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Reine in Among Us was so miserable. She is always so proud of her self proclaimed ability to be a nerd, study game mechanics, read wiki all day and watch strategy tutorials all night. Such a gamer girl. But in reality? Palworld, she lives under rock, can't beat first field boss, can't beat second tower boss, can't even catch shit. Lethal Company, most paranoid loser. Lies of P, beaten by a fucking kiwi. Valorant, forever silver. Age of Empires, steamrolled by Moona and Fauna. Idol Showdown, can't perform any combo attack. Pokemon, lost to Sana, and to Fauna under her on rules. Mario Kart, zako too afraid to play it again. Rust, grenade herself and got rekt by Choco. Chess, owned by Ollie. Minecraft, can't finish her build even with blueprint, video guide and all resources provided by Kaela. Among Us is no different. Among Us is Best Multiplayer Game of 2020. It's a fun game to play with friends and to stream and to watch. Every Among Us collaboration is fun and full or kino moments. Unless it has Reine. Self proclaimed maestro of death games, mastermind of masterminds, schemer of schemers. She won 1000000 games in her fantasies. She read every wiki and watched every guide video. Ask Reine, should you vote on 7? She will respond with twenty paragraphs using Reddit Spacing, flexing her superior knowledge. But when she is put in real game, poof!! Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Zip. Nada. She gets birthed next to impostor and gets killed first like a passenger. She can't do any task in any new update because she needs 72 hours of intense mental training after reading strategy guide. How to connect four wires more efficient than others? Only 0.0001% Among Us players know this trick! And Pavolia Reine is one of them! Card sweep? First try PogChamp. But new task is anjrit gimana ges haaaaaaauw I got killed because of stupid task. She never guessed the impostor, she never found anything, she never contributed to emergency meeting. Just screams like monkey and complains about tasks or controls or stupid people disrupting her mopping with stupid dead bodies. And as soon as emergency meeting ends she runs like a headless chicken with remote controlled love egg that turns on when she returns to interrupted task. And when Reine is impostor... God, it's so much worse. Sabotage, sabotage, sabotage. Sabotage everything. Sabotage gameplay. Sabotage collaboration stream. Sabotage other impostor. Sabotage herself. And pretend she's doing a task when nobody is watching. All that while changing all movement and talking patterns to the point even Kaela can just see or hear 800 microseconds of Reine and see through her ulterior motives floating on surface of small bird brain. Reine is Bad Friend and Bad Player. Goose game was all the same. Game for literal retards, user interface for imbeciles who can't memorize five controls, shows hotkey under every fucking action. It even has key shape for keyboard schizos like Reine. But nooooo it's too harddddd. Gaes this stupid game has no map. Gaes where to go where is task. Anjir allah pencet. Anjis allah pencet again, same task, same place, same key, in three seconds after first one. Entertainment? MERAK DAN BEBEK MERAK DAN BEBEK MERAK DAN BEBEK MERAK DAN MAMBEK MERAK DAN BEBEK MERAK DAN BEBEK MERAK DAN BEBEK MERAK DAN BEBEK MERAK DAN BERAK MERAK DAN BEBEK is it funny yet MERAK DAN BEBEK MERAK DAN BEBEK MERAK DAN BEBEK BERAK DAN BEBEK MERAK DAN BEBEK soooooo funny say it 100000 more times. Reine is duck? Mastermind of masterminds in action?! Double kill opportunity?! Corpse eater perk allowing to remove body and cockblock reporting it?! In her dreams. Can you hear her "but I thought, what if Anya killed someone and was on cooldown, I play safe I watched soooooo many failed double kill compilations I'm soooo smart" already? Goose win by completing tasks, not a single kill, the most boring game possible. But it is possible! With PAvolia Reine from Hololive Indonesia Generation Two! Last goose standing in Steamy Lavatory. Nobody can see her. Feral duck footsteps are nearby. What should she do? Run like a fucking bot with remote controlled love egg to next task and get decapitated in next second. Lovers with Kiwawa? Spicyyyyy let's separate and commit sudoku and lose! This is Reine experience for you gamerssss. No Steamy Shower Sex with Kiwawa, only Steamy Lavatory Hex with Risu. Kiara loves Smart Tall people like Nerissa, not Stupid Fat people like Reine. Get over it. You didn't tell Kiara when you went to Japan. Pavonashi is a joke. Stop yuribaiting. Play Goose Goose Duck with Aruran, Oga, Roberu, Shien. When Ame reacted with PogChamp, you expected her to bring Altare or Shinri. Everyone knows it. You ran away from Kiara when she needed your body for win. It's over and Nerissa has won her right to run into tender chicken breasts without remote controlled love egg unlike you Reine.
>What no pussy does to Kiara.
Reine has a schizo?
of course. hololive's schizos keep the entire schizo ecosystem afloat.
Oh yeah, as usual Pemaloe are always complaining & barking about other talents gameplay. Imagine getting angry & fighting each other because watching someone play games, such a childish retard.
>2 times kaela mention
You don't want to start this shit faggot, not with the so called jashin who got bodied by chamer on pvp Minecraft.
Do you think her and Kiara.. you know.. ?
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I love Reine too! (Did not read)
i'd be more surprised if they didn't
You should post that to her PL and see what happens.
They didn't, Kiara chickened the fuck out (because she's a fake lesbian)

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