBS and my dad said I'm not supposed to eat ice cream (I do not care)
more cushion for the throat fucking
Vore org
God I didn't realize how much I missed her stupid voice.
The truth? Botox
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what a name
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>Michi returned before the moose.
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I love michi's voice
Ok anons go and confess your sins
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Will Michi get this kind of lip injection?
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thank you mouse for "forgetting" to watch his stream knew i could count on you day saved
She got botox in her jaw and now Michi doesn't get tired from eating (ARCHITECT BROS WE WON)
99lbs. She's got a lonnnnnnnng way to go
44kg and counting
[Michi news] She can poop now
she doesn't need to
bros michi is 97lbs, holy fucking skinny
>her weight goes straight to her thighs
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Michi is literally build like this
She wants a Big Juciy ass let's goooooo
She'll look like Squidward after his first crabby patty in no time.
>Michi gaining weight
>Nikocado Avocado losing weight
What is happening in the world
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Michi wants to undergo BBL surgery to get a big butt
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>leaving us again in December
it's so over
are you that diaper guy
Family visit so it's fine
I wish I was that DeLorean.
Moose will still not be back by then
that family? me
that visit? sex
She should just do squats instead
She's going to visit her grandparents because they're getting old
Holofags out
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>that family? me
i don't want to see your diapers
trauma dumpers all gathered to michi stream today. they missed their dump fix
Where do you think the schizos are from?
he's a chumbud now much to everyone's surprise now that nazuna's gone
don't blame holofags for **t schizo
man, what a great pair of tits
literally every michi stream. and she responds to every TTS so it enables people to keep doing it.
>michi's the only one of her cousins that has no partner or kids
>except one that's disabled and one that's 18
Girl. Failure.
The other Susu, the rigger
Unfortunately it seems the part where she pees is cut out of the vod on cb /of and futureporn links don't work. But thanks regardless anon
I can fix all of those problems
Susu means milk in Indonesian
it all makes sense now
No shes a Latina
sex with michi with her back brace on
>Heavenly appears when Michi talks about butts
And the TTS trauma dumping has arrived
Michi my grandma died Let's goooooo
Saw a pothole. Sped up. Very dumb. Incredibly dumb.
Leave the dumdum alone
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she's perfect
It's in part 2 of the VOD on her OF. At around the 54 minute mark in that part, she starts panicking a bit trying to push it out and then that's when she pees herself. She then leaves to properly get the egg out and clean herself up. When she comes back she exclaims about the mess she made.
Girls are cute when they're dumb. And when they're smart. Ok maybe I just like Michi
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Michi dox Kuro
>Michi wants to play PC Building Simulator
I love that game so fucking much
Do Vshojo members know each other’s roommate names?
And if you still can't find it, here's an old VOD I had that I uploaded to Mega for you. In this VOD start watching from around 1:52:00 and you'll see it. I gotta sleep now so good luck anon.
Nta but you're pretty awesome
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She is graduating, isnt she?
to be my wife
Michi I killed myself let's gooooo.
Graduating to crush my face with her fat moose ass, yes
Trauma dumping attention bitches get the rope
Thank you anon!
I find these TTS jokes lame because unlike Holofags or Mouse who has a shitton of normies Vshojo chatters know how to (mostly) read the room
These TTS is preparing us for the future that is going to be, Henya’s return
Oh my god that will be so bad. Nothing can prepare us.
Clipping it right now
>inferiority complex
who do you think still has it or had it beside michi?
>Michi listing off things she had to do as soon as she was done
>Recordings mention
god I love ID accents
She sure doesn't act out as a result, but maybe.
I would assume all big corpo vtubers have it to some degree. People like to harp on the Niji's mentioning feeling like the corpo is what made them matter but the Holos almost certainly feel the same way. Huge imposter syndrome to spend a year grinding streams and barely managing 20-50 ccv and then jumping up to 6k overnight because a logo was added next to your name.
Her accent is so weird in how it comes and goes depending on how much something annoys or interests her.
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Show the goddamn Jared
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I am not used to Jared looking this cute. But holy shit the ANGLES on this thing lmao
once again reminding you that mouse does not like these kind of images please refrain from posting them here thank you
She fucking cooked
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Completely nuts
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Had to make sure I wasn't in /beeg/ by accident lol. JitenshaSW's a prominent size artist. Wasn't at all expecting to see her do something like this.
What? of her side hugging a friend?
You're the one making it weird.
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He can also wear a shirt
Ass toggle. Michi is ahead of the new meta.
Is this Live2D?
chibi jared
Why not, he's already a penis.
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Also Jared has a Hank Hill ass
Now she's showing Hole
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It's a toggle between a Hank Hill ass and just having an asterisk asshole
Yeah it's cause he's so stubby. Regular Jared's a little more lanky so he looks strange but this one's all round shapes
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And as expected it's a little janky but Jared's a TTS pet
>mouse does not like these kind of images
She doesn't like images where she's depicted as his child, breastfeeding from him or holding his severed head anon.
Sorry Geckos you got mogged by Jared.
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they're are both cute
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>holding his severed head
Wait,he turns to her and even nods
Oh my fucking god, he's actually cute as hell
Zen now it's your turn to make the ultimate Gecko
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I wonder if she'll announce the debut date of this model this stream?
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>No BLTs
Why would they do this?
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is jared a virgin
>Michi added a GEDAGEDIGEDAGEDAYO redeem for Jared
Because that artist clearly loves reverse-harem or shoujo style artwork. Reverse-harem protagonists and shoujo manga heroines are not allowed to be actually sexy. They are self inserts same as regular harem protagonists.
I miss this artist. I miss good Mouse and Monke art in general.
I knew it kek
Jared so cute
There should be a Jaredpocalypse
Jared should attain godhood alongside the other mascots and destroy the Vshojoverse
Michi breastfeed Jared
jared teabagging michi
Michi cockmilking Jared
It should have been me
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wait, anybody knows what happened with that turmoil in indonesia stuff?
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Pope visited jakarta
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Camimi is based
Based on dogshit
I guess it's the thought that counts
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Too busy sitting on my face
Cool vid I love it how do we get Michi to watch it
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Michi likes Lily
shylily is /in/
actually I didn't know
>not knowing poop soup story
fake fan
why is her pussy so fat
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Need to jerk off to Andy and Leyley porn, Vshojos for this feel?
Vshitshow tier list:

S Tier:

A Tier:
VShogrow tier list (How much I want them to be a giantess)

S Tier

A Tier

B Tier

Disqualified: Kuro
I like Mei and Sushi.
This but everyone is F tier because I am not into giantesses
>scrolls through the thread
/#/ still mad they've lost?
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All of them are in S tier for me so I made something else.
BASED. Also Henya in 999m I see what you did there
You can't just put Geega in Giga
oh, I have the same kind of slippers
Brave of mouse to wear the heart monitor to the bathroom. If it shoots to 120 we know what's happening.
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I can and I will
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Michi and Henya wear the same shoes
Geega told me that Henya will return in a week
Is geega in the room with us right now
no, she's in my room atm
Geega told me some fucked up shit about Henya
Geega told me information that will lead to the arrest of Shiori Novella
>the arrest of Shiori Novella
in my basement.
when I don't recognize a name I just assume it's nijisanji
I don't know who that is
That basement? Mine
I just got in Michi's stream, why is there a cute and thicc 3D Jared?
Someone putting my Ari and Froggy cards to work. I think I have that Zen but I don't remember it looking that good. Wonder if they modified it or it's just the lighting or something.
She got him made as a TTS pet. He's pretty great scroll up for some screens
he has buttcheeks too
Why is Froggy pissing in Ari's mouth
>Mei raided Michi
>TTS announced it
>Pronounced Meicha as "Mika"
Freaked out for a sec lol
this doesn't seem right anatomically. Ari has to contort her body in a very unnatural way for that to work
>Zen at the top of the list
only thing that matters
2 amazing streams in a row from mouse almost made a mistake earlier but luckily forgot about it keep it up i believe you can continue it for several more days
Ah yes, brainrot toggles.
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I guess I'll come back in 30 minutes
ngl this song Michi's listening to is kinda catchy
Why is Michis chat constantly concernfaging about shit they don't know or understand
>Sushidog gifted 10 subs to Michi
they are the big brother archetype
It's because of her long absence.
>Michi spent her break watching Connor
poor girl
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You can't Connor sperg for other members. Only. Mouse.
connor sperging is always just and true and fair
What is this abomination
It's Matara Kan
She watched multiple streamers, including connor, no need to make shit up.
I think sushi, and mei are /in/ still I am almost 100% sure.
Puella Magi Matara Magica
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What'd Vedal do to deserve that from Sonch
>Michi worried about being sexist for having her guard up around guys
When you hear the stories about Muslims, that definitely makes sense.
I think fear of men is a global experience for women
men are stronger, better safe than sorry
Michi said I have a massive cock
Getting so many compliments that many aren't taken well is such a woman only problem
Does Henya watch Connor too?
One nice thing about this new Jared thingy is that I know I can unmute the stream when its mouth stops flapping.
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At this point, I've accepted that if I'm walking somewhere and a woman crosses the street to get away from me or starts walking faster once they notice me, it's not an indictment of my character. They will never know me on a personal level, so it's pointless to be upset at the idea that they perceive me as a threat. However, I get a little offended when women hold onto their purses when walking by because it feels like I'm getting racially profiled.
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just wear glasses
new thread
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You probably look like a rapist

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