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Assault on blackrock Edition

>Current and upcoming streams

>This week's full schedules


>Transparent head cutouts

[Gen 1: Indulge]
>Azura Dulait - Fertility Goddess
>Icey Snowpaws - Feral Polar Bear
>Immy Bisou - Hex Maniac
>Mercy Modiste - Dorky Yandere
>Shibi Cottonbum - Your Ever-Demanding Mistress
>Stronny Cuttles - Hypnotic Cuttlefish

>VAllure Links

>Unarchived/Deleted VOD Archive

>Greentext Archive

[FAQ for Tourists]
>What is VAllure?
The first EN A(dult)Vtuber Corpo.
Yes, this is the whorpo and they are focusing on adult audio like ASMR or JOI.
>Where will the content be?
YouTube - Kino SFW streams. Expect some spice and kayfabe but nothing TOS-breaking. Expect 3 streams per week at minimum.
Patreon - Lewd audios. $5/month per talent, 4 audios per month. Sub to whoever you like.
Fansly - Cost/content Up to the discretion of the girls, most have expressed interest, starts August 1st
>Is there a Discord Server?
Yes, Notification only. No interaction with any of the girls. Check VAllure Links.
No, they won't be joining any fan servers.
>Most importantly, are any of the talents in a relationship?
Yes, all of them, with me.

>VAllure Friends!
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
Other small corpos: >>>/vt//corpo/
More of Azura and Shibi: >>>/vt//choc/

Previous Thread >>84643317
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
I love my Strontistic wife and daughters!
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Our mummeh in VAllure, horny be her name. Her kingdom cum, her will be done, on YouTube as it is on Patreon. Give us this day our daily nut, and forgive us our cringe, as we forgive those who cringe at us. And lead us not into celibacy, but instead deliver us into temptation.

Tongue kinda gross. ngl

... No.. No.. I hate it. I hate this. Immy why.
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Good evening /vag/, I hope you are well
for me, it's mercy modiste
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I love my retarded sister that has a really cute and cozy home!
Yeah but imagine them on your dick.
immy jerking me off with her forked tongue!
Evening. Im not, but I hope you are
Immy please reconsider. We voted against it.
>pinpals: no, not like that
No. That's going to be the cope. That it will be good for BJs. In reality the tongue works worse when it's forked and overall it looks freaky. She will no longer look like a cute little sister but something warped and creepy. Little sisters don't get forked tongues.
Stitches make me kinda uncomfortable (particularly in places like that) but at the same time we probably won't see it very often anyway so I'm not gonna complain.
Imagine immy flicking her forked tounge across the frenulum of your dick, feeling the texture of the stitches and making you throb and ache from the stimulation.
Think of all the times her cute tongue came out during stream. Now imagine it with stiches
>feeling the texture of the stitches
That's actually making my dick retreat
Immy is freaky though.
Have you ever felt a Stitch? Sounds horrific.
yes, immy, do it. i support you filtering yourself more. chat has been even more retarded than usual since fansly
This is beyond freaky, this is gross. You can be freaky with a normal tongue.
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Imagine not wanting to get french kissed my your forked tongued little sister.
Imagine being gay. Couldn't be me.
I knew it would be stuff like that honestly I didn't really like the changes she did to her current model either
Forked is fine, Stitches are what put it over the top.
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you better stick to your guns immy
Thank you for deleting the post Immy oh my god. You are reading my pleas.
I genuinely can't tell if people don't like the forked tongue or not because I love it
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me btw
I like split tongues but split+pierced+stiches is way too busy
She deleted it. Thank God.
Look again
Thank you for listening to us Immy that would have been a huge mistake
Honestly, this seems like a pretty minute detail to me all things considered and I doubt it will be very noticeable when it's modeled, I don't it expect it would, at least. Either way, I'm proud of my little sister for taking the initiative on what she wants, and I will love her either way, whether she has stitches on her tongue or not. I trust in your talent and imagination Immy, you excel in both, so I have complete faith in your re-design, whatever the direction you want to take it.
Eh, although I don't like the idea much now I'll probably get over it.
My dom and monkey are scaredy cats!
Immy I genuinely don't care one way or the other regarding your tongue, but why do you keep deleting your Tweets girl? ( ;~;)
She ain't changing a damn thing.
She realized she was wrong
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Didn't Shibi say she's played Amnesia? Seems tame by comparison.
Can she re-upload the picture? I didn't think she would delete it until I saw /here/ and by then it was already gone...
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Hello Immy. I like the tongue at least.
I'm proud of my immy. If it's a change that she likes and will make her happy I'm going to support her. She takes such good care of us already she should be a little selfish. If someone has a real problem with such a small detail they're a faggot.
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No more open Vest, fishnets or panty strings.
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this might be a controversial opinion but I would like all three of these women to do porn
The tongue kinda freaks me out but then again her base model also does that so I guess it's fitting
Based mods
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Toma referencing the same meme mummeh keeps doing too.
Immy :(
So was she getting pushback on this tweet? I wasnt able to check the replies before it got deleted
Immy has done so much to always reassure everyone, listens and adapts when people make complaints about what they don't want/like, and has always put pinpals first. The one thing that she really wants to do for herself and people start shitting themselves. Shows just how much you love her if her being happy with her model upsets you this much.
I'm gonna make an oreo with shibi and toma
Twitter was pretty supportive from what I saw before she deleted. Most of the pushback was from here
madam's lack of cake...
Is she saying she wont update anymore because of 'backlash' or was she never planning on giving more updates? i like being informed but im fine with not knowing if thats easier for her
Twitter is a hug box.
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You lie
yeah, you'll get more honest answers /here/
Madam's cake is tight and fit, shut your whore mouth.
I read that as she's gonna make what she wants and not show us anymore.
A story in 3 parts.
I think it was only 2 or 3 people /here/ that didn't like it (or that wasnt atleast fine with it) and 1 guy seemed to hate it
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It's the schizos turn to try immy today. He did it earlier today and he's still trying.
You also get the biggest crybaby retards that bitch and moan about their "brainworms" because of one small insignificant thing the girls do
>not show us
Yeah, but was that always what she was gonna do or did she decide that after getting baited or seeing pushback in maro/twitter?
AND NOW SHE DELETED THIS Immy....just do what you want and if people really don't like something they'll be saying everywhere, not just /here/
>saying everywhere
saying it everywhere*
She most likely never planned to update us and leave it as a surprise. If she updated us on everything, she knows people will complain and make her change her mind.
pinpals already voted against the stitches, she knew they wouldn't like them, the entire point of the tweet was that she didn't care
Pinpals are faggots what’s new
So she made her bed she needs to lie in it. She needs to stop with the bullshit.
uuuuuuu Immy uuuuuuu
Is a tongue on a vtuber model that you won't probably see until later next year really that serious?
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Have you been Azura being back guys
Yes. It chanfes her entire little sister feel to something sinister.
Icey if you see this, just a reminder that Stronny is not your savior. She just gave the you the opportunity to be saved. Your snowbearies are your saviors. Once upon a time you knew this and was grateful. Maybe try saying thank you once and a while for stuff that isn't bought off throne.
I would call you a whore (derogatory) but thats an insult to hard working whores. You're just a parasite leeching off paypigs with no self-control at this point: Everything that VAllure was meant to be the counterpoint too.
Shibi and Immy are showing similar signs of forgetting it's not about them as well. Female loyalty is a fucking meme. And fuck management for not taking a firmer hand on these incremental abuses.
>been enjoying*
Yeah that isn't a pinpal.
As if it wasn't obvious before?
Actually on this topic, how have all the streams been today?
Why are you being mean
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I'm holding them to debut standards. If that's become 'mean' questions need to be asked as to why. Open your eyes and you'll realise pretty big cracks are starting to form in this whorepo. When the girls start chasing novelties it's because they no longer value what has become their 'norm' and have started taking your side of the transaction for granted.
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Who cares about the tongue, the real deal is the fact that she replied to Kumo.
I like >her regular asmrs, they're pretty gud.
Holy shit take a shower people like you are so cringe
Them talking about female loyalty being a meme should be all you need to know. Dudes never had a positive female interaction in their life, mainly because he acts like a massive faggot.
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>something sinister
>anon posting his fanfiction
I think that means it's time to go to bed. Good night /vag/gots
gn bro
nini bro
Night brother
god fucking dammit why couldn't shibi be cast as a sub this isn't fucking fair
Shibi with glasses really emphasizes her dorkiness. Very cute, very lovable.
Madam please don't stop Singing.
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her cute little sneezes sent me over the edge
ive been on and off the audio but I do wonder how her move went
Maybe we'll get like an April fools day stream where they do like a bizarro world and flip everything.
Azura's got that wet mouth
Wow the person that treats the girls like a transaction isn't the one they're listening too, that's crazy. Well sir, if the "product" is no longer what your looking for, maybe take your business elsewhere.
Why are you replying to the thread schizo
Drinking Azura's milk!
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y'all think she's gonna go over 12 hours and break the vod again?
Instead of flipping everything, they could use each other's model
Change Models, but keep their original color pallet.
Stronny as Icey
Icey as Azura
Azura as Immy
Immy as Shibi
Shibi as Mercy
Mercy as Stronny
>Shibi as Mercy
Nah we need Shibi Cunny. Tan Immy or tan Icey

Verification not required
I'm starting to get immune to having my wires crossed
Shibi in her natural habitat a sub cunny tsundere
Kindred, Evelyn, and Zyra are the most fuckable, in that order, according to Azura.
idk who any of that shit is, but I got the feeling shes not a monster fucker, so I respect that
I wish Azura would crush me like a bug...
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are you me?
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Isn’t that a little biased
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Maybe I am.
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how do (We) feel about breastfeeding the Icey or Immy?
I think the kids should be fed.
Icey feels like a better fit for a nursing ASMR
do you mean taking or giving?
It's just Immy and Azura with tiktoks now right?
I should put them in the links.
I presumed it would be Azura feeding Icey
yes yes yes
i much agree
Listening back to Mari's stream. Poor girls got the brainworms bad. Hope she feels better.
What's wrong with Mari?
Seems like a little imposter syndrome, and she feels bad she can't do as much as bigger, more established streamers. Which given she's still in school and no job, feels like a high standard to hold yourself to.
Aww, she shouldn't feel that way. Sounds like she's holding herself to a high standard and being too hard on herself. Getting to join in on these collabs and getting new viewers is already a lot better than most streamers.
100% seems like IRL stress is playing a factor too. I won't go on about it since the is /vag/ but Harem should try to rise her up a bit.
Need/want/desire mummeh rape.
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Do you think it would be bad to make a soundpost from mummeh's last membership stream? The rape line.
I woke up and shit 3 times in a row. There's nothing left in me but I still feel like I need to shit.
did you eat a bunch? did you take laxatives? have you been constipated?
Take more laxatives
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
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Happy birthday Cerenity!
Happy birthday cerenity!
Bros ever since Shibi told us to wait for fansly I have but I’m so Afro everything annoys me and I’m horny on a hair trigger I NEED TO CUM I WANT TO FUCK I NEED RELEASE on the plus side I’ve been hitting the gym harder than usual I’ve beaten multiple PR
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holy fuck MY DICK
I will allow this disgusting photo this once
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god bless
>Afro instead of aggro
I ate a large amount of chilli.
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>everything annoys me and I’m horny on a hair trigger I NEED TO CUM I WANT TO FUCK I NEED RELEASE
Been there done that. Just hang in there Brother
When is that shibi hitman stream going to go away
i want the i can't have
and it's driving me mad
>shit three times
Sounds like you have more room for chili now
holy sex
Shibi must be rubbing off on me…I WISH SHE WAS RUBBING OFF ON ME AAAHAHG
I remember consoling you during your trial I will hold strong brother
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honestly i loved this feeling. being on the edge, seeing fucking red all the time, pb after pb. it's the most alive i felt in years to the point i kept going for months. at any point during this time had immy magically materialized in front of me i'd just pounce on her, nail her to the ground and tear her apart but that might be irrelevant since i still feel like that
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Do it again then oniichan~
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don't tease me like that bro i'll fucking do it
Good fucking luck then, I ain't joining you. i have been horny pretty much constantly since the fansly stream and no matter how much i beat my dick it just isnt going away
My sleep meds are about to kick in so i'll see y'all tomorrow and I hope everyone has a goodnight and good day
I just woke up after basically being comatose for nearly a full day. Why is nobody talking about Icey flesh posting? Her boobs look so sexy. I'm a little confused on the leg picture though. The photoshop job looked a bit obvious on the one leg. I wish she would just be confident and shoe herself
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no way i start when we have a fansly date. after that maybe
nini bro
have a good nightt
Sleep tight pumpkin
why is immy so fucking sex im not even a lolifag or a siscon what's happening to me fuck fuck fuck
I think Icey has had an unintended subconcious effect on me. I started feeling like I needed to suck something when I was trying to sleep and so I started sucking my thumb. It didn't feel quite right so I bought a paci and have been using that and it works. Now I start sucking on my paci whenever I feel low and depressed (which is a lot) and have started thinking in Icey's voice in my head about my 'dada'. I'm well aware of how Norman Bates-level psychopath this sounds but still. I want to get a blue wig next. I can be a better Icey.
Sure bud
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best post of the week, GOOD job!
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*sigh* What's wrong now little Reefling?
I'm missing mummeh rape.
icey didnt stream yesterday because [the one who shall not be named] had a family emergency and wouldn't have been able to watch yesterday
I will wake up at 4 am in the morning to fap together with my little sister
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going to sleep at 8pm to coordinate my morning wood with my sisters fansly session
Hi JJ, How's life? Leak any more vtuber nudes yet?
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how did I miss this holy fuuuuuuuuuuuuck
zamn that's a throwback
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kilia graduates tomorrow and it's making me sad
cumming in immy's underwear drawer while she isn't in the room
do you think immy ever gets brainworms about whether her viewers actually like her, or just want her for sex?
Cumming in Immy's underwear drawer while making eye contact as she encourages you
Sh-shut your whore (d-derogatory) mouth, her ass exists!
No way my little sister would enjoy crusted up panties
yeah she would stuff them up her cooch while they're still wet from the cum
Throne update:
Madam Shibi received the chibi capybara AirPods case and 10 bath bombs. Her wishlist is now empty.
Azura received a secret gift green wig designed as a cosplay wig for Sucrose from Genshin Impact
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that secret gift?
yeah, you guessed it
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What if Immy's 'freak' is actually just part of her character RP and she's actually very boring and vanilla in real life?
Was there a delay on the Patreon audios? I don't think I've kept up with the thread or Stronny's streams on the subject
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ideally you shouldn't care about her real life and focus on what's presented to you. you bearies seem to struggle with this concept for some reason.
Forgot the image.
I want to fuck Shibi while she's sleeping
Is she gonna pay with nakadashi
why is shibi so awesome lately? im excited to tune into her streams and watch them, when 2-3 months ago i thought she was really boring.
If she does she should remember I love her so much I'd tear my heart out and die for her without a second thought.
Don't ask why would I need to do that ever.
>fan game comes out before the official game
I think all of them do sometimes, although it probably happened more often when they debuted
Icey re-tweeted this and it's haha funny, made me laugh.
You were just wrong a few months ago?
I don't know I've been watching her from the beginning and haven't noticed anything different beyond her becoming more comfortable.
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good morning vaggots, i love my little sister so fucking much you wouldn't believe it. i thought the added visuals from the apartment tour would somehow help me dream of her, but apparently it doesn't work that way, unlucky!
Maybe? Probably? It feels like it might just come with the territory. But if she does I hope she remembers that there are fans legitimately in love with her. That just enjoy her company. She’s charming and sweet and funny. All the girls should remember that they have fans like that.
I really like her new outfit including the glasses and hair, the tongue is odd to me but I'm not opposed to it if she wants it
I'm sure the girls know that they have coomers in their audience and who they are. The coomers don't exactly hide it well.
Good morning brother. Keep trying for it and I know you’ll get your immy dreams.
I don’t think I dream either when I sleep but I know it’ll happen for both of us one day
Ass clapping is unnatural
clapping yours is, however
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i know for a fact when you wake up and realize nothing you saw was real sucks massive dicks but the dream itself is so worth it it's unreal. here's to hoping, cheers!
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A joke tweet but yes she does, she just doesn't say it anymore.
absolutely. i think anyone in her position would
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>actually like her, or just want her for sex?
The problem with women is that they don't understand that these are one and the same thing
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immys cute little toes tho uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Don't worry Immy, I can't get off to 3D. My feelings are purely platonic.
I'd stop watching VAllure if they stopped doing porn, same way I'd break up with my girlfriend if she stopped having sex with me. Sorry girls but it's just part of the deal.
Honestly I love Immy Stronny and Shibi so much that I’d still probably watch them even without the sex
I would keep watching them, but also keep grudgeposting about it
I'd be bummed, but if Shibi dropped the sex stuff, I'd still watch. She'd still be the best GFE chuuba.
ok bye
that should be fair. not everyone is trying to fill a void in them.
All the girls would take a hit if they did this obviously but Stronny, Mercy and Azura would be the least severe. Icey and Shibi would be somewhere in the middle. Immy would drop like a rock.
i wouldn't. porn is the cherry on top for me. i can do without it
I'd keep watching the girls that I watch. Honestly, the porn is just a nice extra; I just like interacting with girls, chat, and the people here. It feels like I'm less lonely sometimes.
I'm okay with tongue splitting but I don't like tongue piercings.
I want to sniff Immy's bedclothes
the reason immy didn't show her pantries yesterday is because i live in them
I can't go back to SFW vtubers, it's too late
i need to sniff immy's hair
I want to cum on the Lividy poster
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>Immy would drop like a rock.
in my arms btw
statements dreamt up by the schizophrenic
In her mind do you think she's exactly the same as a month ago? I just don't understand how she can keep saying stuff like
>I love you
>I'm your guardian angel not a stalker
>It's our date
Is it ironic at this point or does she really not think anything has changed?
as much as I like the girls I think I'd start to lose interest if they weren't as horny. there are many other talents that offer non-horny content.
Icey's DJ waiting room up

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this pretty much. though i'd still want stronny to be a tease every now and then. if she just went completely cold from one day to another I'd get brainworms:
>what did we do to make her hate us?
>is she going to leave?
or worse:
>did she get a BF and it's not me?
if she slowly eased us in because she's tired all the time and perhaps even declared she doesn't have too much interest in that anymore, i think it'd be fine. if anything, there is still her current patreon audios and investor's audios to listen to. The internet never forgets after all, someone somewhere will have this stuff archived.
I found my oshi in vallure, if she did decide to stop the nsfw content I’d still watch her. I try to be someone she would be proud of and just interacting with her and /vag/ makes my life happier.
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i still can't believe none of you downloaded that picture and it's gone forever man.
she posted it in the middle of the night for me so I didn't even know about it until I woke up
>start vote
>ignore result
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the drawing itself, not teh tweet.
fuckin hell. we need to establish an immywatch initiative that works round the clock.
I can explain the reason for this.
Such a sudden and DRAMATIC change in the relationship is incredibly jarring.
Imagine a girlfriend says to her boyfriend;
>I love you but I've decided I don't want to have sex with you anymore ever again.
To a man this is like being told the relationship is over and she doesn't find you attractive anymore yet wants to use you for your resources.
So the man saying;
>Okay lets break up then.
Will make the woman think that he only wanted her for sex and nothing else but that's not true. Sex is a very big deal in a relationship and to men and the constant rejection of sex by a woman to a man is guaranteed to make him feel unloved and unwanted.
If the relationship never had sex to begin with, nothing changed and you get what you signed up for.

Not only that but from experience and seeing the world, normally when this change of having sex regularly to never having sex happens in a relationship, it means the person that refuses to have sex is GETTING sex from elsewhere.
In chuuba terms, if a chuuba is doing sexual content and decides one day that they don't want to do it anymore and deletes all their sexual content, it is often because they are either TRYING to find a male partner in real life or have actively found a male partner in real life that tells her to stop doing it.
So you can understand why men would be upset and ultimately leave.
No one wants to be in a loveless sexless relationship. And no one wants to be cheated on or replaced.
Wasn't it just this but added stitches on the tongue?
You could try watching the 2.0 design stream it might have it in there?
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oh what the fuck it is.
and i have it saved.
fuck my life i'm so retarded
her hair is ginger colored too now. I can't tell if there are other changes because it's cropped unfortunately.
sigma has balls to show his face there
Who's that thinking nasty thoughts?(Nasty thoughts)
nasty nasty boys don't mean a thing
Are you the anon that announces when he’s going to take a shower just in case immy tweets? You are top 3 most pathetic anons in this thread, get a fucking grip.
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my wife...i'm not going to see her for so long...
>you wake up in bed with mimosa and immy
>they both start flirting with you
>they ask you which one of them you like more
>you tell them you have to think about it, but a big factor is going to be who can make the better breakfast
>immy get overzealous and runs off to the kitchen to fix something up
>you stay in bed with mimosa
>you have seggs
>15 minutes later
>mimosa is riding you and you're both about to cum
>immy has finished making breakfast and comes to the bedroom to tell you
>she walks in on you right in the moment of climax
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Mari, I need you to say nigga again today. It's one of those days, I don't feel the best and that would fix me.
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I'm gonna fucking cry I want my kouhai
You do know this has happened with Icey right (except for Patreon audios which barely count)? I stopped watching her and the porn thing had nothing to do with it. I would've happilly watched her and loved her as a SFW streamer, but she also stopped GFE stuff and that's the deal breaker for me.
>Gfe sex corpo
>Streamer stops gfe and sex
I don't think anyone with a functioning mind would blame you for leaving. If you actually did leave and aren't just baiting or shitting.
Hold strong like I am for Gen 2, comrade. For now I'm trying my best for the other girls.
Living up to her name
I've been predrinking for icey's stream but.. I've been enjoying myself so much with my own music. I don't really wanna stop
Hit mimosa/rurune fansly streams are pure sex
Literally what I'm doing right now but I was heavy into Icey. I would've given everything for her. I have no idea if Gen 2 will be able to give me that again but I can't go back to normal chuubers at this point either so I'm just holding out for now.
What time is it right now in Jakarta?
you and I both know there won't be anyone to match early Icey
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Icey on the telly
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do they have weekends off and shit over there?
genuine question
are you retarded? unless they eat lunch in the middle of the night in indonesia that's completely wrong
I'm only reiterating it because it's been a while since I've said it, but for me it was the random, pointless face reveal in the middle of the maro drama. I hate it out of principle, and doing it in a corpo that pretty much only says don't show face and don't collab with males feels pretty disrespectful too
you know what, I do, in fact, suck cocks
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i really enjoy these, remind me of the old mogra days
No way any of the girls showed their face? It goes against vtubing for me.
I know you're threadshitting for attention but I would like to just clarify that not showing face is not a rule in VAllure, it's just highly recommended for safety reasons. And Immersion reasons secondarily.
Only no male collabs is a rule set in stone.
This will be the only time I reply to a threadshitter.
i wouldn't be surprised if the face reveal lead to the doxxing. how else would that have even happened?
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Stop getting your nothingburgers mixed in with my legit reasons you whiny cunt.
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Why would you post this...
She reposted several images from her old OF but they were cropped. You could literally use yandex to image search and find everything. It wasn't the face picture.
Because it hurt me and I didn't want to suffer alone
If I ever found fat as fuck white trash like her attractive I'd rather just end it all. I can't imagine how low you'd have to go to pay for her fansly.
It's OK to perfer men Anon, you'll still be welcome here.
>Rurune and Denpa will never smash their fat tits on either side of my dick.
It's not fair bros.
I'm numb to her and I hate it. I wish I could go back. Genuinely sometimes it's better to eat the digital steak and live in the matrix. Put me back in.
If you have enough money they will
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I'm gonna repost this, since my timing yesterday was shit. Harelots, are we all just saving money for the donothon or are we broke? Seeing Icey get buried in gifteds right now puts into perspective how little Shibi gets of anything.
Whats changed for you Anon? Tell me how you feel
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Holy shit, Icey
>People save their money for special events and special moments instead of just donating 5 dollars of spam every few minutes.
I'm shocked! How could this be?
>how little Shibi gets of anything.
what? wasnt Shibi the first to get her entire Throne gift list cleared?
These are threadshitting hours anon.
Every negative comment is a threadshitter unironically. Just looking for >yous and attention.
You're going to have to stop spamming about your nothingburgers for me not to feel like you are overshadowing my legit reasons you whiny cunt.
Other replies were all troll posts by the way though.
ah shit, i guess it is that time of day
I just woke up and am catching up on the thread, thanks for the reminder
I was using icey rn as an example but looking at any of the other girls streams. They get a lots of donos, gifteds, and superchats. While Shibi will go whole streams and not get any.
I guess but all the girls thrones get bought out eventually, and it doesn't seem like Shibi puts way more on there to compansate for the difference.
I'm not threadshitting. Madam does seem to ge to way less, and I'm just curious as to why.
Changed? I mean I could write an entire list of changes. Even right now I'm listening to her and clearly over analysing her vocal tone. I've heard her have fun, I've heard her enjoy herself, this sounds forced. I can't just sit here and listen to her say "oh I love yapping with you all" and actually take it as fact. Because 2 streams ago she went off on a huge rant how people don't believe in her. If she enjoyed talking to us she wouldn't insult us all the time and would talk to us on twitter again.

I don't know. Everything feels like an actual to me now and I can't push through it and I somewhat hate myself for falling into this line of thinking but at the same time I know I wouldn't be like this if things were consistent. I guess it comes down to trust? I feel none currently. I feel zero reassurance that feels real and I feel zero trust.
If you really wanna know.
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look at this lil fat fuck lol
wish I could dance like that
>an actual
An act
Alcohol combined with phone posting
I thought the pinpals were the ones larping as faggots didn’t know we actually had one
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Good Mercy Morning!
Good Mercy Afternoon!
Good bleating afternoon!
New Shibi audio
Work Wife Discovers You Like Gentle Femdom [Gentle Femdom] [Kissing] [Jerk Off From Behind]
Work Wife Discovers You Like Gentle Femdom [Gentle Femdom] [Kissing] [Jerk Off From Behind] - Shibi Cottonbum
An entire minute late... What a fucking waste of space you are huh? Do better.
You'd make a good dom anon
Those tags holy shit kino
I know kek
i need a woman to dom me irl
>Because 2 streams ago she went off on a huge rant how people don't believe in her.
Which stream was that? Fields of Mistria? Must've missed that part.
if no ones baking ill do it
No I think it was deathsmiles. My bad I didn't include today.
to that one whore anon, miwa released a new video

I'll reply to infighting promoting bait. I know the donothon will go well shibi and vallure have enough oilers. I just hope the other harem have already done their comms or started their art if they plan on giving a gift.
Dude just drop it man it’s been over for a while the whole tenga celebration stream should have been an indicator of how little she respects the snowbearies
>>84705787 (me)
Wait was it? Holy fuck I'm losing it. What stream did she go off on that one chatter for suggest the train at 30k? I'm seriously fucking slipping
saving for fansly
Me? Yes I do enjoy miwas sexy slutty wet mouth.
>get drunk for icey's DJ stream
>Can't stop listening to my own music
>I've heard a total of 5 seconds of icey talking
Worth it. My music fucking bangs
Yeah, I don't remember anything like that in Deathsmiles desu.
Madam Shibi's Patreon audios are getting better.
Good mercy afternoon bro
It was possibly the persona stream then? That stream was a pass for me anyway but maybe? I seriously don't know anymore
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think fast
[Icey news]: She doesn't spit
thank you baker
good girl

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