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hey man
This one
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I love Ina!
Gonathan is my favorite fantasy protagonist
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It's so over for this world
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bau bau...
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What happened with Mococo? I looked away for like 5 minutes.
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does Mococo even under stand the princess Bijou corruption plotline?
Gonathan is raising death flags...
I'm just watching Kiara and Gigi so Idk why everyone is freaking out
who is bullying fuwawa
smash in the face of every anti with a hammer
>GG writing a letter describing how the kingdom is falling to corruption
>simultaneously mococo is murdering chickens under the influence of said corruption
>Did they just fwy away? : (((
This is breaking my heart
The only good days have been the ones with Kiara in them
Day 3 had no Kiara and was pure slop
Day 6 immediately proves you wrong
>others aren't present
>it must be Kiara!
Kiaraschizos are crazy
fluffy one...
Guys, uh

I know you all think this is ultra-kino happening but I think Gigi is having audio issues LOL

Nerissa was trying to talk to her and give her shit, and Fuwawa was just outside Grinding (Also remember Fuwawa couldnt hear her)
filler episode..
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Gonathan's going to die a hero's death.
the chickens...
Sorry but the current arc proves you wrong.
>they thought it was a filler episode
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>Mococo talking to Fuwawa
>Fuwawa's voice is doubled because they're sitting next to each other
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The kingdom falling into corruption meanwhile this retarded dog is worried about its chickens
This was the filler episode with a post credit scene for the ending
Wrong because kiara was online during the most kino parts of yesterday
>Mococo gaslighting fuwawa
>Nerissa actually did just want to give Gonathan construction blocks
Yeah, Kiaras stream
Mococo did nothing wrong
she's being gangstalked
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Shioriface (the hottest new meme!)
0% chance
Fuwawa has to save the rest of Advent in the finale while everybody else tries to kill them.
stop begging for views grem
Sorry but you are just a mindbroken schizo
Can you shut up already. You're the guy that sits in the back near the exit at a concert and yells at the band while everyone else is enjoying their time there.
gonathon you must help fuwawa..
she will just be told KILL and it will be done
Notice how this was the most kino EN event and Bae was totally uninvolved?
The best parts have had Kiara
the worst parts have had Shiori
Clearly you're not since you are crossposting and seething
I haven't been able to watch most of today but did Mococo kill Fuwawa's chickens or something?
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she is unironically a good writer
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Gonathan... I don't like these death flags...
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>Nerissa tried to corrupt Fuwawa.
>Saw how empty her brain is.
>Immediately darted away.
Gonathan is going to lose everything and turn into a villain.
Fuwawa's chickens...
trust no one!
what was the context of this?
Bro fuwawas stream is just pure sadness
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Gonathon... this feels really familiar...
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wtf is wrong with fuwawa's audio, why is it so low?
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Have you ever noticed that Bae has a fat ass?
You're not going to trick me. I saw this meme last year, I'm not giving you my precious (you)s for a year old meme!
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The Final Countdown...
Its only 3 streams but I am overwhelmed
How would Gonathon dying even work? Gigi would just miss the rest of the event?
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I don't think even my own oshi's schizos have annoyed me as much as Kiara's schizos have. I'm unironically considering using filters.
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"Dear Amelia Watson..."
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Hey if it works it works, alright.
>pls give hat
Without Kiara it's just boring slop
oh no, they have hexed Gonathan....
Corrupted by bijou
Killed fuwawas chickens
is Mococo actually the town crackhead
I still don't know what the kamioshi equivalent of fans are
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Why cant Fuwawa hear Gonathan?
There's a reason they got kicked off every other site
the fluffy one still cant hear gonathan...
I guess he's gonna be a real gonerthan...

holy shit, Fuwawa is so dumb
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I just want a happy ending for this dumb shit, is that too much to ask?
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Good. Hook that block autism right into my viens.
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It's too late. (you) have already given me your (you)s!
Pavonashi won
This. I wasn't expecting the sudden STAIN WRAITHS riding their black steeds hunting down Gonathan and the others. Holy fucking KINOOOOO.
>suffers a horrific death at the hands of the main villain
>returns as an evil more powerful than the one that defeated her
I bet that your parents think every day that they should have aborted you
Fun fact. Kiara's schizos are so annoying that places like kiwifarms and even chink antis have told them to fuck off
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It's over.
What do you mean
Gonathon is going to fucking die
Looks like the Fuwawa quest is repeatable
I love this little raveslut.
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Gonathan G dies today.
So why aren't Biboo and Nerissa streaming when they're the ones doing all the plot today?
Fuwawa is so fucking boring
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Will she take the sidequest now?
It's common for the most filler-esque episodes to end on a fucking cliffhanger
They crave attention. I don't understand how they could think they are based with how deranged they act
>Gonathan "dies" in his Pearl's arms.
>GG wakes up with her memories restored, asks Ame why everyone looks so sad...
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You possibly fake kfp sure are randomly anti'ing shiori lately
kfp status?
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This is just like that movie Heretic
>will you promise me
checks her name
>dearest fluffy one
They're going for the stupid ones
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Nerissa streamed
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damn good stuff
>Biboo arrives on her dark horse with Nerissa in toe like the fucking Nazgul
>says nothing and gives Mococo the Stain hat
>Mococo puts on the hat
>can't take it off
>Biboo calls her but we can't hear what she is saying
>Mococo switches to wide eyed crazy expression and starts fucking killing all the chickens
Shiori is such an easy target
it's true !
Bae, Fuwawa, and now Shiori? Get new material
Don't want to get ratted out by chat
yes maybe the villain should open the stream and tell his plan for hours before the finale
>Kingdom is falling to corruption
>Fuwawa is concerned about her chickens
actual NPC
Where's Kiara?
To prevent chat metaing
Because it's better if we don't know, we are just following by Gonathan and the Dogs PoV while the plot behind the scenes
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>deathflags all over the place
its so, so fucking over
>I'm unironically considering using filters.
I can help you with that

>Fuwawa puts a giant minecart bomb under the chickens
Screencap this
"Filler" episode
I mean, that's literally what Cecilia did.
Biboo said something like "THE CHICKENS... THEY ARE TASTY..."
We have gone full circle
Posts like these is what the schizos literally get off to, just so you know
She's 0 years old?
surely we can overcome them with the power of friendship
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she's just an evil woman, not THE villain.
Weren't you just complaining about a KFPmeido just a thread ago?
Why did Fauna abandon stream today when this would have been probably the most interactive day she could have had on the server? A bunch of people were on at FST, Mumei opened her store, she still needed to do a dungeon, and new minigames opened up in the guild hall she could show her gamer skills in. This could have been her spotlight episode. Why would she want to miss out on that?
why do you care if they're streaming or not when there are still multiple other girls streaming
HoloEN roleplaying in a fantasy setting be like, 'Mayhaps'
>mococo...you gotten closer to one another
MOCOCO BAU BAU BAU in the background
>you cannot trust her
>promise me
>ok ok
HAHAHAHA from mococoe
She's the pure maiden
Nah, I'm not going to filter a holo's name, if anything it would be specific words since it's repetitive shitposting.
oh shit, was nerissa silent the whole time?
>"Be careful around (((them)))"
SC reading lol
>starts out as medieval rp
>ends as homeworld cataclysm
"How does it feel? Horrible, isn't it? But, wonderful, yes? Who you were before is insignificant, who you are now is inconceivable."

"Pray that you never meet me in my thousand other forms."
Biboo is so much edgekino
Wait I stopped watching when cc ended because I had to go to work, is there plot happening?
Kiaraschizo please.
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>the chickens side quest was mandatory for the final main story quest to unlock

cuuuuuuuute burger lady
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I mean... not anymore...
Fuwawa might be retarded but her giggles are so cute
What did you win exactly? I haven't seen anything other than you clearly being here all day posting the same shit.
>Where's Kiara?
Gonathon please don't die
I've heard if you give her chickens, she gives you a bottle.
Kiara has an irl stream on the 13th?
My power went out at the worst time, did anything happen after Fuwawa was asking Mococo about her chickens?
I wonder if the people in charge of ENReco 2 are watching this and holding their heads like a mindbroken DM
This is what Gonathan the hero would do
Sorry, she really wanted to go out on a date with me today.
>Bijou's corruption plot gives the rest of Advent a role in the main plot, something they have been struggling with since day 1
I love this actually
>Biboo calls her but we can't hear what she is saying
creepy kino
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>Gigi si trying to whisper secrets about Mococo to Fuwawa
>on Mococo's POV, Fuwawa in a very clear voice: NO I CANNOT DO THAT GONATHON
Pray tell, mayhaps you have aught a problem?
Proof that they're fake?
Wait is Bijou really in the server right now fucking shit up? Kinda kino ngl
What chickens?
Kiara is real
and yet you read and respond to posts that match those filters, why don't you take your own advice and filter them?
Dude its so stupid but its pure kino
Gonathan will end just like simon...
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>I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men chickens, but the women chickens and the children chickens, too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I HATE THEM.
>Fuwawa you WILL roleplay and you WILL like it
Based Gigi
is there Wawa merch soon?
You are replying to one of those schizos
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>Is it about chickens?
>*Walks away.
Holy fucking KINO. Absolutely legendary episode now.
>CC's reading of gonathans letter with the sad music
>The funny MPREG antics
Fauna NEEDS her 24 hours of sleep a day.
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>rissa leaves
>gigi mentions her
>immediately logs back in
Fucking metagaming.
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I told you guys it wasnt some huge advent evil arc you retards, they've all been having mixed audio issues today
The Advent villains meeting rrat...
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Lapsama my friend
Busy busy wawa
>keeps being deleted
I mean I guess every once in a while you get lucky and there is no janny
I don't need to use filters
We couldn't hear Bijou and Nerissa from Gonathan's POV
She has been the entire time.
I dont trsut her.....
Can we get MatPat to do a GameTheory episode on ENigmatic Recollections Chapter 1?
Minecraft really brings the worst out of Mococo
Yeah pick up fuwawa keychain
I don't think Nerissa gets the angle Gigi is going with
which makes it actually kind of impressive that Mococo was able to take the hint
For her birthday/anniversary live, yes
i kneeel
my god nerissa really can't play along why is she so dumb
Calling them men chickens, women chickens and children chickens instead of roosters, hens and chicks seems in character for mococoeh
Whoops, copied the wrong text
Fuwawa's POV lowered mococo's volume in minecraft so the double voice is not a problem anymore!
Ive been saying this since the day 1 lmao
much Wawa to be had!
This child is causing too much corruption, needs correction.
Turns out Nerissa is simply retarded
when is it again
Is Kiara traveling somewhere next week?
its genuinely impressive just how bad she is at rping, I'd even take a powergamer over her
So this is still a filler episode, right?
there's been a huge uptick in both defensive kfp and antikfp during enreco. real muddying the waters.
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and just like that the kino plot got destroyed in 5 fucking seconds
acrylic stando
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>my twitter feed is 95% gonathan angst now
I'm actually glad that ame didn't stream today and let all these twitter artists cook
The only thing she knows is gambling and bsckseating
Is Nerissa really good at playing dumb or is she actually accidentally a villain in lore?
Yeah, you can't seethe at Kiara 24/7 if you filter her name
wawa I need to go to bed
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Shiori princess!
This dumb ghost...
Biboo please DM Nerissa right now and tell her about the Advent corruption plot. Nerissa is a M so she'll love RPing as someone being mindfucked by a Stain.
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Yeah, I hacked the website. Here's the link:
I bet there is something in place that despawns mobs inside the castle
That's literally the schizo, he has said his goal is to remove Kiara discussion before
>Nerissa is not corrupted
>She's just dumb
she is unironically doing the NPC bit better than Fauna…
collaboration stream with the wawa
I think she's just dumb anon
All that improv Gigi did for the kino gone in flames.
Is there anything Nerissa is good or even average at that isn't singing?
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Mogogo is evil now and Fuwawa will slay her
This thread would be 10x better if her schizos actually used the filter lists that they spam on a near daily basis.

Classic Rissa
Cmon now
you know, I thought GG talked kinda funky at some points in the spelling bee and now Im positive she was practicing her Gonathan during that event
Let me check my crystal ball
>Nerissa ruined the potential kino
>Fuwawa is still in the dark and was just told not to trust or talk to anyone

Back to being an NPC, I guess...
I'm just going to pretend this part didn't happen.
The birthday/ani collabs are always fun
That seems to be going around a lot lately.
Ame understand the appeal of weekly episodes instead of the bingewatching model
They planned it. It will be Gigi+Ame vs Biboo's faction finale tomorrow.
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Man when did Biboo get so much hat luck after those first few days?
I don’t get it
Would be kino
I'd be impressed if she was pretending, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't know how to follow along with rp given she was watching Gigi's stream and commenting.
>kiara possibly catching up on SCs
I kneel
If Ame resolved it on the same day that the girls used their recollections on her it would've been so anticlimactic. Thank God Ame didn't let herself get railroaded into happy end
filters don't stop them posting
qrd on the kino?
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Gura cute Gura cute!
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Soon! It's why I've been holding back on akasupa-ing Kiara. There's so much merch this year it's kind of overwhelming.
Nerissa was watching her stream. Literally how did she not understand the plot?
She let the corruption get to her
I thought she would understand but decide to not get corrupted, I kneel
kek nice
>playing dumb
they should make the ending like Village of Nightmare
Dancing, being sexy, being my wife
Nerissa is on Gigi's stream right now
>0 bytes
the Biboo shit still happened wtf are you talking about
I mean, no potential kino came from Nerissa, it was bijou, I don't know why you guys are giving Nerissa plot importance now, she's a side piece to CC's plot.
The only thing I can figure is that it really bothers her to play a bad guy to the extent that she refuses to play along if it puts her in that role
to us fans they are our oshi and kamioshi, but what are we in the eyes of the oshi?
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>Nerissa is too stupid to be corrupted
>Mococo can be corrupted
Maybe she just doesn't wanna be the bad guy
>Rely on scarlet wand
There it fucking is
But I have to buy Reine merch soon too...
Nerissa it is 12AM, go to bed
I want chills (burger king foot lettuce number 15 guy) to commentate
Nerissa is lying. She's not stupid. How can the richest in the land be so stupid? I mean, look at Elon Musk.
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Dancing, being cute, transcribing en lyrics fo jp songs, somg writing, being the big sis of advent, being fuwamocos wife
Is there anything youre good at? No lol
She wasn't there to save it but I don't think schizos can handle saying that
Nerissa tried to corrupt Fuwawa even before Gonathan talked to her.
It didn't work, she's too dumb & just keeps asking about chickens.
i pat your head GG.
You tried....
is gg being botted ?
Nobody is put into the bad guy role unless they want to be in it.
Ame knows how to build up hype for the finale
>Kiara leaves the server
>it becomes slop
Nerissa has better things to do than that cringe shit
She was with family thinking about culvers
oh god she's a fucking idiot
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Shiori "Bootyshorts" Novella
Mococo's a dummy who thinks she's smart.
>we need a detective...
Gonathan you have to let it go
their goal isn't to stop seeing posts about her, their goal is to shit up the thread, just don't forget that
You guys use "kino" for anything, the only time it was right was yesterday
>scarlet wand has all the polearm users
>instead of polearms they're actually giant wands
Those are panties
She should've played along man it would have been so good
Dont trust Nerissa, there is a stain underneath the scarlet wand hat
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Der Plan wird wie geplant fortgesetzt
There really is no one else, the jade sword are NPC-tier and dumb, the amber coin are literally all missing or retarded, and Irys is Biboo's side piece so only her and Ina on cerulean cup are active.
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I just realized
Fuwawa was just told to NOT TRUST ANYONE when it turned out, no actual kino plot happened

so now she got encouraged to be EVEN MORE antisocial
who cares
fuck off
>ame is the hero of time
she's inclining a bit but also literally everyone was raiding her after they finished, all her friends are enjoying Gonathan a lot
Biboo is going to contact Mococo once gonathan is gone
>opens /hlgg/
>kiara kiara kiara
you are obsessed with her go get professional help
Take my upvote LOL
I am starting to get the names of some KFP superchatters burned into my head....
Advent's intelligence
Shiori > Biboo >Nerissa ( Good day)> Mocotyan > Nerissa (average) > Fuwawa Nerissa (bad day)
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tell that to Amber Coin
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Any day without Gura isn't kino
bravo YAGOO!
She's bad at that too
its important for your bad guys to look stylish as fuck
cope and seethe
my theory it's Sundial sex. Idk who else in EN will be in the EU next week
>Using filters on 4chan
Just go back where you came from anon
>we could have ended in a kino cliffhanger...
Kiara is just cuter than the others
Cecilia Immergrübelnd
mogoham my beloved...
Gonathon... Don't leave...
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Shiori "Panties" Novella doesn't have the same ring to it.
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Thoughts on tonight's programming?
Like playing more ENigmatic Recollection and...?
Not gonna watch enreco
>you are obsessed with her
i really am and i don't want to be fixed
Fuwawa is peeing...
How is Mococo so damn cute?
I agree. She should be Shiori "NoPan" Novella
A comfy kind of night
She doesn't know how to act as one of the bad guys
I have a feeling Gonathan will be suffering some more tomorrow
RP is literally make believe you fucking retard
Kiara thinks dem white dog bitches all look alike
>hear it trickling down in mococo's stream
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>you are obsessed with her
Yes I am.
Mococo will stream longer than Fuwawa tonight. I can feel it in my bones
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Kiara sees people, not color.
Not a bad theory actually. We'll see if it comes to fruition
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Mori soon thoughts
>replies prove kfp are shitting up the thread
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I'm saying that this has all been a scarlet wand plot, not complaining about the other guilds' activites
Filters actually encourage shitposting since they can freely post without criticism and kill threads faster
English website
this day will end with corruption of gonathan g after she send her letter
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s-surely fuwawa has large boobs in real life, riiiiight?
Anon the anti kfp and pro kfp are the same people. There's 3 Kiaraschizos and all they do is false flag all say.
The actual KFP are all in /wawa/ because this thread fucking sucks.
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I hope Gonathon's suffering is never ending
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For the filler episode with nonetheless interesting developments, let us raise a HUZZAH!
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Biboo is trying to gacha for stains hats to give to people, but she's unlucky as fuck in the hat gacha
Fauna is a cowrad/10
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I am obsessed with her but it comes from a place of love rather than schizo hate.
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Kiara is currently streaming so it's only natural for us to talk about it
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>capeslop reactionslop
Anon...MatPat...he already graduated...
Putting Kiara under Fuwawa and Shiori is just antiposting, faggot
Reminds me of when she troubled others about joing Pekora's hardcore server just to skip out on it.
I hope reddit finally notices Gigi and Ame's arc now. Last time they checked they were still posting shitty Faunamart memes
I will never watch the other ENs
cope and seethe
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Mori soon
KFP run global, cope.
Anon... Matpat graduated...
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Why you fags are all downplaing NinoIna, she's Gonathon's battle brother and has a direct plot with Bijou.
is MatPat not two people? his name is just stoopid?
sweaty wawa....
uhhhh Cecilia and ERB?
Need an edit with bijou as archaeon the everchosen
I really want Gonathon to be sexually harassed by the other girls, sexually.
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It was very fun even if it was mostly actual filler this time
Leddit and Xitter are all about Gonathan right now
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MatPat graduated a while ago.
The new guy is alright but he's not MatPat.
Where's the mumei quote from?
W-what... nyo...
Fauna is the reddit Holo, that's just how it is.
Psycho Mococo is fucking hot
suffering builds character
>thinly vieled antiposts
anon, I...
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Let Fuwawa cook in peace! Leave her out of your mpreg shenanigans.
New York cameras STRONG
Japanese cameras WEAK
Imagine caring about what reddit feels.
>my theory it's Sundial sex.
There's not a chance in hell
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I'm always here when streams are on. I love hololive and support everyone the best I can. UnityFP til I die
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Bae cute!
who gives a shit, retard
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Tonight's episode of ENReco was like HOTD season 2 tier compared to the rest of the episodes desu
>Yesterday had no Gura
>The most kino episode yet
Kiara and the other girls should hug each other to warm up
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Gonathons def gonna sacrifice themselves
this EN trip has been in the works for many months
>always loyal
It's so over for Gonathan, isn't he? there is only death or corruption after this phrase.
They're the people who watch what is basically Fauna's solo streams and have no idea there's actually active RP going on in the server.
I'd guess Kiara's Dungeon
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Bae shit!
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Schizcocoeh can choke my chicken if you know what I'm sayin'
I'm not going to hate on Kiara no matter how hard you false flag, Pippa bro.
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/wawa/ is a schizo den though?
Thankfully everyone's waking up to how lame Fauna's NPC meme is and seeing the real kino.
Wait a second, the entire thing is a isekai setting
Did EN fuck up staff plans by doing fantasy plotlines instead of isekai ones?
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HUZZAH! It was incredibly fun and I had a great time. Love you all bros.
I wouldn't thought they'd want to keep the 3D recording cameras constantly cooled instead
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Oh right, it's Hololive's 7th Anniversary today
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Switch Fauna and IRyS
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that is what i assume because there's been a lot of fags hating on other holos while praising kiara, which id certainly consider a not-tru kfp to top 3 gayest holo
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Bae a cute
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>Gigi, Ame, and Gura will be on early
don't ruin my hope
Up 1: Ina, Kiara, Raora
Down 1: CC, Mococo, Fuwawa
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It's mind-blowing someone could have such a gimped version of enreco but I guess it makes sense
There should be a powergap between Gonathan and anyone else so no
clap clap
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Highschool of the Dead got a second season?
I love that it's been a week and they still get Gonathan's name wrong despite her best efforts to remind them.
I wish
I genuinely feel sorry for the ones who have only been following the Faunamart plot line because it's the lamest plot.
We didn't even get courtroom kino and no one except Mococo and Gonathan bought lotto tickets.
>aah, you were at my side all along..
>my pearl...
Why are saplings so awful human beings?
At this point Fauna is a background character with how little she does
Just like the past threads here then
Isekai + amnesia = basically just fantasy anyway.
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Doesn't look like anything to me
If my oshi was that then you wouldn't be complaining about her all the time. Your own anti posts contradict it
>Ame is gonna be aelier than usual tomorrow
>GG is gonna be earlier than usual tomorrow
Kino is back in the menu boys
Dang, psycho Mococo kinda cute
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Dragonrider kino?
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I have a question, how do you "prove wrong" a post like this?

I could post a screencap of the holo reddit right now with three gonathan arts, but then I'm posting a literal picture of reddit, you know what I mean? It's always bugged me, why do people who originally mention reddit get an okay, but proving them wrong basically sets yourself up to be shit on?
Thanks for not being a massive faggot.
Sorry your fanbase has been coopted by the most obvious retards /here/ to the point of janny infiltration.
idk what that anon is talking about, probably the OVA
Fake, Mococo would never do that
wawa soon at some un determined point
Don't feel bad for them. They constantly shit on the other girls and called them "boring", they chose this for themselves.
/wawa/ is made up of KFP who never got over the 2020-2021 wringer they were put through. As such, they're hostile to every other fanbase including KFP, and shit on every EN including Kiara.
I have literally never used a split since /vt/'s creation
kys for even knowing about this
also r/hololive has been completely fucking irrelevant since forever, maybe even since Coco graduated actually
>Ina is relevant because she interacted with people who are relevant
Polaroids SOON
>Kiaraschizo over now moving on to Fauna schizo
ahhh… like clockwork
Did Gura say she would be earlier tomorrow? i only got double weekend stream,as in, saturday and sunday.
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My brother.
Once Fuwawa finds out about the chickens, how is she going to punish mococo?
So exactly like this thread?
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Minecraft is over?
Minecraft is soon
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She cute
Molotov-Ribbentrop bros, we lost.....
You are so mindbroken lmao
Good to know they're waking up even if late
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>Gonathan having to hide in the coast because the town isn't safe anymore

Our knight really hit rock bottom, we are at the end game now
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Fuwawa nipple status?
Mococo butthole status?
[worrying news] the stain princess has acquired more hats
how early? like 6pm-7pm? that's the earliest everyone has been on
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Tell that to saplings
>how do you "prove wrong" a post like this?
You tell the r*dditoid to go back
You have yet to explain why it's our fault the rest of EN is so shit
Putting Liz and Irys over Fauna and Raora feels weird given the massive discrepancy in their time spent in the server.
What polearm does fauna have? Her massive futacock?
so she's not going to be with Kroni fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
She's talking about the merch polaroids, not the digital ones.
schizos shitting up the thread literally 24/7 get an "okay" until the only janitor that doesn't hate the thread gets on, don't think about it too hard
>uhh you can't interact with others in roleplay!!
kill yourself
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Why? saplings are unity too
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>the schizo doxx den
haha thats our /wawa/ !
>another stain hat
Fuwawa you have to run
Assumption based on the time she tried to play today.
I don’t even think Fauna is reaaally doing RP honestly. Faunamart is a nice addition in the "world-building" part but other than that the "Faunamart ARC" has been mostly carried by Mococo and Nerissa RP wise
GG gone....
Gonathon gone....
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It was obvious, retard
Gigi gone...
Just the dogs now
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Cute doggies
>Kiara didn't know that Kronii is taking a vacation in Spain
So who the fuck is the mystery EN she's going with next week?
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This doesn't make sense when they're the reason why there were split merges like /pavonashi/, /takamori/, and /kiarissa/ during their respective offcollab sexcations
Still kinda wild sunset started from posting horny EnMa art because the autists here want to hatefuck the EN management
Never go on the defensive, always go on the offensive. Ask them to prove it or point out their lack of evidence and laugh. They want to waste your time.
Aw, no roach hag this trip.
The idea of Biboo having to farm a bunch of stain hats to do RP with others in the final day is pretty funny, okay people give her some space now.
no, she got raided by multiple people and is the main pov
Stream hours =/= The amount of time they spent in the server
I hate sappos
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It's the shitpost meta, it doesnt even have to be about reddit

>someone who actually goes to alice's split proves the person wrong with a quote or screencap or whatever
Kiara, you promised to end soon 30 minutes ago.....
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I want to bury my face in GG's pits.
>right now
I'm talking about a day or two ago. Of course they're catching up late
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What do you hope the finale of part 1 will be like?
What do you expect the finale of part 1 will be like?
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Hopefully the finale will have better threads...
the squishy one
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Is GG the EN version of AkiRose Ark streams? My god she is farming.
>raiding a SC reading about to end
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Fare thee well...
obvious compared to who? we have literal 0 hints
>biboo punching fuwawa
this is true!
Biboo is going for fuwawa now!!!!
Imagine the Sundial sex in a Spanish beach...
Mococoe tripping and schizo-ing out about her lottery money in a castle somewhere for the millionth time antikino
>Faunamart is a nice addition in the "world-building" part
No it's not, it's anachronistic as fuck and doesn't fit the dramatic mood of the story at all.
Fuwawa is so stupid KEK
Fuwawa no...remember what Gonathan told you
Surely fuwawa hasn't forgotten already to not accept hats...
Presented without comment
How to become as happy and cool as Gigi?
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Mori is live again!
I didn't make the tier list, but if you compare the time they spent on the server during the peak RP moments, it's easy to see why.
Fauna logs off before everyone logs in and except for Nerissa and Mococo, Faunamart was mostly ignored (because she's not even online).
Raora is sadly just pretty bad at RPing and she doesn't really have any memorable moments outside of cat fights with Tam in the first few days.
Fuwamoco's minecraft houses always look like they're in poverty somehow
I don't find GG sexy at all
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Mori is Live Again!
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Fuck schizos. Unity. You're quite alright, KFP.
She knew tho, she didn't know if chat knew or not.
These dogs are...................
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I have faith that our boy Gonathan will follow up tomorrow and help her set a trap
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Fare thee well anons
I must go to the realm of slumber
>we hate meta now
you fags clap like seals when a thread celebrity post
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I still remember his Enma.
Some retards in here like yelling schizo at their shadow
It was obvious it was not Kronii
Who knows who it is among the other ENs
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it's over
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>literally the top 3 threads are about gonathan
Kiara is maidenless....
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>Hopefully the finale will have better threads...
Kiara didn't play on day 3 yet the thread was shit and over half the posts were about her. Really depends, I guess. But the threads after are going to be horrendous.
Sorry didn't read, but I'm happy for you, or sorry that happened.
very kissable and snugglable Gigi
I can't believe Kiara misgendered Gonatahn
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rate the stream
What the fuck is going on with the double audio in Mococo's POV?
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have you tried being a massive fujo?
getting actually emotional over this shit
so it's anyone..
Fuwawa is retarded....
fuwawa is retarded, it can't be helped...
Can you read? Yes they caught up late, congrats on the slow pokes over there. There's a reason I prefer here
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Not reading all that.
Happy for you though.
Oh sorry that happened.
What the fuck happened to Fuwawa
>fuwawa tries to run away
>hurts herself on door frames, berries, open fires, basically everything
My horror heroine wife
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I pulled a Fauna art board from the Holo EN lottery in Akiba!
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After Day 7 the tier list stays the same
Biboo is hunting the dogs and they are hiding under the building ERB made!!
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>Expecting all 19 girls to be dramatic in an open-world RP
go watch your soap opera dramafag, it’s a fantasy setting.
Hunted by corrupted bijou
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When did the ENreco versions of Fuwawa and Mococo become so close?
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now kiss
Gonathan is NOT a whore
it's like they're little kids hiding from herobrine kek
Ame talking to gg after ame lost her memories and the book gg gave to cc made me feel just as emotional as the end of don Quixote
>all the chats going NOOOOO OMG RUN AWAY
>everything is fine
Apparently you /here/fags convinced they greys about your ALL OF ADVENT IS EVIL Shit as well and now you're just confusing the girls
And you need to kill yourself
King shit I mark with my mark of approval
Very lickable armpits
I missed the Mococo POV....where did the stain hat go?
>also r/hololive has been completely fucking irrelevant since forever
But Watame still posts there
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what about her legs?
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why does she have 6 discs?
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Mori is live again!
I see the top 5, and then I counted 29 more by scrolling a bit.
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They have in-game walkie takies. It's japanese "fantasy"
Gonathan the Ghee is a strict monogamist
You forgot
>gets jumpscared by her own face
I keep saying that dykes going for the heteros is an ongoing problem
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Is IRyS really part of the primary cast?
I'm not sure if her multiple marriages led into anything relevant to the major plot
When this thread isn’t seething at Kiara for no reason it’s seething about Fauna for no reason
She's very skilled
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store sells a couple
Biboo is trying so fucking hard to get this working lmao
Biboo is putting the dogs against eachother!!!!!
Have FWMC been echoing this whole time? It's been a week
What the bau bau are the boobs and the lotto mark doing?
Planting sakura trees or something?
this but bae
I want mococo to put a stain hat in that chess so fuwawa will wear it accidentally
Gigi literally said she thought mococo was corrupted and to trust noone, watch streams nigga
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what with the fuwamoco autism bunker
what in tarnation
it's kfp being insecure again
...what point were you trying to make by saying this?
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Yep, he loves Kiara so much he wrote a whole novel for her.
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The sad thing is that the fucking reddit fags would rather up vote random shit and don't notice watame posts all the time. In the old days, talent posts would rise to the top
fuwawa is TOO retarded to even get the basic roleplay bijou is going for
okay this is funny at least
IRyS is literally irrelevant out inside of “haha sex = funny” and erb is like a consistent secondary character, she’s around often but she’s never the main attraction
Fuwawa is too busy to notice what biboo said. lmaooooo
Just be lucky like Ame
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Are we ready to see something so beautiful crash and burn in front of our eyes?
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Grams, my brothers. Take this
Going after Fuwawa is like going after the poor nice lady who knows nothing just because she is friends with the knight
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Just because 'Fauna' means 'animal' doesn't mean you can use it as a synonym for your mother.
She forgot that Fuwawa is the airheaded one.
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Suffering builds character
So how long will Kiara vs GG last anyways? Feels weird going from Kiara and GG having positive opinions and liking eachother to anons spending the last two days trying to astroturf that they and their fanbases hate eachothers guts.
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Seriously, why are they fucking ignoring her? WHY ARE THEY SO FUCKING RETARDED. ENGAGE IN THE GODAMN RP
Yeah I don't think Fauna needs to be like super involved in multiple plots, but she literally isn't even there for most of the happenings of the server despite having one of the highest stream hours.
It's a bit frustrating how insistent she is on streaming at FST and decided not to log in today anyways.
I wonder what goal the music department has in mind
what'd she say?
Why are irys and fauna up there? Irys hasn't had much of an influence and although faunamart may have had many storylines, fauna herself didn't have much presence.
I told you yesterday that Fauna and Mori belong in their own "NPC" tier, please fix your shit anon
Despite being filler, we got some good moments/10
perfect rp from her part too. Also good job avoiding the mpreg subplot, it would have legit ruined her character, i think.
>fuwawa can't be corrupted because she has no brain to start with
is this kino or not?
there's nothing to be corrupted there.
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How the fuck does that make sense in your schizobrain? I'm talking about IRyS's placement here
Don't ever reply to me with your drivel ever again
angy sis
Fuwawa is resisting the corruption by sheer retardation power
The outside world is too cold and unforgiving for these pure innocent dogs
Oh the avatarfag bait biter is still here I see
You're so predictable. You will now reply to this
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>4 years have passed
Biboo is trying really hard but Fuwawa breasts boobs nipples milk
>Not GPT
Damn dude, this is embarrassing.
So who is confirmed not going to be present for the ending of one of the best EN arcs yet?
she has to say it in japanese with some onomatopeia
This list is actually pretty good, I would personally put Biboo and Ina up there though
Kiara could have just hooked up with Mori and run the tavern together
>all the nutrient went to her tits
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suspected that might be the case, im here off and on but never seen so many falseflaggers

Fuwawa is even dumber than Mococo?
All the "kino" people are talking about is literally just headcanon, nothing is happening except for Biboo being a menace
>your sister
Excited Wawa!
Snitched about the chicken
>the only lore FWMC have established is that they're not sisters
They should keep notes if they can't remember the simplest shit ffs
The moment where CC was revealing everything to her made enough sense that I started to wonder if it was scripted
Knock Tim Tenders down a peg
She doesn't even stream
kek I'm legit feeling bad for this stain princess
Every single time this soundpost will forever be relevant. I won't be surprised if the schizos here still seethe about her here after decades has passed and kiara and many other holos have long retired.
very good for being a filler day, kudos for sidestepping the mpreg plotline too
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Mori brought snacks!
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Yes I will.
I'm happy for you.
How long has kiara vs bae lasted? thats your answer
>Fuwawa breast boobs nipples milk
I love her
Watch streams, retard
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I made the list
All I saw was Kiara vs Shiori for the last few threads
Sorry, Biboo is not allowed in the baubau stronghold
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>"I don't have a sister?"
>"Oh well!"
the fat that went into Fuwawa's boobs went into Mococo's head
Mori is eating cat food again!
If biboo hurts fuwawa i will unsub from biboo
Hurting Fuwawa's feelings breaks the brainwashing
When gurame rigged the spelling bee mococo got codependence and fuwawa got sprinkles
Do the maths
>Kiara wants to pick up maidens
>remembers she swore an oath
>only reason she hasn't broken it is because she can't get any maidens

She's like the Reverse Jaime Lannister
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The Stain Princess knows all
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All the nutrients went to her breasts
They don't remember that they are sisters. Koseki Bijou, Princess of the Stains, does.
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Are you getting mad shitposterkun?
Kiara is simply cuter than the others
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I have an addiction to all the Gonathan angst on Twitter right now. I'm sorry for this faggot behavior, bros...
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misa hair today
I'm not sure how that response goes against what I just said
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Midwestdachis, Reine is cutely laughing at your flyover state
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Look at my wife
Kiara literally said why that couldn't happen
the only baffling thing here is that the guy owns a sodastream
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The lady of the oranges bows out.
Kiara and Kronii
He's right though, what did IRyS contribute besides the side chick stuff?
I too am a massive faggot for Gonathan...
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To be completely honest I have disliked her every single time she did all of these things, and I have even negatively posted about it in the past (I was one of the people who schizo-d out and snapped at her calling Mumei not sexy, which you fucking failed to mention here retard) but Kiara antis and 'KFP' falseflaggers shitting up these threads for so long so incessantly, especially in the past half year - and finding out it's actually a dedicated bunch of bvtm discord fags with hard evidence of who they are - has soured me so completely on anti-ing Kiara and is so massively obnoxious that no matter Kiara does I will now hate you cunts inifintely more and will never become a Kiara anti
She really is trying...
NTA but right before the memory thing recovery/lost all the top post would be about faunamart even memes about kiara dungeon got zero traction
gawr mori on the telly
FaunaMart was entertaining when her business gained traction. It added extra details to the main storyline which was nice. But I do agree that alot missed out on the actual main plotline kino happening in the Cerulean guild
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Poor Biboo, the only ones left in the server are retarded and she can't advance her plot
She absolutely isn’t. IRyS isn’t tied in to any of the storylines right now, she’s about as relevant as Shiori
She is quite possibly the dumbest holo.
Enjoy your light novel isekai slop.
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I wish I could filter tierlists
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nice file system cover
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Right there with you, chuunibro
69 with Wawa!
And when it's not seething about, it's seething about Shiori, and whe it's not seething about Shiori it's seething about ERB, and when it's not seething about ERB it's yada yada yada yada yada yada.
and people wonder why threads are shitty. It's so easy to farm em. Imagine if you left the schizo hanging instead
I think you should kill yourself, hooman
Is Fuwawa smart enough to make toast?
Why won't she just set up stain breeder and request staff to give her some hats
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Kiara vs Bae is the pet shitposting angle, it's been the main shitposting angle for longer than Kiara vs IRyS was the main one at this point.
They should've given her build rights so she could make some traps and shit
pro-Kiara schizos are still worse than anti-Kiara schizos
Mumei isn't sexy tho
When does this happen?
FaunaMart is the biggest B plot
Mori's Divorce Diner is directly linked to Gonathan's arc
To be fair, they're a magnificent pair of tiddies
Leave the mic on Kiara...
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Thoughts on Mori's veins?
>no irys white knights
finally a timeslot that is based
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Morbi test...
what has Shiori been doing? somehow I don't think I've seen her in any of the POVs I'm watching
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No happy endings.
all bijoe have to do is tell mococo to put stain hat inside fuwawa's chest
They are building it up, lulling you into thinking nothing else will happen. Biboo will corrupt Fuwawa, trust the plan.
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You are part of the problem.
holy fuck why are you guys obsessed over reddit
who the fuck cares, are we going to talk about twitter celebrities next?
Lord almighty, you're as smart as Biboo I see
Don't watch Mori a lot but I'll admit her new outfit is god-tier, holy sex

Does she have the most outfits in all of fucking hololive though? She really doesn't need any more lol
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I think Fuwawa and Mocojams should kiss
I wish they gave her stains eggs, so she could spawn them in the city for her plot
The KiaRyS schizo still owes us that KiaRyS sex commission
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>tfw no virus
She wanted to woo Gigi but ultimately didn't want to get in between them, so she remained maidenless. Her heart could have gone for another from the beginning
random screenshots aren't evidence of anything and they weren't even about Kiara
not even close
>wawa ended the stream
No... time for the gym in a bit I guess
One must imagine gonathon happy, he does what does only for the good of the kingdom, yes he lost his beautiful pearl and yes he knows all his friends will get their memories back and everything will return to normal but he doesn’t let that get him down, he enjoys the moments as they happen and does what needs to be done for the good of all.
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She needs to message the others to actually get them to start the rp she wants
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How about Cheebposters anon?
>1000 kcal milkshake
Reine, that's too much architecture
Mococo doesn’t have it anyone. When she took it off she didn’t have any inventory space so when she exited the menu it got thrown and instantly deleted kek
Cover have some silly shit going on where they "reward" well-performing talents with useless outfits
Mumei will never, ever be sexy.
Based, but you should still kill yourself since you're still a part of the problem, would've never gotten this bad if it wasn't for fags like you, now you reap what you sow.
fuwawa would take the hat put it in her inventory and continue in her farming quest bro you know this
mumei is not sexy and will never be sexy. she is literally incapable of being sexy. mumei radiates antisex. kiara was right.
big meat
She only has 2 extra. One is a sponsored one she can basically never use and the other was a 1m wish
She got knightzoned.
Basically just having fun, fucking around, saying whatever crazy thing pops into her brain. You know. Shiori stuff.
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It's now later.
Ceci thoroughly enjoyed GG's story.
Bae, Kronii, and Kiara
I'm not obessed. It was a mere mention that I hope more people are taking note of the actual plot now
They're close enough to plan things out of character. She will fall to the corruption. Trust the plan.
There's little point corrupting them much right now when no one else is on
Whats the difference between a kcal and a cal
But anons kept telling me yesterday that it's just one schizo shitposting about her
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I count Gonathan as a hetero since she is a he
these threads are like /tv/ when GoT was hot
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This outfit might be too much for me to focus on anything else other than Mori's tits
Biboo gave up and now has to wait the dogs to leave the server lol
She mostly does sidequests and flirts with the other girls while minding her own business. She tried getting gonathan to join a convent and seducing him until he killed himself the other day. If gonathan is berserk, shiori is happy sugar life.
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I now present to you.
/hlgg/'s shitposting schedule for today, and tomorrow, and for the rest of time.
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Thanks I suppose. If you no longer schizo shit you are as friend as any other to me
I only caught the sc reading portion...
Irys was part of a lot of Cerulean Cup shenanigans in the first few days.
ERB is the only person Mococo trusts, has a whole romance/hex arc with Nerissa, and she is also a part of Gonathan and Bijou's plotlines as the only other lawful good person on the server.
Romantic tension, the possibility of Jyonathon being stolen away from Gonathon by constantly flirting with them. Reinforcing their bond every time they resisted her. Cheapened every other relationship by making them into flings and harems, making Gonathon and Jyonathon's relationship special.
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>Mumei will never, ever be sexy.
She just logs in to clear the dungeons and build her house
The echo makes it sound like Fuwawa is talking to Mococo from the afterlife
She made FOUR slices already
quite good/10
Why is Biboo trying to corrupt a farmer anyways?
And for the past 4 years
I think that genuinely hit CC and Rissa in the feels.
Actually I think it would have gotten this bad if we actually had consistent moderation that dealt with this problem instead of leaving the thread janitorless for 10+ hours at a time
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I sometimes have not super positive things to say about some of her content or activities, but i keep it to myself. If you do that here you get lumped with the schizos, and i dont want to look like im slandering the girls.
I love them.
she PROMISED TO end it quickly/10
Bro Hachaama has had a lot of outfits recently and she hasn't performed well since her hiatus.
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Hey anon
>biboo sneaking the slime hat to mococo
Cultivation/Courting Death Duality
Reminder that there are and will be young boys whose sexual awakening is from watching Mori's streams
Biboo gave the hat back to Mococo!!!!!
okay discordtroon go back to your gay erp and being groomed
They're probably banked up from when she was on vacation
Holy rent free.
>biboo with the Runescape item swap scam giving her the hat
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Kiara's ENreco chapter 1 adventure comes to an end/10
And do does mine. It was quite fun, I hope you guys will have fun with the finale tomorrow
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Sorry for what
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As long as you keep your cool now everything can be forgiven hooman.
Actually I think she could have paired well with ERB since they were both fire knights of the king
Why mori she is a horrible person atleast say elira
Mori puke...
It's so good that she really felt for the story and then immediately decided she needed Gonathon's soul for herself
Mori does NOT have covid. Just a bad cough
Is the stain corruption king/princess/etc plot actually part of the story, or just pure roleplay? I've mainly been watching the Faunamart arc so I can't actually tell.
Why is Kiara held to a higher standard than the others?
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Yes she is.
in my mouth
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>”Faunamart isn’t relevant, nobody cares about it!” said the people that can’t stop talking about it
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Ina's probably eating right now...
chat telling her to drop the hat I HATE U
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For some reason I really, really, really want Gigi to get fucked by other holos.
Mococo is trying to find a way to give the hat to Fuwawa, but she's not smart enough to come up with a plan
Okay mumei is SOMETIMES sexy but only when she's wearing her emo outfit
Good note to end the next few days on/10
>I sometimes have not super positive things to say about some of her content or activities
>I love them
This doesn't make sense
>nerissa rejoining
She is absolutely working with Biboo. Do not trust the scarl
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ERB is in love with Nerissa. It's not happening.
Get a fucking job kiaraschizo
You're as smart as Fuwawa I see
Likely to be pure roleplay unless management is somehow extremely based for once, which I doubt it.
Of course your kind started and continues that, kek
who you'd doxxed this time?
Dude her outfit is trash she straight up copy kiara style
Eh ERB also organized a tournament arc last episode at least. Otherwise, she's like Brienne to Mococo's Sansa while constantly being tempted by the witch Nerissa.
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hey girl
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It seriously feels like that. It's fucking insane how unwilling they are to play along. Guess it wouldn't be SEISO KAWAII JP BAUBAU IDOL enough to engage in any other way than be themselves and nothing else
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in my hands
Try watching streams for a change sapling. I'm sorry your oshi hates you and doesn't want to participate in the story.
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You will accept za gem
You will be a slave
It does if you are not an autist who thinks its all or nothing
Because she's an actual model/idol/whatever, but people are forgetting that she's not mentally ok right now because something happened to her regarding a stalker.
It seemed like roleplay? But then this episode we saw Biboo flying around all over the place (not in guild plot) so she had admin privileges. I hope that this means managements decided to include her plot into the main line.
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Reine wants to offcollab with Nerissa
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>retard vs retard
Now that the knight (Gonathan) is weak, the witch (Shiori) should seduce him and completely ruin his life.
Fuwawa is too retarded for rp
everything is roleplay, i mean, the king is just a fucking bird creature.
But apparently management will implement the roleplay stuff for chapter two, some anon saiid.
Don't get too excited, I doubt management will go along with it
she's been calling her a witch for 5 days and Rissa has 4 wives anyway
you have mental illness.
Kcal = kilo-calorie
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He really fucking loves that angle. Good job I guess. I just wish he would not talk like a very obvious catalogfag when doing it.
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...who DOES have the most outfits?
Mococo.... Why are you so dumb just give her the bucket with the hat....
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>thrown through a loop
It's a doggy dog world out there...
Mori FORCES cover when
kek they still can't get to fuwawa because she's fucking retarded
this is turning into kino
could the stain's plans be overthrown by the heroes being too fucking dumb?
Fuwawa dodging all the bad ends by sheer force of retardation
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man, Mori is getting super into Berserk
how organic
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Did GG break character even a single time during this week?
>Since I am a fan of someone, I must support everything they do
that's retarded
if I can't trust some anon I don't know WHAT this world has come to
both of those subplots hasn't been relevant in the past 3 days or so, mostly because of the devaluation of the coin
Kiara cute and gigi's shenanigans were fun.
It's becoming more and more clear that moderation has no choice but to move in that direction
Schizos long overplayed their hand, not just here but everywhere on the board where anything remotely positive gets twisted as fast as possible
No I don't like Kiara, in fact I never liked her since debut
To be fair it's just a potato salad. If she made a milkshake or something and said "I made this for you" then she'd take it.
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What if Fuwawa and Mococo had hardcore, passionate sex, then regained their memories and found out that they are sisters?
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>too dumb to get corrupted
I love this cliche
>praising shitposters
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
kcal (labeled as "Cal" in the US) is 1000 cal
I don't understand this at all. You're already anonymous, why are you so scared of getting called a schizo by KFP who kneejerk to anything that isn't glowing praise for Kiara? So scared that you can't even post your unfiltered opinions on /hlgg/ of all places?
the doggos are still playing wth
ENreco kino / I love Kiara.
Fuwawa dodging all the corruption attempts without even realizing by just being extremely dumb is actually super Kino
Are any of the berserk games good?
explain this then
I used to funpost against saplings because I was legitimately annoyed that saplings would always trash talk my oshi so I wanted to give them a kick up the ass. Then saplings became a huge boogeyman that shitposters latched onto and now I wonder what would have happened if I had decide to punish a different fanbase instead.
Fool, they will regain their memories by having hardcore sex, which will trigger their brains with a flood of all the other times they've had hardcore lesbian sex.
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I love Fuwawa now
I hope you get testicular torsion you fucking retard
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Towa with the save
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why did mori become dollar store misa?
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fare thee well anon, may you find your worth in the slumber world
Are you telling me you KFP were were not shitting on the girls and it was your dumb ass the whole time. I would have never guessed.
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>want to eat grapes
>grape scissors in the dishwasher
I suffer more than gonathan...
What's the point of lying?
somewhere in the world biboo is facepalming really hard right now
Gonathan told her to. She has a valid in character reason.
wait, Biboo didn't even stream today?
The twist after they have sex is that fuwawa never actually lost her memories as the memory erasure just bounced over to mococo due to twin magicks
The one on the ps2 I heard is good
>Please put on the hat Fuwawa ;;
>No I will kee questing thank you!
Biboo got another stain hat!!!
>saplings would always trash talk my oshi
Who's your oshi, is it Bae?
Reine HATES birthday totsus
way too much falseflag bait in this thread today, all of you are dumb
They want Faunamart SO BAD
just like the produce being sold at FaunaMart. We hope you have a pleasant experience shopping here anons.
>CC traps GG's soul in her soul gem
>evil laughs while acting like a yandere
This is the ending. It was actually all just to shill the voicepack.
one she trolled CC,RR,Irys in the sewers. And today when she was trolling CC at the memory game.
i mean she was in character, but i don't think it was something that Gonathon would do.
still fucking funny
Yeah because Kiara vs Bae round 100,000 sounds really fun doesn't it?
Or Kiara vs Shiori round 30,000?
Or Kiara vs Fauna round 20,000?
Or Kiara vs IRyS round 10,000?
Or Kiara vs Gigi round 1000?
Sure sounds like a blast.
>grape scissors
is, is this a white thing? who the fuck needs scissors to split grapes.
During stream in the game no. The only time she was not Gonathan was pre-stream before she joined the game
It's avoid spoiler
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I think Fuwawa should fix her obsession with incest VNs first
I'm not trying to praise him, I'm just whatever about it.
>grape scissors
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Oh hey, this is where Mori stopped reading last
Almost every good hero group has at least one pure of soul based retard
Gonathan telling Fuwawa to not trust biboo is making this hilarious
So do I
>I wanted to give them a kick up the ass
>decide to punish
It's the goal of Kiaraschizo to make regular criticism of her get lumped in with their schizo shit. It's a classic technique and it looks like it's working
Why do you pretend that anons opinions of Kiara are always fair and within reason?
Biboo had homework to finish today but she's been doing some spooky shit behind the scenes
American hours
She looks like if some took Gawr (Gura's alt ego) and gave her massive fucking tiddies
I only shop at Nana-11.
The Dreamcast one but it's fairly hard. If I remember right it's a unique sidestory written by Miura.
kitty tiddies
Wawa is ogre and possible gone till next Tuesday...What now?
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I should probably sleep soon, Reine's outfit is in like 8 hours...
But I like the pew pew Subaru is playing
it's to cut them off the vine, idiots
ERB and Nerissa having a back and forth, with Nerissa trying to seduce her while ERB insisting she is a Scarlet Wand witch, is why it's the only relationship Nerissa has on the server that people are interested in.
No one gives a shit about Nerissa's "romance" with Irys or Bijou, but there's a ton of ENReco ship art between Nerissa and lady bloodflame.
Would that mean that milkshake had 1000000 calories in it then?
Just eat the stalks.
>these people are massive cocksucking faggots
>I would rather not look like a massive cocksucking faggot
>therefore, I will not
I jerk off to futa porn and traps, but it doesn't mean I want to lop my dick off like those shitcord raiders either
Nothing changes?
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Cowboy outfits is a wish and the One piece is like never used.
If you count 3D, she also has that rapper outfit.
Most in EN but only beating Kiara by 1(2 if you count 3D)
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>please get corrupted Fuwawa
>No way fag
I am watching the bau baus and losing brain cells
I like their catchphrase "Never forget about Nana-11!"
Fuwawa has still don't know that Mococo is also corrupted. She's literally still alive because she's to retarded to notice things and be corrupted
Ew, so you're a homobegger? Disgusting
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She said to watch Gigi for the finale so I will do that.
So you’ll stop bitching about this now right?
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Mori torpedo tits...
It may not seem like it sometimes, but Fuwawa's IQ is a little on the higher side
somehow, a stain did spawn in the city earlier in ERB's stream with Mumei at witness
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Fuwawa if corrupted
Pigeons haven't been punished enough in EN from the start and they are coming home to roost.
>doesn't just pull them off with hands
The swimsuit "avatar" is not an accurate representation of their original body because they are just templates with the talents head stuck on top of them. Give me evidence of Mumei being sexy while she's using her defaul 3D model instead
reversed so hard into kino....
Yeah, Mococo was not nice to her once in this whole arc and now she's trying really hard to get to her, it's just too funny.
Fauna… your empire is crumbling…
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>GoGetters MV but it has Myth, Amanda Waller, Giga and Teddyloid
Man, the kino we could've had
When you retards stop blaming just one schizo for all the Kiara shitposting, yes I will
Only Tam could break Gonathan
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This is all one big event apparently, not separate collabs.
This doesn't make sense, if he's anti-Kiara, then how does it benefit him to make people not want to criticize Kiara
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>they are fans of other girls who shitpost about Kiara
I never see them post about anyone that isn't Kiara though.
it's not about being scared to post you retard it's just that the antis are so fucking retarded, obnoxious and embarrassing that it makes you not want to be like them in any capacity
like, do you wanna up in the mirror everyday, look at yourself in the mirror and think "I am the same kind of person as some fat bald middle-aged yuro faggot who's been seething for a decade and some brownfooted faggot that warms his Fanta?" I don't think so
I'll have you know it gets to two digits, in fact!
anon just pull them off with your hands
Fuwawa's less socially retarded, Mococo's less intellectually retarded. They are, at the end of the day, both retarded.
You're fucking retarded if that's your takeaway
>Harley and Mori never exist on the same plain because WB was autistic about that implying that Mori is canon in the DC universe
Kek, that's so fucking retarded
Of course Kiaraschizo and their faggot bot like tribalfagging should be actioned but just regular less positive posts shouldn't be deleted lest we risk becoming a circlejerk where one dares not challenge the status quo
>season finale is split into parts
>WhEn YoU StOp BlAmInG JuSt OnE ScHiZo
I think anons just really dislike touristy shitposters more than the holos they might have issues with. Crazy right?
What the fuck, I love corruption now?
I say that says more about the fans, why one potential ship gets pushed more than others. Even outside of rp these two got pushed a lot despite little actual interactions
She calls her a witch because she believes nerissa placed a charm on her and is always talking about her evry stream. I dont think ERB is going to settle for anyone else after all that commitment.
The taunt was OOC. You can't say "your sister is evil" if your target has no memory of having a sister. At worst it's a poorly thought out revelation that such a sister does exist, but a specific culprit remains undetermined.
Unless you're Biboo who either forgot or didn't pay attention to their relationship. It doesn't matter what she knows about FWMC, their lore prohibits interacting with that message.
>expecting saplings to shit on Fauna even when she does things 20 times worse than anything Kiara has ever done
>bijou stalking fuwawa
She has so little going on in her neocortex that it allows her to directly access her unconscious mind
Biboo just randomly appearing out of nowhere in Fuwawa's PoV is kinda cool. Fuwawa is trying to do her things while avoid and running away from Biboo
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Heh, weakling
Has anyone else hinted to that time?
Biboo turned into herobrine
Unlike you I love hololive, besides, despite how hard you try to not make it obvious is extremely easy to you, yes you, trying to to start shit
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I don't like Kiara but ever since that one discord was found to be wishing unironic death on Ina just to make Kiara look bad, I've since stopped caring about any opinions about her. Both negative and positive. It's all so tiresome.
Explain this guy >>84676067
because they aren't anti-Kiara.
in a healthy environment, criticism would often be seen as a good thing
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Okay, then its two schizos.
The SEA roach has unfortunately multiplied.
KEK thats funny
But i can see why, still dumb, but i can see it
>Tim at the top when she doesn't even stream
>CC, IRyS and ERB primary cast
>It happened once that means every Kiara schizo is the same guy who made this post 3 years ago
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Kiara won.
Imagine not know hiw fucking autistic these shitposters are. They sit in section 8 housing and collect a check and shitpost all day
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This bgm on Fuwamoco's stream
Damn Kronii could actually hit 1mil while on break
>corruption is just getting a tan and being a slut
Bijou is gonna stay awake until she corrupts Fuwawa or goes to sleep, right?
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Yes I love homos like Nerissa
it’s fucking derailing everything else and it gets old so quick. Schizos seethe at Kiara even when she is not even there, how the fuck is that unfiltered opinions?
Good on them not messing with comic book autists more than with dancing Waller kek
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>slight negativity
Nigger, people make it their life#s purpose to churn out the most dogshit baits and shitposts of any board i've ever seen. This isn't slight negativity, it's legitimately mentally retarded people who aren't getting the help they need letting the liquid garbage in their nonfunctional head seep out into thread because they've failed in life and cannot handle being alone in a basement someday with no one around them. People don't want to deal with your shit, no here and not anywhere else because every time you open your mouth or move your fingers, nothing of worth is the result. I know where we are here, but you're too fucking horrible and obnoxious even by those standards. There couldn't be any board on the whole site that could contain the absolute garbage you shit these threads up with and i'm happy every time EnReco is on because mongoloids like you should up and get ignored by everyone, and that's the only thing you really deserve. To fade into obscurity and be listened to by nobody. I hope whatever boogeyman you imagine in your head finds you someday and makes your mentality even worse and your life a living hell. Genuinely, fuck off.
Yep, it's exactly stuff like this. Do i even need to add anything? This needs to end.
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>hurr durr why use a knife and fork. just eat those ribs with your hands
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Yeah he posted about Kiara.
Point proven.
Again, it's not about schizos. It's about the "normal" posters who will shitpost when they get the occasion to do so
just pluck them off one by one?
She could message her on discord "Please act corrupted" and Fuwawa still wouldn't get it.
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Where does Killer croc buy his pants anyway?
You're clearly just not intellectual enough to understand it. It's okay
Have anyone else noticed that Kiara/KFP shitposting only shows up after someone criticies Fauna?
>one shitty schizo blatant example you keep reposting as your holy grail
So did biboo show up again since Mumei logged off?
Could Mori beat Superman?
It's happened multiple times actually. Orcschizo, the guy who started the egg thing(same guy who would larp as her roommate in their anti discord), the brown Indian guy, cmon anon
Man i love fuwawa
Timestamp of Ame breaking RP?
You are being delusional on purpose because you don't want to accept reality for some reason
Who is the one that is pregnant in HoloEN? I'm not stupid I noticed the many pregnancy mentions throughout the entire saga
no the KFP shitposting show up all the time Faunaschizo
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Will any JP holos play Space Marine 2?
You're just baiting chicken salad r34 now aren't you?
You know what doesn't derail anything? Endless metaposting with tons of stream going on. Boy, I'm so glad this thread is so good right now.
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hand over the posters pink woman
The schizo just poisoned the well so fucking bad that any slightly negative post he will latch on to in order to samefag and shit up the thread nonstop. It's honestly annoying how we can't have any banter without that subhuman barging in to samefag and falseflag.
You support erb so you support homos.
Simple as
I'm sure that people samefag their own schizo shit in this thread literally every day, still not just one guy
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Am I getting cowupted wuffians?
you are so stupid
I just realized but the stain symbol looks kinda like lapsama
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[Sad News] Dudu started eating Mori's Berserk posters
What is Biboo cooking? I haven't had the chance to check out her POV yesterday and today
she's logged in right now.
feels like she's actually doing potato salad farm, nerissa showed up as well, she might have asked money from her.
I think Bae said she was involved in something later in September which was part of the factor into not participating in ENRECO during the break
Probably unrelated tho
Not ad friendly.
>Tutu was eating Mori's posters
Both of Mori's cats are retarded lmao
Stop noticing things silly
Find me an instance of a thread recently with KFP shitposting that doesn't have someone criticizing Fauna in it.
maybe one day we can crack the code on why these people chose vtuber cute girls being idols and playing games as their home to park their mental illness
Petting fuwawa emoji
Imagine your pet was murdered, and you got a mysterious message saying your brother did it. But you don't have a brother... you think.
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Tutu's punishment room
No one, they tried to improv a mpreg plot for Gonathan, but Gigi was obviously very not interested in that bullshit
Do not eat anything mococo gives you.
>tons of stream going on
the streams just ended
She’s corrupted Mococo. Mococo killed fuwawa’s chickens. Now fuwawa is being hunted…
Alright I'm going to go run 10 kilometres, you fags better be finished timelooping by the time I'm back because this will have well and truly run its course by then.
oh my god I read that as DuDuL and I was like huih
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Cats just love gnawing on plastic for some reason
Yes I just told you I love (and support) homos like Nerissa. Are you stupid?
This is not an healthy environment kek
Especially with schizos wanting to start shit for the dumbest things
I believe this because I do this with my oshi too.
check the archive yourself anon, too lazy for this shit (like my oshi yeah yeah)
Anon, I know what samefagging is
But do you know what cooldown is?
Did you see Kiara get like 15 antiposts in 20 seconds during her duel with Gigi? Do you think he owns 20 smart fridges?
Do you think Fuwawa is going to fall for Biboo's bait?
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I hope EN projects salaryman takes holotori kino out of the filing cabinet they shoved Mythkids and Bloop into soon.
Is this the next Stellar Blade/Helldivers 2/Wu Kong? I keep seeing this question.
gato blanco
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zexo con zeta
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Anyone have the full image of this?
Biboo needs to DM Fuwawa right now to tell her to be ready to be corrupted.
We can still have a scene where Mococo holds Fuwawa down as Biboo forces a stain hat on her head to end the day off with a cliffhanger.
this is so low quality
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Fuwawa can't be corrupted because she's already been corrupted a long time ago and hasn't even realized it herself.
yes, faggot. it tastes better that way
I bet you cheered whe erb raided shinri earlier today too
1st game was great and memorable and ends on a kinda cliffhanger. It’s over a decade old so there was a lot of hype.
Aren't they performing for Reine's 3D live tomorrow?
Fuwawa is impervious to all of biboo's tricks thanks to Gonathan
What if Fuwawa doesn't want to be rapedcorrupted?
They should bring on more than 2 jannies next time
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this is such a cope standard and not even true because they have different breast sizes and leg shapes for example but anyway here you go
I bet your ass he bought 20 smart fridge just to schizo out about Kiara
Fuwawa's milkshakes bring all the baus to the yard
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>Guts is pretty
He is? I never thought about him that way.
Nah, fuck off, Fuwawa wants to do milkshakes.
>not popular in Asia
>not popular among women
Oof to 40k.
i think this guy is getting way out of line and needs to be punished for posting something like this
Mori posted it. Or do you want one of those AI "complete the image as porn" things?
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To be fair the usual schizo has spammed on a pass cooldown across 3 devices for entire threads before.
You know what pissed me off was erb like full breaking rp, she would verbally say that she was breaking rp, I think at worst you she should have said something like AHH the witch must have cast a spell on us to make us hear things instead of yea ok breaking rp here I was editing and was messing around with my mic settings oops
fucking retard
>pretending that subhuman isn’t here 24/7
I won't speak for everyone but her interactions with my oshi who is also a cute anime girl have been the worst so I will continue to dislike her ruining my content
You ARE scared, scared that people will anonymously think you're some eggschizo. Just because Kiara occasionally does dumb shit and you comment on it doesn't mean that you're dedicating your life to antiing her. Just because some overly sensitive KFP replies to you calling you an egg doesn't mean you're ACTUALLY an egg, I genuinely can't fathom why you take it so seriously that you self-censor your posts about Kiara.
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It's not like they aren't shitting up other boards. They are envious of people who genuinely enjoy life as they cannot. That is the same reason for all shitstirrers over millennia.
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thank you for saying what we all can't be bothered to
You're acting like Fuwawa has a choice in the matter
It's been 30 minutes and we haven't a watched a single second of the show yet....
Ok sapling
It's poor form to rape someone in RP
gato uh...pinko
show a high quality cat then
fuwawa giggles heal me
Stop watching streams. You're pissing me off
Reine said it isn't holotori, but would not deny 'some birds' are involved.
So I figure some combination of Mumei, Kiara, and/or Lui. Maybe Nerissa as a wild card but I doubt she could get someone really busy like Subaru.
Also outfit is tomorrow, guests revealed, then the live is Monday.
using throwing knives on skeletons is pretty stupid of guts
PekoMiko love!
Again, this is pure delusion
You just don't want to accept that there are a lot of other girls' fans that still don't like Kiara since 2020
Mori's tastes have always been less conventional. Like when she saw that dating phone game the girls were playing was all clone k-pop dudes she said she immediately lost intrest
God, I got so fucking tired of them actively ignoring Biboo's attempt to get them to RP along that I just stopped watching. Now I'm watching Mori's huge tits wobble back and forth as she talks about Berserk
>15 in 20 seconds
Now you're exaggerating. It was at best like 5
she probably has sent a dm already, do you think fuwawa has read it? funny anon.
Ironic considering how much of an mpreg obsessed freak she is IRL.
she really is a pro at this rp thing.
She doesn't get a say. Nerissa is next btw. Shiori will be unnecessary because she'll just play along with them.
If she's corrupted then what has she been doing? What are her sins?
They also somehow magically prevented regular posts in the same timespan. Truly they are all powerful
>PLEASE do my work for me
suck it up lil bro everyone hates you
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What rules are being broken? You did break several, namely racism and complaining about bans.
Let me guess, you're one of those roleplayers that includes my reaction in your own emotes.
Jannies can't ban and maids don't care.
Kiara did RP?
? Explain what your objection to my post is
When the intial ENReco art came out, it looked like Gigi was the main character with how she was positioned. And I think she earned that with her story and her incredibly sincere roleplaying. Everyone else has that layer of irony like in a LARP group but Gigi is the one who feels like she's at a D&D table.
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Advent being corrupted, except Shiori who is just going along with it because she thinks it's funny would be pretty good.
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She was infected but asymptomatic...
Are you genuinely ESL?
The dude ended his post say he'd never be an anti because that'd mean being associated with faggots like you
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Stop complaining
How would you even know who got banned?
Aren't Mori's tits kinda cool?
sure as hell not hololive fans, we are hololive fans here and we love all holos
[Sad News] Towa is getting too old for FPSs
People don't want to be associated with you faggot. You are the worst. Maybe try not samefagging all the time and maybe Kiara can get her time in the limelight here for your "funposts"
All this argument really proved was that even the people who don't relentlessly shitpost about Kiara still don't like and hate her. I win again.
>Your Oshi
>The ice cream flavor she is best represented by
wouldn't removing themselves from being surrounded by happy people be the simple solution for them? Or maybe remove themselves from life in general is a good option
I hate to break it to you but banning doesnt work on 4chan
shut up
Fans would talk about who they like instead of who they don't.
Can I get a qrd on everything that happened after Cecilia left
And the mask drops
You are so fixated on getting people to buy into the idea that they're hololive fans at all, let alone fans of other girls, on a board where the entire point is you're anonymous, otherwise the fanbase wars you've tried to start for years never get off the ground
Nta but trolling outside of /b/ comes to mind and wishing violence on the girls has to be at least timeout worthy. We've seen posters here banned for less e.g. Watamates and robosas getting whacked talking about their streams
>Calling Fuwawa on the phone
>While next to each other on Minecraft
>While next to each other in real life
How many more layers of redundancy can we add?
>"Wow, my relative is a real piece of shit! Good thing I have no ties to such a terrible person."
>Your oshi
>Do you want ENreco to be over yet?
Some of you chicks haven't been here since the /jp/ days but this level of retarded chimpery shouldn't phase you. You literally don't have to respond to every single schizo babble.
DId Mococo just called Fuwawa? Wtf just yell across the room kek
>have even negatively posted about it in the past (I was one of the people who schizo-d out and snapped at her calling Mumei not sexy
So you are saying that this is not someone who shitposted about Kiara. Ok then
It is indeed a game
She earned my respect for not doing what I expected her to do, grem
Mumei lost my respect on the other hand with the mpreg shit
>200 Kiara mentions
4 years later, and nothing has changed, kek.
Justice have really been the MVPs of the whole thing, I wonder if this project was a factor in who they picked for the gen (RP ability & MC knowledge)
Are fan base wars, death threats, and assault jokes apart of the criticism?
Mococo is trying to trade the slime hat but fuwawa is too dense
I hope Reine can use the school jacket on stream
Mint Chocolate
which of the twins keeps all the porn on their pc?
>Fuwawa is doing the golden apple milkshake, the item that can cure corruption

Fuwawa will save the day while being completely oblivious
What happened to the hat in Mococo's inventory
I dont want my posts to be used to shit (even more) the threads. Simple as
Yes i love the thread getting shit up everyday please shitpost more pleaseeee shitpost more i love it so much yum yum more shove more fanbase wars down my throat yummy yum yum :)
Fuwawa 100%
Are you? He also admitted to making schizo posts in the past
Fuwawa keeps all her porn, and Mococo deletes it shamefully once she finishes
I found it weird that harley cried over the others being dead. I always thought that she only cared about the joker and her hyenas
This is a good point for Chapter 1 to end. Give them a decently sized break (and fucking schedule it better) before Chapter 2.
It’s in her backpack
Don't they share a PC? The question is who hides it and who leaves it in a folder on the desktop.
holy kino… Fuwawa is the unsung hero
What is the reasoning behind this selection of collab participants?
I feel like it's nearly ran its course but the finale tomorrow is a good finish line.
sigh, it's getting late. i'll just have my grapes tomorrow
She got a dwagon
fuwawa peed herself outside...
>biboo's POV today
anon...there is no biboo pov today
>The Woman Who Knew Too Little
Man I dunno why but it makes me laugh so hard when fww or mcc randomly pass by Biboo and she's just doing some random insane evil shit by herself. So fucking funny
which holo jerks off to the #hololifters group?
Yes, this event has been the best thing for HoloEN in years, but many of the girls are running out of steam and burning out from RPing. It's time for a break. Too much of a good thing turns into a bad thing.
What are you, a Rick and Morty fan? Go fuck yourself.
She didn't want to engage in any RP so instead she wasted Biboo's hat gacha to get slime stain hats. Bravo FWMC
I wonder how actual KFP not the schizo falseflag ones feel about there essentially being 24/7 Kiara seethe.
Ben and Jerry's 'I Dough, I Dough' (it has Ina's colors including her halo and it's cookie dough ice cream and it's fucking gay)
she became friends with them
if it was them or Jonkler shed pick pudding every time but he wasnt a factor
nah, they do it because of jealousy and unable to find something they enjoy enough to not hate their lives. Not much reason to shitpost if you don't hate your life and yourself
People like you spent 4 years whining about Kiara for no good reason. Bitching about every little thing she did. So hlgg got collectively tired of this annoying behavior. You reap what you sow, pretty much.
To be fair, that's normal stance. Neutral at best for casual fags
how would they be streaming right now if they share a pc
Thank you oldfag for the wise advice, I will keep it to heart
That's the character development they have been giving her over the years that sort of filters into all the variants of her character
they are streaming separately as we speak
I think this is a good point to end chapter 1.
Spaghettieis (German spaghetti ice cream)
You won at being the most hated and despised poster here? Congrats I guess. Everyone hates you more than they dislike Kiara
they probably just avoid this thread…
You already got shat by grems when you tried it early, schizos are not fans and anyone here and out of here knows about. Just give up on this angle
>putting the stain hat in the chest
They’re going to forget about it
Yes, you can tell most of the girls are kinda over it. I just want normals stream back
>Negatively posted =/= schizo post
Nice try tho retard
>your oshi
>do you sprinke salt when eating watermelon
I literally do not respond to it and ignore it. I'm just watching Weine and Mococo on the side now and am enjoying both streams.
It's not my problem.
Depends on how chapter 1 ends
tutu more like toot toot
Just looked through the previous threads and I'm watching almost done watching CC's vod, today wasn't as good as yesterday?
>And the mask drops
No mask is dropping. I'm just tired of shitfaggots getting a free pass to shitpost about Kiara whenever they can (Kiara Fauna Pokemon collab, Kiara GTA4 finale, etc...) because NO ONE will ever blame them, after all we have a schizo boogyman
Yes, those faggot watch hololive girls, they are membered to them and they buy their merch. They talk about their oshis. They don't always shit on Kiara, only when the situation in right (see exemples above)
Why are you pretending so hard that those people don't exist
I think Shiori and IRyS should watch a movie together while fingering each other
Why doesn't Kiara just try to be likeable?
Mori is eating popcorn cutely
That's only recent though right? Didn't they share one before that or am I misremembering?
jannies can't ban, newfag
I'll do it for a few girls



>Strawberry cucumber italian ice

>Wack-ass blue artificial coloring kiddy ice cream flavor from cheap gelato chains

>Berry mascarpone gelato

biboo keeps farming these hats just for mococo to lose them lmao
>Fuwawa will do nothing the entire series except on the last day she’ll save the kingdom
This but Fauna.
Today was almost a bad, slightly saved by the last 1~hour, not counting retarded dog duo
Today was a filler episode until biboo started doing some evil shit around the end of the day
The chocolate vanilla swirl you get from chinese buffets
>I was one of the people who schizo-d out
reading reps, faggot
>the lawfulfags are going to have ADS in their ANIME
My fucking sides
Holy shit, fuwawa is so dumb
God damnit. Poor fans making this more complicated than it has to
Anons constantly give conflicting advice in attempt to make her “likable”
i feel like Moom wanted the so random moment, which could have been funny, maybe, in day 1.
But i am so invested in Gonathon's character arc right now, that such nonsense would have ruined it, honestly.
Today was enjoyable as a big collab, but not nearly good enough to be called "kino"
Holy shit fuwawa is retarded
wtf are these ice cream flavours anon…
I think it would be cool if they did like an enreco mini or something where they cut out all the ones who don’t care in between chapter 1 and chapter 2, it seems like most of the issues are due to the lazier members needing to be around but choosing not to be

Moom soon
You kind of get used to and expect it desu. It's why the occasional day where there isn't any feels weird. Don't really care about talking with other fanbases I don't hate the other EN members, just don't go out of my way to interact with the other fanbases, so the constant fanbase wars don't really do anything for me. Guess I don't really browse the thread or 4ch as much as I used to in general, would probably care more back in 2021.
If I was a KFP, I would just never be here unless Kiara is streaming.
>Dont worry about the poor
Today was just a continuation of yesterday, I think Mumei calling Gonathan pregnant was the funniest moment

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